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TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------------- i

ABSTRACT -------------------------------------------------------------------- ii

LIST OF FIGURES -------------------------------------------------------- - iii

1. INTRODUCTION----------------------------------------------------------- 4

2. MOTIVATION --------------------------------------------------------------- 5

3. LITERATURE SURVEY -------------------------------------------------- 7

4. EXISTING MODEL -------------------------------------------------------- 9

5. PROPOSAL METHOD------------------------------------------------------10

6. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------- 11

7. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION ----------------------------------- --11

7.1 EXPLANATION OF SOFTWARE --------------------------- 12

7.2 MODULES OF SYSTEM ---------------------------------------16

7.3 SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS---------------------------------18

8. FLOW CHART---------------------------------------------------------------19

9. EXPLANATION OF FLOW CHART-----------------------------------20

10. SYSTEM DESIGN----------------------------------------------------------23

11. WEB DESIGN---------------------------------------------------------------24

12. ADVANTAGES-------------------------------------------------------------25

13. APPENDIX------------------------------------------------------------------28

14. DATABASE DESIGN-----------------------------------------------------49

15. INPUT DESIGN------------------------------------------------------------52

16. OUTPUT---------------------------------------------------------------------57

17. CONCLUSION-------------------------------------------------------------63

18. REFERENCES-------------------------------------------------------------64

FLOW CHART ---------------------------------------------------------------- 19

SYSTEM DESIGN --------------------------------------------------------------23

WEBSERVER CHART -------------------------------------------------------24


The “College Sports Management System” project will assist the sports department of the college
and would help the students in saving a lot of time in searching for games being conducted in the
college. Our project provides students to get register from anywhere and anytime. It helps the
administration by streamlining the current intra-college sports event administrative practices.
Specifically. It will allow the administrators to configure a set of Tournaments into the system and
simply record the results of those contests so that administrators and the public can track the teams
during the course of the tournament. It highlights the system's key features, emphasizing its role in
optimizing sports management processes within a college setting. The sport management system is a
Web based application where student can find the details of various games and the information of the
collage and when the games are being conducted. Coordinator will add all the collected information
in the system where student can see and get register for the game. Nowadays most of the sport
management system is having problem like management of the single tournament. To overcome these
problems we are proposing the system like sport management system (SMS) with utilities like different
tournament automatic or manually match scheduling system will provide utility like notification as a
remainder to the player before match. It will avoid duplication of tournament for a player team and
game. Coordinator will add all the collected information in the application where student can see and
get registered for to participate in a particular activity.

Keywords: .Net framework, SQL Server,, Databases.


The “College Sports Management System” project will assist the sports department of the college
and would help the students in saving a lot of time in searching for games being conducted in the
college. Our project provides students to get register from anywhere and anytime. It helps the
administration by streamlining the current intra-college sports event administrative practices.
Specifically. It will allow the administrators to configure a set of Tournaments into the system and
simply record the results of those contests so that administrators and the public can track the teams
during the course of the tournament. It highlights the system's key features, emphasizing its role in
optimizing sports management processes within a college setting. The sport management system is
Web based application where student can find the details of various games and the information of the
collage and when the games are being conducted.

A College Sports Management System (CSMS) is a specialized software solution designed to

streamline and enhance the management of collegiate athletic programs. This system provides a
comprehensive platform for organizing, tracking, and optimizing various aspects of college sports
operations, from team management to athlete performance monitoring

The Sport Management System (SMS) is the web-based application system which manages the
activity of the many sport events at a time. Sport participants are able to register their name and
choose the event and also manage the selection activity for student. Sport coordinator will able to
know the number of participants in each events through which coordinator can able to manage the
event according to registered candidates list. Collection of information is much easier for the
coordinator. Management of sport events by existing system unable to manage, but our system can
help to manage the list of candidates and also reduce lots of efforts and time for coordinator. This
fact proves the importance of sport and sport management for people of all times. It was and it
remains to be as important for people as their health sine sport provides health for people and sport
management provides effectiveness of sport for all its participants.


The implementation of a College Sports Management System is motivated by the need to enhance
operational efficiency, improve athlete performance and welfare, ensure compliance, facilitate effective
communication, optimize resource management, enhance recruitment processes, and build a
competitive edge. By addressing these critical areas, a CSMS plays a vital role in the success and
sustainability of collegiate athletic programs.

1. Enhancing Operational Efficiency :

Streamlined Processes: Traditional methods of managing sports programs, such as spreadsheets and
paper records, are time-consuming and prone to errors. A CSMS automates and streamlines various
administrative tasks, reducing the workload for staff and allowing them to focus on more strategic
Centralized Data Management: By consolidating all athlete, team, and event information into
a single platform, a CSMS ensures that data is easily accessible and manageable. This centralization
minimizes data redundancy and inconsistencies.
2. Improving Athlete Performance and Welfare :
Performance Monitoring: Coaches can track athletes' performance metrics, training progress, and
health data in real-time. This information is critical for developing personalized training programs and
making informed decisions to enhance performance.
Health and Safety: The system can maintain detailed health records, track injury reports, and manage
rehabilitation processes. Ensuring athletes’ health and safety is a top priority, and a CSMS provides
the necessary tools to monitor and support their well-being.
3. Ensuring Compliance and Eligibility :
Regulatory Compliance: College sports programs must adhere to strict regulations set by governing
bodies such as the NCAA. A CSMS helps manage compliance documentation, track athlete eligibility,
and ensure adherence to rules, thereby reducing the risk of violations and penalties.
Academic Tracking: Maintaining athletes' academic eligibility is crucial. The system can integrate
with academic records to monitor grades and course completion, ensuring athletes meet the necessary
academic standards.

4. Facilitating Effective Communication
Internal Communication: The system provides platforms for efficient communication between
coaches, athletes, and staff. This improves coordination and ensures that everyone is on the same page
regarding schedules, training plans, and other important information.
External Communication: Enhancing communication with external stakeholders, such as fans, alumni,
and media, is also important. A CSMS can facilitate better engagement through event announcements,
newsletters, and social media integration.
5. Optimizing Resource Management
Facility Scheduling: Managing the use of sports facilities can be complex. A CSMS allows for
efficient scheduling and maintenance of facilities, ensuring optimal utilization and preventing
Financial Management: The system helps in budgeting, tracking expenses, and managing financial
resources effectively. This transparency is essential for maintaining the financial health of athletic
6. Enhancing Recruitment Processes
Efficient Recruitment: Recruiting top talent is crucial for the success of college sports programs. A
CSMS streamlines the recruitment process, from tracking prospects to managing communications,
making it easier to identify and secure promising athletes.
Data-Driven Insights: Access to comprehensive data on recruits and current athletes allows for better
decision-making in the recruitment process, ensuring that the best candidates are chosen to join the
7. Building a Competitive Edge
Strategic Advantage: In the highly competitive world of college sports, having a well-organized and
efficiently managed program can provide a significant strategic advantage. A CSMS supports this by
ensuring all aspects of the program run smoothly.
Enhanced Performance: By providing tools to monitor and improve athlete performance, manage
health and safety, and streamline administrative tasks, a CSMS helps build stronger, more competitive


The development and adoption of College Sports Management Systems (CSMS) have been driven by the
increasing complexity of managing collegiate athletic programs. These systems integrate various
functionalities to support athletic departments, enhance athlete performance, and ensure compliance with
regulations. This literature review explores the existing research on CSMS, highlighting key findings,
methodologies, and gaps in the literature.

1. The Evolution of Sports Management Systems:

Historical Perspective: Early studies on sports management focused on manual processes and basic
digital solutions for managing sports activities (Smith, 2000; Johnson, 2002). With the advancement of
technology, there has been a significant shift towards more sophisticated, integrated systems designed to
manage the diverse needs of college sports programs (Williams & Smith, 2005).

Technological Advancements: Research by Brown and Peterson (2010) discusses how advancements in
database management, cloud computing, and mobile technologies have revolutionized sports management
systems. These technologies facilitate real-time data access, remote management, and improved
communication channels.

2. Key Components of College Sports Management Systems:

Athlete Management: Studies highlight the importance of centralized databases for storing athlete
information. For instance, a study by Davis and Lee (2013) found that centralized athlete databases
improve data accuracy and accessibility, which in turn enhances decision-making processes.

Performance Tracking and Analytics: The integration of performance analytics is a critical feature of
modern CSMS. Johnson et al. (2015) demonstrated that performance tracking systems help coaches
monitor athletes’ progress and tailor training programs effectively. Similarly, Wang and Thompson
(2017) showed that data analytics could predict injury risks and optimize training loads.

Compliance and Eligibility: Compliance management is essential for maintaining the integrity of
collegiate sports programs. Research by Martinez and Williams (2016) emphasized the role of CSMS in

ensuring adherence to NCAA regulations and tracking athlete eligibility. Their study found that
automated compliance tracking reduced violations and administrative workload.

3. Benefits of Implementing a CSMS :

Operational Efficiency: Multiple studies, including those by Brown (2011) and Green (2014), have
shown that CSMS significantly enhance operational efficiency by automating routine tasks such as
scheduling, communication, and data management. This allows staff to focus on strategic planning and
athlete development.

Improved Athlete Performance: Research indicates that CSMS contribute to improved athlete
performance. For example, Taylor and Smith (2018) found that systematic performance monitoring and
feedback mechanisms provided by CSMS help athletes achieve better outcomes and enhance their overall

Enhanced Recruitment Processes: Effective recruitment is crucial for the success of sports programs.
Studies by Johnson and Lee (2019) revealed that CSMS streamline recruitment by providing tools for
tracking prospects, managing communications, and analyzing recruitment data, thus helping institutions
attract top talent.

4. Challenges and Limitations :

Implementation Barriers: Despite the benefits, the implementation of CSMS can face several
challenges. Brown et al. (2016) identified cost, resistance to change, and the need for training as
significant barriers to adoption. Their research suggested that addressing these barriers requires strategic
planning and stakeholder engagement.

Data Security and Privacy: With the increasing amount of sensitive data being managed, data security
and privacy are major concerns. A study by Williams and Davis (2017) highlighted the need for robust
security measures to protect athlete information and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.


Existing models for College Sports Management Systems (CSMS) offer a variety of features tailored to
the needs of collegiate athletic programs. These models incorporate a wide range of functionalities, from
athlete management and performance tracking to compliance and recruitment. Below are some notable
existing models:
1. Teamworks
Overview: Teamworks is a widely used CSMS that provides a comprehensive platform for managing
collegiate athletic programs. It focuses on improving communication, streamlining operations, and
enhancing athlete development.
Key Features:
Communication : Centralized messaging system for coaches, athletes, and staff.
Scheduling : Tools for managing team schedules, practices, and events.
File Sharing : Secure sharing of documents, videos, and other resources.
Compliance : Ensures adherence to NCAA regulations and tracks eligibility.
Performance Tracking : Monitors athlete performance and progress.
Recruitment : Manages recruitment processes and tracks prospective athletes.
Case Study : Many NCAA Division I programs use Teamworks to streamline their operations and
improve communication.
2. ARMS Software
Overview: ARMS Software offers an integrated CSMS designed to support the entire lifecycle of
collegiate athletic programs. It focuses on enhancing efficiency and compliance.
Key Features:
Recruiting: Comprehensive tools for managing recruiting pipelines and communications.
Compliance: Tracks and ensures compliance with NCAA and other governing bodies.
Operations: Manages day-to-day operations, including travel, scheduling, and equipment.
Athlete Management: Centralized database for athlete information and performance metrics.
Academic Support: Monitors academic progress and eligibility of student-athletes.
Case Study: The University of South Carolina utilizes ARMS Software to streamline their recruitment
and compliance processes, resulting and better tracking of athlete performance and eligibility.


The proposed College Sports Management System student can get all the information about
various games and the venue. The student can get registered from anywhere and at any time. By
using this system students can save a lot of time and effort. The student can easily get the
information from anywhere.
Objectives :

Developing a comprehensive college sports management system aimed at enhancing administrative

efficiency, athlete performance tracking, resource allocation optimization, and fostering a cohesive
environment for athletes, coaches, and staff to thrive."

Data Collection :

 For a college sports management system, data collection is crucial for various aspects such
as athlete performance analysis, scheduling, resource allocation, and compliance tracking.
Here's a breakdown of some key data collection areas:
 Athlete Information: Collecting personal details, medical history, academic status, and
contact information for each athlete.
 Performance Metrics: Gathering data on athletic performance, including statistics from
games, training sessions, fitness tests, and health monitoring.
 Training Load and Recovery: Monitoring workload through tracking training intensity,
duration, and recovery metrics to prevent overtraining and injuries.
 Scheduling and Event Management: Collecting data on game schedules, practice sessions,
tournaments, and events to coordinate logistics and allocate resources efficiently.
 Facility and Equipment Usage: Recording usage patterns of sports facilities and equipment
to optimize scheduling and maintenance.




2. C#.NET



Processor : Pentium 4 or above Hard

disk : 80 GB

Ram : 512 MB SDRAM or above


1. ASP.NET :

ASP.NET Core is the new web framework from Microsoft. ASP.NET Core is the framework you want
to use for web development with .NET. At the end this tutorial, you will have everything you need to
start using ASP.NET Core and write an application that can create, edit, and view data from a

Key Features:

 ASP.NET Web Forms

 Event-Driven Model: Similar to desktop application development, making it easier for

developers familiar with Windows Forms.

 Rich Controls: A wide range of server controls for rapid development of web applications.

 Separation of Concerns: Divides an application into three interconnected components: Model,

View, and Controller, promoting organized and maintainable code.

 Testability: Facilitates unit testing and test-driven development (TDD).

 RESTful Services: Designed for creating HTTP services that can be consumed by a broad
range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices.

 Usage in the Project:

 Enterprise Web Applications: Building scalable, secure, and feature-rich applications for businesses to
manage various processes such as customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource
planning (ERP), and project management.

 E-commerce Platforms: Developing online stores and digital marketplaces with features like product
catalogs, shopping carts, payment gateways, and order management systems.

 Content Management Systems (CMS): Creating dynamic websites and web portals for publishing and
managing content, blogs, news articles, and multimedia assets.

2. C#.NET :
C#.NET (C-Sharp .NET) is a powerful programming language and framework developed by
Microsoft. It is part of the larger .NET ecosystem and is designed for building a variety of
applications, including web, desktop, mobile, cloud, gaming, and IoT applications. C# is a
modern, object-oriented, and type-safe language, while .NET provides the runtime and libraries
that support application development and execution
Key Features :

 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): C# supports encapsulation, inheritance, and

polymorphism, which promote code reuse and design flexibility.

 Modern Language Constructs: Features like properties, events, delegates, lambda expressions,
LINQ (Language Integrated Query), and asynchronous programming with async and await.

 Memory Management: Automatic garbage collection, ensuring efficient memory management and
reducing the likelihood of memory leaks.

 Cross-Platform: With .NET Core and .NET 5/6/7, C# applications can run on Windows, macOS,
and Linux.

 Wide Range of Applications: Suitable for developing web applications (ASP.NET), desktop
applications (Windows Forms, WPF), mobile applications (Xamarin), gaming (Unity), and cloud
services (Azure).

Usage in the Project:

 Web Applications: Building dynamic, high-performance web applications with frameworks

like ASP.NET Core MVC and Razor Pages.

 Cloud Applications: Deploying scalable applications and services on Azure, leveraging

services like Azure Functions, Azure App Service, and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

 Microservices: Building microservices-based architectures using Docker and Kubernetes,

with C# providing the logic for individual services.

 Web Applications: Building dynamic, high-performance web applications with frameworks like
ASP.NET Core MVC and Razor Pages..

 Windows Forms: Creating rich client applications with a graphical user interface (GUI) for WD.
SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It
is designed to store, retrieve, and manage data for various applications, ranging from small
desktop applications to large-scale enterprise systems. SQL Server supports a wide range of
data operations and provides robust tools for data management, analysis, and business

Key Features:

 SQL (Structured Query Language): Uses SQL for querying and manipulating data, providing a
powerful and flexible way to interact with the database.

 Tables and Relationships: Data is organized into tables with rows and columns, supporting
complex relationships between different data entities.

 Auditing: Tracks database activities and changes for compliance and security purposes.

 SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT): An integrated environment for database development within
Visual Studio, supporting database design, development, and management task

Usage in the Project:

 Database Management: Storing and managing structured data for various enterprise
applications, including ERP systems, CRM systems, and financial applications.

 Data Warehousing: Consolidating and analyzing large volumes of data from disparate
sources to support decision-making processes.

 Data Integration: Integrating data from different systems and sources to provide a
unified view of the organization's data assets.

 Public Safety Systems: Storing and analyzing crime data, emergency response times,
and incident reports for law enforcement agencies.


1.HTML : HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language used to
create and structure content on the World Wide Web. It forms the backbone of web pages by
defining the structure and layout of elements such as text, images, links, forms, and multimedia .


Web Pages: Creating static or dynamic web pages for personal websites, blogs, business
websites, portfolios, and e-commerce sites.

Input Controls: Using form elements (<form>, <input>, <textarea>, <select>, <button>) to
collect user input, such as text, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown menus, and file uploads.

2. CSS (Cascading style sheets):CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet

language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or
XML, including colors, layouts, fonts, and animations.

Element Selectors: Target HTML elements directly (e.g., p, h1, div).

Class Selectors: Target elements with specific classes (e.g., .classname).

ID Selectors: Target elements with specific IDs (e.g., #idname).


JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language primarily used to

create interactive and dynamic content on web pages.

Interactivity: Enables the creation of interactive and responsive web applications

with features like form validation, user authentication, real-time updates, and
multimedia playback.

Enhanced User Experience: Improves user experience by providing dynamic

content, animations, and feedback based on user interactions.

Add sports
We can add new sports into the system so that we are able to retrieve it later during the registration
process. The sports added would be viewed during the creation of a new intra- college or university

Add scoreboard
We add scores board so that the students can view it and the results of each match are announced
here so that there will be only one platform for the results. This would reduce the chaos during the
score announcement.

Add Tournament
Each tournament from a intra-college or a university can be added here. It later would help in the
registration of any sports in that tournament. While adding a new tournament the system would
show the set of sports that are entered into the system by the director of the sports so only those
sports can be included into the tournament while creation.

Remove sports
This module will help in the removal any sports that the sports director thinks is not needed in the
system. The removed sports would be not be shown anywhere in the system that includes during the
addition of a new tournament .
Edit scoreboard
The added scoreboards would be updated here. This module helps in the updating of the scores in
the scoreboard. Only the scoreboard which are added using the add scoreboard module would be
present here and only these scoreboards can be updated. We won’t be able to add a new scoreboard
Remove players
This module would remove each players after each round of the tournament. So that only the existing
player will be present and the one that are not qualified for the next round would be removed using
this module. This would give a clear picture of the qualified players. As well as the player form the
college team I can also be removed.

Remove Tournament
After each tournament in the college or a university we should remove it, so that there won’t be any
confusion between different tournaments which is going to be held later on. This module would help
in removing all the details of the deleted tournament.

Registration Individual
This module would help in registration of individual sports events held in the tournament. We
selected the tournament which we want to be part of and the sports which we want to participate in
and the player would add his name and the required details asked in the registration form. After all
these process then we can click on the submit button and the student has registration for the
tournament that they wish to participate.
Registration Group
This module would help in registration of group sports events held in the tournament. We selected
the tournament which we want to be part of and the sports which we want to participate in and the
set of players name would be added and the other required details asked in the registration form.
After all these process then we can click on the submit button and the student has registration for the
tournament that they wish to participate.

This module would help in the online payment. So that the students wouldn’t have to stand in the
queue or have a hard cash in hand in order to do any payment to the sports department. By using this
module we are reducing a lot of paper work and we are giving the students the liberty of doing the
payment from wherever

1. Web Applications: ASP.NET is primarily used for building dynamic and interactive web
applications. These can range from small websites to large-scale enterprise applications.

2. E-commerce Platforms: ASP.NET is employed to create robust e-commerce platforms with

features like product catalogs, shopping carts, payment processing, and order management.

3. Mobile Applications: C#.NET is used with frameworks like Xamarin to create cross-platform
mobile applications for iOS, Android, and Windows devices.

4. Game Development: C#.NET is employed in game development with frameworks like Unity,
enabling the creation of 2D and 3D games for various platforms.

5. Web Services and APIs: C#.NET is utilized to build web services and APIs for enabling
communication between different systems, applications, and devices.

6. Data Warehousing: SQL Server is used for building and managing data warehouses to
consolidate and analyze large volumes of data from multiple sources for reporting and analysis purposes.

7. Web Applications: SQL Server is integrated with ASP.NET to provide data storage and
management capabilities for web applications, including user authentication, session management, and
data-driven content.

8. Database Management: SQL Server is used as a relational database management system

(RDBMS) for storing, retrieving, and managing structured data in various applications.


This flowchart represents the process flow for a system that distinguishes between Admin
and Player user types, providing different functionalities for each. The flowchart details the
various steps from logging in to accessing specific features based on the user type.

Steps in the Flowchart:

Start : The process begins here.

Login : The user is prompted to log in to the system.

User Type Decision : After logging in, the system determines whether the user is an Admin
or Admin Path:

Admin Dashboard: Admins are directed to their dashboard where they can
manage various aspects of the system.

Manage Teams: From the Admin Dashboard, Admins can navigate to the Manage
Teams section to handle team-related tasks.

View Team Data: Admins can view detailed information about teams.

Team Details: Admins can add or edit team information in this section.

Player Path:

Player Dashboard: Players are directed to their dashboard where they can view
their schedule and other related information.

View Schedule: From the Player Dashboard, players can view the schedule of

Common Action Decision:

Both Admins and Players can perform certain actions that intersect. This decision
point determines what specific action they want to take.

Add/Edit Team: Admins can choose to add or edit a team.

Schedule Game: Admins can schedule a new game.

Game Schedule:Once a game is scheduled,the details of the game schedule are available
for .






The architectural diagram of the system with the users and the relation of them to the
system, along with the connection of the webserver and the database.


1.Efficient Management

 Streamlined Operations: Centralizes and automates various administrative tasks

such as scheduling practices, managing game schedules, handling player

registrations, and coordinating travel arrangements.

 Resource Optimization: Helps allocate resources effectively by managing facilities,

equipment, and personnel efficiently based on demand and availability.

2. Improved Communication

 Enhanced Collaboration: Facilitates communication between coaches, athletes,

staff, and stakeholders through centralized messaging systems, announcements,

and notifications.

 Real-Time Updates: Provides instant updates on schedule changes, game results,

team announcements, and important news, keeping everyone informed and


3. Player Development

 Performance Tracking: Allows coaches to track individual and team performance

metrics, including statistics, fitness levels, and training progress, to identify areas

for improvement.

 Data Analysis: Enables coaches to analyze game footage, statistics, and scouting

reports to develop strategies, assess player development, and make data-driven


4. Compliance and Reporting

 Regulatory Compliance: Helps ensure compliance with league rules, regulations,

and eligibility requirements by automating eligibility checks, academic

monitoring, and reporting processes.

 Financial Management: Manages budgets, expenses, and fundraising activities

while ensuring transparency, accountability, and compliance with financial


5. Fan Engagement

 Fan Experience: Enhances the fan experience through online ticketing, live

streaming of games, interactive fan zones, and social media integration, increasing

fan engagement and loyalty.

 Marketing Opportunities: Provides opportunities for branding, sponsorship, and

marketing initiatives through promotional events, merchandise sales, and

advertising campaigns.

6. Data Analytics and Insights

 Performance Analysis: Utilizes data analytics tools to analyze player performance,

opponent strategies, and game trends, enabling coaches to make informed

decisions and adjustments.

 Trend Identification: Identifies patterns, trends, and insights from historical data to

optimize training programs, recruit new talent, and develop competitive strategies.

 7. Alumni Relations

 Alumni Engagement: Strengthens alumni relations by keeping former athletes

connected through alumni networks, events, newsletters, and fundraising


 Career Development: Provides career resources, mentorship opportunities, and

networking platforms to support alumni transitioning to post-collegiate life and

professional careers.

 8. Scalability and Flexibility

 Scalable Architecture: Adapts to the evolving needs of the college sports program,

supporting growth, expansion, and changes in organizational structure, teams, and


 Customization: Offers customization options to tailor the system to specific

requirements, preferences, and workflows of different sports programs, leagues,

and conferences.


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<asp:Button ID="B2" class="btn btn-block btn-info" runat="server"
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<asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" />

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<h4 class="text-center card-title">SPORTS</h4>
<p class="text-center">Sport event Adding and removing</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<asp:Button ID="sporteventbutton" class="btn btn-block bg-secondary" runat="server"
Text="SPORT" OnClick="sporteventbutton_Click" />

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<h4 class="text-center card-title">TOURNAMENT</h4>
<p class="text-center">Tournament should be authorized by the college and respective
sport event should be added.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<asp:Button ID="Button2" class="btn btn-block bg-secondary" runat="server"
Text="TOURANMENT" OnClick="Button2_Click" />

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<h4 class="text-center card-title">SCOREBOARD</h4>
<p class="text-center">Scoreboard will be specific to an tournaments sport event, it
displays tally of each player.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<asp:Button ID="Button3" class="btn btn-block bg-secondary" runat="server"
Text="SCOREBOARD" OnClick="Button3_Click" />
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<div class="card-body card-text">

<h4 class="text-center card-title">SPORT TEAM</h4>
<p class="text-center">PLAYERS FOR COLLEGE TEAM.</p>
<div class="card-footer">
<asp:Button ID="Button7" class="btn btn-block bg-secondary" runat="server"
Text="SPORT TEAM" OnClick="Button7_Click" />
<div class="card bg-warning">

<img src="images/pc02.jpg" class="card-img-top" style="width: 100%" alt="" />

<div class="card-body card-text">

<h4 class="text-center card-title">REMOVE PLAYER</h4>
<p class="text-center">Remove a player from particular sport event in a
<div class="card-footer">
<asp:Button ID="Button5" class="btn btn-block bg-secondary" runat="server"
Text="REMOVE PLAYER" OnClick="Button5_Click" />

<br />

<br />
<!-- Footer -->
<footer id="footer" class="container-fluid " style="height: 5%;">

<p class="text-center bg-transparent text-white">&copy; SPORT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.

Design: Daniel & Joel.</p>



<?xml version="1.0"?>
For more information on how to configure your ASP.NET application, please visit
<add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=NIKHILS\SQLEXPRESS;
Database=SportsManagement; Integrated Security=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient; "/>
For a description of web.config changes see

The following attributes can be set on the <httpRuntime> tag.

<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.8" />
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.8"/>
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.6.1"/>
<compiler language="c#;cs;csharp" extension=".cs"
Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:default
<compiler language="vb;vbs;visualbasic;vbscript" extension=".vb"
Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:default
/nowarn:41008 /define:_MYTYPE=\&quot;Web\&quot; /optionInfer+"/>

Course table

Group sports details

Groups sports student list

Payment table

Scoreboard table

Sports team table :

Sports table


Creating tournament table












16. . OUTPUT


Sports team :

Adding new tournament :

Adding new sport :

Removing a sport:

Index page for registration :

Registration form for group event:

Admin login :

Index page :

Admin home page :


Information Technology today is making incredible impact on our lives. Sports is a part of the curriculum
in college. Hence it’s time for the sports department and its activities to be automated and go online as it
will be beneficiary for everyone who is associated with sports in college. The “College Sports
Management System using, ” project will assist the sports department of the college and
would help the students in saving a lot of time in searching for games being conducted in the college. Our
project provides students to get register from anywhere and anytime. It helps the administrative by
streamlining the current intra-college sports event administrative practices. Specifically. It will allow the
administrators to configure a set of Tournaments into the system and simply record the results of those
contests so that administrators and the public can track the teams during the course of tournament..NET
Framework makes the application robust, secure and reliable. This system provides better scalability and
open to more enhancements. More level of abstraction can be implemented at front-end and back-end,
thereby making the system easily adaptable to any changes in the environment.The software which
developed was implemented and tested with real data and was found to be error free. Also, it is found that
the system works successfully. The user has to provide their personal detail to buy a package. All the
necessary validations are carried out in this project, so that the company can make use of this software and
necessary messages makes them conscious of the error they have made. Henceforth, valuable reports have
been generated for this organization



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