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Title: Two Hearts One Choice

Setting: Madrid, Spain

Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Action

Tropes: Hard decision - Amelia is left with an option of choosing between

Alejandro (who won her heart) or Carlos (who she's betrothed to).

Synopsis: Amelia Hugo is a young beautiful woman of 22 years. She was raised
up by her grandmother having lost her mother when she was 8 years old and her
father abandoning her to to his long time lover. Amelia faces lots of hardships
and cruelty of life until she meets Alejandro Sanz who unknown to her was a
billionaire. He takes a liking to her but discovers her hatred for men and then
set out a goal to win her heart. Every deviced plan of his was going smoothly
till Carlos Yanns came into the picture as a man Amelia was betrothed to when
she was just a baby.
Now Amelia is torn between accepting Alejandro love or marrying Carlos. Who
will she chose?

Exposition: In a world where hardship and cruelty had been Amelia Hugo's
companions since her early years, she stood as a resilient beautiful woman at
the age of 22. Raised by her loving grandmother she has endured the pain of
losing her mother at a tender age of 8 and her father's abandonments.
Amelia's life took an unexpected turn as she crossed path with Alejandro Sanz,
a young wealthy billionaire who had feelings for her but figured her hatred for
men is deep rooted within her. Determined to win her heart he deviced plans
which were showing positive results until another figure emerged on the scene.
Carlos Yanns, a man to whom Amelia was betrothed to when she was just a baby,
a truth that has been hidden from her until now.
Now torn between the agonizing choice of accepting Alejandro's love and
affection or fulfilling the promise of her past and marrying Carlos.

Inciting Incident:
- Amelia's hardship and cruel days
- Amelia's hatred for men
- Amelia cross paths with Alejandro
- Alejandro determination to win Amelia's heart

Rising action:
- Alejandro Sanz determination to win Amelia's heart
- Amelia's emotional conflict
- Carlos Yanns entrance
- Climbing tension

Climax :
- Amelia's choice
- Settlement of promises
- Amelia's marriage and pregnancy.

Amelia Hugo: She's a 22-year-old woman with a traumatic past. She's resilient
and beautiful having been trained by her grandmother, Elizabeth, after losing
her mother at a young age and her father abandoning her.
She carries a deep rooted hatred for men due to her childhood experiences,
making her guarded and independent. She is faced with a traumatic choice of
choosing between Alejandro Sanz and Carlos Yanns.

Alejandro Sanz: He's 26 years and a young wealthy CEO and billionaire who
becomes attracted to Amelia's characters. He is charismatic, determined and
genuinely in love with her.

Carlos Yanns : A 26 years old handsome business tycoon to whom Amelia was
betrothed to when she was an infant. He represent a commitment from Amelia's
past that she must confronts and decide wherether to honour or not.

Elizabeth Marion: Elizabeth, Amelia's grandmother from her mother's side.

She's a nurturing and loving figure in Amelia's life. She raised and provided
support to Amelia after the death her mother and the abandonment of her father.
Her wisdom and guidance play a Vital role in Amelia's development and choices.














































































Chapter 1: The Canvas of Life

Amelia Hugo's story unfolded against the backdrop of Madrid, Spain, a city
that wore its history with pride. Its winding streets, lined with centuries-old
buildings, whispered tales of the past as they cradled the moments that shaped
a young woman's extraordinary journey.

Amelia, at the tender age of twenty-two, embodied the resilience that could
only be born from a life steeped in both love and adversity. Her tale commenced
in the heart of this city, where her parents, Miguel and Isabella, once painted
their dreams.

Miguel, a troubled soul consumed by alcohol, bore little resemblance to the

passionate artist he once was. His unruly hair, now disheveled and unkempt,
mirrored the chaos that had engulfed his life. His love for Isabella had long
faded into a distant memory, replaced by the bottle's cruel embrace.

Their home had become a battleground, where the tempest of their once-vibrant
love had given way to relentless storms of fiery arguments and bitter silence.
Isabella, a resilient but broken figure, found herself trapped in a
relationship that had become a haunting nightmare.

Amelia's young heart bore witness to the painful unraveling of her parents'
marriage. The fiery arguments that echoed through the walls of their home,
fueled by Miguel's addiction, left scars that would shape her future in ways
she could scarcely imagine.

As her father continued to spiral into the abyss of his vices, he abandoned
not only his role as a husband but also his responsibilities as a father. His
long-time lover, a specter that had haunted their marriage for years, became
his sole companion, while Isabella and Amelia were left to navigate the
wreckage of their shattered family.

The once-bright canvas of their lives had been splattered with the dark hues
of betrayal and abandonment, leaving Isabella to shoulder the weight of their
broken dreams and a daughter in need of love and stability.

Isabella, with her enchanting beauty and a smile that could melt even the
coldest of hearts, had been deeply in love with Miguel. She had borne with his
struggles, hoping to provide their daughter, Amelia, with the chance to grow up
with a father's presence.

However, when Amelia was just three years old, Miguel made the heart-wrenching
decision to abandon them and be with his long-time lover. Left to navigate the
tumultuous sea of single parenthood, Isabella took on the daunting task of
raising and nurturing Amelia all on her own.

But fate, as it so often does, intervened with its own brushstrokes. When
Amelia was a mere eight years old, the warmth of her mother's embrace was
snatched away forever. Isabella's untimely death left behind a void that would
forever shape the course of Amelia's life.
Memories of her mother's laughter, the scent of her favorite flowers that
always graced their home, and the lullabies that once cradled Amelia to sleep
became treasures of the past, fragments of a love that could never be forgotten.

It was at this pivotal moment that Elizabeth Marion, Amelia's maternal

grandmother, stepped in to provide the love and stability that her
granddaughter so desperately needed.

Their home, nestled in a quiet corner of Madrid, was a sanctuary where the
aroma of homemade meals and the hum of heartfelt conversations mingled in the
air. Elizabeth, a woman of grace and wisdom, not only became Amelia's guardian
but also her mother figure, mentor, and friend.

Together, they weathered the storms of life. Amelia's high school years were a
whirlwind of challenges and triumphs. She was a diligent student, her
determination fueled by the memory of her mother's dreams for her.
Conversations with her grandmother, held in the warm glow of their cozy
kitchen, were filled with discussions of goals, ambitions, and the power of

One evening, as they prepared dinner together, Amelia shared her dreams with
her grandmother. "I want to make Mom proud, Grandma," she confessed, her eyes
reflecting determination.

Elizabeth smiled, her eyes twinkling with pride. "Your mother believed in you,
my dear. She knew you would achieve greatness. Education is the key to
unlocking your potential."

Amelia nodded, her heart echoing with her mother's absence. "I'll study hard,
Grandma. I want to make her proud, wherever she is."

High school passed in a blur of exams, friendships, and youthful dreams. With
Elizabeth's unwavering support, Amelia's grades soared, paving the way for her
journey into college. She had set her sights on studying business management, a
field that promised both challenge and opportunity.

The college years were an exploration of new adventures and experiences.

Amelia threw herself into her studies with a fervor fueled by her mother's
memory and the unwavering belief of her grandmother. Conversations with
classmates in bustling cafés, heated debates in lecture halls, and late-night
study sessions became a part of her daily routine.

Amelia's father, Miguel, who had remained a distant figure throughout her
adolescence, watched from afar as his daughter matured into a strong,
independent young woman. Guilt and regret weighed heavily on his heart, a
burden he carried in silence.

One summer evening, he finally found the courage to reach out to Amelia. They
met at a small cafe, the setting sun casting a warm glow over their strained
encounter. Their conversation was tentative at first, but as the hours passed,
the walls of estrangement began to crumble, albeit only slightly.

"Amelia," he began, his voice filled with remorse, "I've missed so much of
your life. I'm sorry for the pain I've caused."

Amelia's eyes, mirroring her mother's, held a mixture of bitterness,

resentment, and a reluctant acknowledgment of his paternal connection. She had
granted him an audience not out of forgiveness, but because he was still her
father by blood, though her hatred and anger towards him ran deep. The pain he
had caused her mother, herself, and her beloved grandmother had left an
indelible mark, one that tainted any possibility of true reunion.

Miguel nodded, a profound sense of loss etched into his features. The chasm
between them remained wide and unforgiving, a stark reminder of the
consequences of his actions. Amelia's heart, scarred by his betrayal, refused
to yield to forgiveness, and the wounds of the past continued to fester beneath
the surface.

As she stood on the stage, diploma in hand, she knew that her journey was far
from over. The tapestry of her life had been woven with threads of love, loss,
and unwavering support. The next chapter awaited, and Amelia was ready to paint
her own masterpiece.

The houses and neighborhoods of Madrid, with their cobbled streets and
colorful facades, bore witness to the evolution of Amelia's life. The city's
rich history and vibrant culture provided the backdrop for her growth, a
testament to the enduring spirit of both the city and its resilient young

The houses and neighborhoods of Madrid, with their cobbled streets and
colorful facades, bore witness to the evolution of Amelia's life. The city's
rich history and vibrant culture provided the backdrop for her growth, a
testament to the enduring spirit of both the city and its resilient young

Amelia's childhood had been a patchwork of memories, a blend of moments that

had shaped her into the woman she had become. She recalled the sound of her
father's laughter as he spun her around their small living room, his eyes
twinkling with mischief as they danced to the tune of his favorite records.

Their home, adorned with Miguel's paintings and Isabella's cherished

photographs, was a testament to the love that had once flourished within its
walls. But it had also been a place where sorrow had taken root, leaving behind
echoes of the past.

As a child, Amelia had spent countless hours in her grandmother's care,

exploring the nooks and crannies of their neighborhood. The streets, lined with
charming shops and bustling marketplaces, had been her playground. She had
forged friendships with the children of their close-knit community, their bonds
as strong as the stone walls that surrounded them.

One vivid memory that stood out was the annual neighborhood festival. It was a
time when the entire community came together to celebrate life, music, and
food. The aroma of paella cooking over open flames filled the air as families
gathered in the town square, their laughter and joy echoing through the streets.

Amelia, her face painted with excitement, would clutch her grandmother's hand
as they navigated the lively crowds. The sound of traditional Spanish music,
accompanied by the rhythmic clapping of hands and the swaying of hips, was a
testament to the city's rich cultural heritage.

As she grew older, high school beckoned, marking the beginning of a new
chapter in Amelia's life. Her alma mater, a grand institution with ivy-covered
walls and a storied history, had been a place of both academic rigor and
youthful exploration. The hallways had echoed with the chatter of students,
each one on their own journey of self-discovery.

It was during these years that Amelia had first encountered the world of
business management. The classrooms, with their polished wooden desks and the
scent of fresh textbooks, had become the arena where she honed her skills.
Discussions with professors had ignited her passion for the subject, opening
doors to a future filled with possibilities.

The college campus, with its sprawling lawns and modern architecture, had been
a place where dreams took flight. Amelia had joined clubs, engaged in spirited
debates, and formed bonds with classmates who shared her aspirations. Late
nights in the library, poring over textbooks and writing essays, had become a
rite of passage.

In her senior year, Amelia had taken on a leadership role in the college's
business club, organizing events and mentoring underclassmen. The sense of
accomplishment that came from watching her efforts bear fruit was a taste of
the success she yearned to achieve in the business world.

As she stood on the stage during her college graduation, surrounded by her
fellow graduates and their families, the enormity of the moment washed over
her. The cheers and applause that filled the air were a testament to the years
of hard work and sacrifice that had brought her to this point.

Amelia knew that her journey was far from over. The canvas of her life was
still awaiting the strokes of destiny, each one a reflection of her choices,
her dreams, and the unwavering love and support of her grandmother.

Chapter 2: A World of Opportunities

Madrid was a city of endless possibilities, where dreams hung in the air like
ripe fruit waiting to be plucked. The sun-drenched streets bustled with life, a
vibrant tapestry of culture and commerce. And in the heart of it all, the 'Sanz
Group of Companies' stood as a towering emblem of success and innovation.

Amelia, having graduated with distinction in business management, had set her
sights on securing an internship that would pave the way for her promising
career. Her heart raced as she reviewed her application one last time,
meticulously ensuring it was a testament to her passion and dedication.

The 'Sanz Group of Companies,' led by Alejandro Sanz, a name synonymous with
excellence in the business world, was her first choice. As the CEO of the
conglomerate, Alejandro had not only elevated the company to unprecedented
heights but also become a symbol of entrepreneurial prowess.

In a city where ambition was a driving force, Alejandro was a paragon of

success. His charisma was matched only by his sharp intellect and unwavering
commitment to his family's legacy. As he prepared to attend the grand ceremony
of his college graduation, he couldn't help but reflect on his journey.

The ceremony was a spectacle of academic achievement, held in the grandeur of

the city's most prestigious college campus. Distinguished guests, faculty
members, and proud families filled the auditorium, their applause echoing in
celebration of the graduates.

Alejandro, adorned in his meticulously tailored suit, stood on the stage, a

sense of accomplishment washing over him. His grandfather, Don Carlos Sanz, the
esteemed chairman of the 'Sanz Group of Companies,' watched with pride from the
front row, his eyes reflecting the legacy that spanned generations.

As Alejandro received his degree, the applause was thunderous, a testament to

his exceptional performance throughout his college years. But with this
milestone came a new challenge—the need for a capable and dedicated secretary
to assist in the demanding world of business.

After a thorough search, Alejandro's gaze settled on a stack of internship

applications, one of which bore the name "Amelia Hugo." The application had
caught his attention with its remarkable qualifications and an undeniable spark
of determination.

The interview room buzzed with anticipation as Amelia, dressed in professional

attire that exuded confidence, awaited her turn. The atmosphere was palpable
with the scent of ambition, a shared desire for success that hung in the air.

As the door to the room opened, Alejandro Sanz entered, his presence
commanding attention. His sharp, tailored suit accentuated his stature, and his
dark eyes held a hint of curiosity as they fell upon Amelia.

Amelia's heartbeat quickened as she met Alejandro's gaze. She had heard of his
reputation as a brilliant but demanding CEO, and the intensity in his eyes only
confirmed it. This was the moment her future hinged upon, a chance to prove
herself in the presence of a man who held the keys to her dreams.

"Miss Hugo," Alejandro began, his voice resonating with authority, "I see
you're eager to join the 'Sanz Group of Companies.' Tell me, what sets you
apart from the rest of the applicants?"

Amelia's response was measured and confident, a testament to her unwavering

determination. The interview continued, a dance of questions and answers that
would determine the course of her professional life.

Outside the window, the Madrid skyline bathed in golden hues bore witness to a
moment that held the promise of destiny. The 'Sanz Group of Companies' was a
world of opportunities, and as Alejandro Sanz and Amelia Hugo engaged in this
pivotal exchange, the future unfurled before them like an open canvas, waiting
to be painted with the strokes of ambition, determination, and a touch of

As Alejandro Sanz and Amelia Hugo delved deeper into their conversation, the
spacious office seemed to shrink around them, the outside world fading into
insignificance. Alejandro, known for his exacting standards, was not one to be
easily impressed. Still, there was a flicker of intrigue in his gaze as Amelia
spoke about her achievements, ambitions, and her unwavering commitment to

"Miss Hugo," Alejandro said, leaning back in his leather chair, "You certainly
possess an impressive academic record and a passion for business. But tell me,
how do you handle pressure and tight deadlines?"

Amelia, her eyes unwavering, described her experiences during

college—late-night study sessions, leading the business club, and successfully
managing multiple projects simultaneously. Her voice remained steady as she
detailed her ability to thrive under pressure, turning challenges into
opportunities for growth.

Alejandro nodded in approval. "Impressive," he mused. "But the business world

can be ruthless. How do you handle setbacks and failures?"

Amelia's response was candid and heartfelt. She shared a story of a business
project that had initially failed but was eventually turned around through
teamwork and perseverance. She emphasized the importance of learning from
failures and using them as stepping stones toward success.

Their conversation continued, a symphony of questions and answers that

revealed Amelia's character and potential. Alejandro's piercing gaze probed for
not just competence but also a shared vision and values.

Outside the window, the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long
shadows across the city. The office's ambient lighting took over, giving the
room a warm and inviting glow. It was a metaphor for the transformation
happening within its walls—a meeting of two individuals whose fates were

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Alejandro leaned forward, his eyes
locking onto Amelia's. "Miss Hugo," he said, "I believe you have the potential
to excel here. Welcome to the 'Sanz Group of Companies.'"

A surge of emotion washed over Amelia, a mixture of relief and exhilaration.

She had been granted access to a world of opportunities, and it was a
validation of her hard work and determination.

"Thank you, Mr. Sanz," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude. "I
promise to give my best to this company."

Alejandro nodded, acknowledging her commitment. "Very well. We'll start with
your internship, and you'll have the chance to prove yourself. Welcome aboard."

With those words, Alejandro Sanz and Amelia Hugo embarked on a journey that
would test their mettle, challenge their perceptions, and, perhaps, weave their
destinies together in unexpected ways. The 'Sanz Group of Companies' had
welcomed a new member, and the canvas of possibilities stretched out before
them, waiting to be painted with the colors of ambition and achievement.

Chapter 3: A New Beginning

The sun rose over Madrid, casting a warm embrace over the bustling city. For
Amelia, this day had been eagerly anticipated, and her heart raced with
excitement long before she reached the 'Sanz Group of Companies' for her first
day as an intern.

Amelia's excitement was so palpable that she couldn't sleep in. The
anticipation of the day ahead had her awake before the first rays of dawn. In
the soft morning light filtering through her bedroom curtains, she felt a rush
of energy and purpose.
With a sense of determination, Amelia decided to start her day right. She
donned her business suit with a smile, a symbol of her readiness to make a
lasting impression. But before heading to work, there were morning rituals she
wouldn't skip.

First on the agenda was her morning exercise routine. She rolled out her yoga
mat, stretching and breathing in the tranquility of her room. The soothing
poses eased any lingering nerves and filled her with a sense of calm and

Next, a fragrant cup of freshly brewed coffee awaited her. The aroma wafted
through her cozy kitchen, a comforting embrace as she sipped the rich, dark
elixir. It was her daily ritual, a moment of quiet reflection before the world
outside came rushing in.

But there was one more person in her life who deserved her attention before
she embarked on her new journey. Her grandmother, Elizabeth, who had been her
unwavering source of support, was still in bed when Amelia entered her room.

"Good morning, Abuela," Amelia greeted her with a tender smile.

Elizabeth, her silver hair framing a face filled with wisdom and warmth,
greeted her granddaughter with a loving embrace. "Buenos días, mija," she
replied, using the affectionate Spanish term for "my dear." "Is today the big

Amelia nodded, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, Abuela. It's my first
day as an intern at the 'Sanz Group of Companies.'"

Elizabeth's eyes filled with pride. "I always knew you'd achieve great things,
Amelia. But remember, success is not just about ambition; it's also about
kindness and integrity."

Amelia absorbed her grandmother's words, a reminder of the values that had
shaped her character. She leaned down to give Elizabeth a gentle kiss on the
cheek before heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

With breakfast served, the two women shared a meal filled with warmth and
conversation. It was a cherished moment of connection, a reminder of the bond
they shared and the love that had sustained them through life's challenges.

As the clock ticked closer to the start of her workday, Amelia bid her
grandmother farewell, promising to return with stories of her new adventure.
With a sense of purpose and excitement, she made her way to the 'Sanz Group of
Companies,' ready to embrace the opportunities that awaited her.

The company's headquarters loomed ahead, its mirrored facade reflecting the
morning sun. The bustling lobby and the hum of activity within were now
familiar sights to her. Amelia entered the sleek elevator, a sense of
determination filling her heart.

On the twenty-third floor, as she settled into her designated workspace, the
morning's rituals lingered in her memory. They had grounded her, reminding her
of the values she held dear—determination, kindness, and integrity.

As the workday began, Amelia couldn't help but feel that she was not just
starting a new job but embarking on a journey of self-discovery. With the
lessons of her past and the excitement of her future, she was ready to make the
most of this new beginning at the 'Sanz Group of Companies.'

And little did she know that this day would not only be marked by her
professional growth but would also bring her face to face with Alejandro Sanz,
the enigmatic CEO who would challenge her, inspire her, and change her life in
ways she had never imagined.

Amelia's morning routine, filled with anticipation and cherished traditions,

had set the tone for her day. As she settled into her designated workspace on
the twenty-third floor of the 'Sanz Group of Companies,' she carried with her a
sense of purpose and a renewed energy.

Her fellow interns buzzed with excitement around her, each one eager to embark
on their respective journeys within the company. Amelia exchanged warm smiles
and greetings, recognizing that she was part of a community of like-minded
individuals striving for success.

The morning passed in a whirlwind of introductions and orientations. Amelia

absorbed every detail, eager to immerse herself in the world of finance and
business. She attended training sessions, engaged in discussions about market
trends, and was even given the opportunity to shadow a senior executive.

Lunchtime arrived, and Amelia headed to the modern cafeteria with her new
friend, Lucas. They had bonded over their shared aspirations, and their
conversations were a blend of excitement, ambition, and laughter.

Amelia learned that Lucas had a passion for innovation and technology, and his
eyes sparkled as he talked about his dreams of revolutionizing the industry.
She couldn't help but admire his determination and the camaraderie they were
developing as they navigated this new beginning together.

The cafeteria, with its sleek design and panoramic views of Madrid, provided a
moment of respite amidst the fast-paced work environment. As they enjoyed their
meal, the two friends discussed their experiences so far and the challenges
that lay ahead.

Back at her desk, Amelia delved into her tasks with enthusiasm. The afternoon
brought new opportunities for learning and growth. She attended meetings and
workshops, gaining insights into the company's operations and the intricacies
of the business world.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden glow over the city, an
unexpected announcement echoed through the office. Alejandro Sanz himself would
be leading a discussion on a new business venture, and all interns were invited
to attend.

The excitement in the room was palpable as interns and employees alike
gathered in a spacious conference room. Alejandro, dressed in his signature
sharp suit, entered with an air of authority. His presence commanded attention,
and all eyes were on him.

"Good afternoon, everyone," Alejandro began, his voice resonating with

confidence. "I'm pleased to see so many eager faces here today. The 'Sanz Group
of Companies' thrives on innovation and the pursuit of excellence. Today, I'll
share with you our vision for a new venture that embodies our commitment to

Amelia listened intently as Alejandro outlined the venture, a groundbreaking

project that aimed to revolutionize the energy sector. His passion for the
endeavor was evident in his words, and it inspired those in the room to
envision a future filled with possibilities.

Throughout the discussion, Amelia found herself captivated not only by

Alejandro's vision but also by his ability to articulate complex ideas with
clarity. She admired his leadership style, which encouraged collaboration and

As the meeting concluded, Amelia couldn't help but reflect on the day she had
experienced. It had been a whirlwind of introductions, learning, and
inspiration. She realized that her journey at the 'Sanz Group of Companies' was
just beginning, and she was eager to embrace the challenges and opportunities
that lay ahead.

With her first day at the company drawing to a close, Amelia's thoughts turned
once again to Alejandro Sanz. She hadn't yet had the chance to interact with
him personally, but his presence and vision had left a profound impression.

As she made her way home, the city lights twinkling in the distance, Amelia
couldn't help but wonder how her interactions with Alejandro would unfold.
Little did she know that their paths were destined to cross in ways that would
test her, challenge her, and, ultimately, change the course of her life.

Amelia's journey home was a mix of emotions and reflections. The bustling
streets of Madrid, adorned with the vibrant colors of evening, seemed to mirror
the excitement and uncertainty that filled her heart. She couldn't deny the
profound impact that her first day at the 'Sanz Group of Companies' had on her.

As she entered her cozy apartment, the comforting familiarity of her

surroundings offered a sense of solace. The aroma of her grandmother's favorite
Spanish dishes filled the air, a reminder of the love and support that anchored
her life.

Amelia found her grandmother, Elizabeth, sitting in their cozy living room,
her favorite knitting project in her lap. The two women shared a knowing
glance, a silent exchange of the events that had transpired during the day.

"Abuela," Amelia began, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and
gratitude, "it was an incredible day. I met so many wonderful people, and Mr.
Sanz himself led a discussion on a groundbreaking project."

Elizabeth smiled, her eyes sparkling with pride. "I knew you would excel,
mija. You have always had the strength and determination to achieve your

Amelia leaned down to give her grandmother a warm embrace. "It's all thanks to
you, Abuela. Your love and support have been my guiding light."

Over a delicious home-cooked meal, the two women shared stories of their day.
Amelia recounted her experiences at the company, her newfound friendship with
Lucas, and the inspiring vision Alejandro Sanz had shared with the interns.

Elizabeth, in turn, spoke of her own day, filled with visits from friends and
neighbors who had heard of Amelia's accomplishments. She emphasized the
importance of staying true to one's values and cherishing the bonds of family.

As the evening drew to a close, Amelia's thoughts turned once again to

Alejandro Sanz. She couldn't help but wonder how her interactions with him
would unfold in the days and weeks to come. His presence had left a lasting
impression, and she was eager to learn from his leadership.

Little did she know that their paths were destined to cross in ways that would
test her, challenge her, and, ultimately, change the course of her life. The
'Sanz Group of Companies' was not just a workplace; it was a place where
ambitions converged, dreams took shape, and destinies were written.

With a sense of anticipation and a heart filled with determination, Amelia

embraced the new beginning that awaited her, knowing that the canvas of her
life was about to be painted with the vibrant colors of ambition and

Chapter 4: Paths Converge

The days at the 'Sanz Group of Companies' passed swiftly, each one a whirlwind
of opportunities and challenges. Amelia found herself immersed in her work,
learning from experienced colleagues, and steadily contributing to the projects
she was assigned. The bustling office became a second home, and her fellow
interns grew into close friends.

But it was the prospect of crossing paths with Alejandro Sanz again that
occupied her thoughts. His presence in the company was both a source of
inspiration and a reminder of the expectations that came with her role.

One crisp morning, as Amelia entered the office lobby, she noticed a buzz of
activity that hinted at an important event. Colleagues hurried about, adjusting
floral arrangements and preparing for a gathering that promised to be

Curiosity piqued, Amelia inquired about the nature of the event. She learned
that it was the annual 'Sanz Group of Companies' gala, a prestigious occasion
that brought together industry leaders, partners, and employees to celebrate
achievements and unveil new ventures.

As the day progressed, the office was abuzz with preparations. Colleagues
exchanged stories of previous galas, sharing anecdotes of memorable speeches
and breathtaking venues. It was clear that this event held a special place in
the company's culture.

In the midst of the preparations, Lucas approached Amelia with an eager smile.
"This gala is a big deal," he explained. "It's an opportunity to network with
influential people in the industry. Plus, we get to hear Alejandro Sanz speak."

Amelia nodded, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The prospect

of attending her first gala as an intern was both thrilling and daunting. She
understood the importance of making a good impression, not just for herself but
also for the company.

The day of the gala arrived, and the 'Sanz Group of Companies' headquarters
was transformed into a glittering wonderland. The lobby, with its soaring
ceilings and cascading chandeliers, was adorned with floral arrangements that
seemed to rival the beauty of the Spanish countryside.

Amelia and her fellow interns gathered in a designated area to prepare for the
evening. The men looked dashing in their tailored tuxedos, while the women
shimmered in elegant gowns. The anticipation in the air was palpable as they
exchanged words of encouragement and shared their hopes for the night.

The gala was a symphony of sights and sounds. A live orchestra played
classical melodies, filling the air with enchanting music. Colleagues and
guests mingled, their laughter and conversations creating a vibrant backdrop to
the evening.

Amelia navigated the grand ballroom with grace, engaging in discussions with
colleagues and industry professionals. The atmosphere was electric, and she
felt a sense of pride to be part of an organization that had such a significant
presence in the business world.

The highlight of the evening was Alejandro Sanz's keynote address. The CEO
took the stage with an air of confidence, his words carrying weight as he spoke
about the company's achievements and its commitment to innovation.

"As we gather here tonight," Alejandro began, his voice resonating with
authority, "we celebrate not just our past successes but also our vision for
the future. The 'Sanz Group of Companies' is a testament to the power of
ambition, collaboration, and the pursuit of excellence."

His words were met with resounding applause, and Amelia couldn't help but feel
a swell of pride. Alejandro Sanz was not just a CEO; he was a visionary leader
who inspired those around him to reach for greatness.

As the night drew to a close, the gala had left an indelible mark on Amelia.
She realized that she was part of something greater than herself, a company
that was shaping industries and driving change.

But it was a chance encounter at the end of the evening that would leave the
most lasting impression. As Amelia made her way towards the exit, she found
herself in a dimly lit corridor, unaware that destiny was about to reveal
itself in the most unexpected way.

Amelia stood in the dimly lit corridor, her thoughts still echoing with the
words of Alejandro Sanz's speech. The gala had been an enchanting affair, a
night where dreams seemed attainable and the future felt limitless.

As she glanced around the corridor, she realized that she was not alone. A few
paces away, a group of colleagues engaged in animated discussions. Among them,
a familiar figure stood, his presence commanding attention.

It was Alejandro Sanz himself, engaged in an intense conversation with several

senior executives. His grandfather, who also held a prominent role in the
company, was by his side, offering sage advice.

Amelia hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding with a mixture of awe and
trepidation. She knew that this was an opportunity she couldn't let slip away.
Gathering her courage, she approached the group, her footsteps echoing in the
hushed corridor.

The conversation paused briefly as the executives acknowledged her presence.

Alejandro, his piercing gaze meeting hers, offered a warm smile. "Ah, Amelia,"
he said, "I hope you enjoyed the gala."
Amelia nodded, her voice steady despite the nerves that fluttered within. "It
was an incredible evening, Mr. Sanz. Your speech was truly inspiring."

Alejandro's grandfather, a dignified figure with a wealth of experience,

chimed in. "I'm pleased to hear that, young lady. The future of our company
rests in the hands of talented individuals like yourself."

Amelia's cheeks warmed at the compliment, and she felt a surge of gratitude.
"Thank you, Mr. Sanz. It's an honor to be part of this remarkable organization."

The conversation flowed seamlessly, and Amelia found herself engaged in

discussions about the company's history and future endeavors. Alejandro's
grandfather, in particular, shared anecdotes of the challenges they had
overcome and the values that had guided their success.

As the night wore on, the group slowly dispersed, leaving Amelia and Alejandro
alone in the corridor. The silence that followed was filled with unspoken
questions, a sense that their paths had converged for a reason.

Alejandro broke the silence, his voice low and contemplative. "Amelia, I've
heard promising things about your work here. Your dedication and ambition have
not gone unnoticed."

Amelia felt a surge of pride at his words, but she also sensed that there was
more to their conversation than professional recognition. She met his gaze, her
eyes filled with curiosity.

Alejandro continued, his tone earnest. "I believe in nurturing talent within
our organization. I'm looking for someone who shares our vision, who
understands the importance of innovation and dedication to our goals."

Amelia listened intently, her heart quickening with anticipation. She had a
feeling that this conversation could change the course of her career.

Alejandro's words were measured but filled with promise. "I'd like to offer
you an opportunity, Amelia. An opportunity to work closely with me as my
personal assistant. You'll gain insights into the workings of the company and
have a chance to contribute to our projects."

Amelia was taken aback by the offer, her mind racing with the possibilities it
presented. She had embarked on this internship with the goal of learning and
growing, and this opportunity seemed like a giant leap towards her ambitions.

Without hesitation, she nodded, her voice filled with determination. "I
accept, Mr. Sanz. I'm eager to learn and contribute in any way I can."

Alejandro's smile was one of approval. "Excellent. We'll discuss the details
in the coming days. Welcome to the next phase of your journey, Amelia."

As the conversation came to a close, Amelia couldn't help but reflect on the
serendipity of their meeting. It was a moment that had changed the course of
her career and her life, a convergence of paths that would lead to challenges,
growth, and unexpected connections.

With a heart filled with determination, she knew that her journey at the 'Sanz
Group of Companies' had taken a remarkable turn. The canvas of her life was
about to be painted with bold strokes of ambition and opportunity, and
Alejandro Sanz would be her guide.
Chapter 5: A New Beginning

"I better start going." Amelia said as she checked the time on her wrist
watch. Her conversation with Alejandro was a successful and proud one. About to
excuse herself she heard his voice. "Let me drive you home."

Amelia still not ready to associates with men only declined with a smile. "You
don't have to. I'll be fine going home alone." Alejandro not understanding why
he even asked her at first could only smile disappointed.

"Why her? What is this feeling?" He asked himself silently as she was out of
sight. He's never felt this attracted to any woman before so why now. He could
only sigh in frustration of not understanding this feeling.

As Amelia got off her taxi the thought of Alejandro offering her a ride home
has already been shifted to the back of her mind. She couldn't wait to relay
the good news to her grandmother.

After a long day at the office, Amelia felt a renewed sense of purpose. The
gleaming skyscrapers of Madrid loomed above as she made her way through the
bustling streets. Her steps were light, and her heart brimmed with
anticipation. She couldn't wait to share the news with her beloved grandmother.

As she arrived at their cozy home, the familiar scent of home-cooked meals and
the warmth of family enveloped her. Her grandmother, Elizabeth, was in the
kitchen, her hands busy with the evening meal.

Amelia rushed forward and embraced her grandmother, the words spilling out in
a rush of excitement. "Grandma, you won't believe what happened today.
Alejandro Sanz offered me a new role, and I'll be working with him closely at
the company!"

Elizabeth's eyes sparkled with pride and joy as she held her granddaughter
close. "Oh, Amelia, I knew you were destined for greatness. This is a testament
to your hard work and dedication."

The night passed in a blur of celebration and well-wishes. The small dining
room was filled with laughter and stories, and the promise of a bright future
hung in the air.

As the night deepened, Amelia retired to her room, her heart still brimming
with happiness. She knew that this opportunity was a dream come true, a chance
to make a lasting impact and fulfill her aspirations.

The following morning, Amelia woke up with a sense of purpose. The sun's
gentle rays filtered through her window, casting a warm glow over her room. She
performed her morning rituals with renewed enthusiasm, taking extra care with
her appearance.

After her usual morning exercises and a quick breakfast, she set out for
another day at the 'Sanz Group of Companies.' Her heart was light, and she
couldn't wait to dive into her new responsibilities.

Upon arrival at the office, she was greeted by the energetic atmosphere that
had become her second home. The lobby bustled with activity, colleagues engaged
in animated discussions, and the air was filled with the hum of productivity.

As she made her way to her desk, Alejandro's secretary, Sofia, approached her
with a friendly smile. "Good morning, Amelia," she greeted. "Mr. Sanz requested
that you meet him in his office as soon as you arrive."

Amelia nodded and offered her thanks before heading towards Alejandro's
office. Her heart fluttered with a mix of anticipation and a slight unease.
Working closely with the CEO was an honor, but it also carried the weight of
high expectations.

As she entered Alejandro's office, her senses were immediately captivated by

the sleek and modern decor. The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork, and a
large window provided a stunning view of the cityscape. A polished mahogany
desk dominated the room, and a plush seating area invited guests to relax.

Alejandro, dressed in a tailored suit that exuded sophistication, rose from

his desk as she entered. His mood appeared amiable, and he greeted her with a
warm smile. "Amelia, good morning. I trust you're well."

Amelia returned the greeting, her voice composed and her smile genuine. "Good
morning, Mr. Sanz. I'm eager to begin our work."

Alejandro's expression remained affable as he motioned for her to take a seat.

"Excellent. Today, I'd like to start by going through some important documents.
Your insights will be invaluable."

He handed her a stack of papers, and Amelia's gaze shifted to the documents.
Her discomfort remained buried beneath her professionalism, and she nodded. "Of
course, Mr. Sanz. I'll review these right away and provide my feedback."

Their collaboration had entered a new phase, and Amelia understood that the
road ahead would be filled with challenges and opportunities. As she delved
into the documents, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the
future that lay before her.

Amelia's journey with Alejandro Sanz and the 'Sanz Group of Companies' had
taken an exhilarating turn. Her role as his personal assistant she believed
would evolve into something more significant, and her days would be filled with
responsibilities that would challenge and inspire her.

Amelia immersed herself in the stack of documents, her focused gaze scanning
each page as she assessed the content. Alejandro Sanz's instructions were
clear—he valued her insights, and she was determined to provide them.

The office environment, with its sleek and modern design, seemed to reflect
the ethos of the 'Sanz Group of Companies.' The walls adorned with tasteful
artwork and the expansive window overlooking the cityscape created an
atmosphere of sophistication and ambition.

Amelia couldn't help but admire Alejandro's sense of style. His tailored suit,
a deep shade of charcoal gray, exuded confidence and professionalism. It was a
stark contrast to her own attire—a simple yet elegant blouse paired with a
pencil skirt. The corporate world demanded a certain dress code, but it was
clear that Alejandro effortlessly personified it.
Their discussions about the documents flowed seamlessly. Alejandro's
explanations were articulate and insightful, and Amelia was impressed by his
ability to dissect complex information with ease. Her own observations and
analyses were met with thoughtful consideration, and she felt a growing sense
of camaraderie.

As they delved deeper into the documents, the mood in the office remained
focused yet amicable. The interplay of ideas and perspectives created an
intellectually stimulating environment, one that Amelia relished. It was clear
that Alejandro valued collaboration and believed in fostering a sense of
ownership among his team.

As the morning progressed, Sofia, Alejandro's secretary, entered the office

with a tray of refreshments. She set it down on a side table and offered a warm
smile. "Mr. Sanz, Miss Amelia, I thought you might appreciate a coffee break."

Amelia welcomed the respite, and Alejandro nodded in agreement. They each took
a cup of coffee, and the rich aroma filled the room. The brief pause allowed
for a more relaxed exchange.

Alejandro, leaning back in his chair, looked at Amelia with a thoughtful

expression. "Amelia, I must say I'm impressed by your attention to detail and
your ability to grasp complex matters. You're a valuable addition to our team."

Amelia's cheeks tinged with a modest blush at the compliment. "Thank you, Mr.
Sanz. I'm grateful for the opportunity to contribute." And with just that
reaction from her Alejandro can see himself smiling with satisfaction.

Their conversation shifted to more personal matters. Alejandro shared stories

of his upbringing and the lessons he had learned from his grandfather, the
company's founder. He spoke of the importance of balancing work with a sense of
purpose and responsibility.

Amelia, in turn, opened up about her family and her grandmother's role in
shaping her values and aspirations. She talked so much about her mother and
grandmother's love for her but skipping the pain she faced from her father.

When she remembered him a bitter smile was visible on her lips but it didn't
escape Alejandro notice. "Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"Yes, I'm alright." She quickly said and shoved the thought to the back of her
mind. When she looked at Alejandro face she could see his worried expression.

"I've always loved nature and art." She said to avert his worried expression.
She described her love for art and how she hoped to one day merge her creative
pursuits with her business acumen.

As the clock ticked on, their discussion became more relaxed and familiar.
Alejandro found himself admiring Amelia not just as a beautiful woman or her
diligence at handling her work well but as a person with a genuine passion for
making a positive impact.

Just as they were about to resume their work, Alejandro's phone chimed with a
message. He glanced at it and then turned to Amelia. "I apologize, Amelia, but
I need to attend a meeting. I trust you can continue reviewing these documents
in my absence?"

Amelia nodded, her commitment unwavering. "Of course, Mr. Sanz. I'll make sure
to provide you with my feedback as soon as possible."

"Drop the honorific when we're alone. Just call me Alejandro." He said with a
smile. Amelia not knowing how to react to his sudden correction just nodded

With a brief farewell, Alejandro left the office, leaving Amelia to her task.
She couldn't help but reflect on the day's events—the exhilaration of her new
role, the inspiring conversations, and the sense of purpose that filled the

As she returned her attention to the documents, she knew that her journey with
Alejandro Sanz was just beginning. The 'Sanz Group of Companies' was on the
cusp of a new chapter, and Amelia was determined to play her part in the
unfolding story of ambition, innovation, and shared dreams.

Chapter 6: A Test of Leadership

Amelia sank deeper into the document with time passing by she came up with
different ideas and reviews. She had to do her best in order not to disappoint
Alejandro trust for her.

As the day draw to a nigh Sofia came inside the office. "Mr Sanz said he won't
be able to make it back to the office. He asked you to take it home and study
it more." Sofia said calmly.

"Thank you, Sofia." Amelia greeted with a smile before Sofia walked out. She
started arranging the files and putting it in her bag. She arranged the half
scattered documents on Alejandro table. With a sigh of relief she headed out of
the office.

Amelia got home very tired, she greeted her grandmother in a warm hug before
going to take her shower, refreshing up and retiring to bed.

Amelia's days at the 'Sanz Group of Companies' passed swiftly, each one a
tapestry of interactions, challenges, and growth. Her role as Alejandro Sanz's
personal assistant had evolved into a dynamic partnership where her insights
were valued and her responsibilities extended beyond her initial expectations.

One sunny afternoon, Amelia found herself immersed in a strategy meeting with
Alejandro and the company's top executives. The spacious conference room,
adorned with a long mahogany table and leather chairs, exuded an air of
importance. The large windows framed a panoramic view of Madrid, the city's
skyline stretching out like a canvas of possibilities.

Alejandro, dressed in a tailored navy suit, presided over the meeting with a
blend of confidence and humility. His grandfather, Don Francisco Sanz, the
company's chairman, sat at the head of the table, a symbol of wisdom and

The discussion revolved around a new sustainability initiative that Alejandro

was passionate about. He believed in the company's responsibility to contribute
to environmental conservation and social welfare. Amelia had worked diligently
on the proposal, and now her role was to present it to the executives.

As she stood at the front of the room, her nerves were masked by
determination. Her presentation was a careful balance of facts and vision,
outlining the benefits of the initiative and its alignment with the company's

Alejandro watched her with a sense of pride, his eyes conveying unwavering
support. As he admired her figure and personality he couldn't help but smile
silently. He was feeling drawn and attracted to her in ways he couldn't
understand. Don Francisco, a man of few words, nodded in acknowledgment of her

The executives engaged in a lively discussion, raising questions and offering

insights. The atmosphere was charged with intellectual energy, and Amelia felt
a rush of adrenaline as she defended the proposal with poise and confidence.

After a thorough exchange of ideas, the decision was made to move forward with
the initiative. The room erupted in applause, and Alejandro, with a smile of
satisfaction, offered his congratulations.

As the meeting adjourned, Alejandro approached Amelia with a warm embrace.

"You did brilliantly, Amelia. Your dedication and expertise shine through."

Amelia's heart swelled with pride at his words. "Thank you, Mr. Sanz. It's an
honor to be part of a team that values innovation and positive impact."

The rest of the day was a whirlwind of activity. Emails, phone calls, and
meetings filled Amelia's schedule as she ensured the smooth implementation of
the sustainability initiative. The 'Sanz Group of Companies' had reaffirmed its
commitment to responsible business practices, and the momentum was invigorating.

In the late afternoon, Amelia received a message from Sofia, Alejandro's

secretary. "Mr. Sanz would like to meet you in his office, Amelia. He has
something important to discuss."

Amelia's curiosity was piqued, and she made her way to Alejandro's office. As
she entered, she noticed a different atmosphere—an air of contemplation seemed
to hang in the room.

She looked at the only figure in the room that she just entered. Her attention
also drifted to the set of arranged fast food on his table. She couldn't help
but wonder why he sent for her.

Alejandro, standing by the window, turned to greet her. His expression was
serious yet thoughtful. "Amelia, I have an idea I'd like to discuss with you.
Let's have lunch together and discuss over eating."

He walked towards his desk drew out his chair and sank comfortably in it.
"Have your seat," he ushered her politely. "I believe it's time for you to take
on a more significant role in the company."

Amelia's pulse quickened with anticipation. She moved towards him drew out a
chair and sat down opposite to him. She had been dedicated to her current
position, but the prospect of greater responsibility was both thrilling and

Alejandro continued while opening his plate, his voice steady. "I'd like to
appoint you as the head of our new sustainability division. Your passion and
expertise make you the perfect candidate to lead this crucial aspect of our
company's mission."

Amelia was taken aback by the offer, but her determination burned brighter
than ever. She nodded with gratitude. "I'm honored, Mr. Sanz. I'll do
everything in my power to make this initiative a success."

"I've told you to call me Alejandro whenever we're alone." He said and
pretended to be angry. Amelia seeing his reaction change quickly apologized
sincerely. "I'm sorry Alejandro."

With a comfortable respond he laughed lightly. Amelia surprised as what she

was seeing could not help but look confused. Her renowned boss laughing in her
present, she found it awkward but shifted the thought away.

As Alejandro extended his hand in agreement, the weight of leadership settled

upon Amelia's shoulders. She knew that this opportunity was a test of her
capabilities, a chance to make a lasting impact not just within the company but
in the world.

The day had been a whirlwind of accomplishments and newfound responsibilities.

As Amelia left Alejandro's office after having lunch with him and discussing
different matters, she couldn't help but feel that the canvas of her life was
expanding, each stroke of destiny creating a masterpiece of purpose and

Amelia's new role as the head of the sustainability division marked a

significant turning point in her career at the 'Sanz Group of Companies.' The
days that followed were a whirlwind of meetings, planning sessions, and
discussions with experts in sustainability and environmental conservation.

The sustainability division was housed in a dedicated section of the corporate

headquarters. The space was designed to foster creativity and collaboration,
with walls adorned with greenery, large windows that welcomed natural light,
and eco-friendly materials used in the furniture and decor. The atmosphere was
one of purpose and dedication to a common goal.

Amelia took her role seriously, immersing herself in the world of

sustainability. She delved into research on eco-friendly practices, engaged
with experts in the field, and initiated partnerships with organizations
committed to environmental causes.

One morning, as the team gathered for a brainstorming session, Amelia felt a
sense of pride. Her team comprised passionate individuals who shared her
vision. The room buzzed with energy as ideas flowed freely.

One team member, Diego, a sustainability expert with a passion for renewable
energy, shared his insights on implementing solar panels across the company's
facilities. Another, Christabel, who had recently joined the team, suggested
the creation of an employee-driven volunteer program to support local
environmental initiatives.

Amelia encouraged their creativity and enthusiasm. She knew that the success
of the sustainability division relied on the collective effort and innovative
thinking of her team.

Outside the office, the city of Madrid was bustling with life, and the
changing seasons brought a new vibrancy to the streets. In her free time,
Amelia often found solace in nature, visiting local parks and gardens to
recharge her spirit. She believed that being connected to the natural world was
essential to her role in promoting sustainability.

As her responsibilities grew, so did her interactions with Alejandro. Their

professional relationship had deepened into a partnership built on trust and
shared values. Amelia admired Alejandro's dedication to the company's mission
and his unwavering commitment to making a positive impact.

One evening, as they discussed the progress of the sustainability initiative,

Alejandro shared his vision for the company's future. "Amelia, I believe that
our commitment to sustainability will not only benefit the environment but also
inspire others to follow suit. We have the power to set an example for the

Amelia nodded in agreement, her determination unwavering. "I wholeheartedly

share that vision, Alejandro. Together, we can make a difference."

The 'Sanz Group of Companies' was on a path toward transformation. The

sustainability division was gaining momentum, and the positive effects of their
initiatives were becoming evident.

Amelia's days were filled with purpose and challenges, but she relished every
moment. She knew that her journey had brought her to this point, and she was
ready to embrace the responsibility of leadership with the same resilience and
determination that had defined her life.

As she looked out of her office window, gazing at the city that had been her
home and the company that had become her second family, she felt a deep sense
of gratitude. The canvas of her life was evolving, and with every stroke, she
was creating a legacy of positive change.

Chapter 7: Reflections and Realizations

Amelia's journey continued to be a whirlwind of responsibilities and

accomplishments, but amid the demands of her career, she cherished the moments
of connection with her beloved grandmother.

After a particularly long day at work, Amelia returned home feeling physically
exhausted but mentally fulfilled. She opened the door to their cozy apartment,
and the comforting aroma of her grandmother's cooking greeted her.

Elizabeth, with her warm smile and gentle presence, stood in the kitchen,
tending to a pot on the stove. "Welcome home, my dear," she said, her voice
filled with love.

Amelia rushed to her grandmother, embracing her tightly. "I've missed you,
Grandma. How was your day?"

Elizabeth's eyes twinkled with affection as she returned the embrace. "Oh, it
was just another day, my dear. But seeing you home is the highlight of my day."
Amelia's heart swelled with gratitude for the woman who had been her anchor
through all the storms of life. She knew that her grandmother's unwavering
support had been the driving force behind her resilience.

After a warm shower and a change into comfortable nightwear, Amelia joined her
grandmother in the dining room. The table was set with their favorite dishes,
and the soft glow of candlelight created an intimate ambiance.

As they began to eat, Amelia couldn't contain her excitement any longer. She
shared the news of her new role as the head of the sustainability division and
detailed how her day had gone.

Elizabeth listened with pride and joy, her eyes shining with maternal love. "I
always knew you were destined for greatness, my dear. You've made me very much

The conversation flowed effortlessly, as it often did between the two women
who shared a deep bond. They talked about life, dreams, and the future.

Amelia couldn't help but share her thoughts about her late mother. "You know,
Grandma, I wish Mom could see me now. She always believed in me and encouraged
me to chase my dreams."

Elizabeth reached across the table, her hand covering Amelia's. "Your mother
is watching over you, my dear. She would be beaming with pride at the woman
you've become."

Tears welled up in Amelia's eyes as she nodded, feeling her mother's presence
in their hearts.

After dinner, Amelia helped her grandmother washed the dishes and clean the
dinning table. She kissed her grandmother goodnight before going to her bedroom
and locking the door immediately she entered.

She walked towards her wall where her mother picture was hung. Seeing her
mother brought a mixture of emotions within her. She could not help but wish
her mother was here with her.

As she held the picture up she sat down on her bed as tears flowed down from
her eyes. She felt happy remembering her mother's energetic and cheerful smile
but also sadness was not left out. She felt sad that her mother had to leave
her at a young age.

Amelia was riding In a mix of emotions and hatred was part of it. She felt
bitter hatred for the one person who stole her happiness as a child. She felt
angry at herself for being the reason her mother continued enduring her
father's maltreatment.

She blamed herself for her death. "Mum I'm sorry. You tried coping with him
and instead he made your life hell. You did it all for me, I'm sorry." She said
in a whisper as she cried uncontrollably. Her heart throbbing in pain, she
clenched her fist as bitter thoughts kept up swimming in her mind.

Amelia had held her emotions back but tonight thinking about her recent
promotion she had only one wish which she could not get and that was wishing
her mother was here to see her getting promoted and working on the part of
fulfilling her dreams.

After hours of pouring out her emotions through tears she drifted to herself
sleep, the weight of longing and love easing with each tear.

The next morning, she woke up determined to face the day. Her daily morning
routine brought her solace, and as she looked at her reflection in the mirror,
she saw a woman who was strong, capable, and ready to make a difference in the

She chose a striking blue suit, its elegance a reflection of her growing
confidence. A simple blue pearl necklace adorned her neck, a reminder of the
strength and wisdom passed down through generations.

With her blue handbag in hand, Amelia left their apartment, ready to embrace
the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. As she closed the door behind
her, she carried with her the love of her grandmother and the memory of her
mother, knowing that their spirits walked beside her on this remarkable journey

Amelia's footsteps echoed through the bustling street of Madrid as she made
her way to the taxi's checkpoint. She boarded a taxi with her destination known
to the driver she relaxed herself at the back seat.

Memories of last night came to her mind but she was determined not to let
anything distract her focus. With that determination she pushed it out of her
mind and wore a cheerful smile.

Just yesterday she was appointed as the Chief sustainability officer and she
got her self familiar with some of her colleague and nature of the work. Today
as her second day she was energetic to continue her work

As the taxi pulled at the parking lot of the 'Sanz group of companies'. Amelia
came down and paid the driver before he drove off. She stood elegantly
beautiful as she admired the entrance of the company building which stand tall
at the heart of Madrid.

She was brought down from her admiration as she heard a voice. "Good morning,
Amelia. I believe you had a good night rest?"

Puzzled for a bit but regained her usual self she replied, "I did. Thanks for
asking." She turned towards her left where he was standing beside his car. "How
was your night Alejandro?" She asked him calmly.

"I slept well." He replied her with a smile visible on his face. He scanned
her outfit with piercing gaze fixated on her figure. Amelia noticing what he
was doing could not help but feel uncomfortable.

"Is something wrong with my appearance?" She asked a bit irritated by his

A bit embarrassed by his actions and her question he looked at her face and
saw her sour expression. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. You look
extremely beautiful Amelia."

Amelia surprised by his outburst gulped down her saliva. Seeing her reaction
he started grinning with inner urge to compliment her and see more of her
reaction. About to open his mouth to say something he noticed his staffs gaze
on them as they have been standing for some minutes together.

"Let's go in." He said as he started walking towards the company entrance.

After seconds of being surprised Amelia followed him as they walked into the
Amelia and Alejandro entered the 'Sanz group of companies', a place where she
was determined to make a significant impact on her new role.

The gaze of the other interns and staffs fell on both of them as they all
looked in awe. Every one could not help but wonder how and what happened that
Alejandro, who was seen as an all serious CEO was in a close relationship with

As the both walked towards Alejandro private elevator they could hear whispers
from different set of people.

"I've never seen the boss this close to any female before."
"Not only females, he's not close to anyone like this except his grandfather."
"Is she not the intern who was newly appointed as the chief sustainability
"What do you think is their relationship? Does the boss like her?"
"Hey, you shouldn't say what you don't know."
"But isn't that the best explanation for him giving her a fast promotion just
as an intern."
"We can't be so sure besides...."
"What if she's just a mistress for the boss and that's why she favours him?"

Whispers like this did not go unheard by both Alejandro and Amelia. Amelia
feeling very embarrassed increased her Pace as they entered the elevator and
pressed the highest floor where their offices were located.

Inside the elevator Amelia could not even look up at Alejandro as she kept her
head bowed in shame. Alejandro seeing her reactions felt angry at himself for
acting the way he did in the open.

Somehow when he started hearing his staffs gossips he was smiling inward but
why. Why was he happy that they thought Amelia was his woman? Does he really
want her to be his?
What is this feeling? Why is he always happy being around her?

With his own hanging questions he felt angry seeing Amelia in her present
state. "I'm sorry, Amelia. I got carried away."

Hearing his voice filled with regrets and concern she raised up her head still
not looking at him. " There's no need to apologize. You did nothing wrong."

Opening his mouth to say something but he stopped because Amelia had already
hurriedly walked out of the elevator immediately it opened. He felt
disappointed in himself, a feeling he hasn't had in months.

Watching her back retreating to her office he walked out of the elevator. He
made a customized office for her on the same floor with his. Her office was
just opposite his and he could enter whenever he wanted.

With thoughts of going to meet her and clearing up what just happened he
walked towards her office but shunned the thought as he didn't want to make her
feel more uncomfortable. He changed his steps and entered his office.

Amelia sank on her sofa that was placed at the right end of her office. She
dropped her handbag on the table as she rested her back on the sofa. "I can't
ruin my career just because of my closeness with Alejandro." She said to
herself. "I have to distance myself from him." She kept thinking
As her thoughts continued she heard a beep from her phone, it was an incoming
message. She opened her phone and saw an unread message, she saw the name of
the sender and she smiled.

It was a heartwarming message filled with love and encouragement from her
grandmother. It reminded her of the unwavering support she had from her
grandmother. After reading the message her mood lightened up and she tried
putting the earlier incident away. With her determination she started her
morning schedule with her bright mood, she went through some crucial documents
that needed maximum attention.

Meanwhile, in Alejandro's office, he sat on his chair, his hands clapsed

together on his desk. He was trying to sort out the feelings within him and his
sudden attraction towards Amelia. He couldn't help but think through all the
moment were he has been looking at her with genuine interest.

With a dawned realization, he came to finalize his feelings for her. He had
fallen for her right from the moment she answered his questions during her
interview till now. His thoughts were surrounded around her, his much brighter
happiness was because of her.

Amelia's determination to focus on her career remained steadfast despite the

earlier awkward encounter with Alejandro. She knew that her new role as the
Chief Sustainability Officer at the Sanz Group of Companies was a significant
opportunity, and she was determined to prove herself.

Throughout the day, Amelia dove into her work, attending meetings, reviewing
sustainability reports, and collaborating with her colleagues. Her passion for
environmental conservation and sustainability shone through as she discussed
strategies to reduce the company's carbon footprint and increase its commitment
to green initiatives.

As the day progressed, Alejandro couldn't help but watch Amelia from his
office. He admired her dedication and expertise, but he also couldn't shake the
growing attraction he felt towards her. The encounter in the morning had left
him conflicted. He realized that he needed to maintain professionalism, but his
heart seemed to have a different agenda.

In the afternoon, Amelia received an unexpected invitation on her calendar. It

was a meeting request from Alejandro. She hesitated for a moment, uncertain
about what it might entail, but then accepted the invitation. Moments later,
her phone rang with a notification, confirming the meeting in Alejandro's

Gathering her notes and thoughts, Amelia headed to Alejandro's office, trying
to maintain her composure. When she entered, she found him standing by the
window, looking out at the cityscape. He turned as she approached.

"Amelia, please have a seat," Alejandro said, gesturing to a chair in front of

his desk.

She took a deep breath and complied, sitting down. "You wanted to see me,

He nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, I did. Firstly, I want to apologize

for my behavior this morning. It was unprofessional of me, and I should not
have put you in that position."

Amelia appreciated his candidness. "Thank you, Alejandro but you did nothing.
I'm sorry for walking out of the elevator in that manner."

Looking straight to her eyes, He continued, "Secondly, I want to clarify

something. I value your expertise and your dedication to our sustainability
initiatives. That's why I appointed you as the Chief Sustainability Officer. It
had nothing to do with any personal feelings so please don't pay attention to
what you heard earlier."

Amelia felt a mix of relief and gratitude. "I appreciate your trust in me,
Alejandro. My goal is to excel in this role and contribute to the company's

Alejandro forced a smile on his face, he wished she could tell him she doesn't
mind if she was labeled as the boss woman. As his woman, his expression with a
mix of relief and disappointment he sighed.

As he looked at the woman in the front of him he just couldn't shake the
thought of wondering how it would feel to know that she belongs to him and him
showering her with his love.

His expression softer now. "I have no doubt you will, Amelia. You're
incredibly talented, and your passion for sustainability is evident."

As they discussed their work and the upcoming projects, their conversation
flowed more naturally. The initial tension between them began to ease, replaced
by a shared commitment to their professional goals.

Alejandro with his now realized feelings for her, smiled with his thoughts in
his head. "I promise I'll make you mine. I'll make you feel happy being
addressed as my woman." With him clouded in his emotions and thoughts, he only
listened through out their conversation and added few points to back her's up
when necessary.

Chapter 8: Unspoken Connections

Amelia hurriedly excused herself from the conference room, her heels clicking
sharply against the polished marble floor. The room she entered, reserved for
her final meeting of the day, emanated a sense of pristine orderliness. Her
team, an eclectic mix of talents, had already gathered and were seated
comfortably, their faces a mix of expectation and respect.

"I'm sorry I came late. I had a meeting with the CEO," Amelia apologized as
she gracefully slid into her chair, her voice apologetic.

The morning's rumors regarding her enigmatic exchange with Alejandro had
disseminated throughout the company, yet her team, discerning her unwavering
professionalism, elected to focus on the impending discussion.

Diego, a tall, bespectacled team member with a penchant for bow ties, put her
at ease with a warm smile. "No problem at all. Mr. Sanz wouldn't hold a meeting
with just anyone. Your expertise speaks for itself."

Christabel, her ever-optimistic colleague, chimed in with her customary smile.

"Let's begin."

Amelia, flanked by six colleagues—four men and two women—was the driving force
behind this team. As the Chief Sustainability Officer, she held unilateral
decision-making power, but she had always embraced the ethos of collaboration
since her days in college.

Mario, a cheerful teammate, disrupted the moment with a flourish. "I stumbled
upon something interesting in the dusty archives," he declared, handing a
vintage file to Amelia.

Her curiosity piqued, she accepted the file, her nimble fingers delicately
brushing its weathered pages. "What's this?" she inquired, her eyes intent on
the title.

Mario leaned forward, the excitement evident in his voice. "It's a research
project initiated by the previous Chief. It was proposed but ultimately shelved
among the 'impossible projects' in the company's archives."

Amelia plunged into the file's contents, her brow furrowing in concentration.
After a cursory review, she voiced her assessment. "This research could
revolutionize the company's carbon supply."

Mario nodded in agreement but voiced concerns about its cost. "Yes, it holds
potential, but the initial proposal could bleed the budget dry. The company can
afford it, but a single project might raise eyebrows."

Amelia acknowledged the valid point, recognizing that the initial plan lacked
the precision required. Undeterred, she declared, "You're right; the proposal
is flawed. I believe this could be our standout project of the month. I'll
revise the proposal, refine it, and present it to the board. I'm confident
they'll approve it this time, without apprehensions about excessive

Her team nodded in collective agreement, invigorated by her unwavering resolve.

"Unless there are further matters to discuss, I suggest we adjourn the

meeting," Amelia proposed, and her team concurred. As they filed out of the
room, one by one, Amelia remained, clutching the file that held the potential
for a groundbreaking project.

Oblivious to the passage of time, her focus remained fixated on the file's
contents, her determination unwavering.

Meanwhile, Alejandro had grown increasingly restless in his office. He

monitored the corridor, eagerly anticipating Amelia's return. Hours slipped by,
and his thoughts drifted to her, contemplating why she hadn't reappeared in her

Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Alejandro stood, leaving his
office, and made his way to the meeting room. He pushed open the door,
revealing Amelia wholly absorbed in the file, unaware of his entrance.

Startled by his sudden presence, Amelia lifted her head from the documents
spread before her. "When did you come in?" she asked, her voice tinged with

"Seconds ago," Alejandro replied, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on her. He

approached her desk, his eyes now trained on the file she held. "So, what's
this?" he inquired, curiosity etched on his features.

Amelia explained that it was an abandoned project, recently brought to her

attention by Mario. Alejandro displayed genuine interest and asked to peruse
the file. He scrutinized its contents, recognizing it as the carbon supply
project that had been rejected by the board during his early days as CEO.

He recounted the reasons for the rejection, emphasizing the astronomical costs
involved. Amelia, however, brimming with confidence, expressed her belief that
she could streamline the project's expenses. Her unwavering determination
impressed Alejandro.

"How do you plan to do that?" Alejandro inquired, genuinely intrigued by her


Amelia's response was resolute. "I'm still working on it. I'll conduct
extensive research and present a more cost-effective plan."

Alejandro nodded approvingly. "If you can achieve that, there's no doubt the
board will approve it."

Amelia's confidence remained steadfast. "I can do it. Thanks for your
support," she said, flashing a confident smile.

As the clock neared 7:20 p.m., Alejandro reminded her of the late hour. "It's
getting quite late. It's 7:20 p.m. We should head home."

Amelia's eyes widened in surprise. "I lost track of time," she admitted.

Alejandro smiled warmly, understanding the allure of a captivating project.

"That's what happens when you're engrossed in something interesting. Let me
drop you off at your house," he offered.

Out of politeness, Amelia initially declined. "No thanks, you don't have to."

Undeterred, Alejandro walked to the door and held it open, extending an

invitation. "I'll be waiting for you at my car. If you're finished here, meet
me there. I'll give you a ride."

Processing his words, Amelia found herself momentarily speechless. She sighed,
collected the file, and embarked on her journey to meet Alejandro, who stood
patiently by his car.

"Shall we go now?" Alejandro asked gently as she approached.

With a quiet exhale, Amelia nodded, settling into the passenger seat beside
him. "Thank you for the offer," she said as they embarked on their journey.

Throughout the drive to Amelia's house, the two remained wrapped in a

comfortable silence, broken only by Amelia's directions.

Upon their arrival at her residence, Alejandro parked the car. Amelia exited
the vehicle, conveying her gratitude. "Thank you, Alejandro."

His smile remained genuine as he replied, "You're welcome." He watched as she

walked toward her front door, but before she could reach it, he called out to

"I'll be picking you up tomorrow. Be ready by 7:15 a.m."

Amelia hesitated briefly, her instincts to decline momentarily silenced. "No,
you don't have to. I'll just take a cab, like always."

Alejandro's response was firm, his determination evident. "Goodnight, Amelia.

Be ready before 7:15 a.m."

With that, Alejandro drove away, leaving Amelia standing by her front door,
her thoughts in turmoil.

Alejandro entered the expansive living room, its plush furnishings bathed in
the soft glow of dimmed lights. His eyes fell upon his grandfather, seated
comfortably on a velvety couch, his attention fixed on the evening news
flashing across the large TV screen. A warm smile crept onto Alejandro's face
as he greeted his grandfather, "Buenas noches abuelo."

The elder man turned his head, his eyes crinkling with affection. "Mi hijo.
¿Cómo estuvo tu día en la oficina?" he inquired inquiringly, his voice carrying
the wisdom of years.

Alejandro settled down beside his grandfather on the pristine white couch, a
sense of comfort washing over him. "It was fine, grandpa," he began, his tone
carrying traces of the day's exhaustion. "Though work was stressful, I enjoyed
every bit of it."

The elder Sanz observed his grandson's countenance, noticing a change—a subtle
lightness, a genuine smile that had been rare for far too long. "My boy," he
remarked, studying Alejandro's expressions closely. "Seeing you smile like this
must be for a reason. Tell me the good news."

Alejandro chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Grandpa, is it a crime

for me to smile when I'm happy?" he playfully responded.

"No, my boy," his grandfather countered softly, "but it's been a while since I
saw that genuine smile on your face for more than a minute."

Sighing, Alejandro acknowledged the truth in his grandfather's words. After

the tragic loss of his parents in a plane crash, he had grown accustomed to
wearing a mask of stoicism. Today, though, that mask had slipped, revealing a
happiness that was as unexpected as it was genuine.

His grandfather's gaze intensified as he posed the question that had been
lingering in the air. "It's her, isn't it?" he probed gently. "The lady who
presented the last project."

Perplexed, Alejandro sought to understand his grandfather's line of inquiry.

"Who are you talking about?" he inquired, his brow furrowed in curiosity.

"The lady from that day meeting," the elder Sanz clarified with a knowing
look. "I saw the way you smiled at her during the last board meeting when she
presented the project." His eyes scanned Alejandro's face, gauging his
reaction. "And, I've heard rumors in the company about the two of you spending
time together."

Alejandro leaned back on the couch, considering his grandfather's words

carefully. "Well," he began, "I won't deny any of your words, but the rumors
aren't entirely accurate. She's not my woman, and I didn't appoint her as the
Chief Sustainability Officer due to personal feelings. I chose her because
she's the best for the job."
His grandfather, a shrewd observer, nodded sagely. "I heard she's just an
intern," he mentioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, she started as an intern," Alejandro admitted, "but that doesn't

diminish her potential. You taught me that when I see potential, I should
invest in it. That's exactly what I'm doing."

Leaning forward, his grandfather probed further. "Do you love her, Alejandro?"
he asked, a note of seriousness creeping into his voice.

Alejandro took a deep breath before responding. "Well, I confirmed my feelings

today," he admitted, a certain vulnerability in his tone. "Yes, grandpa, I love
her, and I want to make her mine."

The elder Sanz regarded his grandson with empathy. "Does she know about your
feelings?" he inquired gently.

"Not yet," Alejandro confessed, "but I'll make it obvious to her. Amelia isn't
someone who would accept my love just because I'm a CEO or because my
grandfather is the chairman of Spain's top company. I need to show her how much
I care and that I want her to love me in return."

His grandfather offered a knowing smile. "So, for now, it's a one-sided love?"
he surmised.

Alejandro nodded, his resolve unwavering. "For now, yes, but the only barrier
is time. With time, I'll win her heart, and don't worry, grandpa, she'll be the
best grand-daughter-in-law."

A hearty, genuine laughter filled the room as his grandfather teased,

"¿Entonces mi nieto ahora está enamorado?"

Chuckling in response, Alejandro said, "C'mon, grandpa, don't tease me like

that." The weight of his feelings lightened by the conversation, he added, "I'm
going to freshen up." With a final exchange of smiles, Alejandro left his
grandfather alone in the living room, the air tingling with the promise of new

Chapter 9: Evening Interlude

Amelia's footsteps echoed through the cozy corridor of her home as she entered
after Alejandro's car had driven off into the distance. The charming suburban
house exuded warmth and comfort, a haven from the demands of her bustling
professional life.

Her heels found respite by the entrance as she kicked them off, leaving them
neatly aligned by the door. With a sigh of relief, Amelia wandered toward the
heart of her abode – the kitchen.

There, she found her grandmother, Elizabeth, a woman whose graceful demeanor
had aged like fine wine. She stood by the countertop, her hands deftly working
with a batch of freshly baked cookies. A radiant smile parted Elizabeth's lips
as she laid eyes on her granddaughter.
"Amelia, mi amor!" Elizabeth exclaimed, her arms stretching out.

Amelia embraced her grandmother wholeheartedly, feeling the warmth and love
that had enveloped her since childhood. "Abuelita," she whispered

Breaking the hug, they settled at the kitchen table, bathed in the warm glow
of the pendant light above. A teapot, delicate porcelain cups, and a plate of
warm cookies occupied the center of the table.

Amelia launched into a vivid retelling of her day, her narrative painted with
the colors of her animated experiences. She recounted her interactions with
Alejandro, the challenges of her newly undertaken project, and the encouraging
support she received from her team. The room reverberated with her enthusiasm
as she detailed the intricacies of her sustainability initiatives.

Elizabeth, the epitome of an attentive listener, hung on to her

granddaughter's words with pride. "You've always had a passion for making the
world a better place, just like your parents," she commented with a fond smile.

As the evening sun began its descent, mother and daughter shared a leisurely
dinner, their conversation weaving through topics both mundane and profound.
The clinking of cutlery, the aroma of home-cooked dishes, and the harmony of
their voices created an atmosphere of familial contentment.

Amelia, driven by gratitude for her grandmother's enduring support, insisted

on taking care of the aftermath. She deftly cleared the table and washed the
dishes, her gestures reflecting a sense of fulfillment.

Once the kitchen was restored to its pristine order, Amelia embarked on her
nighttime routine. A soothing shower followed, washing away the demands of the
day and leaving her refreshed. She donned a comfortable set of nightwear,
feeling the soft fabric against her skin.

The sanctuary of her room beckoned, and she answered its call. A study chair
positioned near a window provided a serene view of the moonlight filtering
through the curtains. The file she had brought from work was her companion as
she settled into the chair.

Determination radiated from her as she delved into the document. The hours
passed in a blur as she scrutinized, edited, and reshaped the proposal. The
room, once awash with the golden glow of streetlamps, now bathed in the muted
light of her desk lamp.

Around 10 p.m., she reluctantly closed the file, aware of the need to recharge
for the day ahead. She switched off the lamp, leaving her room bathed in
darkness. Amelia made her way to the cozy cocoon of her bed, her thoughts still
entangled with the project and the challenges it posed. As she closed her eyes,
sleep welcomed her with open arms.

Across town, in the grandeur of Alejandro's mansion, the evening unfolded in a

different manner. Having refreshed himself, Alejandro returned to his opulent
bedroom. There, his loyal staff had prepared a sumptuous dinner, which he
savored in solitude, surrounded by the opulence of his surroundings.

Amelia filled his thoughts, her presence lingering in every corner of his
mind. A smile adorned his lips as he contemplated her. "What can I do to make
her mine?" he wondered, his determination gaining momentum.
For hours, he lay on his lavish bed, his mind relentlessly churning through
scenarios and strategies to win her heart. The room was a testament to luxury,
yet it was her simplicity that held his fascination.

As the night crept on, Alejandro's thoughts remained tethered to Amelia, and
the promise of new beginnings.

With the arrival of morning light, the sun's rays pierced through the
curtains, casting a golden hue upon Alejandro's room as he stirred awake. The
memory of his resolution remained fresh, and he knew that this day would be
another step on his path to making Amelia his own.

Amelia's morning routine, filled with purpose, unfolded seamlessly. With her
alarm's gentle chime at 5:30 a.m., she greeted the day with a burst of energy.
Her daily exercise regimen invigorated her, setting a positive tone for the
hours ahead.

The scent of a delicious breakfast soon wafted from her kitchen as she
prepared a nourishing meal. Her culinary skills were a testament to her
versatility, and she enjoyed savoring each bite. A brisk shower followed,
accompanied by the anticipation of a new day in the corporate world.

Amelia's choice of attire reflected her character—elegant, yet understated.

She selected a unique yet simple professional outfit, which exuded both
confidence and sophistication. Her hair, meticulously styled, flowed gracefully
down her back. In her hands, she held the promise of innovation and dedication
to her cause.

As she sat at the dining table, savoring her breakfast, the door to the
kitchen swung open, revealing her grandmother, Elizabeth, her presence like a
radiant sunrise. Amelia greeted her with a cheerful "Buenos días abuela."

With a smile as warm as the morning sun, Elizabeth replied, "Buen día, mi
amor. ¿Cómo estuvo tu noche?"

Amelia shared the peacefulness of her night, inquiring in return about her
grandmother's well-being. Elizabeth's gaze, touched with maternal affection,
rested upon her granddaughter. "Peaceful, knowing that my lovely granddaughter
is happy," she remarked, her voice carrying a serene reassurance.

During their breakfast conversation, they touched upon various topics,

including fond memories of Amelia's late mother. Elizabeth's voice quivered
slightly as she expressed her longing. "I wish tu madre estuvo aqui."

Amelia's eyes, reflecting both her love and resilience, met her grandmother's.
"I wish the same thing too. I miss mum so much," she admitted, her voice tinged
with nostalgia. She offered a comforting smile before adding, "Mum is always
watching us, and she's happy wherever she is."

Moved by the sentiment, Elizabeth uttered, "Ay mi amor ven y dale un abrazo a
tu vieja." She reached out her arms, and Amelia readily embraced her, the bond
between them unwavering. The hug was a testament to the love that transcended

"I love you, grandma," Amelia whispered as they parted from the hug.

"I love you too, my angel," Elizabeth replied with a tender smile, her heart
After their heartfelt morning connection, Amelia bid her grandmother farewell
and stepped out of the house, heading toward her busy day. Little did she know
that a surprise awaited her just beyond her doorstep.

Standing there, like a vision in classic gray, was Alejandro. His presence
exuded an aura of sophistication and charm. The perfectly tailored suit he wore
accentuated his tall, lean frame, and his impeccable grooming only added to his
allure. The subtle fragrance of his cologne lingered in the air, a silent
invitation to those fortunate enough to be near him.

As Amelia emerged from her house, her eyes met his, and she was momentarily
taken aback. "Good morning, Amelia," he greeted her with a warm smile.

Her voice quivered with surprise as she replied, "Good morning, Alejandro.
What are you doing here?"

Unperturbed by her questioning, he continued, "How was your night?"

Despite her bewilderment, she answered, "It was fine, but you're here early."
Her curiosity was piqued, and she awaited an explanation.

Alejandro, however, had a plan of his own. Ignoring her inquiry, he smoothly
redirected the conversation. "Let's go; it's 7:05 a.m. I want us to have coffee
before going to the office." With a graceful flourish, he opened the passenger
door, inviting her to enter.

Amelia, a mixture of surprise and curiosity, accepted his unspoken invitation.

She settled into the comfortable leather seat, still processing the unexpected
turn of events. Alejandro, exuding an air of quiet confidence, joined her in
the driver's seat, the engine purring to life as they embarked on a journey
filled with intrigue.

As Alejandro pulled away from Amelia's house, the atmosphere inside his
luxurious car remained charged with a palpable tension. The rhythmic hum of the
engine provided an odd contrast to the silence that enveloped them. Amelia, her
thoughts a whirlwind, gazed out of the window as the scenery of their
surroundings zipped by. She had no idea where Alejandro was taking her or what
his intentions were, but she felt compelled to follow.

After a short drive, Alejandro guided his sleek car to a graceful stop in
front of a five-star coffee shop. The exterior exuded an air of sophistication,
its sleek, modern design a testament to luxury and elegance. Amelia, still lost
in thought, remained silent as she stepped out of the car and followed
Alejandro into the establishment.

Inside, the coffee shop's ambiance was a symphony of muted colors and soft
lighting. Plush leather chairs and marble tabletops adorned the space, while
the aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air. Patrons conversed in
hushed tones, creating a backdrop of subdued activity.

Alejandro, taking the lead, navigated through the well-appointed seating area
until he found a spot that suited his preferences. With a graceful gesture, he
indicated for Amelia to join him, and she complied, settling into the sumptuous
chair opposite him.

Moments later, a waiter, dressed impeccably in a crisply pressed uniform,

approached their table. With a courteous smile, he inquired, "What can I get
both of you today?"
"I'll take black coffee without milk," Alejandro ordered in his usual composed
manner, his deep voice resonating with authority.

The waiter turned his attention to Amelia, awaiting her choice. Her initial
response was hesitant, a quiet "No, I'm fine," barely escaping her lips.
However, before she could fully decline, Alejandro, ever attuned to her
unspoken desires, intervened smoothly.

"Give her regular coffee," he instructed the waiter, his tone decisive yet

The waiter nodded in acknowledgment and left to fulfill their orders. Amelia,
now feeling slightly out of her element, watched the waiter's retreat before
turning her gaze back to Alejandro. "Thank you," she offered softly, breaking
the lingering silence between them.

Alejandro inclined his head, his obsidian eyes meeting hers. "You're welcome,
Amelia. This place serves excellent coffee," he remarked, his intent clear—to
ease her discomfort with a touch of casual conversation.

As they waited for their coffee to arrive, the two found themselves enveloped
in the coffee shop's soothing ambiance. Soft jazz music played in the
background, a gentle saxophone and the tinkling of a piano creating an
atmosphere of subtle elegance. Other patrons, ensconced in their own worlds,
engaged in conversations or occupied themselves with laptops and newspapers.

Their waiter returned with their coffee, carefully placing the steaming cups
on the table before them. "Enjoy," he said with a courteous nod, and then
discreetly withdrew.

Amelia wrapped her hands around her cup, relishing the warmth that radiated
through her fingers. She took a cautious sip of her coffee, finding its rich
flavor comforting. Alejandro, too, savored the taste of his black coffee,
content to let the moment linger.

Breaking the silence once more, Amelia ventured, "Alejandro, may I ask why you
brought me here?"

He considered her question for a moment, his dark eyes thoughtful. "I thought
it would be nice to start our day with a cup of coffee," he began, his voice
gentle yet inscrutable. "And, perhaps, to have a conversation away from the
confines of the office."

Amelia nodded in understanding, appreciating the change of scenery. She took

another sip of her coffee, finding its familiar bitterness oddly reassuring.
"That's true," she conceded with a hint of a smile. "It's a pleasant change."

Their conversation flowed more freely now, the coffee serving as a bridge
between them. They discussed lighter topics—the weather, the coffee shop's
ambiance, and the music playing softly in the background. It was a departure
from their usual discussions about work, a subtle shift that hinted at a deeper
connection forming.

As the minutes passed, their coffee cups emptied, but their conversation
continued to brew. With every exchange, their connection grew stronger, and the
unspoken tension that had lingered since the morning began to dissolve.

In that elegant coffee shop, amid the comforting aroma of freshly brewed
coffee and the gentle jazz melodies, Amelia and Alejandro found themselves
forging a new understanding, their worlds colliding in ways neither of them had

The coffee shop, with its upscale ambiance and aroma of freshly brewed coffee,
had provided a brief respite from the rigors of their professional lives.
Alejandro and Amelia left the establishment, their coffee cups now empty, and
returned to the outside world. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm,
golden hue across the city streets.

Alejandro guided his elegant car back onto the bustling streets, the city's
energy palpable around them. Amelia, sitting in the passenger seat, watched the
passing buildings and people with a sense of quiet contemplation. She couldn't
help but feel that their morning coffee had marked a subtle shift in their
relationship, a shift she wasn't entirely prepared for.

As they arrived at the company's parking lot, a sense of unease washed over
Amelia. She knew that she had to hurriedly exit his car, leaving behind an
unspoken tension that had lingered since yesterday. Her career and professional
reputation were on the line, and she couldn't afford to indulge in a personal
connection with Alejandro within the confines of their workplace.

Alejandro, too, was acutely aware of the potential consequences of his growing
affection. He stepped out of his car, his demeanor composed and professional.
He watched as Amelia swiftly left the car and hurried into the company building
without waiting for him.

With a sigh, Alejandro closed the car door and followed her, his footsteps
echoing in the grand foyer of the company's headquarters. He understood the
necessity of maintaining boundaries within the workplace, even as his thoughts
drifted back to their morning together.

Inside the building, the hum of activity resumed as employees moved about with
purpose. The reception area buzzed with visitors and staff members, and the
polished marble floors gleamed under the soft illumination of chandeliers. It
was a place of efficiency and order, a stark contrast to the emotions that had
unfolded outside.

Amelia, her pace brisk, navigated the familiar halls toward her office. She
knew she had important tasks to attend to, and she couldn't allow her thoughts
to linger on the morning's coffee shop conversation. Her professional
obligations took precedence, and she needed to maintain the boundaries that
separated her personal and work life.

Alejandro, too, returned to his office, immersing himself in the

responsibilities of his role as CEO. The company's daily operations required
his attention, and he couldn't afford distractions. As he reviewed reports and
made critical decisions, his thoughts occasionally drifted to Amelia, a smile
playing at the corners of his lips as he recalled their morning together.

The day at the company proceeded with its usual rhythm. Meetings were
convened, decisions were made, and employees worked diligently to meet their
deadlines. Throughout it all, Alejandro and Amelia interacted professionally,
their connection simmering beneath the surface.

As the day wore on, Alejandro found himself stealing moments to check on
Amelia's progress with the carbon supply project. He admired her dedication and
determination, silently supporting her efforts from the sidelines.
Amelia, too, felt Alejandro's presence in her work, a subtle motivation to
excel and prove herself. She delved deep into the project, determined to make
it a success and showcase her capabilities to the board.

The sun cast long shadows across the office as the workday slowly came to a
close. Employees, carrying briefcases and bags, filed out of the building one
by one, their voices and laughter blending into the background as they headed
towards their respective destinations.

Amidst the departing crowd, Alejandro had found his way to Amelia's office. He
had been immersed in a whirlwind of meetings and responsibilities throughout
the day, but now, in this quiet moment, his focus was solely on her.

Amelia, her attention devoted to the project before her, continued to pore
over research papers and data. The weight of her responsibilities hung in the
air, her determination unwavering as she sought to refine the proposal for the
carbon supply project.

She looked up from her work only when Alejandro moved closer, sitting down
opposite her desk. The surprise in her eyes was unmistakable as she met his
gaze. "Do you need something?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

His reply was simple and direct, his eyes never leaving hers. "No, thanks,
Amelia. I'm just here to wait for you so I can drive you home."

Amelia's initial shock gave way to a mix of emotions—surprise, uncertainty,

and a hint of apprehension. She hadn't expected Alejandro to be waiting for
her, and the prospect of another shared car ride brought with it a wave of
unexpected feelings.

"So are you ready to go home, or do you still want to spend time here with
what you're doing?" Alejandro inquired, his voice calm and composed.

Amelia hesitated for a moment, her thoughts racing. She hadn't planned on
allowing Alejandro to drive her home again, but his persistence left her
momentarily short of words.

Her wide-eyed surprise was met with a reaffirming nod from Alejandro. "Yes,"
he stated plainly. "So if you're ready, we can leave."

Amelia's mind raced, and she finally found her voice. "I won't be finishing
this on time," she explained. "I want to stay in the office a little late to
research more on this."

She hoped this would be enough to dissuade Alejandro from waiting for her or
offering to drive her home. Little did she know that Alejandro had other
intentions, a plan to spend more time with her and foster a deeper connection.

Alejandro didn't waver, though. "Okay, fine. If you say so, then I'll just
wait for you to be done with it. I can also be of help and give you an insight."

Amelia knew Alejandro wasn't going to back down easily, and the realization
settled in as she sighed silently. She agreed, "Sure, you'll really be of help.
Thanks, Alejandro."

With a content smile, Alejandro settled into the chair, ready to assist and
engage in conversations that went beyond work.

Alejandro's gaze, filled with admiration, remained fixed on Amelia as she

resumed her research. He couldn't help but smile, feeling an extraordinary draw
to her. His thoughts wandered to a future where he could call her his own, a
time when he could watch her work as she did now, with her head resting on his
leg while he gently stroked her hair.

But he was well aware that such thoughts were a long way from reality. He knew
he had to be patient, to earn her love and trust. His anticipation for the day
when they could openly express their affection was palpable. He envisioned a
future where their bond went beyond work, where love and companionship became
the driving force.

However, all these dreams remained concealed within him, unknown to Amelia.
She, on the other hand, had noticed his lingering smile and the way his eyes
seemed to hold secrets. It made her feel uneasy. She wasn't ready to entertain
thoughts of romantic involvement, not after the deep scars her father had left
on her heart. Her focus was on her career, and she had resolved to keep it that

In an attempt to dissipate the growing unease, she decided to steer the

conversation back to work. "What do you think about the Carbon supply project?"
she asked, her voice carrying the air of professionalism.

Alejandro, brought back from his reverie, regarded her with an intent
expression. "It's a promising project," he began thoughtfully. "I believe you
have the potential to make it a groundbreaking success."

Amelia nodded in agreement, her commitment to the project evident. "I'm

determined to refine the proposal and make it more cost-effective. The board
needs to see its potential without raising concerns about the budget."

Alejandro leaned forward, offering his support. "I have no doubt you can do
it, Amelia. If you ever need any assistance or resources, don't hesitate to
ask. You have my full support."

Amelia appreciated his words, acknowledging the significance of his backing.

"Thank you, Alejandro. Your support means a lot to me."

As they delved deeper into the discussion, their professional rapport shone
through. Alejandro provided valuable insights, and Amelia eagerly absorbed his
advice. It was a testament to their ability to collaborate effectively, and the
chemistry between them, while not romantic, was undeniable.

Hours passed, and the evening light began to wane. Amelia continued to refine
her proposal, her determination unwavering. Alejandro's presence, rather than
distracting her, seemed to invigorate her efforts.

Eventually, she leaned back in her chair, glancing at the clock. "It's getting
late," she remarked, a hint of exhaustion in her voice.

Alejandro checked his watch and nodded in agreement. "You're right. It's
almost 9 p.m. We should head out."

Amelia agreed, her work temporarily set aside. She powered down her computer
and gathered her belongings. "Thank you for waiting and for your insights,

He stood, ready to escort her. "It was my pleasure, Amelia. Let's go."

As they left her office and headed towards the parking lot, Alejandro couldn't
help but feel a sense of contentment. Their shared evening, filled with
intellectual exchange and camaraderie, was a step closer to his ultimate
goal—winning Amelia's heart.

Amelia and Alejandro made their way through the nearly empty office building.
The dimly lit corridors created an ambiance of quietude, and their footsteps
echoed softly as they walked side by side. The contrast between the bustling
atmosphere of the day and the serene, late-night solitude was palpable.

Once they reached the parking lot, they spotted Alejandro's sleek car waiting
patiently. He unlocked it remotely, and the doors swung open, revealing the
luxurious interior bathed in soft, ambient lighting.

Amelia settled into the passenger seat, and Alejandro took the driver's
position, his eyes briefly meeting hers before he started the engine. The car
purred to life, and they eased out of the parking lot, embarking on their
journey home.

The city, at this late hour, was an enchanting canvas of sparkling lights.
Skyscrapers reached for the heavens, their facades adorned with glowing
billboards. The streets, now sparsely populated, allowed for a smoother drive.

Silence settled between them as the car glided through the illuminated urban
landscape. Amelia stared out the window, lost in thought, while Alejandro
focused on the road ahead. It was a comfortable quietude, each absorbed in
their own reflections.

After a while, Alejandro decided to break the silence. "Amelia, I know you're
deeply committed to your work. Your dedication is truly admirable," he
remarked, his voice tinged with sincerity.

Amelia turned her gaze towards him, gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you,
Alejandro. This project means a lot to me, and I want to prove its potential to
the board."

Alejandro nodded, his respect for her unwavering. "You're on the right path.
With your determination, I have no doubt you'll succeed."

Their conversation, revolving around the project and their shared vision for
its success, flowed seamlessly. It was an extension of the discussions they had
in Amelia's office earlier, an affirmation of their professional compatibility.

As they neared Amelia's house, she directed Alejandro to the curb in front of
her home. The engine idled, and the soft hum of the car filled the otherwise
quiet street.

Amelia turned to Alejandro, her eyes filled with appreciation. "Thank you for
the ride and for your support, Alejandro. You've been a tremendous help."

Alejandro smiled warmly, his feelings for her bubbling beneath the surface.
"It's my pleasure, Amelia. If you ever need anything, whether it's related to
work or not, don't hesitate to reach out."

Amelia nodded, her heart warmed by his kindness. "I will, Alejandro. Have a
good night."

"You too, Amelia. Sleep well," he replied.

She stepped out of the car, closing the door behind her. Alejandro watched as
she walked towards her front door, a sense of longing in his eyes. Once she was
safely inside, he drove away, his thoughts consumed by the woman who had
captured his heart.

Back in her home, Amelia prepared for the night ahead. She completed her
evening routine, changing into comfortable nightwear and washing away the day's
cares in a soothing shower. Her thoughts, however, kept drifting back to
Alejandro, his supportive presence, and the enigmatic connection that seemed to
be growing between them.

With her hair neatly combed and cascading down her back, she settled into her
study chair, determined to continue working on the project. The clock on her
desk ticked away the hours as she delved into her research once more, her
dedication unwavering.

As the night wore on, Amelia's focus remained fixated on the project. She was
determined to make it not just presentable but exceptional. The challenge of
refining the proposal and making it cost-effective was one she embraced with

Eventually, she checked the time on her computer, and the digital display
showed 11:30 p.m. It was time to put her work aside and get some rest. She
closed the file, feeling a sense of accomplishment, and powered down her

Amelia switched off the lights in her study, leaving the room bathed in the
soft glow of moonlight filtering through the window. With a sigh of
contentment, she made her way to her comfortable bed.

Lying beneath the covers, she closed her eyes and drifted into a peaceful
slumber, her mind filled with thoughts of challenges overcome and dreams yet to
be realized.

Meanwhile, in Alejandro's house, he had also retired for the night. After
refreshing himself, he was served a sumptuous dinner in his room by his
attentive staff. The room exuded an air of opulence, a testament to his status.

As Alejandro finished his meal, his thoughts inevitably turned to Amelia. She
occupied his mind more than ever, and he couldn't help but smile at the memory
of their time together earlier in the evening. His heart longed for her, and he
was determined to win her affections.

Hours passed as he pondered ways to make her his, and eventually, exhaustion
claimed him. He settled onto his comfortable bed, the weight of his feelings
for Amelia a pleasant burden.

As sleep overtook him, his last conscious thought was a simple question, one
that had taken root in his heart: "What can I do to make her mine?"

Chapter 10: Unexpected Encounter

Saturday morning bathed Amelia's room in bright sunlight, a stark contrast to

her usual weekday routines. Her late-night endeavor to perfect her project for
an upcoming board meeting had kept her awake, but today was different; it was a
day of respite. With a satisfying stretch and a sleepy yawn, she emerged from
her bed. Her mind was set on the project she needed to fine-tune, a mission she
intended to accomplish.

Amelia's morning followed a simple routine. She brushed her teeth, took a
refreshing shower, and opted for the comfort of a plain t-shirt and shorts. Her
slippers, the reliable companions of her leisurely days, completed her
ensemble. The enticing aroma of breakfast wafted from the kitchen, where her
beloved grandmother, Elizabeth, was busy at work.

Approaching her grandmother from behind, Amelia enveloped her in a warm

embrace and planted a tender kiss on her cheek. "Buenos días, abuela."

With a heartwarming smile, Elizabeth replied, "Buenos días, mi amor. ¿Cómo

estuvo tu noche?"

Over breakfast, Amelia shared her plans for the day. "I'll be working on the
project I mentioned earlier, abuela. I need to make it presentable for the
upcoming board meeting on Monday."

Elizabeth beamed with pride. "That's wonderful, mi amor. You've made this
family proud. You're the best granddaughter anyone could wish for."

Amelia's heart swelled with affection for her grandmother. "Thank you,
grandma. I love you."

After breakfast, Amelia diligently cleared the table, washed the dishes, and
tidied up the kitchen. She then retreated to her room, where her laptop and the
project awaited her attention.

Meanwhile, in Alejandro's home, the morning unfolded differently. He engaged

in his daily exercise routine, followed by a shared breakfast with his
grandfather. The topic of conversation, unsurprisingly, revolved around Amelia
and Alejandro's growing feelings for her. His grandfather offered sage advice
and unwavering support.

After their discussion, Alejandro retreated to his room, but thoughts of

Amelia consumed him. His desire to see her outside the confines of their
professional world was undeniable. He reached for his phone and composed a
message: "Good morning, Amelia. Will you be free today?"

Amelia's focus remained locked on her laptop screen as her phone chimed with
Alejandro's message. She glanced at her phone, her eyebrows raised at the sight
of his name. It wasn't a workday, and his message piqued her curiosity. "Good
morning, Alejandro. I'm busy working on the project."

Alejandro had mentally prepared for a different response, but her answer
opened a door of opportunity. He seized it: "That's great. I'd love to hear
what you've accomplished so far and offer any assistance needed before Monday's
board meeting."

Amelia mulled over Alejandro's proposal. The idea of meeting with him on a day
off felt unfamiliar and somewhat unsettling. Her preference leaned toward
professional interactions with colleagues of the opposite sex. Her
contemplation stretched into minutes before she decided to respond.

"Okay, where should I meet you?"

Alejandro's anticipation surged as he received her message. Without
hesitation, he replied, "I'll come to pick you up at your house. I'll be there
in less than 30 minutes."

Determined to make a positive impression, Alejandro quickly changed into a

stylish yet understated outfit—a vibrant red t-shirt paired with black trousers
and matching black Balenciaga canvas shoes. The simplicity of his attire belied
the elegance of the ensemble.

As Alejandro headed out, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and
nervousness. Today was an opportunity to spend time with Amelia in a different
context, and he was determined to make it memorable. The prospect of breaking
down the barriers she had erected was a challenge he embraced wholeheartedly.

Amelia, on the other hand, was conflicted. The project was her focus, but
Alejandro's offer was too tempting to resist. As she awaited his arrival, she
found herself pondering the significance of this meeting and whether it would
alter the dynamics of their professional relationship.

Amelia's floral gown exuded a vibrant charm, accentuating her graceful figure.
The gown's design was both tasteful and revealing, highlighting her long,
flawless legs—a captivating sight that could easily turn heads. Her choice of
black sandals added a touch of elegance to the ensemble, while a simple black
bead bracelet and necklace adorned her wrists and neck, complementing the

Her long, lustrous black hair flowed like a cascade down her back,
accentuating her natural beauty. With her small black purse in hand and her
phone tucked securely away, she left her room, radiating confidence.

In the living room, her grandmother was engrossed in a Spanish TV series, the
soothing sound of the language filling the air. Amelia's entrance drew her
attention, and Elizabeth couldn't help but admire her granddaughter's radiant

"Querida, te ves impresionante," Elizabeth exclaimed with a fond smile. "Where

are you going to?"

Amelia settled on the couch beside her grandmother, feeling a warm sense of
connection. "My boss called me and offered his help on the project, so I have
to go meet him."

Elizabeth nodded understandingly. "Hmm... I see. So where will you be meeting

him?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"He said he'll come and pick me up here," Amelia replied, a hint of excitement
in her voice.

Elizabeth's smile remained gentle and approving. "Okay, mi amor. Have a

wonderful day."

Amelia returned her grandmother's embrace, feeling a sense of warmth and

support. Just as she pulled away from the hug, a car horn sounded outside,
signaling Alejandro's arrival. The prospect of spending the day with her CEO,
outside the usual work setting, stirred a mix of emotions within her. With a
final smile and a reassuring nod to her grandmother, Amelia headed for the
door, ready for whatever this unexpected encounter might bring.

Amelia's steps were purposeful as she made her way to the front door. She
couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity mingled with mild apprehension
about what this day might hold. Alejandro's offer to help her with the project
had surprised her. She had always maintained a professional distance from her
boss, and this impromptu meeting outside of work hours felt somewhat unfamiliar.

As she reached the door and turned the handle, a wave of sunlight bathed her,
accentuating her gown's vibrant colors. She paused for a moment in the doorway,
casting a glance back at her grandmother, who was watching her with a loving
and encouraging smile. That silent encouragement emboldened her to step
outside, where Alejandro was waiting in his sleek, black car.

The car's polished exterior gleamed under the morning sun, and Alejandro
looked every bit the dashing businessman in his red t-shirt and black trousers.
His choice of black Balenciaga canvas shoes added a touch of sophistication to
his attire. As Amelia approached the car, she couldn't help but acknowledge
that Alejandro possessed an innate sense of style that complemented his
charismatic presence.

Alejandro leaned casually against the car, a smile playing on his lips as he
watched her approach. The contrast between his relaxed demeanor and Amelia's
slight unease was palpable. She couldn't help but notice that, while his attire
was understated, it was carefully chosen to convey both confidence and a hint
of playfulness.

When Amelia reached the car, she greeted him politely. "Good morning,

His smile widened as he responded, "Buenos días, Amelia. You look stunning
today." He gestured for her to enter the car.

She acknowledged his compliment with a nod of gratitude and slid into the
passenger seat. As she settled in, she noticed that the car's interior was
immaculate, a testament to Alejandro's attention to detail.

The drive to their undisclosed destination was filled with polite exchanges
about work and the project. Alejandro was keen to know Amelia's progress and
ideas. Despite her initial reluctance, she couldn't deny that Alejandro's
insights and suggestions were valuable. As the car glided through the city
streets, she found herself gradually relaxing in his presence, appreciating his
dedication to helping her succeed.

Soon, they arrived at a quaint, upscale café with an outdoor seating area
bathed in sunlight. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air,
and the gentle murmur of patrons filled the atmosphere. The café was nestled
amidst lush greenery, creating an oasis of tranquility in the heart of the
bustling city.

Alejandro parked the car and joined Amelia as they made their way to an
inviting table on the café's terrace. The view overlooked a serene park with a
glistening fountain at its center. It was a picturesque setting, far removed
from the confines of the office.

As they sat down, Amelia couldn't help but admire the surroundings. "This
place is beautiful, Alejandro."

He nodded in agreement. "I thought you might appreciate a change of scenery

for our discussion. Sometimes, a fresh perspective can work wonders."

Their conversation continued, blending seamlessly between the project and

lighter topics. Alejandro's ability to effortlessly transition between
professional discussions and casual banter impressed Amelia. She found herself
gradually letting her guard down, her initial reservations giving way to a more
relaxed interaction.

Hours passed, and their coffee cups were replaced with fresh brews. The sun
had shifted in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the café. Despite the
unconventional nature of their meeting, Amelia couldn't deny that Alejandro's
insights had been invaluable. The project, once a source of stress, now seemed
more manageable and promising.

As the afternoon wore on, Alejandro's phone buzzed with a notification. He

checked it and turned to Amelia. "I'm sorry, but I have to take this call. It's
an urgent matter."

Amelia nodded understandingly, her focus returning to the surroundings. The

café was filled with a mix of people, each engrossed in their own world. She
observed a couple sharing a tender moment at a nearby table, their laughter
mingling with the soft strains of acoustic music playing in the background.

Minutes passed, and Alejandro concluded his call. He returned his attention to
Amelia, a hint of regret in his eyes. "I'm sorry about that interruption."

Amelia smiled, appreciative of his dedication to their project. "No problem at

all, Alejandro. I understand that work can't always wait."

As the sun began its gradual descent, they continued their conversation, now
discussing lighter topics unrelated to work. Amelia learned more about
Alejandro's interests, his fondness for art, and his occasional escapes to the

Eventually, it was time to head back. Alejandro drove Amelia to her home, and
as they arrived, he turned off the engine and looked at her with sincerity in
his eyes. "Thank you for today, Amelia. I hope our discussion was helpful."

She nodded, genuinely grateful for his assistance. "Yes, Alejandro, it was.
Thank you for taking the time to help me."

He smiled warmly. "Anytime you need assistance or just want to chat, don't
hesitate to reach out."

As Amelia stepped out of the car, she watched as Alejandro drove away, the sun
casting a warm glow over the scene. She couldn't deny that today had been
unexpectedly enjoyable, and her perceptions of her CEO were evolving. But the
complexities of work, the scars of her past, and her determination to maintain
a professional distance still lingered in the back of her mind.

Inside her house, she found her grandmother waiting with a knowing smile. "How
was your day, mi amor?" Elizabeth inquired.

Amelia couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. "It was different,
Abuela. Alejandro... he surprised me."

As Alejandro drove home, the memory of the day spent with Amelia occupied his
thoughts. While his initial plan was to get to know her better, he realized
that patience and careful steps were essential. Even though their time together
mainly revolved around work, he cherished every moment spent with her.

Upon arriving home, Alejandro parked his car in the spacious garage of his
grand mansion. The grandeur of his surroundings seemed almost secondary to the
thoughts of the woman who had captured his heart. He entered the magnificent
living room, where his grandfather awaited.

"Good evening, Grandpa," Alejandro greeted with a smile.

"Good evening, son. So, how was your day with my future daughter-in-law?" His
grandfather couldn't resist a teasing remark, a knowing glint in his eyes.

Alejandro was taken aback by his grandfather's playful words. He moved closer,
taking a seat on the luxurious couch. "My day was amazing, Grandpa. But

His grandfather leaned back, a twinkle in his eyes as he explained, "Yes, son.
You've expressed your love for her, and I wholeheartedly support it." He paused
for a moment. "By the way, what's the latest project our company is involved
in?" His tone shifted to one of seriousness.

Concern etched on his face, Alejandro inquired, "Is something the matter,

His grandfather leaned forward, revealing the weight of the issue at hand.
"The Yanns Group of Companies has just announced a multimillion-dollar project.
If it succeeds, they'll rake in billions, securing their position as the top
company while we fall behind. You understand that we can't afford to let this
happen. The Yanns Group has always been our fiercest rival in the business

Alejandro nodded, grasping the urgency of the situation. "I understand,

Grandpa. But we're working on a project as well. Amelia is leading the way, and
with her research and dedication, I believe she can make it a success."

Curiosity piqued, his grandfather inquired further, "What's the project about?"

"It's focused on carbon supply," Alejandro replied confidently. "Don't worry,

Grandpa. On Monday, we'll have the presentation during the board meeting. Just
listen to it, and I'm sure you'll be impressed."

His grandfather couldn't help but notice Alejandro's unwavering faith in both
the project and, perhaps, someone else. He couldn't resist asking, "Is your
confidence in this project also because of her?"

Alejandro paused, a smile playing on his lips. "Not solely because of her,
Grandpa, but she possesses the potential to take our company to its zenith."

His grandfather nodded, satisfied with Alejandro's response. As the evening

sun cast long shadows through the mansion's grand windows, they continued
discussing the company's future and the promising project that could
potentially secure their place at the forefront of the business world.

After their discussions about the company's project, Alejandro went to his
room to freshen up. A warm shower revitalized him, washing away the day's
fatigue. He then descended the grand staircase and headed to the dining room,
where his grandfather awaited for dinner.

Meanwhile, in Amelia's cozy home, she had just finished recounting her day to
her grandmother. Elizabeth listened attentively, her warm smile conveying both
pride and a hint of something more. "Cariño mío, I think your boss is a nice
man. I'm glad that you are finally getting close to a man now," she said, her
voice filled with warmth and understanding.

"Grandma, he's just my boss, and there's no other connection between us,"
Amelia replied, her expression calm and composed.

"I know, darling, but from what you just told me, it seems he likes you,"
Elizabeth observed. Her words left Amelia momentarily surprised.

"But I don't like him or feel anything for him. I just see him as my boss who
expects me to fulfill my commitment to the company," Amelia asserted.

Elizabeth, ever perceptive, continued, "You see, my dear, that's what you
think because you are still scared of ending up like your mother. You still
feel the pain your father made you go through. I know you don't want me talking
about it, but you're a beautiful woman with dreams, and you need someone who
knows your worth and appreciates it." Her voice carried both wisdom and a touch
of sadness.

Amelia, absorbing her grandmother's words, creased her brow in frustration.

The painful memories of her father's actions flooded her thoughts—the man who
had brought endless tears to her mother's eyes, who had made her cry as a
child, and who had deeply rooted her distrust of men. Elizabeth, recognizing
the turmoil in her granddaughter's expression, moved closer to Amelia and
enveloped her in a warm, comforting embrace. The tears Amelia had held back for
so long flowed freely, soaking her grandmother's shoulder.

Elizabeth gently stroked Amelia's hair, offering solace through her loving
embrace. She knew that the wounds of the past were not easily healed, but she
also saw a resilient and capable young woman who deserved happiness and love.
As the tears fell, it was a moment of shared pain, understanding, and hope for
a brighter future.

With their hearts connected in this intimate moment, Amelia and her
grandmother drew strength from each other, reaffirming the unbreakable bond
between them. In the tranquil embrace of their home, they navigated the
complexities of the past while looking ahead to a future filled with

With Amelia nestled in her grandmother's comforting embrace, the weight of her
past trauma seemed to lose some of its oppressive hold. The tears flowed as a
cathartic release, cleansing Amelia's spirit and allowing her to confront her
deep-seated fears and insecurities.

Elizabeth continued to stroke her granddaughter's hair, her touch conveying

love, empathy, and understanding. She knew better than anyone the torment that
Amelia had carried since her childhood—the heartache, the shattered trust, and
the scars left by a man who had failed as both a husband and a father.

As the minutes passed, Amelia's sobs began to subside. She pulled away from
her grandmother's embrace but remained nestled beside her on the couch. With
teary eyes and a trembling voice, she spoke, "I'm sorry, Abuela, for letting
all of this resurface. It's just... the memories... they still haunt me."

Elizabeth gently wiped away Amelia's tears with her thumb, her touch tender
and reassuring. "There's no need to apologize, mi amor," she said, her voice
soothing. "Sometimes, we must face our past to find the strength to move
forward. Your mother would have wanted nothing more than to see you happy."

Amelia nodded, feeling the truth in her grandmother's words. Her mother, who
had endured so much pain, had always held hope for a better future, especially
for her daughter. Now, as Amelia sat in the presence of the woman who had been
both mother and grandmother to her, she found renewed determination.

"Thank you, Abuela," Amelia said softly. "I don't know what I would do without

Elizabeth smiled warmly, cupping Amelia's cheek in her hand. "You will never
have to find out, mi nieta. I'll always be here for you."

Their moment of shared vulnerability had deepened their bond even further. It
was a testament to the enduring strength of their love and the unbreakable
connection between generations. With renewed hope and resilience, Amelia wiped
away the last of her tears, ready to face the challenges of the future.

As the evening sun cast a warm, golden glow across their living room, the two
women, each carrying their own burdens and dreams, found solace in each other's
company. Together, they would confront the past, embrace the present, and look
toward a future where healing, love, and happiness were not just distant hopes
but tangible possibilities.

Now, as the day drew to a close, Amelia felt a newfound sense of

determination. She had work to complete, dreams to pursue, and perhaps even the
possibility of allowing someone new into her life. With a final hug, Amelia
left her grandmother's side and returned to her room, ready to face the
challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

As the night settled in, both Amelia and Alejandro, miles apart, contemplated
the events of the day. They were on different paths, facing their own demons
and ambitions, yet fate seemed to be gently guiding them toward each other,
weaving their stories together in a way that neither could have anticipated.

And so, as the stars filled the night sky and the world outside grew quiet,
the lives of Alejandro and Amelia continued to entwine, like two souls destined
to find each other amidst the complexities of life and love.

Chapter 11: The Carbon supply Presentation 1

After a peaceful and unfolding weekend, it was finally the day for the
presentation. Amelia woke up around five-thirty a.m due to the ringing of her
alarm. She felt a sense of nervousness within her as she thought of how the day
board meeting will go. She knew she had presented business plans like this
right from her college days till now but this was a different one. it was a
project that hung the economy of the company and also the country in a corner.
No matter what she needed to pull this through and do it successfully.

She got out of her bed, slipped into her fluffy blue slippers and went to
engage in her morning daily routine. laying down on her yoga mat for her
morning excercise, going to the kitchen to prepare a simple but delicious
breakfast, going to take her shower then coming then eating with her
During the breakfast, her grandmother sensed her uneasiness and shared a
little courage to her through her advice, encouragement and love. After
breakfast she kissed her grandmother goodbye before going out of her house and
like expected she saw the same figure that has been picking her up this recent

Amelia wore a pink suit and trouser that showcased her business personality.
Her black high heels made her look outstanding but that was not all. She tied
her hair to the back in a ponytail style as her neck and wrist were adorned
with pink necklace beads and bracelet. Her aromatic perfume gave out a
befitting scent to those who could get close to her.

She closed her door behind her and with a sweet and pleasant smile she greeted
the figure before her. "Good morning Alejandro."

Just like always Alejandro was an early riser. he did his usual morning
routine, took his shower and went to the dining where his grandfather was
having breakfast. "Good morning grandpa."

"Good morning my boy, how was your night?" Grandpa Sanz replied while munching
over his food.

"It was peaceful. How was yours?" Alejandro replied as he sat down on the seat
opposite his grandfather.

"it was fine my boy...."Elder Sanz put a piece of omelette in his mouth before
continuing, "So today is the big day right?"

"yes grandpa. The presentation is by 9am so you should be ready before then."
Alejandro said with a smile plastered on his face which did not go unnoticed by
his grandfather.

"Son, I can see you're really smiling recently. I'm glad you can be like this
again, the once cheerful grandson I knew."

Hearing his grandfather words hw couldn't help but notice it himself. Ever
since he met Amelia he has really changed from the stoic man he was after his
parents death to the happy man he is now. "Grandpa, your son here can't help
smiling when he has fallen in love." Alejandro said with a playful smile which
made his grandfather laugh out happily.

"Son, what do you say about bringing her over so you can properly introduce
her to me."

"Grandpa, you know I'll love to do that but it might not be that easy since
for now I don't know her feelings for me. But don't worry maybe next weekend
I'll invite her over after coming up with a good excuse for her to visit me."
Alejandro said and winked at his grandfather.

"Oh son, you really are in love. After the presentation you'll introduce her
to me properly and not like the other night at the Gala."

"Yes grandpa I will, and very soon I'll introduce her to you as my wife." His
grandfather laughed happily as he heard his son words with confidence.

"I trust my boy. you took after me." Elder Sanz said with a wide smile. During
all those discussions Alejandro didn't eat anything, he wanted to have
breakfast with Amelia so eating nothing will be better. He excused his self and
went back to his room to dress before going to his garage and driving out of
his family mansion.

This time around he had picked a different he has picked a different car from
his usual black sleek car. He drove out with a red Mercedes Benz, latest model.
He chose the car to compliment his red tuxedo suit. It was a unique but simple
suit that gave out the expensive vibes to anyone who looked at it. His hair was
well combed and arranged that made him look like a fine Young gentleman he is.

Alejandro, resting his back on his car while waiting for Amelia to come
outside. He didn't want to call her since he had arrived a little bit early
than the usual time for salads picking her. It was just six-fifty-three a.m
when he got to Amelia's house and now Amelia was coming out of her house by
seven a.m.

"Good morning, Alejandro" Amelia greeted with a smile.

"Good morning, Amelia." Alejandro replied with a wide grin. His heart in
wonders as he saw her smile and he couldn't help but to stare at her amazing

Amelia, seeing Alejandro gaze on her felt a mix of emotions within her. Her
thoughts drifted to her grandmother's words last Saturday. 'Is he really in
love with me? Please God let grandma be wrong. I know I said I'll try to let
someone else in my life, but can I really do it?' She muttered under her breath.

"You came out early, Amelia, did you plan on going early so I won't pick you
up?" Amelia heard Alejandro words.

She stammered as she answered. "No, I just wanted to go out early so I can
relax before the presentation."

"Oh I thought...." He scratched his head and continued, "Well we have enough
time to go somewhere and relax before the presentation. Get in the car let's

Amelia gulped down her saliva in Curiosity and Nervousness but she obeyed him
and walked towards his car. Alejandro walked around to the other side of his
car and entered the driver's seat as he waited for Amelia to enter, which she
did seconds after.

Immediately she had seated comfortably in his car, Alejandro started the
engine and hit the road, heading to a place Amelia only him know.

During the drive it was a comfortable silence on Alejandro's part but not on
Amelia's part. With her confused and curious thoughts, She faced her head
towards the car window on her side and just watched the trees and houses they

Alejandro stopped his car at a five-star restaurant that was few miles away
from the company's building. He parked his car at the parking lot and came down
from it. Amelia followed him as they walked into the restaurant.

Immediately they entered, a young man of about 19 years of age walked towards
them. He was wearing a uniform that was given to the staff of the hotel. "Good
morning boss." He said and bowed respectfully

Amelia was surprised at what she heard 'boss'. Which restaurant were they at,
because of her thoughts she didn't bother checking the name of the restaurant
and just followed Alejandro quietly.
Alejandro gave a slight nod to the staff and turned to Amelia. "Let's go seat
over there." She followed him and they sat down in a space away from prying
eyes. The table Alejandro had picked was a kind of romantic setting for couples
who wanted to have alone time together.

Finally seated, Alejandro looked at Amelia then asked. "Is there anything you
want to know?"

Chapter 12: The carbon supply project 2

"Is there anything you want to know?" Alejandro asked. From the start of the
drive till now he has been noticing Amelia, he could sense her tension in her
aura that she gave out, but why, he wanted to know.

"No... not at all." Amelia stammered

"Spill it out Amelia. What do you want to ask me?" He asked sharping his gaze
intently on her, trying to detect her emotions but she only gave one out,

'Why are you doing all this? I know your company has many other sectors under
it but Is this restaurant part of it? what are your feelings for me?' She
wanted to voice out all those questions running in her thoughts but no she
couldn't atleast not all.

"Which hotel is this?" She finally chose her question.

"The Sanz hotel. Are you surprised?" Alejandro said. The waiter came to their
table and asked for their orders and Alejandro took the menu and looked through
it. "I'll have Spanish Bolognese sauce and spaghetti." He said and the waiter
turned to Amelia waiting for her order.

"Just give me coffee, I already had breakfast before coming." She said with a
polite smile on her lips.

"Okay, I'll go get your orders." The waiter said after taking their orders and
retreated to get it.

Amelia now facing Alejandro, "I'm really surprised. I never knew you had a
restaurant as an asset."

"Well I don't too base on the other sectors of the company, but we also have
quite alot of endorsement, like the shopping mall, hotel, real estate and many
others." Alejandro said confidently

"Wow, Your family name really stands out."

Their orders were brought and Alejandro ate his breakfast while Amelia sipped
her coffee. During this time, the conversing of different topics also happened.
Alejandro did not waste any opportunity of getting to know her better and she
also did not waste the opportunity of making her mood better and relaxed for
the upcoming presentation. She had already shifted the thoughts of Alejandro
having feelings for her to the back of her mind and her focus was making this
presentation a successful hit.

After their purpose in the restaurant has been achieved, they both left to the
company. They got to the company about few minutes to eight and just like
before Amelia didn't wait for Alejandro. She came down from his car immediately
he parked it and entered the company's building.

"Good morning, Amelia." Amelia heard different voice greeting her in which she
replied with a smile and entered the elevator while pressing the thirtieth

Alejandro still in his car as Amelia left, he knew he had to make her his or
else get use to her leaving him behind like this, and he wasn't ready to get
use to it. He wants a situation where he can hold her hand and they'll both
walk into the office together, he thought of a time where he could kiss her
before entering the office and after entering the office without caring about
people. Of course he can kiss who ever he wants in the office since he's the
CEO but how can he kiss a person that doesn't feel anything for him.

He knew he had to be patient If he wanted to win her heart. "I'll do anything

to make you mine." He smiled at his thoughts before getting down from his car
and entering the building.

As he walked towards the elevator, he was greeted by different staff and which
he nodded as a reply.

"Good morning sir." He heard his secretary, Sofia, greet him as he arrived on
the floor of his office

"How are you today, Sofia." He asked

"I'm all good sir. Miss Amelia is already in her office." She said

"Ok thanks." He said and entered his office. He dropped his phone on his desk,
took off his outer suit and hung it on his suit hanger before sitting down on
his chair and sighed.

He turned his attention to the direction of Amelia's office. It was not yet
time for the presentation and he didn't have anything to do, or perhaps he had
stacks of documents to go through but couldn't because of his mind won't let
him concentrate.

His thoughts were only filled with Amelia and revolving around her. He thought
about the previous Saturday that they spent together, though he also wanted to
see her badly yesterday being Sunday but he couldn't. What would he have told
her was his reason. He wanted to know more about her so he could know the best
approach in making his feelings known to her.

He was restless as he kept on looking at Amelia's office, he couldn't contain

himself, he stood up, leaving his office and made way to her office. He opened
the door and Amelia surprised eyes fell on him.

Amelia was laying down on her office couch with her hands holding a file and
lifted up as she studied it. "Alejandro...," turning her attention towards him
as her door was opened. "What are you doing here? Do you need something?" She
said and adjusted herself on the couch and seated upright.

Alejandro walked towards her and sat down close to her on the couch. "No, I
don't need anything. I just wanted to check up on you to make sure you're

Her eyes wide in surprise at his outburst. 'He wanted to check if I'm alright.
Is he really serious ? What can possibly happen to me in my office.'

Not satisfied by his answers she rolled her eyes In a suspicious look.
Alejandro, seeing her expression, he gulped down his saliva. "What you don't
believe me?" He asked acting innocently.

Amelia scanned Alejandro's face for some seconds looking for any hint but he
gave away no clue. She closed her eyes and sighed in defeat.

"Fine, I'm alright." She said

Alejandro looked at the file in Amelia's hand with curiosity. Amelia seeing
the direction of his eyes, she spoke, "This is the the refined plans." She
handed it over to him which he collected and started flipping through the pages
with interest.

Alejandro rested his back on the back of the couch while going through the
file carefully. During this time Amelia's eyes fell on his face as she observed
him and his facial features.

His perfectly pointed nose made him more alluring coupled with his facial hair
that formed a teddy. His muscular jaw could draw anyone that set eyes on it
towards him and his black eyes added more touch to his looks as they looked

She gulped down her saliva as her eyes fell on his lips, even though they were
dry she could not help but feel drawn to it.
'Why am I thinking of all this now? Focus Amelia, stop thinking about
unnecessary things.' She scolded herself inwardly.

Alejandro, entirely concentrating on the file, wasn't aware of Amelia's gaze

on him if not he would have jumped for joy that she's thinking of him. "I must
say, Amelia, I'm really impressed by how well you've planned this out..." He
turned towards her, "With this I'm completely sure that the board won't be able
to turn it down.

"I'm glad you like it and it's presentable enough." She said feeling slightly
happy within her because of his compliment. "I wouldn't have been able to do it
without your help. Thanks for your assistance." She added with a smile.

"I'm glad I could be of help. I told you before, If you need help with
anything just let me know whether it's related to work or not I'm always happy
to help." He replied and gave her back the file which she dropped by her side
on the couch.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you to get ready for the meeting while I do the
same." Alejandro stood up, "I believe in you Amelia. You can do it." He gave
her a smile which she responded with a nod and a thank you before leaving her

Chapter 13: The carbon supply project 3

It was time for the board meeting and all board members had arrived just in
time for it. Inside the conference room, all board members took their
respective seat in anticipation for what the meeting would be about. Alejandro
grandfather, Don Francisco San, sat at one end of the table while Alejandro sat
on the other end with Amelia by seating by his right hand side.

"Good morning everyone. Today meeting is a very important meeting, it's about
a strategy that can move our company to the next face of the business world and
make a mark on the country's economy." Alejandro said and looked at Amelia,
signaling her to go ahead with the presentation.

Amelia stood up from her and went to the projected board, in full control of
the laptop she began her presentation. "Good morning everyone, I'm glad to be
here today and without wasting time I'll dive into the purpose of today's
meeting." She gave out a bright smile then continued, "I stumbled upon this
project that was disapproved by this same board if I'm correct, but going
through it I discovered it was a project that could take this company to
greater heights..."

Amelia continued the presentation, talking about the Carbon supply and ways of
using it not only to generate income but to put the Country's economy at a
corner. She stood gracefully and confidently while doing the presentation and
all the board members were amazed by how well she refined it.

Alejandro, on his seat just stayed watching Amelia with pride and a smile
visible on his face but it did not go unnoticed by his grandfather.

Don Francisco Sanz looked at Alejandro expression while watching Amelia's

presentation. He was now aware of how much is grandson loves Amelia, but that
also didn't stop his amazement at how well Amelia presented the project.

During the presentation, questions were thrown to her at intervals which She
answered correctly and strategically with confidence. After presenting, she
heard a clap and she turned to the direction of the clap and was surprised that
it was non other person than the Chairman of the company and Alejandro
grandfather, Don Francisco Sanz

"You've done well my dear. In my opinion, this project is the best this
company has come up with so far." Don Francisco said and directed his question
to the rest board members. "What do you all think? Are we giving it a shot?"

"This project deserves more than a shot, we should put our best in it."
Another board member said.

"I accept, we should give this project our all." Alejandro said in which
everyone agreed.

As the meeting came to a close, the board members left the room one after the
other including Don Francisco after giving Alejandro a knowing smile.

Alejandro stood from his seat and walked to Amelia, standing close to her at
her front. "You did well Amelia, I'm glad I appointed you as the Chief
Sustainability officer. You really deserved it."

Amelia felt a sense of confidence flooded inside her, with a smile she
appreciated. "Thank you, Alejandro."

In the other part of Madrid, amongst the Intellectual buildings, a building

stood tall with no comparison. It was the Yanns group of companies
headquarters, owned by the Yanns family. The Yanns family were one of the most
prestigious family in Spain with their family's company second to The Sanz
group of companies.

The headquarter was a building of thirty floor just like The Sanz headquarter,
It was made of glass and well structured material. Three offices could be seen
on the thirtieth floor, the CEO's office which took about two-thirds of the
floor, and two other offices which took the remaining area of the floor.

Inside a well spacious and furnished room with sleek and modern decor. The
walls were adorned with tasteful artwork, and a large window provided a
stunning view of the cityscape. A polished mahogany desk dominated the room,
and a plush seating area invited guests to relax.

Carlos Yanns, a respectable and honoured young man, he sat down comfortably on
his seat while having a discussion with his assistant, Jorge Ramos. Carlos
Yanns was the CEO of Yanns group of companies and the Son of Geoffrey Yanns,
Chairman of the Yanns family company.

He wore a brown coloured Italian suit, well ironed and fitted. His wrist was
complimented with an expensive silver Rolex watch, his style exuded confidence,
uniqueness and professionalism.

"Jorge, how is the project going?" Carlos asked, his hands were rested on his
desk while one was massaging his chin.

Jorge, seating opposite to him, answered, "We're still working on it, but, so
far it's going well."

Contrast to Carlos style, Jorge was wearing a well tailored Spanish suit, his
hair were combed to the back and his goatee beard were perfectly trimmed. His
style of dressing gave out a simple but professional aura.

"That's good. With this project I bet we'll be able to dominate the business
world and put The Sanz Company behind." Jorge heard Carlos said and he
answered; "Yes I believe so too."

As their conversations continued, they both heard the door open and their eyes
turned to the direction. "Good morning brother..." Miya greeted as she entered
the office.

She was a young beautiful lady of about 5.7 feet tall, her black hair arranged
neatly in a bun complimented her green flair gown, her neck was adorned with an
emerald necklace and her hands with the matching bracelets. Her long flawless
legs were raised above the ground with the green high heels she wore. Just like
Carlos, her outfit exuded confidence and uniqueness.

She walked gracefully to where the both men were having their discussions and
sat down beside Jorge making her seating opposite Carlos.
"Father sent me to you." She added with her legs crossed and her eyes fixed on

"Why?" Carlos asked, his gaze on Miya intently.

"Good morning Miya," Jorge greeted with a smile in which she responded with a
teasing smile.

"Brother, I've told you give Jorge to me. Can't you just let me have him even
if it's for a day." Miya said with pouted lips.

Hearing her words, Carlos shaked his head while Jorge gulped down his saliva.
Everyone in the Yanns household knows about Miya's feelings for Jorge ever
since him and Carlos became close friends in middle school. They were not only
aware of her feelings but also her shamelessness when it came to her emotions.

Ignoring her question, Carlos asked, "Why do father want to see me?"

"Well, he said you haven't been home for a week now and he's missing his
son..." A smirk appeared on her lips, "But you do know that's not the real
reason he wants to see you right?"

Carlos sighed, he was fully aware of why his father wanted to see him. He
cursed under his breath before speaking; "Tell father I'll come over today to
have dinner with him."

"hmm... whatever," She rolled her eyes then turned her attention to Jorge.
"Jorge, it's been a while we went outing together, what do you think about us
going to have lunch today?"

Even though Jorge knew Miya's feelings for him, he couldn't deny the fact that
he also loves Miya. He knew non of her family are against him having a
relationship with her but he just couldn't understand why he hasn't mustered
the courage to ask her out despite her open feelings for him. Was he scared
that he would hurt her or was he just holding back and waiting for 'the
supposed' right time.

He sighed before answering, "Ask your brother, if he wishes to release me

during that time then I'll take you out for lunch."

Carlos, hearing what Jorge said, he knew that Jorge wanted to turn the tables
to him and he wasn't going to let that happen. With a smirk on his lips and a
sarcastic tone, "Do you also want me to give you permission to go into a
relationship with my sister?"

Miya, smiled at her brothers words as she saw Jorge blushing. "Brother is
asking a question Jorge, do you need his permission?"

Jorge knew that the brother and sister duo were ganging up against him like
always. 'Why don't things always go in my favour when it concerns this two?' He
closed his eyes in frustration and sighed in defeat.

"I'll pick you up by 12pm, just be ready by then." He said and dashed out of
the office without waiting for Miya's response.

"You better meet father tonight," Miya said and stood up, leaving the office
she waved at him.

Chapter 14: Different desires

Carlos shaked his head as he watched his sister leave his office. His thoughts
drifted to the reason why his father wanted to see. He knew his father so well
and that was why he felt hopeless.
Geoffrey Yanns, Chairman of The Yanns group of companies and Carlos father. A
man of reputation, affluence and wealth, even in his early fifties he was still
admired by most, not because of his status alone but his cheerful personality.

Carlos remembered his last meeting with his father during breakfast. His
father persistence on him to get married and settle down with someone, not just
anyone but someone that Carlos had no idea of except the knowledge of her being
betrothed to him. He hated to even think about it, why will his father betroth
someone to him when he was just a kid without his knowledge and who was she.

"Father, you're really frustrating me. Why did you do it? I just hope it's not
Kayla." He said to himself before turning his attention back to him laptop and
the documents on his desk.

In the Sanz company headquarter, still inside the conference room in a close
distance. "Amelia, what do you say, we celebrate?" Alejandro asked, he stood
just a feet away from Amelia as her intoxicating scent flooded his nose.

Amelia having a mixed feeling within her, She also inhaled his scent and
couldn't think properly. Her mind were filled with him and the picture of his
lips came to her head. Just this morning alone she has thought of his lips more
than once and didn't even understand why.

'Amelia, get yourself together.' She scolded herself but it wasn't helpful as
her eyes fell on Alejandro's lips. Alejandro, waiting for her reply, he noticed
the direction of her gaze and a smile curved on his lips.

With a imaginary force that he couldn't resist, he leaned closer to her and
captured her lips in his. Amelia entire body froze, her mind went numb as she
felt Alejandro's lips on hers.

Alejandro, not caring her reaction, continued kissing her gentle.

'why aren't I moving? What is he doing to me?' Amelia screamed inwardly, as

much as she wanted to push Alejandro away she just couldn't, She had no
strength to do it or better still, she couldn't understand why she's not
pushing him away.

After seconds of kissing her, Alejandro parted his lips, his whole body was
screaming in happiness, he couldn't believe he kissed her and she let him.
Looking at her expression, he smiled, seeing she wasn't angry.

He knew he did it without her permission but he couldn't resist himself seeing
her eyes on his lips, he needed to apologize before he's disqualified from the
race he's trying to win.

"I'm sorry, Amelia, I..." Before he could say something else, his eyes were
wide in surprise at Amelia's action.

Amelia seeing him part his lips away, She could feel herself once more. 'What
is this feeling? Why am I not angry at him instead I want him not to end the

'Amelia, you shouldn't get close to any man, they're all the same,
untrustworthy and cheaters.' Her soul screamed at her but it was too late. She
joined her lips with Alejandro's and kissed him softly.
Alejandro realizing she initiated it herself, he beamed in joy, feeling her
lips on his, he knew she hasn't kissed anyone before. Her kiss was like a baby
practicing what he watched on the television.

Alejandro took the lead, directing her tongue inside his mouth, he sucked on
her lower lips then moved to the upper, which she followed his exact moves.
After minutes of kissing, they both parted their lips and gasped for breathe.

"Amelia, I lo...," Alejandro wanted to speak but his mouth was shut by Amelia,
she put a finger on his lips, stopping him from what he wanted to say. Somehow
she already knew what he was going to say but she didn't want to hear it.

"Please Alejandro, don't ever say. I may look at you in a different way if you
do and it won't be in a good or comfortable way." Amelia said. She didn't want
to hear those three words, not now and not from him. She's already a bit
comfortable around him and she didn't want his confession to make her
uneasiness around him arise.

Yes, she knows she had promised herself to let someone else, another man other
than her father in her life but just by thinking of how bad her mother was
treated, she didn't want to suffer and end up like that. The reason for her
working so hard, was because she wanted to be independent and don't have to
depend on any one especially a man for her needs.

Alejandro not knowing why Amelia stopped him, he only nodded his head, held
her hand on his lips and covered it with his. "I won't except you ask me to say
it, I guess you know what I wanted to say, but Amelia, I'll make you ask me to
complete my sentence very soon."

Amelia saw the determination in his eyes, he was really serious, but why. Why
her, she's not even part of the noble families neither is she from a rich
background. She was aware of Alejandro's aloof attitude towards the opposite
sex that took interest in him, She knew that if he wanted to have celebrities
as his girlfriend, he could do that without a stress but her, she was just a
woman of little or no ranking in the society.

"I appreciate your desire to try, but I'll advise you not to. It will only be
a waste of time." Amelia said and left him standing, just as she was about to
leave the room, she halted in her tracks as she heard Alejandro's words.

"I would have loved to give up knowing you're the one who advised it, but I
can't. My heart, mind and whole being revolves around you and thinks of only
you..." He turned towards her direction, "Don't blame a man in love, he's just
following his heart." Amelia left and closed the door behind her immediately he
had finished his words.

"Ah! you're really going crazy, Alejandro." He murmured.

Amelia in internal turmoil over what just happened, she walked to her office
and slammed her body on her office couch. 'What got into you?' She shut her
eyes closed and kept on asking herself. 'You kissed him, Amelia, why? you
really have to compose yourself...'

Even with her scolding herself, the thought of kissing Alejandro came back to
her mind and she touched her lips unconsciously and smiled. Alejandro's words
also came to her mind and she sighed, knowing she won't feel the same way she
felt around him from now on.

After few minutes, Alejandro entered his office, he saw his grandfather
seating on his comfortable sofa while sipping hot tea. He moved towards his
grandfather and joined him on the couch. "Grandpa, you haven't gone yet?"

"No, not yet. I was waiting for you to come, so tell me what happened." Elder
Sanz asked, seeing his son smiling face.

"Well, grandpa, I kissed her or better still we kissed because she kissed me
back."Alejandro replied happily. He had pushed Amelia's last words to the back
of his mind and the thoughts of their shared kiss fueled more determination in
him to make her his.

"My boy, you look so happy, what made you both kiss or did you tell her your
feelings and she accepted it?"

"grandpa, I was about telling her but I guess she already knows. I don't know
why she told me never to say 'I love you' to her if not she won't see me in the
same way. But grandpa, no matter what, I'll make her mine and also..."He said
and closed his eyes for a second before he continued. "The kiss happened
naturally, we were both drawn to it." Elder Sanz laughed out as he heard
Alejandro's last words.

"Drawn, you say? you really are a sly fox." The office was filled with
laughter after that statement as grandfather and grandson duo laughed happily.
"I guess you took after me, Alejandro."

After shared time together discussing about the happenings In the office and
Alejandro's plans, it was time for Elder Sanz to leave. Alejandro escorted his
grandfather to the door before bidding him goodbye. He glanced at Amelia's
office one time and smiled before retreating to his desk to begin his work for
the day.

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