Introduction To Pipe Stress Analysis-Sam Kannappan-1986

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Sam Kannappan, P.E.

Tennessee Valtey Authority
Knoxville, Tennessee

New York. Chichester. Brisbane. Toronto. Singapore
Cop~Tight © 1986 by John Wiley &. Sons. loc.
All rights rescrv~d. Published simultaneously in Canada.
Reproduction or tn.nslation of any part of this work
beyond that permitted by S«tiorl 101 or 108 of the
1976 United States Cop)Tighl Act without the penni'SSion
of 1he ~,.hl owner is unla'Nful. Requests for
pcnnis.~ Of rurthe~ information shoukl be addrcsst:d to
the Pennissions Oepanmenl. John Wiky .&. Sons, Ine.

LfII".,y of e-,ras C.tGto,'fI, ... rubllcan- ChI",:

Kannappan, Sam.
InlrOdvction to pipe stress anal)'5is.
"A Wiley:interscience publication."
Indudes index.
1. Pipc lines-Design and consltuction.
2. Strains and streSses. I. Tide.
TJ930.KJ23 1986 621.8'672 85-17873
ISBN 0-47t-8IS89~

Prinled in the United States of America

Copyright © 19S6 by J.. . .i'm Wiley &. Sons. Inc.
All rights rcsen..ed. Pul:>listled simultaneously in Canada.
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the Pennissions rk'panment. John Wilcy &: Sons. Ine.

Ubnuy 41/ c.lIJ'l'(D C.f4IO!I., hi PublkDtio. D4w:

Kannappan. Sam.
Introdueticn to pipe stres£ an2.l)''Si'S.
MA Wjley.inte~ience publication."
Includes inde:lI;.
1. Pipe lines-Desi@.n and c::onstruc::tion.
2. Strains and stresses. I. Title.
TJ930.K323 1986 621.8'672 85-17873
ISBN G-471-81589-6
Printed in the United States o( America

Forces and Moments 6n a Piping System
Static and Dynamic Loads 4
Piping Specification 7
Explanation of Terms Related to Pipe Supports 11
The Guided Cantilever Method 12
Comparison of Simplified Analysis Methods 14

Calculation of Minimum Wall Thickness of a Pipe 22
Reinforcements for Welded Branch Connections 29

Span Limitations 34
Natural Frequency 35
Drainage 37
Guide Spacing for \lVind Loading 46
Design Rules for Pipe Suppor1S 47
Internal Pressure and Longitudinal Stresses 50
Petroleum Refinery Piping Code Requirements
for Formal Analysis 53
Inplane and Outplane Bending Moments 55
Stress Intensification Factors 56
Miter Bends 63
Contents Ix
viii Contents
Effect of Pressure on Stress Intensification
and Flexibility Factors 66 Design loads and Service Limits 171
Stresses in a Piping System 72 Flexibility and Stress Intensification Factors 171
Cold Spring 76 Analysis for Class 2 Piping Stress Evaluation 182
Natural Frequency 183 ,-
5 EXPANSION LOOPS AND EXPANSION JOINTS 82 Piping Systems 10 Be Analyzed 183
Expansion Loops 82 Useful Hints in Piping Design 185
Stresses and loads in loops 85 Computer Modeling 186
Expansion Joints 92 Initial Anchor" and -Supp6rt"-Movement~-··187
Types of Expansion Joints 95 Modeling of Piping Elements 190
Pressure Thrust Force 96
6 FlANGED JOINTS 101 Al. Total Thermal Expansion for Metals 202
Nomenclature 102 A2. Modulus of Elasticity for Metals 210
External Moments 102 A3. Allowable Stresses in Tension for Materials 212
Comparison of Allowable and Actual Moments 103 A4. Properties and Weights of Pipe 226
A5. Sample Calculations for Branch Reinforcement 236
local Stress Calculation Using WRC 107 Bulletin 109 INDEX 243
Rotational Spring Rate for C.ylindricalVessel 1'8


Piping Connected to Steam Turbines 123
Piping Connected to Centrifugal Compressors 128
Piping Connected to Centrifugal Pumps 128
Piping Yield Method 130


Valves 132
Analysis for Reaction. Forces Due
to Valve Discharge 136
Aluminum Piping 139
Copper Anoy Pipe 141
UndergrOUnd Piping 144
External Pressure Design 155
Vessels Under External Pressure 158
Jacketed Pressure Piping System 160
Metric Units 165
~terial Behavior at Elevated Temperature 165
Refractory Lining 167


Pipc stress analysis provides the necessary technique for engineers to design
piping systems without ovcrstressing and the piping componenl'"
:md connected equipment. The following terms from applied mechanics are
hriefly discussed (not defined) here to familiarize the engineer with them.


FOR.CE: The force is a vector quantity with th~ directiohand magnitude of

the push (compression). rull (lcnsion). or shear effects.
MOMENT: Moment is a vector quantity with the direction and magnitude of
twisting and hcnding dfccts.

Forces and moments acting on the piping system due to different types of
loadings. such as thermal expansion and dead weight. wilt be: discus~d lall:r
in detail.
Stress is Ihe force per unit area. This change in lenglh divided by the
original length is called strain.

Stress-Strain Curve for Ductile and Nonductile Material

For a ductile material, such as ASTM A53 Grade B. the stress-strain curve is
given in Figure 1.1. Until the proportional limit is reached, variation of stress
in the material with respect to strain follows a straight line. Hooke's law
defines the slope as Young's modulus of elasticity E. Ultimate tensile slress is
the highest stress Ihe material can withstand. Yield strength is the point on

2 Pipe Stress Arullysis Forces and Moments on • Piping System 3
_ _-«_'.:.,":-Sile strength Common Pip1ng Materials

A list of common piping materials under se\"cre cyclic conditions is given

Failure next (reference 1):
..",. .,
Yield s~rength
Pipe for Severe Cyclic Conditions
PIOPQftionallimit Only the following pipe" shall be used under severe cyclic conditions:

1 Allowable (temperature < lOO"F)

<al C4,bon St<d Pipe

API 5L. Seamless

Allowable /temperature at BOO-F)
API 5L. SA\\'. Factor (E) 0.95 or greater
API 5LX 42. Seamless
{lO-3 i~.!jflJ API 5LX 46, Seamless
flGURE 1.1 Typical stress-strain curve for duccile material (ASTM A53 Gnde B). API 5LX 52. Seamless
ASTM A53, Seamless
ASTM A333. Seamless
the curve at which any further strain will cause permanent deformations 10 ASTM A369
stressed elements. Allowable stress is the yield strength divided by factor of ASTM A3~j. Factor (E) 0.90 or greater
A typical i ll curve for a nonductile material like ca:.;;t iron is
ASTM A671. Factor (E) (l.~0 or greater
given in Figure 1.2. The stress-strain diagram for a given piping material
shmV5 the limitations on stress to avoid permanent deformation or r!..!pture. ASTM A672. F:.u:tor (El <l.90 or greater
ASTM A691. Factor (El 0,90 or greater

(h) Low and Intermediale Alloy SleeJPipe

/,.;,m. ASTM
A333. Seamless
A426, Factor (El 0.90 or ~rea'er
ASTM A671, Factor (E) 0.90 or ~rea'er
x Yield strength ASTM A672. Factor (E) 0.90 or ~reater
AsT"M A691, Factor (E) 0.90 or greate,

(c) Stainless Steel Alloy Pipe

ASTM A268. Seamless

ASTM A312. Seamless
nGURE 1.1 Typical strcss-strain curve (or nonductilc material (cast iron).
• From ANSIJASME 831.3. Section :\05.23. 1980 edition.
Pipe Stress Analysis Static and Dynamic loads 5

ASTM AJ5K Fa~lOr (E) 0.90 or greater Live loads under weight effect include weight of content. snow, and ice loads.
Dead loads consist of weight of piping valves, flanges, insulation, andothec
superimposed permanent loads.
ASTM A4JO Dynamic loadings include:
ASTM A45J. Factor (El 0.90 or greater
I. Impact forces.
(d) Copper and Copper Alloy Pipe
2. Wind.
ASTM B42 3. Seismic loads (earthquake).
ASTM 8466 4. Vibration.
5. Discharge loads.
(e) Nickel and Nickel Allo)' Pipe

ASTM BI61 Piping Material Properties

ASTM BI67 Tilt-mUll effects include thermal loads that arise when free thermal expansion
ASTM B407 or contr<.lction is prevented by supports or anchors. loads due to temperature
gr:Jdienls in thick pipe walls. and loads due to difference in thermal
(f) Aluminum Alloy Pipe coctHt:ients of materials as in jacketed piping. The coefficient of Unear
('xIHlnsiml of a ~lid is defined as the increment of length in a unit length for a

ASTM B21O, Tempef' 0 and H112 change in Icm~n.Hure of onc degr('C'. The unit i~ microinches per inch per of.
Th\.· unit for Ih(" mean \.·odlic..·icrn of thcrm:!l expansion between 7tfF
ASTM 8214, Tempers 0 and HI12
iill:--t"l1alinn h"l1l~ralurc) and thc ~ivcn tcmperature is given as inches of
exr;lOsionrcr 100 ft tlf pipe IC'1gth in Tah!e A I of Appendix (values are from
For mcchanicaI properties and chemical composition of c3l,:h onc of Ihe
ASME B~ 1.3 Piping Code). To t."\\IWcrt from inch/inchrF to inch/lOOft. the
ahove materials, see ASTM standards (reference 2).
followinJ; rchllilln may he lIsed:
. Special piping materials include inconel. hastelloy. zirconium. and :lIu-
mmum alloys. ~Iection o:f a specific material depends upon the process
Expallsion c(~ttit:i nl (in./ I (10 h)
temperature a~d Its .c~rrOSton properties. Sizing of the piping depends uron
volume flow with mllllmum flow friction (reference 8). = (codlici nt) x 12 x 100 (design temp. - installation temp.) (L 1)

}'OIIIII:'J m(I(Julus Of modulf4S of daSlidt)' E is unit stress divided by unit

STATIC AND DYNAMIC LOADS slrain. f"or mtlSt structural m.ttcrials the modulus of elasticity for compres... i,m
is the same· as for tension. Value of E decreases with an increase in
Loadings affecting
, the .piping sYStem
can be class,"fied as"pnmary
" and lemperaturc. Tahle A2 of Appendix gh"cs E \'alues for piping materials ftlr
~ondary. Pnrnary loadlOg occu~ ~r?m sustained loads like, dead wei hI. the normal temperature range. The ratio of unit lateral contraction 10 unit
Primary loads are called non-self hmutng loads. An example or dl!
" (Ifl""" )" asecon .ry axial elongation is called Poisson's ratio. Codes a1l9w a value of 0.3 to be
I..oad109 se Imltmg . . IS a thennal
.• expansion
..•• load Beeause "dOff '
I erent plpmg "
used a1all temperatures for all metals,
",odes define the plpmg quahficatlon Cntena III slightly different h
code will be addressed separately later. way. eac
Static loadings include: SI'ECIFI{" GRAVITY: The specific gr~vity of a solid or liquid is the ratio of
the mass of an equal volume of water at some standard temperature
(physicists use 3tJ"F and engineers use 600F). The specific gravity of
I. Weight effect (live loads and dead loads)"
gases is usually expressed in terms of hydrogen and air; it is a numher
2. Thennal expansion and contraction effects.
wilhout a unit.
3. Effects of support, anchor, and tenninal movements. DENsrrv: The density p is the maSS per unit volume of the fluid. The unit is
4. [nternal or external pressure loading. Ib/in. 3 For example. density of carbon steel is O.283Ib/in. 3 See Table 1.1.
Pipe Stress Analysis P"1ping Specffication 7
T .ABLE 1.1 PoissOII's Ratio and Density of Piping Materials hot modulus Et. is permitted in calculating forces and moments at the
equipment nozzles. However, the higher value (at 700F or at installation
Density (lb/in.)) Poisson's Ratio
Material Type temperature) should be used in stress ca1culations-
Carhop steel with 0.283 0.288
tl.~% carbon err less
0.288 O.2Q2
AlJstenitic steels (SS)
Intermediate alloy steel 0.283 0.292
Piping specification is written for each service such as steam. air, oxy-
$% Cr Mo-9% Cr Mo
gen. and caustic. The specification 'contains information about piping
0.316 0.331
Brass (66% Cu-34% Zn)
Aluminum alloys 0.100 0.334
material, thickness,--rec-ommeridee:fvaiv·es.
flanges, branch connection. and
instrument connection. Figure 1:3 shows a specification for caustic service.

SPECIRC WEIGHT: The specific weight w is the weight per unit volume.
The interrelation of density and specific weight is w = gP. where g is An 8 in. pipe needs a pipe with thickness of 80 schedule (which allov.'S for
acceleration due to gravity. Ain. corrosion allowance and maximum internal pressure of 100 psig up to
150c F) with a bevel-edged A53 Grade B seamless. The gtobe valve used is
Ta?te 1.1 gives values of Poisson's ratio and density for common piping crane 351! (reference I in Chapter 9). The flanges are of 150psi pressure
matenaL rating with raised face and weld neck slip on type. The material of the flange
is A-IUS (per sl..mdard ANSI B1(5). The requirement for the branch
connection (here wdd~lIct or ted is given On the branch connection table.
For an ~ in. header ..I ~ in. hr:IIKn. ~hc weldolet is req~ircd for given
internal pres~un~. The pre:-.-sllfc ..tIld temperature conditions in the pipeline
I. Find the linear thermal expansion (in./l00 ft) belween 70 and 31J2"'F fur should always be within (in-sidc the hatched line) the pressure-temperature
carbon steel. Coefficient for 375°F = ::!.48 in./IOO h (values from Ap-
curve ~ivcn in the specitication.
pendix Table A I).
Coefficient for 4(XrF = 2.70 in./1 00 ft
Difference per degree in expansion = {:?.7 - 2.481/25 = O.OOSg Flexibility
By linear interpolation, expansion for
392'~' ~ 2.48 + (392 -375)(0.0088) Piping systems !'hould have sutlicient flexihilit)' so thac thermal expansion or
contraction or movcmenl~ of supports and terminal poinls wilt not cause:
~ 2.63 in./100ft

24 Find the modulus of elasticity for austenitic steel at (a) - 'OO°F (h) 7(rF 1. Failure of piping or support from ovcrstress or fatigllc.
and (cl 625"F. -. . 2. Leakage at joints.
Eat 200"F= 29.9 x Io-psi (read from Appendix Table A2) 3. Detrimental stresses Hr distortion in piping or in connc<"tcG cquipmcn(
E at 7O"F = 28.3 x 10- psi (pumps, vessels; or valves, for exampre) resulting from excessive
E7~:2S'F"'ShOUld be interpolated between values of 6(..\{¥'F and thrusts or moments in the piping.
Eat 600"F= 25.4 x 10-
E for 700"F~24.8 x 10-
E for 625°F is 25.4-25«25.4-24.8)/100)=25.4-0 15~25 25x
1~_ .. Aexibility denotes the measurement {)( the presence o( necessary piping
length in the proper direction. The purpose of piping flexibility analysis is to
produce a piping layout that d.uses neither excessive stresses nor excessive
end reactions. To achieve this, layout should not be stiff. It is also not
desirable to make the system unnecessarily flexible because this requires
Note that the E value decreases with increase in temperature Lower excess materials, thus increasing initial cost. More length with many bends
values of Young's modulus means that the flexibility is higher.' Use of increases pressure drop. which increases operating cost.
. :\.', .

" "',.:,
hrane'" Cnnneclx-
In,. 'Pipln. pi.,
0In0< Ch«k FIllln8s Rledueed
II~ Sin

I .........
~h 160
ASTM A-106 OR 8
V·DOCS 11~ pi v·lour I~OI1llI V.IJCNY IIIlMI('K1 ,Will J'lIi !lCrl."WfiI
Screwed .11 Iron ~r('wed III Iron MI crane 3,I"'j
Crane .4lWi Crane )~5~
(ilU;kel unllln Slel'1
screwed tee
Slrllilt ht
'I '" I
2 se."" VOOCC 1t'",1 \I·IIOllt) 12:\r~i V·Il<'lIZ 1.'!.'I'~i 1~lll ...i fnisell fnc\!

seh KO hUll w~ltI Illn.lIl1l1 11' shl.lwn In 2
wilhhevel FF In jrM n'-RUi",n n:lltlimn 1-111"l1-e A!'iTM ASTM A·23-1 smallH tllhle helnw
('dSed ".~) OR n CUM .4'~~ ('rllM .\~IJ Crane .\,." A Ill.' W('h1 ned.
•• Stllmlus ~lil' "" I,!kCCr'
Scllmle!i.\ ;l00l1 pi! threadulel

2 in. alltlltlrl!cr
31 Ihlinll~ ~ee tllh1c
III ....,. l~'lc 1 hcl"w
- - -Temper.turI!
- - -rnnM'C1101R
------------ fres~ure COnnl'l'li"n~
CD VenllUl\l draim Orifice 3UCmNy

. - 31'1 In, bill slock

n..-::- 314 in. TOl
.~- - - ;t;3- 112 in.
3/4· :( 3 in. TRE_
li"(!~ 3 ,n, and lalll:l'f lTyp-2) '\ Flow-.-
3/4 in. Y-BOCB ~t

In~uurnl'nl;I1i"n 11I11l'~: 3/4 in. SCRO cap PiPin.!.!}-

In~lru"'l'"I;llinn l'''nnCl·li''n~
~re lYrin11 ll,'hin~: Ins!r.
J\ I'l.l <Ht 1i·7 1'1I1~" :tIKlJl~i rai~d fnce \\Odd ~ck orifice
~ll'd slutl hllll~ wilh n~n!te with screwed lars
~A·I"4 (jR~ -H hc~,'y linl'~ :! in. and larger
hl'~. n\ll~. Nule I
(i;l~ken: \J.;. in. ullesloS
lull lal'c
Lines 2 in, and lar~er,

• •

N"'es: 300 1 I I I I i I I I
1. lle"-' len~lhs IIntl nllnlln r'C'r ANSI nl(l"~ ~ltI
:!. lke le!kMI tape lro terem cl'Innec-hlln\
.l. PI"l heM lreat all welds 200 psig

-I. Nn hraloS allowed in llU('ttl:h WilIer line
OCI 200 165 PSill'
Ilrl'nch conn«tion InNe;
W weldlolel T lec •il. 300 of

~ 100,1 I I I I I ~ I I

r-~; ~ ~~ l,~· 11,

,. w

"r ;. \\" ~ ~
o lOO 200
Temperature OF

,.l·~ W w1w *"


('od.: I1 JI.3

It;lllng 125 !'Si ('lIthon sleel Service

Caustic, Sloo!te firing
SlaS. Quench waler Spec. Nil.

FIGURE 1.3 Typical piping sJ'lCdfication.

Explanation of Terms Related to Pipe Supports 11
Pipe StresS Analysis
FleXible piping

Stiff piping
FIGURE 1.6 Piping w;th expansion joint.
Equipment 1

FIGURE 1.4 Flexible and stiff piping.

Figure 1.4 shows examples of stiff and flexible piping. When a piping is +
subjected to change in temperature and if the pipe is not restrained from
expansion. no stresses are developed and the pipe just expands or contraCIS. FIGURE 1.7 Leg provided by turning equipment.
When the pipe is restrained. stresses and forces of eonsidenlhle magnitude
are created. For example. at a refinery near Houston, Texas. when twO axial
pressure thrust calculation) or the equipment may be turned by 90 degrees
restraints were present in a straight steam line (see Fig. 1.13). thc bcndin~ of
and thus pro\'ides the leg. to absorb the expansion. as shown in Figure 1.7.
a large support frame and the failure of a pipe at the shoc-pipe weld area
When a piping system I;ack~ built-in changes in direction. the engineer
occurred. should con~i<ier adding ftexihility by one or more of the following means:
The thermal force that is developed when hoth ends of ;'1 hot piping. arc
bends. loops or offsets. swi\'e1 joints. corrugated pipe. expansion joints of the
restrained is enormous and is also indcp~ndcnl of the lcn~th-(lf piping.
hcllows or slip joint type, or other devices permitting angular. rotational. or
axial movements. Expansion joints and expansion loops will he discussed in
Themlal force = E(strain due 10 Cxp:lIl"itmIt nll:tal ;lfl..' ;t) (1.2)
detail in Chapter 5.
Calculate the force dc\'eloped in a to in. seh ~O('arhon steel pipe A~3 Grade
B subjected to 20(fF from an installation temperature of 7ctF. ANCHOR: A rigid rcstr<lint providing substantially full fixity for three

The metal area of a 10 in. sch 40 pipe is 11,9 sq in. (Appendix T.thle A-H. translations and rotations ahout the three reference axes. A large
The expansion coefficient at 2000F is O.9Y in-fIOO h (Appendix Tahk AI). number in the order of I ()l~ Ih/in. is assumed for translational stiffness. in
the digital computer programs to simulate the fixity, The deta}1s of a
E= 27.9 x 10· psi (Appendix Taole A21 structural anchor may he ohtained from each company's pipe SUr~\ft
to 0.99
F=EaA=27.9xlO x l00xl1 xl19
units: ~ .. I~) in.: = Ih1
In.· \111.
BRACE: A device primaril\' intt::nded to resi!ot displacement of the piping
\ due to the action of anv forces other than those due to thermal expan!oion
=273,9081b or to gravity. Note thai with this definition. a damping device is da!osified
as a kind of brace.
The l.ayo~t o.f a pipin~ s~t~,m provides inherent flexibility throut;h CONSTANT.EFFORT SUPPORT; A ~upport capable of applying a relatively
changes 10 direction. The suff plpmg systems.hown in Figure 1.4 can be made constant force at any displacem~nt within its useful operating range
flexible in diff~rent ways, Fi~ure. 1:5 shows the inclusion of an expansion loop (e.g._ counterweight or compensating spring device).
if space penmts. AI1 expansKln Jomt (Fig. 1.6) may be added (see Eq. 5.4 for DAMPING DEVICE: A dashpot or otlier frictional device that increases the
damping of a syst~m_ offering high resistance against rapid displace-
ments caused by dynamic loads while pennining essentially free move-
ment under very gradually applied displacements (e.g., snuhber).
HA!"IGER: A support by which piping is suspended from a structure. and so

FIGURE 1.5 Piping w;lh expansion loop. on, and whicb functions by carrying the piping load in tension.
12 Pipe Stress Analysis
The Guided Cantilever Method 13
LIMIT STOI': A device that restricts translatory movement to a limited
amount in onc direction along any single axis. Paralleling the various _":--:1 .>,.
stofY.' therc m~IY also be double-acting limit stops, two-axis limit stops,
.md so on.
RE:-;II.TI~N"'" Surt'ORT: A suppon that includes onc or marc largely elastic
~~====.:-=--=---,---+I '
" I
members (e.g... spring). I
RESTING OR SUOING SUPPORT: A device providing support from beneath
the riping hut offering no resistance other than frictional to horizontal
"'L >

RESTRAINT: Any device that prevents, resists, or limits the free movement FIGURE 1.t! Guided cantilever approximation.
of the piping.
RlCilf) (SO!.lJ)l SUPPORT: A suppc:rt providing stiffness in at least one
direction. which is comparable m that of the pipe.
STOI': A dc\'ice that permits rotation but prevents translatory movement in rlane system under (he guided cantilever approximation. as shown in Figure
.It least onc direction along any desired axis. If translation is prevented in I.X. The deflection capacity of a cantilever under this assumption can he
hoth directions along the same axis. the term double-acting stop is given hy Eq. I.~ (refercnce ~):
prcferahly applied. Stop is also known as "Bumper:'
SlWI'ORT: A device used specifically to sustain a portion of weight of the
a=• I-I-IL'S
A ( 1.3)
ripin~ sY!'tem plus any superimposed vertical loadirigs. I' . 3£D,.
TWO.AXIS STOI': A device which pre\'ents translat<Jr~' movemenl in one
dirc<..'ti~l1\ :don!! e:Kh of two axes.
where fj. = pcnnis~ihlc del\cl..·tinll. inches
S" = ;tllowahlc stress range. rv.-i (given b~ Eq...L 1I
Once.t cumplctc (weight. thermal plus pressure, and thernml pluS: pressure
L = len~th of lc~ nceded to ahsorh the expan~ion. feet
plus weight) analysis of the piping system has been conducted. support
D.. = oU1sid..: Jiam<.'tcr of pipe. inches.
modifications <:an be made vcry eas.ily.
The limitations nf the guided c:'lntilever method are:
When a pipe line movcs as a result of thermal expansion, it is necessary
that flexible hangcrs he provided that support the piping system throughout
its thermal cycle. Three types of hangers are generally employed: I.The SySI~nl Ims only '\I.'t) terminal point5- and it is composed of straight
legs of <I pipe with uniform size and t~.".ickness and square C(lmer
1. Rigid support or rod hangers that supposedly prevent any movement
along the axis of the hangcr. Rod hange~ are used when the free intersections.
thermal deftections ar~ small enough so that their restraint of move- 0 All legs :lrc p'lrallcl to the coordinate axes.
ment does not produce excessive reactions in the piping system. 3. Thermal expansion is .Ihsorbed only lly legs in ;:t pcrp<.'ndicul;lf

2. Variable support or spring hangers provide a supporting force equ.d direction.
to hot load (reference 6) while allowing deflection. .. ~. The amount of therm..,1 expansion that a given leg can absorb is
3. Constant support or c:onstant effon hangers that provide an essen- inversely proportional 10 its sliff~ss. Because the legs are of identical
tially constant supportmg fo.-ce throughout the thermal cycle. ldeally~ crQSs SC/;!!Ol!. !heir stiffness will vary according to the inverse value oi
constant support hangers do not restrain the free movement of the the cube of their lengthS.
system and therefore do not increase the piping stresses. 5. In accommodating thermal expansion. the legs act as guided can-
tilevers, that is, they are subjected to bending under end displace-
THE GUIDED CANTILEVER METHOD ments~ however. no end rotation is permitted, as shown in Figure 1.8.

One.of the simplified methods piping design is known as the guided As a further refinement of this method, a correction factor that allows for
cantilever method, because deflections are assumed to OCcur in a single- reducing the bending moment~ due to the rotation of the leg adjacent to the
one considered, can be used (reference 3).
Compill"ison of Simptified Analysis Methods 15
Pipe StresS AfUllysis
~_ _...::20:.f::.f_ _---l!i~ ~ l~ in.
1. Tube turns (reference 5)
2. ITT Grinncll (reference 6)
3. M. W. Kellog.g (reference 3)

4. Digital computer solution including bend flexibility factors. (refer-
ence 7)
" Anchor with initial movement. 5. Digital computer ~olution using square cvrner approa.:.:h (not includ-
ing the bend flexihility)

Table 1.2 includes the range of diameters (6-24 in.). wall thickness. and
ErDmplt' moment of inertia J used in the calculations. Table 1.3 shows the configura-
tion of 3 U loop <expansion loop) an L shape, and a Z shape. The maximum
Calculate leg L required for t.he two anchor problem and force P given in bending. stress is also g.iven for each method.
Figure 1.9. I:igure 1.1(1 shows the variation (If bendlngstrcss with area moment of
Pipc outside diameter = 4! in.; thickness == 0.237 in. inertia I ror the loop. Here t was selected instead of diameter because 1 also
Expansion coefficient = 4 in./lOO (t indudcs the dfcet or wall thickness. As can be seen the Grinnel1 method
Stress range == S... == 15.000 psi g.iycs \'cry hig,hly (,:Ol\scrv:ttivc results. Expansion loops arc further discussed
Cold modulus == 27.9 x 106 psi
in Chapter S.
Deflection b. = I~ +10(4/100) = 2.3 in. Fig.l.m..' 1.11 ~h()ws the v:lri.ltion of bending stress for the L shape. The
Rearran1!.ing Eq. I.:' (g.uided cantilever method): K(.:lItl~i!- meth(-J givcs high.;:r stress ,"alues. Figure 1.12 demonstrates the
\ :.Irl:t1l01l tll hcnJiut! :strc:-.:-. with l\ltlOlcnt of inertia for the Z shape. The
1= 13ED"~= 13 x 27.9 X I0· X 4.5 x 2.3 20.03lt Ji.t!.ital I,.'omputcr ;-;ollltial1 Il~:illg EZFLEX computer program gives lower
- \J 1445, V 144(15.000) num~rs. which is undcn;tandah1c because lhc other methods are meant to be
" moment PL ('l)n~:~r\':ttj\,c.The Kellog method is di~cllssed in detail in Chapter 5 (Eqs. 5.1
B end 109 stress = Sb =- -
- =22
- and ~31.

. 1 \4.5 + 4.5 - 2(o.237l1

Meanradlusr=:; 2 =2.13in. TABLE 1.2 I"ipe SiJ'.es Used in Comparison o( Simplified Methods
, ~

Z = section modulus = -nr(thickness) = 1J'(2.13)1(U.237) = 3.3~ in."' Modulus

Moment of of
Force P = 25.2 = 2(15.000)(3.38) 421.81l> I'ip".: O.D. In:-.idc Wall In~rtia 1 SeC-lion Z.
L 20.03(12) Thickness (in..') (in:')
tin.1 SdI Di.n1lClcr

0.280 28.14 8.50

fl.625 4" 6.tl25
7.'YNI 0.332 72.50 !6.81
2(1 W.250 0.250 113.70
12.()()(I 0.375 279.30 43.80
Results obtained from other simplified methods and the digital computer 12.75 Sld.
0.316 314.30 44.90
aided. piping analysis are compared .here. Ho~ever. each method is not fully 14.00 20 13.376
explamed because the references give a detailed explanation and they also 0.375 562.10 70.30
16,()() Std. 15.250
need charts and graphs for their solution. 0.312 678.00 75.51
18.(81 20 17.376
To understand the differences between each of the methods results for 0.375 1114.00 111.4
:!O.Oo Std. 19.250
three problems (Table 1.3) for range of diameters 6-24 in. are pre'sented here 0.375 1943.0 161.9
24.fK) Std .. 23.25
(reference 4).
TABLE 1.3 Complrl1on .of Maximum RcncUn1t Str~s!l from l)fffcrenl Methods. p!IIl

W'l ~ '1 ,
20 !l

d40ft~'· i
20 It

~~J )--IOII-! ~'5ft---.t

Pipc Si:t.c , In 14
'" ~.l
, III ,-, ,. 24
• '2 le, :w 24

en seh
", 2<> 20 20 10 .1\1 20 ~Il 211 211 .\0 Std. SIlL Sltl. Std.

Precise 11,052 LJ.367 17,167 [i),1\)4 211.1)26 '~.264 2J,016 19ym J6,O~4 43,UIK 1O,K05 12,5(,l) [:'I.Rh4 I(,.KnJ [9,551\
Sqmm:: Ii.N? 10,914 14,IM, IK.112 2J,K'I! 1(,.".1'1 !h,n7 1.\,1~'1 ·11..'77 ~O.'i.~! 11.12'1 1(,,1150 1'I,fI:!1 .2.\.5.17 2('.')'ll-i
Tube lunt~ 11.7t1! 1').25Cl 111,5."1 ~ 2,ft"" 22 .•':I,li Ih,lh.'\ .1.1,01'.'" ".s.:'" .'i2,1·12 ... ·1.7.~O \(,,590 20,7m 21.5."11 22.2115 2.!.t1JK
Grinnell 17,1120 41,-'50 52,lol.l1 l< 1,1711 115.lI7/\ H>,JH !('A.J." J·U4.1 ·l·l.ll?-l ,"2,O(IJ 2",21 (, 50AIJ 2:!..27:! 27.(lMI :\.'.2XX
Kellogg 7.x~o lU.2.111 165.'K ~ 1.-'~1 ~~ ..I' 1 11.X.lII
~(l.JX~ .17 .~:~.1 ·HUI5 lU'-13


;; ;;; ,- -, M N
Bl!nding Slres~


• • • •

W W ~ ~
'" ~ 00 w N
~ 0
'" ~ ~

gL ~
;; •
'" "8
~ • 8'-
,.,- l§.-
~ ~

• , •
~ ~" -
'" g
.~ ~~
, • n o •


t, r;
" ~ ..,
(, to. 2
". <.

~ M
"': ~;

0 ~. ~
~RI ~
N ~~
. _~61
• i
Exercises 19

xW" KeUogg
"" 371-
3' I '" ~(~ _ irl
61 Grinnell 64 e •
Tube tUfns t ~
Comp. square caloer

t5 tt
SQuare corner

"i!! ..........
_ _- ----- Precise computer

m ///

31 / AnchOl'




" 10 tt

= ....:..
64 (0'(- -

tlGllRE 1.11 Bendins. stress in Z-shaped piping.


13 1. (a) Find 10131 cxpan~ion for intermediate alloy steel (5er Mo through
<) er Mol pipc al tempcralUre> of (I) -SS"F. (2) 431"F, (3) lS72"F. If the
800 1200 1600 2000 2200 h::mpcratun; ~i\'cn is out of nmge for the material, suggest suitable
malcri;tl et)f that tcmpa<ttur..:-. Consider len.!Zth of 120 ft.
nGURE 1.11. Iknding Slres5 in !.-shaped piping.. (h) Find for ;;llIstcnitic steel th~ following a~ installation temperature:
Cl) Y(\UI1~'s modulus
ClPoisson's ratio
(~) Density.
(d Calculate c1ongati~ll1 in 132 ft of pipe made of carbon steel
suhjt:cted to 645°F.
2. {a} Find E values -ror low chrome ,steel at -l1SOf', 7(jF~ and 800"F.
Explain the effect or temperature on E value.
(h) Find cold and hot stresses for ASTM A53 Grade B pipe at 700F and
~25"F. .
3. Calculate the thermal force developed in the piping that is fixed at both
ends as shown in Figure 1.13. It consists of an 8 in. sch 40. carbon steel
pipe with operating temperature 300°F. Use Eq. 1.2.

n = coeflkient of thermal expansion at 32<rF = 1.82 in.! I no ft

References 21
Pipe Stress Analvs is
ill t§
nGURE 1.13 Thermal force.
FIGURE '.11 Calcula.tion of force and moment at anchor.

FIGURE 1.14 Unequal legs piping wilh L-shape.

Calculate the ~trc~s nf the layout in Figure 1.14. It consists of a to in. seh
40. carbon steel pill<: of AS3 Gra~e B material at 500°F.
1 l14io

"' 1,>'------<

= 211.000 psi
\ J~
S•. Sh= 17,250 psi

5. A lOin. seh 40 c:trooo steel pipe with AS3 Grade B m<.ttcriul has a d',." ~ _--------+--~;_J.
temperature of :?O<fF. The allowable stress S~ = 5/1 = ::!(I.000 psi. Cal- ~011

culate kg L nceded in Figure 1.15.

6. Two equipment n()7~Jes ha\c thermal movement and la\"(\ut <IS shown in
Figure 1.16. \\'h:ll will he the length C? .
hl!":\ (, in. SI.."h -HI carl'k\1l sl.:d pipe AS3 Grade B, the linear exp3nsion
The carhnll ste...d pip'-' ha" :\ nominal di:.tnl,·h~r ("If:..; in and et: =
IS .' in. J\lIow;\hk ~In~~s r:tIl~c S,\ := 2:-;.000 psi.
1.82 in./l00 ft.
K A. \'':~~..:l ha~ an Cl\'cra~c (}pc:r:t1ing. temperature of 500°F. With a line from
5..\ = : X,OOO psi E=27.~x 10'" psi
Ihe \'cs~l nozzle g.llil1~ l():1ll equipment as shown in Figure I.IB. wlpt
7. Two vessels arc connected hy piping as shown in Figure 1.17. \\'hat is (he ~hollld 1~ Ihe '~'!
It i~ ;\ I ~ in. sc.."h .to pipe with ;t temperature t)f 400"F. The pipe is of required for Ihe Ic~'! What is the force and moment'!
A5:; (jradc..· B matcri:ll. S, := ~O.lHI() psi and Sh:= 16.350 p!>i. (In practical
c..·ase~. '- is limited hy tower hl·i~"I.)


\ - 0' '"

ANSI/AS,,"lE ID 1.J.II/~n Ch.. mic<JI1'l<Jlll Gruf Pt:rrokultl Rt:fint:'}' Piping.

l- ,- :' ASTM Annual Book of ASTM St<lndards:"" Dilfat:tU PGtfS for Difft:rt:nl MGterials,
;\ M. w. KclloU. Cksigtl of pipin" ·S)'Sftm$. Nc"" York: .
FIGURE 1.IS A Z-1'ihapcd piping with inilial anchor nKwcmcnts. 4. E,;lrcm!>. Fcrnando and S. Kannarpan. "Comparison of results from diffeTenl simpliflCd
methodS with digital computer C3ll..·ulaliorn...•
~_ Tuhc Turns Di\'ision or Chcmclrnn COI'fI. "Piping«:ring.. Line Expansion .and
_ - - -__2~O~I~I~
2.1 in.--+- :1 _

FIGURE 1.16 Detcnnination of leg required.

} tt.
lIT Grinncll Industrial Piping.. "Pirint! Oc!-ign and Eng.ineering."
EZFLEX Piping. AcxihililY Analysi,. I·fllf.ram.
Crane Company. "Row of Auid!-.'·

Calculation of Minimum Wait Thickness of • Pipe 23

where d = inside diameter = D.-21

E., = quality factor that is the product of casting quality factor Be,
CHAPTER TWO joint quality factor E;. and structural grade quality factor E,.
when applies. Values of Ec range from 0.85 to 1.0 :and depends
., ' upon Ihe method used 10 examine the casting quality (see Tahle
2.2.). Value of ~ ranges from 0.6 to 1.0 (given in Tahle 2.21»
and depends upon type of weld joint. Vah..,:s of Es may he
DESIGN OF PRESSURE Ots."uOlcd as 0.92.


CALCULATION OF MINIMUM WALL TARI.E 2.1 Values of \. Coefficient to Be Used in Eq.2.I"

"cnt~r;t1tlrl: (OF)

Piping codc~ require that the minimum thickness I.... including the al- tJoo°F ilnd t'!cltlW 'ISO 1000 1050 1150 1150 and 300"'1:
low;mcc for mechanic;11 strength. shall not be less than the thickness M:th.'rial
calculated usin~ Eq. '2.1. f'crritic st~ds 11.4 115 P.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Austcnilic sh.'d IIA tiA hA OA 0.5 0,7
PD. Cast iron 0.-1
= :!(SE., + PY)
Nonferrous mC1als 0.4

= I+A (2.1 ) "Refcrcoce ANSIIASME B~1.~. T:thk :\

where r... = minimum required wall thickness, inches

I = pressure desil;.o thickness. inches
P = internal pressure. psig
Do = outside diameter of pipe. inches
S = allowable stress at design temperature (known as hot stress). psi TARLE 2.28 Intteased Casting Quality Factor ~"
(sec Appendix Table A3)
A = allowance. additional thickness to provide for material removed Type of Supplementary Examination
in threading, corrosion, or· erosion allowance; manufacturing - - - - -0.85
tolerance (M11 should also be considered.
Surlace examinatKln to
Magnetic particle method.(2) 0.85
y = coefficient that takes material properties and design temperature
into account. For '<
d/6. values of Y are given in Table 2.1. Ultrasonic examination (3)
For temperature below 9O<rF~ 0.4 may be assumed. Type 1 and 2
Type 1 and :\ \.00
Type 2 and 3 \.00
d 'f d
y=-- 1 1;;;:'6 (2.2a)
d+D. "Refe:re:nce: ANSt/ASME 831.3. Table 302.3.3c.
24 Design of Pressure Components Calcul.tion mMinimum Waft Thickness of • Pipe 25
TABLE 2..2b Sfnllight and Spiral Longitudinal Weld Joint Quality Fadoe Et From the manufacturer and pipe section properties information, (see
Appendix A4) a 10 in. pipe with sch 20 is selected with nominal wall
Type of Joint Examination E, thickness of 0.:!5 in. For pipes under external pressure see Eqs. 9.10
Furnace hutt weld As required hy specification through 9.13.
Electric r($ wcld As required by specifkation n.RS
Elccnic fusion wcld As required hy spcdficlllinn <U.;o Alternate Equations to Calculate Wall Thickness
hutt weld)
Eleclric fu~ion "'cld SPOI radiograph 0.90 Looking at Eq. 2. t again. we sec that:
(single hun weld)
Elcclric f u... ion weld 100% radiogr:tph 1.0(1
,", = r+A
(sinf:.1c hutt weld)
Eleclric fusion wcld
(douhle hun weld)
As required hy spe<:ifi(";ltiOll (I.NS 2(S~o.:PY) + A (2.1)

Electric fusion wcld SPOI radiograph 0.9(1 where t is the pressure design thickness in inches.
(dout'11c hUll weld)
Equations 2.3 and 2.4 (Lame equation) may also be used to calculate t:
Eleclric fusion weld I(III'X, radiograph 1,00
(douhle l'oult weld)
By AST!l.1 A211 specification 1=--
PD" (2.3)
A!'i: required hy sfl<:clfk'llion 0.7S
Douhle ~uhmcr!:!cd .arc· 2SE"
Rildillgr;lflh lI.t}5
\\-clded piflC' (rer API 5L or 5LX)
1 ~ f)". (1_ ~SE,,- P) (2.4)
~RderC'nc,· BJI.3 ANSI/AS~IE ~t1.::!.~_~. 2 SE" + P
..' Examp/~ Equations 2.1. 2.3, and' 2A are v.iilid for 1< D.. /6 (lhin pipe).
The pipe with 12= D/6 .<thick-walled pipe) or P/SE., > 0.3R5 requires
C:alculate ~hc minimum permissible wall thu:knc:,s for :t lO in. nominal ~pcl.·ial consideration taking design and m<iterial fach1rs intu account such
dlametcr rllpe under 350 psi and 650"F. M.tlCrial is ASTM A 106 Gr;'ldc B :IS theory of f'lilure. f;ltigue. ;;md thermal stress (reference 1).
ca~bon 5.tccl. corrosion allowance is O.OS in.. ;.tnd mill tok·r:lllt·(, (MT) is
122~' . . Allowable Working Pressure

Th lckness PD The ;.i1lowahlc working pressure of a pipe can be determined by Eq. 25:
r... = .. + .\ ., 1
2(SE" + Pll . (_. I
P = = 3:50 psig Do = 10.75 in. E., = 1.0 for seamless pipe P (2.5)
S = S" = hot aU0';"3.ble stress (tensile) for A 106 Grade B = 17,0(10 si (sce
Append.x A3) . r where r = specified wall thickness or actual wan thickness in inches.
For bends the minimum wall thickness after bending should not be less
Y = 0.4 (because the temperature is less than 90<Y'F) than the minimum required for straight pipe.

350(10.75) Blanks
'- - 2(17.000 x 1 + 350 x OA) + 0.05 ~ 0.144 in.
The pressure design thickness r of penn.anent blanks is: given by the
Nominal thickness = 0.144
(I-MT) (l-(U25) 0.1648 in.
1 =d
JloSE" 3P +Allowance (2.0).
26 Design .of Pressure Components

where d = inside diameter of gasket for raised face or Oat (plain) face
flanges ;r gasket pitch diameter for ring joint and fully retained gasketed
flanges in inches.

Test Pressure
The hydrostatic tcst prcs..c;urc at any point in the system should he not less
than I! times the design pressure. For temperatures aOove 65()OF. the
minimum tc~a pressure PT is g.iven by:

p., = 1.5 (SS,-) (Design pressure) (2.7) I

Sr = allowahlc stress at 650°F (5" at 650°F) (see Appendix Tahlc AJ)
S = allowahle stress ,,11 design temperature (5" at design temperature)

I 1co

Allowabl£ Pressure in Miter Bends

I, "'~

Miter Bends· ;;;

An angular offset of _, dc,!:.rc..'cs or less (angle a in Figure 2.2) dtlCS not I z

require design ('onsidcr~ti(ln "l.~ a miter bend. Acc('plahh.: methods f,'r
pressure design Hr multiple .tnd ~irtgl(' miter bends ar(' given in (;tl.llld thJ I, "•
np.:xt. ,, .-,
(0) Multiple Mjl~r 8('11(1...: The maximum allowable inkrmll rr~ssur(' shall
be the lesser value calculated fmm Eqs. 2.8a and b. These cqu;.tliol1s arc not

---I--!- <

applicable when 6 exceeds 22.5 de!!rces I, "••

SE,(,T" - <)
I ~:-;-;;-;-;T,:;---:-<'-::'""7="='=]

d + 0.643 tan 6'·h~( T - cl



R,-" )
-U..5,:! (2.Hhl w
I ...
;;: :>
(b) Sing/< Mite, Bmds (0' Widely Spaud Milt' Bends) ,
(I.) The maximum allowable internal pressure for a single milcr bend
with angle e not .greater than 22.~ degrees shall be calculated by Eq. 2.X..1.
(2) The maXlmum allowable Internal pressure for a single miter hcnd
with angle 8 greater than 22.5 degrees shall be calculated by Eq. 2.Re:

o,o+\,"1.""'~m SE,(T-d[ . T-c 1 I

) (2.Xc)

·From ASMElANSI B31.3, Section 304.2.3.

(T c)+ 1.25 tan 6·j,,(T-c)
Design of Pressure Components Reinfot'Cements for Welded Branch Connections 29
0) The ()ltowiltl! nomenclature is used in Eqs. 2.83, 2.8b. and 2.8c for For two-weld miter (sce Fig. 2.2):
the pressure dcsi~n of miter bends:
Q' 22~
= corrosion :dlowancc
t: 2 0
= maximum al1uwahlc internal pressure for miter bends
The mean radius of the pipe =35.5/2 = 17.75in
r~ = mean r..adius of pipe using nominal wall T . The material con~ists of A312 TP 304 H stainless steel. Tcmpcntturc is
n = effective radius of miler bend, defined as the shortest distance from
l IJ IlI·F.
the pipe ccntcrline to the intersection of the plane~ of .<u.tjacent miter
Allow.ahlc h()t :-trcss is 5/0 = SEq = ~060 psi (From Appendix Tablc AJ l.
joints IntcrpohHc between Sh = 3700 psi for 1300°F and S" = 2900 psi for
E" = quality factor (scc Eq. 2.2b) . 135()OF. Bend radius. RI = 54 in. (see Table '1.~).
S = allowao1c stress at design temperature, pSI Using Eq. 2.~a. allowahle pressure is
r = pipe, wall thic.:kn<.-s... (measured or minimum per purchase specification)
H = anele of roiler cut. deuces
a = an~lc (If ch:tI1!;!c in dir""ection at miler joint = 26 1'."
hIT cumpli:ull..·C with thi~ code. the value of RI shall not he less than that
given hy Eq. 2.9:

= 5X psi~

Using Eq. 2.Xh. lht..· ;t1"lW~lhk' prc~~urc i~;

where AI l\<Is Ilk,.' foll(lwin~ ('mrirical values. (not valid in SI units):
I' =- S/::,tT-c), RI -,:. )

'" r: \R I -05r:;

Value ut Value of = ~~~1~~~J.! ( S-l- 17 .75 )

cr- d. in. A, 17.7:' :'~ 05(17.751

The maximum allow:thlc pressure for the mitcr is the smaller of the \'<tluc..·:-.
(1.5 < IT - cl < (I.Sg 2(T-c) c..· ..tlcul1Ited ;thovc. Thu~ P.., = 5" p~i~.

2(T-c) .

When cl hole is <:\J( in a pipe subjected to internal presi"u.-c, the disc of the
material that would nonnally be. carrying tensile st.-csscs in Ihe hoop
See Chapter 4 for further discussion on miter bends. di.-ection is .-emoved and an alternate path must be provided. To achieve
this~ a simplified "area replacement"' 0'- ··compensation" approach is used.
This method provides for additional .-ein(orcemen1 mate.-ial, which is within
a l'ipccified distance from the edg.e of the hole. equal to the area of the
mate.-ial removed. Reinforcement at branch intersections a.-e also
Calculate maximum allowable internal pressure for the multiple milcr bend. occasionally needed 10 distrihute stresses arising from pipe loads. Scc
Plate thickness is ! in. Corrosion allowance is zero. Manufacturing al- discusl'ii()O of stress intensification facto~ (SIF) in Chapter 4 for the rcduc-
lowance is 0.01 in. Miter OD is 36 in. -From ASME/ANSI B~ 1.3. Seccion 304.~.~.
Reinforcements for Welded Branch Connections 31
Oesign of Pressure Components
of reinforcement calculation only. \Vhen the branch does intersect the
longitudinal weld of the run, the al1<'lwable stress Se, of the run pipe
" shaH he used in the calculation. The allowable stress Se, of (he branch
shall he used in calculating I".
{3 = smaller angle between axes of branch and run
R, (h) Required Reinfl,runrenl Area. The reinforcement area Al required
for hra:1ch connections under internal pressure shall be:

, A, = (",d,)(2 -sin /3) (2.\0)

and under external pressure shall he:
FIGURE 2.2 Nomenclature for miter bends.
(",d,)(2 -sin I3l
A, (2.11)
lion of the calculated value of SIF when reinforc~ment was pro\'ide~. The
reinforcement requirement for internal pressur: IS usually defined m the (cl Reinforcement Are,(l. The reinforcement area is the sum of areas
piping specification of the project. Additional rctnrorccm~nl may he needed A.:! + A) + A-a defined bclo",,;. and s.hall equal or exceed the required rein-
for piping lo~,ds. fnn:ement area A I _
Figure 2.1 $hows pipc run-branch connection (n:produccd from 811.3 (I) Area A:!. The ;m.~;:1 lying within the reinforcement zone resulting
code). Requirements of the other codes arc simil<lr. A numher (If worked fmm any exces.s thicknes... availahle in the run wall:
out problems me given in Appendix H of 8113 code (R~rrodu("cd here :IS
Appendix Tahlc AS). (2.12)

The rcquircm<;nts-:trc not applicable to hranch connCl..·ti(U1~ in \\:hich ~hc Cl Area A. .... The area I\'ing within the reinforcement zone resulting
smaller anS!.1c octwccn hranch and run is less than -lS (.k~n..·l·~. or III whIch
from an\' excc~s aV~lil<;hlc in the branch pipe wall:
the axis of~thc hranch doc~ not intersect the axis of the. fun
(a) NQmenclalur..~. The nomenclature below is uSt,.'d in 1ho: pressure
2L 4 (T,.-I,,-c)
design of welded hranch connections. It is illustrated in Fig. ::?.l. which A,= . (2.13)
. Sin {3
does not indicate details for construction or welding.
PI Area 1\-\. The "re.1 ('f all other metal within the reinforcement zonc'
b = subscript referring to branch rrovided t'ly weld met." _md uther reinforcement metal properly attached to
d l = effective length removed from pipe at branch the run on hranch.
d2 = "half width" of reinforcement zone Materials used for rcinfnrc~mcnt may differ from those of the run pipe.
=dt or (T6-c)+(T,,-c)+dd2. whichever is greatcr, out in any ca~ pfllvidcd they arc cnmpatihlc with the run and branch pipes wit~ respect to
not more than D.. .....eldahility. heat tre:uintl requirements, galvanic corrosion, thermal expan-
h = subscript referring to run or header "ion. and so nn. Jf the allowahle stress for such materials is less than .that for
L. = height of reinforceme1n zone o,utside of run pipe the run pipe..the ('orr~p<"nding calculated area must be redu("'e,; in tile ratio
= 2.5(T.-c) or 2.5(T.-c)+ T,. whichever is less of Ihe allowahle ,.trc~ value,; before being counted toward the reinforce-
Tr = minimum thickness of reinforcing ring or saddle made from pipe (Use ment area. No additional credit shall be taken for materials having higher
nominal thickness i.f made from plate.) allowable stress values Ihan the run pipe.
= 0 if there is no reinforcement pad or saddle (d)- Reinforc~menl Zone. The reinforcement zone is a parallelogram
I =p;essure design thicknes..'i of pipe. according to the appropriate wait whose length extends a distance of d2 on each side of the centcrline of the
thickness Eq. 2.1. For welded pipe. when the branch does not intersect hranch pipe and whose width stans at the inside surface of the run pipe (in
the longitudinal weld of the run. the basic allowable stress S for the its corroded condition) and extends to a distance L. from the outside
pipe (see Appendix A3) may be u~d in detennining I" for the purpose surface of the run pipe measured perpendicular to this outside surface.
Design of PresSUnt Components Reference 33
(C) R6I1f(Jrn.llI~nl of Multiple Openings. When any two or more adjacent Minimum thickness of 4 in. sch 40 = 0.207 in.:
openings arc so closely spaced th~t their ~ei~forc~mel1t,zones ~verlap, the
Excess ~ 0.207 - 0.0593 - 0.03
two _IT mOTe openings shall he remfo~ced with 3 combmed retn~orcement
= 0.1177 in.
Ih;11 h<ls an ']rea cqmtl to that required for the separate opentngs. (See
ASME/ANSI. Section 304.3.4 of 83 L3 code for reinforcement require- The mlOlmurn thicknesses above are the nominal schedule dimensions
ments ()r cxtnKlcd outlet headers for further reading.) No portion of the less 12!% mill tolerance (MT) allowed by the standards.
("fOSS section shall he considered as applying to more th<1Il onc opening, or
he evaluated m(lTC than once in a comhincd mea. When two (JT more Effective length. d, ~ 4.5 - 2(0.1177) ~ 4.2646 in.
openings arc to he provided with a combined rcio.forccmcnl. the minimum d, = d, ;" 4.2646 in.
distance helwccn centcrs of any twO of these opemngs should prcfcrahly be The ~ is the minimum of 2.5( f h - c) or 2.5(f6 - c) + Tu that is, it is the
3t least 1~ times their average diameter. and the area of reinforcement minimum of 2.5 x 0.22 or 2.5 X 0.207 + 0.25. (Assume 1in. reinforcemenL)
hetween them shall he at least equal to 50% of the IOt<\1 required for thc$e Clearly, the first condition governs so that ~ = 0.55 in.
two opcning:-. (Pipe Fahrication Institute Standard E5-7 may he consulted Required area = 'min X d , = 0.1418 x 4.2646 = 0.6047 in.
for det'liled recommendations on spacing between welded 1l01.z1CS.) Compensation area available from header.
(f) Ri'lgs i-md Smlcll('s. Additional reinforcement provided in the form of A 2 = (2d2 - d 1)(excess thickness)
rings or ~addlcs sh'lll he: of reasonably constant width. = 4.2646 x 0.0472 =0.2012 in.'
Compensation area available from branch.
Exantpl~ A y =(2L.)(excess thickness)
= LI x 0.1177 = 0.1294 in'
A I (I in. nominal diameter pipe has design conditions of 650"F and -lOO psig. Total compensation 3vailahlc without reinforcing pad = 0.3306 in. 22
It is m:uk fwm ~amle~s m<:ltcrial to specification ASTt>.1 A5.~ (irade B sch Cws~-~~(.·lion :tr(.'a of pad required = «).ft047 - 0.3306)/2 = 0.1370 in.
20. Th(.' ,.:orro:-inn allow;:,n(.~e is tUB in. It has a ~ in. llt1111 illal ~ti;tl11elcr
t'oranch, seh -l0 (lf the same Ol:llcria1. \Vhat arc ~UlLlhk ..1il\l(.·n,i.ll\:-. for the This n.'sults in a ring with 11 ~ in. outside diameter, ~ in. wide. and l: in.
rcinf.. ;JfccmCni if it is It) he made from a plate of eq\;;t! l\1I;tlity III Ih:11 nf the thick. Our neglecl of the area of the weld fillets makes no difference in
pipe material'! prclctice. It must be pointed out. however. that for a service of this severity
Wc 5tlUt oU hy c~lkulating the minimum thickness....... required ftlf hOlh a weldolct would he preferred. For more example problems, see Appendix
the 10 in. header and the 4 in. hr:lOch from the basic equation:
Tahle.: AS.
I .. = PD.. \2 I~)
r<"""un, 2( SEll ~ py) EXERCISES

AUowahle stress for ASTM A5:?- Grade B at 65(rF = 1:'iJKHllh/in.:! J.. Calculate internal pres.."ure design thickness (or 8 in. carbon steel A 106
From Table 2.1. (actor )' = O.~ (hcl(lW lJH(f'FI Grade B pipe under 420 psig at 800°F. If mill tolerance (MT) = ,12.5%
4lXl x 10.75
and corrnsion allowance is 0.05 in. select commercially available
Fol' header. t r<CMUI'oe = O.I·HN in. Ihickness.
2(l5JHIII x 1.11 + 400 x 0.4)
2. Calculate maximum allowable pressure whid'i can~be held in a 12 in.
4()() X4.5
For branch'!. I~,l/R =(UI~W3 in. standard weight ·A~3 Grade B pipe at 725"F, -Assume usual MT and
2(15.000 x Ul+400 xOA) n.1 in. 'for corrosion. allowance. .'
Then: 3. Select the commercially available .thickness to hold 500 psig at 700"F.
Pipe is 12 in. AI06 Grade A material. MT is 12.5%. and corrosion
Minimum thickness of 10 in. sch 20 = 0.219 in.;
allowance is 0.06 in.
Excess = 0.219 -0.1418 -0.03
=0.0472 in. REFERENCE
.Mulliple opening reinforce~nt B31.3, Section 304.3.3(b).
I. ROllIrke, R. J. "Fonnulas for Stress and Suain:'
Span limitations 35
where L = allowable pipe span, feet
Z = modulus of section of pipe, in. 3
CHAPTER THREE S" = allowable tcnsile stress for the pipe material at design tcmpcratur~
psi (known as allowable hot stress)
w = total weight of pipe. Ib/lt
= metal weight + content weight + insulation weight
11 = allowable deflection or sag. inches
PIPE SPAN CALCULATION J = area moment of inertia of pipe. in."
E = modulus of elasticity of the pipe material at design temperature. psi
(known as hot modulus of- elasticity)
The exccptions are:

I, The piping is in a slatic state, except for movement induced by

temperature changes. Effects of pulsation, vibration. sway_ or earth-
The maximum allowable spans for horizontal piping systems arc limited by quake are not taken into account.
three main factors: bending stress, vertical dcfkction. and natural frequency. 2. Concentrated loads similar to valves are not considered in Eqs. ,?I.l
By relating natural frequency and deflection limitation, the allowahlc span can Ihrough JA.
be dct~rminc-d as the lower of thc calculated support spacings hased on
bending stress and deflection.

For most rcnnay piping et naluml fr~quencyofabout4cpS is:','Jfficiem t03\'oid
The (ormulation and equation obtained depend upon th\.- cnd conditions rCSOIl.t1H:C in nOllpulsating ri~ lines. However. the natural frequency In in
assumed,. By as.o;;uming a straight pipe beam, simply !'upported at hoth cnds. cydcs pcr second is related to the maximum deflection A in inches by:
Eqs. 3.1 and 3.2 arc obtained (reference I l. This cnd condition 1!.ivc~ hichcr
stress and sag and therefore results in a conscrvativ~ span.
- -

based on limitation of stn..' ss 0.11

where I: = acceleration due to gravity, 386 in.lsec 2 (32.12 ft/sec 2 ).
Therefore (he natural frequency for a simple beam corresponding to
L= ~ !>EI based on limitation of deflection (3.2) 1.00 in. sag is 3.12 cps. One of the reasons for limiting the deflection is to make
22.5w the pipe stiff enough with high enough natural frequency to avoid large
amplitude under any small disturbing force. Although this may seem too low,
The end ~nditions can be also assumed as a mean between a uniformly iripractice the natural frequency will be higher because (1) end moments.
loaded beam slmpl}' ~upponed a1 both ends and a uniformly loaded beam with ncgl::ctcd here. will raise the frequency by more than 15%; (2) the critical span
both ends fixed. Wilh this assumption (reference 2) Eqs. 3.3 and 3.4 arc is usually limited by stress and is rarely reached; and (3) the piping weight
obtained: assumed is often larger than the actual load.
By relating natural frequency and deftection limitations, the maximum span
based on limitation of stress (3.3) is thus determined by the smaller valves o~tained by Eqs. 3.3 and 3.4.
The calculated span is then multiplied by the span-reduction factor. Figure
3.1 shows different piping arrangements and span reduction factor f'
13.5., based on limitation of deflection (3.4)
(reference 3). As can,be seen, span reduction-factor is less than 1.0.
As~uming that the piping is simply supported at both ends and the valve is

36 Pipe Sp.n Calculation
Drainage 37

TARI.E 3.1 Spa.. Reductio.. FactOI' r for Vain Location (using Eq. 3.8)
(U15 0.1 0.15 o.~ 0.3 (lA 0,5
f = 0.B6
ea.. I eo",2 "
11, I 11.97 o.c"s 0.94 o.~~ (l.Y~ 0.92 0.92 0.93
\ r 0.",3
= 0.84 (I.~ (I.()S (I.l):! 0.89 0,87 0.86 0.8~ O.HH
0.5 (PH (UG 0.7H 0.7S H.7ot 0.73 0.73 0.76
(1.75 O,X"S n.76 0.71 0.6$ U.tl55 0.655 0.66 0.6H
1.0 II.N I 0.71 O.flfl 0.~3 O.~I O.~O 0.61 0.63
1.~5 0.775 0.67 0.615 05S5 0.S05 056 0565 0.54
1.:'0 n.7'" O.6-l. (l.St! 0,55 O,5~ 0.:'2 0.53 0.55
(1.('tfIS (l.55:' O..:'.:!S O...t95 OA95 0.525
"< 1.75
: .Oll
0.69 O,:"N 0.53 0,50
tlA$ o.·,n OA7 0.5
1I.h5 0.:'\4 OA9 (l.-l.5 O,ot4 U,-1:; OA.3 OA6
0.56 tJ.-1.'\ (1,-10 0.37 O.?t> tU5 0,36 0.38
o.5~ HAI 037 0.:'-1 03.';, tU:! tU:! 0.3-1
FOf;" ~ Ea 3.8
r • 016
=.0.&0:: a~_c Taul" 3.1
C~"" Ij

....GURE 3.1 Pipinj!: :span reduction fac:tOT case I lhrough ca~ o.


located at mid:-pctn (in case (, of Fig. 3.1. a = b = L/2). Eqs. 3.6 and 3.7 t:an he Wc
derived: a =

. 1.5wL 2 +3WL r 13·

Bendmg stress = <; (.l.6)
T;lhk .'.\ !=-iv...·:-; valv....s of for different \'alves llf a and

D c ft cellon:::: _2_2_.5_w...:L::.·-=+~36:...:.:\Vc-<L::..'

where W~ = concentrated weight similar to the valve in pounds. It is oh.... n necessary to install pipe systemS s.? they will drain by gravity,
As can be easily seen. Eqs. 3.6 and 3.7 may be used to calculate actual preferahlv in the direction of normal flow. To achieve drainage each span must
bending stress and deflection when the spari is eigher known or_ assumed. he ritchc..:d so that the outlet will be lower tlJan the maximum sag of the pipe.
To calculate allowa~le spans (or piping with concentrated weight similar to The pitCh of ripe srans is the ratio between the drop in elevation and the length
valves anywhere along Its span (case 6, Fig. 3.1), span reduction (actors may be oi =-pan. It is caned "average grad.ienf' ~nd is expressed in inches per foot,
used. For a beam with fixed ends the span reduction (actor is obtafncd
(reference 4) by comparing the moment acting at the Support with the el\omcnt
obtained from only u~iformly distributed weight and is given by: '
Gradient Cheek for Drainage

r = [ 1 + 12afl(1-
]'" (3.HI
Average gradient G =
drop in elevation.
span m./ft (3.9)
P"q»e Span Cetculatlon

TABLE 3..1 Common Pipe Insulation Materials

(Mass Type)
. . Drainage

Conlent weight = :\ (ID)'(Iength)(density)

Pipe Insolation Type = ~ (1 0.02)'(12) 62.4

~ (121'
Calcium silicate 12.25
= 3~.17Ib/rt
Foam glass 8.50
polyurethane 2.00
Fiber glass 3.25 Insulation weight = ~(OD of insulation - OOf(length)(density)
polystyrene 2.00
= ~(I4.75' - 10.75')02) Cl;,)
The condition for good drainage is:
Total weight of the pipe w == 40.44 + 34.17 +6.121b/ft
4(maximum deflection)
G< (3.10) = HO.73 Ib/lt
Using Eq. 3.3 h:lscd on limitation of stress:
In calculating modulus of section and area moment inertia of piping,
corrosion al10wance may be included. which wilt result in a slightly higher
Table 3.2 gives the common piping mass-type insulation materials. The
Sp'lll L== J OAZS"

Z == scctio'n m~ldulus:= 29.Y ifi_~

other lype~is known as reflective .and is used inside reactor buildings of nuclear
plants (reference 7). S" = :tl1nw'-'hk stress of pipe material for design temperature
To illustrate the use of the preceding equations the lo!lowing Example == 22,900 psi for carbon steel AI06Gradc B at 400°F per 831.3
PTOblems are worked out.
code (Appcl.ldix Tahlc A l)

udmple Problem 1 0.4(29.9)22.900 = 5H.2 It

Span L=
Calculate the allowable span for a lOin. pipe with standard wall operating at
4O<.rF. The material of the piping. is carbon steel At06 Grade B. The pipe is
Using Eq. 3.4 ha~d on limitation of allowable deflection of ain.:
filled with crude oil whose specific gravity is 1.2; it has a 2 in. thick calcium
silicate insulation of density 11tb/ft'. Metal weight, content weight~ and _ ~ !l.EI _' ~(27 x I(Jh)160.7 = 39 7 It
insulation weight may also be obtained from any standard table_ Assume that Span L - 13.5 .. - 13.5IHO.731 .
the maximum deflection allowed is i in.
E = Young's modulus (psi) at 40<rF for carbon steel with carbon content
Sell weight of pipe = ~(OD' - ID')(density of steel)(length) 0.3% or less
=27.0X 10· psi
. =~(I0.75'-IO.02')(O.283)(I2) I = area moment of inertia of pipe::::::: 160.7 in."

= 40.44 Ib/lt By selecting the smalle~ of 58.2 ft and 39.7 ft as span~ the span is 39.7 ft.
40 Pipe Span Calculation
Drainage 41
Example Problem 2 Case (d): If the piping material was red brass seamless 843 (commercial
brass 66 Cu-343):
C<lkulatc also the maximum allowable span in the following case {using basic
information from Example ll.
L ~ J4(29.9)5000
(a) If 1 in. ~tatic deflection was allowed. 80.73 27.2 It
(h) If the material of the pipe was stainless steel A3t2 TP 314.
(c) If the piping material was aluminum seamless 8241 Grade 606.1 T6.
(d) J( the piping malcrial was red brass, seamless B-l3 (commercial brass , .(13 x 10")160.7
L= 33 It
66 Cu-343 nl. 13.5(80.73,
(c) If nickel piping was used (Ni Cu, specification B 165. P No. 42, Grade 400.
hot annealed). Required span. L = 27.2 ft
Cast;' (a): If t in. static deflection is allowed:
Case (e): If the material was Ni-eu~ specification 8165. P No. 42 Grade
400. hot annc'lled:
, 1(27 x 10 1160.7
L ~ ,(--'-:-::c===-
13.5(80.73) ~129.9' 13.2()O
~ ~~.6 It

Cost:' :.hl: If 1h<.' mat<"ri:t1 of thl' pipe was stainlc~s sh.. d A3 I ~ TP 30-1 , ,en.6)10"CI60.7,
t~ :17.1 I'
(1 K Cr-X Ni pipl'l: 13.51S0.73'

J. i:"US"
Rl'quir~d L = :'1.1 ft

T:.Jhlc of span: Tt) provide the reader \\'ith a quick refefence values of span.
~ J"A(29.9)IS,700 Tahlt: 3.Ja and Tahle 3.3h ar\.' presented.
52.6 ft
~tl. 7 3
The following assumptions were made:

~ M(26.011O"(l60.7) I.Pipc material is carhon steel AS3 Grade A. Tahle 3.3a ~'pplics
L ~'" 135Um.73t 39.56ft conservatively h1 all other steels.
2. Temperature ranges from zero to 65<f'F. At 6S0°F. S" = 1:!.OOO psL
Required span. L = 39.56 ft Modulus of elasticity E" = 25.2 x lOt> psi from the piping code.
'" Specific gravity of nuid is l.0 (water).
Case (c): If the piping material was aluminum seamless 8241 Grade. f,(16) 4. Density of insulation is 11Ib/ft~.
T6 at 400"F: Thickness of insulation is 1-1 in. for pipe sizes 1-4 in.
2 in. for pipe sizes 6-14 in.
_ /.4(29.9)5600_ 2! in. for pipe sizes 16-24 in.
L- 80.73 - 28.8 ft
5. The pipe was treated as a horizontal beam. supportedal both cnds,
carrying a uniform load equal to the combined weight of metal weight.
, ,(8.7 x 10")160.7 water, and insulation.
13.5(SO.73) 30.0 ft
6. The maximum static deflection was I in. and natural frequency was
Required span, L = 2S.S ft 7. The maximum bending stress was equated to allowable weight stress
equal to half the allowable hot stress SI,.
TABLE 3.3. Maximum Spanli or Horizontal Pipe Lines (fI)
(st!led smalll!r of I, and V)"

tlipe Size On,)

._----.------ . - . - .....•.. - -- -- .. -.- - - -.-_ ..- .._-_._-
... I 11 2 3 4 r, 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24
Schedule I() L 13 15 17 20 22 25 2l ) .10 :n )7 )8 :V) :\9 41
L' 13 16 18 21 24 28 .11 )4 )7 41 42 44 46 48
Schedule 20 L JJ )5 )6 )9 41 42 45 47
L' ~J )7 )9 42 44 46 49 52
Schedule 30 L .14 )7 :'9 42 4) 46 49 52
L' )4 )R 41 4) 45 4R 51 55
Slandatd L 1) 11, IX 2.1 211 .\1 J5 )R 41 42 4) 44 45 47
L' 1) 1(, IR 1.1 2(, .11 .15 )R 41 4) 45 47 49 52
Schedule 40 L 1) 1(, IR 2.1 2/\ .\ I .15 )R 41 4) 46 49 51 56
L' 1) 16 IX 2.1 211 .\ 1 J:i J~ 42 44 45 50 52 57
Schedule 60 L Jr, 40 43 46 49 52 55 60
L' .15 .19 43 45 48 51 54 59

• I

('ire Sil,C lin.)
I! 2 .1 4 X 10 12
" 14 16 18 20 24
Exlra Strong L 1) 17 19 24 27 ,\.\ .17 41 4) 44 46 4R 49 51
L' 1.1 17 19 2) 26 .\2 )6 40 43 44 46 49 51 54
Schedule 80 L L1 17 19 24 27 .'\.\ )7 42 46 . 4R 52 55 58 6)
L' 13 17 19 2,1 2(, .'2 ,16 40 44 46 50 52 55 61
Schedule 100 L )8 43 47 49 5) 56 59 65
L' .\7 41 45 47 50 53 5(, 61
Schedule 120 L 2:-t .14 .W 44 4R 51 54 57 6\ 67
/: 27 .'2 .17 41 45 47 51 54 57 62
Schc~ulc 140 I. 2X .\.1 40
... 1: 27 JJ )7

'" Schedule 160 L 1) 17 20 2.1 29 .15 40 45 49 51 .1.1 58 62
t: 13 17 19 2:\ 27 :\3 )7 42 45 48 51 54 57 63
- --.-.
"Span L was calculalcd u!iing Eq. 3.1, with limlling hending ~lrc,'~s of S~ divided by 2.
Span L' was determined 'I~ing Eq. .1.2 wilh limiting static dCncC:lion or I in.
Drainage 45
For other values of allowable stress. deflection. and natural frequency. the
~ v.
c span values given in Tahle 3.3a need to be muhiplied by span c..dculation
~ -
"! ...; ~ '"c
factors (given in Tahle 3.3b) et. C 2 • and C".
'" Values in Table ~.3b were arrived at as follows:
c v. ...
~ '""! C? v.
"': L For any other allowable stress S". the maximum span is Cl L. where
"" Cl = (S,,/12.()()(II " :!.
v. a-
§ c v.
For deflections olhcr Ih:1I1 1 in.• the maximum pipe span is C:!L' where
C, = (.'>/L'l'''.

... a- 3. For naturnl frequency f other than 3.12 cps, the maximum span is C.,L',
c ~ '"
'" ""
\\'here C\ == (3.12//l lr=.
c v, These calculation faclors arc given in Table 3.3b for some values of S" apd f.
"'. g ~.
~ '" This calculation factor should not he confused with span reduction factors
" """" "" given earlier in Figure 3.1.

~. M
... ""
cO d "" ~
• ""
1. U~ing. Tahk .' ..'a, (.'akul;lt~ lh~ m:lximum span allo\ved for a 1-1 in. sch 40
pip...·. (t\s~ume .~II == I ~J)()() psi. .1 = 1 in .. and / =:t 12 cps.l

x ~ c - ", Sp;tll I. l·tln~idain~ Ih..:- ~tr . .·ss fmm T;lblc 3.33 == ~3 ft.
- .~
Sp;1ll ',' .. ·.lIl..
id._·rin~ th'_' lkll·.:ctinu ==- -l~ ft.
~ ~
; ...'""" v. R ..,f~ S,.:lt.:d th...• small""r of tll"" t .....() spans. namely -t3 ft.
'" ... C - - .~
~. ...
...... . ~
2. Cakulatc the span if S" wa~ 111,000 psi.
= 0.913,
.;u C

""""cO , .= ,
From T~tnl~ 3.~h. thl.: calculation factor IS Cl spall =
d cO
0. 111.'1_1.'1 = .'t}.:! fl.

] c-
.3. Caklll~ltc the l'pan if .1:= ; in .

'" B '"
a- N

from T:thlc 33h the c;lkulal;on factor is C; = 0.R41. span =

V. .: .~
~ N cO .c :"'1 fl.
~~ O.~-III-l-l1 =

>. -=
~_ (';tkul;tl...• lh..· span if Ihe pip...· is l'I)l\nccted 'cl a compressor with s~cd (\(
u ," S ••:rs.
l- c -: ....:
~ horn T<lhk 3.:\11. c;lklllati.lI1 f;I ...' lor c.,:= 0.625. span = O.n25(-1-11 ==

:;; 'i7.
c .§

C'alculationof the "llIowahk-span ol'lder....d ynamic loading is complicated.

~ •• = ."U

-J C :.., 0 :.., ."
U C Thc cnnscrvativc formula for c<llculating the reslTaint spacing (reference 5)
;;; U ;; 'E
•~ '"
hased on stress criterion is given hy:
• , • • ~

.:; E u
.:; ~

11 '2
(3.11 )

.:; '"
<if '§ ~ '"
~ ~
..... ."
;; >.
c c
• c-
::: ::. ::. '"
~ ~
::: ::: ~ ~ where K. = seismic coefficient depending on Ihe peak of floor response spectm
(multiple or acceleration. a).
46 Exercises 47
Dynamic deflection critcrion (reference 4) can be used to calculate the
T ABL.E).5 Suggested Pipe Support Spacing
allowable span under dynamic loading. .
For a si~pl~ supported single span beam. the maximum deflection by taking Suggested Maximum Span (ft)
one mode IS given as: Nominal
4m L" Pipc Size Steam. Gas, or
Maximuma=--A (3.12) Air Service
v~ El .... (in.l Water Service

where m = pipe mass/foot 7 9

E = modulus of elasticity, psi 10 13
1 = moment of inertia, in.·
A... = seismic acceleration of pipe, rt;sec •
12 15

~ I~ 24
12 23
\0 27 35
Tahlc 3.4 gives. maximum spacing of guides for vertical piping.
30 39
T~l.hlc 3.5 f!-I\'~S .Sllggcste~ pipe support spacing (span 1 <\s per ASME 111
Nuclear Code. Section 111. DIVIsion t. Subsection NF-313.'_I-1 32 42

TABLE 3.4 Maximum Spacing of Guides NIII,-!;:

I_ Su~~~-:<tI.'J nt,aximum spacing. hc't\\;('en ri~ suppom for horizontal
'l1i1i~hl run' .~f ,.tantlard and hca"'i~r pi~ at maximum operating
Nnmin;ll PifIC SilC: 4in.) Guide Spacing (ftl
tor 75tfF,
.t•• ml...·r:thJn.:S
~ Pt',,:s nt'l :trr1y wh<:rc Sflltn calculations are mad~ or whelt: thet<:ar<
22 t','t"','ntr:tt d kM<JS h.::tw.." n sut'porU such as vahles., and
I~ D ..!"·..·j,,liti..• .
2~ ,'. '1'''''. spacin~ i!o. ha:<l..'d ,in a maximum combined bending. and shear stress
"f 1500tl t'~i and ins\l!;tt,..d pip.: hlkd with water or the equivalent ..'t:i!!-hl
••f st~'d pit""· rt'r Slc:ml. ~as. or air scfl.. ice and the pitch of the line is such
~ 29 that a S<1g. uf (1,1 in. octw..." n supports is ~rmissible.
o 33
III 41
12 45
14 47 Spacing of Piping ~upports
10 50
18 53 Supports for pipinr, with longitudinal axis in approximately a horizontal
20 56 (l(¥.'ition :-hall he spaced io prevent excessive shear stresses resulting from sag
,24 60 and hCflding 111 the piping with special consideration given when cumponents
such as pumps and valves that impose concentrated loads. The suggested
NDIa: maximum spans for spacing of weight S\lpportS for standard weight and
I. Guidesshouldbcl.:.eplat>out40pipedia I
corners or loops. meters c ear (If heavier pipe arc ~ivcn in Table 3,5,
2. ~ of pipe gu~s on hot lines must be investigated to
assure It.aa~ no higher forces or $Iresses are transmitt d -
to the plplng system due to the location of the ~ EXERCISES
3, 6.
Calculation of wind loads on pip« is g'wen In , reference
1. Calculate the maximum allowable span for a 16 in, standard weight pipe
fllkd with oil whose '!>pccific gravity is 0.95. The pipe is insulated with 3 in.
48 Pipe Span Calculation

thick calcium silicate with density 12.25Ib/fr". The material of the piping
is carhon ~lccl Al06 Grade B and the temperature of the oil is 60<)OF.
Assume the Illaximum deflection allowed is 1 in. CHAPTER FOUR
2. Calculate the if a valve weig.hing 1050 Ih was InC'llcd at lhe midspao
of ExC'n:i~ I.
3. Calculah: the span if a valve weighing 1050 Ib was loc.ttcd at one-third distance from onc support of Exercise I.
4. Calculate the span if th~ pipe considered in Exercise 1 has a lJOdcgree
dhow hctwccn the supports. AND ASME CODES
5. Calculate' the static ddkction in a 10 ill. seh gO stainless stcel pipe- filled
with w:lh:r and wilh :. in. of fibc:r glass insulation.


I. Hare. \\'. <.'1 al.. "ilk" SUf'f'<w,S .kr /lldllSlrinl Pipill;J S)'SIrnls. 1'1"<1<.."'0 Inc. 1-1(,., The ANSI Piping Cod(,.'s and ASME Pr~ssure Ves~l codes give guidelines for
:!. (;u;~k' ::n,1 O. Truon~. Sc:m;naf(ln ripin!! S~~l':IllS. '\&!\1 Uni,'..: rsily.
Hue'f 1>......i!!1I ·I·~·s".;. piping design: In the latest revision of the code should be used. In the
:l. 1)~1L In.:, 1"J.·..;~'1 .'\:.... JdrJ~. d(,.'sign of Nude'lr Power PI.lI1ts Piping. the code of record. which is nor
..l. ~l~ .. ~i. H. K, "Simrk·J s..·r...nll,· Anal~~is t-klh..\dt< (.lr Sm:tlll'il""S'·· ,\SMI' 7~·1·\'1'·..l~. ncccssmily 1h(,.' hll('st r(,.'visioll. (tU' ;'1 s~citic plant can be used .
5. St ·:l~'11 ..., :tL .. s... ~'!Tl"" I)".·.. i~n ,,( Small D;;ttnc-l..·r Pire- an..1 Tuhin!! r". ~lId..·;u 1'..........·1 Codt.'s rdated 10 ripin~ dl..'sign includt.':
"hull · i':-'I',,:r ... ~1';:: hili.. \\,.,IJCnnkrc-nce o~ Eanh'1u...... En~jn,·~·lill::. R.. 'lll,·. 1"73.
ft. A!"<;I Sland;,r·j .'\<;:-. : ··Win,l Load.; flU Ruilding~ and Qlh.:r SUU... 1Uf..·....·
7. WilkC"s. O ..r,j.m B. ··Hc-allnl'ulation"· Wiky. NY.
I. ANSI BJ1.1. Power Piping Irdaence I)
ANSI B3I.J. Ch(,.·miGll P!;lnt and Peholcum Refinery Piping
Cn.'f(,.'rence 21
3. ANSI ID lA. l.itluid Transportation Piping (referencc 3)
-l. ANSI B.l Ut G;'IS Tr:lllsponalion Piping (reference 4)
:'\. ASME Section lit. Nud..ooH ("tlnlr~.-mC'nls Design (rcferenc~ )*

Suhsc('tion N A (It.·Uo:I;11 i\r~ndix. Material Properties

Suh~cljon NB .~ CI;ISS I piping (high energy piping)
Subsection Ne ("I;,tss :! piping
Sul-.scctjun NO ("I.. ss 3 piping
Suhscctjoll NF Support tkslgn

Nuclear comp()ncnts!,-Icsi~n is lr~atcd in Chapler 10.

• SeC" ChaptcT fI Cf1angcsl and <:hal'I~·1 IU !Dynamics Analysis) fOT ~xplanalion of S\:Tvicc kvclt<.

... .,.
50 ANSI Piping COdes and ASME Piping Codes



Code allowable stresses are designed to prevent failure of the piping systems.
Two types of failure that the piping should he protected against arc:

1. Direct oversCress or failure due to pressure, weight. wind. earthquake,

and other primary loads_
2. Fatigue or distortion due to displacement strains (generally thermal
effects) which arc secondary loads.

The limits of calculaied stresses caused by sustained loads and displacement ;r.
strains are: "
x " x
I. Internal Pressure Stresses: Stresses due to intcTml1 pressure is con-
sidered safe when the pipe wall thickness and ;ilny reinforcement are
adequate. (See thickness calculation in Chaph:r ::!.l
2. Longitudinal Stresses (Sd: The sum of longitudinal strcssc:s rc:sulting
from pressure, weight, and other sustained loadings sh.all ntH exceed the
hasic allowable stress for material at maximum metal temperature SI"
Pipc thickness used in th~ calculation of SI. must he rc:duccd hy
allowances such 3S corrosion. erosioR; manufac:1uring hlh:r;.:n~~. ;md
grove depth. ..

3. Allowable Stress Range for Displacement S/«'ss<'.c The ~tllowahlc

!<itrcss range SA is given by:
SA = f(l.25S c + 0.25S,) (4.11 ....
~. -i
whcre Se = basic allowable stress for th~ material at minimum (cold) metal
temperature, psi ~
Sit == hot stress, psi
f = stress reduction factor for cvc1ic conditions for the tolal numhcr
of full temperature cycles ~ver expected life, ~.

Table 4.1 gives valucs of Strcss range reduction factors, f.

t=:'i V",
TABLE 4.1 Stress Range Reduction Factors

Number of Cycles Factor f

7,000 and less
7,000 to 14.000
I- u
0.9 iii ~
E •
14,000 to 22,000 0.8 a ~reJD ':10 I V 0l"l t-J ;) %~ !N 8-J :) 81
22,000 to 4S.CK)() ~J ~peJO· s££V 8 'oN d jo()( dl. Z1(V
45,000 10 100,OUO 0.6 1~~lS '<0IlV
Over 100,000 0.5 "JC!P~lW;)lUI pue M<YI

ANSI Piping Codes and ASME Piping Codes Petroleum Refinery Piping Code Requirements fot' FonnaI Analrsis
52 53
When Sh is greater than the calculated value of 5,.• the difference between v~lve lifts. T~ mat":l"ial is stainless steel pipe A312 TP 30-4 (lg CT-I R Ni
them may be added to the tenn 0.255" in Eq. 4.1. In this case the alloWable pipe). What IS Ihe allowahl..: expansion stress range? .
streSS range becomes:
Two things 10 nole arc:
1. ~ecausc .relief valvcsdu not operate very frequently, we will be justified
Appendix Table A3 gives values of cold stress Se and hot stress S" for piping Inas.....umlOg that the pipe.' wi1l experience less chan 7000 cycles of stress.
materials from B31.3 piping code. Therefore f = 1.0.
Representative values of Se and Sit for carbon steel, alloy steel A335 5.Cr-1 , The f~ct that the rah~c from ambient to operating temperatures is
Mo. and for stainless steel A312 TP 304 are given in Table 4.2 from 831.1 negative makes no dltfcrcncc. It is the temperature change that
(referencc- I), 831.3 (reference 2), and Section III (Class 2 materials matters.
subsection NC, reference 5). As can be sccn, B31.3 code gives h.igher
allowable stress. whereas Section Ill, Class 2 materials arc allowed higheryie1d For ASTM A312 TP 30.. t seamless pipe. the allowable stre~ is (r~inimum to
strc~. Appendix Table A3 giv~s B31.3 values for the most common materials. IOOOFI
For other codes. appropriate references should he used in the actual design.
Calculation of allowahle stress range S.., using. Eq. 4.1 is frequently S, = SI, = ~O.OOO
encountered. Three examplc~ ar~ givcn here to ~how the c:.lIculation of S.....
S" = .f( 1.25S.. + 0.25SI • I psi

S." = I.O( 1.2:' x :20.0(10 + 0.25 x 20.0001 = 30,000 psi.
t. A pip.: is f<thricat~d of scaml~'~~ c"lrhon :-t..:d to sp•.:cillc"ttioll ASTM A 106
Grac.k B. The design temper,Hure i~ 7UO"F. Wh:lt i~ Ih..: al!ow:thl(' PETROLEUM REFINERY PIPING CODE,ion stress range? Rd..:r 10 ANSl IB L3 (latesl edition) to find the REQUIREMENTS FOR FORMAL ANALYSIS·
value of 5.: and S" stress at minimum Icmpcraturc to iOO"F (i.c ..
Se) = 20.UOO lb/in.:: Stress at 70(rF (i.e ... SI,l = 16}WO lh/in.! (Appendix No f,lrmal ,tnalysis (If :1l,.!L'quak' lkxihility i~ reqllir~d in systems which:
Tahle A3). In the absence of anv reason for takin!.!. "I lower vaiuc assume
1 ~ 1.0; then SA = 1.0( 1.25 x ~(i.(KKI + 11.25 x 16.XIKl\ ~ ~YJKK) Ih/in.' I. Arc dUl'lic"lh:S .)f l\u<:ct.'ssfully ope:-rating. installations or replacements
without si!!nilic;'l11l change of s~'Stems with a satisfactorY service record
2. A pipe supplies steam to a jacketed process v....sscl that is operated on a , C;tn he rl.'<tdily .u.ljudg....d :ldcqu3te by comparison ~ith pTeviousl\'
batch proccs..... with a -t hour cycle. The :,11.::1111 ICn1('1.'f<llure is 2(KrF and the analyzl.'d sy'Stcms. -
material of the pipe is a seamle~-s low and inh:rmedi:tt..: alloy steel pipe,
ASTM A335 .5 Cr-~ Mo. If the install:Hion is oflC'f<lh'd cOOlinllou~lv and .'. Ar,;: of tmifoTm size, ha"!.' no more than two points of fixation and no
intermediate restraints. and satisfy Eq. 4.3:
the desi~n lik is to be 12 ,"cars. \\'h:1I i~ the <tllow:,hk $tn;s~ T:,ngC for
thennal stresses in the pipe1 ~
J)r <:: JOSA
Allowable stre» (eold) = S< ~ 20.(KIO (h/in.' (ApP"ndix Tahlc A3) (1. - VI' E.
Allowable stress C:USOF} = S"
= IX.I (Kllh/in.! where D = nominal pipe size. inches
Number of cycles = ¥ x 365 x 12 = 26.:2XO . y = resultant of total displacement strains to be absorbed by the piping
system. inches
1 = 0.7 (Ior 22JXKI-45.ooocvcles) 'sce Tahlc ~ 11 U = Anchor distance. straight line distance between anchors feet
SA = 1(1.255. +O.25S.) L = developed length of piping between anchors, feet •
S" = allowable stress range. psi (include stress range reduction factor /
SA = 0.7(1.25 x 20.000 + 0.25 x 18.100) ~ 20.6n71hlin.'
3. A line in a relief system attains a temperatufe of -()(rF when the relid
• Fmnl ASME/ANSI 831.3. subsection 319.4.1. Requirements for Analysis.
54 ANSI Piping Codes and ASME Piping Codes Inplane and Outplane Bending Moments 55
where more than 7000 cycles of movement are anticipated during E.. = cold modulus for carbon steel = 27 9 x 106 • (A d'
Table A2l . psi ppen IX
life of installation).
Ea = Olodulu~ of elasticity of the piping material in the cold condition, L ~ developed lenglh = 15 + 10+ 15 + 50+ 25 = 115 ft
psi U =-anchor distance = 58.5 ft (straight line distance between anchors)
Because no g.eneral proof can be offered that Eq. 4.3 will always be
conservative. caution should be exercised in applying it to abnormal SA ~ l( 1.25S< + 0.25S,) ~ 1.25(20,000) + 0.25(20,000)
configuTations (uncqual1eg U·bends)~ to large diameter thin-wall pipe (stress = 30,000 psi
intensification factors of the order of five or morc), or to conditions where
extraneous motions. other than in the direction connecting the anchor points, Equation 4.3 states that formal anah'Sis
~ ,'s nOI necessary I'f :
constitute a large proportion of the expansion duty.
User must he aware that compliance with Eq. 4.3 does not ensure, that the Or 30SA
terminal reactions will be satisfactory. A value of 0.03 may be assumed for the (L- V)2~T (4.3)
right-hand side in Eq. 4:3 if enough information was not available. (Eq. 4.3
Or 111(2.13) 10(2.13)
do<:::s not include weight effect.)
(L - VI' =(115 - 5H.W 3192.25 0.00668

30S., _ 311<:10.0001 0.1

~ - 27.Y x IO~ = 27.9 =0.0322
...1 4. Check if fornut! analysis is necessary in the piping. arrangement given in
Figure ~.I u~ing Eq. 4.3. _• • : - U)~
Because Dv/(/ <:.l05_\ fEn
• - ... <l f orma 1 ana I~'SIS
" IS necessary from the
The diameter i$ 10 in .• temperature is 300°F. codlicicnt i~ O.02~ in./ft thermal flcXlhlilty p<unt or vi.... w. .
of pipe for carOoIl steel A 106 Grade B (sec Appendix Tahle All.
The ..: .... pan~ion in each direc~ion and terminal movement i~:
~x = 40lt!.023l = 0.92 in.
~hc B~ I_~ codl.' dl'fln\.·~ inplanc :and 0utphme bending moments, \""hi(h .arc:
ay~(50-1(l)({I.0231+(2-1)~ L92in. _ mome n I
shown lO Flgurc~ 4.2 and 43. Ahl..·" application of the inplane bendine
t.Z = 15(0.0231 = 0.345 in.

y = ./0.92' + 1.92" +(1.1 191 = 2.13. M,

M;o.. cbi
D = nominal pipe Si7..e = lOin.



M; 6(.

,. t 2 in.
FlCURE 4.2 Inplane and outplane moments in a hc:nd
FIGURE 4.1 Formal analysis requirement. (ANSI/ASME 831.3).
- ,,
..:,.,i ANSI Piping Code$ and ASME Piping Codes

LEG :3

cb cb
i, i

~. If- i .!:'
;:; ....'1":: "'I
]; ...

.E= +,
LEG I ;;
I .

cR. -.~.

','" !

=- ;5::
- ""

fiGURE 4.3 lnpl3:Je and outplane moments in t-ranch conne..:tion (ANSI/ASME R:\131. .;;
." "

~u ~
Mj • the bend or branch connection still remains in the originai plane. But when .:: V;
outplane bending moment Mo was applied. the bend or Ilranch connection =,
goes out of the original plane. The torsional moment about the axis of the pipe ~
is denoted by M,. Power Piping Code (B3 L 1) and Nuclear Ct\lk (ASME
Scc. nil. do not differentiate between inptane and outpl.lllC l~nJing

moments, Scc Table 10.1 for Nuclear Code equations.


P.iping auxiliaries like bends (e.g.• elbows. miter bends) and branch con-
nections (e.g., welding tee, fabricated tees) have flexibility Ch;,tfactcristic 11.
flexibility factor k, and stress intensification factors (SIF). In this area most ,
codes including British standard 8S3351 use the work done hy Markl <

(reference 6). Table 4.3a (reproduced from Appendix D. ANSI B31.3. I()XO
revision) gives equations for calculating. values for h. k. inplanc SIF i" :ilnd •
outplanc SIF io. Note that other codes do not allow the- use of lower value for a =
outplane SIF (O.75/h 2JJ.) compared with higher value of O.9/h 2/J for in plane
,; 8.

"" 57
TARUi; 4.-'21 "'exlhlllty "'oclor k and Sfrc!l!l Intensification FftclOr I (Cnn'inutd)
-------_.. _•.. - ... 4. .___ • __ ._. _

Stress 111\. Fal'lor"s

Flexibility Flexibility
Filctor OUlp!iltil,: Inrl"ne Ch,lractcri!'itic
~ Description k i" i, h Sketch

Reinforced fabricated l •2,.\

tce with pad or
:i,,' "
(f + ~ f,)·\f~
f- --- ! --.-
Pad Saddle

Unreinforced I.~ n. C)
:i" .-
fabricaled tee I,·'" I :

" ==nJr. t

~e Note~ on page (., 1.

_lrlli1rl;;-;-~~:;:; 'C',~ • • ",\. '::"-'S"<~ -;",~,,~~~~;c~r-i"k~~i1~_;,- 1"_Q,@;!*~~;:~,,*;iic' f:¥;~,k ;'-~!¥,-'$'? •

Extruded'·~ J.
welding tee I -(!.c~ :i,,': (I+~)! .~~=u
r.~U.()SD" " r~ r~ T rl
7;<I,sf 'I -:T
I "
- _. - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , . . . . : . . - -
Welded-ili'" ...1
contour insert
r. 2::~~
1 (l.ll
• r,
~~-r r2 I

T,"'l.ST . t I
, '.
~ t
~ ..l
Branch I.U welded~on I' 'J f .,.
' ('Integra11 y
fi lung 1 l.J
.-:;'{i 3,3 - T
reinforced) /1' r~ ~ r,

---- ~---------
"See Notes following lahl~ on page 61.
eo 'lEllltllTY '1roCTOft
Flexibility tntcnsiflClIlillll &0 '" V fOil: ELBOWS ll.·l'~
Description Factor k Factor j ._ 1'\ / :-- ".[XI.flITT 'ACTOI'
I:: 040 fall: "TUS k'" .152/t<l'"

Butt.weldeo'joint. reducer.
g.llt ~o "" STMSS INTtNSIf.fAllON
::! « I ... "../ fACTOII: 1-0.'''' I
or weld neck flltnge 1.0 ~ t 20 STIltESS INTtNSI~9f.TIONS
Double-welded slip·on S~ " " V 'ACTOIl: '-0.15/1'1

~ flange 1.2 ~~
Fillet-welded juint or ~ii 6
socket weld flange 1..1
~~ ~ ~ l"r'\
Lap joint flange (with ~
~o ,
ANSI B16.91ap joint stub)
Screwed pifle joinl.
,~~ , r--.......... ~

nr !l:crcwed nlll1~C ~ 1.',- Ct"'( ~I'... "

('orru~<ltcd s'rai~lu
corrugated or cril!lhed hcnd~
pipe, or
, , <
u lOO
~ l"" . I--1l I I".., Bl

S()Ur('(': AMit/ASME 11.11 ..1. 191\0 I:dilnn. '\l'l'l'lllh, ll. ':i. o.~
... Cl31~ I [NO fLANa[O C,-h'"
go.2.~vJ...-' ~ 2 [NOS 'LAHOEO L1-h"

u 11 ,
0Cl: OOJ ~4 001 t10 O.IS U IS U u uu

_tIjA*t"AA~,.i~:~t4lJftt1Jibij'f\mlii,~lrr4M1i'1f,'~flrj]il[ ,111' iiit llr, _ Si ".'@i:' .~~,,~w,~Hi.U' .',Wn4

Notts: (Applie~ to Table .I.3a and ,Uh)

I The ftexihility factor k in the tahle applic5: In I-lc:ndin,g in an~' rlnne. The llexihili1~' f:'l'tm", k nnt! mC'",~ inlen:'>ilkalion faclo1'5 I !\.hall nnl he le!l~ thnn unity:
factors for tonion equal unity, 80th fnetun apr1y Mer lhe elfet'li~'c arc 1cl1~th I~ hnwn "y hCH\'~' cenlcr1ille~ in the s"ctche~) for eurved and miler bends. nnd
'0 the intersection point (or t4:es.
~ The values of k and i can be read direclly rrnm ('harl A hy enlering \\'ill1 rill' I'h:lradcri",tk ,. computed fmm lhc formulas l,!ivcn ilhuvc. NCllnenc1:llure is
as follows:

f = for elbows and miter hends the nnminal'ss or the lilling
= for tees. the nominal .... all thickne!is of th(' mnlchinJ.! plpl'
T" a the crotch thickneSS of te(~~
f. "" pad or ~ddle thkkn~
(J - one-half angle between adjacent mitcr axe~
, r:· mean radiu~ of matching pipe
RI • bend radius of welding elhow or pipe I\cnd
r. - crotch radiu!\.
~ ... miler SfN1cinl! 111 cenlerlinc
f)h = 01) or hmnch.
\ Where A:mgc!\ nre ll1lnchetlm Clne 4lt hnth ends, the v"lues HI k nnd ; illth~' table ~hall ht' L'llrrl'~'ll'I' hy lhe rllclnrs Cl' which call he rellCl direl'lIy rrlllll
Chart R. entering wilh Ihe cumputed 1, .
•1 rllcln~ shnwn apply tu hendinp.. Flexihilily fll~·tnt fur Inr!1.illlll'lil1als H.ll.

, When 'f~ is :> n"', usc h :n"'r'jf! .

.. The deliigner t5 ~'Illltillne(t th,,' ell~1 hull weldclllhtin}ts may hav~' ftln~ilkl;lhl~ Ilt':l\'il'l \I'alls tharllh:,l of thc pil'lC with whkh they arc tlsnt. I.Ht~e erwl1I
may be introduced unleu the ellcet or thesc p.rcaler thickncs,'Il's i!i ~·Llllsi{IcH't1.
, The dcsip,ner mWlt be ll..,tj!\.fied Ihllt thk fnhril'nt\un hl'" 11 J'lresstlrc rl,ltll).! eljlll\':Ik'n' tu ~lrili!-!ht pipc.
H A single Inten!\.ineatjnn r.etm cqlmllll O.W1,,'/1 mllY he lljl,('d rllr hutll i, allll I,. if Ill'.. ir~'tl.

In large diameter lhin-wall ell'lll....1i lint!, rrc~,,"re l'llTl si~l1ilk;ln"y :1111:\'1 till' 1lI:1)~n;ltldcs llf k and i. Tn ellrfl;:cl Vahle!i rmlll 'he taille

divide k h)':
I (Te")(,.)'t "
I +6 (',~I
R )'" I dividl';hy: 1, ...l2~(rHr""I·'·I/,~.'(·l
Miter Bends 63
ANSI Piping CodeS end ASME Piping Codes

Examplt: By modeling flanges at the elbows, the lowcr SIF values can be
advantageously used. Howe\'er. the flexibility factor also has been
5. Calculatc SIF and flcxibility factor for 12 in. standard schedule long radius reduced which is not desirable.
(a) For welding elbow.
bend radius = RI = 1.5(naminal diameter) = 1.5(12)= 18in.
Mitcr hends shall he used. when more economical. for changes in direction on
T = ?ominal. wall thickness = 0.375 in. (see Appendix Table A4, steel water piping. drain lines. and internal piping in pressure vessel'i in which
properties of Pipe) and assume that elbow and pipe have ~amc thick- space limitations prohibit the use of elbows. Miter bends in horizontal suction
ness. lines 10 centrifugal pumps should be a minimum of six pipe diameters from the
suction flange. The equations to calculate stress intensification factors for
OD-f 12.75 - 0375 mitcrs arc given in TithIc ~ 3a. The miter bend can he either closely spaced or
rl = m~an radius of pipe 2
2 ~ 6.1~75 in. widely spiKed as determined hy using. the following equations.
The miter is closely spaced if the miter space S is:
. (4.4a)
It = flexibility characteristic = fR~ (equation from Tahlc 4.:\;11 s
< ,~( I + tan 61
. 5 COl 6 (4.4bl
0.375(1~1 RI = Bend radIUS =--,-
(6.18751' ~0.176
Tht.' mih.'r i~ wi\k'ly sp'll'cd if th,-, mit..:T 'Space S IS:
k. = fl eXl'b'I' f 1.65 I 6<
I Ity actor = - - ~ -'-"- = Q 3«' S~r:,tl +130 ~I
" 0.176 -- "'"
r:11 +cot RI
i, = inplane stress intensification factor = 0.9
2no -«-I.-1-7-6~}'~/.\ = 2J':6 2
where H = mitel" angh:'. d\"'~rces
;. ~outplane SlF 0.75 r~ = mean mdius of th,-, matching pipe. inches
(0.176)'" "A (For m<lximum :.allowahk internal pr~$sure calculations. see Equations :U~a.
:he value ii=0.75/h is allowed for 831.3 and B114 If 2J{b. and 2Jk.)
2/3 The mitcr angle 11 i~ equal to 11 ~ for a five-piece (or four-weld) mitcr, sketch
. T bl a4higher value i = 0.9/ h may. be used for both"'; and't... C·h'art. A
(d) in Tahle ~A. 8 is equal to 15 for a four-piece (or three-weldl mitcr. skctch
10 a e .3b may be used to read ;j and ;.,. For 831 I P
NIP" Se - .• ower P'Ipmgand .
uc ear· aping. ction Ill• .classes 2 and 3 pipin{1eo" ose the h'Ig her va'1 uc (c). Tahle 4A :'ll1d U is equal to 22~ for a three-piece (or two-weld) milk·1.
only. ~kctch_ (h) Tahle ~.-L Tahle 4.-1 ~ho\\'s thc~ mitcrs and also g.i\"('~ milcr
(b) If one end is flanged, Ihe . 1
space S.
(0.176)113 = 0.5604. correction factor = Cl = h t:\ =

Flexibility faclor ~ C. = 0.5604 (t;~6) ~ 5.25 6. Calculate the SlF and flexibility factor k for an 8 in. four-piece mitel. The
plate thickness is 0.322 in.
For an 8 in. nominal pipe. r::: = mean radius = 4.152 in. For a four~piecc
lnplane SIP= C'(~:J) = 0.5604tO.~;:21J) = 0.5604(2.86) = 1.6 (three-weld) miter. 6 = miter angle = 15°.
From Table 4.4. 5 = miter space = 6-h in. Check for closely or widely
OUlplane SW= e, (~~;) = 0.5604(2.4) = 1.345 spaced miter: r,{ 1 + tan 15) = 5.'26 in.• which is less than the miter space
from the table. Thus the given miter is a widely spaced miter.
Miter Bends 65

TABLE 4A Mi.eI' Space Dimension for Mitei' Bends., in. Using the equation from the code. Table 4.33,

<? ~ ~ ~
I+cot 6 f 1 + cot 15 O.3::!2
'1 = llexihilily ch.araClcristic 2
-----.;:; = IJ. 1835
4,1. _
2 "
' R, , R,
"I' ractor =
' H=1l4
,. k. = fl eXlh'lt)' 1.S2 ~/f>
11 = 22 11 '= IS"
(0) Si"gle.~ld miter Ibl Two-weld .litter (') Three-weld miter (d) fOUf..weld miter 1=/ =SIF=~= n.9 ~=2.7
, ..' (1,)~/'\ (O.lB35)213 0.3229 8
Mitcr Space S
Pipc Bend Radius Tahlc 4.3a gives equations to calculate the flexibilitv factor and SIF for the
Diamc(t:r R, e = :22;0 11= 150 11,= 111<> following hranch intersection types: .

-' 4~ 3~ 2,1. I :;~

1. Welding lcc
4 6 5 JI'~ -,
1. Reinforced fahric~tted tee with pad Or saddle.
9 7 ,~, ~:.: J;~
" 12 IJ :;~ ('1:, 4; ~. Unreinforced f~loric'Hed tee or stub-in
'0 15 12,:, Sl~ 5:~ 4. Extruded welding tcc
'2 18 I~:~ I): 7,:, :'. \Vdd in COlllllur ins..' rt (w..-ldnlct)
14 21 17: I I~
, . h. BrillKh wddcd 011 filting
!6 24 IY: J:~: 11::.
1:-> 27 22~ I~ :. lll~ Br;!,lt.'h ink'r~'dinns art.' :<otlfllt.'timl,.-s identified by trad.:- nam~s or nam;::; gi.... en
- hy;1 spccifil' m;l1lllf;J~lur,t.'r. 1I is important to remember that SIF value should
20 30 2~: Ih,'" 1I :~
nnllx' k''S'S than 1 I Nntt.' I ..f Tahlc ~.~h).
" 33 27i~ 17:.', O~
\"hell p:ulthil.'kllt.'ss 01:' is !!rc~Hcr than I! times the pipe thickness f, the
24 :10 29:I I~,~, U,~.
t.'qu;llion 10 (.';tkul;I1t.' h 1'\I.'(.·ol11t.'S
20 :19 32,~ 2U: 15~
28 42 34ft 00'
--~ H.::. 1I =-t-
-r- hec Note 5, Table 4.~bl (4.40)
30 45 371 2~~ 17~
32 48 39~ 2:"::, ItJ~
Whl'n this CtllllJilitlll is rt.·;ldlt.'tl 1, .i'S n() longer the function of pad thickness.
34 5' 421 27 ,~. 211,~. Th;'lt mt.'ans credit ~;lnrltlt ix' (lht~lined for a pad thickness portion that is
36 54 44~ 2K:~ 21; ~rt.'~IIt.'r ,h;1I1 I ~ tinlt'S thl." ript." thickness.
38 57 47} 3U:: ...... "
SIF v;llut.''S (or I1Hl:"ot hr;lIlt.'h intersection types are a runcti'ln o( run pipe
40 00 49* 32~ 23~ dimt."l1siol1s .munut hl"anl.:h pi['k:.
42 63 S2~ :n~ 25.~.
48 72 S9~ JK~, 2H:
7. C"alcu1:ttc SIF and I.: factor for an 8 in. diameter standard seh pipe with
4 in, hranch if:

(<I) if intersection is an unrcinforced fabricated tee

(h) if pad thickne,,"s used is equal to pipe thickness
(c) if pad thicknes~ used is 0.57 in,
The header wall thickness is f = 0.322 in. The mean radius of the pipe is
64 r2 = 4.152 in.
66 ANSI Piping Codes .00 ASME Piping Codes Effect of Pressure on Stress IntensHicetion .nd Rexibility Factors 67
(a) The unrein(orced fabricated tee: TABLE 4.5 flexibility and Stress Intensification Factor ror Bend
h = flexibility characteristic = Tlr2 = 0.322/4.152 = 0.0776
Stress Intensification Factor
k = flexibility factor =1 Aexibility Ae.xibilit'j
Factor Outplane lnplane Characteristic
i" = outplane SIF = 0.9111'" = 0.9/(0.0776)'" ~ 4.95 k (, i, h Sketch
ii = inplane SIF = ~io +! = i(4.9S) +~ = 3.96 t
(h) The reinforced fabricated tee: .J. "

1.65 0.75 0.9
Welding elbow II~I.\ h~o
f r = pad thickness = 0.322 in.. k = 1.0 or pipe bend

11 ~ (T +! T.l'" [0.322 + !(0.322)1'" 0.16213 ,

-= 0 "1, I
T·'''r, (0.322)'''(4.152) 0.1827(4.152) ._.

. 0.9 0.9 0.9 ~ 2.52

I. ~ "U, (0.213)"3 0.3566
Flexibility factors and SIF arc very important constants in pipe stress
ii = ~;<> +~ = ~(2_52) + 1 = 2.14 Tahlc .t.~ gives ",'qualions for calculating flexibility characteristic 11.
OcxihililY fOlctor k. outplane and inplant: stress intensification factors (i., and i;)
(cl The pad~ thickness = 0.57 in. See Note 5 of TaMe 4.3h. When
f(\r dhow and ~nd,
-t> l!f. use 11 =..t( f/'~), The flexihility faclm k in thc tahl~ applies 10 bending in any plane. The
1.5(0.3751 ~ 0.5625 1kxihilit\' f;U:h'r k .'Od stress intcnsilic3tion factor i should not be less than
unity; f;'~'wrs flU totS.iOil cqu:t1unity, Bl,th factors apply over the effective arc
.Given pad thickness. T,= 0.57 in. > L5(O.J75) hhown lw he;'ln' ecTll","r lines in the sk~tch) for curved bends.
A. si.-.~k i!lten·:';jlkati~m f~!etor equal to O,'J/l:' ~ may he used for lxlth ie anc:l i",
Thus 11=4!~4(0.375)=036n
if desir~d.
,:!. ~_lS2 The correction factor ("FK for flexibility factOr due to pressure on elbow 0-i
hcnd is gi"",'n ;:IS Eq, ~5a: ------ --_. .
. 0.9 0.9 O.~
r.,= - I IX
h:!./J 1O.3613fo 0.507 - . Pr.,' 7/J. R )11.'
CFK ~ 1 + ~/ - )(~) (-, (45<1)
\Et' 1 r~
k ~ 1.0

where 'f = nominal wall thickness of the fittin~s' for elbowS. and miter bends,
Some piping codes (references 2 and 3) give Connulas for corrcctin~ flexihilitv
factor and stress intensification [actor (SIF) for elbows or bends. The effcct (;f inches
r~ = mC:3n radius of matching pipe, inches
pr~ure .00 stress, forces,. a.n~ moments by uSing corrected strcss in-
RI = bend radius of welding elboW or pipe bend. inches
tensification factors and flexlblhty factors is discussed next.
p = gauge pressure, psi ~
When pressure effect is considered. SIF valves are'lower. thus reducing the
act~! ,thenna) stresS, However. the anchor force increases because thc
Ec·=cold modulus of elasticity. psi
Equations 4.5a and b for correction factors are given in Chemical Plant and
flextblhty at the bend has reduced. Pressure can affect SiDo'ficantl th
. d eof t h e fl eXI·b·'· f . C lye Petroleum Refinery Piping (831,3-1980) and Liquid Petroleum Trans-
magmtu I Ity actor and SIF In large diameter thin-wall elbows..
portation Piping Systems (831.4·19791.
68 ANSI Piping COdes and ASME Piping Codes Effect of Pressure on Stress Intensification and Flexibility Factors 69
50 Bend The outplane SIF:

. 0.75 0.75
'.. = (1, )2/.' (0.224)'1> = 2.03

The inphlll~ SIF:

_. =2.44
i, =(.tI )'1>

The lkxihilily factor is:

k = 1.65 = 1.';5 _
/, 0.224 -7.366
Diametef ::: 8.625 In
Thickness::: 0.322 in
The corrcction factor eFt<. for the flexibility factor (Eq. 4.5a)
TH + PP. + wr eUecl

11 H( E.,f: W~7 l"'(-!3!)

Temp. ::: 450'f

r, 11.,]
bpansion coellicient ::: 3.16 in.fIOO It
Press,ufe ::: 250 =
E ::: 27,9 )( 10" psI

flGURE 4.4 Sym~trical ~xpansi(\n k'op. 250) 4.1515)'" 12 )"-']

= 11 +6(27.<IX \0" .( 0.322, (4.1515
To ilIUSln~!C the effect· of pressure on 'flexibility' fa\:lor <Juo ~arc:-;s in-
tcnsifk:.ltion factors. an example problem using welding. cll"l()w~ tNoJc SO) is = 1.01~67

used as shown in Figure 4.4.

8. The outside diameter or a pipe is 8.625 in. 1.(J1~67

': = ~ [8.615 +[g.6~5 - 2(0.322)]] = ~ I:' t:' in.
(·nnl'«:tiOI1 (actOl CFt for SIF (Eq. 4.5b)
T = O.3:!2 in.
RI = 1.5(nominal diameter) = 1.5Un = 12 in.
= 11 + 3.25( :;Wf.)'" C,')"']
E,. = 27.9 x 10- psi
= I (
2511 ·)(4.l515)'I2( 12
1+3.25 27.9 x 10· 0.322 4.1515
The flexibility characteristic is:
= 1.0:<527
h= fR.
(r,)' Corrected oUlplanc SIF 2.44 = 2.36
(4.1515)' =0.224 . Corrected inplanc SIF 1.96
Effe« of.Preuufe on Stras IntenslfJcetion.nd Aexibility Factors 71

Note that the flexibility factor and the stress intensification factor reduce when
pressure effect on elbows is considered. Four different diameters were used
• ranging from 6 to 12 in. for result comparison.
Table 4.0 gives the results obtained. For example, with an 8.625 in. OD
pipe. SIF factors are i; = 2.44 and i... = 2.03 when no pressure effect was
considered. resulting in expansion stress of 18.396 psi at bend 50. When
pressure effect was considered, for the same 8 in. nominal diameter pipe.
i; = 2.36. i.. = 1.96. and expansion stress of 18.009 psi at bend 50 were
", ohtaincd.
The percent change in results due to the pressure effect for the 8 in~ line is:

percent change (lower) in expansion stress 18,396-18,009 x 100


pcrc~ntch3ngc (larger) in axial force at anchor XI00
= 1.0%
" F"r the' :S;tmc ~xpan:-;j(ln l(lop with H.625 in. OD pipe. the pressure range was
dl'lIlgcd. At,; T:1hl..• ~.7 ~ho",·~. the pressure -eff-ect becomes more significant
with incrca:-;e in pres.t,;urc.
It is p<lS:sihlc that including pressure effect on SIF and on flexibility factor
could make thc difference hctwecn the expansion stress valves obtained with
and without prcs.... ure effect This effect will be significant in the case of large
di4.lOlc(cr thin-wall clhows.

...'" N

'"-'"' T ARU': 4.7 Effect of Prcssuft at Elbows (Node SO)

< 01) = tt615 i ...... thickness = 0.322 in., tempen.ture =- 4SOOF
!- c
Into.=nsitk31ion Axial
Factor Expansion Force
Prcs..o;urc Stress % Change at % Change

'" '".. '"

c (psig) i, i.. (psi) (lower, Aocb9r Ob) {larger)

C ...
No pressure 2.44 2.03 18,396 1113
250 2.36 1.96 18.()OQ 2.1 1125 I
350 2.32 1.94 17.9i5 2.2 1137 2
450 2.29 1.91 17.942 2.5 1148 3
5:'iO 2.26 1.89 17,910 2.6 1159 4
650 2.23 1.86 17.818 2.8 1170 5

72 ANSI Piping (;odes .nd ASME ,Piping Codes Stresses in • Piping System 73
3 and 831.4 piping codes have allowed the use of The thermal expansion st~ess (Eq. 4.6) is based on the maximum shear theory.
As. stolted he rorc onI\' B31 • . '
.. • . 1 d'e the effect of oressure on SIF. BasIc work on this area 2. The resultant bendmg stresses Sf> to be used in Eq. 4.6 for elhows and
. ~ ~ .,- I ' n for the equations .' .,
IS found an reference 7 and this
miter bends shall be calculated in accordance with Eq. 4.7. with moments as
and Ih~ rormu aUO . .. - I . T
. ' used to reduce the stress In piping an real case ana )1515. wo shown in Figure 4.2.
mformatlon . was (65 74 in.) long (6500 ft) steam hnes .were
- bUilt to supply
larl'c dIameter at .400"F to heavy water plants at Ontano . Hydro•s B ruce
eo- S" = resultant bending stress. psi
_ psleam
er Development (reference 8). . ' .
In prehmlOary anaI ' t he
Nuclear ow
. . . r .,
f r flexibility and stress mtenslficatlon actors £.Ivcn In power c e
= J(i,MY + (j"M.)'
,-'qu:.ttlons 0 • b d (4.71
BJ I. J were used (refcre~ce I). In further analysIs Eqs. 4.58 and were use z
and the piping was quahfied.
wherc i, = inplane stress intensification factor from Table 4.3a
STRESSES IN A PIPING SYSTEM. io = outplailc stress intensification factor from Table 4.3a
M, = inplane hending moment,
The equation for expansion stress S,; is givcn hy Eq. -1-.6. The cqll~tlion for Mu = outplane bcnding moment. in. Ib
resultant bending stress S" is ~i",cn hy Eq. -t.. 7. For hranch connections. the Z=sectional modulus of pipe, in. 3
resultant bending stress equation requires .lllention hecause the section 3. The re~ultant bendin£: stresses Sb to be used in Eq. 4.6 for branch
modulus value Z used for header and hranch is slightly dillcrent. Eqmltions conncctions shall he calculatcd in accordance with Eqs. 4.8 and 4.9 with
4.& and 4.9 show this differ~nc(;. The calculated "'alu~ of expansion stress SE m(lnlents as shown in Figure -t.3. For header (legs 1 and 2):
needs to he lower than expansion stress range SA. earlier defined hy E~. 4.1.
The stresses in a piping system i~ generally low for smaller temperature IC'M)'+('M)'
S,,="ij 1,,0 (4.81
variation. 5maller diameter. smaller eltpansion coeUieicnt. It,wcr Ollldulus of Z
dasticity~ and the longenhc length of thl' pj~ in a c:j,in.'Clinn fK~rp'-:ndicul;tr to
For hr<tneh (k'~ .:;);
direction of ex~nsion.
The pipe wall thickness has no significant effect on bending. stress due to
thermal expansion but it affects the end forces and moments in din.'ct ratio, So s _ Jti M f'+(i M
j j o o )2
o ...erstrcs.... cannot he remedied by adding thickness; on the contrary. this tends •- z.- (4.YI

to make matters worse by increasing forcc:s and moments.

whl-'re S" = result'lIlt bending stress. psi
Aexibility Stresses· Z,. = effectivc section m<ldulus for branch of tee. in..) = '1lT;'/s
r... = mean branch cross-sectional radius. inches
t~ = effective hranch wall thickness. inches (lesser of f" and (;.. )(/,,11
I. Bcndin~ and torsional stresses shall be computed using the .ls·inslallcd
I" = thickness of pipe matching run of tee or header exclusive of
modulus of clasticit~, E.. and then combined in accordance with Eq. 4.6 to
determine the compulcd displacement stress range SE_ which shall not cxceed I"cinforcing demcnts, inches
I" = thickness of pipe matching branch. inches
the al10wahle stress range SA:
L. = outplanc stress intcnsification factor
(4.61 i, = ,inplanc slrcss intensification factor
4. Allowahlc stress range SA and pennissibie additive stresses shall be
where s" = resultant bending stress. psi computed in accordance wilh Eq. 4.1 and Eq. 4.2.
S, = M,f2Z = torsional stress. psi
M f = torsional moment. in.-lh Example
Z = section modulus of pipe. in.)
9. Calculate torsional stress. bending stress, and expansion stress at the
• From ANSI/ASME 831.3-t9KO. ScClkln 319.4.4. intersection of 4 in. sch 80 header and 3 in. sch 40 branch (Fig. 4.5).
74 ANSI Piping Codes and ASME Piping Codes Stresses in • Piping System 75
The torsional stress is:

3 in. diameter
seh 40 ~
Lee 3
4 in, diameter

leg 2
seh 80
,A ,
The computed displacement stress range is:
2322 X 12
3262 psi

FlCURE 45 Stresses at run and branches.

MomentS acting at the intersection is J!iven Ixlow:
~ .J9638' +4(3262)' - 13,630 psi
M. ft-Ib M, M.
For Header Leg 2:
Header leg] -550 2322 800
Header leg 2 425 1821 -890 C,f"'12::.::::52::::Xc:....:.42::5:..:X.:....:.:I2:;-)",'+;,-'=[3:::.0::3'-'..(...:8::9:.:0",)1:.:2,,-]' 45,764
Branch I~g 3 -180 -920 682 4.27 = 4.27
= 1ll.717psi
Solution: For header, y moment is torsion; x moment is inplanc; and z
moment is Qlllplane moment. 1821 x 12
~ 2558
For branch. y moment is outplall~: x mOment is inplanc: ~lnd z moment 2(4.27)
is torsional moment.
Assume unrcinforcc:d fabricated h:C (stub-in), that gives the highest
number for SIF-
For Bram:l1 Leg 3:
T = 0.337 in. (~C ,3..pp.:ndix Table A-t for -t in. seh 14(1)

T2 ="2I (4.~ -0.337) = 2.(IX2 in. Z = 1.724 in.' lAppendix Table A4)
Z- = effective section modulus for branch
Z=4.27in. 3
T 0.337 "m = 10.:' -().216) = 1.642 in.
h = - = - - = 0 162,
'2 2.082 .
t. = lesser of I" or 0..1,,)
. 0.9 0.9
.... = h1l3 (0.162)113 = 3.U) I" = (·LU7 in. eI- and Ih mean the same thing)
i.,(I.) = 3J)3(O.216) = 0.654 in.
i, = 0.75(3.03) +0.25 ~ 2.52
l~ = 0.337 in.
For Header ug I: The resultant bending stress is:
4 = w( 1.642)'((1.337) = 2.85 in.'
S _ J(i;M;l' + (i"M. )' ,/[2.523(-180) 12]' + [3.03( -920) 12]' 33,892
• Z 5.
2.85 2.85
S = ,J[2.52X( 5501l2]'+[3.03(800)12j' = 11,892 psi (4.11)
b 4.27 (4.10)
M, 682(12)
41,136 .
= - - = 9638 PS'
5, ~ 2<Zi = 2(1.724) 2373 psi
SE = .JII,892' +4(2373)' - 12,804 psi
76 ANSt Piping CodeS .nd ASME Piping Codes Cold Spring 77
Note the same SIF is used fOT the header and branch. In bending stress The following difficulties have been faced with respect to cold spring:
calculation IEq. -to t I) for branch. the section modulus value is modified.
By mistake some calculate the- stress also with cold spring., which is
wrong. First the system should pass for stress calculations without
COLD SPRING considering cold spring, Only in the next calculation can eold spring he
consid~rcd for reducing loads at equipments.
A piping system may be cold sprung or prcstrcs."Cd [0 reduce anchor iorce and
2. C'om;truction crews sometimes overlook the need for cold spring and
moments caused by thermal expansion. Cold spring may be cut short for hot
thus do not use the cold spring. The amount of force necd~d 10 pull ;1
piping orcut long fOTcold (cryogenic) piping. The cut short is accomplished by
large line to the initial position for welding is huge.
shortening the overall length of pipe by desired amount but not exceeding the
calculated expansion. Cut long is done by inserting a length (making the length 3. The cold reaction at full cold spring needs to be calculated and m'ldc
of pipe longer). The amount of cold spri~g (CS) is expressed as a percentage or sun: that the cquipmenl is anle to withstand this addi(ionalload due (0
fraction of thermal expansion. total cold spring at cpl~ condition.
Credit for cold spring is not allowed for stress calculations. Different codes 4. The deflcctions ~lta Cf.}ld spring location still remain the same, because
state the same meaning by slightly different wording. The following is from th~ cold spring only rdoc;ltes the pipe weld point and does not reduce
Nuclear Code, Class 2 piping NC-3673-3 ASME Scction Ill: th(.' actual cxp.msion. This actual deflection is important in the spring
Jt,.'sign. If .allenlion is not p;lid. th~ sp.-ing may be undersized for
NC-3673.3 Cold Springing7 No credit for c<)ld spring is allowed with regard to ddk'etitlll.
st~I".~. In calculating endthrusts and moments actin,g,<ln equipment. the actual :'. ("llld ~prin~ ll(.'(.'c,h to lx',.·cificd at w~ld points to save cost of
reactions at anyone time. rather than lheir ran,g,e, shall he used. Credit for cold ad...liti~'nal ",·ddin~.
spTin~ing is anowed in the calculations of thrusts and moments, provided lhe
method of obtaining the designed cold spring is sp..:cif}("d and uS<.'d. Maximum Reactions for Simple Systems·
1-',1!urc 4.6 shows the position of the pip~ befor~ and after cold ~pring. (Cut For tWll-;lI1chor ~y~l .... m:-'o without inlt,.·rmcdi;th: n:~lrainls. Iht: m;tximum io-
short in this case). Tile length of pipe is 85 ft in x direction and gro\\':-'o 1.54 in. at ..lanl;ll1...' OUS ,·;&Iut:s of rl..';a(.·lioll forl..·e~ and moment.. m:ty ·hc cSlimat~d from
the temperature ·of 3000F. The percentage cold spring. desired i~ 50%. The fnl.~ l:.qs. -I.t::! :ll1d .J.l.~;l.
amount of length to be cut short is equal to the product of percentage cold
spring and actual expansion; here it is 0.77 in. For practical reasons. to achieve C tl'
FiJf Iix/n'Ir!<' J);spluc('lIIt'm COWI;I;VIIS Rm : The temperature for this
the :--ame at the construction site cold spring of ~in. is used. As can I~ seen the t,.'ompuwtion i:- Ih...· maximum nr minimum metal t~mpcrature. whichcver
rnl{hu:..:~ the larger ft,.,;tetinn:
pipe is pulk-d baek during installation. This is done by physical forcc using
equipment such as a tractor, When the pipe gets hot. it cros."ies the neutral
position and grows toward the other side. ~C) E_
R=R(I--- (4.I~1
Oft3 E..

C = cold-sprinr. f.lelnr varying fmm zero for no cold sprin~ td I.U fOf I(K)'}:,
cold spring. (The f..clor 2t:. is hascd on experience that sho"..s that
specified cold spring cannot he full)' assured. even wilh daburalc
rr~cau(ions.) U:-ually C of n.s is recommended.
E.. ~ modulus of e1astieily at inslallation temperature
E... ~ modulus of elasticity at maximum or minimum metal temperature
R = range of reaction forcc!'i or mo~nts (derh'cd from flexibility analysis)
corresponding to the fun displacement stress range and based on E"
Rm =cstimated inslanlancous maximum reaction force or moment at maxi-
mum or minimum. metal temperature
C '" installed position (cold) AGURE 4,6 Piping in initial (cold) and
H = position after expansiCHl (hot) final (hot) position under cold spring.
• From ANSI 831.3. sumcclion 31~.5.1 and 319.5.2.
78 ANSI PipIng Codes and ASME Piping Codes Exercises 79
(b) For Original Condition R.: The temperature for this computation is the Piping matcrial is stainles.... steel A3l2 TP 304. The temperature is
expected temperature at which the piping is to be assembled. 9(KI"F.
Tu c.lIculatc hot reactioll. use Eq. 4.12:
Ra = eR or Cl R~ whichever is greater (4.13a)

where nomenclature is as before and:

S.E. when: R = moment hcfore cold spring = 2500 ft-Ib
(4.13bl C ~ 055
Ent = hor modulus = 2.1.4 x 106 psi. at 900°F for stainless steel
Cl = estimated self-spring or relaxation factor; use zero if value of Cl is (Appendix Table A2)
negative. E.. = cold modulus = 2H.3 x I (11'1 psi
R. = estimated instantaneous r~action force or moment at installation I~m­
perature R., ~ 25(KI(I- 2(0.55)) 23.4 X 10'
SE = computed displacement stress range (from Eq. 4.6) 3 2X.3 x Ht'
Sh = hot stress, psi = 2500(O.37HO.X16Y)
= 75X ft-Ih.
Tu c;'lkulatc ('(,Id reaction use Eg. 4. t 3a:
Maximum Reactions for Complex Systems
1(. = C/~ or Cl R. whichevCf is gr~alcr
For multianchor systems and for two-anchor systems with intt:rmcdi.ltc
restraints. Eqs. arc not applicahlc. Each case musllx' studied
to estimate location, nature, and extent of local ov~rstrain and Its dk<.'t on
stress distribution and r..:;actions. . ...,./, E,.
If a piping system is designed with different percentages of cold spring in SE E",
various directions. these equations arc noJ applicable. In this case, the piping
system shall 1x analyzed by a comprehensive method. The calculated hot Ikcausc there \\'3S not enough information to calculate computed
reactions shall be base~.on theoretical cold spsings ip all directions not greater expansioll stress range St::. factor Cl could not be calculated.
than two thirds of the cold springs as s~cificd or measured_ ('nld reactioll. R.. = CR.
= U.55125lKll
~ 1375ft-lh

10. Calculate cold and hot reaction moments at nozzle (Fig. 4.7) after 55% It is import;,ml that the equipment nozzle should withst.and nol onh
cold s~ring if moment without cold spring was 2500 ft-Ib from piping 75R ft-Ih in an operating condition, but~ also 1375 ft-Ib in a cold
analYSis. condition.


_"_ _=30,,-"__ ~e.t'F.lbow 1. Find cold Slress and hOl stress for.a carbon steel seamless pipe al-30"F.
675°F, I 125°F: .
(a) material is AS3 Grade A; (b) material is API 5 L Grade B.
TT 2. A rotating equipment n07.zle can only allow a force of 8001b during
FIGURE 4.7 Moment calculation under cold spring. operation (Fig. 4.8). The carhan steel pipe will havc an operating
temperature 500°F and a calculated force of 3520 lb. A cold sprinB can he
ANSI Piping CodeS and ASME Piping Codes Referenees 81
9. C.dculatc the thcrmal expansion stress for Ih~ branch and the header
32" J according to ANSI 831.3 code for the loading (given in Example <) and
in Fig. 4.5) at the branch intersection: the branch and the header are
12 in. standard wall and X in. sch 40 wall.

F1CURE 4.8 Cold spring example.

used to reduce the force. What is the minimum percentage of cold spring
I. ANSI R3 I.I·IW~(I. "mv,:r ,Piring Cud....
should be used'?
2. ANSl IBI.J·J~sll. Cho:mical Planl and Petroleum Refin<e'ry Piping Code.
3. Calculate the reaction force in a stainless steel piping s~~tem with 65% J. ANSIIBIA-ltl74. Liquid Tr<lnspnrt<ltiun Pipin!!- Cod~,
cold spring. Operating temperature is RO<rF and force without cold spring -!. ANSI BJ I.K DOT. Gas Tr<lnsmission Transpottalion Piping Code:.
is 982 lb. 5. ASME. $.:ctinn Ill. Nuclear Cnmpnnents Cock.
4. At what condition can cold spring he used'? List dillicultics encountered 6. Marld. Arc "Fatil:!uc Tesls of I'ipin!!- ("umronenls:' Trans. ASM£. Val. 74(3). pp. 2H7-JU.'
(Apl'"il 14521.
with cold spring in theory and practice.
7. H,udahuu!!-h. E. C. ··Elfe..:t uf Internal Prcssun: on Flc.\il:>ility and SIF on Curved Pip.::·
S. (a) Calculate allowable stress rangc for AS3 Grade A matNial pipe .It .lmml(ll a[ App/i.·tl Af,'.·hOIl;o;. Vnl. 24; 'l"rom ASME. \'01. 79 tMav 1957).
6S2°F. K Macha..: ck, S. "[h:si!!n and Op.;ratitm tlf a Lar~c Oiamcl<e'r Steam line: at Ontario Hydro's
(h) Calcuiate iongitudinal stress in a 12 (I standard weight welding dhow Hru..:..: Nuclear I'ow..:r [kvc!nrm...· nt:· ASME. 7t'.. PVP_$&.
Inplane bending moment = 423 ft-Ib
Outplane bending moment = 325 Cl-Ill
Axial.forcc = 628 Ib
__ Material is A53 Grade A and temperature is 6K:!°F.
6. Calculate SIF and flexibility factor:
(a) -6 in. kmg radius standard thicknc5.'\
(h) Calculate corrected SIF and k if the elbow is twu ends flan~cd.
(c) Miter bend with 8 = 15° and 12 in. diameter with thickn4..'$." 0.25 in.

7. (a) Calculate thermal expansion force in the piping shown in Figur4..' ..1.<).
The pipe is 16 in. sch 80 A53 Grade B pipe at (~KIOF.
(b) If the distance between anchors is increased 10 :\(H' h. wh;11 willlx-th l '
8. For a seamless ,pipe, AS3 Grade B. the allowable stresses al 70"'''- and
6000F are 20.000psi and 17.300psi. respectively according 10 ANSI
B31.3 code. For an actual piping system at 6(X)"F. the computed piping
stresses at certain locations are as follows:
(a) Longitudinal stress due to pressure weight and other sustained loading
is 9800 psL .,.
(b) Co'mputed displacement stress range is 33.475 psi.
(c) Stresses due to wind load is 5822 psi.
Does this piping system meet the stress criteria (or ANSI 831..3 code?

11l - F

~ FIGURE 4.9 Axial force in restrained piping.


Expansion Loops 83

FIGURE 5.1 S~"11\melricalloop.



~-----'.rl- - - - - - . I

+-'.-i FIGURE 5.2 Nonsymmetricalloop.

As described earlier in Chapter I ty,'o devices used to improve the "ncxibility of

loops. BCC'lU~ this loop arrangement may c~ange the entire pipe rack layout.
piping are expansion lOOps and expansion joints. This chapter will deal with it is advis<thle to c~timatc the hl<lp·S sizes with simplified calculations or
these two topics in more detail. nomngmphs (Fig. 5.12) at c"rly SI;,,!!CS o( the project. Guides on rn.lth sides of
thc loop. shown .as G I and (j~ in Figure 5.3. are important for proper
functinni,,~ of kK'P~ IX'l,:;ulS(' guidC:s direct the expansion into the I:'1end El
EXPANSION LOOPS alorig the .txis of 1111: pi~. which <t\ oid~ shifting the lines sidcw.ty~. A practical
. prohlcm ohen Clh:l,lUnh:rcd is inh:rfe:rc:ncc .\..·h~n ~\Itiiclc.nt f.:tp ",,·a~. not
Loops provide the necessary leg of piping in ~ pcrpcndicul,u din:ction to provided fur in thl.' dcsi~n. The: gap..alle:rc\lnsldcnnglOsul:Jtul;l on hoth h:lc-:'".,
absorb the thermal expansion. They are safer whcn compared with cxpansi<in should he 1<tr~er the t..Iiff~rcnli;.tl expansion at elbows El and £1 as s.~own
joints but take more space. ExpanSion loops may be symmetrical Wig. 5.1) or in Figure 5.4. To avoid interfercnce. gap> (~x2 - ~xl). where .:1x2 and~,.1
nonsymmctrical (Fig. 5.2). Symmetrical loops arc advantageous to use are expansions occurring in the s<tmc direction at the same lime.. .
because leg H (Fig. 5.1) is used efficiently to ahsorb an equal amount of Scc Figure 5.4 showing !,!OIP requiremen'- and also the consldenng of
expansion from both directions. The bend length L2 is given hy: insulation.
Caution ShdUld he exercised in cOlkuhtting the differential expansion if the
L,~ W+2(H) (5.11 inner hlOp is ndt (lfl'CT.;llin~ and i!oo;tt 7()°F. In t~is case. ~he actual g.ap is les~ as
shown in M{!.urc 5.5. Figure 5.("t, Shd~'S that without tU.ides the I~p expansion
Sometimes nonsymmetrical loops are used to utilize the existing support i~ not directed properly. Fif.ure 5.('11 ShdWS that the pipe OCCUple5 (kno~'n as
steel or to locate: the loop at road crossings. Vertical direction supports ar-e snakes).spacc nceded (dr (ulUn: piping layout.This figure d~monstratcs the
provided to support the gravity weight at the ca1culated span as discussed in necessity for guides.
Chapter 3. HorizontaJ loops (bend length either flat or horizontal) would need
a few more supports when compared with vertical loops. in the bend length "
portion, as shown by supports 5 1 5 1 in Figure 5.3. The optimum ratio of height
per width can be estimated and used.
When several piping loops are laid side by side on a pipe rack. the size of the
,I GuideG1
GJ "
loop including the ratio height per width may be modified to lay the loops one ,
inside the other as shown in Figure 5.3. But the final size of each loop (bend
length) must be larger than the calculated bend length.
Hotter and larger lines are placed outside as outer loops because the longer
height H is needed. Smaller lines with lower temperatures are placed as inside
>--5,..0- ..
flGURE 5.3 Layout in plan of many horizontal loops.

Expansion Loops 85

I " I /Veftical guide

I , »'2 Ho<
~-I If

fiGURE 5_4 Gap requirement with both lines hot.
FIGURE 5.8 Vertical loops at road crossings.

Thrcc-dimension,,1 loops (Fig. 5.7) are widely used because this arrange-
ment does not block t~le routing of low temperature lines under the loop. The
------, usual f<liscr height is ahout 3 ft. The loop bend length L,. is also taken here as
>-- I: I.~ = \V + 2 H without giving credit for the two raisers.
Verticat loops are placed at road crossings and sometimes 3re nonsym-
u, m~lri"'·'llIy.lot:,i.ltcd due \<1 the location of the road. Vertical guides may be
i_ Ho' Ih:ccssary 10 keep the line vertical as shown in Figure 5.8.
.1r~ I-+-
=-= Cold
~"1f t-Insulation
FIGURE 5.5 G:tp ,cqui,cm..::nt. inner or smaller loop ~ Stresses and loads in loops
n,nt of'C,atinp;..
of stre~s and loads in loops by the M.."W. Kellogg method
(reference ~ in Chapter I) follows.

Sample Calculation

(,ivcn;J 1t'K1P of ~O in. OD x! in. thick ASTM A-135. Grade A pipe. K I Lis
~O h. (iuid~~ .Ire Incat~d IUCl nn either side of the loop. so that L = 40 ft. The
distam.'c hclwcen anchor!' A' and 13' i~ 1(Kl ft (Fig. 5.9). The line temperature is
,4_) SinI~ k)l)p CbI P,pe loiIe'" plan .t:!:,\°F ,lilt! is used fOf nil pipinr.. Find
f1CURE 5.6 (a) Need IOf !-uides to «mtfOl the: di'eetion 0( dc:ftce'~""_ tM Pipe ,aek with and
withold cnou,h ,uidc:s. . t;1i The required hei!!ht nr I\.~L and
Ihl The (orces acting al (loinls A' ;1I1d B' and the moments acting at points
A and B.

, -----
, / K1 ""'".----f,.
o..;do Ll
",. t----'-"
" K,'
FIGURE 5.9 Stress and loads in a sym-
S,-.tricDl f ........"'" I.oop Svbiected
toTh«ftoolb,-.l~ metrical loop.
FIGURE So7 Th.-ee-dimc:nsional horizontal loop.

., .. f 86. ne uoit linc:"':::;:-x:::o::~ ::::00 steel at l423'~~'- ..... ......
:- ..,
( ,0. =
C:(l). 1ft 1:.:= 100 x 0.03 = 3 in. SA
ffi' )
10 cXC ude longitudinal Jomt e clcncy:
19.890 psi (ig.noring code permisslOil-
..'-:. '

Enter in Figure 5.10 with n.OS31 L _ Length r,um .... t41 B, n.
Read over to the curve representing K I = 0.5 and down 10 th~ value of K 2 , L, .. !L(I - Kt)
which is 0.32. K~L is therefore 40 x 0.32 = 12.HO ft. ..1 .. F-XIWln1!=iOIl from _.... too H', in.
/} _ Ouuk!e dismeter ef l,ilH:, in.

(5.:) \'1I1ore or E u~ .. 29 x to' psi.

S", .' Code 1l1l0""llble stre1s range (1.2:iS, T
O.25S~). pei. '

-------., '-)
(b) The moment of inertia for :W in. OD x i in. thick pipe =i ~~~?Ln':::_ .
I ~ 1~57x3
L~ = fl4.000

Enter in Figure 5.11 with Kt ,:;: 0.5 and K:. = 03~.


A2 = 0.86
F"A = F~8 = -nR.300 x 0.55 = 37.6()() Ih (u'!'oing E~. 5.~1

M ZA =,-Mz8 = +273J)OO x 0.86 = :!35.000 ft-Io (USiD~ Eq_ .531

The nomograph presented as Figure 5.12 may be used 10 Cl'timalc the size of
the expansion loop. Out of the four arrangements of ~ingle-planc cxp;'lOsion
loops shown, type A is popular due to the ease in fahricaliun using. 51and..rd
elbows and straight pipe lengths. Other arrangemenls require pipe hcndin~ 10
a specific configuration.
.'0 . .s..

In arriving at the nomograph. the following were as....umed:

The fannula used is the guided canlilever ~ormula gi~cn hy Eq. 1.3. nCURE 5.10 Design of loops usin,. M. W. Kellogg chart.

Leg required:

( 1.3)

.'" <:'
Expansion Loops 89

,.'? A
_ --
F~A.' = -F,/I'
ALA" -Jl.s

F _ Jo·fl~e. Ih.
. eriia of pipe, in.". M _ :\tmncllt, ft-lb.
I _ • oC ID . ' 6_ B' • in.
l'SIon from. ...
A .. f..Jt'1lI __ .l _ 29 X 10' psi. Fil1\t suh:leript dunute>; dir«,Uo.A.
Value of E Ul;O:U . SecIlIl,llIUb:.eril)t dcuutes 1000tWn.. •
Sigl\i'J lire tho:ce of furces Grmuments oding OIl anchono...

50 20

l'g 1.0


T 3
5 T 50
i·~-- jj


tc 100
9 1:. 30 11
7 • 50
2 "
6 ~ 100 c

m 150
,5 %


•1GURE 5.12 Nomograph to determine loop size. ~

where S" = 20,000 psi

E=29X 10(,. psi
6. = expansion to be ahsorbed by the loop, inches
D = nominal diameter. inches (Note that Eq. 1.3 uses outside
L = Distance between guides, ft
L 1 = Distance between anchors, ft
L 2 = Bend length req'uired to absorb expansion~ ft
".:!,,., , "' ' ,- ..
I. Find the size or the loop to absorb expansion in 200 ft of 12 in. carbon steel
K, pipe at 400°F. Assume height to width ratio. .
FlGURE 5.11 Moments. and forces in a loop using M. W. Kellogg chart.
Total expansion = 200(0.027) = 5.4 in.

expansion Loops and Expansion Joints
Expansion Loops 91

n 1:"11


~t'-----=-2oo" ------1 •
For K, = 0.5 and K, = 0.5. from Figure 5.10. read L'S../IO' DI! as 0.03

L" = !(L)(I- K,l

"GURE 5.13 Estimaled loop size IJsing nomograph. ~!(40)(I-O.5)~10fl
.,~ Deflection A =' 200(~]6.32 in. -
Using the nomograph and assuming a straight line starting from a 12 in. OD=6'@1;~
diameter and through a 5.4 in. expansion. read bend length L 2 as 50 ft.
Assume H = W. then L, ~ 2H + W ~ 50ft. Thus H = W = 17ft. mak-
S O. lO')DA
ing L 2 = 51 ft. I
By calculation I om( 10')(6.625)(6.32)
_ /3(29 x 10")12(5.4) _ f;! I' = 7850 psi
L, - Y 144(20.0<K1) ... _~~: I

Momcllts and forces

The estimated loop size is given in Figure 5.13.
2. Using the Kellogg method. calculate stress. force. and moment in the /: U:si~g Figure 5. J 1, read:
expansion loop shown in Figure 5.14. Th" pipe diameter is6 in. seh 40. the
temperature is 4500F and has carbon stecl piping.. Use Figures 5. J(I and • AI =0.21
5.11 to arrive at the solution. This prohkm is the S.lmc for which rc~ults
where K , = 05 K, ~ 0.5
were presented in Chapter I. Table 1.3_H~rc ~hc prohlcm i!\osolved step h)'
The expansion coefficient for caroon steel al 450°F = 0.031 (l in./fl
(Appendix AI)
It ;
1= 28.14 in. 4

Axial force al 'lI1chor (Eq. 5.2):

,. / I
W width 10 I F,'A' = -:- f-~8'
L ~ C"""-;'-;--:--,-,-
constant K I = -'- .-", -- ()..~
guide distance =, 40 I, IO·A,Al
H heighl ~o L'
K, = -L =-.....,-;,-;'-::-:- =, ""'(1 = 0.5 I
guide distance ...
10"(0.21)(6.32) ".<ll, I~

K'::: 20ft = 5841b
MortU!nt at gUides (Eq. 53):

G"_;"de .. I B AnchorB'
1-'-+"--...- - - - - < i lO'A,1 A
><-----< 1" . L'
~-------L,= 200"
1'-4- I--K.L-_r-_'4_'-
10'(0.5)(28.1.,,6. 32 ,
FIGURE 5.1.. Stress and loads calculation using Kellogg method.
= 5558 fl-Ib
Expansion Loops and Expansion Joints Expansi~n Joints 93



Note: First subscript denOles direction; second subscript denotes


location. Signs are those of forces and moments acting on andlors (see
Fig. 5.15). ~
~ -


In t 984 expansion joints were allowed in nuclear piping design except for the
ASME Section Ill, Nuclear Class I Code. Subsection NB-367 1.2 stales that
expansion joints are not allowed in Class I NB nuclear components. Past DIRECTIONAL INTERMEDIATE
accidents with expansion joint installation:- arc of concern from a safety point ANCHOR WITH GUIDE
of view_ Expansion joints are used to absorb axial compression or extension
htteral offset and angular rotation. As per standards of the Expan:-ion loint
Manufacture.i (reference 1I. torsional rotation should he avoided 011 the
t>cl1ows because torque flroduces high stress levels in bclklws.
Expansion joints can be broadly classified as sliding and ncxiblc. There is a
relative motion of adjacent parts in the case of Slipping joints. Slip joints.




i ---iT
-j ~u;~~

swivel joints, and ball joints are grouped under sliding joints. Dresscrcoupling
and Victaulic couplings are a few trade names of joints ()f this type. Sliding OMA -
- - - i..., DIRECTIONAL
joints are also known as packed joints because packing to contain internal
pressure without leakage is necessary. Flexible expansion joints may be further
/-1--:1'~/~---i( INTERMEDIATE

divided into bellows joints. metal hose, and corrugated pipe (references 2 7' ANCI-iDR ss
and 3). 'A
The following are terms used in t~e design and specification of expansion PIPE ALIGNMENT
joints (see Fig. 5.16 for symbols used for some of the terms): G GUIDE

Main Anchor: A main anchor must be designed to withstand the forces and
moments imposed upon it by each of the pipe sections to which the anchor is FIGURE 5.16 Types of expansion joinC'5 (standards of the Expansion Joint Manufac1ur~
attached. In the case of a pipe section containing an expansion Joint, forces and Association).
moments will consist of the thrust due to pressure (Eq. 5.4), the force required
to deflect the expansion joint (Eq. 5.5), and the frictional forces due to pipe
alignment guides and supports. When a main anchor is installed at the change
Directional A "chor: A directional anchor or sliding anchor is one designed
of direction of flow. the effect at the elbow of the centrifugal thrust due to flow
to absorb loading in onc direction while permitting motion in an<~her
(Eq. 5.6) must also be considered.
fn~~diale Anchor: An intermediate anchor divides a pipe line into
individual expanding pipe sections, each of which is made flexible through the Bellows: The flexible element of an expansion joint consists of one or more
use of one or more expansion joints. corrugations and the tangents. if any.
Exp_nsiOn LooPS .00 &p.nsion Joints Types of exp.nsion Joints 95 ,"-
A list of metal bellows materials is given below: Equalizing or Reinforcing Rings: These help to reinforcc the elbows against
internal pressure and help to maintain the desired shape of the elbows.
Temperature Range of Guides: Guides are important parts ·of expansion joint performance.
BelloWS material (specified by ASME Section VIlI)

304 stainless steel -300 10 750

316 stainless steel -300 to 750 TYPES OF EXPANSION JOINTS (see Fig. 5.16)
321 stainless steel - 300 to 1500
S,,·..l(:I.E EXI'ANSION JOINl': The simplest form of expansion joint, of single
347 stainless steel -300 10 14(KJ
bellows construction. designed to absorb all of the movement of the pipe
Nickel 200 -300 to 600 section in which it is installed.
Monel400 -300 t09tKI DQllRu;: EXf',\NSION Jourr: A double expansion joint,consists of two bellows
[nconel6oo -250 to 1200 joined by a common connector which is anchored to some rigid part of the
[ncaDet 625 - 250 10 12(KJ installation hy means of an anchor base. The anchor base may be attached
Ineoloy HOO -250101500 to rhe commom connector either at instal1ation or at time of manufacture.
Incoloy 825 -250 to HIXJ Each bellows act'S as a single expansion joint and absorbs the movement of
the pipe section in which· it is installed independently of the other bellows.
Squirm in a Bellows Expanshm Joint: A tcrm employed to denote the Oouhle cX!,=lIlsion jHillts should not be confused with universal expansion
occurrence of instahility due to intern(i! pressure and is predominately joints.
.associated with joints of 20 in. diameter or smaller. INTERNi\I.l.\' GlIllll'.1) E:\I'ANSION JOINT: An internally guided expansion joint
is desig.ned to pro\'id~ axial guiding within the expansion joiill by
Hexibility ora" E,xpansion Joint: This can be increased hy thinner hdllJw~ illcorp',lrating. a hc;tvy tdcsc\)ping internal guide sleeve. with or ",·iihoUl
(must still be able to withstand the pressure), increase in number of bellows. the use.of he;ning rings. (Note: The use of an intemaJly guided expansion
and by multiple bellows. joint does not eliminate the necessity of using adequate external pi~
External Cover: A cover used to protect the exterior of the bellows fmm guides.)
foreign objects, especially when the joint is buried underground. UNIVERSAl. EXI'ANSION JOINT: A universal expansion joint contains two
Internal liner or sleeve is used for the following: hcllows by ..I common connector for the purpose of absorbing any
combimHion of the three hasic movements, that is. axial movement.
1. where it is necessary·to minimize frictional loss lateral deflection, and angular rotation. Universal expansion joints arc
2. where flow velocities are high (for steam lines when velocity exceeds usually furnished with limit rods to distribute the moveme!1t between the
two hcllows of the expansion joint and stabilize thc common connector.
lOOOft/min/in. of diametcr in lines upto 6-in. size)
This definition doe'S nol imply that only a double bellows expansion joint
3. whcn ·abrasivc materials are present
can absorb universal movemenL ...
4. when there is reverse or turbulent flow
HINGED EXPANSION JOINT: A hinged expansion joint contains one bellows and
5. for all high temperature applications is designed to permit angular rotation in one plane only by the· use of a pair
6. for all copper elbows of pins through hinge plates attached to the expansion joint -ends. The
hinges and hinge pins must be designed to restrain the thrust of the
When Jateral deflection or rotation is present. the liner must be sufficiently expansion joint due to internal prcssure and extraneous forces. where
smaller in diameter to provide the necessary clearance. appJicabJe. Hinged expansion joints should be used in sets of two or three
to function properly.
Tie Rods: These are rods or bar devices for the purpose of restraining the SWING EXPANSION JOINT: A swing expansion joint is designed to absorb lateral
expansion joint from the thrust due to internal pressure. The number and size deflection and/or angular rotation in one plane. Pressure thrust and
of the rods depend upon the magnitude of thrust force. Tie rods may also act as
deflection limit rods. extraneous forccs are restrained by the use of a pair of swing bars. each nf
which is pinned to the expansion joint ends.

96 expansion loOps and Expansion Joints Exercises 97
GIMRAL EXPANSION JOINT: A gimbal expansion joint is designed' to permit anchor forcc should include pressure thrust. centrifugal thrust, fTietion at
angular rotation in any plane by the use of two pairs of hinges affixed to a supports and guides, and force to compress the bellows.
common floating ~imbal ring. The gimbal ring. hinges. and pins must be
designed to restrain the thrust of the expansion joint due to internal Example
prcssure and extraneous forces. where applicable.
PRI!.'iSURE BALANCED EXPANSION JOINT: A pres.'\ure balanced expansion joinl Using. the EJMA (reference I) equation, calculate hydrostatic examination
is designed to absorb axial movement and/or lateral deflection while test pressure if the design pressure is 125 ps;g and design temperature is 500°F.
restraining the pressure thrust by means of tie devices interconnecting the The hellows material is caTbon steel ASTM AS3 Grade B.
flow bellows with an opposed bellows also subjected to line pressure. This The test prcs....ure is: (m,ing Eq. 2.7)
type of expansion joint is normally used where a change of direction
occurs in a run of piping. The flow end of a pressure balanced expansion
joint sometimes contains two bellows separated by a common connector.
in which case i~ is called a universal pressure balanced expansion joint.
where P" = design pres:;;ure = 125 psig
S, = allowable stTess of bellows material at test pTessure (70°F) =
S" = allowahlc stress of hel10ws mateTial at design temperature of
The static 'thrust ~ due to internal pressure is given by Eq. 5A: 5(KrF
= I Kt)(Kl psi (5" fmm Appendix A3)
F. =ap

where a =effective area corresponding to the mean di:tmctc... r o( the \.·or-

I 25<20.(KKI)
1', =- 15 - - - - - -
I X.'1(KI
1= 1~l'\.4 psie
rogations. sq in.
p = des~gn line pressure based on m~t :-;e\·.... re condition. p'i
Thc force reqUired to compress the expansion joint in the axial dircl,:tion [.:., is:
F... = (axial spring constant)(amount of comprcs...ion) (5.5)
I. (:1) Si7.~ expansion loop for the following conditions:
The centrifugal thrust Fp at the elbow due lo flow is given by: nian~lcr = loin. st~tnd'l..d
Matcrial = A53 Grade A
2ApV' . 6 Distance between .anchors = 220 it
F. =---Stn- (5.0)
P g 2 Wl/fl of pi~ Icn~th = 80 10
where A = inte:mal area of pipe. sq in. Tl,'mpcralurc = 75(fF Span = 25 ft
p = density of fluid. Ibltt) (h) Calculate the force at anchors for shoes with TefloR slide plale.
V = velocity of flow. ft/sec Cc) Calculate the force at [!.uid~s_
g = acceleration du~ to gravity = 32.2 ft/sec'!. 2. (a) Dfo"f'i~n
the expansion Inop. by equation, with loop height to width
8 = angle of bend ratio as L
Figure 5.17 shows the elbow where a ma,in anchor is locatcd. The design Distance between anchors = 225 ft
Temperature = SocrF Span = 20 ft
Diamcter = 12 in. standard weight

!-;- - -. . :~'---'--=----=--;-~ Ma..

Material = AS3 Grade B
(h) Calculate the force at anchors for shoes with steel on steel.
(c) Calculate the force at guides.
anchor 3. fa} Calculate the thermal expansion at A and B in the piping system
flGURE 5.17 Anchor force at elbow. given in FiguTe 5.18. Material AI06 Grade B at 7500F.
Expansion Loop5 and Expansion .Joints
Exercises 99

EJ Guide and s\JPport (typl

- -+-_-4±~_----of.LA"'h'"
.1GURE 5.22 Expansion joint.

FIGURE 5.18 Loop. 7. Size an expansion loop based on the following conditions: a 12 in. AS3
Grade B sch 4() pipc~ temperature is 350°F. loop width is 8 h; and length
12 It
of pipe is 18011

~ ,..-16;0 sch40 AI06Gr.Apipe 1:

H. From manufacturer's catalog find overall length of flexible hose needed
for ±~ in. offset deflection for a 6 in. internal diameter hose. Assume type
fiumbe1" of loops of end connection.
FIGURE 5.19 Number of lOOps.
9. A 12 in. diameter carbon steel standard weight pipe is at 52SOF. Design
pressure is IRO psig. With a ~ingle bello,"'S expansion joint in the piping
(b). Which of the following is advantagcous to lI~C: (I) symmetrical system in Figure 5.22. calculate forces at nozzle and anchor.
expansion loop? (2) ul1symmetrical expansion loop? The mean area of convolution is 151 sq in.; the axial spring rate is
~~2Ih/in. .
4. The dimension of an expansion loop is limited as shown in Figun..• 5.11). If
a pipe has a temperature of 6S(fF. how many cxp.msinn ItMlpS <-Ire • 1Cl. A 40 in. di.tmelcr turhine exhaust duct system is fabricated of i in. wall
required for 500 ft long pipe? \:arlMIO :;'lccl and opcWlc:; fulJ vacuum aI320°F. The, movement at the
1urhine t."Xh:HISl 11all~"''' and lht.· Cll'.H.knsc,r inlet are determined as shO\\'n
5. If a line is anchored at both ends. but anchors have thermal nHl\"t~mcnl as in Figurt: 5.13. A ullivt:rsal pr~ssurc-baldnced expansion joint is located
shown in Figure 5.20, what i5. the size of the lo.... p? t. is-4 in. seh 4'\0.. A5:' ~lw<~n (wo pic(,c:i of cquipmcnt wi1h Ihe dimensions as shown in Figure
Grade B .~arbonsteel pipe a} 350°F. 5.::!3. Determinc the forl.:cs and moments due to the bellows stiffness at
6. A 6 in. diameter loop has standard sch A"53 Grade B pipe with (lpcralin!! Ihe condenser and lurhinc connections. The data provided by the
temperature 375°F. expansion joinl manufacturer arc as follows:
For loop shown in Figure 5.21: (a) find resultant force Fat anchop.\; Mean diameter of bellows dp = 42 in.
(b) find moment M at anchors. \Vorking sprin~ rate f.. . = 32.000 Ib/in-lconvolution
Numhcr of cnm:nlu'iuns flow bellows N, = 6 + 6
Numhcr of convolutions balancing bellows Nb = 6

0.2 in.

7S tt

flGURES-1O Loop size.


O,O~ ,n


n,·1t Anch'"

} 280 It J
nGURES.11 Loop.
ACURE 5.13 pressure-balanced expansion joint.
• n'..--..-
ExpanStO ~r-
and Expansion Joints


flGURE 5.24 Singlt: bellows expansion joint.

A single bellow expansion joint is placed in a 20 in. dla~eter ~arbon steel

pipe that runs between anchors A. B. C. A~chor POlOt B IS ,actu~lIy ,3
directional guide that restricts only the aXial moveme~L : he hnc IS Flanges 'tre used to join scclions of pipe lengths and to connect piping to
operating at 150 psig and 550°F. Pipe lengths arc shown In Figure ~_24. Cc.luipmcnts. Two main typl.:"::' of flange:;; are flat face and raised face. In pipe
What arc the forces and moments acting at A. B. C1 The data proVIded stres.... amllysis, the ci.'p<thilily of a flange to carry externai moment is given
by the expansion joint manufacturer arc: . . _ :! imrort..mcc, TI1\: actual design of flangcd joints can be obtained (rom other
EtTcclive area corresponding to bellows mean dl<1n~ter::: MW m. ~)urc('s (rdcf(,llcCS J and 2).
Mean diameter d" = 21.5 in. . Th\.' dk.... IS o( holl prdoad. pn.'. ssure. temperature. and external moment:;;
\Vorking spring rate !.. ' = 2~.R{K) Ib/in'/convo!utlon ;Ire disl'usscd hdow.
Bellows free length = 12 in.
Number of convolutions N = 12 Holl I',('//ul</: Th\.·inili:lllightcnin~ of the bolt is a prestressing operation.
Th\.' amount of initi.11 holl ~arcss developed should be enough to provide
.tg..tin!'t all condition:-: th.H tend to produce a leaking joint and at the same time
REFERENCES nol so excessive Ih;11 (he yielding of the bolts or flanges can produce relaxation
IhOlI can ..t1so result in leakage. For the joint to be tight under hydrostatic (one
I. &piInsiun Joint Manufac1uren Association 1973 Addenda td Slandards of EJMA. 3rd t:d.. .md half times the: design pressure) pressure, an initial bolt stress higher than
1%9. _ Ihe design ~Ires." value may be allowed.
:!. Rohcrt L (km;on. Chcmctron Corp."A Basic 10 Analyzing Pipinl,d;"Jc;"ihility.- C/u-n.ku'
&tCUvt'tinS (Oct. 23, IqUI. Itlll'mal P'(".'i.~ur(": When internal pr-essure is applied. further yielding of bolt
3. En~inccting dAta on CX('lIRSotOn joinb arc availablc from (company(lr tudc; na~l: l'ldhwlIy.
f1e"onics. Adsco. Solar. Anacund... T cmp. flex. Tube turns. Zallca 8r<~.. 1Itl<t. Mcllll Bcll\lwli. may call~C' leakage if the margin between initial bolt stress and yield strength is

EXI('nwl Pr('ssU(': The comhined force of external bending moment and bolt
loadin~ may plastically deform certain gaskets that result in 1055 of gasket
pressure when the connection is depressuiized;

T('mptralure: Increase in temperature reduces the pressure to which the

Oangc can be subjected. At elevated temperatures. the stress values are
l:!-0vcrned by creep rate. If the coefficient of thermal expansion is different
(diffcrcnt material) for flange and bolts. leakage may occur due to increase in
holl load. Then retightening of the bolt may be necessary. but it must not be
forgone" that the effects of repeated retightening can be cumulative and may
m"kc thc joint unserviceable.
.. ""'"
Ranged Joints

Comparison of Allowable .nd Acto.1 Moments 103

necessitate the removal of the component from service for inspection or repair
of damage to the component or support.
Sy yield streSS of flange material, psi
C bolt circle diameter of flange. inches
At. total cross-sectional area of bolts at root of thread, sq in.
D outside diameter of flange raised face COMPARISON OF AllOWABLE AND ACTUAL MOMENTS
PRtI pressure concurrent with bending mom~nt under dynamic loading
G diameter of location of gasket load reaction. inches (can he Allowable Moments
approximated by inside diameter of flange raised face)
s. allowable bolt stress, psi Method 1: (high strength bolting option) the design limits and service level
Units: moments ft-Ib \ limits A and Bare:
stress psi
OBE operating basis earthquake
SSE safety shutdown earthquake (6.1 )
SAM sesimic anchor movement
Faulted conditiori is associated with SSE or pipe hrcak. It is an extremely
low probability event. where S~./36.000 should not ,he gr~atcr than unity.
LOCA Loss of coolant accident. The result would he an inadvertent
opening of the pressurized safety or relief val\'e hccausc of the loss of coolant
in excess of the capacity of th~ reactor coolant make up system.

As can b~ seen. th~ results of Eq. 0.2 will be twO times that of Eq. 6.1.
EXTERNAL MOMENTS __The design limits and ~ervice level limits C and D (faulted) are:

The effect of exteInal moments will be discussed in detail. The allowable

moments can be calculated by the three methods outlin·.::d by ASME Section (6.3)
Ill. Nuclear Power Plants Components Code NC-365~t
Mtthod 1: This refers to ·A~SI B16.5 flangcd joinls with high strength In method ~: If\lr flanges at moderate pressures and temperatures)
bolting (bolt material ",ith allowahle stress at 1(KY'F not less than 20,00() psi).

(a) For service levels A and B under static loads given by Eq. 6.1 (6.4)
(b) For service levels A and B under slatic and dynamic loads in Eq. 0.2
(c) For service levels C and D under slettic and dynamic loads in Eq. 6.3
= At,C (2.12
1 • (6.5)
Mttlwd. 2: This method concerns stan<i~rd flanged joints at moderate
pressures and temperatures in ANSl B 16.5. MSS SP-44. API 605 standards
(pressure 1~ than 100 psi 31)(1 t~rnperature .less. than 20(}°F). In method :.: (equi"/3!::nt pressure method)
Metlwd 3: This is the equivalent pressure method.
Levels A and B service limits must be satisfied for allloadings identified in (6.6)
the design specification in t.he perfofl11ance of its specified service function.
The .C?mpone~t or support must withstand these loadings without damage
requlnng repair. where M is the htrgestmoment (actual) from Eqs., and 6.9.
Levels C and D service limits pennit large deformations in areas of
structural discontinuity. The OCcurrence of stress to level C and D limit may Actual or total pressure = Pcq + design pressure (6.6.)
Ranged Joints
104 105
Comparison of Allowable and Actua' Moments
To qualify the flange under this method.
exceeds 7500F. However, compressed sheet asbestos-confined gaskets are
PL~ plu~ design pressure should be less than the rated pressure (6.6b) not limited as to pressure provided the gasket material is suitable for the
Actual Moments
Exampl#! Problem
M(normat) == M"'luall~"li<: = higher of lorsitmal or rcsullant of two bending Calculate the allowable and actual bending moments and check if the
moments for g.ravity plus thermal normal loading, sustained given flange is qualified according to ASME Section Ill, NC-3658 (summer
anchor movement plus relief valve thrust force and other
mechanical sustained loads. (6.7)
Pipe diameter = 30 in.
M(upset) = M ......lualdyn ..mic = higher of torsional or resultant of two bend- The OD of the flange raised face = 33.75 in.
, ing moments plus thermal upset pillS OBE plus SAM OBE Number of bolts = 28
pi"' LOCA (6.8) Total bolt area ~ 28(0.8898) ~ 24.94 sq in.
Diameter of bolt circle C = 36 in.
Al(faulted) = Ma"lu"ldytl""';"~f""I"'dl = higher of torsional Of two resultant
bending moment:' plus thermal upset plus SSE plus SAM SSE Thc nangc malerial is carbon steel SA10S
plus LOCA (6.9) The bolt material is SA 193 Grade B 7
Boil allowable stress = 25JKK) psi
Al = greater of the abovc three actw.t1 moments (0.10) Flange material yield stress Sy = 32.800 psi
This moment will he used to gel equivalcnt pressurc. Pressure rating = ISO psi
Design temperature = 2()lJOF
As can be expected, for approving Ihe use of the flange al ccrl<:lin locations Design pressure = 175 psi
the aClual or calculated bendin!? moments musl he lower Ih'lI1 the allowable Actual moments (ft-Ih) from piping analysis is given in Table 6.2.
moments. Table ,6.1 gives the'" cquati6n numOcrs for the .lcHlal and the The higher of the torsional moment or resultant bending moment is
allowable moments for comparison.
Gaskets: Section NC-3647.5 allows only metallic or asbestos gaskets if the
expected normal service pressurc exceeds 7:!O psi or che temperature
T.... BLE6.2 Adual Moments from Pipiog Aaalysis (ft-Ib)
Higher of
TABLE 6.1 Comparisun (tf Allowables A~2im1 Actwlls
ul3ding M,. BM, BM2 MfI.=~BMi+B~ M T orMIt

Al·1ual Al10wablcs 11,520 11,682 11,682

Dead weight 1,084 1,939
Thermal 1,901 6.350 2,825 6,950 6,950
MCnOrM\31l (Eq. 6.7) M",.._ , (Eq. (d)
OBE R,5tR 7.979 9,817 12,650 12,650
A/(ul""ll (Eq. 6.8) ..\1 _.1 (Eq. 6.2)
OBESAM (I 0 0 0 0
M(f;tUIICdl (Eq. 6.9) M", ~ _(faullcd) (E"!. (1.31
SSE IR.354 16.63R 10,448 19,646 19,646
AI(nornmll (Eq. 6.7) M~ ' (Eq. 6.4) 0 0
SSE SAM (I 0 0
Mlul""l) IEq. 6.R) M" ,h .. M • ...., (Eq. 6.~) 0 0
LOCA 0 0 0
Mtfaultl.-dl tEq. 6.9) M" I, .....'I. (Eq. 6.~1
I~ .• + dl.-si!!lt pr~urc (Eq. 6.6a) Raled pressure M.., I_lk.(nonnal) "'" 11.682 +6950 "" 18.632 fI-lb (from Eq. 6.7)
M".: "ldy..""",.(Upset) "" 11,682 +6950+ 12.650::: 31,282 (from Eq. 6.8)
M "'dy..."""(faulted) - 11,682 +6950 + 19.646 "'" 38,278 (from Eq. 6.9)
~" F\8nged' .Joints
',' ' 106 .--
t.lhul:tIC d 10
. '·.ble 6 2 Equations 6_7~ 6_8, and 6.9 are used to calculate total
- . . .. • "
.= "C
c ~
for normal. upset, and faulted conditions. "';;; <c'"
;:It.-tun I rnomc nt ::;: ",I:

The bolt material is SA 193 Grade B7 alloy. steel with allowable stress
75000 psi.
-- Method I, known as high strength bolting option. is used because the bolt
allowable stress is greater than 20J)()() psi at IOOOF. Thus Eqs. 6. t. 6.2, and 6.3
are used to calculate allowable moments.

M.u _ ••';' = 3125 (32.800) (36) (24.92) = 212,858 ;'-Ib (6.1) ~-

, 36.000 12 N

A1"11"wdyn",n,;" = 2(2t2.N5S1 = 425.716 ft-Ib (6.2)

M:aU._'dymomic 7 - 7 7) _:'!..
(Iaulle-d) -- [( 11 ._)(l)(_~.9_ 16 (.13_. 7S)'(
. 17S)] 12 32.8
- (36) 36

-= 659,310 ft-Ib (6.3)

Table 6.3 gives the comparison of moments of the Exampl..: Problem. e-
The effect of flange material. flange rating, and Range diameter on
allowable moment is shown in Table 6.4. Internal pressure at flange is 175 psi.
As can be expected the allowable moments are higher for larger flanges and
higher ratings. The allowable moments for carbon sleel flanges are higher than 8M
for stainless steel flanges because yield stress (used in high strength bolting
option) for carbon steel is higher. The yield strength for carbon sleel is
32,800 psi as compared with 21,300 psi for stainless steel at 2(KrF.

TABLE 6.3 Comparisoa of Moments (ft-Ib)

:;; oc
Condition Actual Moment Allowable Moment
0:; cl

Nonnal 18,632 212,858 OK

Upset 31,282 425,716 OK 00
Faulted 38,278 659,310 OK

Ranged Joints

. I ode "Nud~r Power Plant Components," Article XI-3000.

1. ASME &c. Ill. Dlv. C . ....
• VIII Di\!. I code. "Design of Ranged Jomts, AppendIx 11. CHAPTER SEVEN
2. AS ME Sec. . .. Ose' Ne 3658
3. ASME Sec. Ill. Div. I code. "Nuclear Power Plant CompOnents, su ctlon •
~ 'f
(summer 19791. .
"tica'ion Program" Tennesut' Valley Authority.
4. "Range Qua'I ' • .. ..
ANSI 816.5. "SlCcl Pipe Ranges and Ranged Finings (1917).
~: API60S. Reaffirmed in 1973, "Large Diameter, Carbon Steel Ranges."

The external loads imposcd on non rotating equipment by piping should be

~low the ctllowahlc: loads supplied hy equipment manufacturers. Examrlc~
'.", of nnntin:o c:quiplllcnts "re he:1I l.· tanks. pressur~ vessels. drums.
.tiT coolers. and cllnt.knscP.'. EX;l1npk's of fired vessels 3re hoiler!' and fires
The .. cllIal forl· ..·~ ;1llt.ll1ltlm..·nt..; from piping sire!'!' 3naly~i~ may b..: ~cnt lO
manufa(·",lrI..·r~ 10 ,get Ih..·M.· Itl:HI~ ;Ipprovcd.
Th,' methnd~ to ('ctlculalc lix:-al !'trcsses on the vessel and nozzle intcr-
Sl'ction arc:

l. Finite demcnt analysis thal is more accurate but could be expen~i\'e

Cor computer n:sourCl...~.
Locctl stress c:llcul;:lIiol1 nut lined hy Welding R.:s.earch Council
(\\'RCI hulh:tin ttl7 (rct't.:'ft.:'nct.:' II-
3. Local stress calculations usin!! F1ii!!-~c-Conrad solutions (reference 2).
~. WRC hulktin '2\)7. (rdcn:m....· ~) Local Stress in Cylindrical Shells .
supplement tn \VRC llullctin 107.

For each piece· of equipment. applicable code and standard requirements

shoul-d ~ satisfied. Inf.tcad of reprinting text information available from
other wurces. a discussion with specific examples for cylindrical and spheri-
c:i:Il vessels is presented here.


Based on work done by Bijlaard. WRC 107 was prepared. Sign conventions
used are exactly as given in the hullctin.
110 Piping Connected to Non«ttating Equipment Local Stt"es$ Calculation Using WRC 107 Bulletin 111

Comments on Using WRC 107 Bulletin

Vessel (cylindrical) diameter to vessel thickness ratio range is

For bending. -l
K,,=l+ - -1, -]""

10 '" DI T '" 600.

2. Nozzle diameter to vcs...el diameter ratio range is 0.02 s dl D s; 0.57.
where' = radiu~ used for nozzle-ta-shell interface (in.) and T = shell thick-
3. Nozzle thickness is not considc:red for cylindrical vessel. .ness (in.).
4. Nondimensionat constants read from curve from WRC 107 bulletin
are for acceptable ranges only. Extensions of curves can be used on!y
if allowed. Values outside the range may give unconservative results. TABLE 7.1 Concentration Factors
(Based on ~-in. radius at shell-to-nozzle interface)
5. March 1979 revision of the bulletin gives important revisions.
Earlier versions should be carefully used. T (in.) K. K,
6. Signs for stress were obtained hy considering the deflection of shell
resulting from the various modes of loadings. Tensile stress is 15121 1.2899
marked as + and compressive stress is marked as -. , 1.5661 1.3280
7. Maximum shcar theory has heen uscd to detcrmine stress intensity.
" 1.6174 1.3650
8. Welding Research Council 107 omits the internal pressure stress. I.tititiS 1.4010
The cffect of prcs...;urcmay be included if desired. ".
, 1.713$ 1.4363
9. The stresscs calculated arc in the vessel wall <shclll and not in the " I.759-t 1.470'1
noule. Stresses may be higher in the n07:I'Jc wall in case the nozzle 1.XO~6 15(
opening is not reinforced.
L$:\)\.:! 1.5711
10. Welding Research Council 107 method may be u"cd fm ellipsoidal
I.%~S 1.6~~:'
heads as well as cylindrical and spherical shells.
~.«~y~ !.(ll}t'.J
11. Stresses due to radial load in cylindrical shells arc not applicable if
the length of the cylinder is less than its radius. The curves arc for 2.1200 1.7597
length radius ratio of 8. 2.2ott9 L8790
12. Stresses due to external moment are not applicable if the attachment 2.:W3~ 1.99-1-3
is located within the distance of half the shell radius from the ncar 25202 2.1064
end of the wall.

Table 7.1 gives stress concentration factors K.. and K". The equations for
calculating the stress concentration factors K n and K" are given in Eqs. 7.1
and 7.2. Table 7.1 was generated using Eqs_ 7.-1 and 7.2. 1. Calculate the local :-tress for Ihe cylindrical IJ("ss('/ given as fotl()w~
The actual stress calculated is compared with the allowable stress. If the (reference I):
actual stress is higher, a pad thickness is assumed and the calculation is rerun Vcs.."'C1 radius = R m = 72 in.
with the total thickness (sum of vessel and pad thickness) as vesset thickness. Vessel thickness T = 0.4375 in.
In practice, the assumed pad thickness is equal to the vessel thickness. If Attachment radius '.. = 3.125 in.
double the thickness is not enough, efforts may be made to reduce the Geometric paramelers arc:
loadings on the vessel.

For membrane load, K n =l+ - -1- ]0," (7.1)

[ 5_6~

-' r
"'-112 P_C
..... to Nomotating equipment

The streSS concentration factors are for the load K.. = 1.0, for
local Stress CBle:ulation Using WRC 107 Bulletin 113

the bending load K" = 1.0. 2. Calculate local stress for the spherical vessel given as follows:
The applied loads are: Vessel mean radius = 167.43 in.
Radial load P = -97.8 Ih Vcs~e1 thickness = 1.125
Circular moment Mc = -76~ in.-tb Nozzle thickness = 0.5
Longitudinal moment M 1 = -10,152 Nozzle mc,an radius = J 1.75
Torsional moment M r = 3 J .368 Nozzle outside radius = 12
Shear load V. = -4 The applied loads are:
Shear load V, = -451 Radial load = p = 1977 Ib
Shear load = VI = 97
The nondimensional constants read from graphs of WRC 107 are: Shear IO<ld = V z = -36
Overturning moment = M, = -158~808 in.-Ib
WRCI07 Overturning moment = M 2 = -47,976
Graph Torsional moment = MT = -10,344
Number Constant Value The concentration factors are: K n = 2.0 and K b = 2_0.
The geometric parameters are:

3C N" 3lJ.O v= ' ... = 11.75 = 23.5

rP./Rm , 0.5
IC 0.1 :'i .. T 1.125
P ~ ~
" = -=--=~.25
! 05
:iA ".1
lA (1.(~'5
MJR m {3
N. N{lIldimcnsional ..,;ollslanls fWIll WRC 107 graphs are as ioliows:
38 Ildl
M" SP I to SP )0
180r 18-1 O.O..lX SM 1'0 SM to
M, 1R•• {3
N. N.-'- AI, N. -r.JR...·,. M.JRmT N.T"R~T M.JRmT
4C ~(I.U
P/R m P r M, M, M, M,
M. 1I.0C i7t' 0.0-1 0.0.1 0.09 O.OR3 0.25
2C n-tttJ5
N. SP I 1(\ SP III SM I 10 SM 10
4A 5.6
M</R;'/3 M,JR m7'
N,,1' M,< N;rJR.;r N"rJR...T M,.·•./R....T
2A M. M,
(U155 r P M, M, M,
0.055 0.025 0.11 Y 0.068 0.33 0.189
48 4.2
MdR;'./3 In an effort 10 extend WRC 107 results to larger DIY and smaller dID
M. valves and to include the effect of the nozzle thickness. calculation using
280r18-1 0.075
MclR m {3 Augge-eonntd solutions is presented (reference 2).
WRC Bulletin 2l.J7 (reference N) broadens the coverage of WRC Bulletin
107 and is based on Steek's theory (reference 2). WRC 297 .includes the
,,-' . ,
, .... .--;, ' ,.,1


TABLE 1.1 Cmnpulatlon Sheet tor ....o ur StrU'lC!8 in Cylindrical Shells (Relerence 1)
1. Applied Loads· 3. Gcom~'rie Pammctcrs
Radial load P - -97.8lh
eire. moment M•• -168 In. Ib , R. 12
Long. moments ML--IO.152In.lh 1"" T "" o::i"m '" 164
Torsion moment M.- 31.36R In.lo
Shear load Y,--4tb 13 :u (O.R75l.!.:.. = 0.043
Shear load Yt ... -4511b R••

2, ·Ocnmcrry 4. Slrt's.!i \nnn'lllrnlinn due In:

VC~'re1lhickoc!l.'1 'I' -OA.l7S in. ;11 tlll'mhralll' 11l;!1l, I\~ 1.11
Attachment radius r~': 3.125 in, bl bending 1{);Id. Kh .. 1,0
Vessel radius R... '" 72 in. ·Nott: Enter all rtlrce vnluc5 in CVLINDRICAL SHELL
nl'l'otdOlncc wilh sif!1I (·ntlYcntinn
- - - - - - - - - . _ - - - - _ __ •.. •..

Add lllp:e:hrakllll~' 'l'r ~ltmm;II"'n "I ~ \ue:\"C'\, " .. ~ 71f',' ''',1·1 \ ··.'7~1I -(HJ~ 1l1'J.l 2\1l. -)4\
r,R.. 10:.
( N, )
i'lk - ii f
r 'I.t ," 1/.' - 11) _1/.' -IJJ -'1) -IJ,1

1('·1 M. , (~,)~ :" 1 '."'1 :'11 + ~I/ I ·':'JI + :111 -2') 1 +~'Il
or2C r 10:. r. r:
'A M./R:"(J
· ( N.
" • .\UR:..1l iiLtH"
) M. -44 -44 +44 +44

'A M,
". (-:~~ __) ~,~:~L::
-42~ +421( +421( -421l.
M,IR... fJ · .\I.1R.. 11 H..~tI7'

~ ( S. ) ,,,,-
MUR:-'IJ ". ~TtTR~~ Ri.,fjr
-41~ 1,1~ 14,'7 +·07

280r M, · ( M. ) n,\lt -77:''' >772h ·772(, -772r.

2R·1 Mf.JR... 13 ". MI~iR:il R:/fI~

Add all!d.r~ktllly

Shear mus due

[0 touion. M I
Shear Slress due:
rtlt ~lInlnlllllcln 1'1 .\'

,t/o~ ..
~In"'t.". rl.

nrl> ...

~.;;2:,. I


' 11 i.'
i77<1 ,

, 117.'
7f,' .1


1 .~1I2

i 117.1

+ 111,1


T1.r/J"-'- +0,'1 Hl'l -0.') -(1'/

tolnad. V(. .",~-r

Shur slrcs., due V,

u</l" ~--~ -ln~ -11I.~ ~ In.~ , ,n~
loload. VI. 111',,1'
Add algchrllically Inr ~~mallnn~_ _ _ _ ~ __ ~ ____ 1174 I 17,1 1112.7 t 112 l11flll. 11l(.1I 12711 1:7K
Combined "IteM inle:hlily, ,c.
When T 'I 0, S -lutesl ahMllult "\ll~nllmlc: of cilht.'t
- 'i[rr, + (1. ± JlrT, ""Y -I- ohlJ. nr J{(1. ""Y + '!T·'
.. I( -,~.~47 -llh.~ *" .JHt~47 '- 711l.W + 411 ·~l '" 11211' I\\i.
2. When 'f OK 0, S" \arge:~I IlI'>M>Iute: mllBlliludt- of cilher
.0',,, rt. OT tl1. - It.l.
From WRC 101, ASME
TABLE 1.3 Compullllon Sheet tor .L.M-al Slrt~~t~ In Spherinl Shtll~ (lIollow Attlchment) (Reference t)

3. Geometric Paramelcr~ p
1. Applied Loads·
Radillload P_19711b '... 11.7~ ."
y~-=--= .... 5
Shear load V, -97th I 11.:\
Shear load
Overturning moment
Overturning momenl
TOBional momenl
M, - I ~A.PlOA in, lh
M1 - -4jJ!)7~
M r _-lOJ44in.lh
In.lh ,I


tI·-~· -1l.R75
2. Geometry .fii~,T ,[167.4;\)( 1.125
Vessel thickness T·1.I2~in.
Vessel mean radius R... -167,43 in.
N022le thickness- ,-O.Sin, 4. Stress Concelllralion Factors due 10:
Nozzle mean radius r... ·11.7Sin. memhrane load, KM = 2.0
NouJe outside radiu:\ r~ "" 12 in. hentlinp. Inatl, Kh => 2.0

-Nott: Enter all force values in accordance with sign convention R~

STRESSES I'!~i. If I.nnd I~ Oppo~i1e Thnl Shown, ReverS<' Sign~ Shown

Fro", Reld Curvu Compule AtMnlule Val\lC~
FiS· of Suus A" A, !I., n, C. C, D" D,
N.T · (N,T) Ti
P -24A -24,.\ -24.4 -24.4 -24.4 -24.4 -24.4 -24.4
SP 110 10
P I\~ -,.-

P · ('T!:
I\~ P Tl -637.3
+(,.11..' -637 ..1 +637,3 -637.3 +637.3 -637.3 ...637.3

SM I to \0
'0 (. TJR.T)_~-,-_
M TI..l"R::f
-~48.fl -54'1.6 +_~4R.6 +541'1.6

M,JR:! K~(M.JR:T) 6M I _ -9874 +9874 +9874 -9874

M, M, T1J1CT
N.TJR;f K~(N. T./iCT)~. -4_~8.~ -4~R.5 H5H"s H58.5
M, M1 T.fiCf

'<i.. ·"';;··_-<:\:~.l·~

M,JR.T K.(~JR.;!) __..6M_. -K2K6 tM~Kfl +IUKfl -R211li

M, M: PJiC.f
Add algebralellly, ror ~\Jmm"lion or tT. .;.l,l411tl IU-IlI KllK.1 -771-1 -ll.flK4 9931.4 97(10
N,T (N,T)P -111.1'\ ··111./«
SP I let 10
P K~ T fi -17I.K -171.11 -l7l.f1 -171.11 -171.1t -liU

~ , (M.)~ -ol.(,/t.1'o --InK.fI +4M.fI -468.6 +468.fl -468.fl -4l\1t.6

P • P r:
N.TJii.:;f ~M(NrT~R ... l').~=: -2176
SM I to 10 -217fl +2176 +2176
M, M, T-JR;.,l
M,../'iCf ~h(M!./iCT)_ "M_. -7.\60.4 +74611.4 "'7460.4 -1460.4
M, M, T:JR::T
N, TJ"iC~f KM (N. T'liCT ) _ ~!.~ .=_ -IM~1.·1 . U<1!.'I +IM~2.'. ~IMn.t)
M: M: ·r~..rR...·"
M••/R... T
K.(~:!LJR:T) 6M=.-= -62M +62"'4 +"21\4 -MM
.... ,", M, M: T:.fR.,~"I'

Add 11!tebraieally for ~ummatilln (jIlT. -K723 -47:111 744(1 14lJ.I -1U.2Uj 55111 !Wtlfl -4t lK7
Shelf slreu due V,
lolMd VI
-2.3 -2.3 +2.3 "'2.3

ShUf streM due V,

+[l.X HU': -0.11 -!l.1l
to load VI T:· m.T
Shear S1ress due M,
'Tl-'T:-2~T +10.2 + 1Cl.2 +10.2 +10.2 +10.2 +10.2 +10.2 +10.2
to tonion M , ·
Add algebraically for ~ummatlon 'T 11 11 9.4 ,.. 7.' 7.9 12.5 12.;'i
Combined streu Inlen~lty. S
I. When 'T'i o. S .. larst:st absolute magnilude of either
s Hu, + IT, ±./{tT. -IT,):! +413] Of J(lt, - u.F + 4T;c
-I :-·11084 -10276 :l.J(-IIOtl4 + lCl27W + 4(12.sFl'" Illl!\4 f"li.
2. When 'T. O. S "largest akolute magnitude of either S. tT" (I, or (IT, - ","
118 Piping Connected to Nomotating Equipment

effect of nozzle thickness and data on nozzle flexibility. Nozzle and vessel arc
Rotational Spring Oata for Cylindrica. Ve$~1 119 ~
treated as thin-walled cylindrical shells. factor K. Values fOf COn la C'
out plane be d· ( f s nt IS 0.09 for the inplane and C is 027 for th
n'~reeren~3). . e


6= DNK 180 (7.3)

As a conservative approach. vessel nozzles are considered rigid in pipe stress M

..vhere -fI = sprinll C'
co ns t ant .m.-Ib/degree
calculations. However, the vessel or drum has inherent flexibility that can be
advantageously used to obtain lower and more realistic external moments. M = hcnding moment. in.-Ib
Out of three primary forces and three primary moments that may be applied fI = angle of rotation, radians
to the shell at a nozzle. only T4idial force and two moments are considered E = modulus of elasticity in cold condition .
significant in causing shell deflc:ction. Rotations of elastic ends are usually [- - .~
- a~ea moment of tnertia of nozzle. in. 4
more significant than translations. Therefore elastic translations of nozzles and DN = diameter ~f nozzle. inches
thus radial flexibility is ignored. K = flexibility factor
Inplane and outplane spring rates are important. In a cylindrical vessel. the The flexibility factor K:
inplane spring rate corresponds to the longitudinal OHlment. and the out plane
spring rate corresponds to the circumferential moment. As shown in Figure K ~ CID)(TN)(DN)
7.1. by application of the longitudinal bending mom~nt. the plane formed by \1' ,T \DJ
vessel and nozzle centerlines remains inplanc. The circumferential moment
wilt be the ()Utplane moment because this m(uncnt will oring nozzle axis into m where C = O_Ut.) const,tlll for inplane bcndin<'
out of the original plane. C = 0.27 (or outplane hcndin1! ~
[) = di;1Il1ctcr of vessel. inchc~
Piping.l.oads. T = wall thickness of vessel. inches
ON = diamcter of inches
The point of view that using rotational spring c~)nstants resuit in un- . TN = wall thil.-I.:ness of nozzle. inches
conservative values for bending momcntsshnuld lx:: looked into .. II is known rhcse spring r<ltes should nol he used if no~le or pad d' t-
that the primary piping loads (weight. prcssure);md its eHccts remain the onc third of the ves~ei or he:'ldcr diameter. lame er IS greater than
same in magnitude. whereas secondarv loading (thennal) and its clTccts
release itself when the resistance reduce~. An ex;mplc is thal. under thermal Examp/~ Problem
loading. the bending moments acting on the nozzle drops when the rotation is
allowed. All structural systems have inherent flcxioility that is expressed a~ The following four cases are considered for calculating the spring rate:
rotational spring rates for vessel and n07.7.1e conncctions. These spring rates
~~ould not be used for pump. turbine. or comprc~~or nozzles. I. Vessel nozzle (Fig_ 7.2) treated as rigid
Equation 7.3 can be used to calculate rota1itmal stiffness at the nozzle 2. Using rotational stiffness for a 48 in. diameter vessel
connection. Equation 7.4 expresses the fOfmul;\ for calculating flexihility
Cylind(j(.dl vessel:
S~1l = 132 in.• 0.625 in. thick

PIpe 36 in., 0.5 in, thick
~ Radial !~:;:e E'" 27.9 x t06",i
I = 8785 1n,4

(inploilN:'1 .J I1
.J '0


f----I---+)-",'OO,P."', 'f9'iJ

nGURE 7.1 V~I and nome arTangement. ~e"#\
fIGURE 7.2 Piping arrangemenl for spring
rate comparison.
120 Piping Connected to Nomotating Equipment Rotational Spring Data for Cylindrical Vessel 121
TARI.E 7.5 Forces and Moments at Vessel Nozzle
3. Using rotational stiffness for a 60 in. diameter vessel
4. Using rotational stiffness for a 96 in. diameter vessel
For~e nb) Moment (ft-Ih)
The spring constant calculation for the 48 in. vessel, 1 in. thick with 12.75 in. Case F, F. F, M. M, M,
OD nozzle of thickness 0.375 in. follows:
The flexihility factor is: No I1cxibility --4~1 S.066 -3S8 25.497 2.248 -5K~
4R in. dia. -.06 1.$66 -.Ui6 9.994 2,00'; -4K5
611 ill"di:.1. -475 1.727 --469 9.321 1,980 -476
lJ6 in. dia. -';74 1.450 -476 7.980 1.918 -451
, = 48(0.:\75) (12.75) = 2 98
K inplane 0.09 I I 4H .
The cxam.rlc Prohlem gi"cn as Fig.ure 7.2 was selected to compare the
48(0.375) (12.75) values of spnng rates calculated here with already published results usin':' a
K"ulf!,anc=O. 27 T - 1 - ~ =X.94
slightly different approach. C

In lhc cylindrical vessel:

The spring constant is: Shell 132 in.. O.f.:!5 in. thick
Pipe, ,30 in .. 0.5 in. thid
M El I ( '" ) E = 27.9 x 10" ps~
8= DNK 180 I = :'0:\,) in.""
I'" ThC' outplanl..' flexihility faC10r is:
30 x Ht' x 17Y.3 (~)
12.75(KI 180

The inplano: spring constant with K; as 2.YX = ~5~ X 10-.1 in.-Ib/dcg. The
outplane spring constant with K" as 8.lJ-l = II'J x IO~ in.-Ih/dcg.
ThL' otllplctr1c sprin~ raIl..' i,,:
Table 7.4 gives calculated values of spring ~onstants for the cases
At "27.tJx 11I"x:nS:' ...
The piping stress analysis that was done for the four cases (three different (/ :l6( I~O.:'O I~(J = 776.,)69 in.-Ib/deg.
vessel diameters) and the forces and moments at the nozzle are given in T~thle
7.5. As can be easily seen, the bending momenl values in x- and y-axes have
dropped when the flexibility of the vessel n07Zle is included. say. for the 4K in. Tahk 7.6 !,!ivcs cakulalcd ",dues of spring rat~s. The values given arc for
diameter as compared to when the fle~ibi1ity is not included. 132 ill. x 0.62:' in. thick "c:-;:-;~I with .36 in. x OoS in. thick pipe. As can he seen
the v;llucs :trc c.·lo,,~. kn(l\\"in~ thl..' ....lluC'~ used for rigidit\· for a system
IOI~ in.-Ih/dcgrL''':. . .

TABLE 7.4 Calculated Values of Spring C.onstants

TABLE 7.6 CompariwR of Calculated Spring Rates
Circumfert:nlial Spring
Longitudinal Spring Rale Rate Spring Constant
Vessel Diameter (inplane) (outfllane) Source (in.-Ib/deg.) (outplane)
(in.) (in.-Ib/deg.) (in.-Ih/deg.l
Stcvcns. P. G. (re£crence 5) 727.200
48 358 x IO~ )19XIO~ Simplex (reference 61 659,712
60 320:.< 10~ 107 x 10' Bijlaard. P. P. (reference 7) 588,252
96 253 x IO~ K44x 10-\ Eq.7.3 776,569
122 Piping Con~ to Nonroteting Equipment

The spring rate values when used give reduced bending moments. thus
avoiding more piping. nozzle pads. or consideration of alternate arrange-
ments of piping. .-
Stress range in the vessel shell. which comes under pressure vessel code. is CHAPTER EIGHT
of importance but not discussed here. The equations given here is of
assistance when the bending moments are slightly higher than allowed and
these slightly higher values can be reduced by using spring rate constants in
the analysis.

I. Wichman. K. R. "Local Stresses in Spherical and CylindricaJ Shells due to External
Loadings".. Welding Research Council Bul~~tin 107 (revised March 1979).
2. 5lecl. C. R. "Stress Analysisof Nozzles in Cy'lindrical Vessels with External Load." Journ<Jl of
Prenu~ V~sd T~c;lmology. Va!. 105 (Aug.usl 19R31.
3. Kannappan S. "Effoctof Inclusion of Rotational Spring Rate or Vt:s!>t:1 N07.z1es in Pipe Slrt:ss
Calculations." Society of Piping Enginet:ni Conference, H\IU!;ton in Octdher 1982.
4. Oakridge National Labor'atory (ORNL). Phll~ Reporl 115·;\.
Extemal loads imposed by piping on the rotacing. equipment nozzles should
5. Stcvcns. P. G. t:t al. "Vessel Nouk: and Piping Fkxihility An.alysi.~:· Joumol of cllgitltWillf: be less than allowable loads. Exampl~ of rocating equipment are centrifugal
for Illdusfry, May 1962. p. 225.
pumps, steam turbines. and centrifugal compres."or5.
n. Simplex Computer ProgrQr7t User's Mal1ual. Pt.'l1g El1gi,IHrillg.
If excessi"e loads are imposed, misalignment may result thal affects
7. Bijlaard P. P. "Stresses rrom Radial Loads and External Mtm'ICnls in Cylindrical Vessel. nu·
Wddir:g Journal, VoL 34 (1955). mechanical operation and could cause objectionable vibration. A close
8. Mt:rshon. J. L. WRC Bullelin 197. Augu.<;l 19H4. $upplcmenlln WRC Bullelin ~tI7. alignnlenl belween rotming and stationary parts must be maintained. The
provision for expansion of th~ casing and maintaining c1os.ec1earanc,~s
requires that the forces and moments due to the piping are limited.
Instc;i.ld of duplicating what is available 10 other sources, examples are
given here with references to different standards.


The NEMA standards SM 23 (reference I) outlines guidelines for calculating

allowable loads.
This standard has two parts:

J. Local allowables at each nozzle

2. Combined altowables for comparing loads transferred to centerline of
the exhaust nozzle

The method to transfer forces and moments is given in Eq. 8.1. The
followini equation is given for two nozzles, but the same equacion can be

Piping connected to Rotating Equipment
extended further (reference 2): ~

L F, = F,(inlel) + F.(exhausl) I"_~t

L F, = Fiinlet) + F,(exhausl) .. "

L F~ = F.r(inlet) + Fz(exhaust) lOin

fl Exha,Js'i CC,.""
L M, = M,(inlel) + M.(exhnusl) - F,(inlel)(Z,) + F,(;nlet)( V,) (x. I )
Mounting ~ffi 11~J-=::::-p
Support bolt holf:~
L M, =' M,(;nlel) + M,(exhausl) + F,(inlel)(Z,) - F,(inlcl)(X,) Side view Elevatitn

I-'IGURE 8.1 Typical singko;Stag.e ',etllcally split steam turbine.

L M, = M,(intel) + M,(exhausl) - F,(;nlell( Y,) + F,(inlet)(X,)

EXdmple Problem

Check if the giyen actual loads al the· inlet and exhaust Iluzzle of a
single-stage vertically split steam lUrbin~ is beluw NEMA ;,tllowahlcs. The
-2.08 h.
inlet diameter is 3 in. and outlct diameter is Xin. The NEf\1A cllordin;:tlt.:: + 2.2S 11.
system (X.axis parallel to the turbine sh'lftl is given in,Figurc X.I. TWll \'kws -23311

of the turbine arc given in Figure:; S_~ and ~.:. (rdcn:l1\."c:;l.

The orientation of X-. \"-, and Z-;.lXCS and ,the di:'t~IlK":S Xl. )"1-.%'1 [or ."
the Example Problem are shown in Fjg.ur~~ t-i.2 and ~.3. The dist~n~cs arc
measured from the centertine of the exh;.luSl nozzle. The Illinu~ ~ign shown
with XI and Z, distances corresponds with mom~nt sU01mations from Eq.
~. t. The sign for these distances depends upon the "'lea' ion tlf the inkt nozzk
with respect to the exhaust nozzle in the NEMA LtK;,t1 flln..-CS ;,lllO ,
r.h.l"'~ "'Vile
R'ilnl angle 10
tu.b,ne Shall
tl(;URt-: J(_' Th..· X. 'f••lIld .z di"lan~~ u~d in Example Problem for Eq. tU.
/- TAIIL.E 8.1 Furcrs.nd Moments from Analysis
/ Forces and Moments Inlet Exhaust
/- F. F.(I~) -30 -155
:;!,'~:---:.='=--~X ----
Pafallel to
F. -55 1095
M. turbine shaft F, 20'
F ......." 213 1119
M.(II.-Ih) 120 44
M, -67 -425
M, 1~7 -722
M ..'tif4'. 185 839
FIGURE 8.1 Coordinate s~~tcm used in NEMA Slaodard.

Piping Connected to Rotating Equipment
moments at the inlet and exhaust nozzles obtained from pipe stress analysis Piping Connected to Steam Turbines 127
are listed. in Table 8.1. 3000
The components of resultant forces and moments aHer being transferred
to the exhaust can he obtained by using Eq. 8. L

F. ~ (-30) +(-155) ~ -1851b

F, ~ -55 + 1095 ~ 1040 AiR
FR = 166.6D - -3-

F, ~ 204 +]70 ~ 374

M. ~ 120+44- (-55)(-2.3) + 204(2.25) ~ 494.85 ft.-Ib
M, ~ -67 + 425 +(-30)(2.33) - (204)(-2.(18) ~ 2.22
M, ~ 124 -722 - (-30)(2.25) + (-55)(-2.08) ~ -416
~ 1050 Ib
The combined resultant force and moment :after being transferred to the
exhaust is as follows:
Combined resultant force at exhaust:= J(-IS5)! + 11140:! + 37.t~ =
Combined resultant moment at exhaust = J494.SS.! + 2.12.! + ( 41W =
647 ft-1b
Allowable Local Forces and Moments L~I mofT'~nl M/I. t:·,tI -

RC-lIRE K.4 Forc(: Tt\(\Jn(:'n1 r(:1a1ion~hip using. SM 23 NEMA standard.

The NEMA r-ule 1 applies for calculating aliowabie resliltant local (,m:t.':

for exhaust
This is below the ~ in. limit for the diameter given in the NEMA code.
M 839 {Ruk' 1I
Therefore D(' = equivalent diameter = 8.544.
F.u(>W= 166.6D--= 166.O(t'O--= I0531h
3 3
F. ~ 50(8.5~4) ~ ~~710 M. ~ 250<8.544) ~ 2136 ftAb
A graph (Figure 8.4) can be used to detcrmine the allowable resultant (on:..:. F,. ~ 125(N.544) ~ lOON Ib M.~ 1~5(S.544)~ 1068ft-lb (Rule 2b)
The calculation is shown by dotted lines.
l-~ ~ ](KK8.5~41 ~ 8~4.4lb M, ~ 125(8.544) ~ ](168 ft-1b
For the inlet,

185 The ~nowahle comhined resultant force and mom~nt at exhaust is. using
F ...... = 166.6(3) -"""3 ~ 4381b NEMA Eq. 2a.

The allowable components of resultant forces· and moments after being 250D. - f,( 250(8.544) -647
transferred to the exhaust is, using NEMA rule 2b, 2 2
~ 744.5lb (Rule 2a)
Equivalent diameter = ~; (total area of openings)
When the actual load is higher than the allowable. the turbine vendors
= .J Dtn,et + D~" - ~ = 8.544 may be contacted to get the higher loads approved. It is the experience of
the stress engineers that the allowable values are conservative. It would he
very helpful if NEMA publishes the basis and criteria of the equations given.
Piping Connected to Centrifugal Pumps 129
128 Piping connected to Rotating Equipment

TABLE 8.% Comparison of Actoals to AlIowables y

Actual Allowable Remarks


Inlet FIt -2131b Ft{ -43R OK

Exhaust Fit. = 1119 FI( = 1054 Exceeds
Components F. ~-18; F. =424 OK
F = 104n
F. ~ 1068 OK
F~ = 37~ F, =854 OK
M. =495 M, ~2136 OK
M.~2 M. = 1068 OK
FlCURE 8.5 Coordinate system used for API.
M,=-416 M, ~ 1068 OK
610 standard pumps.
Combined resultant F;~1l21 F. -745 Exceeds

Figure 8.5 gives the coordinate system used for API 610 pumps: The
PIPING CONNECTEO TO CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS pump shaft is parallel to the X -axis and the Z-axis is along the centerhne of
the pcdcst21. For pumps with dia!Ueters. allowable values can be
American Petroleum Institute Standard 617 refers to NEMA SM 23 as thc ohtained from vendors (,'r determined by experimental means (references 8
basis for allowable load",. The 197q and 1\173 editions have slightly dilTcrcnt ;,tnd \I).
wordings in their texts. The ;,tllowank force for each n07.zle is:
API foil? lQ79. Section 2.5.1. page 7. "Ct,mpressors sh'llt he desi!!lIl,..d to
withstand external forces and momenls at least equal W I.R:' times the \';lIucs F. :s: 1..3 W:5 160 lhlnominai diameter
c:tlcui~lted in accordance with NEMA SM ·23."
F: :=s 1.0 R' =:; 130 Il)/nominal diameter
AP) 617. 1973, Section 2.4.1. pa~e 5.··Ctlmpressof$ shall he dcsi~ncd lO
with...tand external forces and moments .It le,lst equ;,JI to a v;,t1uc calcul:ltcd f-~.(c..'omp.) :s: 2()O 1h/nominal diameter:=s;: 1.2lV
from the NEMA 23 formulas. For these calcuhltions constants in the Fy(tension:s I()() 1h/nonlinal diameter s: 0.5 W
formulas shall he increased by a (actor of I.R):'
The example presented earlier for steam turhilles C;,tn he u~d the S;II11e
way for centrifugal compressors except for the factor of I.NS. RcfereIK(."'S -1 hl where W = weight of the pump.
6 apply 10 centrifugal compres$l.)rs. SpeCi;'11 consideration for dymunic The shear resultant force is:
vihration is needed in the cas.e of recipnxating compressors. which is ou,,,,idc
the scope of the discussion here.
The allowable moment is:
L M. = 3.4 W fl-Ib
The API 610 (reference 7) standard gives equations to calculate allowahle
forces and moments in the case of centrifugal pumps for general refinery
service. The criteria apply for pumps with 4 in. discharge n07zles or :;;maller L M,='&.OW
(suction nozzles may be larger) and situatiolls where the pump is constructed
of steel or alloy steel. The modulus of ehtsticity of the piping material at
operating temperature (known as hot modulus) can be· used 10 ealculale
actual loa4s. Using hot modulus will result in lower loads because the piping
is more flexible at higher temperature. where the minimum value for W is 1000 lb.
130 Piping Connected to Rotating Equipment

The actual forces and moments from both suction and discharge nozzles References 131
shall be transferred to the intersection of X-. Y-. and Z-axes to obtain the
The bending moment about the orthogonal directions (other than torsion) is:
summation of moments in each direction for comparison with allowables.
The lesser of the values obtained from the considered weight and diameter
M. = M, = 0.0707S,.z"
should be used as the allowables.
The torsional moment is expressed by:
MT = M, ~ O.lS,z"
The piping yield method is an extreme case in which the component is given
The coordinate system for the above equations is the same as in Figure 8.6.
sufficient strength to fully yield the connecting piping in bending at the
nozzle. The coordinate system and equations given in reference 10 are
Sy = yield stress of pipe material (maximum of 36,000 psi)
presented in Figure 8.6~ .. ,
The forces and moments·for which equipment needs to he designed are as .z;. = section modulus of pipe. in. 3

axial force (along n07Zle axis)

Six Component Fraction Methods for Nozzle loads Check

Six components fraction method requires that the sum of the ratios of the
hcnding moment actual loads to vendor allowahle loads be equal to or less than unity.

M •• f . PD,),
F" F }" ..
11._, Ik.....
F: ..
AI .....
.11,_ % .llow
'\1,. M

Equations that are slightly different from these arc also used in the indu~try
(reference 11): REFERENCES

F. = F, = F, = 0.01 S,. (metal area of pipe) L Natiunal Eleclrical M.mufacturers Association. Publication No. SM 23. 1979 Sec. SM 23,
8.lttl. "Steam Turhine for Mechanical Drive Service:'
2. General Electric Company. "Design Recommenda,tions for Steam Piping Systems:'
Manual Number GEK-21.HftCl.
3. Kannappan. S. et al. "H<w. 10 Oclenninc Allowabte Steam Turbine Loads;' Hydrocarbon
A,. "" t,4~t.11 0I!1'0I 0' Prouuing. Vot 53. Nu. 8 (Aug.ul>1 19741. p. 75. on •
~. American Petroleum Im;lttute API 6 I7. 4th cd. (November 1979). Sec. 2.5.1, "Centrifugal
x,. c ~~,~UIU~ Compressors for Refining Service:·
X 5. American Per.wleum Institute API 617~ 3rd ed. (October (973), Sec. 2.A.l, "Centrifl!gal
Compressors for Refinery Service."'
'. 6. Kannappan. S. "Determining Ceulrifugal' Compressor Piping Loads." Hydr«!1.roof!
Prouuing (February 1982), p. 91.
7. American Petroleum Insliluh: API 610. "Centrifugal Pumps for Genecal Refinery Ser-
vice;' Sec. 14.
Component H. Simmon C. A. "Allowable Pump Piping Loads," H}·droctubon Pn>uuing (June 1972.), p.
9. Doolin J. H. .. tnstall Pumps for Minimum Stress;" HydrocAriJon Processing (June 1978), p.
flCURE 8.6 Pipe nozzle coordinate SYSlem. 10. Meyer R. A. "SUNey of Nozzk Piping Reaction Criteria for Mechanical Equipment,"
Sauc.urallhsigll of Nuckw #'fan' Facili,KS. Vo!. 11, p. 283.
I J. Tt:nne~ssu Vallt:}" Audwril)'. .. Loads for Equipme.ots."
Valves 133
Gate Valves

CHAPTER NINE Gate valves connect three major components: body, bonnet, and trim.
(reference 1). The body is generally connected to the piping by means of
flanged. screwed, or welded connections. The bonnet, containing the moving
parts, is joined to the body generally with bolts to permit cleaning and
maintenance. The valve trim includes the stem. the gate, the wedge or disc,
and seat rings.
Valve Body Materials
Valve bodies are made of brass or bronze mainly in the smaller sizes and for
moderate pressures and temperatures. Cast iron is used in most services.
Cas( steels are used for severe services of high pressures and high tem-
The topics that did not fall into the major categories of other chapters are
grouped and discussed as follows: Valv~ Trim Materials
Valve trim materials include the seat ring. disc or facing, and stem.
Common trim materials are monel, bronze. stellite, and stainless steel.
Pressure relief valve thrust Among the principal factors that influence the performance of trim materi-
Aluminum. Nickel. and Copper Alloy Piping als are (I) tensile properties. chemical stability. and corrosion resistance at
Underground and Plastic Piping the operating temperature; (2) hardness and 1<mghness; (3) a coefficient of
External-Pressure Design~Jac~ete_d Piping expansion that corresponds closely tn th:u of the valve body: and (4'
Metric Units difTcrcnl..·c in propertics of scat and disc to prevent siezing.
The type of valve to be used for a given service is presented in the piping
Elevatc:d ~emperalure-e..eel? Effects
specification (Fig. 1.3). In general. preliminary stress analysis is carried (tut
Refractory Lining with approximate weight and actual weight obtained from the manufacturer
(rcfc~encc I) should he usc-d iil (he final ~trcs.... analysis in critical systems. In
VALVES nuclcar piping. valves arc further grouped as (1) active valves and (21
nonactivc valves that are based on their requirement of performance after
Valves are used in a piping system to achieve the following: eanhquake event (Chapter 10). Modeling of valves in computer analysis is
described in Chapter 10 (Fig. 10.19). Valves require rigid support close to the
1. To stop or stan flow of fluids. Examples are gate. plug (cocks), ball. or centcr of gravity. It is advisable to avoid supports on t~e valve operators. In
butterfly valves. general, maximum acceleration a valve can be subjected to is 3 g. If actual
2. To regulate flow. Examples are globe, angle, needle, and butterfly acceleration exceeds allowable. valve vedor needs to be contacted.
3. To prevent back flO,w_ Examples are lift check and swing check Pressure Relief Valves
4. To regulate pressure. An example is regulators. Desigll Pressure alld Valocity for Open Discharge
5. To relieve pressure. Examples are spring-loaded safety or pop valves, InstallatiOIl Discharge Elbows and Vent Pipes·
rupture disk relief valve.
There are several rrtethods available to the designer for determining .the
There are numerou:s valve manufacturers making valves for many different design pressure and velocity in the discharge elbow and vent pipe. It is the
uses. Reference 1 lists some of the manufacturers' information about valves
for piping applications. . • ANSI/ASME 83 Lt Power Piping Code.

134 Special Topics
Valves 135
responsibility of the designer to assure him~l~ that the ~ethod used yields
conservative results. A met~od for determmlng the deSign pressures and h" = stagnation enthalpy at the safety valve inlet, Btu/Ibm
velocities in the discharge elbow and vent pipe for open discharge in- J = 778.16 ft-Ibf/Btu
stallation is shown below and iIl~strated in the sample problem. & = gravitational constant
~ 32.2Ibm-ft/lbf-sec'
First calculate the design pressure and velocity for the discharge elbow.
1. Determine the pressure PI that exists at the discharge elbow outlet PI = pressure. psia Obf/in? absolute)
(Fig. 9.1): V, = ft/sec
Common ',alues of a and b are listed in Table 9.1.

(9.1 ) TABLE 9.1

Steam Condition a, Btu/Ibm b

2. Determine the velocity VI that exists at the discharge elbow outlet
(Fig. 9.1): Wet steam, 291 11
< 90% quality
_ ~2gJ(lto a) Saturated steam, 823 4.33
V,- (2b-1) (9.2)
?:: 90% quality.
15 psi-a::s: PI ~ 1000. psia
where W = actoal mass flow rate, Ibm/sec Superlleatod steam. 831 4.33
AI = discharge elbow area. in.:! ~ 9()O-' quality,
WOO psia < PI ::: 2000 psia"

wv, "This nlcthnd mav N- usc-od a" an approximation. For pressures

>ltl(t(1 rsi. an alternate OlCth<.lod ~lwuld be uscd for verification.
" • -,- + (P 1 -Pl'IA 1

Reaction Forces with Open Discharge Systems

1 Poiro1 1

Discharge Elbow
The reaction force F due to steady-state flow following the opening of the
safety valve includes both momentum and pressure effects. The reaction
force applied is shown in Figure 9.1. and may be computed by the following

F, = - V, +(P,-P.)A, (9.3)

where F 1 = reaction force. Ibf at point 1

W = mass flow rate. (relieving capacity stamped on the valve x1.II).
g = gravitational constant
= 32.2 Ibm-ft/lbf-sec'
V 1 = exit velocity at point I, ft/sec
PI = static pressure at point 1. psia
nGURE 9.1 Pressure relief valvc. AI = exit flow area at point I, in. 2
PG = atmospheric pressure. psia
Analysis for Reaction Forces Due to Valve Discharge 137
To ensure consideration of the effects of the suddenly applied load F~ a
1: Calculate the safety valve installation period T using the fonowing
dynamic load factor DU' should be applied (Fig. 9.2).
The methods for calculating the velocities and pressures at the exit point equation and Figure 9.2:
of the discharge elbow are the same as those discussed in Eqs. 9.1 and 9.2.
T=O.1846~Whj (9.5)

ANALYSIS FOR REACTION FORCES DUE where T = ~afely valve installation period. sec
TO V!'.LVE DISCHARGE W = weight of safety valve, installation piping. flanges, attachme~ts.
etc.. lb
Open Discharge Systems h = distance from run pipe to centerline of outlet piping. in.
E = Young's modulus of inlet pipe, Ib/in. 2 • at design temperature
I = moment of inertia of inlet pipe. io. 4 '
The moments due to valve reaction forces may be calculated by simply 2. Calculate ratio of safcty valve 'ope'ning time to installation period
multiplying the force. calculated as described in Eq. 9.3, times the distance (~JT) where I.. is the time the safety valve takes to go from fully closed to
from the point in the piping system being analyzed, times a suitable dynamic fully open (scc) .md T is determined in (I) above.
load factor. In no case shall the reaction moment -at the branch cOOl~ection :\. Enter Figure Y.2 with the ratio of safety valve opening time to
below the valve be taken at less than the product as given in Eq. 9.4 in~tallation period and read the DLF from the ordinate. The DLF shall
never he taken Ics~ th.m 1.1.
Moment'" (DLF)(F, I( DJ (9.4) If a le~s conservative DLF is used. the DLF ~hall be determined by
cah.'ul:ttion or te~t.
where F , = force calcuiated in Eq. 9.3
D = nominal OD of inlet pipe
DLF = dynamic load lactor (Fig. 9.2) -
Reaction force and resultant moment effects on the header. supports,
and nozzles for each valve or combination of valves blowing. shall be 2. 0
!! ! ! I 11
considered. 1 , ,, , I II
i ;
, , !

Dynamic Amplification of Reaction Forces
In a piping system acted upon by time varying loads. the internal forces and
moments are generally greater than those produced under static application
5" 1.6
i! \:. 'I
, ! ' I


! I

! iW
of the load. This amplification is often expressed as the dynamic ·Ioad factor
DU and is defined as the maximum ratio of the dynamic deflection at any
time to the deflection which would have resulted from the static application
i ,!' ! ! '
1.4 ,
of the load. For structures having essentially one degree-of-freedom and a I !
single load application, the' DLF. value will range between. one and two
depending on the time-history of the applied load and the natural frequency 1. 2
i ,,
t--- I--.
of the structure. If the run pipe is rigidly supported. the safety valve t-I-
installation can be idealized lIS a one degree-of-freedom system and the
time-history of the applied loads can often be assumed to be a single ramp 1.0
I I i 20
function between the no-load and steady-state condition. In this case the O.t 0.2 0.4 0.6 O.B J ,0 2.0 4.0 6.0 B.O 10
Ratio 01 safety V<llve opening time to installation period (1,,111
DLF may be determined in the following manner.
FIGURE 9.2 Dynamic load fa<:IOfS for o~n discharge system.
S-,", Topics Aluminum Piping
138 139
. W
Reaction Forces with Open Discharge Systems Calculation F I = - V, +(PI - P.)A,
Calculate reaction force with the following (see Fig. 9.3): 27.8
Operating temperature = 700"F . = 32.3 x 1899 + (SO -14.7)50
Opelating pressure = 200 pslg
"" = 1374 Btu/lbm (from steam table) =3404.5
a = 823 Btu/1bm b = 4.33 (from Table 9.1) F.>", = F(DLF) = 3404.5(2) = 6809lb
W= ~ ~ 5S.6lbm/sec
Al =50in? .
J = 778.16 It-lbflBtu ALUMINUM PIPING
/:c = 32.2Ibm-ft/lbf-sec'
Assume dynamic load factor of 2.0. Different aluminum alloy piping has similar desirable corrosion resistance
Therefore but varies in mechanical properties. Aluminum alloys most commonly used
for piping sYSlems are alloy 160. alloy 3003. alloy S052, alloy 6061, and
alloy 6063. Of these, alloy ASTM 6241·6063·T6 is the most widely used
W (b-I) !1(Ir.-a)x} because it has good mechanical properties at reasonable cost.
P, = A, x - b - x \/- /:c(2b-1) Aluminum has found various uses in the cl1'ogenic or cold temperature
applications. As temperature decreases aluminum shows increased values of
5S.6 (4.33 - I) /2(1374 823) x 778.16 tensile and yields strength with equ'll or improved ductility or impact
= 50 x 4.33 x \/- 32.2(2 x 4.33 I)

= SOpsig TABLE 9.2 Physical Pfl)per1ies of V.nollS Alumlnum AUoys

/2/:c}(h. a) ~2(32.2)(778.16)( 1374 823) Alloy

V, = \/ (2b-1) (2 x 4.33 I)
3003 5052 6061 6063
_ JSO,113.S(1374 - 823) Tensile strength. psi 17.000 41.()(l() 45,OilO 35.'MKJ
- (21'4.33 1) Yield strength. psi M.'MM~ - 36.000 40,000 31.000
Modulus -of ela'\tici(y.
~ 1899 ft/sec ps; x Hr 10 10.2 10 10
Thermal conductivity.
Blu!hrlsq ftrF/in. .1.070 960 900 1.090
Avcrage coefficicnt or

IReaction fo!ce
lhennal expansion,
in.rF/in. x 10.....
-S8 10 68· 12.0 2.1 12.1
18'h.'''"40 6810392"
13.2 13.0

68 to 572· 13.9 14.1 14.2
FIGURE 9.3 Example Problem fOf open discharge
Special Topic:s
140 Copper Alloy Pipe 141
Support Spacing for Aluminum Alloy 6063 Pipe table is based on the pi bein "
temperature of 4()()OF ped g .umnsulated. operating at a maxim
• an convevmg r 'd f · urn
Pipe Schedule Number conservative assumption) If the r· . ~ IqUl 0 speCIfic gravily 1.35 (a
No allowance has be" me IS Insulated. reduce the Sp'Ul by 30ex
105 405 en made for d •.
Nominal 55 Equations 3.1 and 3.2 Ma\' al concentrate loads such as valves.
. so be used to calculate the span.
Pipe Size Support Spacing «(t)
5.5 6.0
7.0 7.5
1 8.5 Many applications of the cop r .
Table 9.4 shows the Physical;: P~~i~sh~e been fo~nd in the food industry.
6.5 7.5
il 8.0 9.0 ,
2 6.5 of copper pipes is high The .f pe . h" he coeffiCient of thermal expansion
8.5 10.0- . .... re ore ell er loops 0 .. .
3 7.5 proVided for ahsorbing the cxp " C r e~panslOn JOlOts must be
4 8.0 9.0 threading, soldering. or hrazinc; a~~s~~~. opper ~Ipe can be joined by
9.0 10.0 n.o mClhods. Table 9 "a ,'" d":' . ges may be Installed by any of these
6 . ." gr\cs. lmcnSlons of the co r . (.
thrcad:ng), outSide diameter wall th' k ~
11.0 14.0
8 9.5 .ppe pipe suitable for
11.5 15.0 • • IC ness, and maxImum 11 bl
10 10.0 at a operating Icmpcraturc of 101r'F I . a owa e pressure
13.0 15.5 _, ~ . or regular schedule A c .
10.5 S lould not tk: for ......
.....·d ,'nll' pi" d ...... . . opper pipe
12 ..I.:C unn~ ll1stallaf
and kc-cping it under Slres:- (,::'10 C:'llJ~ f.,il~rc T;~;l~'. 9o~~I~~.the

f(,~r a corJll:r pipe. The sr.tcine is hascd (;cCc e,; .- _ gl\eSs~pportspaclng

Pipe into pl~ce

upcr:uin~ ;11 a maximum tcmn..;.ttun..' ('ll '1""1_ rCldlCC 4) ~)n unJnsulated lines
I'~ • an c.trrvlOg a fl 'd f - .r,
~ravlly I.:l~. If lhc lines ;m:- insulal ~d . " . h
• • .'"
. - UI 0 SpeCI1C
resistance. The specific a110ys F.\OSl frequently used in c(lld temperature al!owallCl..' h:ls neen n"ld" r " l . : , sp,lt.lng S ould be reduced by 30%, No
. , ... t..- conccnlr·tt 'd I . d' rk
applications arc. alia)' 3003 and alia)' 5052. rtn:'\"enl gal'\":!Oic nlrrosioll, copn.~r 01" P~dl,;d 'd()h~t. ~ I e vhalves. In order to
Aluminum -alloys may be welded. The inert-gas. tungsten-arc mcthod. copper . . • ". 1'-' c ,!Og.ers S ould be used ......ith
. pl.pmg. I.thle \),0 l'hows al1ow:lhle stress for alloys f . k I •
using argon gas, is the recommended procedure. Further reference material and alununurn for 13311 Ij,1 I 'Ind' . III 0 mc e. copper.
.-. . . ., section codes
about installation techniques, fittings, and so on can be ohtained from
A ~umher of Ilonfermus metals and their allo· "
manufacturers such as A1coa and Reynolds metal companies. cornlSlon-resi:-I,tnt piping m:llcri"tl Z. _ . . ys .are wJ1dl~ used as
~ • . In;o",urn and llIamum are examples of
Table 9.2 shows the physical properties of various aluminurn alloys
(reference 4). As can be seen. units for average thermal expan...ion is ~iven
as in./in.rF. See Chapter 1 (Eq. 1.1) for conversion to io./linear fect of pipe.
TA8LE 9.4 Ph"'5ical PrO~r1in of Copper AJlo)'
The thermal expansion for aluminum is high and adequate provi:-ion must be
made to compensate for the high amount of expansion. The operating prcs....ure Tcnsjlc Strenglh 54.000 psi
of an aluminum pipe is calculated in the same way as ferrous pipe, using Eq. 2.4
with Y 0.4 and corrosion allowance of zero. Thermal conductivity
Aluminumis subject to galvanic corrosion in the presence oC an e1ec· at 6N°F . 2364 Btu/hr/sq tifFlin
trolyte. When in the presence of carbon steel. copper. brass. nickel. monel. AV~l"age coefficic=nt of
tin, and lead, aluminum will be corroded. Thus conventional carbon steel linear thermal
pipe hangers should be avoided. However. the 300 series of stainless steel expansion
and zinc are usually compatible with aluminurn. Therefore galvanized (zinc 77-57~F 9.8 X 10--6 in.fF/in.
coating) steel hangers. aluminum hangers, or padded hangers may be used. Modulus of elasticilY
Table 9.3 gives support spacing (reference 4) for alloy 6063 piping. This in tension • 17 x l()6psi
"" ~
~ v.-~
, ~.
~. ::: ::: N

DimensioDS of Standard Copper Pipe (Suitable for Thl'eading) and

TABLE 9.5.
Maximum AJlo't't'8b1e Operating PTessw"e (psi)
X ., , ,
Reg.ular Schedule "
, , , ~
Nominal Wall Pressure at
Outside Inside ~.
Pipe Thickness 300"F or Lower or. .; ~ ~
Diam. Oiam.
;r• e: Nor.
, 0.405 0.28\ 0.062 220 ~ ~ ~ ~

•,, 0.540 0.376 0.082 540

0.675 0.495 0.090 540 ~
~. .c .c ~ ~

I, ~
, 0.840 0.626 0.107
.c N.c ~ ~

1.050 0.822
l ;
1.3\5 1.063 0.126
•t 8


,.c ~ ~
Il 1.660 -E
0.150 390
~. ~. v.


11 1.900 1.600 ~. .c .c -<i .c ~ ~

0.156 :?>30
.: :-
2 2.375

0.187 270 ~, ~ ~ ~ ~.
2; 2.875 2.501
1i ~ ,.c .c
~ ~ ~
3.062 0.'219 310
3 3.500 ~ ~
31 4.000 3.500 0.250 350 ~
..-. .,-. ~. ~.

4.000 (l.15(j 3111 ." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
4 4.500 .;; ~

5.062 0.25;:) ~50

5 5.562 :0
6 6.625 6.125 0.250 2Hl •~ ~

~. ~
.c .c

8 8.625 8.001 0.312 210

'" "' ~ ~

10 10.750 10.020 0.365

0.375 110 .., ~ .,
~ ~. ~, c
12 12.750 12.000
. '" ~ ~ ~

,.,'" '-
TABLE 9..5b Support Spacing tOl' Copper Pipe III
"E ~

.... ~, ~. ~
,.c ."

101" Regulal'Schedule (rcfCf'fltCf: 4)

NonUna1 Pipe


'" ~

"' ~ ~

Size (in.l Spacing. h


-u GO :: = ~
.., -c
is" ~ ~
u ~.

'" '"

V. " a '" J!u 0 "•c



'" '"

11 9.5
2 10.5
3 12.5
4 13.5 4' 'U! S J:tAO
6 15.5 9.L J~w"J. 01106 !N-n:J P"'IV~UV 1to ·ON d
8 £Z 'oN d 1909 Itza 4' "U! it J:tJ\O L9t1l OOZ: ·oN '<0llV 1918
17.0 ~!cI ,(0llV wnu!wnlV ,(0IlY J;w!do:> ,(onVI~:)!N
10 20.0 ~ltwOtS P~I"M. sso!U"'OS

142 143
Special Topics
Underground Piping
Pro.......1d of CorTOSion-Resistant Metals and Alloys 145
TABLE 9.7 r
Thermal E
Yield Stress Density Spc:cific Exp. Cod. Modulus
ASTM .w"M.. ....;;:;w;:;;;........."". Surface
Spec, (hi) (lh/in."') GravilY (in./in.rFl (psi)

8407 42 0.290 fUll 7.9x In ...· 2S x Ht'

Incoloy fUKI
0.294 ~.14 7.8x III " 2Kx HI" lb'
8423 35
Incoloy 825
8167 36 0.304 tI.43 7.4xI(I'· 31xl0"
Incond 6()(1 longitudinal tension
0.234 14.4 x 10"
""""*,6:6,,,,:8 ! .,'"
Tilanium, Gc. I 8.33-7
Hastelloy B2, 8517
" (UJJ 0.2 x ((I .. JI.4xW" '" (1) St-ear (gl Joint failure
ASME code ca...e FIGURE 9.4 Underground piping failure modes.
Hastelloy 5'1.l'i CU::!I 7.1 x In t, 2":l,Kx 10"
C276. 3,
ASME code Buckling: (a) clastic and (b) plaslic. In buckled Slate a pipe resembles
C~ 1410
the one shown in Fig. 'l.4c
4, Beam bending (Fig, 9.4d)
5. Longitudinal tension (along axis) (see Fi,g:. 9.4e)
these mcta'I's. Inc(,Iov
. . hastelloy
. • and inc:ond are alloys IhOll.. have good
. ASTM 6,
~orrosion-rcsistanl pn'perlics. The~ "llo~'S :He tr;ldc mimes. 1.I~Clr . . Direct she... r (occurring at hard soft interfaces) (see Fig. 9.4f)
' . .
speCllca IJ".,;" and pro"",nie~
lOO nu mC-r' . !'-
. :ne. :r:' . 'I'.1 I).1.:
I • " i 11".t: AS'
."... .•• rv' 7, Failure .11 joint (Scc Fit::. <J.4g)
annual 1977 or 19~O. part 8. gIves mo,e IIlfOTOl.ItI\Hl. -
Heal trilnsfer loss frum a buried pipeline has become more important in case
UNDERGROUND PIPING of healcd oil pipelinc Or in the case of undergiOund steam pipes for keeping
ke from sidewalks and driveways. Equations to calculate the heat transfer
Routing of piping underground is sometimes neccss:lry 10 cross :l 1'"O<ld, from a huried pipe is given in reference J.
piping between buildings. yard crossinp.••'~d so on. The factors tlWl are
important in underground plastic piping des1!!." arc as follows: Underground Piping Design

I. Longitudinal bending strcl'S Design the followin~ undcr!!.TOund line. Assume dala as necessary. The depth
2. Buckling. arching of covcr = H =:; fl; lrcn(.'h width =:2 ft (, in.; material is ASTM AS3 Grade
3. Bowing B; minimum specified vield stress is 35.000 psi ac 145°F. See Figure 9.5. The
OD of thc pipe inclUding insulation is 1:2 in.
4. Soil1itiffness and soil geometry (vcry import;mt for expansive soils)
Assume Ihe coefficient of friction belween pipe and soil is 0.3.
5. Dead and live load
Density of salurated day soil Cd = 100Ib/ft".
6. Wall compression, bending. and shear resistance Pipe contains #6 fuel oil U API with specific gravity 1.2.
7, Hydro>tatic uplift
G'ound k'V('1
Modcs of failure and collapse are descrihed below as applied to plastic piping
(reference 8):

1. Caving due to deflection (sec Fig. 9.4a)

2. - Wall(ring) compression due tn yielding at A (Fig. 9.4b)
FIGURE 9.5 Buried pipe with trench dimensions.
Unde...ground Piping 147
146 Special Topics

Steps 5~~=~~=~~1=~'~=~~=~~=.-l,----,'!l~t:=i~t-~t,~+~
1. Calculate frictional resistance fj. I. ~ I E ~~+~:i-1-7J1:'I-l-i--j
2. Calculate thennal force Pr after calculating longitudinal stress SL_ "I-+HH++-HH-i~
I ~ _ ~~ -~ ..~ ~''---t-t----i
Find point of no movement in which Ft = F,.
~=~J~=~~~~=~=~=~=~=5. :H e1---H:'f-t-H
.l! .l!1---1~.!It-~~./t-+-H
4. Calculate hoop stresS, bending stress due to earth load, radial stress
due to pressure. and temperature stress due to operating temperature. 12I--iH--+-+++++-.F.l!
If---HHHH-l--"++-+-~ ~ =~'1-t-5"1t-++-i
S. Calculate combined stress from stresses in (4) using maximum strain • •
theory. loH-+-+++-+-H+~ ~.., --~I-+-:-+--f-+-+---i
6. Find maximum allowable st~ess using 831.4 liquid transportation ... _~,I~'
f---HHHH-l-l-+-t-"I ... ~I ~.
piping code. .;; 9I--HHHHH--+--+--+--..,f-----..;j! 1f---\~, II--+-+-+---i
7. For proper design the combined stress should be less than the
maximum allowable stress.
~. -~ ~ f-~"'1-r--~
- H-+-+-l-+-+-+-+---+.,,'1-: 1-,i.'I-t+H--i
c I--HHHH--+--+--+-'~°/l-Jl ""'L"o;:: "o;::lt-+-+-HH
First. calculate the load on the pipe from the backfill W.. _ •~ 7,'---HHHH'--+-;--+--+CJ~·,fPCJ·n:]lq.(j=:·l:___tCJ·H__+_+-'l__H
W('= load on 6 H---+-+-t-iI---t---tI-t----t+-h"III'-!'-;,<-H---+-+--H-l
\V.. = CJwB~_ (9.6) I ! I1
5 H--+--H----,-----t-H---fr--,H-",I-;f+-H+-H-+--i
; I /11/: I
where I i ·rl'//., I
• I I I I '/f I 1 I
Cd = load coctlkicllt
19.7) 'H:-+:-+1+-'-~_~-+I +'--ji--++:--i',--4-++-+:-+:--1
I+--,,~ ""H-l-+-+-+-+-+'-+-+-+-+1-+1 ---j
I I I . l I

where k = ratio of lateral unit pressure to vertical unit pressure I !/'i I

",' = coefficient of friction between fill material and ditch Sop.. where p. o/!! i:, I I i
is the coefficient of internal friction of fill 0 2 . 4 5
H = height of filt above top of pipe. feet V,alues 01 coefficil!nt-Ct
B lI = horizontal width of ditch. feet F1GURE 9.6 Load cod'ic~nl C.. for di1ch conduits.
Values of the load coefficient ell may he t:lk~n from the diagram in Figure
9.6 (reference 7).
Weight of content = (weight of water) specific gravity
Step 1. Calclllalion of Frict;onal Resuuma (units tb/et): Let W.. = load on
= (21.69) 1.2 ~ 261b/1t
pipe from backfill neglecting moving load.
Insulation weight = 5.38 l!:l/ft
Using Marston"s formula:
Pipe metal weigh' = 28.55 Ib/It
Total weight of pipe ~ 625 + 26 + 5.38 +2".55 =685Ib/lt
(9.6) Frictional resistance = p..(total weight) = 0.3(685) = 205.5 Ib/ft
where ell = load coefficient. Read from graph in Figure 9.6: Steps 2 and 3. PO;"1f of No Movement: Frictional force opposes thermal
W, = 1.0 x 100 x 2.5 x 2.5 = 6251~/lt force. At the point of no movement the frictional force is equal to the thermal
H 3 expanSion force.
C =1 (or-=-=12
• B. 2.5 .
w =density of soil = 100 lb/ft:\ Longitudinal stress = S,. = Ea(T, -- T.) _ (.p( D ;/')) (9.8)
Bd = trench width = 2.5
148 Speci8t Topics
External Pressure Design 149
where E=27.9X lOtopsi
v = poisson~s ratio = 0.3 Radial stress (5:\):
D=8.625 in.
ex = linear coefficient of thermal expansion S,= P=3OOpsi
T 2 = 145"F
T, =80"F • Thermal stress (54):
1=0.322 in.
p=3OOpsig S. ~ EaiT,- T,) = 27.9 x 10·X6.5 x 10....(145 -80)
Equation 9.8 is from 631.4 Piping Code (reference 3 in Chapter 4)
= 11,787.73 psi
Section 419.6.4(b) of the Liquid Transportation Piping Code. This equation
is for restrained piping, in this case because of underground piping:
5e = circumferential stress
[8.625 - 2(0.322))
Se = 27.9 x 10·(6.5 X 10....)(145 -80) -()3(3OO) '- 2(0.322)
= s.-.,. + " (thennal stress + bending s~ess due to earth)
= 3717.85 + 0.3(11,787.73 +4179)
= 11,787 - 0.3(3717) = 10,669 psi
~8507 psi

Thermal expansion force F, = SL(metal area) = 10,669(8.4) = 89.6251b St~p 5. Combined ...tress (5): Use maximum strain theory:
. . 89,625
Distance of point of no m.:Jvement from pomt of bunal = 205.5 s~Jst+s;+S~ 2-y(S..S<+SLSR+S<S.)
=436ft 1 ~,
= JIO.669' + 8S07' + 3(XI' 2(0.3)(10.670 x 8507 + 300( 10.670 + 8507)
Figure 9.7 shows the distance 436 ft from the point of burial marked.
= 11,327 psi
Step 4. Stresses: Hoop stress (SI):
P(D-2') 300(8.6'5-0.644) ~'7 7 . SIl:P o. Maximum allowable stress: Use restrained piping according lo
51 = 0.644 - . I pSI 631.4:
For bending stress (52), use Spanglcr's equation: Maximum allowable stress = O.90(minimum (J'y of pipe)

( C.wB~)EIRm = 0.90(35.000)
S2 ~ 0.177 Et' + 2.592 PR:' = 31.500 psi
where R m = mean radius of pipe = (D - 1)12 = 4.1515 in. Other tenns are the
SUop 7:; The comhined stress of 11.327 psi is below allowable stress of
same as for Eq. 9.8 31.500 pSi. Thus the pipe desig~ is safe.
S ~O 177[
2 •
625(27.9 x I W)(O.322)(4.1 5 15)
27.9 x IWX0.322'+2.592(3(Kl)(4.1515)'
= 4179 psi ,I
The design of .:ylindrical vessels that is subjeded to externai pressure is
outlined in the ASME Section VIII. Division 1 UG2S(cl.

9.~'-"r~""""- 4 ft
..... FncllOO force
Zero movement

FIGURE 9.7 POint of zero movement in a buried pipe.

p.. = critical collapsing pressure. psi
p.. = allowable pressure. psi
I = wall thickness. inches
E=modulus of elasticity. psi
L = length between stiffners. inches
\?' _ '&
~~"t.6\... a
~;. ~
.. v.'.
~ ~"' . ;.-
150 Special Topics

Le = critical length, inches

5, = yield stress, psi
Se = tangential stress at collapse pressure, psi
Factor A = 5.1 E
Factor B = 5.;/2
'. .
-~ "
.. o
,,,,+ 1"'~ ",- ",-.;;. _~
oyoy o~o~ o'~:

Strength of Pipe Under External Pressure (reference 10) , "" ",
, / i/ ",.
/ 0

/o~~ ·
The strength of pipe under external pressure is a function of the physical -""
'" ~

properties of the construction material at the operating temperature and'its_ "" L...- 17 ", L." IK@
, .... Vi",,;
geometrical parameters such as the unsupported length L. pipe thickness t, V
L.- V V
the outside diameter Do. and the pipe out-of-roundness.
The behavior of thin-wall cylindrical shells under uniform external "" o' .~
.' :§!J


pressure varies according to cylinder length as follows: 0" ... ~ ~

.' ~

1. Very Long Cylinders: The critical colhtpsing. pressure is given by: ,/"
'" '"
o _~
".- ,,,,- · . u

'" 0 .~

.... 17 . / ", '>'.
P<~2.2E( - I )'
(9.10) ./
~ .... ", "' ..... ...... . / / ' '" ~
, / ..1l"f, ~
< .E
• •

The critic~!, !eng!h L.-. the oninimun! !.m~.urported l"ey"<lnd

0 " .
, ,.
u -;;
~ u

, ""

which Pc is independent of L. is given fly: ,

.... ~
, -""
.... J .1/
· c
L" = LlID.. ( D )'" (9.11)

V -'"
, ""
L...- V
2. InlerrnLdiate Cylinders wifh L ,< L..".: The critical pressure PC' is a ,,; L-- to
complicated function of the collapsed contour and the two charac-
§ ;:
teristic ratios lID. and LI Do. For practical design. Pc can be given by ,

the following empirical equation: ~

p. =' 2.8E(IID.l'·'
, .... ·

(9.12) --
<:: LID" ~

3. Short Cylinders:' The cylinder will fail in this case by plastic yielding.
The critical pressure can be given oy:
00/'7 • );!J8weIO 8p!SlnO + 4J 6ua1

.... -~ a I-'~ sH ~Ia a, .~• L~ ~I~ J• 1-.
••• •. ~ ~-; 1-: :r-~ 1-. I I- • ;~~ ~':'I-~~;
".• ~~
~ I-~
& •
o t!
J •
: f-:
r! ,;
~ : f-: 1-: I-~ I-~
Q" ~ ~ ~ ~
'00 \
~( ' '.0 ~'--} 1\
• ~o


••• ~ . ,"
••• \


•••,. 1\ ' ".

" 1\
,. '-~ \ \ 1\
'.' \\ 1\
. _\;.~
1\ \ 1\

2. 1_"-.
1\' 1\ 1\ \ ~ 1\ .

. , -I-' ""
. 1\ , 1'\
\ " 1'\
\ \
.. i1!
7) '$11111
" 1'\ 2 ,
'" 5 •
.01 ..
FIGURE 9.Hh. Geometric chnrl for cylindrical ve~scl~.


up to 100 F 16.000
+- ..X"

......V l- '1"',',1
1,200 F e

'.000 ••
• .....
I .....

r-... r~/hH+f-+1H---+-++-l--HH-++H--+-'-!++-+-I-+-1+l-I .....

E • 2'.0 • 10'
L.-++-I-t++i' . U'U11CJI
I ,...
r • ,OO
£o:1 ....
1-++-1-+-1-+-1 , . " .. 'OO' S
l I

20.3 • 10" l7
3'88188 23458789 :1 3458189 23458789 2,500
.00001 .0001 .001 .01 ,I
FIGURE 9.9.. Charl for determining lIhcll thickoc!l1l nf cylin<hictlland ~phcric8.1 vcsscl~ under ex-
ternal prcnurc when constructed of tlu:o>lcnitic stccl·( IX Cr-K Ni-Mo, Type 316; tH Cr-R Ni-Ti, Type
321; 18Cr-8 Ni-Cb. Type 341. 25 Cr-t2 Ni. Type. .'(W (through IIWF only); 2S Cr-20 Ni. Type
310; and 17 Cr. Type 4308 stll.lnlc~'1 ~lc:d (through 7nO"F only)!] (ASME Section VIII. Di... i~ion I),
II 20,000
TTTT ".000
_ ~ to tOO F 18,000
ITfTT 14,000
V -, 12,000

'l'::P ,"00 'p 10,000

&001= D.QOO
r;- IJ- .- 8.000 m
800 1= 7.000

. 8,000


E • 28.0 II 10e 3,500

E. 25.1 II ,08
E • 2'-.& II ,~....... 3,000
E • 23.1 x '08-
-11111 V4 1,500
• "-458789 230(58189 130(56789 230(58788
,000' ,OIl' ,0' ,I
,OlXlO~ .~
FIGURE 9;9h, ChMI for delcrmininlllohell ,hid:nc~~ of cylindrical and spherical vessels underelltetnal
pre~,utc when cunslrucled or auslcrlilie mel-( 1/1 ('r-K Ni·o,fI~ mnximum carhon, Type 304L) (ASME
S~clion VIIT, Division I).

/ " ' to 'IOOj- 16.000
, ,
100 F
...- 800 F
f-" '.000
...- f-" '00 F 8.000

.. -

UI t~29.011'106
t-71.0.10& r-- - <,000
- 3.!.oo
E"1OB.U1I I;;;: '.000
I ,500
~. I
. . ...........
- . ----
". 3456189 . )0(5G789
.‫סס‬oo, .000' .00' .01 .,

FIGURE ~.tOa. Chnrl ror lIctcrmininll !\hcll 1hkknl'ss o( cylindricnl nnd ltf'herical ... c!\~ls und<:r
clt('rnal prcil'ur(' when constructed of Cl'lrhon nr low-alloy slecls (specified yield strength 24,on{j psi
1(1, hut not ineludin~, :\(),noo psi) (ASME St'('jjnn VIII, Division 1).
External Pressure Design 157
!ometric Chart: . For L> Le, the tangential stress Se at collapse pressure Pc
:ven by Eq. 9.10), can be wr~tten as:

-- .,. "r

S<: =--=11£ (')'
- (9.14)
21 • D


!1 §-§
1\ I\.
. S, 1.1 ( - 1 ) '
£ D.

IT L:S Le. the tangential stress Se: at collaps: pressure Pc (given by Eq.
1\ 1\ 13). is:
1\ \
S = [1.4E(iJ IS] (9.16)
< L
\ D"

1\ lA (..!-)'
1\ Strain = S•. (9.171
-- - E L
1\ \ 1\1\ D"<itions Y.14 aild 9.16 were plotted to develop the geometric chart in
igure UGO-2KtI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Section

• Ill. Division I. (Scc Fig. lJ.Xa and Fig.

falt'rial Cltarl: These charts are actually stress-strain curves for materials
l design temperatures (SI E on the abscissa and 5.:12 values as variables on
- ....
:; : :; :-
le ordinate). (5.-/ E is called (actor A and Sc/2 is called factor B in ASME
The allowahlc pres~ure c~'" be oblained by using the following relation:
~ ~ i ~~: -

~ ~ .:. ~ ;.- ~


S.. = B= PcDa or
2 41
Po: =

h Let Po: = 3P.. (safcty (actor = 3)

p. =~
D a

~quation 9.18 is ttle same as Section VUl subsection UGO-28(c)-1 equation.

Jraclical Design Using ASME Charts: Detennine the pipe thickness t
mder external pressure (Dlt'2; 10).

158 Special Topks External Pressure Design 159

Step 1. Assume a value for I and detennine the ratios LID and D/l. Jhich is common for all materials. This chart is used only for determining the
.~ctor A when factor A is not obtained by formula in the special case when
Step 2. Determine ~he v~lue of factor A from the geometric chart (usin
values ohtalOed In Step I). g >./t < 10. (See UG-28(e}-2.)
The remaining charts in Appendix V are for specific material or classes of
Step 3. Detennine the value of factor B by using the proper material
chart and the value of factor A obtained in Step 2. .
Step 4. Calculate the allowable external pressure P a by using Eq~ 9.18.
.. \aterials and represent pseudo stress-strain diagrams containing suitable
,actors of safety relative both to plastic flow and elastic collapse.

Step 5. For ~alues of A ~alling to the left of the applicable

Reference ft-om ASME Seetion VIII. UA-270
matenal/temperature hne. The value of P.. can be determined b
the following formula: _ y a} CylindricalShdl Under ~mal Pressure. [An example of the use of the
ules in UG-28(c)] (Eq. 9.18].
? I
p. ~::AE­ (9.19) liVEN: Fractionating tower 14ft inside diameter by 21 ft long, bend line to
3 D.
end line. fitted with fractionating trays, and operating under a vacuum at
OO"F. The tower to be constructed of SA-285 Grade C carbon steel. Design
(Note: For Dft< 10 use the procedure oUllined in ASME UG-28(c)-2.)
:n!;lh is 39 in_
Step 1. Assume a \'alue for I and calculate B: lEOlJlRED: shell thickness. t

SIC,'P 1_
..\~"lIn~ :t thic,:lncss I = <L~ 125 in.
Slep 2. Find the facwr A hy using the pWJkr matcri;t1 t:harl .1Il0 Ihe .\..<;.tll'll("c,fnull'oidc diameter D.. = 16H.fo2S in .
.... alue Df arnl\'c. If th~ value for L.h:hlf H IS less than
the value listed In the chart. Ch.. . tn:- A i$ ~";\'~n hy:
.!:.. =~ =u_2_,t
D.. 168.625
A ~ 1.5PD.
El D.. IMt62S =._H
_= S I
f 0.3125
Step 3. the value of LID hy entering the f:lt.·tor A and the
appropnatc .011 curve in the oeomctric char' ·1·1" .. SI("['S J • .1. Enter Fi~. UGO-2lUI in AppendiX V (Fig. 9.8a and Fig. 9_8b)
unstitr dI . . ~ .. c maJomum
ene obtained by muhiplyinll 'h~ v.due of LID tw at the value or U Dv = 0.231; move hmi7tlntally to 'he Dolf line of 540 and
D. (If there IS no IOtef$C .,.
. cion L. .
"ctwcen 'he vcrll4..·al projection of. read th,,: ,",.du(' A or OJ)(KJ5.
Aanhd the DII curve. then slifTcners ~rc not rC'-Iuired for any
Ieng!.) . . Sl~ftl -I. 5. Enter Fi~. UCS-2H.2 U=i~_ 9.lObl at the value of A = 0.0005
and move vertically to Ihe material line (or 700"F. Move horizontally and read
. See. AS~ ~tion VIII, Division I. subsection VG B value or 6100 on ordinate_
stdlemng nog deslgn__ rO-2'J for dcsit n of
Sk"P 6_ The maximum allowable external p~ure fEet. 9.18] for the
Example (reprinted from ASME ~~ndu
A - ' Lt SUI'OR
, ~umed shell thicknesses of 0.3125 in. is:
VIII, Divi.doll I)

=~=~=15.1 i
Vessels Under External Pressure p. 3(D"/1) ~(S40) ps

NOk: The lines on FigureUGO_28 oor A d· . Since P" is greater than the design pressure P of 15 psi, the assumed thickness
geometrical relationship betwee L . ppen IX V (Fig. 9.Ka and b)cxpressa
n I Do and D" II ror cylindrical shells and luhcs should be satisfactory.
160 special TopicS
Jacketed Pressure Piping System 161
JACKETED PRESSURE PIPING SYSTEM assumed seh I() S core pipe is:
Method of Calculating Core Pipe Thickness
208 psig
Example 1: The pipe is operatio? under a full vacuum a~ 65ao~. The 3(42.85)
external pressure is 100 ~Ig. ~he maxl~u~ len~th of spool piece WIthout ..
stiffening rings is 10 ft 010. Pipe matenal 15 stamless steel ASTM A-312.
For values of constant A falling to the left of applicable material/tem-
Type 316 (Rg. 9.10.
perature line. the maximum external pressure can be directly evaluated from
Calculate the core pipe thickness.
~he following equation;
Step 1. Assume the thickness of pipe is sch 10 S (0.120 ill.).

Tt(min thickness). = 0.12D x 0.875 (assume 12.5% manufacturing (9.19)

=0.105 in.
D..(outside dia.) = 4.50 in. Nhere E = modulus of elasticity of material at the temperature being
I(spool length) = 120 in.
The external dc~ign pressure is 115 psig (the core in full vacuum and
~xtt:nml prcs.<;,urc is 100 psig. the pressure acting in the same direct:on
lCl.:ome~ ~,dditivc).
Sin...·c 1'., is grc~ttcr than the design pressure, 115 psi£.. the assumed
L 120
-=--=26.66 ·hi...· kncss is thus satisf,~ctnry.
D. 4.50
Exomplt· 2: The pipe is -t in .• operating under internal pressure of 125 psig
D. 4.50 _ It 65H°F. Th~ ~xteTm.l; pressure is Ion psig. The maximum length of spool
-=--=42.X) lice.:c without stiffening rings is 10 Cl.O in. Pipe matcrial is stainless slc.el
\STM A<H 1. Type.' J 16, (Scc Fig. 9.12.)
Seep 2. Enter value of Lt D" = 26.66 (Fig. 9.Rhl in Figure UGO-2R.O. C.llculate the core pipe thickness. Steps I to 4 are the same as in Example
Appendix V~ ASME Section VIII. Division 1. move horizontally {() the D.. /I I. the results arc derived from Figures UGO-2~.() (Fig. 9.8b) and UHA-28.2
line of 42.85 and read the value A of O.()()06. 'Fig. iJ.tlal of Appendix V. ASME Section VIII. Division 1.
For value of LIDo> 50. enter the chart at 50 for detennining the value of . From Step 4 in Example I, the maximum allowable external pressure (PG)
constant A. or the 3'$sumed sch 10 S core pipe is 208 psig.
External design pressure (P) = I(KI psig. Since PG is greater than P. the
Skp3. Enter (Fig. 9;(3) in Figure UHA-28.2 at the value of A = 0.0006 Issumed thickness is satisfactory.
and move vertically to the material line for 650°F (interpolated between the The external prc!'sure is the governing factor for safe design of a core pipe
400 and 700"F materiallinesl. Move horizontally and read B value of 6700 n the jacketed piping system. If there had not been any external pressure. the
on the ordinate. lipe carrying 125 psig fluid pressure at 65ifF could have thinner wall
Step 4. The maximum allowable external pr~ssure (Eq. 9.18) for the ;cetion.
For calculation of jacket thickness, use Eq. 2.1 (from ASME B31.3,

\la(;uum '\ Pipe 4 in, • fiGURE 9.11 Jacketed piping (vacuum in
FIGURE 9.12 Jacketed piping (higher pressure in
Jacket (he process pipe).
procen piping).
TABLE 9.9. SI Metric: Convenlon Tables: List of SI Unft~ for U~t with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.

Other Unils or
Quantity Unit Symbol Limitalions

Spa•••oo Tlm.
Plane angle degree (decil1l<llized) radian
Length melre m
Ar•• squl\re metre m'
Volume cubic metre nrl Htre (I) for liqUid only
(use without prefix)
Time second , minute (min), hour (h),
day (d), week, and year

Periodic: and Related Phenomena.
Rotational speed
rev. per ~l'l'(lIIt1
" l(rrS) rev. rer minute (rpm)
Auenee IlVI
Neulron energy Mev E
Sound (pressure
level) decibel db·

Mass kilogram kg
Density kg/m·1
Moment of inertia kg·m'
Force newlnn N
Moment of force (torque) newlon~mctrc N'm
Pressure and slress pascal P" (pa~cal = newton per square metre)
Energy, work joule J kihwatt-hour (kW'h)
Power wait W

Impact strength jnule

Section modulu!i. cllhk melre m'
Moment of section m'
(Second moment of area)
Fracture toughness p,,·,fni K II ·

Temperature-thenno.t kelvin K ~egree Celsius (C)
Temperature-other Ihan thermodynamic degree C kelvin (K)
Un. expansion coeft'. K-' C-'
Quantity of heal joule J
Heat now rate wait W
Thermal conductivity W/(on'K) W/(m'C)
Thennal dift'usivity m=/s
fi Specific heat ca~aclty j/(kg'K) J!lkg'C)

E1.<trklty .nd Mlgnetlsm

Electric currenl Ampere A
Electric potential Vtlll V
Current density Nm'
Electrical energy watt W
Magnetization current ampere/me Ire AIm

Illumination lux. Ix
Wavelength angslrom A
·Conversion faclon between SI unils IInd U.S. customary are given in "t\5ME Orienllltinn and Guide for Use of Metric Unil~." and "ASTM E·.180."
tPreferred use for temperature and temperahJre intervAl is de~rees Celsius (C). c:ccept fur Ihermutlynllmie Md cryogenic work where kelvins may he more
suitable. For temperature interval, I K'" I C eltoctly.
Material Beflavior at Elevated Temperature 165
Quantity To Convert from To Multiply by Straight Pipe Under Internal Pressure
Plane angle degree .d 1.745329E-01' The internal pressure design thickness t shall be not less than that calculated
in. m 2.54- E-02 by Eq_ 2_1, when {is less than D/6 (see Chapter 2):
ft m 3.048- E-OI
yd m 9.144'" £-01 PD
in. 2
m' 6.4516'" E-04 2(SE+PYj
{.' m' 9.29034- £-02
yd' m' 8.361274 £-01
in.) m' 1.638706E-05
ft' m' 2.831685E-02
mo' Metric units are used in most countries of the world and piping design codes
V.S. gallon 3.785412E-05
m' 4.546090 £ - 03
and standards start dealing with metric units. In a future edition equations
Imperial gallon
litre m' 1.0· E-03
given this book will perhaps be modified to accommodate metric units_ All
equations given here may be used for piping design in metric units by using
Ib (avoirdupois) kg 4.535924£-01
proper conversion factors. (See Table 9.9. which is reproduced from Pressure
Ion (metric) kg I.(K)()()()'" E+llJ
Vessel Code, ASME Section VIII. Division I). After calculating pipe
tons (shon 2000 Ibm) kg 9.07t~7 E+U2
thickness. diameter, and so on. using British units, the next standard values
Force kgf N 9.80665'" E+OO on the conservative side in metric units may be selected. Caution must be
Ibf N 4.448222E+OO exercised to refer to piping codes and standards in force in each country.
Bending. lorque kgf'm N-m 9.80665'" E + (10
Ibf·in. N-m 1.129848 E - 01
Ibt·in~ N-m 1.129848 E - (Jl
lbHt N-m 1.3~5~18 £+0(1
(referpnce 10)
Pressure. Stress kgf/m: Pa 9.80665- E+CM)
Elevated temperatures are those at which creep effects are si1!nificant. Fig.ure
Ibf/fe Pa 4.788026E-Oj
9.13 is the result of a uniaxial tensiIespecimen subjected to a load-induced
Ibf/in.: (psi) Pa 6.894757 E+03
stress level at a given test (low) temperdture. Both stress and strain achieve
kipslin. 2 Pa 6.894757 £ + 06
their maximum value at the same time and remain constant at the maximum
ba, Pa 1.1,' £-05
values thereafter (as long as the load is maintained). When the test tem-
Energy. 'WOrk Btu (m' J 1.055056 E + 03 perature is high enough. the strain will increase with time. and possibly unlil
ft-lbf J 1.355818E+00 fracture after load application as shown in Fig.ure 9.14. In this case creep
Powe. hp (550 ft-lbffs) W 7.456999 E + 02 effects are significant. If. on the other hand. the elevated temperature
Tetnperatute C K t ... -~.+273.15 uniaxial test is one at which the specimen is initially strained 8 fixed amounl
F K I... =(4+459.67)/1.8
F C t.;-=(t,,-32)f1.8
Temperature interval C K- LOO E+OO
F K",C 5555555£-01
-RelltioodUp!; that are exact in terms of the ba5e units are (oIIo~ by a pngle asterisk.
t1bc faccon are wriuea . . . aumbc:r Breate.. than one and less than ten with six Of 1e5s decimal
places. This number it fo8owed by the tetter E (for exponent). a plus or minus symbol. and two
di&iU whicb indicate the powa of 10 by which the number must be multiplied to oblain the Stl3in
ooncc:t value. For CDD:IpIc., f- ---------
3.523907 E-2 is 3.523907)( 10-2 -0.03523907
~ T~
tlntemational Table. FIGURE 9.13 Stress and strain versus time at low temperature.

166 Special ropics Refraetoty linings 167

Fractur/p values so chosen being based on a conservative average of many reported

tests as evaluated by the Subcommittee, greater weight being given to
Stress longer.time tests in evaluating data. In addition to the above-stated creep-

--- ----------
strength requirement, stress values were also limited to 100% I of the stress to
Stl'lun _- produce rupture at the end of 100,000 hOUT, the values so chosen being based
on 3 conservative average as evaluated by the Subcommittee. However. in
most cases, the creep strength is far below the rupture strength. Also, in a few
Time cases, the Subcommittee has provided stress values without any rupture test
FlGURE 9.14 Stress and strain versus time at elevated temperature (creep effects). data on the specific composition, such approval being based on tests of
materials of similaT composition.
In the transition range of temperatures, the stress allowances were limited
to values obtained from a smooth curve joining the values for the low- and
high-temperature ranges, the curve lying on or below the cu~ve of 62!% of
the minimum expected yield strength at temperature.
In the choice of stress values in the range where a percentage of the tensile
strength or yield strength governs, the limitations indicated above have been
waived in certain cases. identified hy a footnote. I as it was felt that highel
stress values might be justified wht:n dcformat.ion was not in itself objection-
~ ahle. provided all other requirements were met.
In the design of equipment not covered by codes, the design stress values
may be decided upon by the manufacturer- and purchaser of the piping. and
,nGURE 9.1S. Stress.apd,s~in_v_ersU$lime at elevated te-mperatuTC (stress rclsX<ition). should be based on the best available data plus;, knowledge of the e"pectl~c1
life of the equipment as well as the opewting. conditions and the p<.lssihle
hazard to personnel. Rules gencr:.llly followed arc:
and then held constant. The stress-stHlin history would be somewhat similar
to Figure 9.15. The reduction of stress as shown in this figure is called the a. Up to 750 or 850°F. 25 u/o of the short-time tensile strength and not
stress relaxation due to creep effects. exceeding 62~(l/o yield strength.
_From these figures it can readily he seen that elevated temperature
b. Above 9()()°F. 100% of the stress tu produce a second-stage creep
material behavior is a function of stress, temperature, and lime.
rate of 0.01 % in I(}OO h. or HO'%. of the stress to produce rupture in
Application of Creep Data to Piping Design (reference 2) 100,000 h, whichever is lower.

At temperatures below the creep range. allowable stress values are

established at the lowest value of stress obtained from using 25% of the
specified minimum ultimate strength at room temperature or 25% of the
Refractory linings are used in kilns, coke ovens, furnaces, and stacks to
minimum expected ultimate strength at temperature, or 62!% of the mini-
protect metal pans from direct exposure of very higJ1 temperatures (Fig.
mum expected yield .strengt~ for 0.2% offset at temperature. For bolting
9.16). Refractories need to withstand very high tempe,ratures without mel-
materia1~ the stress values were based on 20% of the minimum tensile
ting, should have necessary mechanical and heat transfer properties, should
strength" or 25% of the yield strength for 0.2% offset~ whichever is lower. (It
not react with the medium inside the furnace, and large quantities need to ~
is recognized that bolts are.always expected to function at stresses above the
available at low prices (reference 5). Based on the chemical property,
design value as distingyished from other parts.) refractories are classified as acidic (example, silica), basic (magnesia), and
No credit is a1Iowed~for any improvement in tensile properties by special
heat treatment.
At higher temperatures. where creep governs, the stress values were based I'lllis 100% value pertains 10 the Un6rcd Presswe Vessel Code. In the power Boiler Code this
on 100% of the stress to produce a creep rate of 0.01% for 1000 hour, the stress limitationis 60% of the average or 80% of the minimum stress to produce rupture in
l00,OOOh as reported by test dala.
168 Special Topics Exercises 169
(d) The piping code 831.1 allows use of inplane and oUlplane SlF.
48m. (e) Pad is needed when area required is smaller than area removed.
(f) Internal pressure when included decreases the SIF value for an
~ elhow.
2t~ (g) When the effeclS of flanges are included for an elbow. the flexibility
factor reduces.
\ .i 'I
(h) Expansion loops take less space compared with expansion joints.

2. True or false"?
<a) Cold spring can be applied only 10 hot piping.
47 in. FlGURE 9.16 Refractory lining. (h) For span calculation hot modulus should be used.
(c) Internal pressure increases flexibility factor value for elbow.
neutral (!i-hrome ore). The standard form for refractories is brick. In steel mill (d) Expansion loops are safer than expansion joints.
design, it large diameter, inclined pipes with refractory lining are used. (e) The vcs.~1 nO;1.71e growth is to be included in stress calculations.
Calculation of weight to be supported at support points is of importance (Fig. (t) Piping (refinery) design is governed by ASME code.
9.16). (g) Outside diameter nf 6 in. nominal pipe is 6! in.
(hl The exit diameter is l"ar~er than the inle. diameter in pressure relief
-Dens'iiy'of iefractory = 40 Ib/h) valves.
Density of steel = 0.283Ib/in.'
Density of insulation = 11 Ib/ft' 3. An under~round pipeline with ASTM-A5~ Grade B material and 12 in.
Inside diameter of refractory = 39 in. ~ch ~o pi~ has the following. conditions:
Outside dizmete. of pipe ='48 in. Opcratin~ telll~r:tturc: 17:,'T
Outside diameter of insulation = 52 in. inslaikd temperature: 7tfF
Depth of burial; 3 ft (, in.
Weight per foot = weight of (refractory +. pipe metal + insulation) (9.20) Specific ~ravil)' of content: tl.iJ
Operating pressure: 375 ~ig
= ~ (47'- 39')12C~~8)+~ <48' -
(a) Where is the location of the natural anchor? (b) The amount of
47')12(O.2H3) thermal expansion at the end·! (The friction coefficient = 0.75.)
4. Calculate dynamic reaction force with oncn discharge system.
+.': (52' -48')12 (_1_1_)
4 1728 Row = IMJKKlInlhr
Area of valve orifice = 55 sq in.
= 151.55+255.83+21 J = 77N 1t-ln/8tu; ~ = 32.21t/",<'
TemJlCrature = 650°F; PR = 155 psi!!
= 428.46Ib/lt h... = 1374 Btullh (from sle,am tahles)
a = 823 8luflh; b = 4.33
Discharge line is 6 in. $Ch 40
EXERCISES s. A double-acting reciprocating gas compressor has a maximum rated
speed at 650 rpm with a pulsation pressure limited to 13 psi. The
discharge pipe is 3 in. seh 40. What will be the pulsation force? What is
1. True or false?
the maximum span of pipe support? I p = 3.02 in."
(a) Cold springs cannot be used to reduce the moment on a vessel.
(b) Hot modul us,,9f elasticity can be used for stress calculation.
6. A 20 in. carbon steel pipe has a wall thickness of 0.25 in. The minimum
Cc) For span calculation, maximum deflection allowed inside plant is specified yield stress is 47.000 psi at a design pressure 600 psig. The
1 in. design temperature is 1700F and the winter temperature is 25°F. If the
bending stress is 9200 psi, what is the .tie-in temperature? (The tem-
perature range between summer and winter is 25 to lOOOF.)
7. A crude pipeline of 18 in. diameter is to be designed with an operating CHAPTER TEN
pressure of 1300 psi and an operating temperature of 1700F. It is decided
that API-5Lx, Grade X52 electric-resistance-welded pipe will be used.
The joint efficiency of the weld is 85%. The specified minimum yield
stress is 53,000 psi. Construction temperature is expected to be 75°F. If
the bending stress is 9750 psi, what will be the pipe wall thickness?
8. If the pipe of Exercise ,7 -will be fully restrained, what will be the
longitudinal stress at anchor point? CODE ASME SECTION III
9. For a 20 in. pipeline the required maximum operating pressure is
670 psig and the maximum expected operating tempera:ture is 16SOF.
The material of pipe will be API-5Lx. Grade X52 with a specified
minimum yield stress of 49,OOOpsi. Based on pressure the calculated wall
thickness is 0.25 in. If the tie-in temperature has to be at 75°F with a
bending stres!:; 77PO.p$:i....caLcula~e,.s.tres.s. in the pipe. DESIGN LOADS AND SERVICE LIMITS
Nuclear Components. Design Code. ASME Seclion ITI (reference 5 in
REFERENCES Chapter ~) requires effects of earthquake l<l he included in the design of
piping., piping suppOrts. <lnd restraints (sec Section Ill. subsection NC-3622.
I. Information on valves are available fTom: Dynamic EffeclsL The hHtdin!!s. the OlO\'t'ments including earthquake
Vagt ForgedStw Valves, Fittings. Union. Ranges. Calalog F-12.
Powell .valves, Catalog 75
anchor movements. :lI1d nU01hcr of cycles to he usc.d in the analysis are part
Walworth ValVe5. Catalog 130 oi the dcsi,gn specifi{:ations. The slresses resulting from these earthquake
Come Valve Fittings. Catalog No. 60 clkcts must he.' indu{kd with . . .:cif-lll. pressure or other applied loads when
2. King, C. Reno and Sabin CrokeT. Piping HQnd Book. New Yod:.: McGnlw-HiII. making the required analysis. Seclion 111 alsn requires design loading.s
3. AmiT. S. 1. ""Calculating Heal TransfeT from a BUTied Pipeline.- ClumU:QI Ellginufillg (NC-36112(bll, and servicc loadings (NC-J611.2(c)) be specified. Service
(AugUSI4, 1975). loadings are grouped as Level A (Eqs. 10.)0 and 10.11), Level B (Eq.
4. Schweitzer. HQrulboolc of Corrosion ResistQ.n' Piping. Industrial PTe5"S. IO.9UI, Level C (Eq. )O.'1EI. and Level D (Eq. 1O.9F) service limits. See
5. Nord, Melvin. Tatbook Qf Engineering Malf!rials. Nev.· VOI"k: Wiley. also Chapler f) for a hrief cxpl:tn:ltion (lf these service limits. Service limits
6. ANSI Standard ASS.I, Wind Loads for Buildings Qnd Ot~r S'fUClUr~s. B. C. and D require inclusion of earthquake loads. Design loading is given
7. Leonards., G. A. f'ountfution Engil1urinK. New YOTk: McGraw-Hill. by Eq. 1n.8. Equation numOcrs 10.4 to 10.7 ha\:e been eliminated so that
8. Owens-Coming. PIlurif; PiPf! PrDgrQ,m. equation numbers used in (Tahlc 111.2) will be the same as those used in
9. rrr Grinncl1. "Pipe Hanger Design and Engineering." in Weight of Piping MUkrials. Section III (reference 5 in Chapter -t)
revised in 1979. .
Nuclear piping is classified as elas... 1 (NB). Class 2 (Ne). and Class 3 (ND),
10. Truang,Q. N. "lntemi.tional Piping Conference", al Texas A & M UnivcTSily. Texa.". piping. The piping connecting the reactor and the steam generator and other
Apnl, 1983~ ~
critical piping comes under Class 1 3nalysh:;. "}:hich is bcj~nd the present scope
of .this book. Sample analysis of a Class I Nuclear Piping System prepared by
ASME Boiler and Vessel Committc/Y wOUIO be helpfUl for further reading.
Design of Class 2 is presented here. Most companies conservatively design
Class 3 piping under Oass 2 guidelines.


Table 10.1 gives equations for calculating flexibility characteristics h.
flexibility factor k. and stress intensification factor i for Class 2 piping. This
TABLE 10.1 Slrus Inten!llfteltlon Futnr (NC~3000 De~lgn)

Aexillility Fltlxihility Intensification
Description Characteristic 11 Filel!)f k Factor j Ske'ch (Fig. NC-J673.2(b)-1)

Welding elbow or t.R 1.65 0.9 ,-1.
pipe bend (I) (2) 0)" 7' I, ,,~{\

;:j ~ 1-1.
@ "T.
Closely spaced miler SI" cnt (J 1.52 (1.9
bend (I) (2) (3)
s< r (I +lan 0)
2T ~ hm '.
· R.

. 8
Single miter or
widely spaced miter
bend (I) (2) (4)
s~ r(l+tan 8)
1.. (l+C~
h~/" t -r..
If. r(1+Cot81

Welding fee per
ANSI 816.9 (I) (2)
4.4 r"
--, 1
Reinforced fabricaled
'ee (I) (2) (5) ( I,,+.!.t )'"
i "fr.


Unreinfol't"..ed fabricated
le. (I) (2)
'r. 1
n.9 -I---:: =c......

"See notes following tables.

TABLE 10.1 Contlnutd

Flexibility Sites!; Intensification

Description Faclor k Fnctor i

Branch connection (6) 1 u( n,~) "'(~:) '''@(~) Figure 10.1

Fig. NC·367J.2(b)·2. Sce III

Bult weld (1)

, And -sO.1
'.. 2: i~
~ I 1.0

-...... Bult weld (1) 1.0 rOt nush weld

t t
~ I 1.R for !'Is-welded
t" sl~ or ->0.1

Fillet·welded joint. suckcl· Fig. NC·3673.2(b)-3.

welded "ange. or single· I 2.1 skc.ches (,). (b). (c),
welded slip on flange (e) 'nd If)

Brazed joint I 2.1 Fig. NC"4511·1

Full fillet weld 1 1.3 Fig. NC·3673.2(b)·3.

sketch (d)

30 deg. mu.
300 tapered transition 1.9 mux or
(ANSI B \(,.25) (I) ()oO ~
• 4'i rIt - -
I ..1 +lI,flO.1ll~· + .1.6- &
t" t"

Concenlric reducer 2.0 mox nt ~1~~

(ANSI 816.9 nr
MSS SP48) (7) n.~+(l,()ll1'( I~-)
D. II~

3'1u 02


Threaded pipe ~linl

or threaded !lange 2.J

Corrugated l'ilraighl ripe

or corrugated or crea!>Cd
bend (8) 5 2.5

1, The (ollowinl nnmencl~lure arpllc!l:

, . mean radius of pi~. In. (mlltehln~ p1re for l~c:~ alld Cll'lllll!!i)
l" • nominal wall thickncM of pipe, in. (malching pipe fm l("c~ nlul CHlI)W5. liC:C nole (9))
R OIl bend radius of dhow (If pipe llend. in,
8· onc·half angle helween "djll('ent milcr l)XCll
, . miter Ipadng at ('cntcr!ine, in,
r. OIl relnfnrced Ihicln("~~, in.
3 ,. mismatch. in.
n.. '" ool\ide dHlmclcf, in
Aexibillty and Stress Intenslfic.nion factors 177
table is reprinted from ASME Section Ill, Table NC-3000. Note that ont\"
one equation for SIF corresponding to the higher value of O.9/h 2f3 is give~.
Nuclear Code also gives equations to calculate SIF for branch connection
based also on the branch dimensions, welded joints., 300 taper transition. and
for concentric reducer.


1. Calculate SIF for a given weld boss (same equations apply for socket
weld half coupling and weld couplet) branch connection. Run or header
is 12 in. diameter with thickness of 0.375 in. Branch is 6 in. diameter
with wall thickness of 0.28 in. Outside diameter of weld boss = OD of
branch + 2 (thickness of weld boss).
The SIF A is given by:

SIP = 1.5 (R m
) ' ' ' ( ,:..) 1f2(Th)(,:..)
T, Rm T, 'p
'm ,;;0.5.
-e SIP20 1.0 -R
where R". = mean radius of run pipe. inches
':.. = mean radius of branch pipe- inches
T. = nominal wall thickness of run pipe. inches
'/~ = nominal thickness of branch pipe. inches -
',. = outside radius of coupling or hoss, inches
(outside radius of hranch connection)
Figure 10.1 (from ASME Section Ill, subsection Figure NC-
367J.2{h)2) shows four branch connections for whic::h Eq. 10.1 applies.
RUIl OD = 12.75 in. and thickness = 0.:H5 in.
Branch OD = flJl25 in. 'aiid'lhicJ.;.nc~ == 0.28 in.
12.75-2(0.375) O.
R ... = _. 2 = 6.0_5 10.

. 6.625 - 2(0.28)
3.0:U5 in.
'"' = 2

r,. = outside radius of weld bo:-s = [6.625 + 2(;)]1 = 3.9375 in.

~ (6.025) '''(3.0325) 01:(0.280)(3.0325) 1.5
SIP" 0.375 6.025 0.375 3.9375
= (16.066)..·...(0.5033)..·'(0.7466)(0.770) 1.5
= (6.367)(0.709)(0.7466)(0.770)1.5

178 Nuclear c;omponent:s Cnd!! ASME Section III Re.ibllity .nd Stress intensification factors 179
2. Calculate SIF for concentric reducer with a larger diameter of 6.625 in.
Branch pipe and smaller diameter of 4.5 in. Thickness on the larger side is 0.280 in.
and smaller side is 0.237 in. (Fig. 10.2).
6" '" 45 deg.
Cone angle of reducer = Q = sin-I (D-D)
12L 2
. _,(6.625
=sm -4.5)
2 "~. ,,~ 11.138 deg
('-="+"-n Check for use of the SIF equation in Table 10.1, Note 7:
R,,, T,
D,= 6.625 ~ 23.66 < lOO OK
t, O.2IUl

Branch p,pe
Branch pipe 1 iT, = T,
-'=--=1898<100 OK
0.237 .

T, = Tb + 0.667.," d.. -'r-----t':j

S" " 45'
SIF = 0.5 + ()Jlla~( ~:!) or :S 2.0 (10.2)
T = 0.5 +(l..01(11.I38)~(0~~7)
= 1.00
SIF = 1.00 ..
'...[', ..,. ...
: .
(cl (d) ... "
, .

F1GURE 10.1 Branch dimens'oos (ASME Section 111. Ne 3673.2(h).:2),

The above Equations apply only if conditions of Note 6 with Table 10.1
are met. Note that r'...! Rn. = 0.5033, which exceeds the limit of 0.5 slightly.
The stress intensification factor should be taken as the higher of the
value calculated above by the equation and the SIF for the branch pipe.
The SIF for the straight pipe assuming the socket weld will bcequa1
(02.3. F1CURE 10.1 Concentric reducer.

rill for Cl 11'iplnR Strc~'l; (o;Vllllotlon· (category 1 Ind tL plplDg}lI

Allowable Text
NC-3652 Planl Condlllnn Ilnd
Mrnnenl frC\ln l Eqs.
Eq, No. L.oad SOllKC
-_ ...... __ .-
Cexte Slrcs~ln !'llreu

Ptl~ 1l.15iM....
Design and nort,nl\l' M II '" M (DW, CS. Pt. PT,: ---+--- s. (HUn
8 Pr + sustained D;,- d' Z

Upset' ~-'·A. M(DW. CS. PI.) P"...d 2 0.751

9U l D> d~ +ZIM A + Mill!) 1.2Sh (IO.9U)
Pr + sustained + occasional MllusM(EI. '.IT, WII)

~ Emergency MA'" M (OW, CS, Pl.I P",•• d 2 0,751 1.8Sh (to.9E)

9E D~._d~+Z(MA+MlId
i!l Pr +sustained + occasional MllF '" M (El. VT, Win

MA. M (I)W; ('$. "1.1 1'",n,d~ 11.75;

9Fl Faulted 2.4Sh (IO.OF)
Mill'''' M (E2. VT, WHo OM, Jl)~ D~,- d~"" Z (M,\ + Mill')
Pr +sustained + oecnsional

10 Norm..1 CIf Up!oel (secnndaq'j

iMr · (10.11l)
Thermal expansion + occasional M," ... M (Ti. Sl~.
nr S~")
or or
Pr +sustained + expansion M;, - M (DW. CS. I'll Pd~ c O.75/M;, IM
11 ---+---+-- (S" +5,,) (10.11)
Mr' '"' M rn. SI. or S2) D~-d~ Z Z

.nd .nd 'nd

IM" .lSc (I D. lOa
lOa" Anchor movcment M.,.M (BS)"

PR Pipe rupture MA • M (OW. CS. PLI Pn".. d~ 1I.75i M) IMf'
9+ 10 Mntl • MIEI. VT. WH) D;'-d~+Z 1M",+ IIlI +2 0.8(1.2510 + S,d (10.12)

AV Active valve Mu la mn.~(Mlllt, MitE. MIU'") d2

Pmu I M I
9+ 10 M" • M IOW. CS, PU -,--.+-( A+Mn)+-Mc {AVCj (5,1 (10.13)
D,-d- Z Z


I. All moments :Ire cillcul.lIcd ~, lhr('(' l'I'!n!""ncm" M,. ,"'-I,. At,. Thl' tl'fm" M \. M/I' MI " rC['Irc!lClIl lhc !ltlllllTC fIlllt nf Ihc !lllm nf the ~llnre:'l (SRSS):

M.., . Mu. MI =./M;+M;+ M~

2. Cold spring should not be u5ed In reduce Mr('!l5. Cnld 5pring loads may ht con51dercd i.n mad enluation on support Bnd equipment. Preload mlY be
applied al spring suppnrtlii 10 rclicve loild. Prc!ii!lurc thrUM (in C:l!lC tlf upAn!ion joinl bellows without tie rods) is Included with the dead
weight loads.
3. Evaluatinn of Eqs.tO.9tJ and IO,9F I!I nClt required fllr cntep.Clry Il ripinp. (where only limited structural integrity i~ required),
4. The ASM£ Code Seclinn Ill. Divi~ion I. !lu~ection NC<\n:\2, Anitl~i~ nf I'iping.
S. In general, lhe jet impingement Im'd!l are nol nvnilnhle nt the .mnl~i!l phn~e and Ihus nllt included in the cvithmlilln rllr faulted cnnditinn.
6. The tenn SAM also known as dynamic anchor movement5 S I And 52 may he ineluded in Eq. 10.9 or to.IO but not both,
7. For normal or upsel condition, Eq. 10,8 or IO.9U plus Ell. 10.111 or 111.11 mU!lt he Sati5fied.
8. Equation 10.108 applles to nonrepeatcd movemcnt such as building !l.Cll1ement.
9. Moment MD for emergency or faulled (secondary) load ca~ in Eq. 10,1 fla mU!lt include both containment thermal movemenl (CT) and containment
pressure movement (CP) after a design buls aecidenl (DBA).
10. PresStirc stress can llso be calculated by usIng formula PD"I2(thicknc,~).
11. Table I0.2 can be used conservatively for Class 3 piping (NO components) also.

182 HuelHT Components Code ASME SectIon UI
PIpIng Systems to IHl AMlyzed 183
If the natural frequency of a piping system is at or near the frequency of an
Table 10_2 gives criteria for rigorous or comprehensive analysis for Class 2 . exciting source, for instance, a compressor, the resulting amplitudes may
~ piping (Reference 1). The explanation of the abbreviations used in the table ~ induce bending stresses that lead to premature fatigue failure. A necessary
is as follows: design criterion must be therefore that the natural frequencies in a piping
system must be significantly higher than or different from the frequencies of
the exciting source.
DW=deaI weight
Natural frequency in cycles per second is given by Eq. 10.3.
CS = cold spring
VT = valve thrust (10.3)
WH = water hammer
where L = length of pipe. feet
El = operating basis earthquake load (OBE) E = modulus of elasticity. psi
E2 = safety shutdown earthquake load (SSE) I = moment of inertia. io. 4
1-1 = jet impingement W = weight of pipe. (hilt
SI = seismic anchor movement due to OBE a = value depending. upon end conditions and the mode under
52 = seismic anchor movement due to SSE consideration. See Table 10.3 for values of Q.
BS = huildin,g. settlement
Ti = thennal load T ARLE 10.3 Natural Frequenc,' Cakulation (a Value foc Eq. 10.3)
CP = containment movement due to pres~urC' .:ther DB!\
End (\mdi1lCln Configurati(m Mode Value of a
CT = containment movement due 10 temperature aCta DBA
p= design pressure. psi
Buth eods Fuodamental(lst) 0.743
0,0 = outside diameter of pipe, inches
d. = inside diameter of pipe. inches
..irnply SUr)l(lTtcd ,,, Second mode 2.97

i = stress intensification factor ill .•........ ~

(~uh ends fixed First mode 1.69
(;." I, 0.75;." 1.0)
0.75 i cannot be less than 1.0

... n.4 _
Second mode 4.64

Z= modulus of section. in.~ One cnd fixed; ...........

AVe = active valve coefficient (0.75 to O.Y)
onc cnd slmply ~ 4 ........ _ _ _ _ _ ~ First mode 1.16
!oupportcd Second mode 3.76
OM = dynamic movement
DBA = design basis accident
S.: = basic allowable stress at minimum (cold) temperature. psi
SI. = basic ..allowable.,stress at design temperature. psi (sec Sce. III -f(if PIPING SYSTEMS TO BE ANALYZEO
SA ~ allowable stress range (Eq. 4. I) Stress analysis will normally be performed for piping systems in the follow-
P~ = peak pressure, psi ing categories: .
; Sy = yield stress, psi
PT = bellows pressure thrust, lb I. Lines 3 in. and larger (a) connected to rotating equipment, or (b)
M aF = Ma under faulted condition, ft. lb. SUbject to differential settlement of connected equipment and/or
supports, or (c) with temperatures less than 20°F
184 Nuclear ~ Code ASME Section la tlHluI Hints .. Piping [)eslgn 185
2. Lines connected to reciprocating equipment 11. Long radius elbows will be used. (If short radius or any other bend
3. Lines 4. in. and larger connected to air coolers, steam generators, or radius, mark on the isometric.) For short~radius elbow, radius =
fired heater tube sections diameter
4. Lines 6 in. and larger with tempe",tures of 250"F and higher 12. Any allowable loading from manufacturers on pumps, turbines.
5. Unes with temperatures of 60<r'F and higher compressors'! (From the vendor drawing for equipment.)
~ Any preference to use expansion loops. expansion joints. and so on,
6. Lines 16 in. and larger 13.
7. Alloy lines if needed? (Chapter 5)
8. High pressure lines 14. Mark type of intersection (reinforced fabricated tee. etc.)
9. Lines subject to external pressure 15. Mark support locations (avaitable steel crossing, and so on) on the
10. Thin-walled pipe or duct of 18 in. diameter and over, having an isometric
outside diameter over wall-thickness ratio of more than 90 16_ Is hydraulic testing load condition to be considered to get structu.-al
11. Lines requiring proprietary expansion devices. such as expansion support loads? (Eq. 2_7)
joints and victaulic couplings 17. Pipe stress isometrics (x-. y-, z-axis) piping plans. and sectiOns are
12. Underground process lines necessary.
13. Internally lined process piping
14. Lines in-criticai'SelVice USEFUL HINTS IN PIPING DESIGN
15. Pressure relief systems
I. Maximum movements at branch location must be lower than
specified limit. The branch line should be laid with enough flexibility
10 absorb the header movement.

. Irlfonnation Needed for Pipe Stress Analysis 2. In nuclear piping analysis, the branch alsO needs to be included with
thc hcader if the area momenl of inertia fatio 1"IIb < 40. In other
I. Out.c;ide diameter of piping. wall thickness (or nominal diameter.
words decoupling is not allowed. Check company criteria for the
sch number) (Appendix A4) ratio to usc.
3. If branch pipe is analyzed separately. the movements at the de-
2. Temperature, internal pressure
coupling shot;lld be included as initial (or imposed) movement in the
3. Material of piping. (Expansion coeffiCient. Young's modulus. and
material density will be selected for this materiaL) (Appendix A2l branch line calculation.
4. The modulus of elasticity value at operating temperature may be
4. J~tation thickness and insulation material. (If not given. standard
used for piping to calculate the loads at equipment as per standard
thtekness fo.- calcium silica.e will be selected.) API 610 (reference 7 in Chapter 7). Using E".. Wtll result in lower
5. Specific gravity of contents loads because ~ is lower than ~. The piping is more flexible
6.. ~~y wind load to be conside.-ed? If yes, the direction of application when E value is lower.
IS Imp<H1ant.
5. The guide should not be located close to the change in direction. A
7. Any. ~hor initial _translation, Ax in inches, 4. y in inches. minimum leg is required for absorbing the expansion. Calculate the
4.z In ~nch~ (For towers. exchangers, and so on, nozzle initial minimum leg as per method outlined in ChapteT 1_
translation IS Important.) .
6. Credit cannot be obtained for cold spring in stress calculation. Only
8. Co":osi_on allowance for piping, inches loads at the equipment may be reduced by including the effect of
9. Flange rating. psi (ANSI B 16.5) cold spring.
10. ·Standardvalve weight and flange weight ivill be (Reference 1 in 7. Provide longer pipe support shoes when axial deflections are large.
~hapte~ 9) used. (For special valves mark the weight on pipe stress· 8. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issues regulatory guides to be fol~
ISOmetliC.) .'
towed in design.
186 N_ c...-- Code ASM£ Se<:1Ion IU
Initial Anehor Movements .nd Support Movements 187
assumptions of a program logic:, coding could be different. Information
The results or commonly known as output from computer.aided analysis about the following will assist computer modcling.
generally consist of the following:
1. Initial anchor movements, described later in detail
c J: •• ~~ Coordinates of nodes or data points. length, diameter. 2. Type of intersections (see Figures 10.6 through 10.11)
1. .I-rem .InpOUo . ' •
· k bend radius total weight of pipe, temperature, expansion Reducing tee
(ICness. 1 • h
coefficient. modulus of elasticity. pressure. valve weights. leog. s. Fabricated tee
wind loads, support location, and types. Unreinforced tee
2. Results: Deflections.. rotations. dforces•.. ~omtents. SIF. resultant Reinforced tee. pad or saddle
bending stress. torsional stress, an expansion s ress. Weldolet
3. Requirements for different codes vary. The ASME/ANSI B31.3 Sockolet
comptianre'is discussed next. . . .
(a) Wall thickness used should be greater than the mlOlmum thick- Pipet
ness required using Eq. 2.1. Latrolet
(b) Pressure input should be lower than the allowed pressure cal- Socket weld tee
culated using Eq. 2.4. 3. Elhows. hends, miter bends. elbalet, socket weld elbow, etboleL
(c) Expansion stress 'SE calculated using Eq.4.7 should he less Ihan support on the bend, and flanged elbows (see Figures 10.17 through
the expansion stress range fr~m Eq. 4. ~ or 4.2.. HUM)
(d) Expansion stress does not mc1ude either weight or pressure 4. Concenlric and eccentric reducers. reducing insert. and half
loading but only thermal loads. coupling (scc Figures 10.13 through 10.16)
(el The addith'c stress SJ. :!j,hould not. exceed hot slr~~s .S... 5. Cnld spring. cut short or cut long (Eq. 4.12)
SL = resultant bending stress from weight loads + loognudlOal
(l. Wind loading (Reference 6. Chapter 9)
pressure stress, Su":
7. Valves. flanges. valve operators. cap. biind flanges (see Figures
H1.19 through HI.2I)
K Relea~ing anchor for a specific direction of the restraint, flexible
(pressure)(OD) anchor. spring rate inclusion at nozzle anchors (Eq. 7.3)
Su> = =4""(t7h7ic-'k-'n-'e-ss-')-'
9. Expansion joints (single bellows, gimbal. hinged, universal). pres-
sure thrust calculation (Eq. 5.4)
If the piping system. is overstressed or if equipment nozzle loads are 10. One directional supports
excessive. then flexibility of piping system needs to he improved as dis- J 1. Insulation weight. content weight, refractory.weight (Eq. 9.20)
cussed in Chapters I and 5. 12. Loop dosurc. coordinates of balance points
4. Actual deflection (maximum considering different load cases) should 1:1. Jacketed piping (Figure 9.11)
be lower than sleeve clearance.
S. Stress ratio is the ratio of code stress (Table 10.2) to allowable stress
and should be less than l.0.
Anchors and supports are moved by a calculated amount in the analysis to
Different computer programs suggest the inputing (input coding) of include:
different piping components differently. The following description outlines
one compute~ model to code a piping element. However, based on the 1. Movement due to thermal growth of towers. heat exchangers,
pumps, turbines. and so on
188 Nuclear cOfftPOR4Hd:S Code ASME SeCtion ID Initial Anchor Movements and Support Movements 189
2. Building settlement. tank settlement (may occur when piping is cold)
3. Seismic anchor aud support movements known as SAM #- t
1.002 "'. +
Movements Due to Thennal Growth
0.7774 in. t
•• 700"f
I/Soppo<t 0
Vertical Vessels 6. 55D"F
l2ft 6 in.f 0.632 in.
Figure 10.3 shows a vessel with nozzles with different orientations. Cal- 0.53"'.+
0.081 in.
culated the!tllaI movement is based on the mean temperature and length of 8. I-{
the vessel section. It is not unusual to have many different temperatures at '00'
0.3958 in. t
different elevations.
Thennal coefficient for the temperatures is obtained from Appendix AI, 0.3148 in. + 3·1
and shown in Table 10.4. 14 It 250"
The vessel material is carbon steel and diameter is 72 in. 0.1188 in.• !--Guide

12 ft 200'
Vertical thermal growth at nozzle A ~ 12(0.0099)+ 14(0.014)
+ 8(0-027) + 6«1.0411) +4(0.0563)
Zero Growth
'iTc f
~Skirt (cold) I-Support E
~ 1.002 in. Ground level
Growth at nozzle B ~ 0.3148 + 3(0.027) ~ 0.3958 in. FIGURE 10.3 ~rmal {!:m\l.1h at Ih~ vt:ssd.

Horizontal radial growth at B = t ~-·)(O.c)27) = 0.081 in.

\2 x 12. load at .D is critical and the vessel shell needs checking for local stress.
Growth at C = 0 in. From support location D, th~ ~ipe above it grows up and the piping below it
grows downward. The first ngld support. shown as E, should not be located
Vertical growth at support D ~ 0.53 + 2.5(0.(1411) ~ 0.632 in. close to the drop to absorb the downward growth.
flexibility problems are severe when the, vessel' is hot and the piping is
cold. Elevation difference between nozzle A and support D should be Heat Exchangers
minimum to avoid large growth differential'and thus avoid a spring support.
Figure 10.4. sho~ a heat exchanger. The important thing concerning the
If the support is built from structural steel (cold), a spring at this support
exchangers 15 findmg the base support that is anchored (AI) and the other
location is necessary. When supported from the vessel, the support design
suppon that is slotted shown as SI in Figure 10.5. The base with slots is

TABLE 10.4 Thermal Coel6dent

(Ior F"'g. 10.3) 11 in .. ,.
90n ".
Temp. Of' inJ100ft 1

70 0.00
33 ,no
200 0.99 ~ '-----i --- ----- - - 1=+
30 in. Q
250 1.40
'0 Of ,
400 2.70
550 4.11
12 in.
I ,I I 1700r
700 . 5.63 Al St
FIGURE 10.4 Elevation of exchanger.
190 Nuclear CompOnents Code ASME ·Section III
ModeIlng of PipIng Elements 191

~Al ~Sl 'L
y ,
45° Latrolet. 45° Threaded Latrolet

Member A to B (Fig. 10.6) is modeled using the same cross section as the
run pipe but is weightless. Member B to C is modeled using the same
FIGURE 10.5 Anchored and slotted supports for heat exchanger. internal diameter as the branch pipe but has twice the wall thickness but is
weightless. A lumped weight should be added to point B for the latrolet.
The weight of any water or insulation will be included on th~ pipe
allowed to slide along the axis of the exchanger (+x direction in Figure cross-section card.
10.4). The selection of which one of the twO is anchored could be based on
the growth of the connecting pipe. It is necessary that the exchanger grow
with the piping. End Preparation Stress Intensification Factor Description SIF
In Figure lOA the shell temperature is only 400F and the shell contracts
instead of expanding. The coefficient of expansion is 6.07 in./in.fF. Butt welded Point A (all connecting members) and Computed
or general Point C ('both connecting members)"
Vertical growth at P = (+63)(6.07 x 10-<>)(40-70) = -0.0115 in. SIF = 0.9 h = 1.97
h2/3 , t
(The negative sign shows that' the shell contracts downward. .:1y =
t = nominal wall thickness of run pipe
-0.0115 in.)
r= mean radius of run pipe
Horizontal growth at P = [;.X = (-1l)(6.07 x 1O~·)(40 -70) = 0.002 in. Point B (hoth connecting memhers) 1.0

(The minus sign is used for 11 in. because P is on the negative x side of
anchor- Al in which horizontal growth starts.) Sweepolet

[;.X at Q = (108)(6.07 x 10-<>)(40 -70) = -0.0197 in. In Figure 10.7 mcmher A to B is modelcd usint! the same cross section as
the run pipe hUI is weightless. Member B to C is modeled the same as the
I1y at Q = 30(6.07 x 10-<»(40 -70) = -0.0055 in.
branch pipe including. weight per foot of pipe.
.:1% in movement in x direction.
Sometimes two heat exchangers are stacked one over the other or right End Preparation Stress Intensification Factor Description SIF
next to each other. The expansion between the exchangers is critically
important. Butt welded Point A (all connecting members) Computed
or general For ral rR =s 0.5


2/3 X

The modeling of piping elements described for Figures 10.6 through 10.21 SIFR ", 1.0
For TB! TR > 0.5
. is from the Tennessee Valley Authority (reference I).

SIFR ~ 0.4(;:
SIF R '" 1.5 .
r x (F,F,)

Point C (both connecting members)" Computed

FIGURE 10.6 SIF modeling fOf 4S-degree

latrolet. At the branch pipe member side of point C use the larger of the SIF calculated here and the
slraight pipe SIF. This applies also to the foltow;ng point C refe~nces.
192 Nude..- eomponenU Code ASME Section m Modeting of Piping Elements 193

fiGURE 10..7 SIF modeling for sweepolet.

FIGURE 10.9 SIF modeIing for 4S..degr'=C lateral.
Sockolet. Thredolet. Weldolet
For socket-welded type JateraIs members A to B. B to C, and B to Dare
In Figure 10.,8 member A to B is modeled using the same cross section as modeled using the same nominal diameter pipe as the run pipe with 5ch 80
the run pipe but is weightless. for 3000 tb class fittings and seh 160 used for 6000 lb class fittings hut
Member B to C (Fig. 10.8) is modeled using the same internal diameter weightless (reference 2). A lumped weight should be added to point B for
as the branch pipe but has twice the wan
thickness but is weightless. A the lateral. The weight of any water or insulation will be included on the
lumped weight should be added to point B for the sockolet. The weight of pipe cross-section card. -
any water or insulation win be included on the pipe cross-section card.
End Preparation Stress In~ensification Factor Description SIF
Stress Intensitkation Factor Description SIF
End Preparation
Butt welded Point B Computed
Point A (all connecting memOcTS) Computed
Butt welded or general 0.9
or general Point C (both connecting memhers)<l SlF=~I' 1t=~1.97
h-- r
SlF = 0.9
It = 3.3~ I::::. nomin:11 wall th!ckness of run pipe
h r
r ::::. mea" r.tdius of ru_" pipe
SIF~ 1.0
t == nominal wall thickness of the run pipe 8 == 45°
Poiills A. C. and 0 (lateral side)
r == mean radius of the run pipe
1.0 for , ~ 0.322' 1.0
Point B (both connecting members)
1< O.32:! 1.8
3(t tapered transition 1.9
, == nominal wall thickness

Weld Boss. Socket Weld Half Coupling. Threaded Half Coupling, Weld
lilGURE io.8 SIF modeling fOT sockolet. thredolet.. and weldolet.
Member A to B (Fig. 10.10) is modeled using the same cross section as the
run pipe but is weightless. Member B to C is mode led using the same
45° Laterai. 45" Redu.cin_9 Lateral, 4S' Socket Weld lateral, nomina: diameter pipe as the hranch with 5ch 80 for 3000 1b class fittings
45" Threadeillateral and 5ch 160 for 6000lh class fittings but weightless. A lumped weight
For butt-welded laterals, members A to B and B to D (Fig. 10.9) are
modcled the same as the run pipe including weight per loot of pipe, and
member B to C is modeled the same as the branch pipe including weight
per foot of pipe.
.. At the branch pipe member side of point C use the larger of the SlF calculalC:d here and the
, b A
straight pipe SIF. This applies also to the following pOint C references. FIGURE to.l0 SIF modc1ing for weld boss. half coupling. and weld couplel.
194 Nuc::tear Components Code ASME Section III ModeIing of Piping Elements 195
should be added to point B for the weld boss_ The weight of any water or
insulation will be included on the pipe cross~section card. Branch

End Preparation Stress Intensification Factor Description SIF

Butt welded Point A (all connecting members) and Computed

or general Point C (both connecting members)Q FIGURE 10.11 SIF modeling for tee. socket weld tee, and rcdu<:ing lee.

SIF= 1.5( ~J3(~:)'12(~)(rr~)

SIF'" 1.0 Rm~50 r';... sO.5 Straight Pipe
T, R,"
Rn. = mean radius of run pipe Member A to B (Fig. 10.12) has the ·weight of the pipe and any water or
r:" = mean radius of branch pipe insulation on the pipe cross-section card. See other sheets for intensification
T, = nominal wall thickness of run pipe factors due to hranch attachments on pipe.
Tb = nominal wall thickness of branch
pipe End Preparation Stress lnstensification Factor Descripti0n sw
rb ='outside radius of coupling or boss
Bult welded Points A and B (member side)
Point B (both connecting members) 2.25 or general for l~n.322 1.0
Tee, Socket Weld Tee. Reducing Tee, Threaded Tee _. 1< 1l.J22
30'" tapered tnmsilion
For butt-welded tees (Figure 10.1 t). members A to 'B and B to 0 are I = nominal wall thickness of the pipe
modelcd the same as the run pipe including weight per foot of pipe. and Lap joint Points A and B 1.6
member B to C-is modeled the same as the branch pipe. For socket-welded flange
type tees. members .A to B. B to C. and B to D use the same nominal
Socket Points A and B 2.\
diameter as the run pipe with sch 80 used for 3000 Ib c1as.."i fittings and sch
160 used for 6oo0lb class fittings but weightless (reference 2). A lumped
weight should be added to point B for the tee. The weight of any water or Threaded Points A and B
insulation will be included. on the pipe cross-section card. ' Slip on Points A and El
End Preparation Stress Intensification Factor Description SIF

BUll welded Point B Computed

Dt"--A- 0
or general Points A. C. and D (tee side)
for '''' 0.322 1.0
1<0.322 1.8
FlGURE 10-.12 SfF modeling for straight pipe.
300 tapered transition 1.9
t = nominal wall thickness
Socket Point B Computed
welded Points A. C. and 0 (tee side) 1.0 Concentric Reducer

.....At the branch pipe member side of point C use the larger of the SIF calculat~d here and the Member A 10 B (Fig. 10.13) is modeled the same as the largest attached
straight pipe SfF. This applies also to the following point C references. pipe including weight per foot of pipe.
Hue&e8r eomponents Code ASME Section UI
196 _afP"oplng_ 197

Reducing Insert

""ember A to B (Fig. 10.15) is modeled using the same nominal diameter

FIGURE to.13 SIF modeling for concentric reducer.
)ipe as lhe pipe connected to point B but weightless: sch 80 for 3000 Ib
... .:lass fillings and sch 160 for 6000 lb class fittings (reference 2). A lumped
SIF veight should be added to point A for the insert. The weight of any water
End Preparation Stress Intensitication Factor Description
)r insulation will be included on the pipe cross-section card.
Point A (reducer side) 2.0 SIF = 2.25 (same as socket-welded end).
Butt welded
.or general Point B (reducer side)

SIF=2.0;: Computed

2 1 = section modulus of the larger pipe

k = section modulus of the smaller pipe FIGURE 10.15 SIF modding for reducing insert.

Eccentric Reducer Coupling, Threaded Coupling, Socket Weld Reducer Coupling

Member A to B (Fig. 10.14) is modelcd the same as the larger pipe Member A to B (Fig. 10.16) is modeled using the same nominal diameter as
includint! weight per foot of pipe. The offset hctwecn A and B is modclcd. the coupled pipe (largest nominal diameter if it is a reducing coupling I with
sch 80 for 100( '"Ih cla.~ fittings and sch 160 fur 6000lb class fillings but
End 'Preparation Stress Intensification Factor De~cription SIi- weightless (reference 2). A lumped wt:ight should he added to points A and
B for hie coupling. The weight of any water or insulation will be included
Butt welded Point A (reducer side) Computed
on the pipe cross-~ction card.
or general SIF = 1.25 (same as socket-welded end).
SIF~ 0.9
h =4.4~
h '\
Point B (reducer side) C()mputed

SIF=(~:3)(~:) h =4.4~

t = nominal wall thickness of the larger FIGURE 10.16 SIF modding for coupling.
'1 = mean radius of the larger pipe
... ZI = section modulus of the larger pipe
Z2 = section modulus of the smaller pipe
All Elbows

For butt-welded elbows (Fig. 10.17) member A to C is modeled the same as

the attached pipe including weight per foot of pipe. A 180 elbow is
modeled as two 9<)0 elbows. If it is a reducing elbow. member A to C is
modeled the same as the largest attached pipe;
For socket-welded type elbows. members;A to Band B to Care modeled
as straight members using the same nominal diameter as the attached pipe
with sch 80 for 30\)() lb etass fittings and sch 160 for 6000lb class fillings
nGURE lO.J4 SlF modeling for ecentric reducer.
but weightless (reference 2). A lump weight should be added to point B for
Nuclear Components Code ASME Section III 199
198 ModeIing of Piping Elements

A • • ~\ ~\D .',"ch•
• R"'
... FIGURE 10.18 SIF modeling for clbolcl.

flGURE 10.17 SIF modeling fOT elbows. Valves.. Valve with No Operator

In figure 10.19. members A to B, B to C, and B to D (if operator exists)

the elbow. The weight of any water o.r insulation will be included on the are modeled using the same internal diameter as the attached pipe but with
pipe cross-section card. ~wice the wall thickness but weightless. Members A to Band B to C have
the weight of any water or insulation on the pipe cross·section card.
Elbolet (Socket Weld, Butt Weld, Threaded) Memher B to D is weightless. Lumped weights of the valve and operator (if
operator exists) should be added to the points where needed. Two mass
Member A to C (Fig. 10.18) is modeled using the same cross ~ction as the points. Hnc for v:i1lvc and onc for operator C.G, are required.
, b I ,'s we,'ghtless Member C to D is modeled usmg the same
run pipe u · . '. b
internal diameter as the branch pipe but has tWice t~e wall thlckne~ ut o
. ~I

4·-----"0"~<"--! ---'.16
A lumped weight should be added to pOint C fOT the eloolet.
welg'K ess. . d h'
The weight of any water or insulation will be IOclude on t e pIpe
cross-section card. C

Stress Intensification Factor Description SIF

End Preparation ."IGUR[ 10.111 SII"' nmddinl! fur \'alv~l" with no operator.

BUll welded Point A (member A to B)

or general Same as the elbow All Flanges
Poinl A (member A 10 Cl and point C
both connecting members) 1.0
Memhers A 10 Band B hl C (Fig. 10.20) are modeled using the same
Point D (both connecting members)'" Computed internal diameter <ts the attached pipe hut with twice and wall thickness but
SI = 0.9 SI"" 1.0 weightlcs-<o;. A lumped weig,hl should he added to B for Ihe flange(s). The
hf3 52 ~ 1.0 weigh1 of any waler or il,suh,tion will he on the pipe cross-section card.
52 = h~/3 SIF~ SI x 52

t tR
2, h,=-;:>
t = nominal wall thickness of the run
pipe FIGURE 10.20 SIF mooeling for flanges.
r = mean radi"!'s of the run pipe
~ =
R bend radius of elbow
• At the branch pipe member"side of point C use the larger of the SlF calculated here and che
straight pipe ~IF. This applies also to the following point C references. Member A to 8 (Fig. I0.2l) is modeled using the same croSS sections as
the run pipe but is weightless. A lumped weigh1 should be added to point B
200 Nuele8r CocnponeIIts Code ASME Section III

b 8· FIGURE 1U1 SIF modeling for caps.


(or the cap. The weight of any water on insulation will be included on the
pipe cross-section card.


L Tennessee Valley Authority, Piping An4lysif proudure.

2. Oakridgl! NtUionallAborarory Rl!port 9RNL- TM-4929.

TABLE Al Total Thermal Expansion,
U.S.'tJnIt8, for Metals
Total Uneor Thennol Expo..lo. Bet"ee. 70'F a.d Indluted Temperal.,e (1.0....1100 It)"

Carbon Steel Austenitic
Cllfbo.-Moly 5Cr Mo Stainless 12 Cr
Temp. Low-Chrome thru Sleels 17 Cr Monel
of (.hru 3 Cr Mo) 9Cr Mo 18 Cr-8 Ni 27 Cr 25Cr-20 Ni 67 Ni-30 Cu 3~ Nickel

-325 -2.37 -2.22 -.1.85 -2.04 - -2.62 -2.25

-300 . -2.24 -2.10 -.1M -1.92 - -2.50 -2.17
-275 -2.11 -1.98 - .... .41 -1.80 -2.38 -2.07
-250 -I,I'H -1.X6 - .1.1 () -1.6X -2,26 -1.96

0 -225 -1.85 -1.74 -2.96 -1.57 - -2.14 -1.86
'" -200 -1.71 -1.62 -2.73 -1.46 - -2.02 -1.76
-175 -1.58 -1.50 -2.50 -1..15 - -1.90 -1.62
-150 -1.45 -1..17 -2.27 - 1.24 -1.79 -1.48
-125 -1.30 -1.23 -2.01 -1.11 - -1.59 -1.33
-100 -1.15 -1.08 -1.75 -0.98 -1.38 -1.17
-75 -1.00 -0.94 -1.50 -0.85 -1.18 -1.01
-50 -0.84 -0.79 -1.2'- -0.72 -0.98 -0.84
-25 -0.68 -0.6.1 -0.98 -0.57 -0.77 -0.67
0 -0.49 -0.46 -0.72 -0.42 - -0.57 -0.50
25 -0..12 -0.30 -0.46 -0.27 -0.37 -0..12
50 -0.14 -0. D -0.21 -0.12 -0.20 -0.15
70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

100 0.23 0.22 11.'4 0.20 0.32 0.28 0.23
125 0.42 0,40 0.62> 11.'6 0.58 0.52 0.42
150 O.M 0.58 0.90 0.53 0.84 0.75 0.61
175 0.80 0.76 1.1~ 0.69 1.10 0.99 0.81
200 0.99 0.')4 1.46 0.86 1.37 1.22 1.01
225 1.21 1.13 1.75 1.03 1.64 1.46 1.21
250 1.40 1..13 2.0.1 1.21 1.91 1.71 1.42
275 1.61 1.52 2.32 1.J8 2.18 1.96 1.63
300 1.82 I. 71 2.61 1.56 2.45 2.21 1.84
325 2.04 1.90 2.90 1.74 2.72 2.44 2.05
350 2.26 2.10 UO 1.9) 2.99 2.68 2.26
,. 375 2.48 2.30 2.50 2.11 3.26 2.91 2.47
13 400 2.70 2.50 3.80 2.30 .1.53 3.25 2.69
425. 2.93 2.72 4.10 2050 .1.80 3.52 2.91
450 .1.16 2.93 4.41 2.69 4.07 3.79 .1.13
475 .1.39 3.14 4.71 2.89 4..14 4.06 3.35
500 3.62 3.35 5.01 3.08 4.61 4.33 3.58
525 .1.86 3.58 5.31 3.28 4.88 4.61 3.81
550 4.11 .1.80 5.62 3.49 5.15 4.90 4.04
575 4.35 4.02 5.93 3.69 5.42 5.18 4.27
600 4.60 4.24 6.24 3.90 5.69 5.46 4.50
625 4.86 4.47 6.55 4.10 5.96 5.75 4.74
650 5.11 4.69. 6.87 4.31 6.23 6.05 4.98

'"These data are for information and it is not implied that materials 8ft. suitable for all the temperatures shown.

TABLE AI (Continued)
Total "Unelr TherI'IUIl Expln.slon Between 70°F and Indluted Temperature (Inc::hesJ1OO It)·

Carbon Steel Austenitic
Carbon.Moly 5("r Mo Stainless 12 Cr
Temp. Low,Chrome Ihru Steel!! 17Cr Monel
OF ('hru ~ Cr Mo) 9Cr Mo 18 Cr-8 Ni 27 Cr 25 Cr-20 Ni 67 Ni-30 Cu 3~ Nickel

675 5.37 4m '1.18 4.52 651l 6.34 5.22

g 700
750 6.16 5.62 8.1.1 ~Uh 7.31 7.25 5.94
775 6.43 5.86 8.47 5.38 7.58 7.55 6.18
800 6.70 (),la R.RO ~,60 7.85 7.85 6.43
825 6.97 6.34 ,
9.D 5.82 8.1.1 8.16 6.68
850 7.25 659 9.46 6.1l5 8.45 8.48 6.93
875 7.5) 6.83 9.7 1) 6.27 8.75 8.80 7.18
900 7.81 7.07 11l.12 6.49 9.05 9.12 7.43
925 8.1l8 7.31 10.46 6.71 9.35 9.44 7.68
950 8.35 7.56 IIl.80 6.94 9.65 9.77 7.93
975 8.62 7.81 11.14 9.95 10.09 8.17
1000 8.89 fLOt) 11.48 7.41l 10.25 10.42 8.41

1025 9.17 8.30 II.H2 7.02 10.55 10.75
1050 9.46 8.55 12.1 " 7.95 10.85 11.09

1075 9.75 8.80 12.:"0 X.IB 11.15 11.43

1100 10.04 9.05 12.H4 8.31 11.45 11.77
1125 10.31 9.28 n.18 X.53 11.78 12.11
1150 10.57 9.52 J.\.5~ fUr, 12.11 12.47
1175 10.83 9.76 l."1.R6 8.98 12.44 12.81
1200 11.10 10.00 14.20 9.20 12.77 13.15
1225 11..18 10.26 ,
14..14 9.42 n.1O 1.1.50
1250 11.66 10.53 14.B8 1).65 n.43 13.86
\275 \ 1.94 10.79 15.22 9.88 13.76 14.22
N noo 12.22 11.06 15.56 10.11 14.09 14.58
5l 1325 12.50 11.30 IS.90 In.33 14.39 14.49
13.50 12.78 11.55 16.24 10.56 14.69 15.30
1375 13.06 11.80 16.58 10.78 14.99 15.66
1400 13.34 12.05 1(,,92 11.0 I 15.29 16.02
1425 - - IDO
1450 - - 17.69
1475 - - 18.08
1500 - - 18.47
'"These dala are for informalinn and it i~ nol implieli that materials :Ire suitable for all the temperatures shown,

TARLE Al tCnnllnued)
Total lJnel' Thermal Expansion Betwet':n 7Wr and tndlc~.ted Temperature (Inches/lOO It)"

Ductile Temp.
CasHron Bronu. Brass 70 Cu-:W Ni Ni-Fe-er Ni-er-Fe Iron 'F
-4.68 - -:"W~ -3.88 -3.15
-4.46 - -3.74 -3.64 -2.87 - - - -300

-4.21 - -3.50 -3.40 -2.70 - - -275

-3.97 - -3.26 -3.16 -2.5.1 - -250

-3.71 - -3.02 -VJ:1 -L~6 - -22;

- -UI -200
~ -3.44 - -2.78 -2.70 -2.19
-3.10 - -2.;4 -2,47 -2.12 - - -1.41 -175
-1.29 -150
-2.88 - -2.31 -2,24 -1.9.'
-1.16 -125
-2.57 - -2.06 -2.00 -1.14
-1.04 -100
-2.27 - -1.81 -1.76 -1.53
-1.97 -U6 -U2 -1..13 - -0.91 -75
-1..12 -1.29 -1.13 -0.77 -50
-1.32 - -1.~5 -1.02 -0.89 - -0.62 -25
-0.46 0
-0.97 - -0.77 -0.75 -0.66
-0.63 - -0.49 -OA8 -OA2 -0.23
-0.28 - -0.22 -(Ut ~·n.1 Q

0 0 0 0 0.0 70
0 0 0
0.30 0.35 {UI (U8 0.26 0.21 100
0.46 0.21

0.38 0.66 0.04 0.5(, 0.52 0.48 0.39 125

0.55 0.96 0.94 0.82 0.76 0.70 0.57 150
0.73 1.26 1.23 hO? 0.99 0.92 0.76 175
0.90 1.56 1.52 1.33 1.23 1.15 0.94 200
1.08 1.86 1.83 1.59 1.49 1.38 1.13 225
1.27 2.17 2.14 1.80 1.76 1.61 1.33 250
1.45 2A8 2.4~i 2.13 2.03 1.85 1.53 275
2.79 2.76 2.40 2.30 2.09 1.72 300
3.67 1.64
3.11 3.0R 2.68 2.59 2.32 1.93 325
4.09 1.83
3.42 3.4 \ . :!.9fJ 2.88 2.56 2.13 350
4.52 2.03
3.74 3.7) '.:'1.4 3.18 2.80 2.36 375
4.95 2.22
4.05 4.0; '.52 3.48 3.05 2.56 400
5.39 2.42
'"~ 5.83

5.01 5.06 0\ 3.78 3.28 475

6.72 3.03
7.17 3.24 5.33 5.40 4.59 4.02 3.54 SOO
5.65 5.75 4.87 4.27 3.76 525
7.63 3.46
3.67 5.98 6.10 - 5.16 4.52 3.99 S50
8.56 3.89 6.31 6.45 - 5.44 4.77 4.22 575

9.03 4.11 M4 ".RO - 5.72 5.02 4.44 600

04 6,1)(, 7.16 0.ll1 5.21 4.66 62S

7.29 7.53 6.30 5.53 4.90 650

"These dala are for information and il i~ nCl! implied that 1l1alcri:ll~ ntc ~u;l(lhlc for all the temperatures shown.

TABLE AI (Continued)
Total LInear Thennal Expansion Between 70"F and Indicated Temperature (inches/tOO It)"

Gray Ductile Temp.
Aluminum Cast Iron Bronze Brass 70 Cu-30 Ni Ni-fe-Cr Ni-Cr-Fe Iron 'F

4,80 7,62 7,89 6,58 5,79 5,14 675

5,03 7,95 H.26 6,13K (l.OS 5,39 700

i - 5,26
9,02 -

5,74 8,96 9.40 7,76 6,84 6,10 775

6,98 9,30 9,78 8,06 7,10 6,35 800
6,22 9,64 10,17 - 1-\.:'\5 6,59 825
6.47 9,99 10,57 13.66 - 6,85 850

6,72 10,33 10,96 8,95 - 7,09 875

- 6,97 10,68 11.35 9.26 - 7,35 900
7,23 11.02 11.75 9.56 - 7,64 925
7.50 11.37 12,16 9.87 - 7,86 950

7,76 ! 1.71 12,57 - 111.18 - 8.1\ 975

8,02 12,05 12,98 10.49 - 8,35 1000
12.40 13,39 10.80 - - 1025

I ~.1l1 i.l,n I I 1.1 I - - 1050

13.11 14.23 11.42 - - 1075

I J.47 14.1\5 11.74 - 1100
12.n:'1 - 1125
12,38 - - 1150
12,69 - 1175
13,02 - - 1200
l.l36 - - 1225
13,71 - - 1250
14,(14 - 1275
14.:\9 - \300

14,74 - - 1325
$ - - 15.10 1350
1;.44 1375
15,80 - - 1400
16.16 - - 1425
I(l,:'l.i 1450
16,88 - - 1475
17,25 - 1500

"These dala are for information and it is nnt Implied that mll.lerials nre suilll.hle for all ~he temperatures shown.

TABLE A2 Modulus of Elasticity,

VOS. Units, for Metals
Modulus of EllIstldty-Ferrou5 Material"

E" Modulus or Elal'licil)'. hi (multiply l11bulllted valueli by 10")

Tcmpeffllurc. 6F
Mllterl..1 -325 -200 -lOll 10 200 )00 4110 ~OO fin(l 11XI 1\00 QllO 1000 1100 1200 IJoo 1400 1500

Carbon steels
:\0.0 29.5 2lJ,O 27.lJ 21.1 27.'1
27,0 26.4 2.'1.7 24.' 2JA I K.; 15.4" IJ.O

with carbon
contcnt 0.30%
or less. 3~ Ni
Carbon steels
with carbon
) 1.0 )0.6 .30.4 29,9 29.5 29.11 2!U 27..t 26.7 25.4 2:(8 21.5 18.' 15.11 11.2

contcnt above
Carbon-Mol)' 31.0 30.6 30A 29.9 29.5 29.0 2,1l.fl 2,1l.n 27..1 26.6 25.7 24.5 23.0 20A 15.6
steels, low
chrome· steels
through 3 Cr Mo
Intermediate 29.4 28.5 28.1 27.4 27.1 Udt 20.ol ~ll.O 25.4 24.1) 24.2 23.5 22.8 21.9 211,R 19.5 18.1
chrome steels
(5 Cr Mo through
9C, Mo)
Austenitic steels 30.4 29.9 29.4 2lU 27,7 27.1 2i"1.fl :'.fl.l 25.-1 24.S 24.1 23.4 22.1 22.0 21.3 20.7 19.3 11.9
)16.321. )41)

';"'1,1.1&"1 ~J ...... ,,, .... ,,

(12 Cr, 17 Cr,
21 Cr)
Gray casl iron
Mt\{lulu~ nr EI;,~tit:ity-N(lnfert(lu~ M:\tetial~
I: '" M('l('lllt,~ o{ r.1a~tirilY. ,,~i Inlultiply tabulated values hy lll~)
Tcmr('r~Iure. "F
(,(10 711(1 KUIl 'mu llIon 1lUll 121)11
,1011 5011
- ,~~ -1no -111I1 70 Hill ~(lll .lOll
-_ ..
I!tCl ICl,O 14.3 I:,>.n
11\ I{ Ylfl 21'l,.l 1(,.0 ~".(I :r, (l 2~.M 15.6 25.4 24.7 1J.1 21.0
Mone! (67 Ni-30 Cul and
'M Ni-29 ell-AI 19.7 It).4
: 1,(' : 1.." ~ 1.: :n.t' 111.(, 2tU 211.0

.... (10 Cu-)ONil
I\.:‫ן‬ 10.4 l!l.t! In.\ lo.n t).l'i tU '.1 1.1
Aluminum alloys. Iq, 15.1 14.7 14.2 13.1
11.0 16.1 16.5 16.0 15.1{ 15.04
Copper (99.9R% Cu) IJ.O 12.1 12.2 IUt
Commercial hr8~\ (66 C tI 150 I,U 14.5 1o.l.0 I)." D.' IJ..'i

-34 Zn) I !,.l 12.n 11.7 IU I Cl.')

1.\ ,2 I.U n.5 \" .0 I :.'J IU
Leaded tin hrnn7.c
(KRCu-f1Sn-I.5 rb-4.5Zn)

-These data are for informllllton "nd it i\ nOl implied 'hRl mnlcrilll~ arc ~"itllhle for all the temperatures shown.
TABLE AJ Allowable Stres.~cs in
Ten!don for Metab. SF.. KSI

Min. Min.
Tct\~i1c. Yield Min. Min.
Fllcltlt Strcnglh Strength Temp. Temp.
Speci- No. Notes (16) to \00 100 300
lE) (k~i) (k~i)
fication (37) Grnde ClaM

Catbon Steet
Seamless Pipe and TlItx;s ",to )ti.tJ 1,1 -20 16.0 16.0 16.0
AS3 1 A Type S
6(\.0 :\~.O 1,2 -2tl 20.0 20.0 10.0
AS3 1 n Type S
-10 16.0 16.0 16.0
AI06 1 A - "M.O 30.0 2
-20 10.0 20.0 20.0
AI06 I 11 - (,(131 :\0.0 2
23.3 13.3 23.3
AI06 1 C - 10.0 40.0 2
-20 12.0 llA
- A120 1
30,0 1,2 -50 UU 18.) 17.7

- A3J3 1 I
I - :':'i.O 311.11 1,2 -SO 18.3 18.3 17.7
A334 1
A333 1 6 - - , Ml.O 35.0 2 -SO 20.0 20.0

6 no.O 35.0 2 -so 20.0 20.0 20.0

A334 1 15.0 14.2
26,0 1.2 -20 15.7
At79 1 - -17.11
-20 16.0 16,0 16.0
A369 I FPA - "S.O JO.O 2
10.0 20.0 20.0
flO,O 35.0 2 -20
A369 I FPB 10.0
-20 20.0 20.0
AS14 1 1 - NUl 35.0
1 -10 18.3 18.3 17.7
11 55.0
AS24 1 16.0 16.0
.urn 30.0 1,2 -20 16.0
35.0 1,1 -20 20.0 20.0 20.0
APISL I 11 10.0
42.0 58,60 -20 10.0 10.0
X42 Ml.O
API5LX SP2 21.0 21.0
58.60 -2() 21.0
API5LX SP3 X46 - 6.\.11_ 46.0
58,60 -20 22.0 11.0 22.0
APt 5LX SP3 X52 - 66.0 52.0

Furnace Butt Welded Pipe 25.0 ,. -20 9.0 8.7

Type F n.M) 45.n
A53 I
0.6(1 34 -20 7.2 6.9
AI20 1
~~.ll B.O 34 -20 9.0 9.0 8.7
1 A2~ 1& 11 n.hrt

Electric Re~i~tance Weld~d Pip«: :,\o.n 1,2 -20 13.6 13.6 13.6
A Type E (U\~ 41Ul
A~3 1
(lll.n J~.O 1.2 -20 17.0 l7.0 17.0
Type E II~)
A53 1 11
AI20 '1 - O.H) - 3' -20
13.6 13.6
Al35 1 A - n.l\) 41tll 30.0 1.2
(I.X) (10.1l ~:'.11 l. 2 -20 17.n 17.0
A135 I 11
1.2 -511 1~.6 15.£' 15.0
1 1 - (\.!I~ )5.0 :'\0.0

A333 11.0 17.n 17.11
tu.:.~ ,,11.0 '5.0 ~ ··511
'"'" A:'I3J 1
" .nUI .lo.n ,I. ~ ·.:'.tI 1,1.(' l.l.h U.h
- ASS7 1
I 1\25 1."'- 11

O,K~ ·I:".n !:.'i.O I.!: ~n 1.!..K 1,!.X I,! ..'

.API5L 1.\.11 I.Ul
II.X.'i ·11':.0 .\(l.O I, .!. . .!.l1 1.\.11
-20 17.n 17,0 17.0
APISL I R - O.H5 (10,0 ;'15.11 1,2
5R. (,0 -20 11.0 17.0 17.n
X42 11./I..'i ('(l.n 42.1\
API 51. SP2
-20 17.9 17.9 17.9
API5LX SP3 X46 - H.HS 03.11 46.0 58,60
-20 18.7 18,7 18.7
X52 (l.RS M.O 52.0 S8, 60
72.0 52.0 5K, flll -211 20.4 20.4 20.4
APt SLX SP3 X52 0.1\5

Electric Fusion Welded Pipe {Strai~hl SClIm) 11.1 10,5 10.0

AS70 OR A AI34 I - 0.74 45.0 25.0 5,34 -20
-20 12,1 11.4 10.9
A570 OR B AI34 1 - - 1l.74 49.0 30.0 5,34
-20 12.8 12.1 11.6
AS70 OR C AI34 I - 0.74 52.0 33.0 5,34
-20 13.6 12.8 12.2
AS70 OR 0 AI34 I - 0.74 55.0 40.0 5,34

~ See B31.3 code for notes,

TABLE A3 (Continued)
Allowable Stnuesln Ten,,!on for Metals, SE. KSl
qnll ~5n \OnO [050 1100 USO flcatlan Material
600 6S0 100 150 800 850
400 SOO
Carbon Steel
Seamless Pipe and Tubes

16.0 14,& 14.5 14.4 10.1 9.3 7.'1 (,5 ·u 2.5 1.6 1.0 - AS3
20.0 18.9 11.3 11.0 16.8 1.1.0 10.8 8.1 65 ·U 2.5 1.6 1.0 - AS3
1,9 ('5 J,5 2.5 1.6 \.0 AI06
16.0 16.0 14.8 14.5 14.4' 10.1 9.;\
4.5 25 1.6 1.0 A106
20.0 18.9 11.3 11.0 16.8 1.1.0 10,8 8.1 ".~

22.9 2\.6 19.1 19.4 \9.2 14.R 12.0\ - AI06

14,4 12.0 10.21 )\ ..1 ('.5 ·n 2.5 1.6 1.11 AH:\
tU ('.5 ·U 25 l.(, loO 1\3.14
...•'" 11.2 16.2 14.8 14.5 14.4 12.0
\.0 A.D3
20.0 18.9 11.3 11.0 lfdl no In.R 8.1 n,S -l.S 2.5 1.6
1.'.0 III.R 8.1 6,5 ./ ..'i 2.5 1.6 Ut AH"
20.0 18.9 17.3 11.0 ItU~
7.9 h . .'i J . .'i 2.5 1.6 1.0 1\179
12.8 12.\ 11.8 11.5 lllfl 9.2
13.5 1.0 A369
10,7 9.3 1.9 O.S 45 2.5 1.6
16.0 16.0 14.8 14.5 14.4
1.(, 1.0 1\369
20.0 18.9 17.3 17.0 16.8 no 10,R 8.1 65 L<i 2.5
r, ..<, ·L<i 2.5 A.'i2.J
20.n 18.9 17.3 17.0 16.R 12,9 In.R IV'
{'.S ..1,5 2.5 A524
14.8 14.6 !4.4 12.0 10.2 tU
11.2 16.2
7.9 (.,.~ of.:':. 2.5 1.6 \.0 API SL
16.0 16.0 14.8 14,5 14.4 \(1,1 9.3
8.1 h.5 of.S 2.5 \.(1 loO API :'iL
18.9 11.3 li,O 16.R 1.'.n lll.B!
20.0 APt 5LX
20.0 - - API5LX
2 \.0 - - API5LX
22.0 - -
- APt5LX


- - -
- A120
- APt 5L
'.3 - Electric Rcsi!llancc8Welded Pip
.'.1\ 2.1 1.4 0.9 - AS3
7" "
55 .'.K 2.1 1.4 0,9 A5.:\
- - 12.6
12.2 tU 7.9 (1.5 ~5 ,U~ ~.1 1.4 !llJ AD5
D,1l 13.6 AI35
9.2 1.4 55 .'.K 2.1
14,0 11.0
\1.0 16.1 14.1 14.5
12.3 \2.2 10.2 8.1 7.1 55 :l.K 2,1 \.4 O.q - A333
14.6 13.8 12.6 0,9 A33l
11.0 9.2 1:4 55 _~,K 2.1 1.4
11.0 16.1 14,7
12,J - - - - - A587
13.6 13.6 API5L
'"• 1 \.8 - - - - :l.8 2.1 1.4 0.9 - API SL
'" 13.6 13.6 12.6 12.3 12.2
55 ""X 2.1 1.4 0.9 - AP1SL
11,n 16.1 14.7 14,5
- - - I\P15LX
\1.0 - - -
- - - APt SLX
11.9 - - - AP\ SLX
18.1 - - - - APl SLX
20,4 - - - -
Electric Fuslon8 Welded Pipe {Straight Sea
Al:J,4 A510GR A
AIl4 AS10 OR C
AI34 AS10 OR 0

TABLEA3 (Continued)
Allowable Stresses In TeR.lllan for Metals, SE, KSl

Min. Min.
p. Tensile Yield Min. Min.
Speci~ No. Fnclnr Sir. Str. Temp. Temp.
fiealion (31) Grade C1n~~ (E) (k~i) (ksil Notes (26) to 100 200

Low and Intermediate Allo)' Steel

Seamless Pipe
3!Ni All3 98 3 65.0 35.0 - -150 21.7 19,6

31Ni A334 98 3 M.O 35.0 - -150 21.1 19.6

J Cr-~ Ni-Cu-AI A3ll 4 4 - (,n.o 35.0 -150 20.0 19.1

21 NI A333 oA 1 - b5.0 35.0 - -100 21.7 19.6

21 Ni ... A334 9A 1 6!',O )5,0 - -100 21.1 19.6

69 -320
2 Nl-I Cu A333 9A 9 - fI.HI 46.0
- -I(Xl
2Ni-tCu, A;!34 OA 9 "'3.0

3 PI 55.0 30.0 3 -211 18.3 18.3

Cr-!Mo A335
A335 3 P2 55.0 30.0 -20 18.3 18.3
ICr-! Mo
SCr-~Mo All5 5 P5 - 60.0 30.0 - -20 20,0 18.1

5 Cr-! Mc~Si A3H 5 PSh MUI :'\0.0 - -20 20.0 fR. I

5 Cr-! Mo-TI A335 5 P5c f,n.o 30.0 -20 20.0 18.1

1 Cr-l Mo A335 5 Pl 60,0 30.0 - -20 20.0 lIU

A315 5 P9 bO.O 311.n -20 20.11 18.1
9 Cr-I Mo
I!Cr-! Mo A33S 4 PII - (iO,O 30.0 -20 20.0 1".1
4 PI2 60,0 :'IfI.n -20 20.0 fR.l
1 Cr-! Mo A335

11 Si-l Mo A335 1 PIS -, bo.n 30.0 - -20 18.8 18.2

3 Cr-l Mo AJ)S 5 P21 0(\.0 :mo -20 20,0 18.1

2~ Cr-I Mo A335 S P22 60,0 JIUl - -211 20.n IN.5

Cr-l Mo A169 1 FPI 55.Cl JO.O 1 -211 !tu 18,J

A369 3 FP2 55,0 30.0 -20 18.3 18.3
2 Cr-! Mo A369 4 FP1" MI.{l 20,0 - -20 20.0 18.S

A169 5 FPS 60,0 J{l.n -211 211.0 18.1

5 Cr-! Mo
A369 S FPl 6Cl.O 30.0 -20 20.0 18.1
7 Cr-} Mo
- -211 20.0 18.1
9 Cr-l Mo
10.0 -20 20.0 18.1

A369 4 FPI2 60,0 :.'Ill.a -20 20.0 18.1

I Cr-! Mo
3 Cr-I Mo A369 S FP21 - !'lO,n JO.O -20 20.0 18.1
A369 S FPn (,11.11 30.0 -20 20.0 18.5
2l Cr-l Mo
.... Centrifugally Cast Pipe
C-lMo A426· 1 CPI l.OO tis.n :3S,O 1.21 -20 21.1 21.1
CP2 l.nn (i(),(\ 30.0 21 -211 18,4 11.7
i Cr-} Mo A426 1
A426 S CP5 1.110 I)n,Cl fin,O 21 -20 30.n 21\.0
~ Cr-! Mo
CI'5h 1,00 fIll.n 341.0 21 -2U IN,M 11.9
5 Cr-! M~ 11 Si A426 S

1 Crel Mo A426 S CPl - I.on 60.0 30.0 2i -20 18.8 17,9

9Cr-l Mo A426 S CP9 - 1.00 90.0 60.0 21 -20 30.0 22.5

tl Cr-l Mo A426 4 ePII - 1.110 10.0 40,0 21 -21 21.3 21.3

A426 •4 CPl2 1.nn 60.0 30,0 21 -20 18." 1A.l
I Cr-! Mo
I! SH Mo A426 1 CPIS - 1.00 60.0 30.0 21 -21 18.8 18.2
1 CPCAIS 1.00 90.11 65.11 21 -20 30.0
12i Cr A426
5 CP21 1.00 !'to,O :.'lO,n 21 -20 18.8 IA.I
:3 er-I Mo A426
A426 S CP22 100 10,0 40.0 21 -20 2J.l 23.3
21 Cr-l Mo
TAn\,E A3 (COnllnued)
Allowahle Stre~lies in TC,nsion for Metals, SE, KSI
6!() 700 750 800 850 "no 9~n 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 ftcation Material
300 400 500 600
Low and Intermediate Alloy Steel
Seamless Pipt:
19,6 18,7 17,8 16.1' 16,3 1S.S 13,9 IIA 9,Cl (0,5 4.5 2,5 1.6 1.0 - An3 3lNi

19,6 18,1 11,8 16,8 16,3 t 5,5 13.9 11.4 9.0 6.5 4.5 2,5 1.6 1.0. - - A334 3jNi

18,2 17,3 16.4 IS,S 15,0 - - A333 ~ Cr-~ Ni-Cu-AI

19,6 18,7 17,6 16,8 16,3 15.5 I :\,i) 11.4 9,Il ('.5 4.5 2.5 1.6 1.0 - A333 2lNl

19,6 18,7 17,6 16,8 16,3 15.5 D.I) 11.4 y.n id 45 2.5 1.6 1.0 - - A334 21 Ni

- - - - - - - - A333 9Ni

- - - - - - - - - A334 9Ni
A333 2Ni-ICu
A334 2. Ni-I Cu
17,5 16,9 16,3 15,7 '15,4 I~U 1.1.8 IJ.5 !J.I 12.7 K,2 4,' - A33S C-lMo

17.5 16.9 16,3 15.7 15.4 IS.1 nit 13.5 \J.t 12.' 9.2 5.9 - - A3JS I Cr-! Mo
\fd 1.\.2 12,8 12.1 lO.t) X.O 5,8 4,2 2.9 2.0 1.3 A33S 5 Cr-l Mo
17.4 17,2 17.1 Hdl lti.6
12.1 IO,lJ 1\.0 5.R 4,2 2,9 2.0 1.3 ADS 5C~Mo-Sl
17.4 17,2 17,1 16,8 16,6 16.3 D.2 12.8
17.4 17,2 17.1 16.8 16,' ,,., ..\ I.U 12.11 12.1 10.1/ ~.(l 5.11 4.2 2,9 2,0 l.3 ADS 5 Cr-! Mo·Ti
1.'.2 12,' 12.1 10,9 tUl 5.' 4,2 2,9 2,0 1.3 A33S 7 Cr-I Mo
17.4 17,2 17.1 16,8 16.6 If'I•.'
1(,.3 D.2 12.8 12.1 1104 10.6 7.4 5.0 3.3 2,2 1.5 A335 9 Cr-l Mo
17.4 17,2 t 7,1 1;.8 16,6
17,5 11,2 16.7 16.2 15.0 15.0 i4.4 I':U 11.0 7,' 5,5 4.0 2,5 1.2 A33S U Cr-l Mo
15,6 15.0 14.8 14.2 13.1 11.0 7,5 5,0 2,8 1.6 1.0 A33S 1 Cr-! Mo
18.0 17,5 17,2 16,7 16,2
17.6 17,0 16,5 15.9 15.6 15.3 15,0 14.4 13.8 12,5 IO.n 6,3 4,0 2.4 - - A33S 11 sI-! Mo
15.2 15,0 14.0 12.0 9.0 7,0 5,5 4.0 2,7 l.S A33S 3Cr-l Mo
18,0 17,5 17,2 16.7 16,2 15.6

~.K U 3,n 2.0 A33.'i 2:1 er-I Mn
17.9 17.9 \1,1) 17.9 1~.1 1·1.~ 11.:-: 11.11 7.:-'.
UI.O 17.9
15.4 15.1 D.8 D,5 1:\.1 '2,7 11.2 4.8 4.0 2.4 - - A369 C-jMo
15,7 15.4 15.1 I:U~ D5 \.l.1 12.K 9.2 5.9 4.11 2,4 - - A369
l Cr-I Mo
'2 Cr-! Mo
12,5 IIU1 h.2 U 2,6 1.4 1.0
17,5 16.4 16,3 15,7 15.4 15.1 13.9 t:U 1.3.1
N.n 4,2 2.9 2,0 1.3 A3tW 5 Cr-l Mo
16,6 16.3 D.2 12.H 12.1 'n.9 S,N
17.4 17,2 11,1 16.8
1.3 A369 7 Cr-! Mo
12.K 12.1 \11-'1 ,11.0 S./\ ".2 2.9 l.O
17.4 17.2 17,1 Itl.R 16.6 111.3 1:U I) Cr-1 Mo
11.~ 10.11 7.4 ~.o :\.3 2,2 1..'i A369
1'6,8 16.fl 16.J D.2 12.1'\ 12.1
17.4 17.2 11.1 A3tl9 11 Cr-l Mo
14.5 12.:-: 11.0 7,K 5.5 4:0 2.5 1.2
17,2 16.7 16,2 1H, 15.2 1~.O
18,0 17,5
18,0 11,5 17,2 16.7 16,2 15./1 15.2 15.0 I~,." 12.1'1
I Cr-! Mo
15.2 15.0 I~.(I
, 18,0 17.5 17,2 16.7 1~,2 15.6
2.1 Cr-l Mn
7..K .'Ul 4.'2 J.n 1.11 1\3(,(,)
17. 1) 17.9 15.2 1·15 12,K 11.11
IR.O 17.11 17.9 17.9 17.9
Ccnlrifut:ally Ca!'1 I'ipc
,UI 2.4 A42() C-.\MIl
125 \Cl.(l 6.J
21.3 20.7 lOA 20.n 1(,.3 15.7 1~A \ 1Cr-~ Mo
21.7 21.7
- A42(1
<D 17,(1 16,) 15,6 14.9 14'.6 14.2 13.9 13.5 13.2 125 l\I.lI 6,:\ 4.0 2.4
.:\.1 2,n 1.3 A42' 5Cr-! Mo
26,1 24,1. 22,1
16,2 15,4
3.5 25 I., 1.2 1\42fl 5 Cr-~ Mc!-Il Si
17,1 7 Cr-! Mo
7,0 5.0 35·. 2,' 1.8 1.2 A426
14.0 13.6 D.I 12.5 11.5 9.5
17.0 16,2 15.3 14.5 A426 9Cr-1 Mo
17.:\ 15.n In.1 IU 5.5 3.3 2,2 1.5
22,S 22,5 22,S 22,S 22,0 21.0 Ill.4
22,S 7,8 55 4,0 2.1 1.2 A426 llCr-1 Mo
20,9 IS,S 15,0 14·1 L\.I t 1.0
23,3 23.3 22,9 22,3 21.6 A426 I Cr-!M~
13.1 11.0 7,5 5,0 2,8 1.6 1.0
15,7 15,4 IS, I 14,8 14.2
17,6 17,1 16,5 15,9
15,9 15,6 15,3 1.'i.O 14.4 IJ.R 12.5 10.0 6.3 4,0 4,2 - A426 1I Si-l Mo
17,6 17,0 16.5
- - - - - - - A42' 12~ er
- t3.9 13,2 12.0 9,0 7,0 55 4,0 2,7 I.S A426 3Cr-l Mo
16.8 16.1 IS.s 15,2 14.8 14.5 2j er-I Mo
11.0 7,8 5,8 4,2 3.0 2,0 A42fo
21.6 20.9 17.5. 17,5 16,0 14.0
23,3 23,3 22,9 23,3


TABLE. A3· (Continued)

AUoW9ble Stresse." in Tension for Metals, SE, KSl

Min. Min.
p. Tc,"ile Yield Mill. Min.
SIt. SIr. Temp. Temp.
Sped. No.
Mal"rl.1 Ikllllon (:1~.l Orllde !kM) (bi) N(llc~ (:!6} In 11l1l 200 :\110 '~I '00 .~I

Slainlea Steel
Seamless Pipe and Tubes -2n 3n.O
IOE TPJ29 90.0 70.0 211
26Cr-3 Ni-I Mo A26R:
To"" -2ll 20,0 18.4 17.7 17.4 17.2 16.8
12 er-AI Tubes A268 1 TP40;'i 60.0 30.0 2R f
t I Cr-Ti Tubes A26R • TN1I9 M.O :10.0 2)\ 20.0
18.4 17.7 1704 17.2
l~Cr Tubes A26/l
• TP411l

20.n 20.0 I"'.h IC'.2 I'~.(J llt5

l!l er Tubes A261l 1
TN~<rn 6(1.0 40.0 2R. :Ill -2U 20.0
18 Cr-Ti Tubes A2Ml 7 19.4 18.4
-20 23.3 23.3 2 \.4 2004
A268 10 TP443 70.0 40.0 28
20 Cr-Cu Tubes 23.3 21.4 20.4 19.4 18."
TN46 70.0 40.11 28 -20 2:\':\
27 Cr Tubes Alii!: tOE

18 er-8 NI Tubes A269 R TP:l04 7~.O :1(1.11 fin. 10. 2:1, J:\ --I2~ 211.11 20.0 20.0 JR.7 l1.5 M."
-n~ 1r..1 1(1,1 t6.'1 1.t8 }.f.R /".0
A269 8 TPJ04L 7tUl 25.0 4:\
18Cr-8NITubes 17.0
16Cr-12NI-2Mo A169 11 TP:l16 no 30.0 211.43 -:125 20,0 2rw 2().() /9.3 1'1.9

Tubes . -.'2~ 16.7 16.1 Jr'J.'1 15.5 14,4 IJ.S

A26~1 R TP:l16L 70.0 B.l1 43
20.0 10.0 I1U t7.5 /6,4
.'Io.n "'a. ~tl. :.\' .'10 --I2~ 20.0
AJ11 !l TP~04 75.11
18 Cr-ll NI Pipe 17,5
18 Cr-8 Ni PIpe 0'1131:'1 11 TP:l04H ?:'i.O :lo.n 2:1 -:m 2(1,0 20.0 20.0 IR.1 M,"

18 Cr-8 NI Pipe A3t2 R TP304L 7tHI B.O -42~ 111.7 '".1

TP309 75.fl 30.0 211. 41, ~2 -J251 20.n
23 Cr-12 NI Pipe A311 B

25 Ct-2a NI Pipe AJI2 , TP:\IO no .\tUl 2R.~I.~!




25 Ct-2a Ni Pipe AJI2 8 TP:l10 75.0 "'.111. "I. 52
TP31f1 7~.1l .lo.n :!ll. 2,\ -J:~ 211.0 ,2(W 2rUJ 19.,1 17.9 11.0
16Cr-12Ni--2Mo A312 8
16Cr-12Ni-2Mu AJI2 , TP:\ltJl! 75.0 :lU.(I 23 ' ..':.~ 2U.(I ,2/1./1 2//.{l /9..1 1?9 ,7./J

16Ct-12Ni-2Mo A:l12 , TPJIllL 71l.ll 25.11 -.':5 1f,.7 Hi.? 1t>.7 15.5 /".4 I.f.J

Pipe 2rUJ /7.0

A.'I12 Tl'~ \7 75.0 ",0.0 20. 2.\ -.'25 :t1.11 .W.O J'.U '7.9
IIICr-13 Ni-:I Mll

Pipe 21\.n to.O IR.t> 17,.1 16,4

TP321 75.n 31l,l1 "':I.21l -J2~
18Cr-l0Ni--Ti Al12 TT':\1 I 11 7.~.11 )ILll -.'2~ 1:1l.1l ,2IW 20./1 //UI 17..' ' '.4
18Cr-IONi-Cb A312 , TP.'I.$7 75.11 JO.ll ha. 2n --.l15 !(\.(I t(W 20.0 2(W 19.9 HU

~ Pipe
IR Cr-IONi-Cb A312 TPJ47H 75.n .'ll.1\ ...'2~ 10.0 ttW 20.0 20.0 (1).9 19•.1

Pipe 20./1 20.0 /9.9 /9..1

TP,34R 75,11 ~(I.lI 1111. ~II -.\2~ 1:r1.11 20.0
18Cr-10 Ni--O A:l12
Pipe ,21/.fJ "J.'J 1" ..1
'I'I':l4KII 7~.ll -'!I 0 \~~ ~1I.1l !I!.II !fUl
IKer-lll Ni-Ch A\12 <'
2tW IIU 17,5 iliA
18 Cr-8 Ni Pipe AJ7'" 8 TP:\I).I 75.U .\0.0 hb. :11. 2:\•.'n. .11, -"HI W.n 2(/.(/

-:l2~ 21l.CI !/J.(t 2tW fH,1 /1.5 iliA

18 Cr-8 Ni Pipe
A3711 ,
K "p,\r"'H

I>h. 20. :.1, .\(, -J2~ 20.0 20.rJ 20.0 /9 ..1 17.9 17.1'

16Cr-12Ni-2Mo TI'.\lMI 7~.U 30.0 2.\ -.\251 2(1.(1 20.0 20.0 'I/..! /7.lJ no
:10.0 20.(J 211.11 /I(t> 17.,1 M,4
T":I~ 1 7.''>.11 ,'n.n 1':1. 2U•.If' ·.\251

TABLE A3 (Conlinucd)
Allowable Stresscs In Tension for Metals, SE, KS)

l\50 700 750 800 850 9(l() 9!10 1000 1050 1100 1150 L200 1250 1300 1350 14()() 1450 1500 fication Material

Stainle~ Steel
Seamless Pipe and Tubes
1\268 26 Cr-3 Ni-I Mo
16.5 16.21 11.6 11.1 10.4 9.6 8.4 4.0 A268 12 Cr-AI Tubes
A26R 11 Cr-Tl Tubes
16.5 16.2J 11.6 1 t.I 10.4 9.6 8.4 6.4 4.4 2,9 1.8 1.(1 A268 13 Cr Tubes
18.2 17.61 11.6 11.1 10.4 9.6 8.5 tU 4.5 3.2 2.4 1.7 A268 16 Cr Tubes
A268 18 Cr-Ti Tubes
~ 18.0 17.51 16.9 16.2 15.1 13.0 6.8 4.5 A268 20 Cr-eu Tubes
IS.U 17.5 Ift.lJ 16.2 \5.1 L3.0 fl.X 4.:'i 1\2M{ 27 Cr Tubell
16.2 16.0 15.6 15.2 U.9 f4;fl 14,01 I3.X 1.?1 9,7 7.7 0.0 n 3.7 2.9 2.3 1.8 1.4 A269 18 Cr-8 Ni Tubes
13.7 13.5 1.1..1 13.0 12.8 1/.9 9.9 7.R to.3 .'\.1 4.0 L! 2.6 2.1 1.7 1.1 1.0 0.9 A269 18 Cr-8 Ni Tubes
16.7 /6.3 16./ f5.9 /5.7 f.L~ 15.4 I.U 14.5 12.4 9.H 7.·1 5.S 4.1 3. L 2.3 1.7 I.J A269 16Cr-\2Ni-2Mo
13.2 12.9 12.6 12.4 12.1 J /.8 1 f..~ 11.2 /(1.8 10,2 '.8 ().. l n .'-5 2.5 1.' 1.3 1.0 A269 16 Cr-12 Ni-2 Mo
16.2 16.0 15.6 15.2 14,9 14.6 /4.4 13.8 /2,] 9.7 7.7 6.0 4.7 3.7 2.9 2.3 1.8 1.4 A312 1g Cr-8 Ni Pipe
/6.2 16.0 15.6 15.2 14,9 14.(1 }oJA /.l.R /1.2 9.7 7.7 6.0 n 3.7 2.9 2.3 1.8 1.4 A312 18 Cr-R Ni Pipe.
13.7 '.1..~ IJ.J /.1.0 12.M fI,9 9.9 7.R (,.3 ..~.1 VI 3.:! 2J1 2.1 1.7 1.1 1.0 0.9 1\:\12 IXCr-8 Ni Tuhc,;
18.8 18.3 18.0 17.5 14.6 tJ.9 12.5 10.5 ItS 6,5 5.0 3.,'{ 2. l) 2.3 1.8 1.3 0.9 0.7 A312 23 Cr-12 Ni Pipe
18.8 18.3 18.0 17.5 1/.6 13.9 12.5 II,OI 7.1 5,0 3.6 2.5 1.5 (1.8 O.S 0.4 0.3 0.2 A312 25 Cr-20 Ni Pipe
18.8 18.3 18.0 17.5 14.6 13.9 '2.5 1U) 9.8 8.5 7.3 0.0 4.8 3.5 2.3 1.(1 1.1 0.8 A312 25 er-20 Ni Pipe

16.7 16.3 /6.1 15,9 15.7 15.5 15.4 15,3 14,_~ 12,.1 9.R 7.4 5.5 4.1 3.1 2.3 1.7 1.3 A312 16 Cr-12 Ni-l Mo
16.7 16.3 16.1 15.9 15.7 15.5 HA 15. .1 /·U r~.4 9.X 7.4 5.5 4.1 .1.\ 2.3 1.7 u A312 16Cr-12Ni-'1Ma

13.2 12.9 12,6 12.4 12.1 11.8 1/.5 1t.2 In.R trU !Ut 6.4 4.7 ~.5 2.5 1.8 1.3 1.0 AJI2 16Cr-t2Ni-2Mo
16.7 16.3 16.1 15.9 15;7 15.5 /5,4 I5.J /4.5 /1.4 9.R 7,.. 5.:'i 4.1 3.2 2.3 1.7 1.3 A312 18Cr-13Ni-3Mo
16.1 15.8 15.7 15.5 lJ.J 15.2 /5.1 13.8\ 9.6 6.t) s.n 3.6 2.' 1.7 1.1 0.8 0,; 0.3 A312 18Cr-l0NI-TI
16,/ as 15.7 15..~ ,..0 15,2 I.U I-I.n 11.7 9.n 0.9 ~.4 4.1 3.2 2.5 1.9 u 1.1 A312 18Cr-IONI-Ti

19.0 /8.6 /8.5 18..1 15.4 14.9 14.~ /4.01 12./ '1.1 6.1 H .1 •.1 ~,2 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.8 A312 18 Cr-to Ni-Cb
5.9 4.4 1.2 2.5 1.8 1.3 '\3\2 18Cr-l0Hi-Cb
19.0 18,6 18.5 18.3 18.2 UU /R./ fRO 17./ 14,'1 10.5 j.9
19.0 1~.6 18.5. /~.3 15.4 14.9 /4.~ 14.01 12./ '1.1 6.1 4.4 :\.3 2.2 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.8 A312 18Cr-IONi-Cb
19.0 18.6 18.5 18..1 18.2 /8./ Uti /R.rt (1.1 14.2 Ill.5 7. 1) 5.9 4.4 :u 2.5 1.8 IJ A312 IK er-Ill Ni-Ch

.1.7 2.9 2..1 1.8 1.4 AJ76 18 Cr-8 Ni Pipe

t6~ 16.0 15.6 15.2 14.41 r4.4 /.1.81 /2.2
14.6 ".1 7.7 Id} 4.7
7.7 Idl 4.7 3.7 2.9 2.3 1.8 1.4 A376 1KCr-8 Ni Pipe
"16.2 16,0 15.6 15.2 14.9 14.6 14.4 13.8 12.2 l).7
9.1t '.',4 5.5 4.1 3.\ 2.3 1.7 1.3 A376 16 er-12 Ni-2 Mo
16.7 16.3 /6.1 15.9 15.7 /5.5 15.4 /.'..11 /4.5 12.4
/6.7 16.3 16./ 15.9 15,7 1'5.5 /5,..1 I.U 14.5 12.-1 9.K "',4 5.5 4.1 .1.1 2..1 1.7 1.3 A376 16Cr-12 Ni-2Mo

2.3 1.7 1.1 n.8 0.5 0 ..1 1\376 18Cr-IONi-Ti

16.1 15.8 15.7 /5.5 15.3 /5.1 I5.1 JJ.8[ 9.6 6.9 5.0 J.6

TA8L1~ AJ ~Conllnllcd)
Allowable Stre~!Ie.!l In Ten~ion for Mdal!'!, SE, KS.
Min. Min.
p. Tensile Yield Min. Min.
Spe:cl~ No. Str. SIr. Temp. Temp.
Materlal "calion (~7) Orllde (bi) (k!ti) Nllte~ (2.6) to WO '\ 2.00 300 4no 5nn 600
Stainless Steel (Cont.)
Seamless Plpc and Tubes (Cont.)
18Cr-IONI-Tl .'\316 R TP32tH 1:'.0 30.0 -n5 2(1.0 20.0 20.0 18ft /7..1 16,4
18 Cr-IONi-Cb A376 8 TP347 7:'.0 :\0.0 6n, 20. 36 -4151 2.0.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 19.9 J9..1
18Cr-IONr~ A376 8 TP347H 1:'i.n :Hl.O -)251 20.0 2().0 20.0 20.0 /9,9 19,3
18Cr-IONi-Cb A:l76 8 TP)48 1~.I1 :'Io.n (HI. 20. 31l -3251 20.0 20.n 20,0 20.0 /9,9 J9..1
~ Pipe
16Cr-RNl-2.'Mo 1\316 8 [tl-R~2H 7:'i.n .'0.0 Ilh. 12, 2J -325 20.0
18 Cr-8 Ni Pipe 1.430 8 FP304 10.0 Jo.n lih.2J.Jfl 425 20.0 20.0 20.0 18.7 17.5 16,4
- 1
18 Cr-8 Ni Pipe A430 8 FP304H 10.11 .lo.n 2,1,.JIi -)25 211,0 20,0 20,0 /8,7 17,5 /6,4
16Cr-12Ni-2Mo A430 R FP3l" 7n.n .lO.O bh. 23. 31'J -3251 20.n 20.0 20.n 19,.1 17.9 17.0
(6 Cr-12 Ni-2. Mo A4JO R FPJl6H 711.11 JIl.fl n. JIl -)251 20.0 20.0 20.0 19.3 /7,9 17,0
18 Cr-IONi-Ti .A.43{) 8 FP321 111.11 :'In.n ,":1. J6 -3251 20.0 20.0 20.0 18.6 17,3 16.4
A4JO 8 FP32IH 10.11 3lJ.(1 -)251 20.0 /8,6
Pipe " 20,0 20,0 17.3 16.4

18 Cr-IO Ni-Cb A430 R FP347 7n.ll 30.n ' 'a. 3(1 -4251 20.0 20.0 10.0 19.2 18.6 18.3
18Cr-IONi-eb A430 R FP347~1 7tl,l1 311.1) v' -3251 20.0 20.0 20.0 /9.2 /8.6 11U

650 700 750 ROU 850 900 l)~lI IlMlll 11150 , Ion II~O uno 12.~() DOO 135n 14011 14.'iO lS00 fkation Material

Stainless Sleel (Cant.)

Pipe and TubeJli (Cont.)
1ft.! 15.8 15.7 15.515.3 15.2 /5.' 1·(0 11.7 9.0 11.'1 ~,.l '.1 ).2 2.5 1.9 1.5 1.1 A37fl HICr-IONi-Ti
11).0 IH.fl 'X.5 18..1 15.~ '''.9 I·U~ t4./1 J2./ l).l (1.1 4..1 .\.."\ 2.2 1.5 1.2 n.') n.R 1\376 lKCr-IONi-Ch
19.0 IIUi /H.5 l1U IR.2 lR.", 11(/ l1WI t7.1 1~.2 10.5 7.9 5.9 4,4 3.2 2.5 1.0 1.3 A370 18Cr-IONi-Cb
19.0 18.6 18.5 IRJ HA 14.9 H.H I"Ul I 11./ 9.1 n.l ,1.4 J.) 2.2 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.8 A376 18 Cr-IO Ni-eb
- I 1\37:1 16Cr-8Ni-2MIl

~ 16.2
1,1.""1 /2.2
IJ.H /2.2
2. I J
Ix ("r-8 Ni I'i['lc
18 Cr-K NI Pipe

/6.7 /6..1 16.1 15.9 15.7 15.5 /.~.4 t.U /4.5 12A 'J.R 7,.1 _~.5 4,1 3.1 2.) 1.7 1.3 A43tl IftCr-12Ni-2Mll
16.7 16. .1 /6.1 /5.9 15.7 15.5 15.4 I.U /4.5 12.4 9.K 1,4 ~.~ 4,1 :u 2,) 1.; 1.3 A430 16Cr-12Ni-2Mo
16.1 15.R 15.7 15.5 15. .1 J,'i.2 /5./ 1.1.HI 9.6 6.9 5.0 3.6 2.6 1.7 1.1 0.' n.S 0.3 A430 I~Cr-IONi-Ti
/6.1 J5.8 /5.7 t5.,,~ /5..1 15.2 /5.1 t4.0 tI,7 9.n 6.'J ~..l ',I 3,2 2,5 1.9 1.5 1.1 A4311 18Cr-IONi-Ti

18.2 18.2 HI.2 J8.2 14.0 1.1.9 13)/ l,l21 /2;/ 9.1 (l.I 4.4 L'I 2.2 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.8 A430 IH er-IO Ni-Ch
18.2 18.2 18.2 IH.2 18.2 lH.l IRI 18.0 17,t /4..1 In5 '1.9 5.9 4,4 ),2 2.5 1.8 U A43fJ 18Cr-10Ni-Cb
TAnLE A4' Propertle~ and
Welghh of PIpe

Nominal Weigh' Aver~ Mini· In!lidc Cm~!l· Mc)mcnl Section nend Rndiu'i Weight Ilf
Size Designalion ,ge mum Oillm· SccliClnill of M(Jdulll~ Cnarac- .r
Outside and/or Wan Wall eier Meltll Inertia .• teristic Gyra- Pipe Water
Number ....
Thi<k· Thick-
Arc!! per Unit

inchesj inches
0 ,
inches inches
!Iq. inc,hu
[ Z
hlR '.
Ib per It
Ib per It

IOS 0.049 0.043 0.307 0.055 0.0009 0.0043 18.6 0.127 0.186 0.032
0.068 0.030 0.269 o.nn 0.0011 1l.0052 28.7 0.122 0.245 0.025
I' S.d. 40 40S
OA05 XS 80 80S 0.095 0.083 0.215 n,WJ2 0.0012 0.0060 41.S O.IIS 0.315 0.016

~ 10S 0.065 0.057 0.410 0,09'1 O,OO2H O.OI()3 13.B 0.169 0.330 0.057
,'" Std. 40 405 0.088 C1,on (J.:\M (1.12.5 n.oo:n 0.0123 20.7 0.163 0.425 0.045
0.540 XS 80 80S 0.119 0.104 0•.102 C,IS7 1l.IlO38 0,0140 32.2 n.155 0.535 0.031

105 0.065 (l,OS7 0.545 0.\24 11,0059 0.0174 8.38 0.217 0.423 0.101

I" Std. 40 40S 0.091 0.080 n.493 0.167 n.(H.73 0.0216 12.81 0.209 0.568 0.083
0.675 XS 80 80S 0.126 0.110 0.423 n,217 0.008/\ 0,0255 20.\ 0.1-99 0.739 0.061

IOS O.OH;\ (tOn 0.674 0.197 0.0143 11.11341 /\.95 0.269 0.671 0.154
j" Std. 40 40S 0.10'1 0.1195 ll.fJ22 0.250 0.0111 0.0401 9.19 0.261 0,851 0.132
0.840 XS 80 80s 0.141 0.129 1J.54li 1J.:\2tl 0.0201 0.0418 14.7 0.250 1.09 0.101
160 0.187 0.164 ll.4M 1I.3Rol 0.0221 0.0527 21.1 0.240 1.30 0.074
0.294 fI.2~K 1l.252 (J,;'i(~ 0.02.4:\ (1.0577 47.3 0.219 1.72 1I.1I~2
SS 0.065 0.057 a.920 n.201 n.0245 0.0467 3.22 0.349 0.684 0.288
n.HH4 0.252 0.n297 (l.()~M 4,26 0.343 0.R57 0.266
l" IliS 0.OR3 0.013
Std. 411 4.lS 11.113 0.099 11.1124 n.n:' 0.ll370 0.07lJ/\ 6.18 0.3.34 1.13 0.231

, 1... 1
0, 13.~ 11.742 IlAJ4 0.0441'1 tt.Oh:>.\ 'J.t. I (1 ..'''1 V.j/)J
XS 80 80S 0.154
0.614 n.57tl O.(l;'i21 0.100 15.1 0.304 1.94 0.128
160 0.218 0.191
n.431 0.7 tK £l.1I57!) 0.110 26.9 ll.284 2.44 0.064
XXS 0.308 11.2711

0.255 O.(J;'iOO 0.076 2.00 0,443 0.Rli8 0,478

SS 0.065 0.051 1.185
O.09~ 1.097 11.413 0.11757 O.IIS 3.60 0.428 1.40 0.409
I" 105 0.109
IJl49 U.494 0.IlR74 0.133 4.57 0.420 1.68 0.374
1.315 Std. 40 40S ·0.133 0.116
0.957 0.639 0.106 0.161 6.66 0.407 2.17 0.311
XS 80 80S 0.179 0.157
0.815 0.836 0.125 0.190 10.58 0.381 2.84 0.226
160 0.250 0.2\9
n.599 1.08 0.141 0.214 18.76 0.361 3.66 0.122
XXS 0.358 0.313

SS 0.065 0.057 1.530 o,:n 0.104 0.125 1.23 0.56 1.11 0.80
1.442 0.53 0.161 0.193 2.17 0.55 1.81 0.71
IOS 0.109 0.095
1.380 n.61 11.195 0.235 2.91 0,54 2.27 0.65
40 40S 0.140 0.123
11 Std.
1.278 (Ul8 n,242 n.291 4.25 11.52 3.011 0.56
1.660 XS 80 80S 0.191 0.167
1.11 n.2R4 0.342 6.04 0.51 3.76 0.46
160 0.250 0.219 1.160
O.R96 U;\ f1.34 1 nAil 11.2 0.47 5.22 0.27
XXS . 0.382 0.334

n.15S 0.166 0.927 0.65 1.27 1.07

SS 0.065 0.057 1.770 0.38
tl.61 0.247 0.2M 1.63 0.63 2.09 0.96
10S 0.109 0.095 1.682
rum 0.310 0.32~ 2.26 0.62 2.72 0.88
40 40S 11.145 0.127 1.610
t!" Std.
t ,Soo 1.01 0.391 0.412 3.32 0.61 3.63 0.77
1.900 XS 80 80S 0.200 0.175
1.4:\ 0,4R3 0.50B 5.15 0.58 4.87 0.61
160 0.281 0.246 1.338
0.568 0.598 8.53 0.55 6.41 0,41
XXS 0,400 0.350 1.100 1.R9

0,47 0.315 0.265 0.585 0.82 1.611 1.72

55 0.065 0.057 2,245
O.7~ 0.499 0.42n 1.02 O.RO 2.64 1.58
105 0.109 0.095 2.157
,.m Il.M6 11561 1.50 0.79 3.65 1.45
Std. 40 40S 0.15·1 0.135 2.067
TABLE A4 (Continued)
Properties and Weight~of Pipe

Aver- Mini· ln~lde Cro~~· Moment Section Bend Radius Weight of

Nominal Weight
age mum Diam· Sectional of Modulus Charac- of
Sizo Designation Oyra- Pipe Water
Wall Wall eler Metal Inertia terlstic
Outside and/or per Unit tion
Schedule Thlck- Thick.- Atcll.
Diam- Bend
eter Numbel nu.~ ncs.'
inches inches srl~ inches indlcs·1 inches"' 11ft inches w, w.
'- d A 1 Z hlR
'. Ib per It Ib per ft

11.1 1)1 1.1).19 I,.:lK ll,XhK 0.7:'11 2.25 0.77 5.Cl2 L2K
2.:\75 XS KII 1',1 IS 1l.21X
0.;\(10 1.689 2.19 1.16 0.979 3.99 0.73 7.45 0.97
\60 0.34.1
I::lCl> XX~ 0.4.'0 (l.:\K2 1.50:' 2.(,11 I ..' I 1.10 5.57 0,70 9.03

!.7(Jt] n.7:\ n.71O 0.494 0.511 0.99 2.48 2.511

5S (I.OR:'> O.07J
2.(lJ~ \.n4 O.9KK 0.687 0.759 0.98 :\.53 2.36
10S O.12n O.10~
2.401) 1.70 1.5~ l.m 1.~7 0.95 5.79 2.08
2~· Std. 411 405 0.203 O.17/l
1.9.1 1..14 1.96 0.92 7.66 l.H4
2.875 xs Rn ROS 0.270 n.24! 2.:\2J 2.25
I.M VIR (Ull) In.ll 1.54
160 o,ns n..J2R 2.12S 2.lJS 2..15
1.771 ·un VI? 2.00 4.91 0.84 13.7
XXS 0.552 0.483

0,083 0.073 :U.14 0.R9 1.30 0.744 .• 0.341 1.2 ( 3.03 3.7'
3.260 1.27 L82 1,(14 0.504 1.20 03 3.61
10S 0.\20 O.1(l5
1 " Std. 40 40S 0.216 0.189 3.068 2.2.1 :1.02 1.72 0.961
3500 XS 80 'OS 0.300 0.263 2.900 .J.02 J.90 2.23
4.2\ 5.04 2.88 2.24 1.09 14.3 2.34
160 0.438 0.382 2.624

\.05 Ittfl t.tU>
5.'tl l J.·B ,:\.42
(I.S2~ 2.,:\()I) S.·17
xxs 0.600 I.:W :t47 5.00
1.lJ(J 11.9XO 11.260
(1,(17J .\Jt\-1 Ln2 4.97 4.8\
SS n.R3 2.76 I.:HI 0.383 1.37
).760 I.M\
\OS 0.120 0.195 0.762 1.34 9.\1 4.28
1Nl 4.7 t ) 2.J9
0.226 0.19' :U4R 1.3\ \25 3.g5
3\" Std. 40 40S (,.2l\. ::'>.\4 Lt::'>
11.278 3JM 3.6'R 2.53
XS 980 80S 11.318 -1.93 2.70 1.2\ 22.9
4.0on (1.72 9.8:c.
0.636 0,557 2.728
1.56 3.92 MO
2.RI 1.25 0.204
0.083 0.1173 ·D34 1.)5 5.61 6.17
5S 1.76 0.300 1.55
4.2Ml 1.6S 3.96 :'i,51
105 0.\20 (l.IOS 0.620 t.5t 10.K
3.17 7.23 3.2\
O.2~7 0.207 4.02(, 1.48 I~.O 4.1)8
Std. 40 40S 9.61 4.27 0.9;.\3
:U26 J.41 4.47
RO 80S n.3.17 1l.2lJ5 1.27 1.45 19.0
4" XS 5.59 11.7 5.18
0,438 0.382 3.fl24 1.42 22.5 4.n2
4.500 120 (,.(\2 I:U 5.9(l \.62
0.53\ . 0.465 3.438 1.37 27.5 3.38
\60 , 5.3 6.79 2.21
:\.152 ~.111
0.fl74 Cl.5 1lt)
fdS 9.73
(,.I).'i 250 0.176 1.93
1.87 1).53
SS n.lot) n.ul)s 5.345
:.\.11:\ n.218 1"12 7.77
S.295 2.2(1 RAJ R.6(,
Ins C1.1:\4 , n.t 17 15.2 5.4S 0,440 1.8R 14.6
0.258 11.226 .'i.n47 'uo 1.84 20.8 7.g8
Std, 40 40S 20.7 7.43 0.669
4.813 f). I I 27.0 7.119
80 ROS 0.375 0.328 0.936 1.80
5" XS 7.95 25.7 9.25
0.438 4563 1.76 33.0 6.33
120 0.500 10.8 \.23
5.563 013 9.70 30.0 5.62
0.625 0.547 \.55 \.72 38.6
160 n.o \2.1
0.655 4.063 tU
XXS 0.750

2.30 5.37 14.0

11.9 3.58 0.123
o.09S oAtl7 2.23 9.29 13.7
5S O.1t19 4.35 0.153 2.30
6.357 2.73 14.4 \2.5
10S 0.134 0.117 0.:\34 2.25 19.0
5.SR 28.1 8.511
0.280 0.245 li.nflS
6" Std. 40 40S

TABLE A4 (Continued)
Propertfe! and Weightl! of Pipe

Nominal Weight Aver- Mini- In!ddc Crm~· Mnmclll Section Bend RBdiu~ Weigl1t of
Sw. Designation ag. mum Dlllm- Sectionlll of Modulus Chafac- or
Oulside and/or Wall Wan cler Metal Inertia tcristic Gynl. Pipe Water
Oiam- Schedule Thick- Thlck- Arc., pcr Unit tion
clef Number n"" nCM Bend
(-lr) Radius
inches Inches inehe., inches sq. inches inches~ inches~ 11ft inches
w, Wo
I .... d A 1 Z hlR
'. Ib per ft Ib per ft

XS 80 80S 00432 0.378 .~.761 RAn 40.5 12.2 0.541 2.20 28.6 11.3
120 0.562 0.492 5.501 10.7 49.6 (s.n 0.735 2.15 36.4 10.3
loll 0.718 fl,fl28 :'i. IHtJ D ..:\ .'i9.lJ 17.H lJ,tJ1'IH 2.10 45.3 9.10
xxs 0.864 0.756 4.897 l.'Ui /l6.J 211.0 1.25 2.06 53.2 8.14
SS 0.109 0,095 8.401 2.92 26.5 6.13 0.{)73 3.01 9.91 24.1
tOS 0.148 0.130 8.329 3.94 35.4 R.ll 0.099 3.00 13.4 23.6
20 0.2S0 0.219 8.125 6.5H 57.7 13.4 0,171 2.96 22.4 22.5
8" 30 0.277 0.242 8.071 7.26 63.4 14.1 0.191 2.95 24.7 22.2
8.625 Sld. 40 40S 0.322 0.282 7.9HI RAO 72.5 16.R 0.224 2.94 28.6 21.7
60 0.406 0.355 7.813 In.s IHtH :!n.6 0.289 2.91 35.6 20.8
XS 80 80S 0.500 0.438 7.625 12.8 106 24.5 0.364 2.88 43.4 19.8
100 0.593 O..i1i19 7.439 I.'UI 121 2fU 11.441 2.85 50,9 18.H
120 0.718 0.628 7.189 \7.8 141 32.6 0.551 2.81 60.6 17.6
140 0.812 0.'711 '7.001 19.9 , 154 35.6 0.639 2.78 67.8 16.7

XX~ u.o/~ 1J.11l(1 ll.l'll.l '::1 ••' l(,:t .".1' lI.ll"'''' l.IO 72.4 Ib.1
160 0.906 n,793 o.RD 22.0 166 3H.5 0.730 2.75 74.7 15.8

sS 0.134 0.117 10,01113 4.52 63.7 Il.l) n.OS7 3.75 15.2 37.4
tOS 0.165 fl.144 10.420 5.49 76.9 14.3 0,071 3.74 18.7 36.9
20 0.250 0.219 10.250 1I.2fJ 114 21.2 0,109 3.71 28.0 35.7
30 0.307 0.2t.9 10.136 10.1 138 2.'i.6 0.135 3.ti9 34,2 34,9
Std. 40 40S 0.365 O.:H9 10.n20 11.9 161 2t,1.9 0.163 3.fl7 40.5 34,1
XS 60 80S 0.500 fl.438 9.750 10.1 212 :\9,01 0.228 3.63 54,7 32.3
10" 80 0.593 0,519 9.564 11\.9 245 *5.5 o,27fl :\.1';0 64.3 31.1
10.750 0.625 0.547 9,50(l 19.9 25t; 47.6 0.293 3.59 67.5 30.7
100 0,718 0,ti28 9,314 2~,6 286 53,2 0.342 3.56 76.9 29.5
0,750 n.655 9.2.i1i(l 23.6 2% 55, I 0.360 3.5$ HO.I 29.1
120 0.843 0.738 9,064 26.2 .124 6003 0.412 3.52 80.2 27.9
0.R75 n.766 9.noo n.1 3.1.1 (12.0 0.431 3.51 92.3 27,$
l;l 140 1.000 n.S7S 8,7$0 30.6 3611 6804
~ 0.505 3.47 104 26,0
1&0 1.125 0.984 8.500 34.0 39'> 74,3 0,583 3.43 116 24.6
.IS 41.16:'1 0.144 12.420 (, ..'i2 129 211.3 11.050 4045 19.6 5Vi
ws n.IHO 11. ISM 1'.!..'\IKI 7.11 141 22.0 tUJ55 4.44 24,2 52.2
20 0.210 0.219 12.250 9.1'12 192 30.n 0.077 4.42 33.4 51.\
30 41.3.'0 0,2R9 t2.n9o 1:!.11 249 3l l.n o.rO.J 4.39 "3.8 49.7
. / Std. 40S 0.37S 0.328 12.000 14!6 279 43.8 0.118 4.38 49.6 49.0
40 0,406 0,H5 11.038 15.7 .Ill{) 47.1 0.128 4.37 53.5 48.5
12" XS RflS o,son n.-OR 11.7;0 11.1.2 .1/12 56.7 0.160 4..13 6.1.4 47.0
12.750 60 n.5fJ2 OA~2 11.620 21.:'i 4tll ti2.H 0.111'2 4.31 7.1.2 46.0
n.M5 1I.:'i,n Il.5oe) 2.'.K 43 l ) (,K.K n.2114 4.29 !lll.t) 4.i1i.ll
RO n.M7 n.MI 11.:\7(\ 2I'dl 47:' 74.5 0.227 4.27 IUl5 44.0
11.750 (l.~:'i:'i 11.2:'iel 2K.J ;'ill KO.2 O.2sn 4.25 %.2 43.0
100 n.M" n.73K 11.1Ifl.t .'1.5 5(,2 KII.I O.2R:'i 4.22 107 41.0
0.875 0.766 II.non 32.'" :'i19 90.lI n.29R 4.21 ltl 41.1
jt, .

TABLE A4 (Continued)
Properties IlInd Weights of Pipe

Cross- Moment Section Bend Radius Weight of

~ .. Weight Aver· Mini- Inside
Nominal Sectional of Modulus Charac:- 01
Designation ag. mum Dlam- Pipe Water
5170 Metal Inertia teristlc Gyra-
and/or Wan Wall cler
Outside Area per Unit tlon
Dlam- Schedule Thick· Thick-
eter Number ne.. n'" Radius
HI' sq. inches inche1~ inc:hes~ 11ft inches w, w.
inches. Inches inches Ib per ft Ib per It
D I I. d A 1 Z hlR '.
642 101 0.348 4.17 \25 39.3
f:l 120 1.000 0.g75 \0.750 36.9
110 0,400 '.13 140 37.5
'" 140
I.J 12
1.I4 l }
<\ 7,1
7Hl 12J n.4H 1 4.117 1Nl ~",t)

255 36.5 0.064 4.86 36.7 62.0

0.250 0.2\9 13.500 10.8
10 45.7 60.6
13.375 13.4 315 45.0 0.080 4.84
20 0.312 0.273
n.097 4.82 54,(; 59.7
n.:t'i 1:1.2511 16.1 .17.'\ ~".3
Std. :\0 1I.:\lK
42l) 0.1\4 4.lnI 63.4 58.6
O,3R2 13.125 IIU 61.4
40 0.438
4'4 69.1 0.132 4.78 72.1 57.5
. 0.500 0.438 13.000 21.2
562 80.3 0.158 4,74 84.9 55.9
60 0.59) (1.s 19 12.814 25.0
.'i!W 84.1 0.168 4.7) 89.3 55.3
0.625 0.547 12.750 20.3
\4" 4.69 106 53.1
\2.500 31.2 687 98.2 0.205
14.000 80 0.750 0.656
781 112 0.244 4.65 123 51.1
0.875 0.766 12.250 ;'.6.1
825 118 0.264 4.63 131 50.0
100 0.937 0.820 12.125 38.4
91n 1:1:'\ 0.315 4.58 151 47.5
1.093 0.956 11.814 44.3

..u 1.1JO 1.\1':14 11.:\11(' ,;'111.1 10,30 147 0.369 4.53 170 45.0
160 1.406 1.230 11.\88 55." 1120 IM 0.426 4.48 189 42.6
10 ' 0.250 0.219 15.500 12.4 384 48.0 0.048 5.57 42.1 81.7
20 .0.312 0.273 \5.)76 15.4 474 59.) 0.06\ 5.55 52.3 80.5
Std. 30 0.375 0.32M 15,2~(1 1rl.4 562 'DJ 0.074 5.53 62.6 79.1
X5 40 0.500 0.43R l~.OnO 24.4 7)2 91.5 0.100 5.4M 82.8 76.5
0.625 0.547 14.750 .'0.2 894 112 0,127 5.44 \0:\ 74,1
60 0.656 0.5U 14.6MR :U,O 933 117 0.134 5.43 toR 73.4
16" 0.750 0655 14.500 35.9 1050 131 0.155 5.40 122 71.5
16.000 80 0.843 0.738 14.314 ",,0.1 1160 145 0.176 5.37 136 69.7
0.M75 0.766 14.250 41." 1190 149 O.i84 5.36 141 69.1
100 1.031 0.902 1;1.9,3R 4:t5 1.'10 171 0.221 5.29 165 M.I
120 1.218 . 1.066 13.564 56.6 1560 . 195 0.268 5.23 192 62.6
140 1.438 1.258 13.124 65.X 17M 220 0.325 5.17 224 5R.6
Col 160 1.59) 1.)94 12.R 14 72.1 IR1)ll 237 0.368 5.12 245 55.9
<If} 0.2511 11.21 1) 17.S1l0 1.'.1) S.fcJ 61.0 O.n;Ht (1,211 41.4 104
20 0.312 0.273 17,376 17.3 (,79 75.5 0.048 6.25 59.0 103
Std. 0.)75 0.)28 17.250 20.K Km !l9.o 0.058 6.23 70.6 101
30 0.43R O.3H2 17.124 201.2 ()n 104 O,OM 6.21 82.2 99,7
xs 0.500 0.438 17.000 27.;) 1050 117 O.(17M 6.19 93.5 98.3
40 0.562 0.492 16.876 30.K 1170 130 0.089 6.17 105 96.9
0.625 0.547 16.750 ~4.1 1290 14) 0.(199 6.15 116 95.4
18" 60 0.750 0.fl56 16.500 40.ft 1.'i20 168 0.121 6.10 138 92.6
18.000 0.875 0.766 16.250 47.1 17:\0 192 0.143 6.06 1(10 89.9
80 0.937 0.820 16.126 50.2 IM)O 204 (l.155 6.04 171 88.5
100 1.156 1.012 15.688 61.2 21RO 242 0.196 5.97 208 83.7
120 U75 1.203 15.250 7LR BOO 278 0.231} 5.90 244 79.1
140 1.562 Ufl7 t4.87n Im.7 2750 305 0.278 5.84 274 75.3
'60 USI 1.551l 14.4),11 1l1l,,II 31120 .'36 0,325 .~.77 309 70.9

TABLE A4 (Continued)
Properties and Weights of Pipe

Nominal WelSht A... er~ Mini· In~ide Cross- Momcnl Section a,nd Radius Weight of
mum Dinm· ~cclionnl "r Moc.lulw; Charac· of
Size Designation IS' leriillic Gyra- Pipe Water
Wall Wall eter Metal Inerlia
Outside and/or per Unit lion
Schedule Thick- Thick· ArcH
Diam- Bend
Number 0'"
eler Radius
l:l (-I') inches" 11ft inches w, w.
Inches inches inches sq. inchc~ inchcs 4
inches Ih rc' rt re' fl
'. ,f
I Z 1I/R '. lh

19.500 15.5 7S7 75.7 0.031 6.98 S2.7 129

10 0.2S0 0.2.1 9
0.328 19.250 2:\.\ . 1110 III 0.047 6.94 78.6 126
Std. 20 0.37S
O.4~S 19.IKlO JfI,t'1 1460 146 0.063 6.90 104 123
0.519 18.814 36,2 1700 170 0.076 6.86 12:3
40 0.S93
0.547 18.7S0 J~.() 1790 179 0.080 6.8S 129 120
18.S00 4~ ..j 21no 2'0 0.097 6.81 IS4 Il7
0.7S0 O.6S~
0.711 Ift37f'1 4K,9 2260 226 0.106 6.79 166 III
2l1' 60 0.812
18.2~O ~2.f\ 241Cl 241 0.115 6.77 179 113
20.000 O.87~ 0.766
17,IJ:\1I (,lA 2770 277 0.138 6.72 209 109
80 1,031 0.902
17.438 1~.J 3)211 332 0,115 6.63 2S6 103
100 1.281 1.121
17.000 81.2 ~7~O 376 0.210 ~.56 296 98.3
120 l.l00 LlD

140 t,150 I.:'i.' 1 16.~OO 100 4220 422 0.2S2 6,48 341 92,6
160 1.%8 1.722 lfl,(lfl,l 112 .1.~90 459 0.291 6,41 379 87.8
10 0.250 n.21 l ' 2),500 11'1.7 1320 110 0.021 8.40 ~3.4 188
Std, 20 0.:\15 n.~2N 2.3.250 27.1\ 1940 '62 0.032 8.3l 94.6 184
XS O.~OO (l.4~R 23.0'Kl :If,1) 25~0 21> 0.043 8.31 '2~ 180
;\(J 11.%2 Cl,-ll)2 22.H7:" ~IA !X'I/I 231 1l.ll49 R.2Q 141 l78
0.625 0.~.11 22.H41 4:,\.1) .\I4P 261 0.055 8.27 IS6 176
24' 40 O.6R7 n.MI 22.625 ~f)J 3420 2R5 0.06' 8.2S '71 '74
24.000 0.150 n.M:" 22.S00 54.M 3710 :\Ot) {Ul61 8.22 '86 172
60 0.968 0.8'7 22.064 70.0 '6~0 388 0.088 8.IS 238 166 .
80 1.218 1.{)6h 21.5M N".2 :"670 473 0.1I3 8.07 296 158
lOO 1.5~1 U.lO 2fl.t)3M HlK M~50 :'i71 0,146 7.96 367 149"
120 1.8'2 15R6 20,376 12(, 7K20 6~2 0.177 7.87 429 141
140 2.062 IJ\04 19.876 142 M630 719 0.206 7.79 483 134
C1l '60 2.34.1 2.050 19.314 159 9460 788 0.240 7.70 l42 127
"0 0.312 0.273 29.376 29.1 3210 214 0.017 10.5 98.9 294
0.375 0..12M 29.2S0 3'.9 3830 255 0.021 10.S 119 291
20 O.SOO 0.4)8 29.000 '6.3 504f1 336 0.028 10,4 IS7 286
30.000 0.S62 0,492 28.87l 52.0 5MO 376 0.031 10.4 177 284
30 0.62l 0,547 28.7S0 57.6 6220 415 0.03S 10,4 196 281
0,150 0.655 28.SOO Mt9 7.:\M 492 0,042 10.3 234 277

Reproduced from M, W. Kellogg Co. Dt.,igl1 (If Piping Sysltms. Wilcy. New Ynrk.
TABLE AS Sample Calculations for
8c'anCh Reinforcement·

I: The following examples are intended to illustrate the application of the rules

""and definitions in B3 \.3 Sec. 304.3.3 (Eqs. 2.10 through 2.13) for welded
branch connections. (No metric equivalents are given.) A£I~ORCEMENT

An NPS 8 fun (header) in an oil piping system has an NPS 4 branch at right
angles (see Fig. AI). Both pipes are schedule 40 API 5L Grade A seamless. &625 it\. 00

The design conditions are 300 psig at 40<r'F. The fiUet welds at the crotch are
minimum size. A corrosi0l.' anowance~ of O. t 0 in. is specified. Is additional 0.500 In. HOM
a.•38 in. MIN
reinforcement necessary'?
Solution: 2ON'
From Appendix A Table I. of ANSf/ASME B3 L3 (Appendix A31 SE = 1...... 1.666 ....

16.0 ksi.
". I
T h = (0.322)(0.875) = 0.282 in. £0.469 in. 18 in. 00

Th = (0.237)(0.875) ~ 0.207 in.

r.. = 2.5(0.282 -0.1) = 0.455 in.• or •
2.5(0.207 -0:1) + 0 = 0.268 in.. whichever is less'
r.. = 0.268 in..
d, = (4.5 - 2(0.207 - 0.1)l!sin(90") = 4.286 in.
d 2 = (0.207 - 0.1) + (0.282 - 0.1) + - - = 2.432 in.
C-O.10i<o. 1---7.315;" - - - ' ' - - - - 7 . 3 1 5 ....
or d h whichever is greater 2. 16 .... 00

d 2 ~ 4.2&6 in. "]<lr-----+~---..,,;;.-,';"-O.QoI88 .

-C&Ol$O,... 1 0.237 irl OM

<11.500 .n. 0.201 "'- ""'IN
(300)(8.625) . (2. I)
... (2)(16,000) + (2)(004)(300) = 0.080 m. EXA.MPlE '"
0.]22 ..... NOM
1 ""'. MINf"Of'lCEMENT
, 0.282 irl. MIN ); 0.166 '''. lONE
(300)(4.500) ~~~:::

~ c-o.189in.

<11..387 in.
Illustration for branch r~inforc~ment.
.. r l 4 ·0.234..._

• Appendix Ho( 831.3 Code.

238 s.mpIe Calcullltions for Branch Reinforcement 239
0.166 0235' 18P
Minimum leg dimension of fillet weld = 0.707 = - m. (2.1)
I. - (2)(7680) + (2)(0.7)(P)
'red area A, = (0.080)(4.286)[2 -sin(900)] = 0.343 sq. in.

-. Th us, the requl

The reinforcement area

t. - ""(2::-)(=76-:::8:':0"')+"-':':(2"')(:=-0.-=7'""')(=P)

in run wall. A, = (4.286)(0.282 -0.08 - 0.10) = 0.437]sq. in. . rsing th~ symbol q 15.36:+ lAP' we can briefly write
in branch wall. A, = (2)(0.268)[(O.~07 -0.042) -0.10 ~ 0.035 sq.l.n.
. brancb welds, A. = (2)<!)(0.235)- = 0.055 aq. m. • = 18q and .. = 8.625q
Th~ total reinforcement area = 0.527 sq. in.
he required area, AI = 7.949 4. = !43.08q. (2.10)
This is more than 0.343 sq. in. so that no additional reinforcement is required
he reinforcement area
to sustain the internal pressure.
run wall, A, ~ (7.949)(0.821- 18q - 0.10)= 5.731- 143.08q
Example 2
. branch wall, A, = (2)(1.666)(0.438 - 8.625q -0.10) = 1.126- 28.73q
There is an NPS 8 branch at right angles to an NPS 18 header (Fig. AI). Both (2.13)
run and branch are of Schedule 80 ASTM A335 Grade Pit seamless pipe.
The connection is reinforced bya ring 14 in. 0.0. (measured along the run) ring, A, = (0.821)( 14 - 8.625)(725017570) ~4.226

cut from a piece of NPS 18 Schedule 80 ASTM A335 Grade P12 seamless '" fille. weld" A, = (2)(!)(0.354)' + (2)(!)(O.663)' =0.565
pipe and opened slightly to fit over the fun pipe. The fillet welds· have th~ he iOtal reinforcement area = 11.648-171.818q
minimum dimen:-ions. A corrosion allowance of 0.10 in. is specified. What IS
the maximum pcrmissLhle normal operating prcs..~ure if the normal operating .1 the maximum permissihle normal operatin~ pressure. the required area
temperature is IOO5°F? ld the reintorccmcnl area are equal; thus:-

Solution: 143.IIl;q~ 11.648-171.8Ioq; 314.8~8q= 11.648; q~0.0370

From Appendix A Table I of B31.3 (Appendix A3) SE ~ 7.68 ksi lor
Grade PI! and SE ~7.38 ksi for Grade PI2. both at 1005°F. .ut also.

Leg Dimensions of Welds: (SCe Fig. A 1 for weld dimensions) P

---.L. = 0.250 = 0.354 in. (Due to ~ in. minimum for weld) 15.360+ lAP
0.707 0.707
'hus. P ~ (0.0370)( 15360 + lA Pi = 568.32 + 0.0518 P
(0.5)(Q.9~~) 0.663 in.
0.707/ . ·1.948P = 568.32
T. =(6:938)(0.875)=0.821 in. (Due 10 M.T-oI12.5%) p::;:: 699.494 psig which is the maximum permissible normal operating
'- pressure.
T. = (0.500)(0.875) = 0.438 in.
~ = (0.938)(0.875) = 0.821 in. Example 3
L. = 2.5(0.438 - 0.10) + 0.821 = 1.666 in. is smaller than 2.5(0.821-0.10) = 1.80 in.] -\n NPS 6 Schedule 40 branch has its axis at a 60 deg. angle to the axis of an
'lPS 16 Schedule 40 run (header) in an oil piping system (Fig. AI). Both
d, = d , =8.625-2(0.438-0.10) = 7.949 in. lipes are API 5L Grade A seamless. The connection is reinforced with a ring
y coefficient lor 1oo5"F = 0.7 (Table 2.1) 12 in. 0.0. (measured along the run) made from! in. ASTM A285 Grade C
SE = 7.68 ksi (Appendix A3) Jlate. All fillet welds are equivalent to 45 deg. fillet welds v.:ith i in. legs.
Appendix.. Sample Calculations for Branch Reinforcement 241
Corrosion allowance = 0.10 in. The design pressure is 500 psig at 7000F. Is design conditions are 350 psig at 40<f'F. It is assumed that the piping system
. I ? is to remain in servie:e until all metal thickness. in both branch and header, in
the design adequate for the mterna pressure.
excess of that required by Equation 2.1 has corroded away. What reinforc-
ing is required for this connection?
~. Solution:
~ The al10wablestresS "alue~ from .Appendix A Ta~le B31.3 (Appendix A3)
are; for pipe. SE = 14.4 kSI; for nng, SE = 14.4 kSI.
... Solulion:
The allowable stress value from Appendix A. Table 1 of 831.3 (Appendix
T. = (0.500)(0.875) = 0.438 in. A3) is SE = \6.0 ksi.
T, = (0.280)(0.875) = 0.245 in. (350)(8.625)
0.0935 in.
~=0.500 in. (2)(16,000) + (2)(0.4 )(350)
r.. = 2.5(0.0245 - 0.1 0) + 0.500 (350)(4.500) .
= 0.8625. This is greater thall 2.5(0.438 - 0.10) = 0.845 in. I, (2)(16,000) + (2)(0.4)(350) = 0.0488 10.
(500)(16) = 0.274 in.
I. (2)(14,400) + (2)(0.4 )(5001 d, = 4.500 - (2)(0.0488) = 4.402 in.

t = (5ml)(6.625) = 0.\\3 in. Required reinforcing area. Al = (0,<)935)(4.4021 = 0.412 sq. in.
• (2)( 14,4mll + (2)(0.4)(500j
6.625 - '2(0.245 - n.IO) Try fillel welds only.
d,= d, = . <I)"
Sill \I
L = (2.5)(O.OY~S) = O.23-l in.
(2.10) or
The required area, Al = (0.174)(7 .315H2 - O:X(6) = :L~} sq in. (2.5)(O.O-lXH) = 0.122 in. use 0.122 in.

The reinforcement area Due 10 limitation in Ih~ height al tht:: reir:forcing zone. no practkal fiUet weld
size will supply enough rcillf~\rcCmCnl area; therefore. the connection musl
in mn wall, A, =(7.315)(0.438-0.274-0.10) = 0.468 "'l. in. be reinforced hy a ring. Try a ring of 6~ in. 0.0. (measured along the
(2.12) run). Assume the ring to h... CUi from a piece of NPS 8 Schedule 40 APi 3L
. 0.845 Grade A seamless pipe and wdded 1.1 the connection with minimum size
in branch wall, A, = (2) 0.866 10.245 - 0.\ 1:\ - 11. I III = 0.062 sq. in. fillet welds.
(2.131 Miri~ pad 1hicknt::~s. f,;:: (OX22HO.X7:') = 0.281 in.
6.(25) = 2.175 sq. in. New 1-, = (2.5)(1I.04H8) + 0.2H2 = 0.404 in.
i.n ring. A ... =0.500 ( \ 2 - - -
0.866 or
(2.5)(11.{1935) = 0.234 in. use 0.234 in.
in fillet welds, A. = (4)(!Hl)2 = 0.281 "'l. in.
Total reinforcement area = 2.986 sq in.
Reinforcement a;rea in the ring (con~idering only the thickness. within L4 ):
This total is greater than 2.27 sq. in .. so that no additional reinforcement is
required. X, = 0.234(6.25 - 4.5) '= 0.410 sq. in.

Example 4 Leg Dimension of Weld:

An NPS 8 run (header) in an oil piping system has an NPS 4 branch at right (0.5)(0.322)
0.228 in.
angles (Fig. Al). Both pipes are Schedule 40 API 5L Grade A seamless. The 0.707
Reinforcement area in fillet welds:

X 2 = (2)<!)(0.228)2 = 0.052 sq. in.

~ Total Reinforcement Area. A .. = Xl + X 2 == O.~62 sq. in.

This total reinforcement area is greater than the required reinforcing area;
therefore a reinforcing ring of 6:1: in. O. D.~ cut from a piece of NPS 8
Schedule 40 API SL Grade A seamless pipe and welded to the connection INDEX
with minimum size fillet welds would provide adequate reinforcing for this

Example 5 (Not illustrated)

An NPS t! 3000 lb forged steel socket welding coupling" has been welded at
right angles to an NPS 8 Schedule 40 header in oil service. The header is I\.cceleratioll. 35, 133 Bronze. 204
\ctivevalves. 133, 181 Bumper. 12
ASTM AS3 Grade B seamless pipe. The design pressure is 4{){) psi and the Buried riDing. 148
design temperature is 45Cf'F. The· corrosion allowance is 0.10 in. Is ad- 6o.1Iowable load, 126
ditional reinforcement required"? \lIo-.1Ible momcnt, 102, 104 Caftlilc\'er.13
\!lowable span, 34 Cap, 199
AUowabIcSlrCS'S. 2, 50.180.212 Carbon slttl. 202. 210
Solutioll : AlIO'o\'3.blc SIrCSS range, 13. 50 Carbon sleel pipe, 3. SI. 202, 210. 212
No. Since branch is less than NPS 2 (according to 831.3 Section 304.3.2(b» .l\llowablc. working pressure, 25 Caslingqualily factor, 23
",U0'0\1lInce.ll Cast iron material. 2. 204
the design is adequa.te to sustain the internal pres.<;ure and. no ::akulations Ccntrifugal comprC!i~r. 128
-1\.110)' slttl pipe, 3
are neces..~ry. It is presumed. of course. that calculations have shown the - "-Iurr.inum alloy pipe. -4. 40. 132. 139. ~04 C(-ftlrifugallyca~t pipe, 217
run pipe to be satisfactory for the service conditions according to Equations "-nchor: Ccnlrifugal pump, 129
directional ancho., 'JJ Ch~~k ,"alv(. 8
2.1. 2.3 and 2.4. inlermediai.: andh:,f. 91 Cho:mil'll,I.:omp(,si'icui• .;
main anchor. 92 Class 2 (Ne) piping. ISO
movement. 4. 187 Class 3 (NO) piping. 171
ANSI~.49 Closed space miler, 57
",SMEcode. Set:: Ill. 49,171 Codes:
.l\STM Slandard.., 4 ANSI code,49
Atmospheric PfCSliure. 1)5 ASMEcode, 171
",ustenilkliCccI. 6. 202 8 31.1 code, 72, 133
"-vcragc gradient. J7 831.3 code. 53
Bad fill, 1-% 831.8code,49
Ball joinlS, 92 chemical plant ,code. 53
Beam. 183 gas. transponatio" rode, 49
Bellows, 10, 92, 181 liquid transportation code, 14f1
Bending effect, 14 nuclcar <':001:, 171
Bending Slres1:. 14. 18.73,144 P"WCrpipingcal:!e. !~H
Bends. 11,55,57,172,198 refinery code, 53
Bevel ~ged. 8 Codeslrcss. 72.180
Bijlard'scurvcs, 107, 109 Coefficient of expansion. 5, 202
Blank thickness, 25 "Codfioent of friction, 145
Boil cirde, 102 Cold modulus, 14
Bolt prcload, 102 Cold reaction, 79
Bowing, 144 Cold spring, 16, 181
Brace, 11 Collapsing pressure, 157
Branch connection, 9, 27, 32, 56, 174. 118.236 Compressor loading, 128
Brass, 6, 204 Computermodeling, 186
British standard, 56 CODcentlQtcd load, 35

244 Index Index 245
Cone angle. 176 Flanged elbow, 60. 176 Latrolet, 190, 192 Plastic piping, 132
Constant erfort support, I1 Flanged joint, 60. 101 Leakage at flange, 7 Poissoo's ratio. 5, 19
Containment pressure movement, 181 Flexibility, 7.10 Limit slop, 12 Prdoading, 181
Contenl weight, S, 35. 3Q. 226 Flexibility characteristics, 57.68, 172 Li~load, 4' Preloading on bolts, 101
Contraction, 4 Flexibility factor, 57. 61.172 Loadcodfic:ient.147 Pressure componenlS. 22
Copper alloy piping, 4, 132, 141 Flexibility stress. 72 loading on pipe, 4 Pressure design thickn~ss, 22, 30
Corrosion allowance, 4, 7, 28 Flexible joint, 92 lOCA.102 Pressure drop. 7
Corrugated pipe. 11.60,92, 175 Flow friction. 4 Local stress. 109 Pressurf: loading, 4, 5{1
Couplet, 193 fluid flow, 21 Longitudinal stress, 50,146 Pressure rating of nanlJf:s, 9, 105
Coupling, 193 Force, I long radius elbow, 62 Pressure relief valve: thrust. 132, t 35
Creep dfect, 1.32, 165 Formal analysis. 53 Loop. 10. 6R. 82. 84. 85,89 Pressurf:stress,180
Critical span, 34 Frictional resistance. 146 Pressure thrust force, 96, 181
Crotch thickness, 61 Manufacturing tolerance, 22, 28 Pressurf: vessel code, 49, 155
Cycles., SO, 52, 171 Gap. 83 Markl equation, 56 Primary loading, 4
Cyclic condition, 3 Gasket. 8,102.104 Mass Iype insulation ,38 Proportionallimil, I
Cylindrical v~sel. Ill, II-t 159 Gas piping. 49 Materjals for piping, 3 Pulsation, 35, 169
Gate \'alve, 8, 132 Maximum strain theory, 146 Pump loading, 128
Damping d~ice. 11 Globe valve, 7 Metal area, 10,226
Dead load, 4, 182 Gradient cheiCk. 37 Metal bellows, 94 Qualific~tion, 186
Dead weight. 1. 50 Gravity loading. 4, 182 Metal ho~, 92. 99 Quality faclor. 23, 28
Deflection, 34 Grinnd method. 15.21 Metal weight, 35, n6
Density,S, 19 Guid.:. 46. 83 Melricunils, 132, 162 Radial stress. 146
Design basis accident. 181 Guided cami!eHT mO:lhod. 12 Miii tolerance, 33 Radius of !yralion. 226
~ign loads, 171 Minimum thickness. 22 Raised face flange. 11, 101
Design pressure. 26 Hanger. 1I Mismatch. 175 Reaclor.171
Diameter. 226 Ha~ldlo)'. 4. 14.\ Rca..."tor huilding.)1{
Miler bend, 26, 30, 57, 63, 172
Displacement strain, 50 Header, 32. 56 Mitcr space, 64 Rcdu(Cf. 175. 179, 195
Oistonion.50 High cllcrgy piping . .49 :\1od('.183 Rcdll,·in.l! l ...~. 19-;
Draina[!e.31 Hook.:s l;lW, I Rcfk~li,'c in~1l1:l1ion. 311
ro.lodulu~ of clasticit\'. I. 5. 21 fI
Dr~sa cOl,lj'll:n~. 91 Hoop strc:::~, 146, Ptll :'>1oduim of scl."tion.' I5. 22.11 K....nlm · 1hr<lndl. 5l'i
Dynamic load (.<--tor. 136 Ho~c. 'J2 Ikinf(lr ' ·d h'". ~l'i, 173
D)'namic loads. 4. 102.171 HOllllodulus. 7.35 :\1001enl ofincnia. 15. ~2(, Ro:inl'or.: ·lll ·nl. 2",. 23(,
OUClik material. 1,204 Hot stress. 41. 50 Monel.202. "kinl'tlfc ·m ·U! lon,' 3()
Hydro$t:ui.: ICSI pressurc. 26. '97 I-tdi...· f\',lt\ ...·~. 5.l. 133
!l.1ullipk miler hcnd. :!.n
Earthquake. 5, 111 Resiknl SUpporl, 12
EJMA.92 Impa..:t f orcc, 5 Nawral frequenq, 34. 1.l6, 110 IksllRancc.35
Elbolet. 198 In.:oloy.144 NEMAcquali<'lIl.126 (ok-sI inJ;. ~UPP(lrt, 12
Elbo...... 57,172,197 In,:ollncl.4.144 RcsHaim. 12
Nickel alloy pire. 4. 13:!. 202
Emcrgencycondilion. ISO In['lane Ixnding. moment. 55 Rl.'Suhs. IX(,
N()ffio~raflh (or loop" ~9
End condition, 34 Inplane SII'. 57 Rigid SUppofl, 12
Noo·fcHoulOa!loys. 14:z.. :!.II
Equirmenlloads. 109. 123 In'cfI,I'17 Normal condition. ISO Ring. 32
b.pansion. 4, ~02 In,idcdialllcln,22ft
NOl.l:1e loads, 123 Rod han~er, 12
1:Jt.p3nlOioniC~Hi(i<'m.IO.20:!. In,tallillion tCll1['cr;!lUre. 5 ROlal ing equipm('nl. 123
Nozzle Miffncss. liS
E\l'3mion joinl. 11. fll. 9:!.. 95. 99. 18.1 Insulalion. 5. lS
Nuclear codc, 4Q. 171 Rupture, 181
Expansion loop. 10.82 . Insul3tion ..... ci~hL 35. 39
External moment. 102 Intcrfl:fcfKc.63 Saddle, 32. 61
lmermediale allo)' steel, 3, 6, 5!, 202, 216 <J:et=asionalloading. 180
external preuure. 4. 101, 149 Safety shutdown earthquake, 1()2, 11i2
Internal pressure. 4, 50, 101 Offset. 11
EXlernalpressur('design. 132. 149 Sag, 37
Oren dis('harge $YSIClll. 136
l:.xtraneous motion. 54.157 Inlcrpolalion.29
ITT Grinnd method, !5, 21 Operaling basis canhq\lakc. 102. IR2 &:hcdule number. 226
. E... lrudcd 1«. S9 Orifice. 8 Seamless pipe. 3, 8. 212
EZfLEX c:ompuler program. IS Secondary loading. 4.171.180
Jacl;etted piping, 5.132. 160 Omplane bending momcnt. 55
OUlplaneSIF.57 Section modulus, 14,226
Fador of safC1)·. 2 Jel impingement. 181
OUlsi<k diameter, 22ti 'Seclion modulu~ for branch, 73
Failure. 2 Joint quality factor, 23
Seismic anchor movemt'"nl. 181
Faligue, 7. SO PackiCd joints, 92 Seismic loads, 5, 4ti
Faultedoondition,104 Kellogg MW method, 16,87,90
Pad, 30, 61,65 Self limiting load, 4
Ferrous material. 210 Pipe rupture, 181 Self spring factor, 78
Fillet welded joint, 60 Lame equation. 25
Lap joint flange. 60 Pipe supports, II Self weight. 38
lar[!.c diameter pipe. 61. 12, 81 Piping code, see Codes Service levels, 102. 171
Piping yield method, 130 Shear force, I

• "
246 Index

Shoe Supporl, 10 Sweepolel,I91

SIF correction (aclor, 67 Swivel joints. 11
Simplified calculation:
Grinnel m~l.hod. 15,21 Tee, 9. 56, 58. 65.194
luid~ caDlilever method, 12 Temperalur~. 101
Kclloggmcthod,15,21 T~nsile slress. 212
loop,I6 Tension. I
•• shape, 16, 18,20 Test pressur~, 26. 97
square corner method, IS Thermal effect, 1,4
tube turns method, 11,21 Thermal expansion, 202
Z shape, 16, 19,20 Thermal force. 10.20
Simply supported beam, 34 Thicknus, 22, 226
Single miter bend, 26, 57 Thick wall pipe, 25
Sliding joint. 92 Thin ....all pipe. 25. 61
Slip on flange, 8 Threadolet.8
Slip joint. 11,92 Thr~dolet, 192
Slope for drainage, 37 Thrust for~e, 96, 146
Small bore piping. 15 Tierod,94
Snow load, 5 Titanium, 144
Snubbu. 11 Torsional stress. 92
Sod:el weld flange. 60 Trench. 145
Socket weld lee. 194 Tubes, 212
Sockolct. 192 Tube Turns melhod. 17.21
Spacing for supporls. 42 Twi~tingeffecl, I
Span calculation. 34. 41
Span for nuclear pipin!!. 47 Ultimale slrenp,lh. I
Span redu1.."1ion fal1or. 35 Underground piping. 132. 144
Specificalion. 7. 9 Uniformed loaded pij')C, 34
S~ific gradl\'. 5, 41 UP~I condition. 104. 180
Sr«ific ",..dEht. 6
$phelicai shdl. 116 \/al\-I: inSlaiialion penod, 137
SpringflUc,I2 Valve.operalors, 187. 199
Spring rate for n01.7.Ic. I HI Valvcs, S. 7. 8.132.199
Spring support. 12 Valve thrUSI. 182
SQuarerorncrmelhod. IJ Vessels local stress. 109
Squirm, 94 Vessels reinforcement. 110
SRSS.181 Victaulic coupling, 92
Slainkss steel pipe. 3. 6. 40, 51
Stalic loading, 4, 102 Walllhickness, 5. 22, 25. 226
Slcam.llS Water hammer, 182
Sleam IUrbin~. 123 Water w~ighl. 226
Sliffness. 13 Weight effect. 4.171
StoP. 12 Weld boss, 177, 193
Suain, I Welding (tt. 57. 173
Slress. 1.72 Wdd joint factor. 24
Weld neCk f1ang~, 7.60
Suessconc~mralionbClor. I11
Strfss inlensificalion faclor, 56. 172 Weldokt. 9. 33, 59, 65, 192
Slress range. 1'3,50 Widely spaced mit~r hend, 26, 57
Wind loading, 5, 46, 50
Str~ss reduction factor. 50
WRC bull~tin, 109
Yield stress, I, 51,102, 212
SUPPOrlS, 4, 34, 133
Youngsmodu!us, I, S. 19
Suslained loading, 4, 180
Sway, 35 Zirconium; 4, 144

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