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Final Assigment For Nursing English Course

Tia Indra Yusa

Kelas: 2D

Dosen Pengampu
Mr. Firdaus. M. Pd



A. Background
Back care in patients on total bed rest is an important aspect of their management.
When a person has to stay in bed for long periods of time, the risk of problems such as
pressure ulcers (pressure sores), muscle stiffness, and other spinal problems increases
significantly. Therefore, proper back care is crucial to prevent complications and ensure
optimal comfort and recovery for the patient.
First of all, it is important to understand why back care is necessary for patients on
total bed rest. When a person cannot move actively, the body pressure that occurs from
lying in bed can cause excessive pressure on the skin and underlying tissue. This can
result in decubitus or pressure sores, which are serious problems that can worsen the
patient's health condition and require intensive medical treatment. In addition, muscle
stiffness and decreased back strength can also occur due to lack of movement, which can
cause discomfort and complicate the patient's recovery after a period of bed rest.
With an understanding of these risks, back care in total bedrest patients aims to reduce
pressure on the skin, maintain muscle flexibility, and prevent spinal problems. One of the
main strategies in back care is to rotate the body regularly. This is done to change the
body's pressure points periodically, thereby reducing the risk of pressure ulcers. Rotation
must be done carefully and regularly, and may involve the use of special pads to support
the patient's body.
Apart from body rotation, stretching exercises are also important to maintain muscle
flexibility. Even though patients on total bed rest cannot move actively, passive stretching
exercises or assistance from medical personnel can be done to prevent muscle stiffness.
Targeted stretching of the back muscles and other related areas can help maintain muscle
balance and reduce the risk of stiffness associated with bedrest.
Skin care is also an important part of back care in total bed rest patients. Clean and
dry skin can help prevent irritation and infection, which can worsen the patient's skin
condition and increase the risk of developing pressure ulcers. Patients should be helped to
keep their skin clean, and assistance with changing body positions regularly can also help
keep the skin clean and light. Physical therapy is also an important component of back
care in total bed rest patients. This therapy can include a variety of techniques, including
strength and balance exercises, manual manipulation, and the use of rehabilitation
equipment such as treadmills or water therapy. The goal is to maintain muscle strength,
increase flexibility, and facilitate patient recovery after a period of bedrest.
By maintaining proper back care, total bed rest patients can reduce the risk of
problems such as pressure ulcers, muscle stiffness, and other spinal problems. This is
important to ensure optimal comfort and recovery for patients, as well as reducing the risk
of complications that could worsen their condition. In this case, holistic and coordinated
care between multiple medical teams, including physicians, nurses, and physical
therapists, is critical to achieving the best patient outcomes.
B. Problem Statement

Back care for patients on total bed rest is very important to prevent problems such

as pressure sores, muscle stiffness and pain. To avoid pressure sores, it is necessary to

change positions regularly using the help of another person or special equipment such as a

support pillow. Stretching exercises and light movement also help maintain muscle

flexibility and reduce the risk of stiffness. In addition, keeping the skin clean by cleaning

and drying areas prone to pressure sores can reduce the risk of infection. It is also

important to provide psychological support to patients to stay comfortable and avoid

stress that can worsen their back condition. The medical care team must work together to

plan effective treatment strategies and monitor the patient's progress regularly. Education

for patients and families is also important so that they can understand the importance of

back care and how to carry it out properly at home after leaving total bed rest

C. Solution
Back care for patients who have to undergo complete bed rest is very important to
ensure their comfort and health. Complete bed rest is often required for certain medical
conditions such as spinal injuries, back surgery, or other medical conditions that require
complete bed rest.

One of the main things that needs to be considered in back care is maintaining proper
body position. Patients should be positioned so that their back receives optimal support.
This can be done using a special pillow or back support device designed to reduce
pressure on the spine.

Additionally, regular rotation of the body is essential to prevent excessive pressure on

one particular area of the back. This can be done with the help of a nurse or medical
professional to ensure the patient is positioned correctly every few hours.

Physiotherapy is also an important part of back care for patients on total bed rest.
Gentle physiotherapy exercises can help maintain muscle and joint flexibility, as well as
prevent stiffness and muscle weakness that often occur due to lack of movement.
The use of assistive devices such as wheelchairs or pushers can help patients stay
active without putting excessive strain on their backs. However, the use of assistive
devices must be adjusted to the patient's medical condition and must be closely monitored
by trained medical personnel.

It is also important to pay special attention to the patient's skin care. Patients who are
in the same sleeping position for a long time are susceptible to pressure sores or
abrasions. Using a soft pillow or bedding and checking the skin regularly for signs of
irritation or sores is essential to preventing more serious skin problems.

In addition to direct back care, pain management is also an important component of

total bed rest patient care. Patients may experience significant back pain as a result of
injury or surgery, and effective pain management is essential to ensure optimal comfort
and quality of life.

In addition to medical and physical care, psychological attention is also important in

the care of patients on total bed rest. The physical limitations caused by total bed rest can
cause stress, anxiety, or depression in some patients. Emotional and psychological
support from family, friends, or mental health professionals can help patients overcome
these challenges and maintain their mental well-being during the recovery period.

It is important to remember that back care for patients on total bed rest must be
tailored to the patient's individual needs and must be closely monitored by a trained
medical team. With proper care, patients can speed up their recovery process and reduce
the risk of complications related to injuries or medical conditions that require bed rest.

D. Conclusion

Back care for patients on total bed rest is an integral part of their recovery process. In
concluding back care for total bed rest patients, there are several key points that need to
be emphasized.

First, the importance of maintaining good posture. The patient should be supported with
appropriate pillows to prevent excessive pressure on the spine and joints. In addition,
changing positions regularly is very important to prevent excessive pressure on one point
which can cause pressure sores.
Second, appropriate physical exercise needs to be considered. Even though the patient is
on total bed rest, light physical exercises such as deep breathing movements or certain
isometric exercises can help maintain muscle strength and body flexibility.

Furthermore, skin care is also an important aspect in the care of total bed rest patients.
Given the risk of developing decubitus or pressure sores, it is important to ensure that the
patient's skin remains clean, dry and free from excessive pressure.

No less important is pain management. Total bed rest patients often experience chronic
back pain due to lack of movement and uncomfortable positions. The use of heat or cold
therapy, relaxation techniques, and certain physical therapies can help reduce the
discomfort the patient feels.

Additionally, a holistic approach to patient care is highly recommended. This includes the
psychological and emotional aspects of the patient, such as providing mental support and
providing opportunities for patients to talk about their feelings regarding their condition.

Lastly, patient and family education about the importance of appropriate self-care is
essential. Patients and families need to be given information about the signs and
symptoms to pay attention to, as well as preventive steps that can be taken to reduce the
risk of complications.

Overall, back care for patients on total bed rest involves a holistic approach that includes
maintaining good posture, appropriate physical exercise, careful skin care, pain
management, a holistic approach, and patient and family education. By paying attention
to all these aspects, it is hoped that patients can speed up their recovery process and
prevent unwanted complications.

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