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Electron Microscopy - 2

MSE 954
Advanced Characterization
Electron Optics
Transmission Electron Microscope
Optical instrument – because it uses a lens
to form an image

Scanning Electron Microscope

Not an optical instrument (no image
forming lens) – but uses electron optics.
Probe forming-Signal detecting device.
Electron Optics

Refraction, or
bending of a beam of
illumination is
caused when the
wavelength enters a
medium of a
different optical
Electron Optics

In light optics this is accomplished when a

wavelength of light moves from air into glass
In EM there is only a vacuum with an optical
density of 1.0 whereas glass is much higher
Electron Optics

In electron optics the beam cannot enter a

conventional lens of a different optical density.
Instead a “force” must be applied that has the
same effect of causing the beam of illumination
to bend.

Electromagnetic Force or Electrostatic Force

Classical optics: The refractive index changes
abruptly at a surface and is constant between the
surfaces. The refraction of light at surfaces separating
media of different refractive indices makes it possible
to construct imaging lenses. Glass surfaces can be shaped.

Electron optics: Here, changes in the refractive

index are gradual so rays are continuous curves rather
than broken straight lines.
Refraction of electrons must be accomplished by fields in
space around charged electrodes or solenoids, and these
fields can assume only certain distributions consistent
with field theory.
Electron Optics
Action of a magnetic field on an e- is
described by the right-hand rule
– Where the thumb, first and second
fingers are used to represent the
terms in a vector cross-product

– Force F due to magnetic field B which

F = −e(v × B)
an electron of charge –e experiences
when traveling with a velocity v

– Magnitude of the force

F = −evB sin θ
Electromagnetic Lens

Passing a current through a single coil of

wire will produce a strong magnetic field
in the center of the coil
Electromagnetic Lens
Electromagnetic Lens

Pole Pieces of iron

Concentrate lines of
Magnetic force
Electron Optics
A magnetic lens consists of a coil of
copper wires inside the iron pole pieces.
A current through the coils creates a
magnetic field (symbolized by red lines)
in the bore of the pole pieces.
The rotationally symmetric magnetic field
is inhomogeneous in such a way that it is
weak in the center of the gap and
becomes stronger close to the bore.
Electrons close to the center are less
strongly deflected than those passing the
lens far from the axis.
The overall effect is that a beam of
parallel electrons is focused into a spot
(so-called cross-over).
Electron Optics

The focusing effect of a magnetic lens therefore

increases with the magnetic field B,
– which can be controlled via the current flowing
through the coils.
– As it is described by the vector product, the
resulting force F is perpendicular to v and B. This
leads to a helical trajectory of the electrons and to
the magnetic rotation (image is rotated in respect
of the object).
Electromagnetic Lens
The two force
vectors, one in the
direction of the
electron trajectory
and the other
perpendicular to
it, causes the
electrons to move
through the magnetic
field in a helical
Electron Optics
Important parameters
describing the electron
trajectories within lenses
– Focal length of a lens
– Angular rotation of the
image with respect to the
Converging (positive) lens: bends rays toward the
axis. It has a positive focal length. Forms a real
inverted image of an object placed to the left of the
first focal point and an erect virtual image of an
object placed between the first focal point and the
Diverging (negative) lens: bends the light rays
away from the axis. It has a negative focal length.
An object placed anywhere to the left of a diverging
lens results in an erect virtual image. It is not
possible to construct a negative magnetic lens
although negative electrostatic lenses can be made

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