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Legal Bases children, youth and adults to

prevent conflict and violence.
o Executive Order 570, o Holistic response as it is
Institutionalizing Peace Education concerned with the issue and
in the Basic Education Curriculum problems including militarization,
and Teacher Education structural violence, human rights,
o DepED Memo 469 series of 2008 - cultural solidarity, environmental
all teacher education institutions care and personal peace.
(TEIs) and other educational o Aims to develop international
institutions include peace understanding and universal
education courses and activities brotherhood.
in the Special Topics component
of the Teacher Education D. Timeline
Curriculum ➢ 1989, during the international
o CHED Memo Order (CMO) No. congress on Peace in the minds
01, series of 2019 of men, in Yamoussoukro where
Integration of Peace “Culture Peace” was first
Studies/Education Into the
Relevant Higher Education ➢ In1994, Federico Mayor,
Curricula Director-General of the United
Nation Educational, Scientific
B.Definition of Peace and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), launched an
o Peace is not simply lack of war or international appeal on the
establishment of the right to
nonviolence; it means the
eradication of all facets of
➢ In February 1994, UNESCO launched
its Toward a Culture of Peace
o Peace is both the absence of
personal/direct violence and the
presence of social justice.
➢ 1997, United Nation General
Assembly proclaimed the
o Peace is not only the absence of year 2000 as the
conflict, it also requires a “International Year of the
positive dynamic participatory Culture Peace”
process where dialogue is ➢ In 1998, the same assembly
encouraged and conflicts are declared the period of 2001-2010
resolved in a spirit of mutual the “ International Decade for
understanding and cooperation. Culture of Peace and Non-
Violence for the children of
o “Peace is not just the absence the world.
of war. It is the wholeness of
life where every person can live E . Kinds of Peace
with dignity”. (Mindanao Church
Peace Congress, 1996) ➔ Negative Peace
o “The new name of Peace is - Absence of War or
Development”. (Pope Paul IV) Physical/Direct Violence
o presence of harmony, ➔ Positive Peace
understanding, tranquility, - Presence of Just and Non-
social justice, respect and Exploitative
tolerance-meaning the Relationships, as well as
enhancement of life. human and ecological
well-being, such that
C. Definition of Peace Education the root cause of
conflicts are
o an “interdisciplinary area of diminished.
education whose goal is
institutionalized and non- F. Basic Elements of Peace Education
institutionalized teaching about
peace and for peace. S/N PEACE BASIC ELEMENTS
o the process of promoting the DIMENSIONs
knowledge, skills, attitudes and 1. Knowledge Peace, Justice, Human
values needed to bring about rights, Civic
behavior changes that will enable participation, Emotional
literacy, Problem solving
(including conflict attaining related
prevention, conflict issues that have
management and conflict global impact or scale
resolution), as well as such as issues among
Understanding (including
international and
intercultural a. respect for the environment
understanding) etc. b. unity in the oneness of
2. Values Tolerance, Caring, Social humankind
and equity, Peace, Justice, c. religious appreciation
Attitudes Cooperation and Solidarity, d. cultural appreciation
Human rights, Active
citizenship, Gender equity, H. Types of Violence
Self awareness, empathy,
Conflict resolution using
peaceful means, Promotion
of sustainable
environment, Freedom of
practices, Compassion,
Respect for human life etc.
3. Skills Active listening,
Understanding similarities
and differences,
Cooperation, Mediation,
Problem solving, Trust,
Critical thinking, Self
reflection, Self I. Eight Keys to Promoting Culture of
esteem, etc. Peace

 Respect all life: respecting the

G. Levels of Peace rights and dignity of each human
1. Personal Level  Non-violence: rejection of
- development of inner violence, obtaining justice
harmony or inner by convincing and
integration characterized understanding
by such qualities as self-  Sharing: developing attitudes and
respect, self-confidence, skills for living together in
ability to cope with harmony, putting an end to
negative feelings and exclusion and oppression
developing positive
 Listening to understand: giving
attitudes such as
everyone a chance to learn and share
cheerfulness and optimism.
through the free flow of
2. Interpersonal Level information
manifested by the relationship of an
individual with one another.  Preservation of the planet: making
a. assertiveness sure that progress and development
b. respect are good for everyone and for
c. concern for others the environment
d. cooperation  Tolerance and solidarity:
e. open-mindedness
appreciating that people are
f. humility
different and that everyone
3. Socio/National Level has something to contribute
- Concerned with to the community
addressing issues that  Equality of men and women: ensuring
affect society and its an equal place for men and women
social, political and in building society
economical components.  Democracy: making decisions by having
a. social responsibility your say and giving others theirs.
b. interdependence
c. social justice
4. Global Level
- Concerned with

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