Code of Civil Procedure 1908 MCQs

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Civil of Procedure 1908 MCQs

1. The Code of law which deals with Courts of Civil Judicature is called

A. Code of Civil Procedure B. Civil Courts Act

C. Criminal Procedure Code

2. The Code of Civil Procedure was enacted on

A. 21st January, 1908 B. 21st February, 1908

C. 21st March, 1908

3. The Code of Civil Procedure was enforced on

A. 21st March, 1908 B. 22nd March, 1909

C. 1st January, 1909

4. The Code of Civil Procedure, contains_____ sections

A. 155, B. 156,

C. 158,

5. The Code of Civil Procedure has, _____ parts



6. Code of Civil Procedure consists_____ Orders

A. 50, B. 51,

C. 52,

7. A decree is an operative part of a_____ in civil suits for appeals

A. Order B. Judgment

C. None of the above

8. _____ conslusively determines rights of the parties

A. Judgment B. Decree

C. Order

9. Section 2, of C.P.C deals with

A. Plaint B. Definitions

C. Jurisdiction

10. The term "Decree" is defined in section

A. 2(2), B. 3(2),

C. 4(2),

11. The term "Decree holder" is defined in Section_____, of C.P.C.

A. 2 sub section (3), B. 2 sub section (4),

C. 2 sub section (5),

12. A person in whose favour a decree has been passed or an order capable of execution has been made is called

A. Decree defaulter B. Decree holder

C. Decree debtor

13. Any person against whom a decree has been passed or an order capable of execution has been made is called

A. Judgment debtor B. Judgment holder

C. None of the above

14. The term "Judgement" is defined in section

A. 2(7) C.P.C. B. 2(8) C.P.C.

C. 2(9) C.P.C.

15. The statement given by the Judge on the ground of decree or order is called

A. Judgment B. Decree
C. Order

16. A person who in law represents the estate of deceased person is called

A. Guardian B. Pleader

C. Legal representative

17. The term "Legal representative" is defined in

A. Section 2(11) B. Section 2(12)

C. Section 2(13)

18. Section 2, sub-section 12 of C.P.C. define

A. Judgment debtor B. Legal representative

C. Mesne profit

19. The term "Order" is defined in section 2 sub section________

A. (14), of C.P.C. B. (15), of C.P.C.

C. (16), of C.P.C.

20. The formal expression of any decision of a civil Court which not a decree is called

A. Order B. Judgment

C. None of the above

21. C.P.C. is not applicable to

A. Civil Courts B. Criminal Courts

C. Both (a) and (b)

22. Section 5 of C.P.C deals with application of C.P.C to

A. Family Courts B. Criminal Courts

C. Revenue Courts

23. Section 6, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Pecuniary jurisdiction B. Appellate jurisdiction

C. None of the above

24. A suit in which the right of property or office is contested is called suit of_____ nature

A. Civil B. Criminal

C. Civil as well as criminal

25. The term jurisdiction has _____ kinds

A. 2 B. 3

C. 4

26. Pecuniary Jurisdiction of Civil judge of Class 2nd is limited upto

A. 50,000 B. 1,00,000

C. 500,000

27. Pecuniary jurisdiction of Civil judge of Class 3rd is limited upto

A. 20,000 B. 50,000

C. 100,000

28. Section 10 of C.P.C. deals with______

A. Res judicata B. Res Sub Judice

C. Res, gestae

29. The term "Res-subjedice" means.

A. The case instituted earlier B. The case instituted later

C. None of the above

30. The are_____ main ingredients for application of section 10

A. 3, B. 4,

C. 5,
31. Section 11 of C.P.C. deals with

A. Res subjudice B. Res judicata

C. Res gestae

32. The term "Res judicata" is a____ term

A. English B. French

C. Latin

33. The term "Res judicata" means

A. Further proceeding B. A matter already adjudicated

C. Stay of proceeding

34. Where a person challenges the validity of a judgment decree or order on the basis of fraud misrepresentation
or want of jurisdiction he shall seeks his remady by making an

A. Appeal B. Application

C. Revision

35. Section ______ of C.P.C. deals with making of application to challenge the validity of a judgment, decree or
order on plea of fraud, misrepresentation or want of jurisdiction

A. 11, B. 12(1),

C. 12(2),

36. Application under section 12(2) shall be moved to

The Court which passed the final judgment,

A. B. Appellate Court
decree of order

C. High Court

37. A Foreign judgment not pronounced by Court of competent jurisdiction will

A. Be conclusive B. Not be conclusive

C. Be based on fraud

38. According section 15, of C.P.C. every suit shall be instituted in the Court of
A. Lowest grade competent to try it B. Highest grade competent to try it

C. Both (a) and (b)

39. A residing in (Karachi) beats B in (Dacca) A may sue in

A. Karachi B. Dacca

C. Both at Karachi and Dacca

40. According section 21, of C.P.C. objection at jurisdiction of Court can be raised on

A. Trial B. Appeal

C. Revision

41. Section 22, of C.P.C. deals with transfer of cases by

A. Court of Session B. High Court

C. Trial Court

42. Where several Courts having jurisdiction are subordinate to the same appellate Court an application under
section 22, shall be made to_____

A. Appellate Court B. High Court

C. Both (a) and (b)

43. Every suit shall be instituted by the presentation of_____ or in such other manner as prescribed

A. An application B. A memo

C. Plaint

44. Where a suit has been instituted a summon may be issued______ to appear and answer the claim and may be
served in manner preseribed.

A. Nazir B. Defendant

C. None of the above

45. According section_____, of C.P.C. the Court after the case has been heard shall pronounce judgment and on
such judgment decree shall follow

A. 31 B. 32
C. 33

46. Section 34, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Interest B. Costs

C. Special cost

47. Section 35, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Interest B. Costs

C. Compensatory costs

48. Section______, of C.P.C. deals with compensatory costs in respect of false and vexatious claims or defences

A. 35 B. 35-A

C. 36

49. A decree may be executed either by

Court which passed it or by the Court to

A. B. Court which passed it or by appellate Court
which sent for execution

C. Special Court

50. The Court which passed a decree may send the decree for execution to another Court upon

A. Its discretional power B. Application of decree holder

C. Application of decree debtor

51. Section_____ to ______ of C.P.C. deals with execution of decree

A. 36, to 60, B. 36, to 74,

C. 35, to 84,

52. During execution of a decree all question arising between the parties to the suit will be dealt by the

A. Original Court B. Appellate Court

C. Executing Court

53. Section 48, C.P.C. provide limitation of______ years for making execution application
A. Three years B. Four years

C. Six years

54. Section 55, of C.P.C. deals with arrest and detention of

A. Judgment debtor B. Decree holder

C. Both (a) and (b)

55. A judgment debtor can be imprisoned for a term not exceeding

A. Six months B. Nine months

C. One year

56. _____ can not be arested during execution of money decree.

A. Women B. Old person

C. Both (a) and (b)

57. Section 59, of C.P.C. deals with release of judgment debtor on ground of

A. Old age B. Illness

C. Being women

58. Section 59, of C.P.C. was omitted by Ordinance

A. 10 of 1980 Section 9, B. 10 of 1999 Section 9,

C. 10 of 2011 Section 9,

59. Which particular from the following can not be attached during execution of a decree

A. Moveable property B. Immovable property

C. Necessary wearing apparel

60. Particulars not liable to be attached in execution of decree are provided in section

A. 60 of C.P.C. B. 61 of C.P.C

C. 62 of C.P.C.
61. In the case of a suit against the Federal Government the party defendant shall be

A. President B. Prime Minsiter

C. Pakistan

62. In case of suit by Provincial Government of Punjab the titled will be

A. Province of Punjab Vs ABC B. Chief Minister of Punjab Vs ABC

C. Interior Ministry of Punjab Vs ABC

63. As per section 80, of C.P.C. in the case of a suit against Federal Government notice will be delivered to

A. Interior Minister B. Federal Minister

C. Secretary of the Federal Government

64. In case of a suit against the Provincial Government other than a suit relating to the affairs of Railway the
notice shall be served to

A. The Secretary of that Government B. The Collector of the District

C. Both (a) and (b)

65. Section_____, of C.P.C. deals with filing of suit by aliens

A. Section 80 B. Section 83

C. Section 85

66. The term "alien" means

A. A foreigner B. A local

C. An enemy

67. An alien enemy residing in Pakistan can file a suit with permission of

A. Federal Government B. Foreign Ministry

C. Interior Ministry

68. A foreign State can sue in any Court if such State has been recognized by

A. Provincial government B. Federal government

C. President

69. If any diplomatic agent exercised any commercial activity in Pakistan beyond his official functions he

A. Can be used in any Court B. Can not be sued in any Court

Can not be sued without permission of his

own State

70. For filing a suit of public nusance the consent of_____ is required

A. District Judge B. Provincial government

C. Advocate General

71. The term "Public nuisance" means

An unreasonable interference in any An unreasonable interference with right of

A. B.
persons personal matters general public

C. Both (a) and (b)

72. Section 92, of C.P.C. deals with suits regarding,

A. Public charities B. Diplomats

C. Public nuisances

73. Section 96 of C.P.C. deals with

A. 1st appeal B. 2nd appeal

C. None of the above

74. The term "Appeal" means

Transfer of case from inferior Courts to Transfer of case from one Court to
A. Superior Court for the purpose of checking B. another Court for the purpose of testing
credibility of lower Court decision credibility of the decision of lower Court

C. None of the above

75. Normally_____ is called appellate Court

A. Court of Civil Judge First Class B. Court of District Judge

C. High Court
76. ______ determine forum for first appeal

A. Pecuniary value of a suit B. Trial Court

C. Nature of case

77. No appeal shalllie from a decree passed by the Court

A. On merits B. On facts

C. With consent of parties

78. Section 100, 101, and 102, relates to

A. First appeal B. 2nd appeal

C. 3rd appeal

79. The ground upon which 2nd appeal lies are narrated in

A. Section 99, C.P.C. B. Section 100, C.P.C.

C. Section 101, C.P.C.

80. Section 100, 101, and 102, of C.P.C. with deals with appeal to

A. High Court B. Federal Shariat Court

C. Supreme Court

81. Orders from which appeal lies are provided in

A. Section 103, of C.P.C B. Section 103-A, of C.P.C.

C. Section 104, of C.P.C.

82. An order under section 35-A, is

A. Appealable B. Revision able

C. Reviewable

83. An appellate Court has power to

A. Determine a case finally B. Frame new issues and remand the case

C. Both (a) and (b)

84. Appellate Court has power to take additional evidence as provided by

A. Section 106, of C.P.C. B. Section 107(c), of C.P.C.

C. Section 107(d), of C.P.C.

85. Appeal is a_____ of the suit

A. Finality B. End

C. Continuation

86. An appeal from a judgment decree or final order of High Court shall lie to

A. Double Bench of High Court B. Supreme Court

C. None of the above

87. An appeal to Supreme Court is dealt by

A. Section 107, C.P.C. B. Section 108, C.P.C

C. Section 109, C.P.C

88. If a subordinate trial Court is in doubt regarding question of law it can send reference to______ as
provided in section 113, C.P.C

A. High Court B. Court of Session

C. Supreme Court

89. Power of review is provided in

A. Section 113, C.P.C B. Section 114, C.P.C

C. None of the above

90. The term "Review" means

Judicial re-examination of a case in certain

A. B. Re-examination of any matter
prescribed and specified circumstances
C. Both (a) and (b)

91. The petition for review shall be instituted in the Court

A. Of Session B. Which passed the decree

C. Both (a) and (b)

92. Law permits that power of review can be exercised upon

A. Discovery of new facts B. Misreading and non-reading of evidence

C. None of the above

93. Scope of review power is

A. Vast B. Broad

C. Limited

94. Right of review is called

A. Basic right B. Substantive right

C. Natural right

95. Section_____, C.P.C. deals with revision

A. 114, B. 115,

C. 115-A,

96. The term "Revision" means

A re-examination or careful reading of a

A. case for the purpose of correction or B. A factual change of trial Court decision

C. None of the above

97. The provisional power can be exercised by

A. Court of Session B. High Court

C. Both (a) and (b)

98. Time limitation for filing revision petition before High Court as provided under section 115, is

A. Thirty days, B. Sixty days,

C. Ninety days

99. Revisional power exercised by High Court or Court of Session is ______ in nature

A. Substantive B. Discretionary

C. None of the above

100. Revision power can be exercised by High Court or District Court on

A. Question of law B. Question of fact

C. Both (a) and (b)

101. Unauthorized person can not addressed to High Court while exercising it original civil jurisdiction as
provided in section

A. 119, of C.P.C B. 120, of C.P.C

C. 131, of C.P.C

102. Women who according to customs and manners of the country ought not to be compelled to appear in
public shall be exempt from personal appearance in Court as provided in

A. Section 122, C.P.C B. Section 132, C.P.C

C. Section 142, C.P.C

103. Section 135, C.P.C. exempt_____ from arrest under civil processes.

A. Police Officers B. Politicians

C. Judge, Magistrate, Judicial Officers

104. Exemption of members of legislature bodies from arrest and detention in civil process is provided in

A. Section 135, of C.P.C. B. Section 135-A, of C.P.C.

C. Section 136, of C.P.C.

105. As per section 142, C.P.C. all orders and notices served on or given to any person under the provisions of
the Code of Civil Procedure.

A. Shall be in writing B. Shall be oral

C. Both (a) and (b)

106. Section______, of C.P.C deals with oath on affidavit

A. 129 B. 139

C. 149

107. Section 144, of C.P.C deals with

A. Application of restitution B. Filing of new suit

C. Both (a) and (b)

108. The power of Court to allow a party to fulfill deficiency of Court fees under section 149, of C.P.C. is
its_____ power

A. Inherent power B. Mandatory power

C. Discretionary power

109. The power enjoyed by Court to fulfill needs of justice in absence of specific provision of C.P.C are called

A. Natural powers B. Delegated powers

C. Inherent powers

110. Section_____ of C.P.C deals with inherent powers of Court

A. 150, C.P.C B. 151, C.P.C

C. 152, C.P.C

111. A decree, judgment or order can be amended if there is

A. Clerical or arithmetical error B. Factual error

C. Conceptual error

112. Section 152, C.P.C deals with amendment of

Clerical and arithmetical errors in judgment,

A. B. Clerical or arithmetical errors in plaint
decree or order
Clerical or arithmetical errors in written

113. Order 1, of C.P.C deals with

A. Litigation B. Parties to the suit

C. Documentation

114. The person who brought the suit or file a suit is called

A. Plaintiff B. Defendant

C. Both (a) and (b)

115. The person or group of persons who are responsible to replying or answering the suit are called

A. Plaintiff or plaintiffs B. Defendant or defendants

C. Third persons

116. To become plaintiff in any suit it is required the interest of plaintiff must be

A. In dispute B. Attached to the litigation

C. Both (a) and (b)

117. Under Order 1, Rule 1, all persons may be joined as plaintiffs if

A. Their right to relief is same B. They are close relative

C. They belong to same group

118. Under Order 1, Rule 2, where it appears to the Court that any joinder of plaintiffs may embarrass or delay the
trial Court can
A. Order for sepaarate trial B. Struck off plaintiffs rights

C. None of the above

119. All persons may be joined as_____ against whom any right to relief is claimed

A. Plaintiffs B. Respondents

C. Defendants

120. No suit shall be defeated by reason of____ as provided in Order, 1, Rule 9

A. Mis-joinder and non joinder of the parties B. Lack of documents

C. None of the above

121. Order II C.P.C deals with

A. Framing of issues B. Framing of charges

C. Framing of suit

122. As per Order II, Rule 2, suit include

A. Whole of claim B. Only opening portion of a suit

C. Both (a) and (b)

123. Where it appears to the Court that any cause of action joined in one suit cannot be conveniently tried or
disposed of together the Court may

A. Order separate trial B. Transfer case to District Court

C. Reject the suit

124. Order, III, of C.P.C deals with

A. Appearance of plaintiffs B. Appearance of attorney

Appearance of recognized agents and


125. A person can appoint pleader for litigation by singing

A. Agreement B. Power of attorney

C. Affidavit

126. Order IV, of C.P.C deals with

A. Appointment of agent B. Institution of suits

C. Framing of suit

127. A suit can be instituted through plaint by filing it before

A. Competent Court B. Court Authorized Officer

C. Both (a) and (b)

128. Order V, of C.P.C deals with

A. Issue and service of summons B. Issuance of warrant

C. Issuance of precept

129. When suit has been duly instituted a summon may be issued to

A. Defendants B. Nazir

C. Government

130. As per Order V, Rule 2 the summon shall be accompanied by copy of

A. Document upon which plaintiff rely B. Plaint

C. Both (a) and (b)

131. Service of the summons shall be made by delivering or tendering a copy thereof signed by the

A. Judge B. Officer of the Court

C. Both (a) and (b)

132. Order V, Rule 10-A, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Delivery of summons through Court officer B. Delivery of summons through post

C. Delivery of summons in any way

133. When defendant refuse or keeping out of the way for the purpose of avoiding service or Court is satisfied that
summons can not be served in ordinary way than Court will order for the service of summons in

A. Normal ways B. Substituted ways

C. None of the above

134. The term "substituted service" means

Service of process upon defendant in any Service of process made under authorization
A. B.
way of Court upon defendants

C. Both (a) and (b)

135. Order V, Rule 20, of C.P.C deals with

Service of summons through substituted

A. Service of summons through ordinary ways B.

C. Both (a) and (b)

136. Order V, Rule 20, prescribed_____ ways and manners for service of summons

A. 4 B. 5

C. 6

137. Urgent mail service or courier service is_____ way of summon servings

A. Ordinary B. Substituted

C. None of the above

138. Proclamation in newspapers is also a type of

A. Substituted service B. Ordinary service

C. Special service

139. Where the defendant is confined in a prison the summons shall be delivered or sent by post or otherwise to

A. The officer incharge of prison B. Attorney General

C. Public Prosecutor

140. As per OrderV, Rule 28, of C.P.C. where the defendant is a soldier, sailor or airmen the Court shall send the
summons for service to

A. Chief of Staff Committee B. Chief of Air Staff, Navel or Army

Commanding Officer together with a copy to

be retained by the defendants

141. Order VI, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Pleadings B. Submission of written statement

C. Both (a) and (b)

142. The term "Pleading" means

A. Plant B. Written statement

C. Both (a) and (b)

143. As per principle laid down in Order VI, Rule 2, of C.P.C. Pleadings needs to state.

A. Material facts not evidence B. Evidence

C. None of the above

144. As per Order VI, Rule 14, pleading to be

A. Notrized B. Signed by Court Officer

C. Signed by the party and his pleader

145. Order VI, Rule 15, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Verification of pleading B. Amendment of pleadings

C. Both (a) and (b)

146. As per Order VI, Rule 18, of C.P.C. A party allowed for amendment can amend the pleading within

A. 10 days B. 14 days

C. 18 days

147. Order VII, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Plaint B. Written statement

C. None of the above

148. O. VII of C.P.C contains_____ Rules.

A. 24, B. 25,

C. 26,

149. The name of the Court in which a suit is brought must be written in plaint as provided in

A. Order VII, Rule 2, of C.P.C B. Order VII, Rule 2-A, of C.P.C

C. None of the above

150. Order VII, Rule 1 of C.P.C. contains

A. 7 Sub-rules or ingredients B. 8 Sub-rules or ingredients

C. 9 Sub-rules or ingredients

151. Where the plaintiff seeks recovery of money the plaint shall state the

A. Price amount claimed B. Value of amount in US$

C. Stam value of the plaint

152. As per Order VII, Rule 3, of C.P.C. where the subject matter of the suit is immovable property the plaint shall

Contain a description of the property

A. Contains reflection of that property B.
sufficient to identify it

C. Both (a) and (b)

153. Order VII, Rule 9, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Procedure of admitting plaint B. Procedure of admitting written statement

C. Procedure of collecting Court fee

154. Procedure for return of a plaint is provided in

A. O. VII, R. 10(1) B. O. VII, R. 10(2),

C. O. VII, R. 10(3),

155. Where a plaint does not disclose cause of action

A. It can be rejected B. It can be amended

C. It can be returned

156. Rejection of plaint is dealt by

A. O. VII, Rule 10, B. O. VII, R. 11,

C. None of the above

157. Order VII, Rule 11 of C.P.C. provides______ ingredients from which deficiency of any occasion can cause
rejection of plaint

A. 3 B. 4

C. 5

158. The procedure for rejection of plaint is provided

A. O. VII, Rule 12, of C.P.C. B. O. VII, Rule 11, of C.P.C.

C. O. VII, Rule 11-A,

159. Where plaintiff rely on any other documents as evidence in support of his claim he shall enter such documents

A. Plaint B. In specific application

In a list to be added or annexed with the

160. Address of the plaintiff to be filed with plaint for service of notices as provided in

A. O. VII, Rule 14, of C.P.C. B. O. VII, Rule 16, of C.P.C.

C. O. VII, Rule 19, of C.P.C.

161. Where a plaintiff or petitioner failed to file an address for service of summon or notices his plaint or petition

A. Shall be rejected B. Shall be send to District Court

C. Shall be rejected with cost

162. Where a party engages a pleader notices summons or other processes for service on him shall be served in
the manners as prescribed in

A. Order V of C.P.C. B. Order III, Rule 5 of C.P.C.

C. None of the above of C.P.C.

163. The Order of C.P.C which deals with written statement is

A. Order VII, B. Order VIII,

C. Order IX,

164. The reply of the plaint filed by the defendant is familiar as

A. Written reply B. Reply

C. Written Statement

165. Order VIII of C.P.C._____ have_____ Rules

A. 13 B. 15
C. 17

166. As per O. VIII, Rule 2, of C.P.C._____ must raise by his pleadings all matters which show the suit not to be

A. Defendant B. Plaintiff

C. None of the above

167. According O. VIII, R. 3, of C.P.C. when defendant deny any fact of plaint denial to be

A. Specific B. Exemplary

C. Ambiguous

168. Evasive denial by defendant

A. Have great importance in the eye of law B. Does not have any sanctity in the eye of law

C. Depends upon matter

169. Denial by defendant

A. Must be specific B. Must be relevant

C. Must be pointed out

170. As per O. VIII, R. 6, particular of set off to be given in

A. Plaint B. Written statement

C. Both (a) and (b)

171. A sues B on a bill of exchange for Rs.500, B holds a judgment against A for Rs.1000. The two claims being
both definite pecuniary demands may be set off. The illustration is given in

A. Order VIII, R. 5, C.P.C B. Order VIII, R. 6, of C.P.C

C. Order VIII, R. 7, of C.P.C

172. As per O. VIII, R. 10, of C.P.C. Where any party from whom a written statement is so required fails to
produce the same with in fixed time before the Court

The Court may pronounce judgment against

A. B. Make any other order regarding the suit

C. Both (a) and (b)

173. O. VIII, Rule 13, of C.P.C. deals with

A. List of legal representatives of plaintiff B. List of legal representatives of defendants

C. Both (a) and (b)

174. O. IX, of C.P.C. contains_____ Rules

A. 13 B. 14

C. 15

175. O. IX, of C.P.C deals with

Consequences of non appearance of the

A. Appearance of the parties B.

C. Both (a) and (b)

176. As per O. IX, Rule 2, of C.P.C. where summons not served in consequence of plaintiff failure to pay cost, the

A. May dismissed the suit B. May order for summon at Courts expenses

C. None of the above

177. Where neither plaintiff nor defendant appear on fixed day of hearing the fate of the suit shall be

Adjournment as provided in Or. IX, Rule 3, Dismissed as provided in O. IX, R. 3, of

A. B.
of C.P.C. C.P.C.

The Court may pass Order of Cost as

provided in Or. IX, Rule 3,

178. Under O. IX, Rule 5, of C.P.C. empowers the Court to dismiss the suit when summons are unserved and
plaintiff failed to apply for fresh summons

A. For a period of 3 months B. For a period of 4 months

C. For a period of 5 months

179. When plaintiff appeared defendant does not appeared and summons are duly served the Court may proceed
ex-parte against defendant as provided by

A. O. IX, Rule 4, of C.P.C. B. O. IX, Rule 6, of C.P.C.

C. O. IX, Rule 8,

180. Ex parte order can be passed in favour of

A. Plaintiff B. Defendant

C. Both (a) and (b)

181. For setting aside ex parte order affected party needs to file

A. An application B. A fresh fuit

C. A revision

182. O. IX, Rule 13, of C.P.C. deals with

Setting aside ex-parte decree against

A. Passing of ex-parte order B.
Dismissal of plaintiff's suit due to plaintiffs
failure to appear non appearance

183. As per O. IX, Rule 14, of C.P.C. no decree to be set aside upon application with out notice to

A. Opposite party B. Senior Civil Judge

C. District Judge

184. O. IX-A of C.P.C. deals with

Intermediate dates after submission of

A. Setting aside exparte orders B.

C. Both (a) and (b)

185. Order X of C.P.C. deals with

Examination of witnesses by the

A. Summons to witnesses by the Commission B.

C. Examination of parties by the Court

186. Order X of C.P.C. have_____ Rules

A. 4 B. 8

C. 12

187. At the first hearing of the suit the Court will conduct oral examination of the party or his companion as
provided in

A. O. X, Rule 2, of C.P.C. B. O. X, Rule 4, of C.P.C.

C. None of the above

188. When a judge examine any party under O. X of C.P.C. he shall

A. Not reduce such examination into writing B. Reduce such examination into writing

C. Depends upon judge discretion

189. Order XI, of C.P.C. contains_____ Rules

A. 13, B. 23,

C. 33,

190. Or. XI, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Discovery and inspection B. Ex. Parte

C. Sight inspection

191. Under O. XI, Rule 1, of C.P.C. any party of the suit can

Deliver interrogatories for the examination Deliver interrogatories for the examination
A. B.
of the Court of the opposite party

C. None of the above

192. The interrogatories made by any party under O. Xi, Rule 1, of C.P.C. for discovery

A. Must be in written form B. Be in oral form

C. Depends upon parties discretion

193. A party can make interrogatories from opposite party by

A. Filing application for permission to do so B. By making separate suit

C. Both (a) and (b)

194. Or. XI, Rule 7, of C.P.C. empowers Court

To accpet whole of interrogatories made by To set aside and strike out interrogatories if
A. B.
any of the party they do not fulfill requirement of law

C. None of the above

195. The answering party shall answer the interrogatories through affidavit as provided in

A. O. XI, Rule 6, of C.P.C. B. O. XI, Rule 7, of C.P.C.

C. O. XI, Rule 8, of C.P.C.

196. O. XI, Rule 13, of C.P.C. provided submission of

A. Affidavit of interrogatories B. Affidavit of documents

C. Both (a) and (b)

197. An affidavit in answer to interrogatories shall be in Form No. _____ in Appendix C with such variations as
circumstances may require

A. 3, B. 4,

C. 5,

198. Order XII, of C.P.C. is about

A. Admissions in cross examination B. Admissions in pleadings

C. Admissions

199. Order XII, of C.P.C. contains

A. 6 Rules, B. 9 Rules,
C. 12 Rules,

200. As per O, XII, R. 1 any party to a suit may give notice by his pleadings or otherwise in writing that he admits
the truth of the whole or any portion of the case of

A. His own B. Opposite party

C. Both (a) and (b)

201. O. XII, Rule 2, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Notice to admit documents B. Notice to contest matters

C. Notice to reply the interrogatories

202. Trial Court is empowered by O. XII, _____ of C.P.C to pass judgment on the basis of admissions made by
parties in their pleadings or at any stage of proceedings

A. Rule 2, B. Rule 4,

C. Rule 6,

203. An affidavit of pleader or his clerk with due signature of any admission made in pursuance of any notice to
admit documents or facts shall be sufficient evidence of

Admission as provided in O. XII, Rule 7, of Denial as provided in Or. XII, Rule 7. of

A. B.
C.P.C. C.P.C.

C. Both (a) and (b)

204. Order XIII, contains_____ Rules,

A. 7 B. 9

C. 11

205. O. XIII of C.P.C. deals with

A. Production of documents B. Impounding and return of documents

C. Both (a) and (b)

206. As per O. XIII, Rule 1 of C.P.C. documentary evidence to be produced at

A. First hearing B. At the end of trial

C. After recording oral evidence

207. If a party fail to produce any documentary evidence at subsequent stage can produce it if that party

Shows good cause for non production of

A. Is effective, B.

C. Make application with affidavit

208. As per O. XIII, Rule 3, the Court

Can reject irrellevant and inadmissible

A. B. Can submit documents at any stage
document at any stage

C. Both (a) and (b)

209. When Court reject any document under O. XIII, Rule 3 C.P.C. it

A. Must inform the affected party B. Must inform the beneficent party

C. Must record ground of rejection

210. Every document produced in Court

A. Can be submitted without endorsement B. Shall be endorsed

C. Both (a) and (b)

211. The documents submitted in any Court shall be endorsed as provided in

A. O. XIII, Rule 2, of C.P.C. B. O. XIII, Rule 3, of C.P.C.

C. O. XIII, Rule 4, of C.P.C.

212. When any document is rejected by Court under O. XIII, Rule 3 of C.P.C. the order of such rejection will be

A. Appealable B. Reviewable

C. Revisionable

213. O. XIII, Rule 6, C.P.C. deals with

A. Endorsement on accepted documents B. Endorsement on rejected documents

C. Both (a) and (b)

214. _____ can apply for return of admitted documents under O. XIII, Rule 9

A. The winning party B. The losing party

Any person desirous of receiving back such

documents who submitted

215. O. XIV, of C.P.C is regarding

Settlement of issues and determination of

Submission of documents and their legal
A. suit on issues of law or on issues agreed B.

C. None of the above

216. O. XIV, of C.P.C. contains_____ Rules

A. 5, B. 7,

C. 9,
217. At the time of framing of issues Court seek light from

A. Plaint B. Written statement

C. Both (a) and (b)

218. As per O. XIV, Rule 1, Sub Rule (6), of C.P.C. Court does not requires to frame issues where

Plaintiff at the first hearing makes no Defendant at the first hearing of the suit
A. B.
improvements makes no defence

C. Where defendant produce or submit affidavit

219. The term "issue" means

A. Controversy between the parties B. Contention between the parties

C. None of the above

220. Issues has______ kinds

A. 2 B. 4

C. 6

221. According O. XIV, Rule 4, while framing issues

Court may examine witnesses or documents

A. Court will examine only relevant document B.
before froming issues

C. None of the above

222. The issues once framed can

A. Not be changed B. Be changed as provided in O. XIV, Rule 5,

C. depends upon circumstances

223. Where at the first hearing of a suit it appears that the parties are not at issue on any question of law or of
fact the Court may

A. At once pronounce judgment B. At once order for amendment of suit

C. None of above

224. O. XV, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Disposal of the suit at first hearing B. Disposal of suit at proper time

C. Disposal of suit after conclusion of trial

225. O. XV, contains____ Rules,

A. 4 B. 6

C. 8

226. O. XVI, of C.P.C deal with

A. Summoning to attendance of plaintiff B. Summoning to attendance of defendants

C. Summoning to attendance of witnesses

227. O. XVI, of C.P.C. contains_____ Rules

A. 19, B. 21,

C. 23,

228. Not later than_____ days after settlement of issues the parties shall present in the Court list of witnesses
whom they proposed to call as witness or to produce documents

A. 7 B. 10
C. 14

229. On application to Court or such officer as it appoints in this behalf the parties may obtains summons for
persons whose attendance is required in the Court as provided in

A. O. XVI, Rule 1, Sub rule 1, B. O. XVI, Rule 1, Sub rule 2,

C. O. XVI, Rule 1, Sub rule 3,

230. When a party apply for summoning to witness the expanses shall be

A. Paid by the same party B. Paid by the opposing party

C. Both (a) and (b)

231. The sum so paid into Courts shall be tendered to the person summoned

A. Time of receiving summon B. In Court

C. Both (a) and (b)

232. In light of O. XVI, Rule 4, of C.P.C. in case of deficiency of fee for summoning witnesses the Court may

Order to pay the fee from Government Order to attach or sale moveable property of
A. B.
treasury applying person

C. None of the above

233. Every summons for the attendance of a person to give evidence or to produce a document shall specify the
time and place at which he is required to attend as provided in

A. O. XVI, Rule 4, of C.P.C. B. O. XVI, Rule 5, of C.P.C.

C. O. XVI, Rule 6, of C.P.C.

234. When a witness for attendance of whom summons were issued intentionally avoid from receiving summons
the Court may make order for
A. Proclamation B. Attachment of that witness property

C. Both (a) and (b)

235. If a person for attendance of whom proclamation was made intentionally not appear before Court the Court
will make

A. Warrant without bail B. Bailable warrant

C. Both (a) and (b)

236. When as per O. XVI, Rule, Rule 10, of C.P.C. due to non appearance of a witness attached property can be

A. If he is beyond country B. If he denied to record evidence

If he show sufficient good cause for his non

appearance before court

237. Under O. XVI Rule 14 of C.P.C. the Court can summon on its own accord to witnesses_____ to suit

A. Plaintiff B. Defendant

C. Stranger

238. O.______ of C.P.C. deals with adjournments


C. Both (a) and (b)

239. O. XVII of C.P.C. contains_____ Rules

A. 3 B. 4

C. 5
240. The Court may grant time and adjourn hearing as provided in O. XVII, Rule 1, when

A. Court is busy B. Any party intend to do so

Any party request for adjournment with

sufficient cause

241. Provided that when the______ of a case has once begun the hearing of the suit shall be continued from day
to day

A. Litigation B. Adjournment

C. Evidence

242. O. XVII Rule of_____ of C.P.C deals with right of closing evidence of the party which failed to produce

A. 3 B. 4

C. 5

243. Where a suit or proceeding is set down for a day which is holiday the parties thereto shall appear in the court
on the day following that day as provided in

A. O. XVII, R. 2, of C.P.C B. O. XVII, R. 3, of C.P.C

C. None of the above

244. O.XVIII deals with

A. Hearing of the suit B. Examination of the witnesses

C. Both (a) and (b)

245. O. XVIII, contains_____ Rules

A. 15, B. 18,
C. 21,

246. Under O. XVIII Rule 1 of the C.P.C. the______ must produce whatever evidence he wishes to rely upon in the
first instances

A. Plaintiff B. Defendant

C. Court Officer

247. Every party of the case needs to prove its case according

A. law B. Facts

C. Issues of its pleadings

248. The evidence of the witnesses in attendance to be taken orally in

A. Open Court B. Beyond Court

C. None of the above

249. Witness to be examined in open Court as provided in

A. O. XVIII, R. 3, B. O. XVIII, R. 4,

C. O. XVIII, R. 5,

250. O. XVIII, Rule 5, of C.P.C. deals with recording of evidence before

A. Trial Court B. Appellate Court

C. Visional Court

251. The Court may at any stage of a suit has power to inspect any property or thing concerning which any
question may arise as provided in

A. O. XVIII, R. 14, of C.P.C. B. O. XVIII, R. 16, of C.P.C.

C. O. XVIII, R. 18, of C.P.C.

252. O. XIX of C.P.C. contains_____ Rules

A. 3, B. 6,

C. 9,

253. O. XIX, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Amended issues B. Amended applications

C. Affidavits

254. A witness who submits affidavit can be ordered by Court for _____ as provided in O.XIX,R.2,

A. 2nd affidavit B. Application for submission of affidavit

C. Cross examination of deponents

255. Order XX, of C.P.C. contains_____ Rules

A. 15, B. 20,

C. 25,

256. O. XX, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Judgment and decree B. Execution of decrees

C. None of the above

257. A judgment must be signed by_____ at the time of pronouncing it

A. Judge B. Court Officer

C. Both (a) and (b)

258. A judgment or order needs to be pronounced_______

A. In open Court B. At break time

C. At first day of week

259. The document through which a Court not passing the judgment execute it is called

A. Permission order B. Official order

C. Precept

260. The Courts needs to states its decisions and findings upon_______

A. Facts B. Laws

C. Issues

261. The _____ shall agree with the judgment and it shall contain the number of the suits the names and
description of the parties and shall specify clearly the relief granted and the cost etc.

A. Judgment B. Order

C. Decree

262. Where the subject matter of the suit is movable property the decree shall contain the

A. Description of such property B. Value of the property

C. Both (a) and (b)

263. Order XX, Rule 5, prescribes modes of

That Court to state its decision on each
A. The Court state decision conclusively B.

C. Both (a) and (b)

264. A judge may pronounce a judgment written but not pronounced by his predecessor as provided in

A. O. XX, Rule 1, of C.P.C. B. O. XX, Rule 2, of C.P.C.

C. Both (a) and (b)

265. Where a judge vacated office after pronouncing judgment but without signing decree the decree may be
signed by_____ as provided by O. XX, R. 8,

A. Court Officer B. The successor of decree passing judge

C. District Judge

266. In pre-emption decree in respect of purchase of property the purchasing money shall be paid

A. In the Court B. To the vendee

C. To revenue department

267. Pre-emption decree can not be incorporated in

A. Appellate Court B. Revision Court

C. Revenue record

268. O. XXI, of C.P.C. contains_____ Rules

A. 83, B. 93,

C. 103,
269. O. XXI, of C.P.C. deals with_______

A. Execution of decrees B. Execution of Orders

C. Execution of both (a) and (b)

270. O. XXI, Rule 1 of C.P.C. deals with_______

A. Modes of execution B. Modes of paying money under decree

C. Modes of decree transfer

271. Where immovable property forms one estate or tenure situate within local limits of the jurisdiction of two or
more Courts, any one of such Court may attach and sell the entire estate or tenure as provided by

A. O. XXI, Rule 3, of C.P.C. B. O. XXI, Rule 6, of C.P.C.

C. O. XXI, Rule 9, of C.P.C.

272. Modes of transfer of executing decree is provided in

A. O. XXI, Rule 5, of C.P.C. B. O. XXI, Rule 6, of C.P.C.

C. O. XXI, Rule 7, of C.P.C.

273. Where a decree is passed in favour of more than one person the execution application can be made by_____

A. The person specified by Court B. Any person from decree holders

C. None of the above

274. Rule for execution of decree in cases of cross decrees is provided in

A. O. XXI, Rule 8, of C.P.C. B. O. XXI, Rule 18, of C.P.C.

C. O. XXI, Rule 28, of C.P.C.

275. Discretion of Court in executing decrees for restitution of conjugal right is provide in
A. O. XXI, Rule 30, of C.P.C. B. O. XXI, Rule 32, of C.P.C.

C. O. XXI, Rule 33, of C.P.C.

276. Procedure for execution of decree for document or endorsement of negotiable instrument is provided in

A. O. XXI, Rule 32, of C.P.C. B. O. XXI, Rule 33, of C.P.C.

C. O. XXI, Rule 34, of C.P.C.

277. Where a judgment debtor does not appeared before executing Court upon show cause notice the Court will

A. Warrant of arrest B. Notices again

C. Both (a) and (b)

278. O. XXI, R. 44, deals with attachment of

A. Industrial produce B. Agricultural produce

C. Moveable property

279. Attachment of immovable property during execution of a decree is provided in

A. O. XXI, R. 44, B. O. XXI, R. 54,

C. O. XXI, R. 64,

280. Sale of immovable property in execution of a decree may be ordered by

A. Executing Court B. Any Court

C. Special Court

281. Where immovable property has been sold in execution of a decree any person either owing such property or
holding an interest therein if apply to set aside sale he will deposit.

A. 5% of purchase amount B. 10% of purchase amount

C. None of the above

282. A decree holder of a decree in execution of which property is sold can not bid without permission of

A. Judgment debtor B. Court

C. Collector

283. O.XXII, of C.P.C deals with

Death, marriage and insolvency of

A. Death, marriage and insolvency of plaintiff B.

C. Both (a) and (b)

284. Where a question arises as to whether any person is or is not the legal representatives of the deceased
plaintiffs or defendants such question shall be determined by

The Court as provided in O. XXII, R. 5, of The relevant parties as provided in O. XXII,

A. B.
C.P.C R. 5, of C.P.C

The heirs of the deceased as provided in O.

XXII, R. 5, of C.P.C

285. O. XXII, of C.P.C. deal with

A. Filing of counter suit B. Withdrawal and adjustment of suits

C. None of the above

286. O. XXIII, of C.P.C. contains_____ Rules

A. 4, B. 8,
C. 12,

287. As per O. XXIII R. 1 of C.P.C. after institution of a suit plaintiff can withdraw suit

A. With permission and satisfaction of Court B. Without permission of Court

C. With consultation of Court Officer

288. When there are more plaintiffs then_____ of the others plaintiff will be need for withdrawal of a suit.

A. Affidavits B. Written permission

C. Consent

289. Adjustment of auit through compromise is provided by

A. O. XXIII, R. 2, of C.P.C. B. O. XXIII, R. 3, of C.P.C.

C. O. XXIII, R. 3-A, of C.P.C.

290. Order XIV of C.P.C deals with

A. Payment into Court B. Payment to plaintiff

C. Payment of defendant

291. O. XXIV, contains______ Rules

A. 2 B. 4

C. 6

292. When defendant deposit an amount in Court and give notice to plaintiff to apply for smount interest on
deposit not allowed to the plaintiff

A. Before issuance of defendant B. After inssuance of notice

C. None of the above

293. Security for costs is dealt by

A. O. XXIV, R. 5, of C.P.C. B. O. XXIV, R. 6, of C.P.C.

C. O. XXV, of C.P.C.

294. Order XXV, contains_____ Rules

A. 1 B. 2

C. 3

295. When security for costs may be required from plaintiff

When plaintiff is out of the country and does

A. When plaintiff is died B. not possess any immoveable property in the

When plaintiff failed to produce evidence

regarding his suit

296. When plaintiff of a suit failed to provide security of costs under O. XXV of C.P.C. upon order of Court the suit
will be

A. Dismissed B. Continued

C. Both (a) and (b)

297. Order_____ deals with commission to examine witnesses

A. O. XXVI, of C.P.C. B. O. XXV, of C.P.C.

C. O. XXIV, of C.P.C.
298. Order XXVI, of C.P.C contains_____ rules

A. 15 B. 20

C. 22

299. When any person required in Court to produce evidence is unable to attend the Court due to his or her illness
it is

Sound reason for the Court issuance of Not a sound reason for the Court to issue
A. B.
commission commission

Depends upon Court to consider this reason

sound or not

300. When any party make application to the Court for issuance of local commission underO. XXVI Rule 2, the

A. Must be with affidavit B. Is sufficient without affidavit

C. Depends upon Courts discretion

301. Persons for whose examination commissions may be issues are provided in

A. O. XXVI, R. 2 B. O. XXVI, R. 3

C. O. XXVI, R. 4

302. Where the evidence of a witness is necessary but the person to be examined is out of Pakistan the Court may

A. Issue commission B. Issue a letter of request

C. Both (a) and (b)

303. Local commission to make local investigation can be issued under

A. O. XXIV, R. 9, of C.P.C. B. O. XXVI, R. 9, of C.P.C.

C. O. XXV, R. 9, of C.P.C.
304. For partition of a property court may issue_____ as local commissioner

A. A Patwari B. A Tehsildar

C. Any person which it deems fit

305. The expenses of local commissions to be paid

A. Into the Court B. Directly to the commissioner

C. None of the above

306. Where commission is issued under Order XXVI, the Court shall direct that the parties of the suit shall appear
before the Commissioner

A. In persons B. Through agent or pleader

C. Both (a) and (b)

307. O. XXVI Rule 19 of C.P.C deals with issuance of commission by

A. High Court B. Supreme Court

C. None of the above

308. The High Court may issue commission upon application of

Law officer of the Provincial or Federal

A. Concerned party B.

C. Both (a) and (b)

309. Under O. XXVI, R. 19, of C.P.C. High Court can issue as commission to

A. Any person which it deems fit B. Any Court within the local limits of whose
Jurisdiction the witness reside

C. None of the above

310. O.XXVII, of C.P.C deals with

Suit by or against public officers in the

A. Suit by or against the Government B.
officials capacity

C. Both (a) and (b)

311. O.XXVII, of C.P.C contains_____ Rules

A. 6 B. 8

C. 12

312. Suits involving any substantial question as to the interpretation of Constitutional law are dealt by



313. In any suit where interpretation of Constitutional law is involved and the question of law is concerned to
Federal Government the Court shall served notice to______

A. Attorney General B. Advocate General

C. Both (a) and (b)

314. In any suit where interpretation of Constitutional law is involved and the question of law is concerned to
Provincial Government the Court shall served notice to

A. Attorney General B. Advocate General

C. None of the above

315. O.XXVIII, of C.P.C. deals with

Suits by or against (Military, Navy or
A. B. Suit by or against Police or Rangers
Airmen) Men

C. Both (a) and (b)

316. O.XXVIII, contains______ Rules

A. 3 B. 6

C. 9

317. An officer of Army if he is unable to sue or defend any suit due to leave he may sue or defend any suit

A. His commanding officer B. Any person authorized by him

C. His elders

318. Suit by or against corporations dealt by



319. Order XXIX, of C.P.C contains_____ Rules

A. 3 B. 6

C. 9

320. In suit by a corporation any pleading may be signed and verified on behalf of the corporation by

A. Secretary or director of the corporation B. Principal officer of the corporation

C. Both (a) and (b)

321. Where a suit is against corporation the summons may be served on

A. Secretary or director of the corporation B. Principal officer of the corporation

C. Both (a) and (b)

322. The Court may at any stage of the suit require the personal appearance of the secretary, director or principal
officer of the corporation as provided in

A. O. XXIX, Rule 1 B. O. XXIX, Rule 3

C. O. XXX, Rule 3

323. Order XXX, of C.P.C deals with suits against or by

Firms and persons carrying on business in

A. Corporations B.
names other than own

C. Interior Ministry

324. Order XXX, of C.P.C contains_____ Rules

A. 3 B. 6

C. 10

325. Any two or more persons claiming or being liable as partners and carrying on business in Pakistan may sue or
e sued in the name

A. Personally B. Firm

C. By agent

326. Where persons are sued as partners in the name of their firm they shall appear individually in their own
names but all subsequent proceedings shall nevertheless containue in
A. Their own names B. The name of firm

C. Depends upon courts discretion

327. Any person carrying on business in a name or style other than his own may be sued

A. By the name of his business or style B. By his own name

C. Both (a) and (b)

328. The Order of C.P.C. dealing with suits by of against trustees executors and administrators is

A. Order XXX, of C.P.C B. Order XXXI, of C.P.C

C. None of the above

329. O. XXXI contains_____ Rules.

A. 3 B. 6

C. 9

330. Where a third person sue a trust property defendant will be

A. Trustee B. Original owner

C. Depend upon court is discretion

331. Where there are several trustees, executors or administrators they shall all be made parties to a suit against
one or more of them as provided in

A. O. XXI, R. 1 of C.P.C. B. O. XXXI, R. 2 of C.P.C.

C. O. XXXI, R. 3 of C.P.C.

332. Where plaintiff of a suit is minor the matter shall be dealt by

A. Order XXX of C.P.C B. Order XXXI of C.P.C

C. Order XXXII of C.P.C

333. O. XXXII contains _____ Rules

A. 12 B. 16

C. 20

334. Every suit by a minor shall be instituted in his name by a person who in such suit shall be called

A. Next friend B. Friend

C. None of the above

335. Any application for the appointment of guardian of minor for suit shall contain

List of relatives of the minors and other

An affidavit verifying the fact that proposed
A. B. persons and their adverse who prima-facie
guardian has no interest
are most likely to act as guardian

C. Both (a) and (b)

336. Qualification for becoming next friend of minor as provided in O. XXXII is

That the person must be major and sound

A. B. That the person must be prestigious

C. That the person must be highly qualified

337. Where a suit on behalf of minor is instituted without next friend plaint

A. To be taken of the file B. To be rejected

C. To be stayed
338. On the retirement removal or death of the next friend of a minor further proceeding shall be

Stayed until new guardian or next friend is

A. B. Stayed until the minor became major

C. Both (a) and (b)

339. As per O. XXXII, R. 12 sub R. (2) where the guardian for the suit retires dies or removed by Court during the
pendency of the suit

The next guardian will be appointed by

A. B. The Court shall appoint new guardian

C. None of the above

340. Where a minor co-plaintiff on attaining majority apply to the Court that his name be struck off the Court will
serve notices to_____ before making any order

A. Next friend of the minor B. Defendant of the suit

C. Both (a) and (b)

341. Order XXXIII, of C.P.C deals with

A. Suits by unsound persons B. Suits by paupers

C. Suits by foreigners

342. Order XXXIII of C.P.C contains_____ Rules

A. 12 B. 16

C. 20

343. "Pauper" means a person

A. Who does not possess sufficient means to B. The person who does not possess property
enable him to pay the fee prescribed by law worth 1000/- rupees other than his
for the plaint in suit necessary wearing

C. Both (a) and (b)

344. Before filing suit as pauper there is required appliction with full prescription of applicant_____ and_____

A. Appraisal, belongings B. Moveable, immovable property

C. Both (a) and (b)

345. The appliction for filing pauper suit shall be filed in

A. The revenue department B. Relevant Court

C. In High Court

346. O. XXXIII, Rule 9 of C.P.C impose_____ condition for dispaupering

A. 2 B. 3

C. 4

347. Order declaring a party pauper for the purpose of payment of Court fee is_____ order

A. Revisable B. Appealable

C. Reviewable

348. The Order_____ of C.P.C. deals with suits relating to mortgages of immovable property


349. Order XXXIV, of C.P.C. contains____ Rules

A. 10 B. 15

C. 20

350. All persons having an interest either in the mortgage security or in the right of redemption shall be joined as

A. In mortgage document B. In a suit relating to mortagage

C. None of the above

351. In a suit for foreclosure if the plaintiff succeded the Court shall pass a

A. Preliminary decree B. Final decree

C. Ex-parte decree

352. O. XXXIV, R. 3, of C.P.C. deals with______ decree in foreclosure suit.

A. Preliminary B. Final

C. Both (a) and (b)

353. Mortgage by the deposit of title deeds and charges is provided in

A. O. XXXIV, R. 15, of C.P.C. B. O. XXXIV, R. 16, of C.P.C.

C. O. XXXIV, R. 17, of C.P.C.

354. O. XXXV, of C.P.C deals with

A. Mortgage suits B. Service matters suits

C. Interpleader suits

355. O. XXXV, contains_____ Rules

A. 4 B. 6

C. 8

356. In every suit of interpleader the plaint shall in addition to other statement necessary for plaints state

That the plaintiff claims no interest in the

subject matter in dispute other than for That there is no collusion between the
A. B.
charges, or costs, the claims made by the plaintiff and any of the defendant
defendants severally

C. Both (a) and (b)

357. As per O. XXXV, R. 2, of C.P.C. in interpleader suit where the thing claimed is capable of being paid into Court
or placed in the custody of the Court

The plaintiff may be required to so pay or The defendant may be required to so pay or
A. B.
place it before Court place it before Court

None of above needs to pay or place so

required before Court

358. O. XXXVI of C.P.C. deals with

A. Average cases B. Special cases

C. Urgent cases

359. O. XXXVI, contains_____ Rules

A. 3 B. 4

C. 5

360. In a case where parties claiming to be interested in the decision of any question of fact or law for the purpose
of obtaining opinion of the Court, the case is

A. Case of special nature B. Case of pecuniary matter

C. Case of routine matter

361. In special cases parties claiming to be interested in decision of any question of fact or law may enter
into_____ in writing stating such question in the form of case for opinion of the Court

A. A compromise B. A commitment

C. An agreement

362. Order XXXVII, of C.P.C. deals with_____ cases

A. Special cases on negotiable instruments B. Summary cases on negotiable instruments

C. Ordinary cases on negotiable instruments

363. O. XXXVII, of C.P.C. contain_____ Rules

A. 7 B. 9

C. 11

364. Under Order XXXVII, summary cases can be filed in

A. Court of Session B. High Court

C. Both (a) and (b)

365. In summary trial the defendants are summoned in

Ordinary manners as provided in Order V,

A. B. As provided in Form 4 appendix B of C.P.C.
Rule 5, of C.P.C.

C. None of the above

366. In summary case when defendant appear before Court after receiving summon he needs

A. To submit written reply B. Leave of Court to defend the suit

C. To surrender

367. The application moved by defendant for grant of leave from the Court for defence must contains

A. All relevant documents B. Affidavit

C. Both (a) and (b)

368. Where the trial Court rejected application of defendant for grant of leave to defend than the Court

A. Shall decree the suit B. Shall reject the suit

C. Shall proceed further proceedings

369. The trial Court under O. XXXVII Rule 3 sub-rule (2) may grant

Leave with terms as to payment in Court for

A. Unconditional leave to defend B.

C. Both (a) and (b)

370. Order_____ of C.P.C. deals with arrest and attachment before judgment

A. Order XXXVII, B. Order XXXVIII,

C. Order XXXIX,

371. Order XXXVIII, contains_____ Rules

A. 7 B. 10

C. 13

372. Order XXXVIII, Rule 1 deals with

A. Security of defendant for appearance B. Security of plaintiff for appearance

C. None of the above

373. Where the defendant is about to abscond or leave the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court, the Court for
it's own satisfaction may order the defendant

A. To furnish security B. To surrender for his arrest

C. To make compromise with plaintiff

374. O.XXXIX, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Passing of temporary injunction B. Passing of interlocutory orders

C. Both (a) and (b)

375. Order XXXIX, of C.P.C contains_____ Rules

A. 10 B. 15

C. 20

376. For application of temporary injunction affidavit is

A. Essential B. Depends upon applicant's mode

C. Depends upon Court discretion

377. There are______ basic requirements for granting temporary injunction

A. 2 B. 3

C. 4
378. Affidavit with application of temporary injunction is_____ essential ingredient for granting temporary

A. 1st B. 2nd

C. 4th

379. An interim injunction passed under O. XXXIX, R. 1 or 2 of C.P.C. in the absence of defendant shall not
ordinarily exceeds

A. Fifteen days B. One month

C. Three months

380. The order of injunction made under Order XXXIX, Rule 1, and 2, of C.P.C. after hearing the parties or after
notice to defendant shall cease to have effect on the expiration of

A. Three months, unless Court extend B. Six months, unless Court extend

C. Twelve months, unless Court extend

381. The statutory period for injunctive order is

A. Twelve months or disposal of suit B. Nine month or disposal of suit

C. Both (a) and (b)

382. Order XXXIX, Rule 4, of C.P.C deals with

Discharge or setting aside of injunctive

A. Extention of injuctive order B.

C. Costs upon defendant

383. As per O. XXXIX, R. 5 of C.P.C. an injunction directed to corporation is binding upon

A. Corporation B. Upon all officers and members of


C. Both (a) and (b)

384. O. XXXIX, R. 6 to 10 of C.P.C. deals

A. Permanent injunction B. Interlocutory orders

C. Final orders

385. If the moveable property of a suit is subject to natural and speedy decay the Court can pass interlocutory
order for its sale

A. Upon application of any party B. Upon its own observation

C. Upon Court officer direction

386. O. XXXIX, Rule 7, of C.P.C Court pass interlocutory order

A. On its own discretion B. On application of any party

C. On instruction of Court officer

387. Order XL, of C.P.C deals with

A. Appointment of receiver B. Appointment of local commission

C. Appointment of site commissioner

388. Order XL, of C.P.C contains____ Rules

A. 3 B. 4

C. 5

389. Under O. XL, Rule 1(a), Courts appoint receiver of any property
A. Before a decree B. After a decree

C. Both (a) and (b)

390. The Court may by general or special order fix the amount to be paid as_____ for the service of receiver

A. Salary B. Commission

C. Remuneration

391. Where the property is land paying revenue to the Government or land of which the revenue has been
assigned or redeemed and the Court considers those concerned will be promoted by the management of the
collector the Court may appoint collector as receiver with consent of______

A. Parties B. Court Officer

C. Collector

392. O. XL, Rule 3 of C.P.C deals with appointment of____ as receiver

A. Any person B. Judge

C. Collector

393. Order_____ of C.P.C. deals with appeals from original decree

A. XL, B. XLI,

C. XLI(A),

394. Order XLI contains_____ Rules

A. 30 B. 37

C. 44
395. Every appeal shall be preferred in the form of

A. Booklet B. Designed document

C. Memorandum

396. Every appeal must be signed______

A. By party B. By parties pleader

C. Both (a) and (b)

397. The memorandum of appeal must contain

The list of witnesses which enclosed with

A. The copy of decree which is challenged B.
original plaint

C. None of the above

398. Order XLI, Rule 5(1) of C.P.C. deals with

A. Stay of suit by Trial Court B. Stay of execution by Appellate Court

C. Stay of any order

399. Order XLI, Rule 5(2), of C.P.C. deals with

Stay of execution by Court which passed the

A. B. Stay of execution by Appellate Court

C. Both (a) and (b)

400. Where a memorandum of appeal is admitted the Appellate Court or the proper officer of the Court shall

Shall endorse thereon the date of

A. Send report regarding appeal to High Court B.
presentation and shell register the appeal
C. Shall serve notices upon respondents

401. A book in which Appellate Court register appeal is called

A. Register of appeal B. Record of appeal

C. Book of new entries

402. Order XLI, R. _____ empowers appellate Court to dismiss appeal without sending notice to Lower Court

A. Rule 9 of C.P.C. B. 10 of C.P.C.

C. 11 of C.P.C.

403. On a day fixed for hearing of appeal if appellant does not appear when the appeal is called

The Court may make an order that the The Court may make order that the appeal
A. B.
appeal be adjourned be dismissed

C. Both (a) and (b)

404. Where the appeal is not dismissed under Rule 12 of Order XLI, of C.P.C. the appellate Court shall send notice
of appeal to

The Court from whose decree the appeal is

A. High Court B.

C. None of the above

405. Order XLI, Rule 13, of C.P.C. deals with notice to_____ Court

A. High Court B. To the Court whose decree is challenged

C. To Respondent

406. Where an appeal is dismissed under R. 11 or 17 of C.P.C the appellant can apply for re-admission of appeal as
provided in
A. Order XLI, R. 18, of C.P.C. B. Order XLI, R. 19, of C.P.C

C. Order XLI, R. 20, of C.P.C.

407. Order XLI, Rule_____ deals with remand of case by appellate Court

A. 21, of C.P.C B. 22, of C.P.C

C. 23, of C.P.C

408. The power of remand of a case enjoyed by appellate Court is_____ power in nature

A. Statutory B. Discretionary

C. Procedural

409. Order XLI, Rule 25, of C.P.C. empowers Appellate Court to

A. Frame issues or refer them to Trial Court B. To dismissed appeal

C. To remand case to Trial Court

410. Order XLI, Rule 27, of C.P.C empowers Appellate Court

With recording or submission of additional Dismissal of suit after recording additional

A. B.
evidence evidence

C. None of the above

411. Modes of additional evidence is provided in

A. O. XLI, Rule 27, of C.P.C. B. O. XLI, Rule 28, of C.P.C.

C. O. XLI, Rule 29, of C.P.C.

412. Whenever appellate Court record additional evidence the appellate Court shall follw the principle provided in
A. O. XLI, Rule 28 B. O. XLI, Rule 29

C. O. XLI, Rule 29A

413. Which Order of C.P.C from the following deals with appeals from appellate decrees

A. Order XLI B. Order XLII

C. Order XLIII

414. Order XLII, of C.P.C. contains_____ Rule

A. 5 B. 10

C. None of the above

415. The Orders from which appeal shall lies are dealt by

A. Order XLI, of C.P.C. B. Order XLII, of C.P.C.

C. Order XLIII, of C.P.C.

416. Order XLIII of C.P.C contains____ Rules

A. 4 B. 6

C. 8

417. An order of returning plaint under O. 7, Rule 10, of C.P.C is

A. None appealable B. Appealable as provided in O. XLIII rule 1

C. Revisionable

418. The numbers of Orders which are appealable as provided in O. XLIII, R. 1, of C.P.C. are______
A. 23 B. 24

C. 25

419. An order under Rule 10, Order VIII, pronouncing judgment against a party is

A. Reviewable B. Revisable

C. Appealable

420. An order under Rule 9, Order IX, rejecting an application for an order to set aside the dismissal of a suit is

A. Revisable B. Reviewable

C. Appealable

421. Where an appeal against an order is preferred during the pendency of the suit the appellant shall before
presenting the appeal give notice to the respondents as provided in

A. O. XLIII, R. 3 B. O. XLIII, R. 4

C. O. XLIII, R. 5

422. Order XLIV, of C.P.C deals with_______

A. Peuper appeal B. Special appeals

C. Appeals against foreign judgment

423. Order XLIV, of C.P.C. contains_____ Rules

A. 2 B. 4

C. 6

424. Order XLV, of C.P.C deals with appeals to

A. High Court B. Supreme Court

C. Revenue Court

425. Inder Order XLV, Rule 2, whoever desires to appeal to Supreme Court shall apply by the petition to_____ for
issuance of certificate.

A. High Court B. To Supreme Court

C. To the Court whose decree is complained of

426. Certificate acquired by any party from the Court whose decree is complained for Supreme Court is

A. Discretion of party to obtain B. Mandatory for the party to obtain

C. None of the above

427. An appeal can not be admitted in Supreme Court until the appellant

The appellant submit or deposit security so

Signed the relevant documents as provided
A. B. required as provided in R. 7, O. XLV, of
in R. 7, O. XLV of C.P.C.

C. Both (a) and (b)

428. The procedure for admission of appeal is provided in

A. Order XLV, Rule 8, of C.P.C. B. Order XLV, Rule 9, of C.P.C.

C. Order XLV, Rule 10, of C.P.C.

429. Order_______, of C.P.C. deals with execution of order of Federal Court

A. Order XLV, Rule 8, of C.P.C. B. Order XLV-A

C. Order XLV-B
430. Whoever desires to obtain execution of an order of the Federal Court under sub-section 2 of section 209 of
Government of India Act, 1935 shall apply by petition accompanied by a certified copy of the order for

A. To Supreme Court B. To any High Court

To High Court from which the appeal to

Federal Court was preferred

431. As per Rule 2, of Order XLV-A, the Rule_____ shall apply mutatis mutandis to execution of to the execution
of decree or order for cost passed by Federal Court in appeal from High Court

A. 10 Order XLV of C.P.C. B. 16 Order XLV of C.P.C.

C. 18 Order XLV of C.P.C.

432. Order, XLVI, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Reference to High Court B. Reference to Federal Court

C. Reference to Supreme Court

433. Order XLVI, contains_____ Rules

A. 5 B. 6

C. 7

434. Reference can be send to High Court by

A. The Court facing question of law himself B. The Court through parties of the case

C. Both (a) and (b)

435. Reference to the High Court may be sended upon

A. When the executing Court faces doubt in B. When executing Court Faces doubt in
question of law question of usage

C. Both (a) and (b)

436. Order XLVII, of C.P.C deals with

A. Appeal in small causes B. Review

C. Revision

437. Order XLVII, contains_____ Rules

A. 9 B. 11

C. 13

438. A decree for which appeal is allowed but not made the effected party may

A. Apply for revision B. Apply for review

C. Both (a) and (b)

439. Application of review normally can be made to

A. The Court which passed the order or decree B. The Session Court

C. High Court

440. No review petition can be granted without serving

A. Notice to opposite party B. Notice to Court Officer

C. Notice to Revenue Officers

441. Where review petition is rejected due to non appearance of applicant it can be restored
Upon application of applicant if it justify. His
A. When ever Court like B.
absence in satisfactory manners

C. None of the above

442. Order XLVIII, of C.P.C. deals with

A. Miscellaneous B. Revision

C. Review

443. As per Order XLVIII, Rule 1, every process issued and shall be served at the expense of

The party on whose behalf it is issued unless

A. Government B.
the Court otherwise directs

C. Both (a) and (b)

444. Order XLIX, deals with

A. High Court B. Provincial small causes courts

C. Special Court

445. Order VII, Rules 10, 11 are not applicable to

A. Special Courts B. Provincial Small Causes Courts

C. High Courts

446. Order L of C.P.C deals with

A. Provincial Small Causes Courts B. Ordinary Civil Courts

C. Presidency Small Causes Courts

447. Order XV III, R. 5, to 12 are not applicable to

A. Presidency Small Causes Courts B. Provincial Small Causes Courts

C. High Courts

448. Order X, Rule 3, is not applicable to

A. Provincial Small Causes Courts B. Presidential Small Causes Courts

C. Both (a) and (b)

449. Order L1, deals with

A. Provincial Small Causes Courts B. Presidency Small Causes Courts

C. None of the above

450. Order LII, deals with

A. Federal Court B. Special Court

C. None of the above

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