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TED Talk: How pollution is changing the ocean's chemistry | Triona McGrath

Ocean acidification – the evil twin of climate change

As we keep pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, more of it is dissolving in the oceans,
leading to drastic changes in the water's chemistry. Triona McGrath researches this process, known
as ocean acidification, and in this talk she takes us for a dive into an oceanographer's world. Learn
more about how the "evil twin of climate change" is impacting the ocean — and the life that depends
on it.

Questions while watching

1) How important is the ocean in our daily life?

2) How much of the Earth is covered by oceans?

3) What does the ocean do for us?

4) What percentage of protein to feed the population is provided by the ocean?

5) How much carbon dioxide have the oceans absorbed?

6) What is ocean acidification?

7) What is the relationship between CO2 in the ocean and ocean ph?

8) Why should we care about ocean acidification?

9) What is the predicted increase in ocean acidity by the end of this century?

10) What is the risk for coral reefs?

11) How can we slow this down and prevent the worst-case scenario?

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