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S.Y. 2023-2024
No. 10
No. 60%
of 30% %
Most Essential Learning of
Days Re Un
Competencies Item An Ev
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Describe how rocks turn into
5 7 2 1 2 1 1 1-7
1 Soil
Investigate extent of soil
erosion in the community and
2 5 7 2 2 1 1 1 8-14
its effects on living things and
the environment
Characterize weather
disturbances in the Philippines
10 14 2 2 2 2 2 4 15-28
and describe their effects to
3 daily life
Infer the pattern in the
changes in the appearance 7 10 3 3 2 1 1 1 29-38
4 of the moon
Identify star patterns that can
be seen at particular times of 8 12 2 3 1 3 2 39-50
5 the year.

TOTAL 35 50 11 11 8 8 7 5 50

Answer Key:
1. 11 21. 31. 41.
A .
2. 12 22. 32. 42.
D .
3. 13 23. 33. 43.
A .
4. 14 24. 34. 44.
B .
Teacher Will
5. 15 25. 35. 45.
D .
A Check
Teacher Will Teacher Will
6. 16 26. 36. 46.
C .
C Check Check
Teacher Will
7. 17 27. 37. 47.
A .
A Check
Teacher Will
8. 18 28. 38. 48.
A .
A Check
9. 19 29. 39. 49.
D .
10. 20 30. 40. 50.
D .


Name: _______________________________ Score: _____________________
Section: _____________________ Teacher: ___________________

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer
before the number.
1. How does the process of weathering contribute to the formation of soil?
A. It breaks down rocks into smaller particles.
B. It adds organic matter to the soil.
C. It promotes the growth of vegetation.
D. It introduces minerals and nutrients to the soil.
2. Which of the following best explains why weathering and soil formation are important
for ecosystems?
A. Weathering provides nutrients for plants to grow.
B. Soil formation allows for water retention and drainage.
C. Both weathering and soil formation help support biodiversity.
D. All of the above.
3. Which of the following weathering processes involves the freezing and thawing of
water within rocks?
A. Mechanical weathering
B. Chemical weathering
C. Biological weathering
D. Organic weathering
4. Which of the following types of rocks is most susceptible to chemical weathering?
A. Igneous rocks C. Metamorphic rocks
B. Sedimentary rocks D. None of the above
5. How can humans contribute to the process of soil formation?
A. By planting vegetation to promote weathering.
B. By applying fertilizers to accelerate chemical weathering.
C. By practicing sustainable land management techniques.
D. All of the above.
6. Which term best describes the process of rocks breaking down into smaller particles?
A. Erosion C. Weathering
B. Deposition D. Volcanism
7. How do animals break down rocks?
A. animal step on rocks
B. decrease of food production
C. deposition of mine tailings
D. shaping of landforms
8. What are the main causes of soil erosion?
A. Wind and water
B. Plant roots and microorganisms
C. Volcanic activity and earthquakes
D. Human settlements and infrastructure
9. Which of the following measures can help prevent soil erosion?
A. Planting trees and vegetation
B. Constructing terraces and retaining walls
C. Using erosion control blankets and mulching
D. All of the above
10. How does soil erosion impact the environment?
A. It leads to the loss of fertile topsoil.
B. It contributes to water pollution.
C. It increases the risk of landslides.
D. All of the above
11. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between soil
erosion and agriculture?
A. Soil erosion is beneficial for agricultural productivity.
B. Soil erosion has no impact on agricultural practices.
C. Soil erosion can negatively affect agricultural yields.
D. Soil erosion only affects non-agricultural land.
12. What can you do to prevent or control soil erosion?
A. Planting more trees especially in sloped areas.
B. Participating once efforts relating to the conservation of sloping area.
C. Motivate all the people in the community to throw their trash improperly.
D. Stay away from sloped area.

13. You live in a low-lying region area prone of floods during heavy rains or typhoon.
What precautionary measure should?
A. Evacuate to a safer place.
B. Just stays in your home.
C. Wait for the flood.
D. Swim in the flood.
14. How can communities enhance preparedness to flood and landslide occurrences?
A. Implementing proper drainage systems and flood control measures.
B. Conducting awareness campaigns on safety precautions.
C. Establishing early warning systems and evacuation plans.
D. All of the above.
15. What precautions should be taken during a thunderstorm?
A. Seek shelter indoors and avoid open fields, tall trees, and bodies of water.
B. Carry an umbrella and wear rubber shoes.
C. Stay in the car and drive at a slower speed.
D. Take photographs of lightning for documentation.
16. Which of the following is an economic impact of frequent typhoons in the
A. Increased agricultural productivity.
B. Boost in tourism.
C. Destruction of crops and infrastructure.
D. Expansion of the fishing industry.
17. Which of the following precautions should be taken during a typhoon?
A. Stay indoors and secure loose objects.
B. Evacuate to higher ground.
C. Open windows to equalize pressure.
D. Seek shelter under tall trees.
18. What is the term used for a tropical cyclone in the Philippines?
A. Typhoon C. Tornado
B. Hurricane D. Monsoon
19. How can individuals promote climate preparedness and adaptation in their
A. Advocate for sustainable practices and policies.
B. Engage in community projects that address climate change impacts.
C. Educate others about the importance of climate action.
D. All of the above.
20. As a resident in a landslide-prone area, what measures should you take to reduce
the risk of landslides?
I. Avoid deforestation and maintain vegetation cover.
II. Install proper drainage systems to prevent water accumulation.
III. Regularly monitor slope stability and report any signs of erosion or movement.
A. I only B. II and III C. I and III D. I, II and III
21. Imagine you are a community leader tasked with developing a disaster
preparedness plan for your neighborhood. Which components you would include in the
A. Establishing communication channels for emergency alerts.
B. Identifying evacuation routes and designated shelters.
C. Conducting regular drills and training sessions for residents.
D. All of the above
22. When should you most prepared in case a typhoon is coming?
A. during the typhoon C. before the typhoon
B. after the typhoon D. no time at all
23. How are typhoon signal raised? According to ___________________
I. speed of the wind III. strength and speed of the wind
II. strength of the wind IV. heavy rain
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II, IV
24. Why are people warned ahead of the strength of an approaching typhoon?
A. It gives people enough time to prepare and take necessary precautions.
B. It gives people enough time to do something to minimize the bad effects of
C. This will help people secure their important documents and things.
D. All of the above

For items 25-28. Design your simple set of emergency kit (4 points)

Emergency Kit

29. From the full moon to the first quarter, one side of the moon seems to be
disappearing. This is called__________________?
A. waxing B. waning C. phasing D. reserving
30. What is the earth’s natural satellite?
A. stars B. planet C. moon D. sun
31. The moon, as it orbits around the Earth appears to change shape
A. It is not always the same distance from Earth
B. It moves nearer the Earth
C. It moves further from the Earth
D. It changes the position in relation to the sun and Earth
32. Why does the moon seem to have different shapes?
A. because the moon takes 29 ½ days to rotate on its axis and revolves around
the Earth
B. because the observer of the moon sees the lighted side of the moon
C. because the moon has lesser gravity than the Earth
D. because the moon is smaller than the Earth
33. What portion of the moon do we see during crescent?
A. the whole fourth
B. one half D. three – fourths
34. From the New Moon to the First Quarter, the moon that we see in the sky seems to
be growing in one side. This is called_________________.
A. waxing B. waning C. phasing D. rounding
35. How is the moon revolve around the earth?
A. The moon revolves around the Earth 29 ½ days.
B. As the moon revolves around the earth, it also moves on its axis 24 hours.
C. As the moon revolves, it also rotates once on its axis as it makes one revolution
around the Earth.
D. As the moon revolves around the Earth, it keeps on rotating on its axis.
36. Inside the box draw an illustration of a full moon?

37. What phase of the moon is lighted on the right side and dark on the left?
A. first quarter C. third quarter
B. full moon D. new moon
38. Suppose you observe a moon that appears as a complete circle from Earth. Which
phase of the moon is it?
A. Full moon C. New moon
B. Waxing crescent D. Waning gibbous
39. Which of the following is the color of a young star?
A. red star B. yellow star C. bluish- white star D. pink
40. Why is Polaris helpful in finding directions?
A. It can be seen both day and night.
B. It is the biggest star in the universe.
C. It is the most visible star in the night sky.
D. It is fixed star which always points at the north.

41. If you want to locate the North Star for navigation purposes, what constellation
should you look for?
A. Ursa Major C. Cassiopeia
B. Orion D. Ursa Minor
42. Why do some stars appear to twinkle in the night sky?
A. Due to changes in their brightness
B. Due to their rapid rotation
C. Due to atmospheric turbulence causing light to scatter
D. Due to their proximity to other celestial objects
43. Which star is the brightest in the night sky?
A. Sirius C. Betelgeuse
B. Polaris D. Alpha Centauri
44. During which season would you be able to see the Big Dipper constellation in the
evening sky in the Northern Hemisphere?
A. Spring C. Fall
B. Summer D. Winter
45. How can the position of stars be used to determine the time of year?
A. By observing the movement of constellations throughout the night
B. By noting the appearance of specific stars at certain times of the year
C. By measuring the angle of star clusters relative to the horizon
D. By counting the number of shooting stars visible in a given period
46. Which of the following factors can affect the visibility of stars in the night sky?
A. Atmospheric conditions
B. Light pollution
C. Obstructions like buildings or trees
D. All of the above
47. If you want to observe the constellation Cassiopeia during a summer night, where
should you look?
A. Towards the southern horizon
B. Towards the northern horizon
C. Directly overhead
D. Towards the eastern horizon
48. In creating a star chart or diagram that shows the locations of major constellations
at different times of the year. Which of the following that best way to create such
A. Use different colors or symbols to represent individual constellations.
B. Show the path of the sun throughout the year in relation to the constellations.
C. Include a key or legend explaining the symbols and seasonal associations.
D. All of the above.
49. Which constellation is prominently visible in the Northern Hemisphere during the
winter months?
A. Orion C. Scorpius
B. Ursa Major D. Canis Major
50. Which of the following stars is part of the constellation Orion?
A. Polaris C. Sirius
B. Betelgeuse D. Alkaid

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