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Wee Ls Strand/Theme Sub strand Re

Key inquiry Learning Assessment
k n Specific learning outcomes
Learning experiences fl
Resources methods
1 1 CULTURE Culture: By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What are the Learners are guided to: Local and
AND SOCIAL Aspects of the learner should be able to: aspects of • Brainstorm in pairs to extended
ORGANIZAT traditional a) identify aspects of traditional culture? identify aspects of environment,
IONS culture in the traditional culture in the 2. Why is culture traditional culture in mas, realia,
county County important the County. (dressing , Oral
b) describe aspects of to us? food, housing, artefacts, artefacts, questions,
traditional culture in the sports and Teacher
County games, festivals and made test,
ceremonies) approved
d) appreciate aspects of textbooks observation,
• Work in groups to
traditional culture in the Longhorn SST project work,
describe aspects of
County traditional culture in Learners Bk Grd. checklist,
the County. 4 Pg. 52-59 portfolio
• Discuss in groups the
importance of aspects of
traditional culture in the
2 Culture: By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What are the Learners are guided to: Local and
Aspects of the learner should be able to: aspects of • Brainstorm in pairs to extended
traditional a) identify aspects of traditional culture? identify aspects of environment,
culture in the traditional culture in the 2. Why is culture traditional culture in mas, realia,
county County important the County. (dressing , Oral
b) describe aspects of to us? food, housing, artefacts, artefacts, questions,
traditional culture in the sports and Teacher
County games, festivals and made test,
ceremonies) approved
d) appreciate aspects of textbooks observation,
• Work in groups to
traditional culture in the Longhorn SST project work,
describe aspects of
County traditional culture in Learners Bk Grd. checklist,
the County. 4 Pg. 52-59 portfolio
• Discuss in groups the
importance of aspects of
traditional culture in the
3 Importance of By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What are the • Discuss in groups the Local and Oral
traditional the learner should be able to: aspects of importance of aspects of extended questions,
culture a) examine the importance of traditional culture? traditional culture in the environment, Teacher
aspects of traditional 2. Why is culture County. mas, realia,
culture in the County important • Collect and record photographs,
b) appreciate aspects of to us? aspects of traditional artefacts,
traditional culture in the culture in the newspapers,
County community.( approved made test,
pictures ,songs, artefacts, textbooks observation,
dress, food, paintings) Longhorn SST project work,
• Display different aspects Learners Bk Grd. checklist,
of traditional culture in 4 Pg. 52-59 portfolio
• Conduct peer assessment
of the displays.

2 1 Importance of By the end of the sub-strand, 1. What are the • Discuss in groups the Local and
traditional the learner should be able to: aspects of importance of aspects of extended
culture a) examine the importance of traditional culture? traditional culture in the environment,
aspects of traditional 2. Why is culture County. mas, realia,
important • Collect and record Oral
culture in the County photographs,
b) appreciate aspects of to us? aspects of questions,
traditional culture in the traditional culture in the Teacher
community.( made test,
pictures ,songs, approved
artefacts, dress, food, textbooks
project work,
paintings) Longhorn SST
• Display different aspects Learners Bk Grd.
of traditional culture in 4 Pg. 52-59
• Conduct peer assessment
of the displays.
2 The school – By the end of the sub-strand, How was our Learners are guided to: Local and
History of the the learner should be able to: school started? • Carry out a research on extended
school a) narrate the history of the “The environment, Oral
school history of the school” mas, realia, questions,
b) uphold the core values of • Share the history of the photographs, Teacher
the school school artefacts, made test,
with others in class newspapers, observation,
• Create a journal on the approved project work,
history textbooks checklist,
of the school Longhorn SST portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 59-68
3 School motto By the end of the sub-strand, In which ways can • Use digital devices to Local and Oral
and core the learner should be able to: we exhibit core develop a extended questions,
values a) interpret the school values of our poster on the school environment,
motto and core values school? motto and mas, realia,
of the school core values and display photographs, Teacher
b) uphold the core values of it in artefacts, made test,
the school class newspapers, observation,
• Peer assess the best approved project work,
poster textbooks checklist,
Longhorn SST portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 59-68
3 1 The school By the end of the sub-strand, How is our • Create a school daily Local and
routine the learner should be able to: routine extended
school daily
a) describe the daily chart environment, Oral
routine of the school
• Sing songs on the mas, realia, questions,
b) uphold the core values of school photographs, Teacher
the school achievements artefacts, made test,
newspapers, observation,
approved project work,
textbooks checklist,
Longhorn SST portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 59-68
2 RESOURCES Resources in By the end of the sub-strand, How could we Learners are guided to: Local and
AND the County- the learner should be able to: • Use appropriate media to extended
conserve identify the main resources environment,
a) identify the main resources
ACTIVITIES resources in found in the county
resources found found in the county mas, realia,
the county b) develop desire to conserve in the county? • Write a report on the
resources in the county identified main resources questions,
found in the Teacher
made test,
• Collect and display approved
samples of resources in
project work,
learning Longhorn SST
corners.(observe safety) Learners Bk Grd.
• Brainstorm in groups on 4 Pg. 69-74
how to
conserve the resources
found in the county.
3 Resources in By the end of the sub-strand, How could we Learners are guided to: Local and Oral
the County- the learner should be able to: • Use appropriate media to extended questions,
conserve identify the main resources
a) identify the main resources environment, Teacher
resources in found in the county
resources found found in the county mas, realia, made test,
the county in the county • Write a report on the
b) develop desire to conserve identified main resources photographs,
resources in the county found in the artefacts,
county newspapers,
• Collect and display approved observation,
samples of resources in textbooks project work,
learning Longhorn SST checklist,
corners.(observe safety) Learners Bk Grd.
• Brainstorm in groups on portfolio
4 Pg. 69-74
how to
conserve the resources
found in the county.
4 1 Economic By the end of the sub-strand, How important are Learners are guided to: Local and
activities in the learner should be able to: the • Use appropriate media to extended
the county- a) identify the main economic economic activities identify the main environment,
main activities carried out in the in the economic activities in the mas, realia,
economic county county? county Oral
activities in b) explain the importance of • Explore the local
artefacts, questions,
the county environment and use other
main economic activities newspapers, Teacher
carried out in the county sources to identify the
approved made test,
c) develop desire to main economic activities
carried out textbooks observation,
participate in economic Longhorn SST project work,
• Write a report on the
activities in the county Learners Bk Grd. checklist,
identified main economic
activities 4 Pg. 75-80 portfolio
• Play relevant educational
computer games on
economic activities carried
out in the county
2 Economic By the end of the sub-strand, How important are Local and
activities in the learner should be able to: the • Discuss in groups the extended
the county- a) identify the main economic economic activities importance of main environment, Oral
main activities carried out in the in the economic mas, realia, questions,
economic county county? activities in the county. photographs, Teacher
activities in b) explain the importance of
the county
artefacts, made test,
main economic activities newspapers, observation,
carried out in the county approved project work,
c) develop desire to textbooks checklist,
participate in economic Longhorn SST portfolio
activities in the county Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 75-80
3 Trade in the By the end of the sub- strand What are the Learners are guided to: Local and Oral
County – the learner should be able to; benefits of • Brainstorm in groups on extended questions,
methods of a) identify methods of trade in trade in the methods of trade in the environment, Teacher
trade in the the county County? County ( Barter & mas, realia,
county b) explore the benefits of Currency) photographs,
trade in the County • Discuss in pairs the artefacts, made test,
benefits of trade in the newspapers, observation,
County approved
• Visit a trading centre to
project work,
textbooks checklist,
learn more about trading Longhorn SST
activities and report back portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
• Role-play trading
4 Pg. 81-87
5 1 Trade in the By the end of the sub- strand What are the Learners are guided to: Local and
County - the learner should be able to; benefits of • Brainstorm in groups on extended
methods of a) identify methods of trade in trade in the methods of trade in the environment, Oral
trade in the the county County? County ( Barter & mas, realia, questions,
county b) explore the benefits of Currency) photographs, Teacher
trade in the County • Discuss in pairs the
artefacts, made test,
benefits of trade in the
newspapers, observation,
• Visit a trading centre to approved project work,
learn more about trading textbooks checklist,
activities and report back Longhorn SST portfolio
• Role-play trading Learners Bk Grd.
activities. 4 Pg. 81-87
2 Trade in the By the end of the sub- strand What are the Learners are guided to: Local and
County- the learner should be able to; benefits of • Brainstorm in groups on extended
lawful a) explore the benefits of trade in the methods of trade in the environment, Oral
trading trade in the County County? County ( Barter & mas, realia, questions,
activities in b) appreciate lawful trading Currency) photographs, Teacher
the county activities in the County • Discuss in pairs the
artefacts, made test,
benefits of trade in the
newspapers, observation,
• Visit a trading centre to approved project work,
learn more about trading textbooks checklist,
activities and report back Longhorn SST portfolio
• Role-play trading Learners Bk Grd.
activities. 4 Pg. 81-87
3 Industries in By the end of the sub-strand, How could we Learners are guided to:- Local and Oral
the county the learner should be able to: benefit from • Brainstorm in pairs and extended questions,
a) identify industries in the industries in the identify industries in the environment, Teacher
County County? County. mas, realia, made test,
b) explain the benefits of • Discuss in groups the photographs, observation,
industries in the County benefits of industries in the artefacts, project work,
County. newspapers, checklist,
• Visit and take photos or approved portfolio
video clips of industries textbooks
found in the County Longhorn SST
• Create a journal of Learners Bk Grd.
industries 4 Pg. 88-94
visited and share with
others in class and school.
• Collect and display
products from industries in
the classroom.
6 1 Industries in By the end of the sub-strand, How could we Learners are guided to:- Local and
the county the learner should be able to: benefit from • Brainstorm in pairs and extended
a) identify industries in the industries in the identify industries in the environment,
County County? County. mas, realia,
b) explain the benefits of • Discuss in groups the photographs,
industries in the County benefits of industries in the artefacts, Oral
County. newspapers, questions,
• Visit and take photos or approved Teacher
video clips of industries textbooks made test,
found in the County Longhorn SST observation,
• Create a journal of Learners Bk Grd. project work,
industries checklist,
4 Pg. 88-94
visited and share with portfolio
others in class and school.
• Collect and display
products from industries in
the classroom.
2 Industries in By the end of the sub-strand, How could we Learners are guided to:- Local and Oral
the county – the learner should be able to: benefit from • Brainstorm in pairs and extended questions,
products a) explain the benefits of industries in the identify industries in the environment, Teacher
from industries in the County County? County. mas, realia, made test,
industries in b) appreciate products from • Discuss in groups the photographs, observation,
the county industries in the county benefits of industries in the artefacts, project work,
County. newspapers, checklist,
• Visit and take photos or approved portfolio
video clips of industries textbooks
found in the County Longhorn SST
• Create a journal of Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 88-94
visited and share with
others in class and school.
• Collect and display
products from industries in
the classroom.
3 Enterprise By the end of the sub-strand, How could we start Learners are guided to: Local and
project at the learner should be able to: an enterprise • Brainstorm in groups extended
school – a) actively participate in project at school? and identify enterprise environment, Oral
identifying initiating an enterprise project that can be mas, realia, questions,
and project at school undertaken at school. photographs, Teacher
enterprise b) actively participate in an • Search in the Internet artefacts, made test,
enterprise project at the and other sources to find newspapers, observation,
school out examples of approved project work,
enterprise projects textbooks checklist,
undertaken Longhorn SST portfolio
in schools. Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 96-106

8 1 Enterprise By the end of the sub-strand, Learners are guided to: Local and
project at the learner should be able to: How could we start • Brainstorm in groups extended
school - a) actively participate in an enterprise and identify enterprise environment, Oral
identifying initiating an enterprise project at school? project that can be mas, realia, questions,
and project at school undertaken at school. photographs, Teacher
enterprise b) actively participate in an • Search in the Internet artefacts, made test,
enterprise project at the and other sources to find newspapers, observation,
school out examples of approved project work,
enterprise projects textbooks checklist,
undertaken Longhorn SST portfolio
in schools. Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 96-106
2 Planning and By the end of the sub-strand, How could we • Plan for a viable Local and
enterprise the learner should be able to: enterprise extended
project at
start an
a) actively participate in project at school. environment, Oral
school initiating an enterprise enterprise
mas, realia, questions,
project at school project at photographs, Teacher
b) actively participate in an school? artefacts, made test,
enterprise project at the newspapers, observation,
school approved project work,
textbooks checklist,
Longhorn SST portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 96-106
3 Planning and By the end of the sub-strand, How could we • Plan for a viable Local and
enterprise the learner should be able to: enterprise extended
project at
start an
a) actively participate in project at school. environment, Oral
school initiating an enterprise enterprise
mas, realia, questions,
project at school project at photographs, Teacher
b) actively participate in an school? artefacts, made test,
enterprise project at the newspapers, observation,
school approved project work,
textbooks checklist,
Longhorn SST portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 96-106
9 1 Sharing By the end of the sub-strand, How can we share • Share responsibilities Local and
responsibility the learner should be able to: responsibilities in on the extended
for an a) actively participate in an an enterprise planned enterprise environment, Oral
enterprise enterprise project at the project at school? project. mas, realia, questions,
project school photographs, Teacher
artefacts, made test,
newspapers, observation,
approved project work,
textbooks checklist,
Longhorn SST portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 96-106
2 Managing By the end of the sub-strand, How could we • Discuss in groups Local and
and the learner should be able to: manage an ethical practices to be extended
enterprise a) uphold ethics in managing enterprise project in observed in managing environment, Oral
projects the enterprise project money an honest way? the enterprise project mas, realia, questions,
at the school money. photographs, Teacher
b) appreciate collective efforts artefacts, made test,
in the success of enterprise newspapers, observation,
project at school approved project work,
textbooks checklist,
Longhorn SST portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 96-106
3 Upholding By the end of the sub-strand, How can we • Discuss in groups Local and Oral
ethics in the learner should be able to: ethical practices to be extended questions,
managing the
manage an
a) uphold ethics in managing observed in managing environment, Teacher
enterprise the enterprise project
the enterprise project mas, realia, made test,
project money at the school project in an money. photographs, observation,
money at b) appreciate collective efforts honest way?
school in the success of enterprise artefacts,
project at school newspapers,
approved project work,
textbooks checklist,
Longhorn SST portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 96-106
10 1 Evaluating By the end of the sub-strand, How can we • Undertake the Local and
the success of the learner should be able to: evaluate the success enterprise project extended
an enterprise a) uphold ethics in managing of an enterprise at school and evaluate environment, Oral
project at the enterprise project project? its success. mas, realia, questions,
school money at the school • Participate in the photographs, Teacher
b) appreciate collective efforts school entrepreneurship artefacts, made test,
in the success of enterprise week newspapers, observation,
project at school approved project work,
textbooks checklist,
Longhorn SST portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 96-106
2 Evaluating By the end of the sub-strand, How can we • Undertake the Local and
the success of the learner should be able to: evaluate the success enterprise project extended
an enterprise a) uphold ethics in managing of an enterprise at school and evaluate environment, Oral
project at the enterprise project project? its success. mas, realia, questions,
school money at the school • Participate in the photographs, Teacher
b) appreciate collective efforts school entrepreneurship artefacts, made test,
in the success of enterprise week newspapers, observation,
project at school approved project work,
textbooks checklist,
Longhorn SST portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 96-106
3 POLITICAL Community By the end of the sub-strand, Who is a Learners are guided to: Local and Oral
SYSTEMS leadership: the learner should be able to: community leader? • Brainstorm in groups extended questions,
AND Community a) identify community leaders and identify leaders in environment, Teacher
CHANGE leaders in the County the community( Council mas, realia, made test,
b) desire to support good of Elders, Religious and photographs, observation,
community leadership in the Cultural Leaders) artefacts, project work,
County. newspapers, checklist,
approved portfolio
Longhorn SST
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 107-118
11 1 Community By the end of the sub-strand, Who is a Learners are guided to: Local and
leadership: the learner should be able to: community leader? • Brainstorm in groups extended
Community a) identify community leaders and identify leaders in environment, Oral
leaders in the County the community( Council mas, realia, questions,
b) desire to support good of Elders, Religious and photographs, Teacher
community leadership in the Cultural Leaders) artefacts, made test,
County. newspapers, observation,
approved project work,
textbooks checklist,
Longhorn SST portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 107-118
2 Community By the end of the sub-strand, What are the duties Learners are guided to: Local and
leadership: the learner should be able to: of a good leader in • Discuss in groups extended
Duties of a) state the duties of the community? duties of environment, Oral
community community leaders in the community leaders and mas, realia, questions,
leaders County do photographs, Teacher
b) desire to support good class presentation artefacts, made test,
community leadership in the newspapers, observation,
County. approved project work,
textbooks checklist,
Longhorn SST portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 107-118
3 Community By the end of the sub-strand, What are the • Find out qualities of a Local and
leadership: the learner should be able to: qualities of a good good leader extended
Qualities of a a) state qualities of a good leader in the from the community and environment, Oral
good leader in leader in the community community? other sources mas, realia, questions,
the b) desire to support good • Discuss in groups and photographs, Teacher
community community leadership in the identify artefacts, made test,
County. qualities of a good newspapers, observation,
leader in the approved project work,
community textbooks checklist,
Longhorn SST portfolio
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 107-118
12 1 Community By the end of the sub-strand, What are the • Role - play good Local and Oral
leadership: the learner should be able to: qualities of a good leadership in the extended questions,
Qualities of a a) state qualities of a good leader in the community environment, Teacher
good leader in leader in the community
the b) desire to support good community? • Design and display a mas, realia,
community community leadership in the poster on qualities of photographs,
County. good leadership in the artefacts, made test,
community newspapers, observation,
• Find out more about approved project work,
good leadership textbooks checklist,
in the community from Longhorn SST portfolio
parents or guardians and Learners Bk Grd.
report. 4 Pg. 107-118
2 CITIZENSHI Good By the end of the sub-strand, How could you learners are guided to: Local and
P citizenship in the learner should be able to: demonstrate • Brainstorm in groups extended
school a) identify qualities of good good citizenship in and identify qualities of environment,
citizenship in school school? Oral
good citizenship in mas, realia,
b) demonstrate qualities of questions,
school photographs,
good citizenship in school Teacher
• Discuss in groups how artefacts,
c) appreciate qualities of good made test,
to become a good newspapers,
citizenship in school. observation,
citizen in school approved
project work,
• Write an essay on a textbooks
good digital citizen Longhorn SST
(using technology in a Learners Bk Grd.
positive way) and share 4 Pg. 119-125
the essays in class.
3 Good By the end of the sub-strand, How could you Local and Oral
citizenship in the learner should be able to: demonstrate learners are guided to: extended questions,
school a) identify qualities of good good citizenship in • Brainstorm in groups environment, Teacher
citizenship in school school? and identify qualities of mas, realia, made test,
b) demonstrate qualities of good citizenship in photographs, observation,
good citizenship in school school artefacts, project work,
c) appreciate qualities of good • Discuss in groups how newspapers, checklist,
citizenship in school. to become a good approved portfolio
citizen in school textbooks
• Write an essay on a Longhorn SST
good digital citizen Learners Bk Grd.
(using technology in a 4 Pg. 119-125
positive way) and share
the essays in class.
13 1 A Good By the end of the sub-strand, How could you learners are guided to: Local and Oral
digital citizen the learner should be able to: demonstrate • Brainstorm in groups extended questions,
a) identify qualities of good good citizenship in and identify qualities of environment, Teacher
citizenship in school school? good citizenship in mas, realia, made test,
b) demonstrate qualities of school photographs, observation,
good citizenship in school
c) appreciate qualities of good • Discuss in groups how artefacts, project work,
citizenship in school. to become a good newspapers, checklist,
citizen in school approved portfolio
• Write an essay on a textbooks
good digital citizen Longhorn SST
(using technology in a Learners Bk Grd.
positive way) and share 4 Pg. 119-125
the essays in class.
2 Human By the end of the sub-strand, What are cultural learners are guided to: Local and Oral
rights: the learner should be able practices? • Use appropriate extended questions,
Cultural to: statements to identify environment, Teacher
practices that a. Explain the meaning of Which cultural cultural practices that mas, realia, made test,
violate child cultural practices violate child rights in the
practices are photographs, observation,
rights in the community.
b. Identify cultural practices harmful to artefacts, project work,
community • Discuss in groups ways
that are harmful to children? in which children are
newspapers, checklist,
children abused in the community. approved portfolio
c. Desire to learn about (Slavery, Child textbooks
different cultural practices Trafficking, child labour, Longhorn SST
Sexual abuse, abuse of Learners Bk Grd.
children with special 4 Pg. 125-136
• Use appropriate case
study (real or imaginary)
to identify harmful cultural
practices in the
community. (Early and
forced marriages, Female
genital mutilation,)
3 Human By the end of the sub-strand, How are children • Interact with a Local and Oral
rights: How the learner should be able abused In the resource person extended questions,
children are to: community? and discuss forms of environment, Teacher
abused in the a. Explain the meaning of child abuse and mas, realia, made test,
community child abuse How can I protect protection in the photographs, observation,
b. Discuss ways through myself and others community. artefacts, project work,
which children are abused in the community? • Recite poems on child newspapers, checklist,
protection. approved portfolio
Longhorn SST
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 125-136
Human By the end of the sub-strand, What are the effects • Interact with a Local and Oral
rights: effects the learner should be able of child abuse? resource person extended questions,
of child abuse to: and discuss forms of environment, Teacher
in the society a. Identify effects of child What can be done child abuse and mas, realia, made test,
abuse in the society to help the children protection in the photographs, observation,
b. Give ideas on how we can who have been community. artefacts, project work,
assist children who have abused in the • Recite poems on child newspapers, checklist,
been abused in the society society? protection. approved portfolio
c. Be willing to educate the textbooks
society against this vice Longhorn SST
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 125-136
14 1 Human By the end of the sub-strand, What are some of • Interact with a Local and Oral
rights: child the learner should be able the child rights? resource person extended questions,
rights to: and discuss forms of environment, Teacher
a. State the meaning of child What are some of child abuse and mas, realia, made test,
rights the responsibilities protection in the photographs, observation,
b. Explain why children need that can be given to community. artefacts, project work,
to be given responsibilities children? • Recite poems on child newspapers, checklist,
Participate in campaign protection. approved portfolio
against child abuse textbooks
Longhorn SST
Learners Bk Grd.
4 Pg. 125-136
2 Peace: By the end of the sub-strand, How can we live in Learners are guided to: Local and Oral
FACTORS the learner should be able to: peace • Discuss in groups ways of extended questions,
THAT promoting peace in school
a) identify factors that with others in environment, Teacher
PROMOTE • Role play a peaceful
promote peace in school school? situation mas, realia, made test,
PEACE IN b) uphold peace in school • Use digital devices to create photographs, observation,
SCHOOL c) appreciate living together communication messages on artefacts, project work,
in peace in the society peace and display them at newspapers, checklist,
strategic points in the school
compound approved portfolio
• Participate in national and textbooks
international events on Peace. Longhorn SST
• Find out from parents and Learners Bk Grd.
guardians the importance of 4 Pg. 137-153
upholding peace
3 Peace: By the end of the sub-strand, How could the Learners are guided to: Local and Oral
creating the learner should be able to: messages of peace • Discuss in groups ways of extended questions,
community promoting peace in school
a. Explain ways of passing be spread in • Role play a peaceful environment, Teacher
messages on peace message in school school? mas, realia, made test,
b. Create communication • Use digital devices to create photographs, observation,
message on peace communication messages on artefacts, project work,
Desire to be a peace peace and display them at newspapers, checklist,
strategic points in the school
ambassador in school compound approved portfolio
• Participate in national and textbooks
international events on Peace.
• Find out from parents and Longhorn SST
guardians the importance of Learners Bk Grd.
upholding peace 4 Pg. 137-153

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