Wichmann 10V28 Book - Compressed (121-150)

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Mo6AA00 Operating Problems 06 06. Operating problems 06.1 Starting problems Symptom Possible cause Repair Engine will not tum on] 1. | Starting air press. toolow. | 7. | Recharge air pressure starting air. 2. | Starting slide has stuck tight. | 2. | Remove starting slide cover. 3. | Starting valve has stuck tight | 3. | Dismantle starting air valve body, plus valve etc. ifnecessary 4. [Main valvernon operative | 4. | Dismantle main valve. 5] Main valve not receiving cor-| 5, | Check control valve trol air 6. | Cantiol valve not receiving 6. | Remove cranking arr cortrol air 7. | Contiol valve not receiving] 7. [Activate manually and check ie electrical impulses. mote. 8. |Nor-retum valve sticking up-| 8. [Inspect and clean non-returr stream of main valve vave, 06.2 Engine speed falling off Symptom Possible cause Repair Decreasing exhaust temp | 1. | Airor waterin ‘uel oll system. | 1. | Vent fuel ol system and drain off water 2, | Fueloil filter blocke 2. | Replace filter elemert Uneven exhausttemp | 1. [Faulty fuel oll supply to one or] 1. [Checknazzles plus pressure valve knocking several cylinders. in pump if necessary 2. | Filter clogged 2. | Replace filter elemert Wichmann 28 06-1 06 Operating Problems MO6AA00 normal. exhaust temp. below normal 06.3 Engine noise, knocking Symptom Possible cause Repair Max. pressure abeve 1. | Ignition too far advance 1, ] Adjust ignition timing Uneven exhaust temp. 1. | Faulty nozzle or fuel oll supply to one or several cylinders, 1. | Check nozzles. plus fue oll pumps if necessary Exhaust temp. increasing engine speed falling off 1. | Piston or bearing is breaking up 1. | Stop engine at once! Check piston or bearing and lub oil supply 06.4 Engine smoke, dark symptom Possible cause Rep: High fuel oil rate plus high exhaust temp 1, ] Engine is everloaded. 1. | Reduce propeller pitch Uneven exhaust temp 1. [Fatlty nozzle of fuel ail supply to one or several cylinders. 1 [Check nozzle plus fuel 0 pumps if necessaty. High exhaust temp. 1. | Scavenge pressure too low due to a) | Dirty airinlet fier. al | Wash &} [Carbon deposits on air or ex-| b) | Clean haust passages. | Dirty turbocharger. d) | Blower speed too low. d) [See “bower 3 supply faults’ Turbechargerissurging | 1._| Dirty turbocharger. 1. | See"turbecharaer” Speed is reduced too quick) 2. | Reduce speed more slowly Blower speed too low. 3. |See "bower" and ‘lub. 0} supply faults” High exhaust temp 1. | Ignition retarded, 7. | Adjust timing 06-2 Wichmann 28 Mo6AAOO Operating Problems 06 06.5 Engine gradually loosing power Symptom Possible cause Repair Decreasing exhaust temp. 1 Fuel oil filter is clogged. Replace filter elemert. Exhausttemp. above normal, | 1._| Scaverge press, too low due to engine emitting dark smoke 7) Bingy air inlet iter 2 | Wash 5) [Carbon deposits in air or] 5) | Clean exhaust passages ¢)_| Dirty turbochargers ¢) | Clean Hycraulic motor for aux | d) blower is not operating, Check oil supply 06.6 Scavenge air blower speed too low Symptom Possible cause Repair Scavenge air and oil pressure tos low 1. [Regulation valve wrongly] 1. | Attempt to adjust oil pressure adjusted or stuck with adjustment screw or valves. and open and inspect valves if necessary. 2._| Faulty ub. oll supply 2__| See faulty lub. oll supply 3. | Faulty pump or blower 3. | Open and inspect pump and) motor. orblewer motor Wichmann 28 06-3 06 Operating Problems Mo6AA0O 06.7 Turbocharger Symptom Possible cause Repair Turbocharger is surging 1 | The turbocharger will pump when the back-pressure on the com then ‘pops’ This can occur wh pressor side is too high in relation to the exhaust side, The turbo en Speed is reduced too quickly. a} | Reduce speed more slowly Scavenge eir blower opera- tion falls (low scaverge air pressure in receiver) by | Scaverge air blower speed is too low. check oll supply Partially blocked nozzle ine (gas side). Turbocharger speed will inciease, causing the turbo and scaverge air blower to come out of bal ance. } | Clean turbo ong ide 06.8 Too high lub. oil consumption Symptom Possible cause Repair When lub. oil is lost via the exhaust ports this usually causes light smoke. Ever so. it is possible to loose consic- erable amounts through the ports without significant smoke 1 | Scraper rings are in poor] 7 shape or worn Replace. and skirt is damaged Seal between piston crowr | 2 Replace crosshead ang bearing high crankcase pres-| 3 Check crankcase ventilation, Lub, oil loss but no smoke. 1 Leaky seals or engine | oil lines. Check all lines and replace seals where necessary 06-4 Wichmann 28 06 Mo6AA00 Operating Problems 06.9 Lub. oil delivery fault Symptom Possible cause Repair Lub. oil pressure toolow | 1. [Leak on suction side or] 1. [Examine sump strainer anc sump. strainer may be joints on suction side clogged 2. | Toolittlelub.cilin sump | 2. | Top up lub. oil in sump. 3._ | Lub oil too thin, too hot or] 3. | Examine lub. oil. chack temper- diluted with fue ature 4. | Overflow valveisstuck. | 4_| Check overflow valve. Faulty pumpis) 5. | Try stand-by pump fret 06.10 Engine smoke, light Symptom Possible cause Repair High lub. oi consumption. [7. | Lub.oilpressuretoo high. | 1] Check lub. oil pressure and ad- just if necessary. 2 Werr piston scraper rings. | 2. Replace scraper rings. 3 | Defectivesealbetweenps-| 3._ | Pullpiston and examine sea tor crown and skirt 4 | High over pressure crank | 4. [Check that vent. tube fom case (more than 15 mm Wi crankcase is open ter column) Light smoke from the engine usually results from the combustion of lub. oil 06-5 Wichmann 28 06 Operating Problems MO6AA0G 06.11 Piston break down 06.11.1 Running the engine with only one cylinder disabled 1) Crankthe piston in the relevant cylinder to top dead centre 2) Unscrewnozzle holder and nozzle 3) _Insertsocket head cap screw M12x150 down through nozzle hole and screw key into piston crown 4) _ Loosenbig end and remove (see chapter 05.) 5) Re-tightenthe socket head cap screw holding the piston, and ensure that it is screwed down min. 10- max. 12 mm 6) Blockoil bore in crank pin with cylinder blocking tool 3VP2-190AS2 7) Tieconnecting rod in side position by laying in place on main lub. oil tube 8) Disconnect fuel oil pump by removine link and lock pump in zero position with a stee wire or similar When properly done, the engine can be restarted and run at reduce power, Due to vibrations and various other factors, the guiding rule is that the engine only can be run at loads approaching max =oneae semen g with ONE CYLINDER disabled you SHOULD contact Wartsila Norway. For operating with TWO CYLINDERS disabled, you MUST contact Wartsila Norway. semeee seneee Peerrrd 06.12 Turbocharger breakdown 06.12.1 Running with a disabled turbocharger Ifthe turbocharger breaks down, for whatever reason, the engine mey be run at reduced load The turbe must be prevented from rotating, using the blocking tool in the turbo tool kit (see instruction manual for turbocharger Assuming that the nozzle sing is not covered with deposits or is deforme can be run at engine speed of max. 600 RPM and pump index not ex Max. exhaust temp. for turbocharger is 400°C The engine runs"at the best” at 500 REM, These loads should provide a sceverge pres- sure of approx 0,15 bar and an exhaust temp. out of the cylinders of approx, 350-380°C of approx. 395°C before the turbo: i, the engine ding 12 mm 06-6 Wichmann 28 Mo6AA00 Operating Problems 06 eee The values quoted above are only a guide, the Chief Engineer must also use his judgement. . The speed of the aux. blower should be increased, but must not exceed 7400 RPM. The valves regulating the oil supply to the blower's hycratlic motor is ad- justed so that these max. revolutions are not ex d Wichmann 28 06-7 06 Operating Problems MO6AA00 06-8 Wichmann 28 MosAA00 Drawings and Partlists 08 08. Drawings and partlists for the Wichmann 28 engine See enclosed under section 2 Wichmann 28 08 Drawings and Partlists MO8AA00 Wichmann 28 MO9ACOO Drawings and Partlists from Sub-supplier ao 09. Drawings and partlists from sub-supplier, V28 engine 09.1 Fuel pump Enclosed 09.2 Nozzle holder Enclosed 09.3 Coolingwater pump Enclosed 09.4 Lub. oil pump Enclosed 09.5 Aux. blower engine Enclosed Wichmann 28 09-1 09 Drawings and Partlists from Sub-supplier MO9ACOO Wichmann 28 SUBOOTA Brennoljepumpe / Fuel oil pump 09 09.1 Brennoljepumpe / Fuel oil pump Pos.no. | Qty/Ant. | Beskrivelse Description 1 1 Brennoliepumpe Fuel pump: 2 1 complett Body (assembled) 24 1 Body 22 2 I Shock screw 23 2 Pakning Joint washer 26 1 Styrepinne D pin 5 1 Stempel og element Plunger and barrel 022 9 4 Skrue Screw i0 1 Laseskive Locking shir un 1 Reguleringsstang Rack 13 1 Styreskr Locking screw 14 1 Regulering Pinion, 15 1 Lasering Spring ring 16 i Ring Ring 7 1 Fizer Plunger spring 18 1 Fleer siyre Lewer spring 2 1 Styreskrue Locating screw B 1 Rullestoter. komplett Tappet (assembled) 24 1 O-ring 25 1 O-ring 28 Disk 33 1 Deliv spring 34 1 Press flange 5 Tikoblingsstykke Connection piece 36 1 O-ring O-ring 38 1 ing O-ring Wichmann 28 09-1 09 Brennoljepumpe / Fuel oil pump SUBOO1A Brennoljepumpe / Fuel oil pump FIG. 09.1-7 SUBOOTA 09-2 Wichmann 28 SUBO02A Dyseholder / Nozzle Holder a9 09.2 Dyseholder/Nozzle holder Pos no, | Ant/Oty. | Beskrivelse Description Artikkelnr/Part no 2 | Hus komplett Case complete 230516 21 Hus Case 22 1__| Styrepinn Locating pin 23 1__| Mellomring Intermediate ring 24 Plugg Plug 25 7_[Tattepropp Sealing plug 5 1__ | Dysemutter Nozzle nut 230546 6 1__| Ferspindel Spring spindle 230557, 8 1_| dysefzer Nozzle spring 230524 1__|stillskrue ‘Adjusting bolt 10 Matter Nut Dyseholder/Nozzle holder FIG. 09.2-° SUBOO2A Wichmann 28 09-1 09 Dyseholder / Nozzle Holder SUBOO02A 09-2 Wichmann 28 SUBOO3F Kjolevannspumpe / Coolingwater pump a9 09.3 Kjolevannspumpe / Cooling water pump, P22F Posno. | Ant/Oty. | Beskrivelse Description 1 1 Lasemutter Locking nut 2 Tennhjul Gearwhee 3 1 Kile Key 4 1 Akselmutter Shaft nut 5 1 skrue Set scrw 6 2 Rullelager Roller bearing 7 Distansestykke Spacerinsert 8 1 Lagerhus Bearing case 3 Skive Washer 10 1 Skrue Screw u Distansestykke Spacer insert 2 6 Skrue Screw 3 1 O-ring O-ring 14 Tetningsring Seal ring 15 1 Pakningsplate Gasket plete 16 7 Tetning Sea 7 1 Aksling Shaft 18 3 Propo Plug 19 1 Pumpehus. Pump case 20 1 O-ring O-ring 2 7 Skrue Screw 2D i Endedeksel End cover 2B 1 Rotor Rotor 24 1 Laseplate Locking plate Wichmann 28 09-1 09 Kjolevannspumpe / Coolingwater pump SUBOO3F Kjolevannspumpe/Cooling water pump, P22F FIG. 09.3-7 SUBOO3F 09-2 Wichmann 28 SUB004B Smoereoljepumpe / Lub. oil pump a9 09.4 Smgreoljepumpe/Lub. oil pump, type QT82-47 (10V28) Pos. no. Ant./Qty. | Beskrivelse Description 1 1 >umpehus Gear housing 2 1 Flens Flange 5 1 Kulelager Ball bearing 6 1 Aksling Shaft 7 4 Underlagsskive Wesher z Tannhjul Pinion u 1 Deksel Seal housing 3B 2 Pakning Shaft seal, 15 1 O-ring O-ring 16 1 Deksel cover 7 Tannkrans Ring gear 9 1 O-ring O-ring 20 1 O-ring O-ring 25 1 Key Kile Wichmann 28 09-1 09 Smereoljepumpe / Lub. oil pump SUBOO04B Smoreoljepumpe/Lub. oil pump 35 15 1 6 1" SUBO04B 09-2 Wichmann 28 SUBOOSB Hjelpeblaser motor / Aux. blower engine a9 09.5 Hjelpeblaser motor/Auxiliary Blower engine (10V28) Pos.no. | Ant./Qty. | Beskrivelse Description Art./Part no. 3 1 Pumpefiens Pump flange 613152 4 1 Deksel Cover 613153 6 1 Tettering Shaft seal 613155 34 1 Kulelager Ball bearing 67 1 Tettering Shaft seal Hjelpeblaser motor/Aux.blewer engine SUBOOSB Wichmann 28 09 Hjelpeblaser motor / Aux. blower engine SUBOO5B 09-2 Wichmann 28 M10AA00 Special Tools 10. Drawings and partlists for special tools 10.1 Table of contents 2 Lifting device piston assembly. liner linet. TOHigh pressure UMP. nn ns 1 Hydraulic lifter main bearing cay Lifting eye complete wa 4 Miscellaneous took .. S Extract narnen 10.2 Miscellaneous tools For BBC Turbocharger only! 3VP2-220 AS2 3VP-160 BS. Turning device NORBAR 176313 2 Cylinder screw 117846 1 Unimoly plus 284835 8V28B with VTR 304 1 Blocking too 269829 1 Too 2698811 10-12V28B with VTR354 1 Blocking too. 231605, 1 Too 231266 Wichmann 28 10-1 10 Special Tools M10AA00 10.3 Lifting tool for piston Pos.no. Qty. Description 1 1 Lifting yoke 2 1 Hexagon screw 3 1 Lifting eye bolt 4 1 Nut Lifting tool, 3VP2-010AS2 SUBO06A 10-2 Wichmann 28 M10AA00 Special Tools 10 10.4 Lifting tool for cylinder liner Pos. no. Qty. Description 1 Lifting ol 2 1 Clamping plate 3 1 Bar 4 1 Nut Lifting tool, 3VP2-200 AS2 SSS — te | | i FIG. 10-2 SUBOO7A Wichmann 28 10-3 10 Special Tools M10AA00 10.5 Hydraulic tool, main bearing Pos. no. Qty. _| Description 1 1 Gylinder 2 1 Piston 3 1 Distance sleeve 4 1 O-ring 5 1 O-ring support 6 1 O-ring 7 1 (O-ring support 8 1 Hexagon sere 9 1 Ba 10 1 Nipple u 1 Gasket Hydraulic tool, 3VP2-020 BS2 FIG. 10-3 SUBOO8A 10-4 Wichmann 28 M10AA00 Special Tools 10 10.6 Hydraulic tool, cylinder head Pos. no. Qty. Description 1 1 Yoke. hydraulic too! 2 8 Gylinder 3 8 Piston 4 8 O-ring 5 8 O-ring support 6 8 O-ring 7 8 O-ring support 8 9 9 iv 10 8 in 8 12 1 Connector 13 1 Gauge 1b 8 High pressure hose 16 1 Pir 7 1 Wrench, Wichmann 28 10 Special Tools M10AA00 Hydraulic tool, 3VP2-220 AS2 FIG. 10-4 SUBO09A 10-6 Wichmann 28 M10AA00 Special Tools 10 10.7 Tool for cylinder blocking Pos. no. Qty. Description 1 1 Bolt 2 2 Sealing sleeve 3 1 Locking nut 4 1 Socket head cap screw 5 1 Washer Tool, 3VP2-190 ASZ FIG. 10-5 SUBO10A Wichmann 28 10-7 10 Special Tools M10AA00 10.8 High pressure pump Pos. no. Qty. Description 1 1 Pump 3 1 Nipple 5 1 Nipple w/adapter 6 2 Gasket 7 Transition nipple High pressure pump, 3VP2-221 AS2 urigkebinger Quick pling T | a engi ef nes FIG. 10-6 SUBO11A Wichmann 28

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