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LASER B1 UNIT 7 Name:…………………………… Score: _ _

1. Complete with the suitable forms of the verbs in brackets.

Evans advised him (leave) London …………………………………………

They suggested (eat) at the local lndian restaurant. …………………………………………

Penny turned the wheel and avoid (hit) the tree …………………………………………

I absolutely refuse (take) part in anything illegal. …………………………………………

The criminal admitted (rob) the jewellery shop. …………………………………………

You had better (listen) to your parents. …………………………………………

The company expects (complete) work in April. …………………………………………

There is no point in (buy) a new computer. …………………………………………

My mother makes me (clean) my room every Saturday. …………………………………………

She pretended (listen) to her teacher. …………………………………………


2. Translate and then write do, to do or doing

Polish - English do, to do ar doing Polish- English do, to do ar doing

doceniać - udawać -

odmówić - proponować -

opóźniać - rozważać -

zaprzeczyć - wydawać się -

zdołać - . wspominać -


3. Transform with the words given .

We were capable of swimming across the lake.



I can’t wait to visit my grandmother.


We all like collecting stamps.


Would you like to go to the cinema?

FEEL ……/10
4. Rewrite in the past

5. Transform with a word given

I’m sure she was there last Firday MUST


6.Complete with the suitable phrasal verb with up. IN THE CORRECT FORM!

She ( ... ) golf. It is her new hobby. ………………………………………

Do you think she ( .. ) for a night? ………………………me..…………

Nabody expected Tom to come to the party, but he managed ( ... ). ………………………………………

They ( ... ) their room. Everything is nice and fresh again. ………………………………………

The parents didn't let their son ( ... ) his business. They want him to work with them. ………………………………………

Don’t trust him. He always (…) stories about his family. ………………………………………

7. Translate the expressions

rozrywka fire extinguisher

wątek, spisek with regard to

wesołe miasteczko stick at sth

zgłosić się do komkursu allow

żenujący remote control

zwiedzanie take place

celowo, z pełną świadomością improvement

współzawodnik juggler

krótko mówiąc barely


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