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Agglomeration (N):
--A large group of many different
things collected or brought together.
Syn: Collection, Mass, Cluster, Lump.
Ant: Singularity, uniformity, individuality.
Ex: Toy collectors have the most amazing
agglomeration of things in their collections.
2. Jubilant (Adj):
--Feeling or expressing great happiness and
SYN: Overjoyed, exultant, triumphant.
ANT: Downcast, despondent, and sorrowful.
EX: The flight crews returned jubilant that
their missions had been successful.
3. Perplex (V):
--Make someone feel completely baffled.
4. Jeopardize (V):
5. Discretion (N):
6. Adversary (N):
7. Pre-emptive (Adj):
8. Allege (V):
9. Conducive (Adj):
10. Liberation (N):
11. Reinstate (V):
12. Infuse (V):
13. Illicit (Adj):
14. Paradigm (N):
15. Complicit (Adj):
16. Rehabilitation (N):
17. Dreadful (Adj):
18. Efficacy (N):
19. Proliferation (N):
20. Adverse (Adj):
21. Subservient (Adj):
22. Hegemony (N):
23. Commendable (Adj):
24. Peculiar (Adj):
25. Belligerence (N):
26. Accretion (N):
27. Sacrosanct (Adj):
28. Deterrence (N):
29. Disseminate (V):
30. Disgruntled (Adj):
31. Abdicate (V):

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