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Diploma in EEE/ IV Semester

Continuous Assessment Test-1
Time : 2 Hrs Max.Marks:50
PART-A ( 5 x 3= 15 Marks)
1. Calculate the pitch factor for a winding whose coil span is 150 o.
2. What are the reasons for change in terminal voltage of an alternator?
3. Write the relationship between frequency, speed and number of poles of an alternator.
4. What is synchronous impedance ?
5. What are the conditions to be fulfilled for parallel operation of alternators?
PART-B{ ( 2 x 14=28 Marks) + (1 x7=7 Marks)}
6.a) Explain the stator and rotor constructional details of Salient Pole alternator and Cylindrical
Rotor alternator
b) Derive an expression for EMF of alternator by taking in to account the effect of
pitch factor and distribution factor
7. a) Explain the effect of armature reaction of alternators for various power factor loads
b) With schematic diagram explain briefly the synchronizing of alternator by dark lamp
method and synchroscope method

8.Explain how the regulation of alternator is determined by conducting direct load test?


Diploma in EEE/ IV Semester
Continuous Assessment Test-1
Time : 2 Hrs Max.Marks:50
PART-A ( 5 x 3= 15 Marks)
1. Calculate the pitch factor for a winding whose coil span is 150 o.
2. What are the reasons for change in terminal voltage of an alternator?
3. Write the relationship between frequency, speed and number of poles of an alternator.
4. What is synchronous impedance ?
5. What are the conditions to be fulfilled for parallel operation of alternators?
PART-B{ ( 2 x 14=28 Marks) + (1 x7=7 Marks)}
6.a) Explain the stator and rotor constructional details of Salient Pole alternator and Cylindrical
Rotor alternator
b) Derive an expression for EMF of alternator by taking in to account the effect of
pitch factor and distribution factor
7. a) Explain the effect of armature reaction of alternators for various power factor loads
b) With schematic diagram explain briefly the synchronizing of alternator by dark lamp
method and synchroscope method

8.Explain how the regulation of alternator is determined by conducting direct load test?
Diploma in EEE/ IV Semester
Continuous Assessment Test-2
Time : 2 Hrs Max.Marks:50
PART-A ( 5 x 3= 15 Marks)
1. Which type of starters are used for Squirrel cage & Slip ring induction motors?
2. Derive the relation between slip and slip frequency.
3. A 3-phase 4 pole induction motor is connected with a 440 V 50 Hz ac supply. Find the speed of
the motor when slip is 3%.
4. What is meant by cogging and crawling in induction motor ?
5. What is Torque in synchronous watts of three Phase induction motor ?
PART-B{ ( 2 x 14=28 Marks) + (1 x7=7 Marks)}
6.a) Explain the stator and rotor constructional details of Squirrel cage induction motor.
b) (i) Draw the slip torque characteristics of three phase induction motor and explain about
stable & unstable regions of operation
(ii) Derive the relationship between starting Torque and Full load torque.
7.a)Draw the diagram of (i) Star-Delta Starter (ii) Autotransformer Starter & explain their
b) Explain the principle of operation of three phase induction motor.

8. Develop the phasor diagram of three phase induction motor from the fundamentals.


Diploma in EEE/ IV Semester
Continuous Assessment Test-2
Time : 2 Hrs Max.Marks:50
PART-A ( 5 x 3= 15 Marks)
1. Which type of starters are used for Squirrel cage & Slip ring induction motors?
2. Derive the relation between slip and slip frequency.
3. A 3-phase 4 pole induction motor is connected with a 440 V 50 Hz ac supply. Find the speed of
the motor when slip is 3%.
4. What is meant by cogging and crawling in induction motor ?
5. What is Torque in synchronous watts of three Phase induction motor ?
PART-B{ ( 2 x 14=28 Marks) + (1 x7=7 Marks)}
6.a) Explain the stator and rotor constructional details of Squirrel cage induction motor.
b) (i) Draw the slip torque characteristics of three phase induction motor and explain about
stable & unstable regions of operation
(ii) Derive the relationship between starting Torque and Full load torque.
7.a)Draw the diagram of (i) Star-Delta Starter (ii) Autotransformer Starter & explain their
b) Explain the principle of operation of three phase induction motor.

8. Develop the phasor diagram of three phase induction motor from the fundamentals.
Diploma in EEE/ IV Semester
Model Examination
Time : 3 Hrs Max.Marks:100
PART-A ( 10 x 3= 30 Marks)
1. What are the requirements of an alternator?
2. State the advantages of rotating field system in alternators.
3. What is meant by alternator on infinite bus bar?
4. What are the conditions to be satisfied for parallel operation of alternators?
5. Compare Slip ring induction motor and squirrel cage induction motor
6. What is meant by Induction Generator?
7. What are V curves and inverted V curves of synchronous motor?
8. Define Hunting and how it is prevented?
9. State the need for different BIS codes for induction motors.
10. What is static balancing?

PART-B ( 5 x 14=70 Marks)

11.a) Explain the stator and rotor construction details of a salient pole and cylindrical
b) (i) Derive an expression to find the pitch factor and distribution factor.
(ii)In a 4 pole, 3 phase star connected alternator has 48 slots. The coil span is 150
degrees electrical. Determine the coil span factor and distribution factor.

12.a)(i) Explain the effect of armature reaction of alternators for various power factor loads.
(ii) Explain how regulation of alternator is determined by conducting load test.
b)(i) Explain OC and SC test on alternators. How voltage regulation of alternator is
predetermined by emf method?
(ii) Explain the load characteristics of an alternator for different load power factors.

13.a) Explain with neat diagram the construction and principle of operation of a 3-phase slip
ring induction motor.
b) (i) Explain any three speed control methods of 3-phase induction motor?
(ii) Derive the expression for relationship between starting torque and full load torque.
14. a) Explain the principle of operation of synchronous motor. Discuss the different methods
of starting synchronous motor.
b) Explain the construction, working principle, speed torque characteristics of capacitor
start capacitor run induction motor
15. a)(i) Discuss about the different types of enclosures of Induction motors.
(ii) Explain how single phasing is prevented in 3-phase induction motor by using current
operated relay with a neat circuit diagram
b)(i)Draw and explain the vacuum impregnation process of removing moisture from insulation.
(ii) Discuss the selection of starters for three phase induction motors
1. Which of the following elements of electrical engineering cannot be analyzed using
Ohm’s law?
a) Capacitors
b) Inductors
c) Transistors
d) Resistance
2. Which of the following will happen in a transformer when the number of secondary
turns is less than the number of primary turns?
a) The voltage gets stepped up
b The voltage gets stepped down
c) The power gets stepped up
d) The power gets stepped down
3. What is the total capacitance when three capacitors, C1, C2 and C3 are connected
in parallel?
a) C1/(C2+C3)
b) C1+C2+C3
c) C2/(C1+C3)
d) 1/C1+1/C2+1/C3
4. When capacitors are connected in parallel, the total capacitance is always __________
the individual capacitance values.
a) Greater than
b) Less than
c) Equal to
d) Cannot be determined
5. Three capacitors having a capacitance equal to 2F, 4F and 6F are connected in
parallel. Calculate the effective parallel.
a) 10F
b) 11F
c) 12F
d) 13F
6. Direction of induced emf is determined by __________
a) Fleming’s left hand rule
b) Fleming’s right hand rule
c) Faraday’s law
d) Right hand thumb rule
7. “The direction of an induced e.m.f. is always such that it tends to set up a current
opposing the motion or the change of flux responsible for inducing that e.m.f.”, this
is the statement for?
a) Fleming’s left hand rule
b) Fleming’s right hand rule
c) Faraday’s law
d) Lenz’s law
8. According to Fleming’s right hand rule, the thumb points towards?
a) Current
b) E.M.F.
c) Motion of the conductor
d) Magnetic flux
9. According to Fleming’s right hand rule, the index finger points towards?
a) Current
b) E.M.F.
c) Motion of the conductor
d) Magnetic flux
10. What does emf stand for?
a) Electronic magnetic force
b) Electromotive force
c) Electromagnetic force
d) Electromated force
11. Give the SI unit of self-inductance.
a) Farad
b) Ampere
c) Henry
d) Maxwell
12. Identify the factor which does not depend on the resistance of a conductor.
a) Nature of material
b) Area of cross-section
c) Length
d) Viscosity
13. Which one of the following is a safe place during lightning?
a) Under a tree
b) Under a light post
c) House with lightning arrester
d) High wall
14. How does a semiconductor behave at absolute zero?
a) Conductor
b) Insulator
c) Semiconductor
d) Protection device
15. What are the charge carriers in semiconductors?
a) Electrons and holes
b) Electrons
c) Holes
d) Charges
16. How are charge carriers produced in intrinsic semiconductors?
a) By pure atoms
b) By electrons
c) By impure atoms
d) By holes
17. What type of material is obtained when an intrinsic semiconductor is doped with
pentavalent impurity?
a) N-type semiconductor
b) Extrinsic semiconductor
c) P-type semiconductor
d) Insulator
18. What type of material is obtained when an intrinsic semiconductor is doped with
trivalent impurity?
a) Extrinsic semiconductor
b) Insulator
c) N-type semiconductor
d) P-type semiconductor
19. Which of the following can be used to create a P-Type Semiconductor?
a) P
b) Sb
c) Ga
d) As
20. Which one of the following is not an intrinsic semiconductor?
a) Carbon
b) Silicon
c) Germanium
d) Lead
21. In which of the following semiconductor, the concentration of the holes and
electrons is equal?
a) Intrinsic
b) Extrinsic
c) Compound
d) Elemental
22. In series connection of resistors, what happens to the current across each resistor?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remain the same
d) Initially increases and then decreases
23. What is the equivalent resistance of series combination of 3 resistors?
a) Rs = R1 + R2 + R3
b) Rs = 1(R1+R2+R3)
c) Rs = 1R1+1R2+1R3
d) Rs = (R1+R2)R3
24. Pick out the correct statement from the following about parallel combination of
a) The current across the resistors are the same
b) The resistance offered by all resistors are the same
c) The potential difference is same across each resistor
d) The equivalent overall resistance is larger than the largest resistor
25.Switch is always installed in
(a) Phase wire
(b) Earth wire
(c) Neutral wire
(d) Any of above

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