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Revision worksheet

Chapter: Globes and maps

Grade: 5 Subject: Social Science
Name: Section:

Choose the correct options:

Q1. There are____________ types of maps
a. 4
b. 5
c. 3
d. 6

Q2. _____________are designed to show boundaries of continents, countries,

states and major cities,
a. airlines maps
b. political maps
c. thematic maps
d. resource maps

Q3. The types of maps include _____________.

a. physical maps
b. political maps
c. thematic maps
d. all of these

Q4. Considering the types of maps, the physical maps are used to show
a. rainfalls
b. mountains and rivers
c. atmosphere
d. rail road tracks and highways
Q5. The maps that show natural resources in particular area are called ________.
a. thematic maps
b. political maps
c. physical maps
d. both b and c

Q6. A ________ shows landforms and other physical feature an area.

a. thematic maps
b. political maps
c. physical maps
d. both b and c

Q7. Which type of map will you use, if you want to study about distribution of
population in India and know the densely populated states of India?
a. physical maps
b. political maps
c. thematic maps
d. None of these

Q8. Thematic maps are on specific subjects such as natural resources, industries and
crop production.
a. True
b. False

Q9. Physical maps are used to show countries, continents, cities, villages and towns.
a. True
b. False

Q10. Map showing distribution of rainfall in India is an example thematic map.

a. True
b. False

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