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1. Introduction

2. Language learning

3. Technology and English language learning

4. Mobile applications

5. Mobile applications and reading

6. Mobile applications and writing

7. Mobile applications and listening Body

8. Mobile applications and speaking

9. Conclusion

(The Second assignment)


Hussam Sami Hilal

Introduction Of Technology supported language learning

Enhancing English language skills


International journal of research in English education 3 (2), 115-125, 2018

The use of technology has become an important part of the learning process

in and out of the class. Every language class usually uses some form of

technology. Technology has been used to both help and improve language

learning. Technology enables teachers to adapt classroom activities, thus Stage one

enhancing the language learning process. Technology continues to grow

in importance as a tool to help teachers facilitate language learning for

their learners. This study focuses on the role of using new technologies

in learning English as a second/foreign language. It discussed different

attitudes which support English language learners to increase their

learning skills through using technologies

International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 5 (7), 118-131, 2016

Technology Assisted Language Learning (TALL) is an infallible means to develop profound knowledge

and wide range of language skills. It instills in EFL learners an illimitable passion for task-based and

skills oriented learning rather than rote memorization. New technological gadgets have commoditized

a broad-based learning and teaching avenues and brought the whole learning process to life. A vast

variety of authentic online-learning resources, motivational visual prompts, exciting videos, web-based

interactivity and customizable language software, email, discussion forums, Skype, Twitter, apps,

Internet mobiles, Facebook and YouTube have become obtrusive tools to enhance competence and Stage Two

performance in EFL teaching and learning realms. Technology can also provide various types of

scaffolding for students learning to read. Nevertheless, instructors can also enhance their pedagogical

effectiveness. However, the main focus of interest in this study is to ascertain to what extent the

modern technological devices augment learners’ competence and performance specifically in

vocabulary learning, grammatical accuracy and listening/speaking skills. The remarkable scores of

empirical surveys conducted in the present study reveal that TALL does assist learners to improve

listening/speaking skills, pronunciation, extensive vocabulary and grammatical accuracy. The findings

also manifest that the hybridity, instantaneity and super-diversity of digital learning lay far-reaching

impact on learners' motivation for learning and incredibly maneuver learners to immerse in

the whole learning process

International Journal of English Linguistics 7 (5), 95-106, 2017

Technologies have dramatically changed the way people gather information, carry out

research, and communicate with others worldwide. Technology has removed the distance

obstacles and has made it possible for higher education to effectively teach anyone Stage Three

. Technology integration is being increasingly used in instruction to improve teaching and

learning. This rapid development of technology integration has presented a better pattern

to find the new teaching models

Sustainability 12 (2), 524, 2020

In this study, we reviewed articles on technology-enhanced language learning and teaching.

We aimed to summarize the content of reviewed articles in the following categories: (1) the

number of articles published by journals and by year; (2) languages and skills; (3) technology

used; (4) promising technologies. We reviewed 398 research articles. The highest number of

articles was published in 2017 (n = 80), whereas the lowest number was published in 2014

(n = 53). The Computer Assisted Language Learning journal published the highest number

of articles (n = 100), whereas the lowest number of published articles appeared in IEEE Stage Four

Transactions on Learning Technologies (n = 3). The most common target language was

English (n = 267). Writing, speaking, and vocabulary gained the most attention in published

articles. Twenty-three different technologies were identified and they were used 406 times

. Based on our results, we made several implications and suggestions for future studies. This

review study can serve as a guide for teaching and research communities who plan on

designing language learning and teaching activities supported by technologies

Frontiers in psychology 11, 558466, 2021

This study investigated Chinese university students’ technology-assisted self-regulated learning

(SRL) strategies and whether the technology-based SRL strategies mediated the associations

between English language self-efficacy, English enjoyment, and learning outcomes. Data

were collected from 525 undergraduate students in mainland China through three Stage Five

self-report questionnaires and the performance on an English language proficiency test.

While students reported an overall moderate level of SRL strategies, they reported a high

level of technology-based vocabulary learning strategies

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