Electronic Media

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Electronic Media: Radio, Television, Film

Lecture # 13

Introduction to Mass Communication

Electronic Media
Electronic media of mass communication are time organized.
They are younger than the print media but not lagging behind
them in effectiveness.

• Radio
• Television
• Film
• Definition
• Introduction
• The Magic Medium
• History of Radio in World
• History of Radio in Pakistan
• Radio in Pakistan
• Vision and Mission
• Roles and functions of radio in society
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
• Radio is defined as, a technology used for sound
communication by waves, usually through the transmission of
programs from single broadcast stations to multitudes of
individual listeners.
• Radio offers a quick summary of what is happening precisely
at that hour. For interpretation of complex issues or events in
the news, radio also broadcasts news commentary. Its vast
accessibility, selectivity, and readily availability have made it
one of the most important media of communication
• All over the world it is considered a medium of information,
education, entertainment and persuasion. Besides, developed
countries radio in almost all the third world countries,
particularly in Pakistan, is considered to be an important
medium of information.
The Magic Medium
• Radio is a time organized medium of mass communication.
Due to its significant role in mass communication, Radio has
got the name of “The Magic Medium”. It has abolished all
the physical as well as psychological barriers and assured its
access to all and sundry. The invention of transmitter has
increased its importance manifold. It permits its listeners to
take their radio wherever they go, even where, there electrical
power is not available. Though it is still a magic medium in
the third world, the new technological developments have
replaced it with television in the developed countries.
World History of Radio
• Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian inventor, invent the radio in
1896, and proved the feasibility of radio communication in
1902 with a successful transatlantic radio telegraph message.
History of Radio in Pakistan
• Radio Pakistan is a public radio broadcasting network.
• The First Pakistan Broadcasting Station Commenced
Transmission from Lahore on 14th August 1947
• First announcement was ‘THIS IS RADIO PAKISTAN”
• After independence the first radio station was established in
Rawalpindi in 1948.
Radio in Pakistan
• In Pakistan, where about 70 percent people are living in rural
areas and for whom all other sources of news are closed,
radio is a major source of news and information. The news
bulletins and other local languages programs have made it a
mass medium in real terms.
• In Pakistan, the literacy level is very low. Illiteracy is about to
touch to its peak. Over 70 percent of the population is
illiterate, however, radio has beard the responsibility on its
shoulders for mass education in the country.
• It broadcasts various educational programs, especially those
of Allama Iqbal Open University, for educating masses across
the country. It teaches farmers about the use of new
technology; educates mothers in child care etc. The radio
talks are very crucial for guiding masses. In each such talk an
expert dilates upon a topic of public concern. Radio Quiz
programs are also designed for mass education.
• Radio also entertains. Radio drama, features, comics, music
and sports programs etc., all are entertaining for the audience.
The new channel FM One Hundred relay music programs
round the clock.
Vision and Mission
• To inform the public about the policies and achievement of
the government, the social issues and challenges that are to
educate people
• To entertain people through music program, features and
• To come up with new innovative ideas thereby making the
radio the most preferred station with largest listenership
Roles and Functions of Radio in Society
• Information
• Education
• Entertainment
• Agenda setting
• Behavioral change agent
• Mobilization of society towards common goals
• Psychological support in society
• Information:
Radio is an electronic medium of audio communication.
Through news, talk shows, adverts and other programs, radio
creates awareness in society of what is happening within and
outside a given society.
• Education:
Through the documentaries, dramas and quiz shows aired on
radio. Society members are able to draw lessons. Look at
instance of plays on HIV/AIDS, agriculture aired. Radio
teaches society development and health aspects relevant to day
to day needs. Documentaries on agriculture, health have also
impacted on society’s world over.
• Entertainment:
Society members are entertained through music and plays.
Some radio stations have humorous morning and evening
programs. Radio kills boredom and occupies people through
leisure. The different music kinds also appeal to all age groups
in society. Radio as a secondary medium, someone can listen
to radio while doing something else like washing, reading etc.

• Agenda setting:
Radio presents to society issues yet to become public debates.
Radio provides variety of options on which to base enlightened
decision. The radio determines what audience will discuss
airing it. By talking about a corrupt government official,
society members are brought on board ‘call to action’.
• Radio is behavioral change agent:
Some radio stations represent and stand for society values, goals
and culture. For example a radio station will promote unity,
forgiveness and good morals in society. Also the content aired on
radio has impact on behavior in society.
• Mobilization of society towards common goals:
Radio can be used mobilization campaigns like vaccination,
election, and religious campaigns. Radio can be used as an early
warning tool. Radio can Mobilize society.
• Psychological support in society:
Most of the radio stations have programs where people share
problems with counsellors, doctors and get answers or solutions at
no cost.
• Radio is one of the medium, which covers a large population.
• Radio can be enjoyed at home, in office, while driving a car
and can be enjoyed at any where.
• Radio channels varies from region to region, hence you can
listen radio in your regional language.
• Like other entertainment media, Radio is also favorite of
large number of population.
• You can advertise your product on radio and the rates of
advertisement are usually lower than other medium of
• Important information or news can easily be spread on radio.
• For local market radio is one of the powerful medium of
• It communicates only through voice hence it is an audio
medium of communication.
• During bad weather one cannot listen radio properly, it can
often be unclear and affected by the bad weather conditions.
• One can need to adjust frequency level properly.
• Less and limited radio channels are available as compared to
other communication media.
• Definition
• Introduction
• History of Television in World
• History of Television in Pakistan
• Functions of Television
• Television as a Propaganda Tool
• Television as a Cultural Transmitter
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
• A system for converting visual images (with sound) into
electrical signals and displaying them electronically on a

• Television is defined as a technology used for broadcasting

visual images of stationary or moving objects.
• Television is an important audio-visual electronic medium.
Though it is comparatively younger in age, it has far reaching
impact on the audience in every walk of life.
• As regards effectiveness, it has taken over the other media
owning to its audio-visual quality, which creates a great sense
of participation.
History of Television in World
• No single inventor deserves credit for the television.
• Vladimir Zworykin was an inventor and pioneer of television
• He firstly introduced the TV in 1920, experimentally
broadcasting from 1925 and commercially from 1930s.
• By 1928, the world’s first television station launched in New
History of Television in Pakistan
• In Ayub Khan’s Era:
On 26 November 1964, Pakistan Television Corporation came
into being. It was the first official transmission from Lahore.
• In Zia ul Haq’s Era:
Television was brought under the Islamalization campaign,
Heavy censorship was exercised on the media to safeguard the
glory of Islam.
In Pervaiz Musharraf’s Era:
The government issued the Pakistan Electronic Media
Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) Ordinance in March 2002.
PEMRA stands for Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory
Authority. It is an independent and constitutionally established
Federal institution responsible for regulating and issuing
channel licenses for establishment of the mass media culture,
print and electronic media.
• First Private TV Channel: The first semi government TV
cannel launched with the name of People Television Network
(PTV) later named as STN.
• In 1990 STN started his first ever private TV channel of
Pakistan, Network Television Marketing (NTM).
Functions of Television
• Basically TV is considered as a medium of entertainment.
• Nevertheless its great effectiveness in the fields of:
information and
persuasion is
an acknowledged fact.
• Information:
It has regularly scheduled the newscasts, which tell about the
occurrences across the globe.
It provides background and historical information in the form of
• Entertainment:
Television is intensely entertainment oriented.
It is evident even from its commercial aspect.
A large number of people watch TV commercials for
Furthermore, its programs like comics, drama, feature films, music,
sports and various shows are for the purpose of entertainment.
• Education:
TV is also an important means of education.
Besides teaching people about daily life and inducing various
professionals for adopting new technologies, TV through its
educational programs, educates the masses.
Almost all the Open Universities around the world use TV to
make extended schooling possible.
PTV-2 is a special channel for education in Pakistan. Allama
Iqbal Open University uses this channel for teaching its
Television as a Propaganda Tool
• Television, like other media, gives small doses of persuasion
masquerading as information.
• In the third world, this electronic medium is almost in
government control or this phenomenon is more common, So
it also plays a role as a propaganda tool.
Television as a Cultural Transmitter
• It also performs as cultural transmitter.
• With television in our homes, we are no longer in our home
or communities alone but are exposed to the cultures of so
many other people.
• We are entertained by shows, we love to watch, we laugh at
things, we find funny and comical in the TV program, we are
• We also love to dance and sing along with celebrities.
• Improve memory and easy learning.
• We usually take note of the time schedule for our favorite
programs, especially if it is only shown once or twice a week.
• Powerful effective learning tool.
• For children it is easier to learn Math's, Science, Alphabets and
other subject.
• Educational TV shows are available for children to watch and
• Helps Individuals suffering from social isolations.
• In this busy, expensive life, television is an easy and cheep source
of entertainment.
• By watching international news, we keep information and up-to-
date with breaking news around the world.
• Several shows and channels (Like PBS and Discovery) offer
educational programs that can increase our knowledge and make
us more aware of the world around us.
• Some shows can motivate people who are interested in that field
and help them to pursue their dreams.
• Crime and violence are frequently depicted on television and may
have negative effects on impressionable children.
• Children who see violent acts are more likely to display
aggressive or violent behavior and also believe that the world is a
scary place and that something bad is going happen to them.
• Watching too much television is not good for health. Studies have
shown that there is a correlation between watching television and
• Television makes us anti social, taking the place of family and
• It’s a waste of time.
• There’s nothing good on, anyway. With hundreds of channels
available, viewers can spend hours just flipping channels trying to
find something worthwhile.
• Some people take television seriously.
• Television often uses stereotypes that can wrap the watcher’s
perception of the world.
• Television can ruin your relationships.
• Definition
• Introduction
• History of Film
• Purpose of Film
• Advantages
• Disadvantages
• A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a story
conveyed with moving images. It is produced by recording
photographic images with cameras using animation
• Film is also a mass medium. It had its hey days before the
invention of television. In nineteen thirties and early forties it
was a mass entertainment medium. In Pakistan nineteen
seventies and early eighties people still used to go to cinemas
for entertainment. However, later on the trend changed and at
present TV, especially the growth of home videos have over
shadowed this medium for entertainment purposes.
• Race Horse was the first Film ever, produced in 1878 by
Edward Muybridge.
• The first Pakistani movie was released in 1948 from Lahore,
which was named as “Teri Yaad”.
Purpose of Films

• Although most of films still have a basic entertainment thirst,

two other factors in film making are becoming evident:
1. A distinctly persuasive information orientation in industrial
or commercial films.
2. A self-conscious role as social critic in the so-called popular
movies that typically play to smaller, more selective audience.
• Entertainment: Movies are a source of popular entertainment.
From the moment we watching a movie, we are transformed into
a new world where our mind is at ease, it forgets everything and
is concentrated at watching.
• Socializing Activators: Films are social activators, they allow
even unknown people to mix with each other. We all see movies
and it is a common factor amongst us.
• A Lesson of Teamwork: A movie is a collaborative work; it
requires actors, cinematographers, directors, make-up artists,
writers, visual effects specialists, technicians, and others.
• Movies Stir Our Imagination: The weirdest, the most extreme,
the most unbelievable things are shown in movies.
• Showcase of World’s Art and Culture: Many of the customs
and traditions of different parts of the world are shown in movies.
• Films Educate Us: Films are a platter of various disciplines, they
show us history, culture, science, technology, politics and lot
• Art Form: Films are a Universal Art Form, a platform where you
can express and communicate your thoughts or emotions.
• Movies are Mirrors to Society: Films are inspired from our
daily lives whether partially or fully is another story.
• Films Inspire Us: Films inspire us in more than ways that we can
imagine. Some profound inspirations are given to us by
inspirational movies.
• Movies Profess Violence: There is no denying that movies today
are more violent than ever before.
• Establish False Notions: Some movies portray certain subjects
or themes in a way which is far from real.
• Wastage of Money and Time: Majority of the movies are not
really worth watching but still, we watch them.
• No Respect for Law and Order: Heroes shooting at cops,
assassinators killing presidents and villains raping women all
have one thing in common, lawlessness.
• Larger than Life Characters: Once again it is the young mind
which is unable to distinguish reality from fiction.
• Addiction to Movies: Addictions come in many forms and one
of them is that of movies. Many amongst us suffer from
complexities of life and instead of finding a real-life solution.

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