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Open access Protocol

Assessment and classification of

peripheral pain in athletes: a scoping
review protocol
Ciarán Purcell ‍ ‍,1,2 Ciara Duignan,1,2 Brona Fullen,1 Brian Caulfield1,2

To cite: Purcell C, Duignan C, ABSTRACT

Fullen B, et al. Assessment Key messages
Pain is often presumed to be part of the sport injury
and classification of peripheral
experience. The time-­loss definition of injury leads to
pain in athletes: a scoping What is already known
review protocol. BMJ Open under-­reported athletic pain impacting performance and
► Pain neuroscience and knowledge is advancing and a
Sport & Exercise Medicine quality of life. Whilst research regarding the assessment
holistic biopsychosocial model is the gold standard to
2021;7:e001215. doi:10.1136/ and classification of back pain in athletes is emerging,
assess pain.
bmjsem-2021-001215 little has been reported regarding how peripheral pain
► The sports injury literature is advancing with improved
is assessed and classified in research and practice. Six
► Additional supplemental knowledge and practice regarding the epidemiology, as-
databases will be searched for relevant articles. Title and
material is published online sessment, treatment and prevention of common sports
abstract screening followed by full-­text screening will be
only. To view, please visit the injuries.
journal online (http://​dx.​doi.​ completed by two independent reviewers. Data charting
► Pain is part of the sports injury experience, however, fo-
org/​10.​1136/​bmjsem-​2021-​ will be carried out using a modified standardised form.
cusing on sports injury alone may under-­report athletic
001215). Descriptive results and frequencies will be reported. Pain
pain prevalence.
measures identified in the studies will be mapped against
► In the last decade, research on the assessment and
the IOC Athlete Pain Framework alongside a narrative
Accepted 11 December 2021 classification of athletic pain within a biopsychosocial
summary. Published peer-­reviewed primary research
framework has focused primarily on back pain.
studies alongside systematic reviews and clinical practice
guidelines reporting the assessment or classification of What are the new findings

pain in athletes of any age with chronic or acute peripheral ► This scoping review will explore the available literature
pain across all study contexts in the English language on to determine how peripheral pain is currently assessed
human participants from inception of the databases will and classified in athletes.
be included. The results of this study are part of a body of ► Gaps for future research priorities in the assessment
research which will be used to inform the development and classification of peripheral pain in athletes will be
of a pain assessment framework. The scoping review will identified.
be submitted for peer-­reviewed journal publication and ► Mapping the available evidence against the IOC
presented at sports medicine conferences. This review will Athlete Pain framework will inform researchers and
inform researchers and clinicians working with athletes in clinicians managing athletes with peripheral pain
pain how pain assessment and classification is currently of how current pain assessment and classification
conducted and positioned against the IOC Athlete Pain practice is positioned.

are based on pain mechanisms, presence of

peripheral or central sensitisation, duration of
INTRODUCTION symptoms and contribution of biopsychosocial
© Author(s) (or their Pain is defined as ‘an unpleasant sensory factors. A comprehensive review of how the
employer(s)) 2021. Re-­use and emotional experience associated with, assessment and classification of peripheral pain
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No
or resembling that associated with, actual or is conducted has yet to be completed in athletic
commercial re-­use. See rights
and permissions. Published by potential tissue damage’ (Raja et al, p14).1 cohorts.
BMJ. Pain is learnt through experience and is Describing athletes as solely elite competi-
School of Public Health, unique to each individual.1 tive professionals has been challenged, with
Physiotherapy and Sport Nociception, the way in which information a definition of athletes based on the intent to
Science, University College regarding noxious stimuli is coded and inter- compete, the level of competition and volume
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
2 preted by our nervous system, protects organisms of weekly training being proposed.4 5 Using
Insight SFI Research Centre
for Data Analytics, University from injury.2 Pain is generally adaptive, aiding specific weekly training volume has also been
College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland in harm avoidance, but becomes maladaptive debated due to potentially excluding athletes
where pain persists despite the absence of harm.2 with lower training volume and including
Correspondence to
Contemporary pain understanding follows a recreational exercisers with higher volumes.6
Ciarán Purcell; holistic, interdisciplinary and multi-­ systems Hence, this study will define an athlete as
c​ iaran.​purcell@u​ cd.​ie biopsychosocial framework.3 Classifications anyone engaged in a sport, training regularly

Purcell C, et al. BMJ Open Sp Ex Med 2021;7:e001215. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2021-001215 1

BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med: first published as 10.1136/bmjsem-2021-001215 on 30 December 2021. Downloaded from on April 24, 2024 by guest. Protected by
Open access

on a weekly basis, with the intent to improve perfor- life, disability and function and psychological tools have
mance and compete against others as an individual or as been proposed.23 24 These expert opinion based reviews,
part of a team. centred around clinical decision making for manual
Athlete injury epidemiology is well established at both therapy, with no specific reference to peripheral pain,
professional and amateur level across individual and do not include any athlete specific pain assessment tools.
team sports including athletics and rugby.7 8 The time-­ The most recent International Olympic Committee
loss definition of injury regularly applied in the literature consensus statement on pain management in elite athletes
may under-­report pain.9 A 1-­year prevalence of athletic (IOC Athlete Pain Framework) and some related works
back pain of between 17% and 94% across a wide range of providing athletic pain guidance in elite athlete cohorts
individual and team sports has been established.10 Simi- highlight that an understanding of pain perception and
larly, peripheral pain (upper or lower limb) prevalence the categories and mechanisms of pain is a priority for
rates have been reported; hip and groin pain in footbal- clinicians and researchers working with athletes.25–27
lers (49%),9 knee pain in volleyball players (44.6%)11 and Currently little is reported about how peripheral pain
shoulder pain in swimmers (38%–39.6%).12 Insidious has been assessed and classified in research and practice
onset and recurrent pain is common and often persists providing a lack of guidance for researchers, clinicians
for greater than 6 weeks, impeding performance and and indeed athletes. Pain assessment is an integral part of
negatively impacting function and quality of life.12 many research studies and clinical practice assessments.
Stress and recovery, psychosocial factors and qualitative A gap exists for a comprehensive review of the pain
insights exploring the lived experience of pain reflect a assessment tools and classification strategies used across
shift in athletic back pain research and practice towards all research and practice settings.
the biopsychosocial, neuromatrix and whole-­ person This scoping review will examine the literature relating
models currently implemented with general chronic low to the assessment and classification of athletic peripheral
back pain populations.13 14 To date research regarding pain. It will highlight current practice for clinicians and
the conduct of athletic pain assessment and classification map the pain assessment and classification tools against
has been focused primarily on back pain. Some general the IOC Athlete Pain Framework. In line with appro-
population psychosocial risk factor assessment tools priate objectives for scoping reviews, it will also identify
have been applied successfully to athletes with thresh- the gaps for future research.28
olds being developed for identifying athletes at risk of A preliminary search of PROSPERO, MEDLINE, the

going on to develop chronic low back pain.15 Improved Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and the JBI
understanding and assessment has paved the way for Evidence Synthesis was conducted and no current or
athletic back pain specific biopsychosocial management underway scoping reviews or systematic reviews on the
approaches (neuroscience education and cognitive func- topic of athlete peripheral pain assessment and classifica-
tional therapy) to be developed.16 17 tion were identified.
Reporting guidelines, injury classification and coding The objective of this scoping review is to establish the
systems have facilitated injury assessment models for a type of peripheral pain assessment and classification
range of common peripheral sports injuries including methods used with athletes in clinical, research and field
ankle sprains and femoral acetabular impinge- settings.
ment.18 19 Specific treatment protocols, including those
for the hamstring, adductor and calf and injury preven- METHODS
tion programmes across sports including football and Review question
rugby have demonstrated efficacy.20 Psychosocial influ- How is peripheral pain (sensory and emotional) assessed
ences on injury risk, rehabilitation and return to sport and classified in athletes?
have been well documented from the early stress-­injury
model to an integrative psychological, physiological, Aims
sociocultural and physical model.21 Despite extensive To establish the sport (team/individual), anatomical site
research on the topic of peripheral sports injury less has (upper/lower limb) and context (field/clinic/lab) of
been reported regarding the specifics as to how athlete peripheral pain assessment and classification tools used
pain is and should be assessed, measured and classified in athlete cohorts.
in research and practice. To map the peripheral pain assessment tools high-
A review of the athletic pain assessment measures used lighted in the review against the IOC Athlete Pain
in the Journal of Athletic Training (1992–1998) found Framework.
that the majority of pain articles (73.9% 17/23) focused To report the pain definitions and classifications used
on pain intensity through a simple pain scale with one in athletic peripheral pain cohorts.
third (34.8% 8/23) using a secondary assessment tool
that lacked validity.22 Over time, increases in the scope Inclusion criteria
and breath of assessment encompassing pain, lifestyle, Participants
disability and psychological variables through the inte- Participants included in this review will be athletes of
gration of pain rating scales, health-­related quality of all ages who are currently engaged in a sport, training

2 Purcell C, et al. BMJ Open Sp Ex Med 2021;7:e001215. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2021-001215

BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med: first published as 10.1136/bmjsem-2021-001215 on 30 December 2021. Downloaded from on April 24, 2024 by guest. Protected by
Open access

regularly on a weekly basis, with the intent to improve and context to focus the title, objectives and outcomes
performance and compete against others either as an developing congruency, transparency and rigour beyond
individual or as part of a team. that proposed by earlier methodological frameworks.
Recreational exercisers defined as anyone who partic- Furthermore this updated guidance is compatible with
ipates in physical activity with the primary motivation to the latest Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
increase fitness, promote health, improve physique and reviews and Meta-­Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews
learn or refine skills with an absence of intent to engage (PRISMA-­ScR) guidelines which will be used to report
in competition against others will be excluded. the results of this study.32

Concept Search strategy and sources of evidence selection

Acute or chronic pain originating in upper or lower limb The search strategy will aim to locate published primary
regions (peripheral pain) will be included. Studies solely studies, systematic reviews and clinical practice guide-
investigating pain originating in the spine or torso will be lines. An initial limited search of MEDLINE (PubMed)
excluded. Peripheral pain must be assessed or classified. and CINAHL (EBSCO) was undertaken to identify arti-
Studies reporting sensory measures of pain (eg, patient cles on the topic. The text words contained in the titles
reported pain intensity scales, quantitative sensory testing and abstracts of relevant articles, and the index terms
and recording of pain location), emotional measures of used to describe the articles were used to develop a full
pain (eg, patient reported pain related fear, anxiety and search strategy for MEDLINE (PubMed) (online supple-
irritability) or a clearly defined pain classification system mental appendix I). The search strategy, including all
(eg, a biopsychosocial pain framework) will be included. identified keywords and index terms, will be adapted for
Studies that focus solely on performance (including each database and searched from inception; CINAHL
strength and movement assessments) or psychological (EBSCOhost), MEDLINE (PubMed) PsychINFO
(including personality, stress and mood) variables in the (ProQuest), EMBASE (Elsevier), SCOPUS (Elsevier)
absence of pain measures will be excluded. and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. The
reference lists of systematic review and clinical prac-
tice guidelines included in the review will be screened
All contexts of pain assessment measures will be included
for additional papers. Studies will be limited to those
(preintervention and postintervention, outcome
published in English and on human subjects.
measures, diagnostic tools and research, clinical or field

Study selection
Sources Following the search, all identified records will be
Published, peer-­reviewed primary research with qualita- collated and uploaded into Endnote X9.3.3 (Clarivate
tive and/or quantitative data published in the English Analytics, Pennsylvania, USA) and duplicates will be
language on humans will be included. This includes removed. Following a pilot test, titles and abstracts will
epidemiological, questionnaire based, interview based, then be screened by two independent reviewers for assess-
randomised and non-­ randomised controlled trials, ment against the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the
prospective cohort, retrospective case–controls, cross-­ review. Potentially relevant papers will be retrieved in full
sectional design and other primary study designs. and their citation details imported into the Covidence
Systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines will be reference management system (Covidence; Covidence
included only where primary assessment data is presented Melbourne, Australia). The full-­ text of selected cita-
or reported. Given that primary data on pain assessment tions will be assessed in detail against the inclusion and
and classification tools used in research and practice are exclusion criteria by two independent reviewers. Reasons
sought, review articles, editorial letters, book chapters, for exclusion of full-­text papers will be recorded and
conference proceedings and websites along with other reported in the scoping review. Any disagreements that
secondary research designs will be excluded. arise between the reviewers at each stage of the selec-
tion process will be resolved through discussion or with a
Methodology third reviewer. The results of the search will be reported
This scoping review will be conducted in accordance in full in the final scoping review and presented in a
with the JBI methodology for scoping reviews.29 PRISMA-­ScR flow diagram.32
Building on a prior framework and methodological
guidance,30 31 this approach facilitates enhanced devel- Data charting
opment and reporting of appropriate objectives and In line with methodological guidance,29 a pilot data
comprehensive search strategies.29 This was achieved in charting exercise will be conducted independently by
the development of this protocol through a team based three members of the review team using a data charting
pre-­planning phase to establish conceptual clarity along- tool adapted from the JBI Evidence Synthesis database.
side consultation with an information specialist/librarian The data charted from studies will include study char-
to develop the search strategy. Conceptual clarity was acteristics (citation details, country/region, research
established through the use of population, concept setting, study design, aims and limitations) participants’

Purcell C, et al. BMJ Open Sp Ex Med 2021;7:e001215. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2021-001215 3

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Open access

demographics, sport, competition level and region of The findings of this review will be used to form the
pain. Specific measures relating to sensory and emotional basis for a comprehensive peripheral pain assessment
aspects of pain as well as additional psychological and framework for athletes. The current IOC Athlete Pain
physical performance measures used will be charted. framework provides an overview of the key domains
Pain definitions and classification systems used will be of athletic pain assessment. There is a need to develop
recorded. A specifically developed data charting tool (see a practical framework that can be applied to elite and
online supplemental appendix II) will be modified and non-­elite athletes that addresses specific pain assessment
revised as necessary during the data charting process. tools.
Modifications will be detailed in the full scoping review.
Authors of papers will be contacted to request missing or DISCUSSION AND DISSEMINATION
additional data, where required. If access to missing data Whilst patient and public involvement has not been
is not possible these papers will be excluded. directly included in this study design, this study is part
of a body of research which will seek patient and stake-
DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION holder consultation at the next phase (pain assessment
Descriptive analysis of the range of assessment tools iden- framework development). The findings of this study will
tified will be presented in table format. The authors will be discussed and communicated with patients (athletes)
report the timelines/frequency for each pain assessment and clinicians (sports physiotherapists and physicians)
tool used, the study designs they were used in, the pain prior to the development of an initial athletic periph-
sites they were used for, along with all other IOC Athlete eral pain assessment framework. Once published the
Pain Framework self-­ report cognitive, affective, socio- results of the study will be summarised and shared in
cultural and objective physical performance measures plain language to athletes in digital format (Twitter) and
collected alongside them. through the university sport clubs office via handouts.
Descriptive analysis with basic coding will be used for The findings will be shared with the Chartered Physio-
pain classification tools with the type and frequency therapists in Sports and Exercise Medicine (CPSEM)
of each classification type presented in table format. branch of the Irish Society for Chartered Physiother-
Frequencies of pain definitions will be reported. apists through social media (Twitter) and at a national
The quantitative assessment measures used, and quali- sports medicine study day to invite clinician feedback and
tative insights obtained will be coded and mapped visually discussion.

against the categories contained within the IOC Athlete This study will establish how peripheral pain assess-
Pain Framework in line with suggested visual representa- ment is currently conducted. Mapping the available
tion strategies.25 28 evidence against the IOC Athlete Pain Framework will
The IOC Consensus Framework comprises five domains. inform researchers and clinicians managing athletes
Neurophysiological (eg, establishing mechanism of pain, with peripheral pain of how current pain assessment and
quantitative sensory testing and pain characteristics), classification practice is positioned and identify specific
biomechanical (eg, fatigue, training load, motor control domains where further emphasis is needed.
and strength), cognitive (eg, attention, distraction,
appraisal of pain and situation), affective (eg, mood, Twitter Ciarán Purcell @Ciaran_Physio
stress, fear and beliefs) and socioenvironmental (eg, Acknowledgements Diarmuid Stokes, librarian in University College Dublin for
social functioning, coach/parent responses, personal/ his assistance with the search strategy. This review will contribute towards a PhD
coach conflicts, pain culture and lifestyle) elements of degree award from University College Dublin for the lead author.
pain. The framework further stipulates the need to iden- Contributors CP and BC conceived the original idea. CP, BC, CD and BF developed
tify and diagnose any specific pathology for underlying the original idea. CP composed the initial manuscript draft. BC, CD and BF provided
comments on and contributed towards the writing and editing of the final draft.
pain and the need to consider potential onward referral
Funding This work was supported by the Chartered Physiotherapists in
in a clinical setting. The pain assessment tools charted in
Sports and Exercise Medicine (CPSEM) branch of the Irish Society of Chartered
this review will be coded to one or more of each of these Physiotherapists through the yearly spring research bursary. This work was
five domains for all studies included. Frequencies of each supported by funding from Science Foundation Ireland under the grant for the
tool per domain will be visualised and presented in figure Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics (SFI/12/RC/2289_P2).
format. As case report study designs are reports of clin- Competing interests None declared.
ical assessments, information on diagnosis of pathology Patient and public involvement Patients and/or the public were not involved in
and consideration of onward referral will be reported for the design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research.
these studies. Patient consent for publication Not applicable.
Through highlighting the current pain assessment Ethics approval This study does not involve human participants.
tools used across the literature, specific domains within Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
the IOC Athlete Pain Framework where pain assessment
Data availability statement Data sharing not applicable as no datasets generated
tools are and are not frequently used will be identi- and/or analysed for this study. Not applicable.
fied. This will allow future research to standardise pain Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has
assessment including all relevant fields thus allowing for not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been
comparison between research studies. peer-­reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those

4 Purcell C, et al. BMJ Open Sp Ex Med 2021;7:e001215. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2021-001215

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