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OTSU and 10th Fl., Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan Bldg., 2-10-1,

HIKONE Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006

Tel. (03)3201-3331

Lake Biwa (琵琶湖): The largest lake in Japan, occupies 1/6 of Otsu (大津): The capital of Shiga Pref. with a population of
Shiga Pref. Lying 85.6 m above sea level, the lake has a circumfer- 331,000. Once Otsu was the capital of Japan for 5 years in the
ence of 235.2 km, an area of 670.5 and a depth of 103.6 m 7 th century. and later became an important station of the
at its deepest point. There are many attractive tourist spots and Tokaido road famous as by the wood-block prints of Hiroshige
resort areas in the region surrounding Lake Biwa such as Otsu Ando. It has since prospered having a key position in Japan’s
City, Hikone City, Biwako Valley, Mt. Hiei, Mt. Ibuki and Omi transportation networks.
Maiko. Hikone (彦根): The largest town of the eastern shores of Lake
Biwa with a population of 111,000. It is a castletown with one
of the most beautiful castles in Japan.
To From Tokyo From Osaka From Kyoto

2 hrs. 20–25 min. by Tokaido Shinkansen

Otsu “Nozomi” or “Hikari” to Kyoto, then 10 min. 40 min. by JR Tokaido Line 9 min. by JR Tokaido Line
by JR Tokaido Line (every 10 min.) ¥950 ¥190

2 hrs. 30 min. – 3 hrs. 30 min. by Tokaido 1 hr. 17 min. by JR Tokaido

Hikone Shinkansen some “Hikari” or “Kodama” to Line 47 min. by JR Tokaido Line
Maibara, then 5 min. by JR Tokaido Line ¥1,890 ¥1,110

Major Places To Go in Otsu: 4 Biwako Hana Funsui (fountain) (びわこ花噴水): The gate-
1 Miidera (Onjoji Temple) (三井寺{園城寺}): 10-min. walk way to sightseeing on Lake Biwa, this fountain (having a length of
from Miidera Sta. on Keihan Line. It was founded in 686 in mem- 440 m) is one of the longest fountains in the world. At night its
ory of Emperor Kobun, elder son of Emperor Tenji. The Evening shape and color changes regularly as it is controlled by a com-
Bell of Miidera Temple is one of the well-known Omi Hakkei puter. White, orange, and green lights show the spray of the
(Best Eight Views of Omi, Shiga Pref.). It is main temple of water beautifully. 3 min. walk for Keihan Hama Otsu Sta.
Tendaishu sect. Open 8:00–17:00 (every day year-round).
Admission: ¥500. 5 Gichuji Temple (義仲寺): 5-min. walk from Zeze Sta. on JR
Line. A small temple founded in the 16th Century. and dedicated
Tomb of Ernest Francisco Fenollosa (1853–1908): An to Kiso Yoshinaka, a general of the Minamoto clan who was
American art critic who contributed very much to preservation killed in battle near here. The tomb of Matsuo Basho, the great
and restoration of Japanese traditional art. The tomb is in the haiku poet is in this temple. Basho’s haiku poetry is carved on
cemetery of the Homyoin Temple Garden (法明院庭園) (20- many of the monuments on the temple grounds. Open:
min. walk from Miidera Temple and 10-min. walk from Bessho 9:00–17:00 (9:00–16:00 in Nov.–Feb.). Closed: Mon. (except
Sta. on the Keihan Line) which is a very quiet temple with a national holidays) Admission: ¥200.
superb view of Lake Biwa. The garden is open 24 hours a day.
6 Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine (日吉大社): 10-min. walk from
2 Omi Jingu Shrine (近江神宮): 10-min. walk from Omi Jingu- Sakamoto Sta. on Keihan Line. Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine enshrines
mae Sta. on Keihan Line. Omi Jingu Shrine was established in the deities believed to protect Mt. Hiei. The vermilion-painted
1940 to enshrine Emperor Tenji. Rokoku-sai, a Water Clock main edifices (National Treasure) which stand out against the
Festival held in honor of the first water clock in Japan, was estab- foliage of the grounds, were built in 1586. Sannosai Festival is the
lished by Emperor Tenji on Jun. 10. Clock Museum (近江神宮 main event of this shrine in which Mikoshi (portable shrine) fight-
時計博物館), Open: 9:00–16:30. Admission: ¥300. ing is held on Apr. 13 and Mikoshi procession by boat on
Apr. 14. Open: 8:30–16:30 (every day year-round). Admission:
3 Nagisa (Lakeside) Park (なぎさ公園): It is located just ¥300.
beside Lake Biwa in the center of Otsu. The length of the park is
about 5 km. 10-min. walk from JR Otsu Sta.

近江神宮神宮 Omi-Jingu-mae Sta.
Shrine 京

JR Kosei Line
Yanagasaki Lakeside Park
Yanagasaki Otsu
Keihan Sakamoto Line
石 JR湖西線 Yanagasaki
山 柳ケ崎
坂 Nishiotsu Sta. N
本 JR 西大津駅

Ojiyama Sta.
0 500m
Homyoin Temple
法明院 別所駅
Otsu History Bessho Sta.
4 Biwako Hana Funsui (fountain) Lake Biwa
びわこ花噴水 琵琶湖
① Miidera Sta.
Otsu Port
三井寺(園城寺) 三井寺駅
Miidera(Onjoji Temple) Keihan Hama-Otsu Sta.
三井寺観音堂 浜大津駅
Otsu Shimin Kaikan Hall
idera Kannondo
おもちゃの 大津市民会館
やかた「遊遊館」 161 1
oy Museum Biwako Bunkakan Hall
Shimanoseki Sta.
島の関駅 Nagisa (Lakeside) Park
Nagara Park 曳山展示館 HIkiyama
Hikiyama Museum 3 なぎさ公園
長等公園 Biwako Hall
Kamisakae machi Sta.
上栄町駅 びわ湖ホール
Choan-ji Temple 天孫神社
長等創作展示館 長安寺 Tenson Jinja Shrine
三橋節子美術館 石場駅 2
Mitsuhashi Setsuko Ishiba Sta.
Museum 蝉丸神社 Shiga Prefectural Office

ine Shirine
Taoid JR 大津駅 5 義仲寺
JRJTRok 本線 JR Otsu Sta. Gichuji Temple

JR東海 湖線)
(琵琶 Keihan Zeze Sta.
1 京阪膳所駅
1 ressw Omi-Ohashi Bridge
in Exp
Meish JR 膳所駅
Nishiki Sta. 近江大橋
JR Zeze Sta.

1 – 2 correspond to those in the Accommodations list on page 3/5.

1 – 5 correspond to those on page 1/5 & 2/5.

7 Enryakuji Temple (延暦寺): 10-min. walk from Enryakuji Sightseeing Boat

Sta. of Sakamoto Cablecar Line (11 min. from Sakamoto Sta. of A few sightseeing boat tours departing from Otsu Port and visit-
the same line, which is again a 5-min. walk from Sakamoto Sta. of ing lakeshore places of interest are available.
the Keihan Line) or 1 hr. 10 min. by Keihan Bus and Kyoto Bus
from JR Kyoto Sta. Located near the summit of Mt. Hiei, Major Places To Go in Hikone:
Enryakuji Temple was founded in 788 by the Buddhist Priest 9 Hikone Castle (彦根城): 10-min. walk from Hikone Sta. on JR
Saicho (Dengyo Daishi, the founder of Tendai Sect, 767–822) Line. Naokatsu Ii began construction of this castle in 1603 com-
Kompon-Chudo (Central Hall, National Treasure), Kaidan-In pleting it in 1622. Standing upon Konkizan hill and surrounded by
(Ordination Hall) and the Mausoleum of Dengyo Daishi are the forest, Hikone Castle is considered, together with Himeji, to be
main places to see in the Toto area of the temple. Open one of the most beautiful castles in Japan. There is also a splendid
9:00–16:00 (Dec.–Feb.); 8:30–16:30 (Mar.–Nov.) (every day year- view of Lake Biwa from the 3rd story of the donjon of this castle.
round). Admission: ¥550. Treasure House ( 国 宝 殿 ), Incidentally, Naosuke Ii, a descendant of Naokatsu, was an impor-
Admission: ¥450. tant minister of the Tokugawa Shogunate and played an important
role in opening Japan at the end of the Edo Period. Open
8 Ishiyamadera Temple ( 石 山 寺 ): 10-min. walk from 8:30–17:00 (every day year-round). Admission: ¥500 including the
Ishiyamadera Sta. on Keihan Line. This Shingon Sect temple was admission for Genkyuen Garden (玄宮園).
founded in the 8th Century. by the priest Roben. The main sights of
the temple are the Sanmon Gate, the Tahoto Pagoda, the Belfry, the 10 Yume Kyobashi Castle Road (夢京橋キャッスルロード):
Hondo (Main Hall) and the adjoining Room of Genji, where Murasaki From Kyobashi Bridge built across the outer moat of the Castle,
Shikibu created the plot of the Tale of Genji, a famous court novel of the City’s 350 meter long main street stretches southward–this
the Heian Period. Open: 8:00–16:30. Admission: ¥500. is the area called Yume-kyobashi Castle Road. Arts and crafts
shops, tea houses, restaurants, and boutiques, as well as private
Cruise on Lake Biwa houses, are refurbished in a unified color of white, black, brown,
Lake cruise by the Michigan and the Bianca and gray, together creating the atmosphere of merchants’ hous-
The Michigan, an American Mississippi River paddle wheel boat es of the Edo Period. Visitors are entertained by unique presen-
running with the cooperation of the Univ. of Michigan. 1 & 1/2 tations at each shop as they walk along the road, and are
hr. boat trips leave Otsu Port at 9:50, 11:45, 13:40. 1hr.boat reminded of past times. With the old merchant town beautifully
trips leave 15:30, 16:45. Also available are Michigan Show Boat in arranged in a modern style, Yume kyobashi Castle Road has
the evenings and the 4–hour boat trip by the Bianca on week- become another tourist favorite of Hikone City.
ends (Apr. 29–Dec. 2). For information and reservations, contact
Biwako Kisen Boat Co. Tel.(077)524-5000.

11 Hikone Castle Museum (彦根城博物館): Located by the 13 Chikubushima Island (竹生島): Circumference 2 km and
main gate of the castle, the museum exhibits treasures from the area 0.14 km2. Tsukubusuma Shrine and Hogonji Temple are the
Ii family collection such as armor, swords, calligraphy, Noh cos- main attractions of this island. Hogonji Temple features the
tumes and pottery. This museum also includes an exhibit of the Chikubushima Kannon and is famous as the 30th temple of the
Hikone Byobu (folding screens) which were painted by a mem- Kannon Temple Pilgrimage. Oumi Marine. Co. Ltd operates boat
ber of the Kano school. Open: daily (except Dec. 25–31), from Hikone Port, which leaves at 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30,
8:30–17:00. Admission: ¥500. 13:30 and 14:30 every day from Mar. 1–Nov. 30, takes 35 min.
and costs ¥3,300 for round trip. A boat for Chikubushima Island
12 Ryotanji Temple (龍潭寺): 20-min. walk from Hikone Sta. also leaves from Omi Imazu and Nagahama. Admission to the
on JR Tokaido Line. Ryotanji Temple is a Rinsai Sect Zen Temple island: ¥400.
founded in 1617 by Naotaka Ii. This temple contains a dry land-
scape garden of white sand and 48 stones. Open: daily,
9:00–16:30. Closed: Aug. 15, Dec. 22-27 Admission: ¥400.

Lake Biwa 1:25,000

Hikone 0 500 m

Hikone Port
JR TTokaido
okaido Line Ohora Benzaiten Temple
JR 東海道本線
R東海道本線 大洞弁財天
(琵琶湖線) )
12 Ryotanji Temple

Seiryoji Temple

Mt. Sawayama
Rakurakuen Garden Sawayama Castle Site
楽々園 Genkyuen Garden
Hakkei-Tei 玄宮園 Atagoyama-Senrinji Temple
八景亭 愛宕山仙林寺
Hikone Castle Hikone Station Hotel
彦根城 ⑨ ひこねステーシ
ひこねステーションホテル ンホテル 線 ailwa
Hikone Castle Museum Umoregi-No-Y
Antique Market
鉄 道本 do R
骨重市 su
江 t
彦根城博物館 11 埋木舎 近 i Te
Gokoku Shrine Om

Chojunji Temple
長純寺 JR Hikone Sta.
Jyokamachi Yume-Akari-kan
Yume-Akari-kan Hikone Sta.
Yume Kyobashi Castle Road information

城下町夢あかり館あかり館 ア 彦根駅
夢京橋キャッスルロード 10 ルプラザ平和堂
アルプラザ平和堂 N
Soanji TTemple
emple い と重菓舗
Hi 俳遊館
彦 one
根 Gin
銀 za

Tenneiji Temple
Hikone Biwako Hotel 天寧寺
彦根 びわこホテル 7

7 corresponds to those in the Accommodations list on page 3/5.

9 – 12 correspond to those on page 2/5 & 3/5.

Accommodations: Numbers 1 – 7 correspond to those on the map page 2/5 & 3/5.
Room rate Room rate
Name of facilities Tel. Fax (¥) Name of facilities Tel. Fax (¥)

Otsu: Hikone:
1 Biwako Hotel (H) (077)524-7111 (077)524-1384 ¥¥¥ 6 Hikone Prince Hotel (H) (0749)26-1111 - ¥¥¥
2 Otsu Prince Hotel (H) (077)521-1111 (077)521-1110 ¥¥¥ 7 Hikone Biwako Hotel (H) (0749)24-8000 (0749)24-8050 ¥¥
3 View Lodge Biwa (PL) (077)572-1317 (077)572-3370 ¥
4 Yumotokan (R) (077)579-1111 (077)578-1082 ¥¥¥
5 Ryokan Tsukinoya (R) W (077)537-1058 (077)533-3551 ¥¥
Accommodation rates are due to change by season or days. Please check the correct rates before you visit.
Remarks: Standard rates are quoted.
H = Hotel Rate for a twin room.
R = Ryokan Rate per person.
PL = People’s Lodge (Kokumin Shukusha) Rate per person.
W = Welcome Inn member
¥¥¥ more than 15,000 yen Note: The Welcome Inns provide single room at 8,000 yen or less.
¥¥ 8,001 yen – 15,000 yen
¥ 8000 yen or less

Annual Events: Fireworks at Lake Biwa (びわ湖花火大会): One of the largest

Otsu Matsuri Festival (大津祭): Every year in Oct., on the two fireworks shows in the Kansai region, held on Aug. 8, starts at
days preceding Health-Sports Day (national holiday). 19:30. The fireworks can be seen best from Hama-Otsu.
A big festival is held in the city’s old streets. It began about 350
years ago and is similar to a procession of floats used in the Gion Hikonejo Matsuri (彦根城まつり): Procession of children
Festival in Kyoto. On festival eve, many floats are decorated with dressed in the traditional costume of feudal lords on
red lanterns. And the next day, thirteen floats decorated with Oct. 1–Nov. 5.
gorgeous Gobelin tapestries are pulled around town. The floats
are designated as Important Cultural Properties. Don’t miss see-
ing the unique mechanical marionettes on the floats. 5-min. walk
from JR Otsu Sta. (Parade takes place from 9:30–17:30 on the
second day.)

To Tsuruga

Lake Biwa 0 10 km

Lake Yogo
Legend Kaizu
JR Shinkansen Line Mt. Hakodateyama Makino Osaki
JR Line
Other Line
Ropeways or Cablecar 13 Chikubushima Is.
Expressway 竹生島
Mt. Ibukiyama
Road 伊吹山
Omi Imazu


Mt. Hira To Nagoya

比良岳 Omi-
Omi-Takashina Omi-Shirahama Maibara
Beach Nagaoka
Takeshima Is.
近江白浜水泳場 多景島 6
Biwako Valley
Lake Biwa Hikone
琵琶湖 7

Hira I.C.
Hikone IC

Yase Okinoshima Is. Takamiya

Ayamegahama Beach
Taga Shrine
Mt. Hiei Miami Beach 多賀大社
比叡山 マイアミ浜 sen
7 Enryakuji
Enryakuji Omi-Hachiman inkan
Biw Sh Saimyoji Temple
3 JR
Hiyoshi 琵琶 ako-O e 西明寺
Katata 湖大 hash
i Bri Lin
② Omi Shrine 橋 d ge ido Kongorinji Temple
4 ka Omi
6 Ogoto Ukimi-do To Tetsudo Line
浮御堂 JR
Keihan Hieizansakamoto
Dentetsu Line
Laka Hyakusaiji Temple
Biwa Yokaichi IC 百済寺
1 Onjoji (Miidera Temple) Nishiotsu Museum y
Kusatsu n E Eigenji Temple
草津 ishi
Yamashina Hama-Otsu Me 永源寺

Yamashina Otsu
Kyoto Zeze Seta Ritto IC
Higashi IC Kibugawa
Kyoto Ishiyama
Kusatsu Tanakami IC
Suzuka Pass
Keihan Seta Higashi IC JR
en Kus
Ishiyamadera og atsu To Nagoya
kiK o Line
8 Ishiyamadera ra d
Shigaraki iga tsu Tsuge
Temple 石山寺
Temple Sh Te
5 To Iga Ueno
Number 3 – 7 correspond to those in the Accommodations list on page 3/5.
Number 1 – 2 , 6 – 8 , 13 correspond to those on page 1/5 – 3/5.

information (Visit Japan Information Network)
Welcome Inn Reservation Center (WIRC) is
Otsu City Tourist Information Office: W here to help you book economical accommodations at par-
ticipating inns throughout the country. Our participating
JR Otsu Station, 1-3, Kasuga-cho, Otsu City, Shiga Pref. establishments, called "Welcome Inns", comprise a range of accom-
8:40 – 17:25; Closed : Dec.29 – Jan.3 Tel. (077)522-3830 modations from hotels, business hotels, Ryokan, minshuku, pensions
Hikone City Tourist Information Office: and Shukubo (temple lodgings) to youth hostels. Most of them have
guest rooms at rates which do not exceed ¥8,000 yen per night
JR Hikone Station, 40-7, Nanko, Furusawa-cho, Hikone City, Shiga Pref. (excluding tax and service charges) for a single room.
Tel. (0749)22-2954
9:00 – 17:30 ; Closed : Dec.29 – 31 Reservation over the Internet
Visit our website at and apply through our system.
Application deadline – generally 5 days ahead of your check-in date

Goodwill Guide Groups offer tourists from overseas Reservation at booking counters in Japan
local tours guided in English or other languages. The guides To take advantage of our service, you must appear in person at any
are registered with JNTO and display the badge shown. As of the Welcome Inn reservation counters located at the Tourist
Information Centers (at Narita International Airport and Kansai
they are volunteers, there is no charge for their service. You are International Airport) and Kyoto Tourist Information (on the 9th Fl. of JR
only expected to pay for their transportaion, admission to tourist Kyoto Sta. Bldg.).
facilities if you visit any and their meals if you eat with them.
Welcome Inn Reservation Center
c/o International Tourism Center of Japan
JNTO Website Kinseisha-Kanda Bldg. 3F, 3-15 Kanda-Nishikicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054 Tel:03-3233-3303 Fax:03-3233-3305

All information, including transportation schedules, fares, prices and accommodation charges, which is contained in this leaflet is based on data as of July 2007,
and is subject to change without notice. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of all information, regrettably errors do occasionally occur.
Therefore, you should check with organizations concerned for updated and accurate information on your chosen destination. JNTO shall not be liable for any
loss or damage of whatever nature that may arise as a result, directly or indirectly, from the use of any of the information or material contained in this leaflet.

© 2007 Japan National Tourist Organization. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Printed in Japan

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