INFJ Personality Type - Read The Free Profile Description - Personality Perfect

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INFJ – The Counselor

Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging

Personality Profile
Personality Description
Passionate about ideas and dreams
Warm, caring, and approachable
Tactful, helpful, sensitive, and cautious
Can read and understand other people
Trusts gut feelings
Likes organizing and creating systems

INFJs are visionaries and idealists who ooze creative imagination and brilliant ideas. They have
a different, and usually more profound, way of looking at the world. They have substance and
depth in the way they think, never taking anything at surface level or accepting things the way
they are. Others may sometimes perceive them as weird or amusing because of their different
outlook on life.

INFJs are gentle, caring, complex, and highly intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they
live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. While they place great importance on
order, they can also be spontaneous because they intuitively understand things without being
able to pinpoint why. This makes INFJs less systematic and orderly than other Judging types.

An INFJ's intuition is usually one of their strongest qualities. They have uncanny insight into
people and situations. They're good at reading people and can sense other people’s emotions.
They're careful not to hurt anybody through their words and actions. They always lend a hand
to people who need help because they're compassionate and empathic.

The INFJ personality is one of the most complicated. INFJs appear to be quiet and reserved,
and they stay away from social events where they have to mingle with other people. INFJs
tend to be secretive and don’t like situations in which they would have to open up to others. It
takes time for them to trust people, and they would go so far as testing whether a person
deserves their trust before spilling any private information.

At work, their creativity makes them stand out. They are planners and strategists who respect
rules and deadlines. They get things done systematically, but they also understand things
without concrete or tangible facts. They just know through their gut feelings.

INFJs are firm and usually stubborn. They stay close to their pre-set values and may find it hard
to accept other people’s opinions. Their temper gets triggered when another person questions
their beliefs and principles. They stand firm and never back down from what they've already
said. No matter how reserved they are, they don’t mind engaging in arguments or debates
when their views get challenged.

INFJs can be difficult to understand, and that might cause them to be secretive, making them
even more mysterious. But they're genuinely warm and caring with their friends and family.
INFJs have a depth that not all personality types possess. They see life in a different light and
this makes them unique.

Strengths & Weaknesses

INFJs welcome mornings with optimism and the see the world with endless possibilities. While
other personality types take it slow and savor the moment, the mind of an INFJ is in the future,
imagining things that excite them. These endless ideas and possibilities drive their daily lives.
Details about the present world bore them to death. Their free ideas and creative imagination
allow them to see...

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Unlock Your Potential

How to Get the Most Out of Life
INFJs should understand their strengths and weaknesses in order to get the most out of life
and reach their fullest potential. By understanding strengths and weaknesses, any personality
can get an idea of where they can improve. A personality profile is a starting point and can help
anyone begin to develop into a better person.
An INFJ’s sense of idealism ha...

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Optimal Career Choices

Marriage Counselor
Description: meet with couples in crisis and listen to both parties, discover underlying cause of
marital discord, encourage both parties to explore and verbalize their feelings while
attempting to find a resolution, counsel couples through any divorce proceeding and childcare
arrangements, keep details records on all clients.
Salary indication: $48,000 annual

Physical Therapist
Description: devise an exercise and activity plan for an individual that requires physical
therapy for rehabilitation following an injury or period of ill health, identify any problems that
may be causing physical pain or discomfort, set goals and record progress.
Salary indication: $87,000 annual

Alcohol/Drug Counselor (Substance Abuse Counselor, Chemical Dependency Counselor)

Description: interview clients and gain understanding for root causes of their chemical
dependency, draw up treatment plans, maintain accurate records and file reports as necessary,
devise appropriate treatment plan based upon individual circumstances.
Salary indication: $47,000 annual
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Career Choices To Avoid

Description: review and understand budgets for individuals and businesses, complete journal
entries as applicable, ensure that all financial records are accurate and legally compliant, make
recommendations to ensure that any discrepancies are identified and rectified.
Salary indication: $69,000 annual

Description: audit and review financial records of an individual or business, locate and report
back on any discrepancies, determine scope of investigation needed following audit, report
any potentially criminal activity such as fraud.
Salary indication: $69,000 annual

Data Entry Clerk (Data Entry Keyers, Data Capture Specialist, Records Clerk, Typist,
Description: capture information from external sources and submit to computer records,
compare data with other sources, discover and report any inaccuracies or errors, sort data
Salary indication: $31,000 annual
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Positive/Negative Work Habits

At the beginning of their careers, INFJs may struggle with landing a job they can keep for
years. There are many possible reasons for this. First, as cause-driven individuals, it’s
important for them that they find a work that provides meaning and purpose to their life,
allowing them to support a cause they believe in. Second, it’s normal for them to find value for
each possible opportunity that c...

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How You Come Across
When it comes to dealing with other people, for the INFJ it’s “slowly but surely.” When meeting
a new person, they don’t talk a lot and don’t offer up much information about themselves. They
can appear too strong and silent, even intimidating, which drives people away. They are often
misunderstood, sending wrong signals that they are not interested in building friendships.

However, when they see...

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