Acs Module 5

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__ phase brajctoninn fos nonfiuar ystems cand - y+ uatth table nonlinsasitian — Aingular pants — clamipicolion aj, alagules, pants — Vimit v | G& = damping Aatto von a Adlual peqenes % ereillobion [Let ; my = Ot oq ome = Ae 4 dy =e ae. eqn CD becerre® | ecg + BE, L9n 22 puso =O —7 (= i The atate oqpalions ©} the pyle css. Sq = Xa kg = — AE Une — L908 | Fea Mincax pystems dhe stale. equalions ase. Le dl © fost ord Mreas. cdijjoantiol equations cand. Aebitions of Arle, equations sean A cavity cblaincd. Ly ran) LOW + “oe Buk fer nonlinear Aystem 5 the stale. equations ware wasnt of five order nonlinear cdiffprential eqpialions cand seluirg He nonlinear cbffrential eqprations will not wan cary task. «flenee for the nembincar Ayptorns ths. frrere plane metiod ef vanalysis twill bee tagul tool - ic © The vecokinalt. lane. sth. te tale Varios cy ard o@ sap foe vanes is ecalled phone bla (ies in pre pienemanists Seprencnliil in 2 cccin vand xa in : a Yasui e The wuewe dencsitbing the ntale point: Cxi5%9) fee iene iMte Ay is vealid. prom ajectony . (1+) the Sears of plate point Gr Xa) a » Ge. @ in > oPa es ire bb ceauled. pe bajeclous) . / A rajectony van, & vomabusclad in Johar plane fos cach ool: ef jillal. condibiras + Hence “La. fos Uasatie wean. & wonsbueltd Jor a rystam in vo phone plana said puch vox far € bajechoin in walled. 2 ano phone: The phase drajectonien Of ca accord olor pupten Je avnoun feloo with initial endifiene o4(0- a 29 t @ oy A wuld mi 049 Yohewn below . oa prtable Limit eT ste oy Cop eau varalysis ef nenlinect ryptens using phase. tuiectosia + fox Since time invariant pyslems , the concept of Alavilily con & edepired cas _fellecun 1) Wen. the inpat in Que » the Aystam inital conditions if the Asaulting Lrejeet the equilib Plate + Bacher the aystm te eceeltad by van Bounded snpul » Be Ayton is arable. "Y the system eulpak bs hounded. The Linear vautondmens pyystens haw only ene. eqilibairs tates « The Bhaviows oy Line Arypilern. cabeuk Ua cqpilibsiun pinte reomyatetely delismirod te eqpalitabive behauiowr in. the entire state pace - | ie ntable for abdany tony.” end hovoards . 2] © on Ta nonlinear rystern , thes ‘4 gpm plat... The iste dh Pe toed gto * tabeut the eqptlibrirs peink mays fe diffronk a neal rclevietions cand Large cdeviations vabout the eqpsilibmium point. a acatiness, pysterns LoiBe multiple eqpitibbsusro tate » Lhe pee brajectoutan may move cau one eapiilidassia Ipeint ind fend to otha wae ine P © Hence in enka nye ) dtability dincumed gelodive bo de eqpilibion latate. cand he. gal piabilly ef .a syle conn mors pyle edleoertbed by Lhe state. ecpration = FOO: Lak up canaume the. pystern Ihao ene. equitbauur point cand te ogio of dhe pare ip the equilllbsiue pein: for thin oyster. rte pollades cdapiaitions ¢ plebility Lo8e papert 1) The vautonemenr Aystem deed &y equation =FOD i platle cab the. origin , if for ey initial x66) ‘ch is eelone to onigto , XCD Semaine reass the ongio {) The caucionenors Ayplem cdofined by the equation %-FGO in caoyaptetically siable Y XC -afpimchas te ov vas E729: Ti) The coutenemous ayptern. elefined 16) tha equation X=F00 je vanyeptotically stable 20 the large if ib ie conyep- “Hically Alable: fps eve nial alate segeudlan of foo Aan on Jos ik from dhe onign- Constuctinn ef), phone, lipjediomin There care. tuso metloels be: Aha eor’bauckion Ns phare Lraipetoen : Tray vain | () Analytical Wethod. J | [i sophizal, Postal are cone (a) Trecléne Tethed Jor data explanchig (8) Bella Methocl. Roblemns ©) Retomine the Kind ef ningulasity Jot cach of the follnoig | diffeuntial equation : a é % b | (a) §+ 29 +84 <0 (BH) Y-e4 4+4y = sn ® §+a4+ays0 a + ad + Y= ° The. cchasmetristtes equabion is egiven Gy , SysastQco de, (eta) (st) =° *. gal -Q * the pects of the rystem care. cclostine , Leal Land cegptive , tha hype o% suguelas peink we Abable medal, pout SSS Ss SS fe Y- sy try 234 | §- 8h try-s4 = 0 dy ge dy yiy-34u-0 te =e AVY = _dt_(y-D esl UO +4D-o ae? ole | 1+ The echeractervatic. equation bb given. & 5 “6D 2s D+1ieD (s-us+u)- ssqi6 417s - 34 =O Siss-lu -0 (s+ (S- 2) =° Sines the roots care distin ,r2ab vand ene ir pesitive cand the ethos is aagptive » de Kind of pingular pet iy Aaddle pect : | | i 1 26S = 2 y-F | GQ) Consider ver aystere tattth can ideal relay vas phoun lea « | petermine dhe rrngular petat « Construct. phase Jnajectoes corsa fponeling ho (cM=2, E@)=1 (i) ceO=Q2 4 c= Fae. z= QVolis cand no= 1-2 Volks « | © “( Y= sy +My = 34 G- sh try-s4 =O Ay _ g dy -3U=0 Sr — Be tees _# ( &D+4UD-° ue8 ole © The cchavackeritiz. equation is giver 4, . @. Pe a(seD «1 (s-D (s-useu)-esql6 +178 -34 =° f S4ss-lu =0 (s+ (8-2) =e a Since the docs care cdistinet , real and one is peatve cand the ether Ls acgptive ) de Kind of alogulas poirt fy Anddle. peak - $$. Aatexmiina fhe Kind 7 . cqsations of Aingulasity for De jatleaic cit () Re su+ec +6 (i) G +34 -ey= 0 eee |Zelubion (i) R4sce +Em Hs ces +Ex-G Hie characteristic. eqptattnn be sP+sE5 Le(ed=e 2 pou 458-54 es-6 =° s-a e4as-to =o (s-NEND =o eats to Sines, La Kooks case distinct ypeal cand eno is postive cond dhe ober Ub agopihive y Abe dugulas point [ie peddle point 3 | fi) Seay roy =e ay 4 - 4 ag3. —\oy=0 @ “The vcharereloviatic. eqpsabion ib ugiven. by Syes-lo =0 ED)E-D=0 2 9,-5 Since ths lwo pools care cclintine » ral wand era ip pensive cand -lhe ethos Ld nesatiue y the pingules pont ib Lpaddte. point : _ ) - Fa ra, — om dividing — “ea (6)_by (we get Xe = ae fo = aXe = — | he aoa (BD sdetines the —alope—e}—pharse Teg) ecto vest —§ Love. point ins Bre —phane_plana Bae ae Oe Ce ane onan the. eee pomelgete adelouninc- —— — | fot, S = Slope wak. A “point in be phaae_plans— a. eqs) 29 _S = ve —= Es Cx X30 _-5ty) ' Ri Ox 9X2) Faby xe) = SAG xD —— fs) 8) = Shops col ca peint_en_phase— Hajectiony be ho. eqn (53 dofines the, Llecus ef call ouch pes in_the Phase plano wale whieh the alepe. of hare —hrajeckouy te St aA Hous —panateg through the. _poide ef_same__ ___ |atepa_to pheae_plane. in centled inactina . Tha. alee phosa trajectouy ak tho. wexonsing_ pot ef inockine sill ba _ tho. plope.@] ccoreopend feerching — joewling, Jok 3, Sa, ee be Tha lopes candecialad watt Anodnos 1,2), eke Loe,“ alenlSD ; () oq = & e FQ EWE 4 use =O x a Lg + AF WWn Ma FUSS I= eg = — SNP SE = REPLSOSER Vode = THT OBO =7 GD) The late eqpations CULE ay = a s — > (4) Sy = - Sq - Oo Bxa “opal woe ay =o “ie CD => % =O =() cape , - =) —oBTQa = sd (3G =O (OO == oy =0 SGD The Comdinates of Bingules points vane. (ai 22) (04 Silepe _ S= = daa _ ay 0 BK “4 oly = = 7 Cry 4+0-320) eq -S= 2H _ o3xQ ota = St + ( “ \yQ Lok us ccheore ‘Values ob S vas Hay Ayr ors 02 9509 fro. atepe cangle 1 veoluloled vas » haben (D> s -Q -l -OS ° os I 2 — oO ° > “68 | 4s | 2 ° 27 as | 6s a | ceaie] ela] apa] malea] oa ba] males | =a 1 Joe | I] bu fos) tas loa] oe t fart) baz] bogs R ] 1a fis} at P| Qs jas|-Qs| @ |-as {2 1s] 2 |-.%6 - i a hrcords the origin 5 Rance type so ‘ j PP fal ects saith ® : The slavidity op va rystern implies trol the Amal changes in Uke ystem Input (either “ue aysten poramelers ot “in “iridtiel wcondilions ey the system) de net eouatt in Large. schanges dn the Ayplen eulpuk . fos va given cconbel aystero , pinbulity is ene oy the. mest. irepostant chaactertattes to fe dalominad . Gordes canalyze the platsility 4 Linsax fume — damaxtant Dyslems ; mary Aba tsaliey voilexia y Duck vas Nygpilat Aistsbity lollenion Routh? lability coilaien ete care varlailable . Hewwees fes nonlinear Ayplems and Ninwoas bine Nana, puyptens , Duck phatbiliiy vetlesia clo net copply. ; ()D tolere se ja Be Atala, Vector (n-Vectod cand F (2ced) 2s tan 9-Veetor hese elamants vars functions OY Mis May- Loom cand E The pelulion ©} calove equation ib gir fy, (kj Xe) = ( cand tate cand & ib the braved Hane. thera 20 = Xe Thue, dle sxe.) = Xe ————» ® E “a To ue weonaidas va ninte Xe for Ayslere galt eqpclion X= FOGE) fr Amch va May thet Exe Deo fet wall E Ben this Xe i called equilib vim Aterte + TD the pyatere hs Macax dime inuastank , thet Jo Ib Flue = AN, en. Lae ecdiat only one equilibst cium plate Yo Ain nonaigulor icy /Al te pvand Enos. eocuak: ‘uniattely mans eqpe lasers ntoles if Ais alngelar in., aloo. Fox nonlinear Ayptens these may, be ene. ot mors ecpitlilostiarn pteiteo TY Xe(D io van doelated eqptiloxium state. (bet jp, jadated from. cache eth) ean fe ahifted to the ‘ crigit th, late pace je Fe: D=0 1 4s ca tranolelion op weoouinctin _ TA brin peetion tue casa selecting atthe piabibl, analyse © equilibsum rials cat the origin . @s) . o | © Staviliti edlefinibione xR fox nonkinra, pystems , thos may Le ene 0% more equilitaium plates . Thun in crease, of rembinwan Ayataiin te, phall edefine. the ayslen. pla tabity solotive bo the P patitaniam plate, actin Phan. wang ek genre Jus. Alabibty Of a pypkero . They vane, (i) Atoribity in the mene. ef hippuney . (i) Aayrnptotic Dlarbilily . (i Anypaphstie pladoibty — in - Phe, Lorge - Contiler var Apheteal region op dads Rl van eqptiiontcurn, ntate Xe acy [x-xel] =k theta (IX-%ell > cealled Euclidean norm cand in celefined cas \ [pee rtell — (Gera ea ead) Gen engy | fh for SC consol» of call pecnte Auch thot Io -%ell <5 vond SCE) reonrnts © va. points Auch Ure, Pee ire 5h SE fpr call bebe - ce tale xe ep the aystern Yeh Cyd roid to be ninble in Bu cana of Ayopunw he » corresponding to each SCE) be ib S(S) auch that [bajectonino Abatirg in 8(8) edo net Leave SCE) cao tims ee awe (bk Uicktand The seal quimbot 5 depends em. © cand , in get -al, Laloo tcepencla or bo » TS celows not tdapend on te, Lue eqeilibatum tata, in pcid do bo uunifonmny plable The ngion SCE) must fe roleded fore vond, HJon each SCED , Hore mot fle ca Segion (8) * Auch a oo) Brat the Dejectorios tasting titkin s(é) do ast Jecue Scan bine E Incssasas “Tindafinttaly . s(e) ~” ey Anuymptele Sitalsitity & dla. cqtlibatum site X= of the pystem is peld ko A caoyenptotically ateble ip kk is diable in the panne. ©) Jyppanoy rand ab evens polation Arteahing kth SCE ceonerges ; without dcaving SE) , to Xe rao E . wes Fncrrarer indefinitely * The. rangplouie tabulity i> more important Bron moro ptability . Bince Se ts va. becal cconcepe ) entobli -Ahirg vonymptolre ptabillty deomnet indicate. te Pope operation Of the Ayptem . Sema Knoteledge, of the rige Y | . | ws jane Raageot Aegon. oY canyrnplolia pkey ip wosuably [Acquined + This Jaguor. i» vealled domain of collsachion « SU ip tha past of the pote apace, in pohiich vanyrnyhe L Realty ptetote. Lrajectontes originale « ourtoticatly Dtable. in - tho. - Large. | © casumplatic ‘tabilly Reld> fox alt, sen (Ceci peers pinta, rprcn) prem which Iaajectonize originate. , the equilitbasure eee yp paid bo & canyeplolie Folly Atobls. in the Large. « That ts the equiltbium sainte xe og te Pyle Gs poi to be canympisticolly tele in the Las Hy Ht fs pterle and if, eveyy peluiioa converges 20 Xe ae E Inersescs and pirates L ft necenseosy condition Jot aymp -tehically Alable in the Large, ip brat thos fe enly one ecpaititoatiam plala in bhe. tohele, Alate apace - Tee ceontxel engunesairg prstlems , conynplobi probity in lasge jo Aequved In the’ cabaance, ©2 whieh, Dre. lesgpot region Of vasymplotically Dlability indo & idateaminad puhich bb reonmeally cdifeeuke « Practically 1 ik bp aujficiant be vgpk oe nejpon. 6] vasymplotic Btolabity dase. enaugh 4° Mek no dbistiwtbance vill ecceard it + Tarstability oe Jibsium Aine Ye in said to & pnrotalsle. , i} te» peme seal number. Ero vand vanyy 38ah number sro, no malta, st€) ef) thew nmol brea ib valioays va atete 5s) “| | |x= ta 8089 neh Brot the trajectory basting vak this [state Leven sCe>.” “4, ° ge ssa | Boma important definibians satich vere. susepal in undevslanding Lyppaney Alabiultty cucsitevion Lose udiseunred Lele. ' “Ropitive wdofinttanehs A realor function VCO in said to Be pesihive clefts iL wa poaticular Jepiore which Sneluces the CBigin 4 iste space. i, VEO +e fot all non-gx0 alles x In thot Liegien and ViD=o. Herp [VCD be x fo VO) = &v xP + axe Negative deltnttene A pealasr jes retlon VOO is neopdline, edopinite. ; i -VOD is postive deperete « 2 Br —xP- Cut+xd 2 - x)= (ax +8x2) | @ ot ¥ A pcalas fonction. VOD in Acid bo La pesstive Aonitdap nike. iy te i> pesttive wat vat call ptotes ni the posticulas Aegien eaceepk valk The ofigit cand vak ceotlain olhw. pbolor tuhare TE ib Boro + > (xy4xQ* Negative semidefinite. ‘A nealar fonction NOD in paid te be native pomidepinite. Et) =VOD ip peostive pamidafinita. ” a ae) By — (a eXd)* Trdolinitenes "A pealan junetion Voo 1s eid te indefinc lin Be pesca pager. ap ik vapsumes Got positive cand negetive \aluas Inreapective Row ~amell dhe Jagion. ds. & te Sey. THA +oce By sqocg (Aglesiats Theosan VOD vean te cdélenmined Ay aylwestere cxtexton S The. postive sdepinitianens oy ths equadtolic. for |tairich aloles nat , oo Noew.ADO344 Geri: Aulpiaint condition fee gd function VOD is peaitine dif bahese. VOO = xTeX cand coll Alcona paperet mins 4 | ’ aymmilate malice P op posutive « | Tp wo pealaa jurction VGO ip og the vqpadiabi. | yray Bron “ie ucan fe expasrdeck LOD , | | VOD = xT Px | Juha Xd ca. acal Vector Jeand Pip vo Beal ayrnmetaic relutoc | # By Ra «++ Bn) |% ian, VOD= XT PX =P a a] fia Ma Bole | per 2 | ba tha ote seg ‘from ths wquadsatte cpsotion Persataiae rear. fe datum Len Cody co og Goel UTED... ACoepp oun) Proatie ~[Yateelyeer) Galt ae seep (078) Vacant GeO) —Yacoayplen2S) = GP Ten; Py SO \n aI Pa Paa| 7° _ Py Pe Ps Poy Paa fa) >O fa, Psa Pas | Pu Pla... Pin | SS es oe “Pan So fo Ca woe fro ‘ Note :- (1) The melsine P tp positive - eda fsnute 4d wall eigen. Voluse ¢ Pras. postive . } | Ge melaice Phe positive. ~Aoridafinite. i} cory of De | pripal minsis e} Prose. geo. (fi) The metaine Pin negative a sdapinike. 5p the meituice (1) Jn positive dopinita. - | (i) The mnotaise © to nepotine —nemidifinita i) the omabnt CA in positive peoriidefinite - | (VE Cis pedtive —dofindte , sols Pend e, Prctlens ©) Petemine the Aign lepiniteners ey the qptacalic fos pe VOD = loxP Fareed? + oeS 4 areas — Rarer YAH YOO = Lom EN aEg LORS A ABARG— ASABE HORS - Che maine Pecan he. found Lab, Zoeypoa® Ya Ceelh (oa) Ya Goff 4% t= a cong 2D coed ——aloqorr's Ya coef, CD Yoeqp 272) Cool) 005° 10 1 -2 }.. P= Wy yo to 1-9) (5c LON ODs [F< Xa 3] 1 4 tl) | -2 -l | [on sobpafeg the aybventer’s Leorem te Pmetute . Pr alo so Pr Re lo | Pay Paarl | ya =39 >° Px Ae Ae lo 1 -9 Poy Poo Pas} Jy y= =-WWso | |@, fa fs ~2-1 1 Aince. yall the pucenaive ptineipal ovinons ef the moti Pros peiitive | Uk means thak Pis peaitive edgiule. « SENTeaety pasate definite.» ==> | Q) Brew that Ihe fellewing cqradsalie fowe ie positive idefinie VCD = SoeP HOP AUG + Berra, - Ususeg~ Aare _— VEO = ear ee? py seg? 4 Bong — 423% - Qora%Xs The. P malin is eblained by Coclt, 281” Yo Covell, 4282 'Jo Coeff, 4% Pm Nyy ey x08 Coe 2 Ya Coelt 60% | Yo, Corby 24 Yo Coey) ea Goel 23) ; a i Pos a 1 1 -) -a cl 4 “voD = x'Px @ 1 -8\aq = [1 on =e) 11 ct fle, -2 -14 [lowe ‘ore sappiyieg Sypiesta’s Deoren ey Here Aa Fs faa Coaf= |y 1 -t Ge fes| fa 4 Pu Ao 7 3) ee fay Poa . Pu Rat Re @ir-a = a0 +O AU the Auccossive principal minors C2 mailrie Late. pesttive oN @O ib positive cdapinite. GB) cheer whether the Joentieg pusction. ts positive clapnite on nek - VOD = Sx 4 Salt SHS LODY RQ + QoMaMy + Sorry Crtwen VOD = SHE SRF + SO Hos 7CQ + NoAQM™® +302GHT The P matric Lean. Ba formed van / | Cort, x? Yq Coe] cia Va Coop ert | jae Conlgeest Yo Coell, 2% | Coser Yon Goel, aa Coolh 25 | “es Ss a is os s lo Is 10 Ss Br. capphying Pylueaters Ahaonara , fy =S =o | h) ie Z| = 2 Par Pan ss Po Fa fis so ee Poy fea Peal = |e = 1° i far Poa 3 Is ee saince. ene. dhe parcipl minor o2 P-mebwa is geo, VOO0 ib nok pesitive cdlepinite — BD) letorcnine. yorethes the felleuting function is positive ind oa nek + Q- ot | IQmen, | @= a accgt 4 Bot 4 Baca, + ROMS = 4 OQ + Borg? + Roya F Bor - Fhe matric Prcan be formed van, | Q Coef, oer Ya eel), so Yo Coefhre, 3 P= Yaceohecacti Coeff, =e2 Ya Goof, a2 Va Cort, Ya, Conf a. Coelh, 0" \ it P= . | a ° lo 0 3 en. capping parses Frasers Py al ro | \Pu Pia , ‘lea eal=f, af 7h7® fx Ca As y 1 fe Par faa fale |) 2 o f= -“\V1 <0 | \fr Ma Pas| [le © % | | Bina. ona of dhe piney! mines o P malroe b nspgtive DNOD ib nek peative ide five « ——— ®) Tent the Bign edapinukenens ef de [etlewery eqpadtatie peolor porcion FOO: (cut teea® + cee accioca ~ Sora7RS— arg, (8) ace Boed*— Waas + Serica orate — ROHS | le “ C a 2 [OD ECO maa a tacs*4 Dey Aag ota - Gata sts ~ Asch, | The malic Prean be Jormid vas, | P= Cool, 20°? Yo, Coot 241 = Yo, Coerieea Ua Geeea>t Coe fea* Wa Clg eos Yoteftsia Ya. Cell, eae Coe a8s% 1 } -\ on. capplyieg pyveaters theorem Pu sl >So Cu Pa , 4 li Pe |= i |. See Pu fia Fin yo oo=-l far feo Paal - | 1 4 -3B |= “440 RB Ga Bal FI -3 ! Sire One oy, the prinaypol Minos 2 P metux is negative) VOD is net petitive, dopinike Eee Were = - oP ant 7 f FORD = PC Beta! — Moca) pe jog —Yacgary — nei [e Pu Pia |: a | | < Par Paal 2 -S Py Rai Ps 1, 2 4 far Poa Pas|= [2 -3 O | ~ AL >o fo. Poa Pas 4 o | o\aAlso wand the parcipel minors Chas Bown. postive and acoptive Values 4 VCXO is “undefirit (a, Ml) Von — oe : OD = lace a oe USC Dta + Gaga 4 Rag, | |The. Pmatrice ccan formed van Bhown Lele: ond Pe Coal, 088 Ya Codl mey=89 Va Coeeph 1%, Yo Coch, a> Corll, oa’ Yo coofh>9 23 Yo Coat 374 Ya Conf a2ca Coefh>s pie 8 3 Q 1 ’ 3 4 | on copplying ralvesters theorem | fre lo so JOn fia at Rx Poaf= |e 1) = 6 Fe Pu fia Pia lo @g 3 Fax Pan fogs | _ |Q2 1 i = "ro & Ba Re 34 4 op P madris Since, all Lhe. Auecerarve pstrcipal rricnoas ia pesitive ) VOD» postive dafinete — A AcceMPary vand pufpicant conden. in. order Hot ‘the cqpiadualic. foam XTPX whos Pis van nxn real, Pagrnensbrie, malrice le pesthive dafinite ‘ue thot the determinant of Ga pesitinve cand the Auecwrnive painepol rina of the cdotaminont P fe pesitive. des lel so Prso | Pa. Fin Pu Pa Pia Pu Pia -- -Pin | le ms ; |ParPaa Pas \>o |v faa + fan |>o | i) Pea fee Pox Pra pho — A necessary vand puj ficient veondition in oades Lhak the quadtolie Jom XTPX, whee Pis van oxn. deal. aymonatue roalaine fe. napptive refit in thek the datamnank % P fo. petitive Ae i exon cand noopitive. 4 Mw odd , cand the Puceeriise prineipol manots 2 exer order to fo postive. cand puceapsiae principal minors Q odd order te Le nagptive. je-y (Play, —eowbeen —>|pPl oo Nin odd —> [pl 0 Pu so Pu Pe log, Pu Pra Ais Par Par 2 Par Paa Pas | 4° fa, faa Pas ial | —7 A NecaNsc ny cand pul erande “apts du oills hot the cqptadalic foun xTex , whos Pin i va ‘i ical maleic. , fe. positive noeitdapinite, ib Bee ee i neo © he ningun i pine, cand te mere [pxinetpel rains OD ddixminant df P te. nennacptive . | in, |Pl=o Pu zo | jee Gia Pu Aa Fis Pr fia -- ab se | [Pay Pa Zo > |@n Pea Pao ze; fa a Be Pa Poa Pas fay Paa*** Pao | — A neemoy cand bubficane Ce ey | i APY, where Pls an ox trot tha equadsahic lon. a ayyenddaic, tmatvice ) Braga udeleamninant a, © Le ringuias be el =o sand voll the principal runes of ever. exter. Be rorcnaspive cand Ehose Par Pan Ps | AO Pa, Pan fea Pu Fa Ps Pu al =e e/ ” mo tap: ° Y ie apunous Second (Oethod | eine: Method, of Aropunces The sclieet: mathad 4 Appunoy i jn bored on Do Leoneeple e} enaagy vand dhe gelation 4 sto enorgs {asd ayplem, lability . Consider van vaulonomour plupicol, loystem wleaestved cae REED = CXC) | Lok vod & the total enorgy vopreciatad with the pyton Ge wiv Aveo fae in aggetive fox all x easel the e ina péink Xe , hers 3k follow thel rests ey te pyplem udectsaned cab LE lneseanes cane Wy dhe poyplere. wilh Reach. the eqplios suum. peut . Shs folds Lecauna enssgu, is nen Aaoptive fonction oy Duster date. which Reaches ca munimuem only y te paste, motion slep> + | Th vaprurel thes bw no efivious soa, ef defining an. eneagy ferction ark, vot ver. ack of, equations cdencatbiy ie Ayslers « The “idect thal @thex non- nagetive, Pcalen, puncte oy De pyle vean valso vanawer the qusction. 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