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Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________


1) In the lab, Claire says to the investors that this has opened up a new frontier. What is it?

2) What is the name of the 1st genetically modified hybrid dinosaur?

3) Is the hybrid male or female?


4) Why does Mr. Mizrani say is the reason “The Park” exists?

5) How is the new dinosaur like a snake?

6) Why do you think Owen is unsure about putting the raptors in the field?

7) How does InGen want to use the raptors?

8) What animals genes were used to design the Indominus Rex?

9) How is the Indominus able to hide from the Asset Containment Unit?

10) What did the scientists use to fill the gaps in the dinosaur genome?

11) What does Owen realize about the Indominus Rex’s DNA?

12) Is the island from “Jurassic World” the original island or a different one?
How do you know?
13) Raptors are quite skilled what skills do they excel at?

14) What is your opinion of the raptor-rex-mosasaur (marine dinosaur) tag team at the end?

15) How did genetic engineering effect the different lives on the island? Both human and

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