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Teacher Azizbek

School Uzbek elementary school

Class EFL Reading

Level Beginner English

No. of Ss 15

Time 55 minutes

Date 26/4/2024

Lesson No. 5

Topic Future Simple tense and favorite animal

Summary Ss will get to know basic usage of Future Simple tense, to understand
this tense Ss are provided with short texts, photos using gallery walk
activity and doing jigsaw

*RPK Ss should have an idea about present and past tenses as well as the
difference between them from the previous lesson.

*SWBAT Ss should know how to use Will and Shall with personal pronouns and
to use with verbs.

Materials Board, pencils, photos of different animals, short text about some
animals, markers, flashcards, projector, PPT presentation about the
topic, some exercises for homework.

Homework Worksheets are handed out to students for future simple tense.

Materials/ Time Summary


Warm up X 5m T asks some questions from Ss on previous

class. T talks about his favorite animal then
asks from Ss about their favorite animals.

M explanation photos 15 m T explains how future simple tense is formed,

a s of Future and how will and shall auxiliary verbs are used
Simple worksheet correctly. T asks simple questions about their
tense(Introd s, white
uction to board interested future jobs.
l Future
e flashcards. 1. T begins explaining future simple tense,
writing some future events or activity on the
s tense)
white board. For example: "Tomorrow I shall
play football" "Next week, she will come."
2. T hands out flashcards to every students, on
which students should write a verb.
3. T asks each student make up a sentence
using the verb on their flashcards.
4. Students read their sentences aloud then
exchange their sentences to repeat and learn
5. Motivate students to recall learned things
and predict what will happen next day.
6. As students have learned what the future
simple tense let students give questions about
their future actions “what will you do

-T provides every student with short text

about animals
10 m
(Jigsaw -Ss read and discuss with each other.
facts -Tell about their favorite pets
-share their opinions on what pet they want to
Practice animals,Pi
see in their future
ctures of
animals(p T shows some pictures in the following ways
-T shows photos of pets to the Ss before
starting the class.
10 m
(Galler -Divide the class into small groups.
y walk
-one of the Ss tries to describe the pet without
showing the photo of the pet
-The other Ss try to guess which pet is being

Use 5m Once the all activities finished the Ss are asked

to try to find the sentences which are in the
future tense then Ss should try to turn past
sentences into future simple tense.

Wrap-up 5m Ss are given a worksheet (see attached).

T goes around and checks Ss’ work.

Conclusion 5m Ss review key phrases: will, shall, time

expressions, will and shall be .

T checks attendance

T dismisses class.

T’s reflections In my elementary English class at Uzbekistan Elementary

School, I aimed to simplify the lesson content to teach about the
future simple tense and some pets(animals). Incorporating activities
like Jigsaw and Gallery Walk into my lesson plan, I aimed to facilitate
an easier learning experience in English. Additionally, I hoped that
using these activities sequentially would help reduce students'
emotional barriers to learning.
I like to begin with a warm-up discussion focusing on favorite
pets, where both the teacher and students share their own stories on
pets. Following this, I prefer to transition to the topic of how to use
the tense and its usage. In my view, it's essential for students to grasp
these concepts before delving into the tense, as they form the
foundation for constructing future simple sentences. That's why I
included a prerequisite knowledge (RPK) stating that students should
be familiar with present and past tenses from the previous lesson. I
believe that students can use all three tenses in their own sentences.

I began the central part of my lesson by introducing the future

simple tense, setting aside 15 minutes for this portion. To clarify the
concept of future tense, I utilized visuals such as illustrations, charts,
and worksheets, flashcards specifically designed for future simple
tense usage. From my perspective, employing visual aids like
illustrations, charts, or tables is a compelling and effective teaching
approach, as it grabs students' interest. Moreover, integrating games
or interactive activities can further improve comprehension. During
this phase, I integrated a "find the described pet" game to strengthen
understanding of the lesson material.
In the practical stage of my lesson, I tried to make students
busy with a gallery walk the Jigsaw activity. In the Jigsaw activity, I put
students into groups, each group is provided with a photo and a brief
description of some pets, I ensured that every student
comprehended the information through individual reading and group
discussion. Subsequently, students rotated to new groups where they
shared and exchanged their knowledge about the experience having
The Ss did the Gallery Walk. Teacher regroups the Ss based on
their favorite pets. Then they come to the blackboard and draw the
picture of that animal.
While having Gallery Walk Ss talk about their favorite animals
and interesting events they had with their pets. Afterwards they try
to describe their pets.

In the concluding parts of my lesson, students review essential

phrases such as "will," "shall," "time phrases," etc. I assign homework
focused on the past tense and take attendance.
Pictures and illustrations to explain Future tense
Example pictures for Gallery Walk
Some facts about pets to do Jigsaw activity
worksheet for homework

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