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Graphite nucleation control in grey cast iron

M. Chisamera1, I. Riposan*1, S. Stan1, D. White2 and G. Grasmo2

A research programme has been undertaken to achieve a more detailed understanding of
graphite nucleation control in grey cast irons, at different sulphur (0?02–0?1%), residual aluminium
(0?001–0?010%) and zirconium (0?001–0?015%) levels in iron melts. It was found that three groups
of elements are important to sustain a three stage model for the nucleation of graphite in grey
(i) strong deoxidising elements (Al, Zr) to promote early formed very small microinclusions,
oxide based, which will act as nucleation sites for later formed complex (Mn,X)S compounds
(ii) Mn and S to sustain MnS type sulphide formation
(iii) inoculating elements (Ca, Sr, etc.) which act in the first stage or/and in the second one of
graphite formation, to improve the capability of (Mn,X)S compounds to nucleate graphite.
It was confirmed that 0?07%S level is beneficial for graphite nucleation in grey irons with a lower
incidence of carbides and undercooled graphite, compared to 0?023%S cast irons. Low residual
Al level (0?001–0?003%) results in higher chill and more undercooled graphite and lower eutectic
cell count, in inoculated irons. A 0?007–0?010%Al content in the melt is important to sustain type A
graphite nucleation and reduced chill. Not only inoculation but also the preconditioning (Al or/and
Zr) of the base iron has a strong beneficial effect on the solidification pattern of cast irons. Both Al
and Zr sustain the type A graphite formation with a lower degree of undercooling and free
carbides. These elements were associated in a complex alloy (FeSi based), very efficient in
preconditioning of grey irons for thin wall castings, at a low addition rate.
Keywords: Grey irons, Graphite nucleation mechanism, Preconditioning, Inoculation, S, Al, Zr role

Introduction equivalent or rapid solidification of thin section, appears

as ASTM type E graphite.
Hypoeutectic and near eutectic range (carbon equivalent The chemistry of the base iron and also of the
CE53?4–4?2%) characterises high performance grey cast treatment alloys, such as preconditioners and inoculants
iron. Structural features for these irons are mainly as is very important to control the iron structure. This is
short, stubby graphite flakes (ASTM type A), fine carried out by preventing undercooling very close to the
pearlite matrix, limited free carbides content, less metastable eutectic temperature (D and E types graphite
shrinkage and free from dross and pinholes/blowholes. formation) or below it, where carbidic (white) structures
The morphology of the eutectic graphite is primarily are formed. This objective is sustained by the formation
determined by the level of undercooling before eutectic of a large number of nuclei particles which can initiate
nucleation.1,2 A lower degree of undercooling promotes nucleation with a low degree of undercooling. The
the eutectic solidification with randomly oriented, nucleation potency of existing or newly formed solid
uniformly distributed graphite flakes (ASTM type A). nucleation sites is usually increased by inoculating
At moderate undercooling, the resultant eutectic cell elements, such as Ca, Sr, Ba, rare earth etc., but
with fine flake graphite at the centre, surrounded by depending on the base iron contribution, such as affected
courses flake graphite appears as a rosette (ASTM type by Mn, S, O, Al, N, etc.
B). Considerable undercooling results in a generally fine
spacing of graphite flakes, randomly oriented within
interdendritic regions (ASTM type D). An extreme form
of type D, which is promoted by very low carbon Recent research works have identified a three stage
nucleation process for generating graphite in grey cast
iron.3–8 By means of electron microscope investigations,
it has been revealed that a nucleus for a graphite flake
POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, 313 Spl. Independentei, RO- consists of a particle with a body of sulphide surround-
060042 Bucharest, Romania ing a nucleus core of complex oxide (Fig. 1): 1 – small
ELKEM Foundry Products Division, N-4675 Kristiansand, Norway oxide based sites (usually less than 2?0 mm) are formed
*Corresponding author, email in the melt; 2 – complex (Mn,X)S compounds (usually

ß 2008 W. S. Maney & Son Ltd.

Received 21 May 2008; accepted 11 July 2008
DOI 10.1179/136404608X361639 International Journal of Cast Metals Research 2008 VOL 21 NO 1–4 39
Chisamera et al. Graphite nucleation control in grey cast iron

nucleation in grey irons, at different sulphur contents in

base iron subjected to preconditioning with Al or/and Zr
and inoculation.

Uninoculated and inoculated grey irons were tested in
three experimental programmes, which mainly consid-
ered S, Al and Zr as important influencing factors on the
solidification pattern. To ensure a low level of trace
elements, relatively pure synthetic pig irons were initially
prepared in coreless induction furnace (acid lining,
1500 kg, 250 Hz) from selected steel scrap, graphite
recarburiser and low aluminium ferrosilicon.
1 – oxide based nucleus/core; 2 – complex Mn sulphide The experimental heats (Table 1) were obtained by
body/shell; 3 – graphite nucleation
remelting the base synthetic pig iron in a smaller
1 Three stage model for graphite nucleation in grey iron
induction furnace (acid lining, 100 kg, 2400 Hz), with
different additions, such as selected steel scrap (up to
less than 5?0 mm) nucleate at these microinclusions; 10%), sulphur (FeS), high purity ferrosilicon (74?6%Si,
3 – graphite nucleates on the sides of the (Mn,X)S 0?006%Al), FeMn80 and FeP18. The iron melts were
compounds with lower crystallographic misfit with heated to 1500–1520uC for 10 min and then were tapped
graphite. In inoculated irons the (Mn,X)S compound
into the inoculation ladle. Different FeSi based alloys
is more complex at lower Mn/S ratio and has higher
were used as inoculants (Table 2).
compatibility for graphite nucleation, especially with
The sulphur variation (from 0?023 to 0?072%S)
inoculating elements contribution.
according to the first experimental programme was
The hypothesis is that the oxides form as stable
recorded by FeS addition into the furnace after melting
microinclusions in the iron melt first and act as an
and deslagging. Low aluminium, Ca–FeSi alloy was
effective nucleation site for complex manganese sul-
used as inoculant (0?4 wt-% ladle addition). Round bars
phides, similarly to steel melt solidification.9–14 The
number of solid microparticles per volume of iron melt at 10 and 30 mm in diameter and standard W2 wedge
is extremely high,15 but the ability of these particles to test specimen (ASTM A 367) were used (furan resin
nucleate graphite is strongly improved by the precondi- mould, 1340–1350uC pouring temperature).
tioning or/and inoculation before solidification.16 In the second experimental programme aluminium was
It has been found that three groups of elements are considered as the possible influencing factor while it is
important to sustain graphite nucleation in industrial added as preconditioner and by inoculation. The base iron
grey cast irons: was recorded at very low content of residual aluminium
(i) strong deoxidising elements, such as Al and Zr, (0?001–0?002%) and low level of carbon equivalent
to promote early forming microinclusions (CE53?6%). Al metallic was added into the furnace
(ii) Mn and S to support MnS type sulphides before tapping as preconditioner. Unpreconditioned and
formation Al preconditioned base irons were also ladle inoculated by
(iii) inoculating elements which act in the first stage very low (0?01%Al) and high (1?97%Al) aluminium levels,
and/or in the second stage of graphite formation, Ca–FeSi alloys, at 1?0 wt-% addition. As result, a large
to improve the effectiveness of (Mn,X)S com- range of residual aluminium was obtained (0?002–
pounds to nucleate graphite.3–8,17–19 0?010%Al). The bars of 15 mm in diameter and 4 C type
The current experimental investigation in this paper was chill test sample (ASTM A 367) were cast in furan resin
designed to evaluate the possibility to control graphite moulds (1330–1350uC).

Table 1 Chemical composition of experimental irons

Irons chemical composition*, wt-% Carbon

Infl. equiv.
Programme factor Heat Precond. Inoc. C Si Mn P S Al Zr (CE), %

I S 1 – UI{ 3.22 1.73 0.74 0.12 0.023 0.001 – 3.76

– Ca–FeSi 3.25 1.99 0.75 0.12 0.024 0.001 – 3.87
2 – UI 3.27 1.75 0.78 0.13 0.072 0.003 – 3.84
– Ca–FeSi 3.31 1.95 0.77 0.13 0.071 0.003 – 3.94
II Al 3 – UI 3.21 1.08 0.45 0.15 0.091 0.002 – 3.58
– Ca–FeSi 3.05 1.81 0.44 0.15 0.094 0.002 – 3.64
4 Al UI 3.21 1.10 0.46 0.15 0.092 0.007 – 3.59
Ca–FeSi 3.04 1.85 0.44 0.15 0.093 0.007 – 3.64
Ca,Al–FeSi 3.01 1.79 0.45 0.15 0.10 0.10 – 3.59
III Zr 5 – UI 3.15 1.49 0.62 0.20 0.10 0.002 – 3.70
Zr UI 3.15 1.52 0.62 0.20 0.097 0.003 0.011 3.71
6 – Sr–FeSi 3.29 1.67 0.57 0.21 0.097 0.003 – 3.90
Zr Sr–FeSi 3.20 1.67 0.55 0.21 0.099 0.004 0.013 3.81
*Typical trace levels (max.): 0?06%Cu, 0?03%Ni, 0?05%Cr, 0?05%Mo, 0?003%V, 0?006%Sn, 0?005%Sb and 0?005%Ti.

40 International Journal of Cast Metals Research 2008 VOL 21 NO 1–4

Chisamera et al. Graphite nucleation control in grey cast iron

3 Eutectic cell structure of inoculated irons, for a low

and b high sulphur level (30 mm dia. sample, 20 : 1,
stead reagent)

mechanically stirred on the ladle (steel rod). Low

aluminium, Sr–FeSi alloy was added on the melt surface
in the ladle (0?3 wt-%) at 1400–1420uC after deslagging
and was mechanically stirred for y1 min (steel rod).
Experimental unpreconditioned and Zr preconditioned
melt, as uninoculated and Sr inoculated iron, was
poured (1380–1400uC) into the test castings (furan no
bake bonded mould): wedge test specimen (20 mm in
width, 50 mm in height and 75 mm in length) and round
bar specimen (20 mm in diameter).
Chill sensitivity was evaluated as clear chill and total
chill of the wedge test samples. The measurement of chill
was recorded according to a controlled procedure, to
avoid hot shaking effect on the solid state transforma-
tion. Later the wedge was fractured and their fractures
were analysed. The portion nearest the apex entirely free
of any grey spots is designed as clear chill. If the wedge is
measured at the junction of the grey fracture with the
appearance of chilled iron, the measurement shell by
designed as total chill.
The effects of S, Al or Zr in uninoculated and
inoculated iron were also analysed by comparing the
microstructure (graphite morphology, free carbides
amount and eutectic cell count) of irons treated in
different conditions and solidified at different cooling

Results and discussion

In the first experimental programme (I) low sulphur
(0?023–0?024%) and high sulphur (0?071–0?072%) base
irons, at normal manganese (0?74–0?78%) and low
aluminium content (0?001–0?003%) were inoculated
with low aluminium (0?03%), Ca bearing FeSi alloy.
According to the first experimental programme data
(Figs. 2 and 3), the content of sulphur in the melt has an
important influence on the solidification pattern of cast
irons. For comparable carbon equivalent, manganese,
phosphorus and trace elements levels (Table 1), both
uninoculated and Ca inoculated irons are depending on
the sulphur content. Clear chill and total chill values,
which were applied to evaluate the chill results and to
2 Influence of sulphur content and sample diameter on a compare the behaviour of cast irons are shown in
chill, b carbides, c undercooled graphite and d eutectic Fig. 2a. The favourable influence of inoculation was
cell count of uninoculated (UI) and inoculated (Ca) observed in all cases. It can be also seen that sulphur
irons (programme I) level appears to have a significant beneficial influence on
the chilling sensitivity of both uninoculated and
inoculated cast irons.
Zr preconditioning was investigated in the third A number of particular trends in the structure
experimental programme with 0?03 wt-%Zr addition as formation could also be identified. As can be seen in
FeSiZr alloy (43?5%Si, 30?8%Zr and 0?56%Al). It was Fig. 2, inoculation, cooling rate and sulphur level are
added in the melt stream during tapping (1450uC) into a important influencing factors. The highest carbides and
small ladle (3 kg melt, acid lined). The melt was undercooled graphite amount level was found for

International Journal of Cast Metals Research 2008 VOL 21 NO 1–4 41

Chisamera et al. Graphite nucleation control in grey cast iron

with respect to undercooled graphite control. Sulphur

level was also shown to be a key factor influencing
eutectic cell count (Figs. 2d and 3).
Aluminium residual was also found as an important
factor and as a possibility to improve structure
characteristics (programme II, Fig. 4). Low carbon
(3?0–3?2%), silicon (1?1%) and aluminium (0?002%) base
irons at the higher sulphur level (0?09–0?10%) were
subjected to aluminium preconditioning, before a
relatively high addition rate of Ca bearing FeSi alloy
(1?0 wt-% inoculant). In the above conditions, unin-
oculated irons present a high chill tendency and carbides
and undercooled graphite formation sensitiveness.
Aluminium increasing up to 0?007% level had a limited
beneficial influence on uninoculated irons as the chill
tendency and undercooled graphite were slightly
reduced. Inoculation appears to have a strong beneficial
effect, in all cases, but depending on the residual
aluminium content. The increasing of aluminium con-
tent up to 0?007–0?010% range in inoculated irons
showed clear beneficial effects as chilling tendency and
undercooled graphite amount were decreased, while
eutectic cell count increased.
It was confirmed that at more than 0?005%Al residual
(up to 0?010–0?015%Al), structure characteristics of
inoculated irons are improved without the detrimental
effect on pinholes in grey irons.
Zr preconditioning of the base iron led to important
benefits on the solidification pattern of uninoculated and
inoculated irons, too (programme III, Fig. 5). At
relatively lower content of residual aluminium (0?002–
0?004%), a 0?011–0?013% level of residual zirconium as a
result of FeSiZr preconditioning led to a strong
graphitising effect in uninoculated irons. Chill tendency
was drastically improved for both clear chill and total
chill evaluations. Free carbides were visibly reduced
while undercooled graphite was reduced. Sr–FeSi
4 Influence of Al preconditioning on a chill, b under- inoculation at 0?3 wt-% addition rate was very efficient
cooled graphite and c eutectic cell count of uninocu- for the considered irons at higher sulphur content (0?09–
lated (UI) and inoculated (Ca) irons (programme II) 0?10%). But also in these favourable conditions, Zr
preconditioning before inoculation led to better results,
with respect to chill sensitivity, reduced undercooled
uninoculated irons and the highest cooling rate condi- graphite and increased eutectic cell count. These benefits
tions (10 mm diameter sample). No influence of sulphur of Zr preconditioning are favourable to lower eutectic
was found in these irons. Inoculated irons show low undercooling solidification, graphite nucleation site
carbides sensitivity. Carbides sensitivity is lower with morphology, size and count.17–19
increasing sulphur content but depending on the cooling Based on the conclusions from laboratory experi-
rate and inoculation application. At higher sulphur ments a complex Al and Zr bearing FeSi alloy
level, carbides were avoided in inoculated irons for both (4%Al–4%Zr–1%Ca–FeSi)17 was designed for iron
cooling rate levels and were significant decreased in melt preconditioning, mainly for grey irons produc-
uninoculated irons at the lower cooling rate (Fig. 2b). tion in difficult conditions (low sulphur or/and low
Undercooled graphite was present for uninoculated aluminium base iron, thin wall castings, long holding
irons, higher cooling rate, and lower sulphur content time, etc.) when carbides or/and undercooled graphite
irons (Fig. 2c). Not only inoculation but also the are usually problems.17–19 Figure 6 illustrates some
increasing of sulphur content led to beneficial effects representative beneficial results for cooling curves

Table 2 Inoculation representative parameters

Inoc. Inoculants chemical composition, wt-%

Influencing Inoc. add., Inoc.
Programme factor system swt-% Tech. Si Ca Al Sr Fe

I S Ca–FeSi 0.4 In stream (tapping) 1480–1500uC 76.0 1.2 0.03 – Bal.

II Al Ca–FeSi 1.0 In ladle (tapping) 1450¡10uC 74.8 0.75 0.01 –
Ca,Al–FeSi 73.9 0.86 1.97 –
III Zr Sr–FeSi 0.3 In ladle (tapping) 1400–1420uC 77 0.01 0.01 0.8 Bal.

42 International Journal of Cast Metals Research 2008 VOL 21 NO 1–4

Chisamera et al. Graphite nucleation control in grey cast iron

6 a representative temperatures and b parameters of

cooling curves of unpreconditioned and 0?1 wt-%Al,Zr–
FeSi preconditioned and 0?3 wt-%Ca, Zr,Al–FeSi inocu-
lated hypoeutectic grey iron in foundry conditions

As a result, the quality of automotive castings was

improved: carbides and undercooled graphite eliminated
from 3 mm sections, type A graphite promoted, heat
treatment eliminated, tensile strength increased (from
250 to 283 N mm22).
5 Influence of Zr preconditioning on a chill, b undercooled
graphite, c carbides and eutectic cell count of uninocu-
lated (UI) and inoculated (Sr) irons (programme III)
The graphite formation capacity in hypoeutectic grey cast
analysis of 0?10 xwt-%Al,Zr–FeSi alloy addition before irons (3?6–3?9%CE), with low (0?023%) and high (0?07%)
0?30 wt-%Ca,Zr,Al–FeSi inoculation. This foundry sulphur contents, uninoculated and ladle inoculated (Ca–
(automotive component producer) used electrically FeSi, Sr–FeSi or Ca,Zr,Al–FeSi alloys), as received or
melted base iron and experienced carbides occurrence with Al or/and Zr preconditioning before inoculation has
in sections up to 5 mm as a major problem. been examined. Clear and total chill was determined in
Representative temperatures of cooling curves, such as wedge specimens, as well as structures (graphite mor-
the lower (TEU) and higher (TER) eutectic temperatures phology, carbides amount and eutectic cell count) in
and the temperature of the end of solidification (TES) round bars over a range of diameter size (10–30 mm).
increased, as the result of preconditioning (Fig. 6a). As a Based on this work the following main conclusions can be
result, the most important parameters of solidification drawn.
had a beneficial evolution, compared to the equilibrium 1. It was confirmed the importance of strong deoxidis-
temperatures in the stable/graphitic (Tst) and metastable/ ing elements (Al, Zr), sulphur and inoculating elements
white (Tmst) systems (Fig. 6b). Al,Zr–FeSi precondition- (Ca, Sr) to sustain a three stage model for the nucleation
ing led to the decreasing of conventional undercooling at of graphite in grey irons at lower eutectic undercooling:
the beginning of eutectic solidification DTm (Tst2TEU) complex (Mn,X)S compounds, nucleated on the oxide
and at the end of solidification DT3 (TES2Tmst). The based sites act as major nucleants for flake graphite.
increasing of the levels of parameters DT1 (TEU2Tmst) 2. The level of 0?07%S is beneficial for graphite
and DT2 (TER2Tmst) shows the decreasing of the nucleation in inoculated grey irons with a lower inciden-
sensitivity to undercooled graphite formation. The lower ce of carbides and undercooled graphite, compared to
recalescence level (DTr5TER2TEU) is also a beneficial 0?023%S cast irons.
effect of preconditioning of these hypoeutectic grey cast 3. Not only inoculation but also the preconditioning
irons. Recalescence is a function of the amount of (Al or/and Zr) of the base iron before inoculation has a
austenite and graphite that are precipitated during the strong beneficial effect on the solidification pattern and
first part of eutectic freezing. With high recalescence the graphite nucleation control in grey irons respectively.
values there might be a risk of microshrinkage and 4. The range of 0?007–0?010%Al is favourable for
porosity, especially in soft moulds. lower chill tendency and undercooled graphite occurrence,

International Journal of Cast Metals Research 2008 VOL 21 NO 1–4 43

Chisamera et al. Graphite nucleation control in grey cast iron

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44 International Journal of Cast Metals Research 2008 VOL 21 NO 1–4

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