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Listening task

Albert Einstein`s life as a Jew

Listen to the Podcast and tick the right answers in the questions 1-8:

1) What was the main topic of the previous podcast episode?

Charles Dicken`s unknown career as a factory worker
Isaac Newton`s unknown membership in a secret society
Leonardo Da Vinci`s methods to encrypt texts

2) Albert Einstein was born in Munich.


3) The only person in his family who was a practicing Jew was…
…his grandfather.
…his dad.
…his uncle.

4) What is the goal of the Zionist movement?

Creating and securing a Jewish state in Palestine
Suppressing Jews in the Arabic territory
Preventing Muslims from spreading their religion in the world

5) What was Einstein`s main reason why he declined the offer to become president of Israel?
Einstein favoured science over politics
Einstein didn`t share his opinions with the leading political party
Einstein did not feel capable of leading a country

6) Why did Phillip Lenard question Einstein`s most famous scientific work?
He found an evidence which refuted his theory of relativity
Lenard followed anti-semitic beliefs
Unlike his own work, Einstein`s theory was, according to him, not based on facts

7) Which side did he support in the Second World War?

The Allies
The Soviet Union
His country of origin: Germany

8) What was the main topic of the podcast episode?

Einstein`s life as a Jew
Einstein`s great inventions and his intelligence
Einstein`s relationship to his family

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