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The Legacy Plan

Student Progression Plan
We are The Trading Academy.

We’re here to transform the way that you learn to trade.

Our goal is to help as many as possible dramatically

improve their lives by providing holistic results-focused
education in the financial markets.

We achieve this by providing structured education from

multiple experts, a growth orientated community and
ongoing support.
Dear Student,

Welcome to The Trading Academy.

We're delighted to have you here, and there’s a lot to cover, so let’s get started.

This Student Progression Plan exists for one reason: To give you focus.

Our focus here at the Academy is to provide the best possible instruction in a way that enables you to
build wealth. When combined with your efforts and dedication to becoming a Legacy Trader, we are
confident that you will achieve your vision for the future.

This plan is, first and foremost, designed for our Legacy Academy members, however, we hope that it
gives our Quick Win students focus as well.

If you’re a Quick Win student, then we want you to aspire you towards staying on in the Academy and
focusing on using this plan to generate wealth for yourself and your family.

You're here because you want to change your life, and you likely want to achieve three goals:

1. Freedom to buy what you want when you want, without being riddled with debt or financial
2. Freedom to live a life based on your values, schedule, and goals without being told what to do
and when to do it by someone else.
3. Freedom to associate with creative, forward-thinking individuals who inspire you to be the best
version of yourself that you can be.

To reach your goals, read through and internalize this document. It will guide you through the steps that
will lead you to a very different life once you graduate from the Academy.

The Trading Academy is a results-focused trading education program designed to turn you into a Legacy
Trader. This means that once you become so skilled at trading, that you are no longer just a student. You
will have complete control over your earnings. You have complete freedom.

No market condition or piece of news thrown at you will faze you. We don't want to educate you and help
you "improve"; we want to help you become a master, an expert, a Legacy Trader. You can handle it all.
This is how we, together, change this broken industry and impact the lives of countless people.

So how can you guarantee your personal success? This is what you will learn in this document. Use and
read it from start to finish.

The Team Dedicated To Your Education

This is a screenshot of the team that sits behind The Trading Academy and The Trading Cafe.
There are also two of our long-term students there, John LeBlanc and Kristin Waters, you’ll see
them soon in the community.

Our team has a combined experience of over 50 years in not only trading but education. We
meet multiple times per week, and we focus on one thing: How we can improve your education.

Our team is dedicated to teaching you the skills you need to achieve your financial goals. Each
of us is committed to helping you succeed as a trader, so as you embark on your educational
journey with the Academy, rest assured that you're in good hands.

In our team, we have four instructors:

Simon Pullen: Quick Win Strategy + The Reversal Method

Sid Naiman: Quick Win Strategy + The Sid Method

Alex Morris: Quick Win Strategy + The Continuation Method

Denislav Dantev: The Funded Trader Method

So, what is your role in all of this?

Your task is simple: Follow our lead and place your trust in the process we've outlined in this
document. Study it. Use it. Internalize it.

How to Use this Plan?

Use this progression plan as your map as you go through the different phases. There are two
basic components found within this plan:

1. Mindset Shifts
2. Specific Targets & Goals

Both of these are designed to help you build wealth.

You will sometimes feel a pull and a tug against your natural inclinations, this is normal.

Everything that is mapped out in this plan has been rigorously designed by The Trading
Academy to guide you to a place of wealth.

Print it out, study it, and use it to build your wealth.

Read it multiple times. Your temptation may be to share it with your friends. However, we would
prefer that you refer them to The Trading Academy. This plan only works because you have the
support from our team and the professional traders that teach here.

Your Main Goals

Everything that you’re about to study is driven towards helping you achieve two specific goals.

1. Build your account to over six figures ($100,000+)

2. Build a six-figure ($100,000+ per year) consistent income from trading

You will achieve this by traveling through two basic phases. The Preparation Phase and The
Growth Phase. These two phases, if done right, will converge to lead you to the final phase, The
Freedom Phase.

As long as you stick to this plan, you will achieve both of these goals. It will not happen
tomorrow, but it will happen over the next few years as long as you don't stray from the pathway
laid out in this plan.

Replace impatience with focus.

Shift from a place of concern to a place of determination to succeed.

Let’s get started.


How Can You Guarantee Your Success

Within The Trading Academy?
A Long-Term Holistic Approach
Your first target is your mind.

The first mindset shift you need to make as you enter The Trading Academy is to adopt a
long-term perspective. A common pitfall is to overestimate what you can achieve in one year
and vastly underestimate what you can achieve in five.

Write this down.

You will overestimate what you can achieve in one year and vastly underestimate what
you can achieve in five.

If you diligently apply what you learn at the Academy, your financial future is going to shift

Specifically, you'll be ready to:

● Grow a trading account to six figures.

● Create a secondary six-figure investment portfolio.
● Generate a substantial monthly salary from your trading.
● Plan for retirement within the next five years.
● Aim to hit the seven-figure mark within 5-10 years, if not sooner.

Achieving these goals hinges on your commitment to following the plan detailed in this
document and your ongoing, dedicated study within the Academy.

In the paragraphs that follow, we'll outline how you can make all this a reality, even if you're
starting from a modest financial base.

There are no gimmicks in this plan, and it's not a get-rich-quick scheme.

What you will discover is a conservative and safe structure that works.

It’s also not about just one thing, there’s no magic bullet.

You’re going to use a holistic approach that incorporates multiple aspects to it. Every action you
take, if aligned with the plan in this document, moves you a step closer to genuine freedom.

What you’re about to go through is a journey of three phases.

The first phase is The Preparation Phase. This is where you lay a foundation for your future

Imagine this phase as planning to build a skyscraper. If you start building without preparation,
then you’re going to be reacting each step of the way, and your skyscraper will collapse.

Your main target in this phase is to prepare everything so that you’re ready to trade with a live

Once you’re ready, then you’ll switch to The Growth Phase. Your main goal here is to build your
account to six figures. You will be actively trading and focused on discipline and growth.

Finally, you’ll reach the final phase: The Freedom Phase. This is the byproduct of doing the first
two phases properly. This is where you get to enjoy your home, fully built and decorated. You’ll
be able to expand your revenue streams here and live a rich life full of options.

Everything you’re about to study is geared towards getting you to phase 3.

Let’s dive in.


Phase 1: The Preparation Phase

Imagine setting out on a quest to travel to the North Pole with zero preparation.

This is what most ‘traders' do. They want to become rich overnight and they set out to achieve it
with a napkin plan and their confidence unstoppable.

Often this ends in disaster, a disaster that could have been avoided.

The core idea of the Preparation Phase is not only to help you avoid disaster but also to set you
up for extreme financial success.

The purpose is for you to reach a place where:

1. You have an account larger than 6 figures

2. You're earning a six-figure salary from trading.

This may feel like going to the North Pole right now. A goal that is out of your reach.

The truth is what may seem impossible is actually within your reach.

With the right planning, you could run a marathon. It’s 26.2 miles.

Let’s say you run 1 mile a day, and you increase the distance by 1 mile every two weeks.

Possible, right?

You’d be ready to run a marathon in just over a year.

First, it's about setting the goal and then taking the steps necessary to achieve it.

The same is true of trading. By doing the right things daily, you will reach the goals you set out
to achieve from the beginning.

Think about it.

Most traders are not millionaires with six or seven-figure trading accounts. Most have average
incomes and work 9-5 jobs.

The average yearly salary in the US is around $60,000. To get that, you’re working 9-5, and
being told what to do and when to do it. You sacrifice your personal freedom for that money.

The average pay increase yearly is 3.8%.

This means that in year one, your monthly wage would be around $3,750.

Year 2, $3,892.50 per month.

Year 3, $4,041.40 per month.

Year 4, $4,194.31 per month.

Year 5, $4,351.55 per month.

At most, this can jump up with a smart job change by $10,000 per year in year 3, if you change
jobs from $60 to $70k, you’ll be earning around $300 to $400 more per month.

To get this, you’ll need to work more. Be away from your family more. Stress more.

This is the prospect for most people. Eventually, they reach a point where they can finally relax
and retire. And that brings a whole new heap of worries.

Oftentimes, it comes around faster than you think. You may spend a lifetime somehow trying to
plan for your retirement, and then all of a sudden, it hits you, and it’s scary.

You want to leave something for your family, you don’t want to be a burden, and you want to
help those around you. You want to travel more. You want to enjoy holidays and time away with
your family more.

If we’re brutally honest, there's a high chance that you’ve been through or are facing a similar
dilemma right now.

This is why we need The Preparation Phase.

The Preparation Phase is like filling up your car with gas ahead of a road trip. It’s the warm-up
before a big game.

Without it, you’re diving into the ocean without knowing how to swim. You’re jumping out of an
airplane without a parachute.

To break this cycle, severe and purposeful action is needed. That's exactly what the Preparation
Phase aims to provide.

This phase will last from now until you start trading with a live account (we will guide you
through when that should be shortly).

You’re now in the Academy…so let’s go.

Get Your Why Crystal Clear
Behind every action, there is a why. This is what propels you forward like wood fuels a fire.

Trading is a unique skill, that when you have a solid grasp of technical and fundamental
analysis, you have unique options. You’re able to enjoy both bullish and bearish markets. You
have the ability to navigate any market condition. It’s a skill that allows you to work entirely
online. You can craft out a schedule that works for you. You can have goals and aims and
actually achieve them.

This is what is so attractive about trading.

You achieve this with the right education and attitude towards learning. If you approach it like
you would learning any skill, the results you get become more predictable.

This allows you to have more certainty about your future.

Simply put, there’s massive incentives to learning to trade properly. When you apply yourself to
the Academy moving forward and really focus on going through the education provided in the
right way, you end up with great results.

When you do the right things, you can expect the right results.

Imagine having an account of over $100,000. What would that mean for you?

In many of our courses, you’ll see the instructors urge you to do this. Do it. In fact, keep this at
the forefront of your mind. There are serious impacts to learning to trade properly, in a very
positive way.

Have confidence in that, as it will help you stay on track with the goals outlined in this
Progression Plan.

Why do you want to trade?

Get that clear!

Now we’re going to move onto some mindset shifts that allow you to really stick to the plan and
build wealth.
Results Lag
The next concept to master in The Preparation Phase is that “results lag”.

This means that your life in five years will be a direct byproduct of what you do today. As
humans, it's difficult to make that connection sometimes between the future and today,
especially as most of us are often far more overwhelmed with the problems of today than really
planning ahead.

It’s like preparing for a marathon. The better you prepare for the marathon, the better you will
run it on the day.

If you eat junk food now, your body will pay the price later.

If you prepare financially for the future, you’re going to be set financially.

We often fool ourselves into thinking we do, but when we look at what we do and the hard facts,
we’re not good at taking decisive action and decisions that really help our future.

In the Preparation Phase, you’re going to make this big shift mentally.

How will you demonstrate that you can do this?

Your actions NOW will set you up for the future. You’ll be willing to make short-term sacrifices for
long-term gains.

This will be shown in how you:

1. Approach learning to trade

2. Manage your finances outside of trading
3. Use the profits you make from trading.

Your first stop is to make sure that those around you are in the game with you.

Involve Your Family and Friends

Trading can be a lonely endeavor, however, it shouldn’t be. It’s often lonely because it can be
more akin to gambling than to skillfully trading the markets. That’s going to change with this

Achieving what you’re about to do is like winning a football game. It takes a team effort to win.
Your team includes not only your fellow students and instructors but your family and those close
to you.
Make sure that you walk your family through what you’re focusing on here in the Academy.

Our advice would be to walk them through the components of this plan so that they’re aware of
what you’re doing and so that they can support you in this.

Part of the process of creating an incredible future means that sacrifices need to be made now.
These sacrifices will have a knock-on effect on your friends and family.

You may be changing your spending habits. You may be spending more time studying. Change
can always be daunting, so make sure that you sit down with your family and friends and let
them know that you’re going to be focusing on building up your wealth, and this will involve

Use a Demo Account. (Even if you don’t want to)

Starting from today, we’re going to encourage you to start preparing your life for a successful
future ahead. Some of it will be fun. Some of it will be tough. Some of it counterintuitive and
some of it confusing.

All of it, vital.

When you understand that you have the ability to impact your future, which you do, you have
power. The better decisions you make now, the better your future will be.

The Preparation Phase is focused on setting yourself up for success in the future.

When you do things properly in this phase, you can have the confidence that you will have the
best results for yourself in the future.

In the world in which we work here at The Trading Academy, this means money.

Now a fair warning is due here, and you may not like what’s coming next, however, it's vital.

In the Preparation Phase, you will be trading using a demo account for the majority of the time.

You will find yourself with the innate desire to just dive head first into trading and get started
right now.

Everyone does. We have thousands in our community, and we see it every day.


Because you want to make money, and you want to be a trader. You most likely want to quit
your job and travel to a beautiful place somewhere and trade for an hour a day, rolling in money.

You’ve seen thousands of social media and YouTube examples of people who have “achieved”
this. You’ve spent months, if not years, trying to make this happen.

You’re also going to be learning a lot of new concepts and strategies within the Academy, and
you’ll want to put them to work in a live account straight away.

This is normal, and it will happen from day one, so beware when this happens, and pull yourself

You see, we know that using a demo account is not what you want to be doing, but no matter
how you feel about it, do it.

Remember that over the next few years of your life, the methods that you learn now in the
Academy are going to generate you a lot of money and be your best friend as you navigate the
landscape you’re entering into.

This document is the most valuable thing in your possession right now.

Waiting a few months to follow the process by using a demo account in this beginning phase will
feel tough, but that’s okay because it's the best thing to do.

We get this. And despite this desire to start trading right now, we’re going to ask you to pause
for a few months before you dive head-first into a live account. And yes, we will remind you of
this consistently.

We want you to be wealthy, and everything we guide you through in the Academy has this at the

Mental Dangers
Success in your trading career is not just about what you should do but what you should avoid
doing, too.

In the Preparation Phase, there are two specific dangers that you need to be careful to avoid.

Mental Danger 1: The Dunning-Kruger Effect.

This is where, because you learn a little bit, you believe that you know a lot. Or you get a quick
or shallow exposure to a strategy (like watching one video from one of our instructors), and you
feel like you’re ready to beat the market. We see this all the time with the Quick Win program.
The Quick Win program is a small component of a much wider method of trading. It works, and
so it may easily make the trader feel like they’ve made it.
Mental Danger 2: Beginner's Luck.

This is where some initial success can fool you into believing that you’ve got it all mastered. You
may win a couple of trades early on, lulling you into a false sense of expertise. This is
dangerous when you're trading with real money, and the market ends up humbling you.

These two mental games need to be avoided as they’re both types of overconfidence that will
lead to failure within the markets relatively quickly.

We know what they look like, so don’t take offense when a member of our education team pulls
you back on track in the community and uses this advice and guidance as a push forward rather
than a pullback.

How to Become An Expert Faster

Trading is a skill, and despite what the 95% that fail are told, you can’t learn it in a day. It takes
around 10,000 hours of study and practice to genuinely master any skill, and trading is no

Here’s the math.

If you spent 25 hours per week studying and practicing trading, you’d be an expert in around 7.6
years. We know this because we work with professional traders daily.

This may deflate you, however, knowing the amount of time needed to master trading is better
than not knowing it.

Despite this truth, the good news is that this time can be reduced, and you can end up building
incredible wealth even if you’re not a bonafide 7.6-year-long expert.

There are three ways that this time can be reduced. If you can do all of these three things, you
will not only be incredibly wealthy, but you’ll also be an expert and a leading trader in the

Time Reduction Method 1: Commit quickly to focusing on the


This means that moving forward, you focus all your attention on learning within The Trading
Academy and the instructors that are here. Delete YouTube, Instagram and Tik Tok. Your
account will thank you later.
Focusing will help you progress faster than ever before. When asked the secret to their success
at a dinner one evening, both Warren Buffet and Bill Gates gave the same answer:

How will you know if you’re doing this?

You will post regularly in the community

You will show up to the live sessions
You will submit questions regularly to the instructors

Time Reduction Method 2: Learn methods of trading that are already


Stick to what is taught in the Academy. Developing a trading method that works takes many
years. Most achieve half a method, if at all. Save this time and learn what is taught here. Don’t
try to make a mark with something that is only half fleshed out, but follow the trodden pathway
of our instructors.

Focusing on just these proven strategies will catapult you, not pull you back. Fight the
temptation to feel that “more” is needed. More dilutes. More causes confusion. What you have
at your fingertips is decades of work put into refining methods of trading that generate
consistent results. Learn them, and don’t try to reinvent the wheel until you have.

How will you know if you’re doing this?

You will focus on the methods and strategies taught within the Academy
You will perfect this before moving on to other techniques outside of the Academy.

Time Reduction Method 3: Use this student progression plan to guide


This progression plan is going to be your guide as you navigate the new world that you’re
walking into. It holds the map to get you to a place where you’ve achieved the goal you set out
to achieve: Financial freedom. Don’t just read it once, but rather try to internalize it so that you
can almost memorize it. It maps your goals, the dangers, and the practices you need to avoid
and instigate. You won’t nail everything immediately. It will be a gradual process and shift.
Embrace this and enjoy the change, and use this plan as your guide.

How will you know if you’re doing this?

You will study and use this guide to measure your progress.
You will refer to it regularly and have it printed out as a guide for you.

The goal of this phase is to ensure that you’re ready to make a lot of money trading when you
shift into a live account.

Remember that results lag. The better you nail this phase, the more successful your next phase
is going to be, and that’s when the money will start to come in.

Criteria for The Preparation Phase

First, before you learn what to do in this phase, let’s double down on exactly what the criteria is
for those who should begin here:

Your average monthly account growth percentage is lower than 3% over a 5-month
period, or you don’t know what it is/never calculated it.
Your account is smaller than $100,000.
You have earned less than $1000 on average over the last 6 months from trading.
You don’t have a trading journal.

If any of these apply to you, then your strict first focus is The Preparation Phase.

So let’s begin and pay very, very close attention.

Component 1: Master the Methods
Climbing Mount Everest has the same level of complexity as generating a sustainable income
from trading.

Imagine setting off to climb Everest without any preparation, knowledge, gear, or guidance.

You wouldn’t do it with Everest, so don’t do it with trading.

If you’re a professional trader, two benchmarks will apply to you:

1. You have at least a six-figure trading account that you actively trade with ($100k+)
2. You have consistent growth of a minimum average of 3% per month for at least 24

If these two criteria apply to you, you’re most likely making a very healthy income from trading.

Your goal starting from now is to develop a method of trading that will allow you to reach the
above criteria. The stronger your method of trading, the more sure it is that you will reach those

What’s the catch?

A method takes years to develop.

In order for you to reach a place of profitability over the long term and reach the above criteria of
a professional trader, you would need to master each of the following steps:

Learn Financial Markets Fundamentals --> Master Trading Concepts and Jargons --> Research
Behavioral Economics and Trading Psychology --> Study Technical and Fundamental Analysis
--> Analyze Successful Trading Strategies --> Study Success and Failure Cases --> Review
Academic Research and Papers --> Set Trading Objectives --> Initial Risk Assessment --> Risk
Tolerance Assessment --> Initial Capital Allocation --> Timeframe Selection --> Choose Markets
--> Select Instruments or Asset Groups --> Identify Market Conditions for Strategy Application
--> Choose Indicators and Tools --> Determine Entry Rules --> Determine Exit Rules -->
Develop Risk Management Techniques --> Draft an Initial Trading Plan --> Data Collection -->
Data Cleaning --> Backtesting Software Selection --> Run Preliminary Backtests --> Analyze
Backtesting Metrics --> Strategy Refinement --> Determine Sample Size and Timeframe for
Testing --> Conduct Monte Carlo Simulation --> Test for Overfitting and Data Snooping Bias -->
Conduct Walk-Forward Testing --> Set Up a Paper Trading Environment --> Paper Trade the
Strategy --> Assess Performance and Make Adjustments --> Choose a Trading Platform --> Set
Up Trading Tools and Automation If Necessary --> Funding --> Start with Small Capital -->
Implement Real Trades --> Execute Trades --> Daily Performance Monitoring --> Weekly and
Monthly Review --> Performance Tracking --> Adjust for Costs --> Ongoing Risk Assessment
--> Market Reevaluation and Strategy Adjustment --> Backtesting and Forward Testing -->
Benchmarking --> Strategy Scaling --> Review --> Iterate --> Stress Testing --> Peer
Review/Audit --> Understand and Comply with Regulations --> Tax Planning and Documentation
--> Develop Emotional Discipline --> Regular Psychological Self-assessment --> Consult with a
Trading Psychologist If Necessary --> Continuous Learning

The result of this will be a method of trading the works, hopefully.

Most likely, you didn’t even read each one of the steps, correct?

Most won’t read each one, let alone do it.

This takes years of hard work and time. Work that most traders do not do diligently, and this is
why the dreaded “95%” failure statistic is very real.

This is why your first goal is simple: study what is taught in the Academy properly.

There are fundamentally four ways that you’re going to learn within the Academy:

1. The Courses
2. The Practice Projects
3. The Live Question Sessions
4. The Community

The Courses
The courses in the Academy are like following a master chef’s recipe. You don’t question
whether the dish is delicious, you just follow the recipe.

The reason why you’re in the Trading Academy and why you’re studying here is to master
proven methods of trading, saving you the effort of figuring it out yourself.

You don’t need to “know” if the methods taught in the Academy work. They do. This is the

You just have to study them.

Let’s illustrate this in another way.

Simon has spent the last 16 years as a full-time trader. Prior to this, he was a financial advisor.

Everything he knows has been systematically put into the courses that you will study here in the
The work has already been done.

He’s mapped out every aspect of his method of trading.

How to analyze the markets.

How to enter trades at the right time.

How to manage your trades.


He’s already been through the problems that you will face 5-10 years from now, let alone what
you face today.

He’s already mapped out how you can identify, avoid, and overcome all of those problems.

The same is true of Alex, Sid, and Denislav.

What you have access to in the Academy is decades worth of agonizing work that has been
captured and systematically structured into a curriculum that you can follow.

They’re not just “courses”, they’re shortcuts. This has never been created before within the
trading education industry.

Genuine experience trading for a living encapsulated into simple, structured courses that you
can follow.

These are found in the classroom section of the community.

The courses you will study within the Academy are everything our instructors know, put into a
format that you can consume at your own pace.

Now going through the courses isn’t just a question of watching a video. You also need to

You will be tempted to feel that you’ve learned something after watching the video, however, this
is only one part of learning. You have to use it and put it into practice.

Practice Projects

Every module you study in each course has practice projects associated with it.
They are designed so that you can practice components of each method of trading versus
learning one thing and trying to trade like a professional.

Imagine each practice project as a building block. Perfect each one, and you will be set. If you
skip ahead and don’t practice, you’ll struggle to learn.

These projects are designed to make better use of your time so that for every hour you spend
on a practice project, it is worth more than 30 hours aimlessly “trading” with a strategy that is
half-built and tested.

These projects give your practice focus and purpose.

Imagine it like having a football coach. When you train with your coach, you don’t just play full
games all the time, but rather you practice aspects of the game. This makes you ready for the
real game.

The same is true of music. If you learn an instrument, you don’t just practice complete songs but
rather the components that make up a song. Your scales, your chords, and your theory. This
then allows you to play a complete song.

It works for sports, music, and trading.

The more diligent you are as you go through the practice projects, the faster and better you will

Make sure that you share your work within the community and that you put your best foot
forward to complete them. In the moment, it may not feel like much, but when you put it all
together, that’s where the power is.

Each project is a brush stroke, and as you complete each one, they will all come together and
form a beautiful picture: a complete method of trading.

Now, as you practice, there will be problems and questions that arise.

Live Sessions
As you study the courses and practice each element, problems and gaps will arise. This is why
the live sessions are so important for your growth and development.

Use and abuse the live sessions with your instructors.

There are three ways that you can use them:

Attend live or watch the replay. Build this into your daily and weekly routine.
Submit questions for the sessions. As you study and practice what you’re learning,
questions will arise. As they do, you can submit them to be answered in the live session.
Listen to older recordings. The recommendation is that you listen to as many of the
live recordings as possible. The more you expose yourself to the instructors, the better.
View the live recordings on YouTube or a podcast.

The live sessions are a key component to your growth so even though life can be hectic, make it
a goal of using them as much as possible.

Here are your three goals for this step:

Complete all courses and their corresponding practice projects.

Attend and watch at least 50% of the live sessions per month
Submit at least 1 well thought out questions per month to each instructor (4 per month)

Studying the courses and attending the live sessions (or watching the replays) will allow you to
reach the above goals.

This will set up the knowledge to begin trading with a large account, and your next focus is just

How many strategies should you focus on?

Currently, we teach 4 methods of trading within the Academy (3 strategies are taught in the
Quick Win). When you first begin in the Academy, the advice is to focus on depth, not breadth.

Many, when they trade, focus on hop-skipping and jumping from one thing to another. As an
Academy student, you will avoid doing this.

Your first stop is the Quick Win courses. This will give you a good introduction to the different
methods. Once you’ve completed the Quick Win courses, then pick one method to focus on

This could be The Reversal Method, The Sid Method, The Continuation Method, or The Funded
Trader Method.

Pick one that you are initially drawn to, and complete it to the best of your ability. Once you’ve
completed it, then move on to the next one.

Please note that it is in order to genuinely execute on this plan, you must focus on the
Funded Trader Method and complete the entire course.

Here’s a recap of your goals for this first part of The Preparation Phase:
Phase 1: The Preparation Phase
Step 1: The ??
Shift to a long-term mindset
Avoid The Dunning-Kruger effect and the dangers of Beginners Luck
Tell your family about your new plans

Step 2: Master the Methods

Simon Pullen Quick Win + Projects
Sid Naiman Quick Win + Projects
Alex Morris Quick Win + Projects
The Reversal Method + Projects
The Continuation Method + Projects
The SID Method + Projects
The Funded Trader Method + Projects
Attend 50% of live sessions/replays (4-5 session per week)
Submit at least 1 high-quality question monthly per instructor.

Danger: Ensure that you don’t mix methods in The Preparation Phase. Stick to the exact
methods taught for each instructor and don’t mix and match them. When you’re posting your
set-ups in the community, ensure that the setups you post are an example of the methods that
you are being taught. Avoid bringing external ideas into the mix, and this will add to your focus.
Component 2: The 3% Transition
Every great musician has gone from picking up an instrument for the first time to playing epic

Every great sportsperson had their first day with the sport.

Every language speaker had a journey to fluency. It began with their first word and progressed
to their 1000th word until they reached a point where they could communicate fluently. It was a

No one just woke up from one day to the next as an expert.

With their first day came a second day, and a third, and so on and so forth.

A journey.

A journey from training to competing, from practicing to performing, from planning to building.

Developing the skills you need to get you where you want to be financially with trading is not an
on-off switch, it’s a journey, a journey that can be mapped out and traveled.

On this journey, there will be good days and bad days, this you must expect.

Being aware of what the journey is will help you to focus on those specific targets, despite what
can sometimes be a rocky road.

Nothing great is easy, no matter how simple it may seem when you’re first exposed to it.

Speak to any high achiever in any field. The road may not be easy, however, there are ways that
you can make it easier.

The first way is to ensure that you have clear milestones to achieve. These milestones, or
stepping stones, allow you to check off your progress as you go.

Let’s look at the first one: Your Monthly Target.

Your Monthly Target

It’s very easy to be focused on the wrong thing when you trade.

Our Psychological Care plan goes into these areas in more detail, however, here’s an overview
of how our minds can be distorted.
You can end up:

Chasing Losses: Ever tried to win back lost money on a whim? That's a quick route to
more losses. Reacting to losses emotionally can derail a solid trading plan.
Overtrading: Trading all the time doesn't mean making more money. Sometimes, less is
more. Quality trades over quantity always wins.
Ignoring External Factors: Trading airline stocks? Better keep an eye on those oil
prices, or you're flying blind. Understanding the broader picture helps in making informed
Setting Unrealistic Goals: Doubling your money every month sounds great, but it's a
recipe for disappointment. Aiming too high, too fast can and normally does lead to risky
Being Swayed by Hype: Jumping on every trending stock because Twitter said so?
That's a gamble, not a strategy. Research beats hype every single time.

Seeing promises of earning tens of thousands in a very short space of time is exciting.

It’s enticing.

Let’s be honest, most traders want this, and this is great. A desire to develop wealth is not a
bad thing. You will have your reasons for pursuing it.

If you’re earning $3000 per month, earning another $10,000 in one month is a dream come true.

If you focus on how someone actually can generate $10,000 in a month on a consistent basis,
this will allow for much better results.

When you focus on the right things, you get the right results.

Normally we’re marketed by the company that shouts the loudest, and this may not be what's
best for you.

Earning a 6 figure income from a 4 or 5 figure account is impossible for the majority of people.

At the Academy, we want to shift your focus to a goal on the mechanisms that will allow you to
build a skyscraper.

The goal is not extreme growth in one month, it's conservative consistent growth every month
over a long period of time. Real results pivot are sustainable and consistent growth.

What’s the goal?

It’s not 50% growth in one month.
It’s 3% percent growth every month.

The secret is not in the small number but rather what that small number will turn into over a
relatively short space of time.

3% growth isn’t sexy however, your focus has shifted from not what happens in this month, but
what happens over the next five to ten years.

The secret is not in the amount but rather in your ability to be consistent with generating that
over the long term.

Compound Interest
To really understand the power behind 3% monthly growth, you need to understand the value of
compound interest.

Compound interest is where you earn interest on both the money you've deposited and any
interest you've previously earned. Albert Einstein once said that compound interest is the
"eighth wonder of the world." He said that "he who understands it, earns it... he who doesn't,
pays it."

Think about this for a moment.

If you start with an initial investment of $10,000 and you gain a consistent 3% growth every
month, in the first month, you'd earn $300, making your new total $10,300. In the second month,
you won't just earn 3% on your initial $10,000; you'll earn it on $10,300, which would be $309,
bringing your total to $10,609.

At the beginning, this 3% will not mean much, however, over time, it grows.

This process continues month after month, and that growth starts to snowball.

By the end of one year, with a consistent 3% monthly growth, your initial $10,000 would have
grown to approximately $14,243. This is a 42.43% increase over the year, and this is just year
one. As the years go on, this exponential growth becomes even more pronounced.

The point here isn't just the mathematical magic of compounding but the strategy behind it.

A consistent 3% growth is much more achievable and sustainable than attempting to achieve
large spikes in growth that will come with higher risks.

The 3% target is achievable.

It focuses on consistent, steady growth.


You reap the benefits of long-term wealth accumulation and while avoiding a lot of the risks.

The 3% transition isn't just about achieving a certain number—it's about adopting a mindset of
patience, consistency, and understanding the profound power of compound interest. With this
approach, you're not just aiming for short-term gains; you're building a foundation for long-term
financial success.

It’s like a vending machine where if you invest $1, you get $1.42 back. If this is the case, what
would you do?

Invest more!

You don’t need to change or reinvent the wheel. 3% is your new target. No more. That’s all you
need to achieve.

Embrace your new goal: 3%

This may seem small, but it will help you achieve your second goal.

Your Six-Figure Goal

Trying to make a living from trading with a small account is like trying to row a boat upstream
with a teaspoon.

The goal is to get to six figures and trade with an account that is more than $100,000.

At this juncture, this may seem like an unsurpassable mountain, however, if you follow the
instructions with this plan, you will reach it.

With an account of six figures combined with a successful strategy (that you’ll be learning), it’s
like exchanging the teaspoon we just spoke about for a powerful motor.

Let’s compare it for a moment to really see the difference.

3% growth on a $1,000 dollar account is $300.

3% growth on a $10,000 account is $3000.

3% growth on a $1,000,000 account is $30000.

Same work, same skill set but vastly different profits.

You must focus on the mechanisms that will allow you to build a six-figure trading account.

Why is this significant?

1. Safety. The profit you earn from trading stems from a 6-figure account. That account
gives you security for the future. Money generates money. When you combine it with
skill, you’re in a very safe place.

2. Growth. Your profit will only increase. Over a five-year period, you can shift from $30
profit to $30,000 profit. This gives you hope for the future as you focus on building your
six-figure account.

It’s simple math.

You can’t be earning a decent wage of $5-10K per month with a small account (less than

The common characteristic among all the methods of trading that you will learn about is that it’s
vital that you keep the amount you risk of your account low at 1-2%. On a small account, this
will give you pocket money, not a wage.

We see a lot of inexperienced traders fall victim to the temptation to risk too much of their
accounts with the desire to generate expendable money.

Small Account Anxiety

It’s a vicious cycle that is caused by having a small account, and in the Academy, we refer to
this as Small Account Anxiety (S.A.A).

Imagine S.A.A. like trying to row a boat upstream with a teaspoon, the tool you're using is simply
too small for the task at hand. It won’t work. This is the struggle that unprepared traders
experience when working with a smaller capital base, usually under $100,000.

With the hope of quickly ramping up to a substantial, livable income, unprepared traders may
take outsized risks relative to their account size. The result? Unfortunately, it can quickly shift to
gambling, not trading.

Because the stakes are so high on each trade, they can quickly find fear and greed taking main
stage in their trading day. This is not good.

It’s not good for their mind, relationships, and health.

It’s certainly not good for their wealth.

It twists their judgment and encourages risky behavior. This can lead to a vicious cycle of
overtrading, incurring losses, and then risking even more in an attempt to recover those losses,
all of which only exacerbates the anxiety and the potential for blowing up an already small

If you can recognize yourself in this, then take shift to a place of focusing on what your goals

Let’s recap your goals:

Phase 1: The Foundation Phase

Step 1: The Purpose
Shift to a long-term mindset
Avoid The Dunning-Kruger effect and the dangers of Beginner's Luck
Tell your family about your new plans
Set the goal of building a $100,000+ account

Component 1: Master the Methods

Simon Pullen Quick Win + Projects
Sid Naiman Quick Win + Projects
Alex Morris Quick Win + Projects
The Reversal Method + Projects
The Continuation Method + Projects
The SID Method + Projects
The Funded Trader Method + Projects
Attend 50% of live sessions/replays (4-5 session per week)
Submit at least 1 high-quality question monthly per instructor.

Now let’s speak about the logistics of shifting from a demo account to a live account.

The 3% Shift Process

Now we come to your specific targets.

Your goal is to use the skills that you learn within the Academy to focus on 3% growth, however,
you need to ensure that you can actually achieve it.

How will you know this?

Step 1: Goal: Achieve 3% average growth over a 5-month period.
Demo Account
Your first stop is a demo account. This is where you’re going to be practicing everything that you
learn in the Academy. Your account size should be the same size as your projected account live
account size when you go live.

Step 2: Goal: Achieve 3% average growth over a 5-month period.

Small Live Account: Once you’ve achieved the above goal, your next step is to shift to a small
live account of $1000 or less. Your goal is to test your nerves and your discipline.

Once you’ve achieved these two goals, then you will move into the next phase, The Growth

Step 3: Goal: Invest money into your trading account to build up your capital (The Growth
Growth: This is where you start trading with the money that you have allocated to trade with,
and it will hopefully be of a substantial amount by this point. This will be discussed in detail in
the section of the Plan that speaks about The Growth Phase. Your goals for the first phase are
to complete steps 1 and 2.

Component 3: Create a Nest Egg

If you want a skyscraper, you’re going to need a strong foundation.

If you want to build your account to over $100,000 and go on to generating a six-figure income,
your foundation needs to be rock solid.

Everything you’re learning to do here will set you up for this, however in this section, we’re going
to focus on something outside of trading.

This part of The Student Progression Plan will handle to two aspects:

1. Getting you into a wealth-building mindset.

2. Creating a nest egg for yourself.

Learning must always have a purpose.

In the Academy, you’re not just learning for learning's sake, you're learning to generate wealth,
and the vehicle that you have at your disposal is trading.

There are other ways to make money, however, no way is “easy”. There’s no free lunch, and
right now, you have the education, support and mentorship of the instructors and your fellow
students to help you achieve the goals that you currently have.

This means focus on adjusting your life so that you have the best chance of success, and
building wealth begins with the small things.

When you add a lot of small things together, you can end up with something incredible.

Starting from today, we’re advising all of our Academy students to focus on good money
management outside of trading.

This means saving.

What you do with your money outside of trading will impact whether or not you are wealthy.

If you want a large account, which you need, you need to start looking after your money outside
of trading.

Simply put, the more you earn, the more you can spend, and this is dangerous.

Focus on cutting back your costs.

1. Adopt a more frugal lifestyle and prioritize essential spending.

2. Inform loved ones about your financial goals and get them onside.
3. Effectively manage and reduce debts.
4. Focus on accumulating wealth over appearances.

What will help you build wealth is looking after and investing the money that you generate
wisely, as this is the only genuine mechanism to fast-track you to a 6 figure salary. If you don’t
learn to save, reaching six figures take a long time.

We want you to set yourself a target of saving a percentage of your money every month on
autopilot. Begin today.

This could be 20% (this is the ideal target), 10%, or even 1-2% if you’re living in a place with a
very high cost of living and low wage.

The point here is to live below your means.

Lifestyle alterations will be challenging, but the payoff is substantial.

We’re encouraging you to make a short-term sacrifice so that you’re set for the long term. This
will be temporary, however, the results of it will not be.

You see, by adopting this single principle of saving monthly, you will be on track to becoming a
millionaire, and here’s why.

Wealthy individuals prioritize saving and frugality.

We often equate being wealthy to luxury clothes and flashy cars. This is the case for many,
however, often, you will find that genuinely wealthy individuals do not spend it on frivolous
things. This is a common theme among all wealthy people.

Here’s the math.

If you earn $3000 and you diligently save for 10 months, you'd have an initial $5400 capital to
start trading with.

Following the process outlined in this progression plan, you will be at a six-figure account in less
than 2 years.

Imagine the freedom of a $25,000 monthly income.

Contrast this with starting with a mere $500 trading account; it'd take over seven years just to
touch six figures, let alone seven figures.

Can you see how smart financial adjustments today accelerate your path to tomorrow's financial

Can you see the power of making short-term sacrifices now so that you're set for the future?

If you’re struggling at reaching the target of 20%, here’s some more strategies you can employ:

1. Aim to save 50% of your disposable income and to not exceed 10% of your total income
to start with.
2. If you have no free cash flow, set up an automatic saving of 2-3% per month with a direct
debit the day you get paid. Do that for 3 to 4 months, and then increase by another 1%.
This habit will set you up for success over the long term.
3. Make sure that you have emergency savings ready, and the goal here is to have at least
2-3 months of expenses saved as your primary goal.

Achieving that 20% mark may be tough, however, we don’t want this to discourage you.

With that in mind, when will you shift from your demo account to a live trading account?

Let’s recap for a moment to stay on track.

Let’s recap your initial goals

Phase 1: The Foundation Phase

Step 1: The Purpose

Shift to a long-term mindset

Avoid The Dunning-Kruger effect and the dangers of Beginner's Luck
Tell your family about your new plans
Set the goal of building a $100,000+ account

Component 1: Master the Methods

Simon Pullen Quick Win + Projects

Sid Naiman Quick Win + Projects
Alex Morris Quick Win + Projects
The Reversal Method + Projects
The Continuation Method + Projects
The SID Method + Projects
The Funded Trader Method + Projects
Attend 50% of live sessions/replays (4-5 session per week)
Submit at least 1 high-quality question monthly per instructor.

Component 2: The 3% Transition

5 months consistent 3% growth in a demo account

5 months consistent 3% growth in a small live account

Component 3: The Nest Egg

Save as much as possible every month

These three simple goals will set you up financially for the rest of your life and, more importantly,
will allow you to flourish in the next phase: The Growth Phase.

Phase 2: The Growth Phase

Remember the vending machine from before? If you invest $1, you get $1.42 back. This math
works heavily in your favor, and this is why you want to do one thing: Don’t spend what you earn
and reinvest it.

This implies a lot.

It implies that you’re focusing on:

1. Maintaining that 3% monthly growth

2. Reinvesting into your account until it reaches six figures and beyond.

The smaller your main account is, the smaller your profits will be. The only way to counteract
this will be to add to your account as much as possible.

Let’s look at the psychology behind this phase.

Compound Growth: Your Best Friend

At this juncture, you’re going to have to be patient and continue to do the right things. (hallmarks
of wealthy individuals).

In your first couple of years with a live account, your main account will not be earning much. You
need to embrace this. It may not be what you want to hear or what you’ve been told, but it’s the

You will be making money, in fact, considerable amounts, however, you will not be spending it.


Compound growth.

If you planted a fruit tree today, you can’t expect fruit today.

If you were to plant a tiny seed and nurture it consistently, you might only see a small shoot in
the beginning.

With the right care, however, that shoot becomes a sapling, the sapling becomes a tree, and
before you know it, you’re eating beautiful fruit from the tree that’s grown.

This is the nature of compound growth.

Benjamin Franklin once said:


“Money makes money. And the money that money makes makes money.”

Compound growth is the financial miracle that powers the acceleration of your returns over time.
This "interest on interest" effect means that your money is working increasingly harder for you
as time goes on, and this is going to be your ally.

Think about it this way: Let's say you make a 10% return on a $10,000 investment. You end the
year with $11,000. Now, in year two, you're not just earning returns on the initial $10,000; you're
also earning on the extra $1,000. Even if your return rate stays the same at 10%, you'd end year
two with $12,100.

The more years you trade, the more your money snowballs and this is what will get you from a
relatively small account to a very large account of six figures and beyond. The returns will
surpass your initial expectations as long as you stick to the plan.

Here’s what you need to remember: compound growth turns time into your ally, making it one of
the most potent forces you have at your disposal in the financial markets.

In this section, we’re going to focus on how you can grow your account and get it to a place
where you reach $20k+ per month and then on to seven figures. We will do this by using Profit

Component 1: Profit Boosting

When you have a small account, your profits will be small. In order to grow your account quickly,
this needs to change.

3% growth on a $5000 account is $150. 3% on a $9000 account is $270, on a $100,000

account is $3000 and on a $1,000,000 account is $30,000.

3% is 3% regardless of the capital that you are trading with.

This means that for the same amount of time you invest into trading, the smaller your account,
the less money you make, but with the same effort.

Your goal is to get your account to over six figures, come hell or high water.

Profit Boosting is where you add to your profit on a monthly basis, even if your account is small.

Let’s look at how this works out.

Method 1: Reinvest Your Profit

Let’s say your account is at $9000, and you make 3% growth in your first month, a profit of

Your first step is to put that $270 back into your trading account. This means that for the next
month, you will make 3% of $9270, which is $278.10.

Again, not life-changing, but very important.

Remember that we vastly underestimate what we can achieve over a five to ten-year period.
With a growth of just 3% and doing nothing else, you can build an account to six figures within a
five to ten-year period.

In the beginning, it’s not life-changing, but if you stick at it, you can make life-changing moves.

Our goal, however, is to speed this up.

How do we fix this?

Method 2: Fund Yourself

We’ve already looked at the importance of allocating money aside on a monthly basis.

Let’s say that you set aside $500 per month, and you did this for a 10-month period. During this
10-month period, you're focusing on getting up to the 3% consistency goal by sticking to Phase

After 10 months, you’re ready to go live and now with a pot of $5000.

You would be generating a monthly income of over $5,000 within a 10-year period. Yes, it will
take some time, but you can absolutely get there.

Now what happens if you start with $500?

Well, it would take 15 years to reach six figures.

Let’s compare two scenarios where you save up $9000, and then in one scenario, you continue
to add to your account from external funds, and in the other, you don’t.

Scenario 1: Starting with $9,000 and adding $0 each month with 3% growth:
● Month 1: $9,270
● Month 12: $12,801.69
● Month 24: $17,636.67
● Month 36: $24,281.42
● Month 42: $28,196.17
● Month 48: $32,732.86

Scenario 2: Starting with $9,000 and adding $900 each month with 3% growth.

● Month 1: $10,170
● Month 12: $25,604.67
● Month 24: $49,278.97
● Month 36: $83,032.85
● Month 42: $104,967.14
● Month 48: $131,157.82

It’s a difference of $98,424.96 and the difference of a six-figure account or not.

By making a short-term sacrifice for a couple of years, you will set yourself up for a beautiful
future full of wealth. Remember too, that these figures improve exponentially, they grow in a
steep curve with each month you add on.

As you will notice, having a long-term vision over your financial future is vital here.

You must not borrow tomorrow's happiness for today.

Don’t buy the car you can’t afford, and don’t live a flashy lifestyle.

This is NOT how genuinely wealthy people operate.

Now we’re going to move onto the second method of boosting your account, and this is where
we take things to stratospheric levels.

Method 3: The Funded Trader Route

Most that try to get funded view a prop firm account as a mechanism for them to “earn” money.
There’s validity to approaching it this way, however, it’s a short-term bandaid to a long-term

The problem that those individuals are solving with a prop firm is that they don’t have a large
enough account, and so they try to solve that by getting funded.
They may have a few hundred dollars to trade with, and so they feel they can bypass growing
an account by getting funded by a prop firm.

We want to avoid a short-term mindset for a long-term problem, and we want to attack the main
problem with every tool we have: they have a small account.

For this reason, your focus in the Academy is going to be for you to get funded, but you’re not
going to use the money you earn from the prop firm as spending money.

Your goal is to deposit any profits you make from your prop firm account back into your main
trading account.


Well, the money that you’ll be managing in the prop firm isn’t yours. They make the rules. They
can change the rules at any moment. They can cease to operate or get bought out.

Your freedom will come from having a large account, a nest egg that you can trade with on your
own terms.

If you rely on your income coming from a prop firm, your trading account, your nest egg, and
mechanism to give you financial freedom will always be small.

Your prop firm profits will simply be a mechanism to grow your main trading account. This
compounds your growth beyond what most people realize.

Let’s continue the example from before.

Let’s say that for your first 10 months, you focus your energy on dominating the funded trader

You also save up 20% of what you earn and then continue to allocate it to your trading account.

In the first phase, you will have studied The Funded Trader Method with Denislav Dantev, and
this is designed to get you to a place where you’re funded.

Now, the amazing thing about getting funded is that you’ll be able to reap the benefits of having
a large account without having a large account.

The world of Prop Firms is a whole minefield, and so we’re not going to address the ins and
outs of getting funded here, that’s what the course is for. Rather we want to focus on your
energy on what you will be doing with the profits you earn.

You have two options: spend it or invest it.


In the Academy, we recommend that you invest it. This is a much smarter

We’re going to look at some calculations based on one of the funded routes taught within The
Trading Academy.

There are a few routes that you can go with, some that can deliver higher returns and others
less. This is based on:

● $100,000 funded account

● 2% growth in a funded account (lower monthly growth target over your main account)

Scenario 3: Starting with $500 and then you add you your Funded Account Profits

● Month 1 Account Size: $515.00

● Month 28, you hit six figures: $116,498.68
● Month 40, you go over a quarter of a million: $300,934.44
● Less than five years, you have built your account to seven figures: $1,046,764.47
(monthly profit of $31,402.93)

Can you see the importance and the power of focusing on generating revenue from a funded

Can you see how spending the next couple of years focused on the right areas, and adjusting
how you manage your money will set yourself up for success?

Can you see the importance of using your skills to add money to your account every single
month vs. just spending whatever comes your way?

As an Academy student, your goal is to be disciplined and diligent with how you manage your
money both before and after you go live.

Your goal is to grow your trading account, however, this is only one aspect of how you will build
your wealth using your trading.

Component 2: The 20% Side Fund Method

Within The Trading Academy, you’re going to learn methods that will allow you to trade the
financial markets. The reality is that this will need your constant attention if you want to continue
to earn money from it.

With that said, it’s important to always diversify your income streams, and this is what we’re
going to focus on now.

If you do the initial phase right, you will be growing your account by a minimum of 3% per
month. This means that you’ll be making money from the first month you begin.

We recommend that you reinvest the vast majority of your profits back into your trading account,
however, there’s another way that will allow you to build wealth with passive diversification.


Extract 20% of your profits monthly and put it into other buy-and-hold investments.

Your gunning for low-risk, low-maintenance investments such as real estate, bonds, index
funds, and dividend paying funds.

Let’s say you choose something that gives you a realistic return of 7% per year. If you followed
the exact guidelines established in the plan, where would you be in 10 years?

Your trading account would be at over $1.1 million.

You would have an external fund of over $250,000 dollars.

You would have a monthly profit of around $35,000.

You would be set. Your family would be set.

Most never achieve anything close to this over a 10-year period.

We hope you can now see that we tend to vastly overestimate what can be achieved in one
year, and we vastly underestimate what can be achieved in 5 to 10 years.

Once your account reaches the $250,000 mark, this is when you shift into what we call The
Freedom Phase.

This is where you get to enjoy the benefits of the work that you’ve put during The Preparation
and The Growth Phase.

Phase 3: The Freedom Phase

When you do the right things, you get the right results.

This is the beauty of sticking to the plan outlined in this progression plan. It’s designed to get
you here.

Now you may not execute it perfectly, but that’s ok. An imperfect plan that you stick to, is better
than no plan.

You may become disheartened at certain points.

You may feel that you’re unable to do it.

If you ever feel this, then there’s one thing you need to tell yourself: don’t stop.

As long as you recentre and get back on track, you will reach this final phase.

So what’s in store here?

This is where you can be in a position where you’re able to enjoy the fruits of your work. It’s a
beautiful place of genuine freedom where options will open up for you. So let’s take a look at
what those options are.

When you reach a place where you are able to generate a healthy income from trading, this
means that you can live anywhere you want in the world. It could be that you decide to stay
where you are, or perhaps you may want to move abroad.

Perhaps you could move to Panama, Costa Rica, Portugal, Croatia, Spain…Thailand. The list is
endless, and the list is long.

Perhaps you spend six months in one place and six months in another.

When you reach this point, you will have learnt a lot, and you will have a lot to share. At The
Trading Academy, we want to support you in that.

We always welcome new instructors that are able to genuinely help others improve their life. We
are able to provide you with world-class education in shifting into a place of leadership within the
The peace and security you will feel at this point will be tangible. This will come from three

1. The size of your account. This will be something that you built that will give you longevity
and freedom for yourself and your family.
2. The skills. You will have developed skills that will allow you to generate an incredible
income on your terms. This gives you freedom.
3. Monthly profit. Your profit will be extensive by this point and allow you to live any type of
lifestyle that you want.


You’re not going to need to do a “normal” job. This will free up your time to do whatever you
would like:

1. Generate more income

2. Spend more time with your family
3. Pursue hobbies
4. Travel
5. Help others

When you have the Freedom that you will have here, your life will change for the better.

This is why it’s imperative that you stick to this plan. Don’t skip a beat. Don’t jump ahead.

Stick to this plan with everything you’ve got.


Your Journey to a 7-Figure Trader: The Checklist

Phase 1: The Foundation Phase Phase 2: The Growth Phase
Step 1: The Purpose Component 1: Reinvest Your Profit
Month 1:
Shift to a long-term mindset Month 2:
Avoid The Dunning-Kruger effect Month 3:
and the dangers of Beginners Luck
Month 4:
Tell your family about your new
Month 5:
Month 6:
Set the goal of building a
$100,000+ account Month 7:
Month 8:
Component 1: Master the Methods Month 9:
Month 10:
Simon Pullen Quick Win + Projects Month 11:
Sid Naiman Quick Win + Projects Month 12:
Alex Morris Quick Win + Projects Keep going, as it’s now a millionaire
The Reversal Method + Projects habit.
The Continuation Method + Projects
The SID Method + Projects Component 2: The Funded Trader
The Funded Trader Method + Route
Projects Get funded
Attend 50% of live sessions/replays Reinvest:
(4-5 session per week) Month 1:
Submit at least 1 high-quality Month 2:
question monthly per instructor. Month 3:
Month 4:
Component 2: The 3% Transition
Month 5:

5 months consistent 3% growth in a Month 6:

demo account Month 7:
5 months consistent 3% growth in a Month 8:
small live account Month 9:
Month 10:
Component 3: The Nest Egg
Month 11:
Month 12:
Save as much as possible every
month. Keep going, as it’s now a
millionaire habit.

Phase 3: The Freedom Phase

6 Figure account
7 Figure Account

Further Resources to Help You

The Growth Tracker

It’s important that you keep track of your growth and your progress. To help you do this we have
created a simple Google Sheet that will help you keep track of your progress called The Growth

You can create a copy of this for yourself here: My Growth Tracker .

Make your own copy: Go to “FILE” —> “MAKE A COPY” and save it under a new name.

Use this to keep track of your savings goals and your account growth.

The Community
Learning is an adventure that's meant to be shared.

We understand that trading can be a lonely experience, even when you’re surrounded by
thousands of traders in a forum or community.

At The Trading Academy, we believe that when you learn together with others, the experience
becomes more powerful. Together, we’re able to achieve things that alone would be impossible.

The community in the Academy is a place for you to interact and learn with your fellow students.

In the community, you will be assigned a team, either Team Bull or Team Bear. The team's main
focus and goal is to keep you accountable and to help you learn.

You can learn more about how your team works here. If you’re not sure which team you’re on,
please reach out to a member of the team.

We want to ensure quality over quantity in the community. To help you with this, please go
through this document that guides you through the elements within the community.

The main principle to remember is this: quality beats quantity.

Post and discuss ideas with your fellow students but use the opportunity to focus on quality.
Avoid posting “one-liner” posts and rather focus your energy on thoughtful posts that encourage
good learning and trading habits.
It can be so easy to fall victim to posting a stream of thought: however, we encourage you to
pause for a moment and plan out every post within the Academy.
What a 6-Figure Legacy Student Looks Like
To be successful, we believe that who you are is more important than what you do. When
you’ve got your character dialed in, you will see that your trading will follow. This is why we have
established some core values that when you apply them in your life, you will see a massive
increase in progress.

The first pillar is: Process Focus. Focus allows you to achieve more. Focus on the Academy,
focus on the process established here, and don’t stray from it. Legacy traders understand that
success is not just about the destination but also about the journey. They focus on the steps that
lead to results, taking each one with laser-focused determination.

The second pillar is: Coherence. It's like a symphony where every instrument plays in perfect
harmony. Successful traders act in harmony with their thoughts, words, and actions. They don't
just talk about what they want to achieve; they take action to make it happen.

The third pillar is: Sacrifice. It's like planting a tree - it takes time and effort to nurture it and
watch it grow. Legacy traders understand that to achieve their objectives and pursue further
education in the Academy, they must be willing to make sacrifices. They devote their time and
resources to achieve their goals, even if it means making difficult choices. This includes
achieving all of the various steps in each phase.

The fourth pillar is: Collaboration. Successful traders recognize that when they work
collaboratively with their educators and fellow students, their results are compounded. They
understand that working together towards a common goal creates a sense of community and
that their collective efforts will lead to greater success.

The fifth pillar is: The Long Game. It's like running a marathon - you need to pace yourself
and stay focused on the finish line. Legacy traders understand that success requires resilience
and a commitment to sticking with it for the long haul. They recognize that there will be
challenges and setbacks along the way, but they remain focused on their goals and keep
moving forward.

By embodying these core values, you're not just building a bridge, but you're also building a
legacy. It's like planting a tree that will provide shade and shelter for generations to come.

When everyone in the community is committed to these values, we create an incredible

ecosystem where success is inevitable.

As you enter The Trading Academy, make a promise to yourself and those around you that you
will focus on embodying these core values in everything you do.

With dedication, hard work, and a commitment to these values, you will achieve financial
freedom and other forms of success.
The Study Template
First, you will need to acquire knowledge. This will be done by beginning at week 1 for all
educators and going through the education modules in sequential order. These are in video
format, and all the modules are short and easy to understand and follow. Don’t skip a beat here.
Trust and stick to the process.

As you watch the videos, it’s important that you put pen to paper with what you are learning, and
you begin to compile your understanding of the strategies in one document. This will allow you
to have a complete view and understanding of whether you fully understand the strategy you
are studying.

Use this document to take notes: Phase 1: Strategy Education Template

Second, you need to put it into practice. You will do this by completing the projects that are at
the end of each module.

It may be tempting to feel that you understand what you have just learned, however, don’t fall
victim to this. Practicing what you learn in a structured way will ensure that you genuinely
understand what you are learning on a foundation level. This will serve you in good stead as
you progress to the legacy level.

It’s VITAL that you complete all projects from start to finish for every module.

Questions and Answers

You will have questions that will arise as you go through the education. This is not only expected
but vital for your progress.

In order for you to genuinely understand, you must ask questions, and the more structured
these questions are, the better.

There are two different methods for you to get your questions answered.

Q&A Method 1:

The Questions Sessions are designed for you to get quick and direct feedback from the
educators in a structured way.

Use this form to submit any questions

Use this form to submit any projects for feedback
This will ensure that ALL students can benefit from the answer to your question. This is the
primary method of getting questions answered from the educators.

You will be live with each educator twice per week. You can find the weekly schedule in the
Calendar Section of the Community.

If you have an urgent question, then you can reach out on a 1-1 on level to an educator or in a
post however, this will be the exception, not the rule. When this happens, generally, the vast
majority of the students miss out on the question and answer, and this will slow down the
progress of the Academy.

Q&A Method 2:

Part of what makes the Trading Academy unique is the collaborative nature of students working

Using the communal knowledge of your fellow students by posting questions in the community
for you fellow students to give feedback on is a core part of your progress. The community is
your playground with your fellow students.

Use the community to ask for input from your fellow students. Ensure that you also participate in
the community and you provide feedback and support to your fellow Legacy students.
The Legacy Psychological Care Plan
In order for you to fly to stratospheric levels as a Legacy student, you should have a solid
foundation laid by ensuring that your mind is looked after.

Copy your own: The Legacy Psychological Care Plan and go through the course material in

Refer to this plan on a consistent basis as you go through the Academy process. This document
will need to be completed in its entirety before you shift to Phase 2.

The Mind of a Professional Trader

One of the big shifts that you’re going to feel in the Academy is how you approach learning.

To achieve big goals, you need to be making big moves in strategic directions with your

Watch this series of videos on how to Leave Your 9-5.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

As you go through these videos, ask yourself how you can shift the way you learn and trade to
be in harmony with a legacy trader and student.

Your New Trading Journal

As you learn the strategies from the different educators, you need to keep track of your
progress. Your goal is to not only understand the three strategies but to track the trades your
placing in your demo account that demonstrates an understanding of the strategies.

You will need to place at least 50 trades for each strategy and log them in your journal.

This will allow you to identify whether:

1. You’re doing it right, and you understand the core aspects of the strategy
2. What you like and dislike about the strategy
3. Your personal areas of weakness.
Copy a version of this Trading Journal Template to keep track of your trades:
Your Trading Journal

Note: Remember, in Phase 1, you will mostly be using a demo account.

Your Own Style of Trading Template

Before you shift to Phase 2, you need to be aware of what type of a trader you actually are.

As you learn more about each individual strategy from the individual educators, this will become
very clear to you.

Before you move forward to Phase 2, please fill out your

Your Personal Style of Trading Overview sheet so that you have an awareness of what you
want and don’t want in a trading strategy.

This will allow you to refine a trading style based on everything that you learn that sits in
harmony with who you are.

You may feel one or both of the following emotions as you go through this document:

1. Excitement
2. Overwhelm

That’s exactly where you should be at this moment. This is the nature of being on the precipice
of creating something great.

Why? You’re not going to or need to fix everything today. All you have to do is stick to your plan
and follow the education with the right mindset.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. This is called focusing on the process.

When you do this, results come.

So, stick to the plan, stick to your vision, and make it happen. We will be there every step of the
way to support you, educate you, and celebrate your wins, of which you’re going to have a lot!

Let’s get to work.

The Trading Academy

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