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May 14, 2024

To whom it may concern,

Good day, I am Ms. Diana C Cruz. I am one of your teachers at Arellano University Jose Abad Santos
Campus. I am writing this letter to inform you of the rudeness I experienced from my subject coordinator,
Ms. Nicolle Rya F. Piamonte this is not the only time that happened, I am writing now to inform you that for
the last time and I can no longer tolerate her behaviour. she always speaks badly, just like the word stupid, as
a teacher we are also hurt by the words she says to us, when she speaks to us as if we are uneducated.

As a long-time employee of yours, I have never experienced such an experience with my old subject
coordinator. I hope that attention will be paid to what she did to insult me because it crushes humanity as a

I believe that Ms. Piamonte’s behavior was not only inappropriate but also unbecoming of a co-teacher. As
an educator, I value mutual respect and professionalism, and I believe that Ms. Piamonte’s actions violated
both of these principles.

I would like to request that the matter be investigated thoroughly and that appropriate action be taken against
Ms. Piamonte. I also request that steps be taken to ensure that such behaviour does not occur in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sir Aljon Lacatan

OIC SHS Department

Ms.Sharmaine T. Alfante
Asst. Prinicipal

Ms. Kathie Padilla

Asst. Tech. Coor.

Ms. Diana C. Cruz

Subject Teacher

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