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Name: Hibatullah Alhammad.

ID: 202272860 section: F32

.Universities should offer classes on how best use AI to write essays
People intend to depend on AI technology significantly more than their dependence on it 5
years ago, as it is well-spread and offers ease to the peoples' lives. People, specifically
students utilize ChatGPT, AI tool, to assist them doing their writing task, and gradually they
became obssasive with using it. Eventually that habit destroyed their creativaty to write. As
some people argue that colleges should offer classes on how to utilize AI the best way as an
excuse that AI is the future technology, others disagree with that for the account of the lack
of creativety in it. Ultimately, universities should not offer classes on how best to use AI to
write essays for two different reasons, first , to shrink to possibility of repeated patterns in
.the writings, and second, to rise the academic prefomnece

Universities should not offer classes to teach students how to use AI the best way to write
essays, to the reason of shrink the possibilities of repeated patterns in the writings. AI
technology is made by a programmer based on certain algorithoms, therefore, the chance
for it to go beyond that is limited. If all students use the same AI tools, their writings would
be much similar, and that kills the creativety of the writings. As many students use AI tools,
as much similar their writings would be. Assessing progress in language abilities, including
making reasonable deductions and verbal efficiency, indicated that students who relied on AI
aids for over half of their writing tasks preformed crucially worse than their classmates in
one study (Morris, 2023). As many students who use AI tools, as many of them getting lower
.grades in creative writing

Universities should not offer classes to teach students how to use AI thae best way to write
essays to the reason of keeping their academic prefomnece high. Writing creativety could be
easily affected by other assistance, so even if students start to get good grades in the
beginning, they would eventually be using the same way of writing, which in the end will
bring their grades down. As many students use AI tools in every writing, as many of them
getting lower grades. Students who relied on AI tools, received F grade in their writing
assignment, representing academic non-success, they were almost a third (Hoffman, 2024).
.Students who obssesively depend on AI received poor grades

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