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Immediately before he died of gunshot wounds to his

JUSTICE LLOREN chest, Venancio told his attending physician, in a very
feeble voice, that it was Arnulfo, his co-worker who had
ESSAY + MCQ shot him. Venancio added that it was also Arnulfo who
1. Explain the ff: had shot Vicente, the man whose cadaver was lying on
a. Good Samaritan Rule (6 pts) the bed beside him. In the prosecution of Arnulfo for the
b. Interlocking Confessions (6 pts) killing of Venancio and Vicente, are all the statements of
c. “Presumed” Identity Approach (6pts) Venancio admissible as dying declaration? Explain
briefly your answer. (8 pts)
a. An offer to pay or the payment of medical, hospital or Not all statements of Venancio are admissible as dying
other expenses occasioned by an injury is not admissible in declarations. In dying declaration, it is the declaration of a
evidence as proof of civil or criminal liability for the injury. dying person, made under the consciousness of an
(Rule 130, Sec. 28) impending death, that can be received in any case where in
the death is the subject of the inquiry as evidence of the
b. Extrajudicial confessions made independently made case which is the surrounding circumstances of his death not
without collusion, which are identical with each other in their of anyone else. In this case, the declaration of Venancio as
material respects and confirmatory of the other are to who shot him, is considered as a dying declaration.
admissible as circumstantial evidence against their
co-accused. (Notes on Rule 134, Sec. 3) However, on his declaration on who shot Vicente, the man
lying on the bed beside him cannot be a dying declaration
c. Foreign law not pleaded or, even if pleaded, is not proved, because it was neither about the cause nor the
the presumption is that foreign law is the same as ours. circumstances of his death. Therefore, as to the statements
(Notes on Rule 129, Sec. 2) regarding who shot Vicente, it not admissible as evidence as
dying declaration because the subject of inquiry is the death
2. Plaintiff filed an action for recovery of several parcels of someone else.
of land. Defendants, on the other hand, claimed that
parcels were sold to them by the husband of the Rule 130, Section 38. Dying declaration. – The declaration of
plaintiff. As evidence, defendants presented among a dying person, made under the consciousness of an
others,, a document showing receipt of the purchased impending death, may be received in any case wherein his
price for P400,000.00 but containing no reference as to or her death is the subject of inquiry, as evidence of the
what property was being sold. The other documents cause and surrounding circumstances of such death.
appeared to be undated and unsigned deed of sale in
lead pencil and grade paper making reference to a tax 4. Explain Evidence in Motion (8 pts)
declaration over certain parcels. Can the ambiguities in As provided by the Rules, Evidence in motion is a motion
the document be cured by parol evidence? Explain based on the facts that is not appearing on record. In this
briefly (8 pts.) case, the court may hear the matter on the affidavits of the
No, it cannot be cured by parol evidence. As part of the parties or its depositions but the court may direct that the
exception to the parole evidence rule, which allows to matter be wholly or partially on oral testimony or depositions.
modify, explain or even add to the written agreement is when
there is intrinsic ambiguity to the written document. Parol Rule 133, Section 8. Evidence on motion. – When a motion
evidence may cure a written document provided that is based on facts not appearing of record, the court may hear
document’s intrinsic ambiguity is put in issue in the case. the matter on affidavits or depositions presented by the
However if the ambiguity is extrinsic, parol evidence, will not respective parties, but the court may direct that the matter be
be admitted even if the ambiguity is put in issue. In this case, heard wholly or partly on oral testimony or depositions.
since the document showing the receipt of land does not
refer to any property that is being sold, there is extrinsic 5. How many exceptions to the hearsay rule
ambiguity. Therefore, this cannot be cure by parol evidence a. Eleven
and the court will not allow parol evidence to cure the said b. Twelve
ambiguity in order to supply the said deficiency of the c. Thirteen
document provided. d. Fourteen
e. Fifteen
Rule 129, Section 10. Evidence of written agreements. – f. None of the Above
When the terms of an agreement have been reduced to
writing, it is considered as containing all the terms agreed The exceptions to the hearsay evidence rule are as follows,
upon and there can be, as between the parties and their to wit:
successors in interest, no evidence of such terms other than 1) Dying declaration (Sec. 38);
the contents of the written agreement. 2) Statement of a deceased or person of unsound
mind (Sec. 39);
However, a party may present evidence to modify, explain or 3) Declaration against interest (Sec. 40);
add to the terms of the written agreement if he or she puts in 4) Acts or declaration about pedigree (Sec. 41),
issue in a verified pleading: 5) Family reputation or tradition regarding pedigree
(a) An intrinsic ambiguity, mistake or imperfection in (Sec. 42);
the written agreement; 6) Common reputation (Sec. 43);
(b) The failure of the written agreement to express the 7) Res gestae (Sec. 44);
true intent and agreement of the parties thereto; 8) Records of regularly conducted business activity
(c) The validity of the written agreement; or (Sec. 45);
(d) The existence of other terms agreed to by the 9) Entries in the official records (Sec. 46);
parties or their successors in interest after the 10) Commercial list and the like (Sec. 47);
execution of the written agreement. 11) Learned Treatise (Sec. 48);
12) Testimony or deposition at a former proceeding
The term “agreement” includes wills. (9a) (Sec. 49);
13) Residual exceptions (Sec. 50)
14) Hearsay exception in child abuse cases. (Sec. 28
of the Child. Witness Examination Rule [A.M. No.
004-07-SC, December 15, 2000])
15) Inapplicability of the Hearsay Evidence Rule under
the Electronic Document Rule. (Sec. 1, Rule 8)
6. How many elements for the admissibility of a dying 10. Plaintiff A filed a damage suit against Dr. B for
declaration? negligence. Plaintiff’s counsel calls Dr. B to the witness
a. One stand as his first witness and Dr. B testifies that he
b. Two acted in accordance with the medical procedure.
c. Three a. Plaintiff A is bound by Dr. B’s testimony
d. Any of the Above because he took the risk and should not now
e. None of the Above be allowed to disavow the testimony of his
own witness.
7. How many elements for the admissibility of dying b. Plaintiff A is bound by Dr. B’s testimony
declaration because Dr. B is an expert witness.
a. One c. Plaintiff A is not bound by Dr. B’s testimony
b. Two because he (A) can call other witness to prove
c. Three his cause
d. Any of the Above d. Plaintiff A is not bound by Dr. B’s testimony
e. None of the Above because Dr. B being the adverse party, is not
considered as his witness.
8. Which of the following is not a requisite for the
admissibility of a dying declaration? 11. In a case for alleged drug pushing, evidence of:
a. The declaration relates to the facts or a. The buy-bust money is indispensable.
circumstances pertaining to the fatal injury or b. The confidant’s testimony who accompanied
death. the poseur-buyer is necessary
b. The declarant is dead. c. The drugs subject to the case is indispensable.
c. The declarant is made in connection with a d. The testimony of the chemist who examined
startling occurrence. (Part of Res Gestae) the alleged drug is indispensable.
d. The declarant would have been competent to
testify had he survived The corpus delicti in the drug-related offenses of illegal sale
and illegal possession must be the substance possessed
Four requisites must concur in order that a dying declaration and the very substance presented in court which is so
may be admissible, thus: essential to the conviction and incarceration of the offenders.
[See Page 16 of Notes]
First, the declaration must concern the cause and
surrounding circumstances of the declarant’s death. This 12. Evidence beyond reasonable doubt is-
refers not only to the facts of the assault itself, but also to a. The same as preponderance of evidence.
matters both before and after the assault having a direct b. The equivalent of substantial evidence in
causal connection with it. Statements involving the nature of administrative case.
the declarant’s injury or the cause of death; those imparting c. Absolutely certain to convict.
deliberation and willfulness in the attack, indicating the d. Morally certain, otherwise the accused is
reason or motive for the killing; justifying or accusing the entitled to acquittal.
accused; or indicating the absence of cause for the act are
admissible. Rule 133, Section 2. Proof beyond reasonable doubt. – In a
criminal case, the accused is entitled to an acquittal, unless
Second, at the time the declaration was made, the declarant his or her guilt is shown beyond reasonable doubt. Proof
must be under the consciousness of an impending death. beyond reasonable doubt does not mean such a degree of
The rule is that, in order to make a dying declaration proof as, excluding possibility of error, produces absolute
admissible, a fixed belief in inevitable and imminent death certainty. Moral certainty only is required, or that degree of
must be entered by the declarant. It is the belief in impending proof which produces conviction in an unprejudiced mind.
death and not the rapid succession of death in point of fact (2a)
that renders the dying declaration admissible. It is not
necessary that the approaching death be presaged by the 13. Who may not be excluded from the proceeding of a
personal feelings of the deceased. The test is whether the case?
declarant has abandoned all hopes of survival and looked on a. Parties to the action or the accused in criminal
death as certainly impending. case.
b. Expert Witness
Third, the declarant is competent as a witness. The rule is c. Rebuttal witness.
that where the declarant would not have been a competent d. All of them.
witness had he survived, the proffered declarations will not
be admissible. Thus, in the absence of evidence showing Rule 132, Section 15. Exclusion and separation of
that the declarant could not have been competent to be a witnesses. – The court, motu proprio or upon motion, shall
witness had he survived, the presumption must be sustained order witnesses excluded so that they cannot hear the
that he would have been competent. testimony of other witnesses. This rule does not authorize
exclusion of (a) a party who is a natural person, (b) a duly
Fourth, the declaration must be offered in a criminal case for designated representative of a juridical entity which is a party
homicide, murder, or parricide, in which the declarant is the to the case, (c) a person whose presence is essential to the
victim. [See Page 45 of Notes] presentation of the party’s cause, or (d) a person authorized
by a statute to be present.
9. The police sought A for questioning in connection
with the killing of the deceased. He was wearing a The court may also cause witnesses to be kept separate and
bloodstained shirt. During the interrogation. A was to be prevented from conversing with one another, directly or
assisted by counsel. He admitted his guilt and showed through intermediaries, until all shall have been examined.
the knife he used in committing the crime. What piece of (15a)
evidence is admissible?
a. The bloodstained shirt. 14. Which of the following is not a public document?
b. The knife he used to commit the crime a. The written official acts , or records of the
c. The extra-judicial confession official acts of the sovereign authority, official
d. None of the above. bodies and tribunals, and public officers.
b. Documents acknowledge before a notary
What is extrajudicial confession? public
A declaration made at any time by a person, voluntarily, and c. Public records, kept in the Philippines, of
without compulsion or inducement, stating or acknowledging private documents required by law to be
that he has committed or participated in the commission of a entered therein.
crime. [See Page 90 of Notes] d. Last wills and testaments.
Section 19. Classes of documents. – xxxxx
Public documents are: xxxx
(a) Documents acknowledged before a notary public
except last wills and testaments;
other time. It does not give a witness the right
15. For purpose of impeaching a witness by to disregard a subpoena, decline to appear
evidence that has been convicted of a crime before the court at the time appointed, or to
is allowed if the was punishable even by refuse to testify altogether. The witness
F less than 6 months involving moral receiving a subpoena must obey it, appear as
turpitude. required, take the stand, be sworn and answer
questions. It is only when a particular question
[See Rule 132, Section 12] is addressed to which may incriminate himself
for some offense that he may refuse to answer
16. Photographs under the new rules is on the strength of the constitutional guaranty.
considered documentary evidence to prove [Rosete vs. Lim, G.R. No. 136051, June 8,
its existence. 2006]

Documents as evidence consist of writing or 22. Generally, mala in se crimes will not
any material containing: always involve moral turpitude.
a) Recordings; F
b) Photographs including still pictures, Own understanding: It is mala prohibita which
T drawings, stored images, x-ray films, generally do not involve moral turpitude.
motion pictures or videos; or
c) Any material containing letters, 23. An agreement not to be performed
words, sounds, numbers, figures, within a year from the making can be
symbols or their equivalent or other remedied by parol evidence.
modes of written expressions offered
as proof of their contents. Own understanding: Since it is covered by the
[See Page 21 of Notes] Statute of Frauds (Article 1403 (2a), NCC),
then it has to be made in writing.
17. Negative pregnant is an admission of
unsubstantial fact in the pleading Rule 130, Section 10 provides that: “When the
responding which is not squarely denied. F terms of an agreement have been reduced to
writing, it is considered as containing all the
A negative pregnant is a denial pregnant with terms agreed upon and there can be, as
F the admission of the substantial facts in the between the parties and their successors in
pleading responded to which are not squarely interest, no evidence of such terms other than
denied. It is in effect an admission of the the contents of the written agreement.”
averment it is directed to. [Philamgen v. Sweet
Lines, G.R. No. 87434, 1993.] Therefore, parol evidence may not prove an
agreement not to be performed within a year
18. During the pre-trial the court, motu from the making.
proprio shall hear the parties on the
propriety on taking judicial notice on the 24. Doctrine of Processual presumption
F matter decisive on the material issue in the means that foreign law is the same as local
case. law in the absence of competent evidence.
[See Rule 129, Section 3] [See Page 12-13 of Notes; Rule 129, Section
19. Declarations of a dormant partner
relating to partnership are admissible 25. A statement of person undergoing
against co- partners. preliminary investigation without the
T assistance of counsel is not admissible
[See Rule 130, Section 30; Own because it is part of custodial investigation.
understanding: Rule did not qualify what kind of
partner, whether dormant or not] Article III, Section 12(1) of the 1987
Constitution provides: (1) Any person under
20. The right to remain silent…. ” Can be investigation for the commission of an offense
cross-examined, if he testifies on his behalf. shall have the right to be informed of his right
to remain silent and to have competent and
Own understanding: Right to be informed of T independent counsel preferably of his own
T one’s right to remain silent is a constitutional choice. If the person cannot afford the services
of counsel, he must be provided with one.
provision against extrajudicial confessions
(Article III, Section 12) but this right to remain These rights cannot be waived except in writing
silent does not mean that the party may not and in the presence of counsel.
anymore be cross-examined.
In relation to that, Section 12(3) provides: (3)
21. No person can be compelled to be a Any confession or admission obtained in
witness against himself, “does not give a violation of this or Section 17 hereof shall be
witness the right to disregard a subpoena. " inadmissible in evidence against him.

The right against self-incrimination is accorded 26. The hearing required for the court to
to every person who gives evidence, whether take judicial notice is to determine whether
voluntary or under compulsion of subpoena, in or not judicial notice of a certain matter is
any civil, criminal or administrative proceeding. proper.
T The right is not to be compelled to be a witness
T Own understanding: The hearing for judicial
against himself. It secures to a witness,
whether he be a party or not, the right to refuse notice is not on for the purpose of resolving the
to answer any particular incriminatory question, issue of the case but rather only as to the
i.e., one the answer to which has a tendency to propriety of taking judicial notice over the thing
incriminate him for some crime. However, the sought to be judicially noticed.
right can be claimed only when the specific
question, incriminatory in character, is actually
put to the witness. It cannot be claimed at any
27. Corroborative evidence is additional 32. There are four requisites of a residual
evidence of the same kind bearing different exceptions.
Corroborative evidence - It is additional DAPAT FALSE DIBA?
evidence of a different kind and character
tending to prove the same point. Section 50. Residual exception. – A statement
not specifically covered by any of the foregoing
28. Cumulative evidence is addition exceptions, having equivalent circumstantial
evidence of the same kind bearing different guarantees of trustworthiness, is admissible if
point. the court determines that (a) the statement is
F offered as evidence of a material fact; (b) the
statement is more probative on the point for
Cumulative evidence - It is additional evidence
which it is offered than any other evidence
of the same kind and character tending to
prove the same proposition. T which the proponent can procure through
reasonable efforts; and (c) the general
29. Voluntary admission of guilt to the purposes of these [R]ules and the interests of
media is admissible as part of res gestae. justice will be best served by admission of the
statement into evidence. However, a statement
For the State, the Office of the Solicitor may not be admitted under this exception
General (OSG) counters that the evidence unless the proponent makes known to the
clearly shows that the appellant admitted adverse party, sufficiently in advance of the
committing the crime in several instances, not hearing, or by the pre-trial stage in the case of
just during the custodial investigation. First, he a trial of the main case, to provide the adverse
admitted having killed his employer to the party with a fair opportunity to prepare to meet
security guard, Campos, and even sought it, the proponent’s intention to offer the
Campos’ help in disposing of Keyser’s body. statement and the particulars of it, including the
This admission may be treated as part of the name and address of the declarant. (n)
res gestae and does not partake of
uncounselled extrajudicial confession, 33. Records regularly conducted business
according to the OSG. Thus, OSG contends activity such as reports, data compilations,
said statement is admissible as evidence is among the exceptions to the hearsay rule
against the appellant. Second, the appellant’s even if the person responsible for the
statements before members of the media are entries of the records is still alive and able
T likewise admissible in evidence, according to T to testify.
the OSG, as these statements were made in
response to questions by news reporters, not Own understanding: Rule 130, Section 45 does
by police or other investigating officer. The not qualify whether the person responsible for
OSG stresses that appellant was interviewed such records is alive or not, therefore the
by media on two separate occasions, and each above statement is true.
time he made free and voluntary statements
admitting his guilt before the news reporters. 34. It is required that common reputation
He even supplied the details on how he existing previous to the controversy must
committed the crime. xxxxx The OSG submits be more than 30 years old in order to be
that at these points in time, appellant was not admissible.
yet under custodial investigation. Rather his
statements to the police at the crime scene [Rule 130, Section 43]
were spontaneous and voluntary, not elicited F
through questioning, and hence must be Own understanding: The rule that the common
treated as part of the res gestae and thus, says reputation previous to the controversy must be
the OSG, admissible in evidence. [People vs. more than 30 years old under the old Rules on
Garcia, G.R. No. 147786, January 20, 2004] Evidence (Rule 130, Section 41) was changed
in the amendments. Rule 130, Section 43 does
30. An attempt to compromise violation of not require such a period anymore.
the Internal Revenue Code before the case
is filed in court is considered an implied 35. Under the New Rules on Evidence, there
admission of guilt. are less than thirteen exceptions in the
hearsay rule.
Rule 130, Section 28. xxxx In criminal cases, F
except those involving quasi-offenses (criminal There are 15 exceptions to the hearsay rule
negligence) or those allowed by law to be under the New Rules on Evidence. [see Page
compromised, an offer of compromise by the 45 of Notes]
accused may be received in evidence as an
F implied admission of guilt. 36. The priest-penitent privilege is limited to
confession of a penitential character with a
Instances in which the law allows criminal view to obtain pardon and spiritual advice
cases to be compromised or assistance.
a) Section 284 of the National Internal
Revenue Code — offer of
The privilege covers only confession of a
compromise on internal revenue penitential character that is confession of sins
taxes — not admissible in evidence; with the end view of obtaining pardon and
xxxxx spiritual advice and assistance
[see Pages 38-39 of Notes]
37. Attorney-client privilege communication
31. Onus Probandi is defined as the duty of may extend to a lawyer acting as attesting
a party to present on the fact in issue witness.
T necessary to establish his claim or defense T
The exceptions to the application of the
[Rule 131, Section 1] disqualification on the ground of privilege
communication between attorney and client are Basic is the rule that, while affidavits may be
as follows: considered as public documents if they are
xxxx acknowledged before a notary public, these
Lawyer-attesting witness exception rule: As to Affidavits are still classified as hearsay
a communication relevant to an issue evidence.
concerning an attested document to which the
lawyer is an attesting witness. 44. It is not correct to say that “it is not the
general rule that judicial admission are
38. Attorney-client privilege communication conclusive against the party making the
may extend to lawyer’s caregiver. admission because it can be controverted if
done through a palpable mistake”
Rule 130, Section 24. xxxxx
(b) An attorney or person reasonably believed T Rule 129, Section 4. An admission, oral or
by the client to be licensed to engage in the written, made by a party in the course of the
practice of law cannot, without the consent of proceedings in the same case, does not
the client, be examined as to any require proof. The admission may be
T communication made by the client to him or contradicted only by showing that it was made
her, or his or her advice given thereon in the through palpable mistake or that the imputed
course of, or with a view to, professional admission was not, in fact, made.
employment, nor can an attorney’s secretary,
stenographer, or clerk, or other persons 45. Declaration against interest is made
assisting the attorney be examined without the ante litem mortem while Admission against
consent of the client and his or her employer, interest is made at anytime.
concerning any fact the knowledge of which
has been acquired in such capacity, xxxxx
Declaration against interest is made ante litem
mortem. Admission is made at anytime. [see
39. The hearing on the propriety of taking Page 38 of Notes]
judicial notice is for the purpose of
litigating the issue of the case. 46. Nolo Contendere where the accused
may enter a plea in which he does not
F Own understanding: The hearing for judicial accept nor deny responsibility for the
notice is not on for the purpose of resolving the charges by agreeing to accept punishment
issue of the case but rather only as to the as if he had pleaded guilty.
propriety of taking judicial notice over the thing
sought to be judicially noticed. Rule on plea of Nolo Contendere under the
T Philippine Competition Act – An entity charged
40. Documentary evidence must be offered in a criminal proceeding pursuant to Sec. 14(a)
as proof of its existence or circumstances and 14(b) of this Act may enter a plea of Nolo
surrounding its execution. Contendere, in which he does not accept nor
deny responsibility for the charges but agrees
Rule 130, Section 5. When original document to accept punishment as if he had pleaded
is unavailable. – When the original document guilty.
has been lost or destroyed, or cannot be
F produced in court, the offeror, upon proof of its 47. Marital communication does not require
execution or existence and the cause of its that one of the spouses is a party to a case.
unavailability without bad faith on his or her
part, may prove its contents by a copy, or by
Marital communication does not require that
recital of its contents in some authentic one of the spouses are party to the case
document, or by the testimony of witnesses in
the order stated. (5a) 48. Confession is verbal acknowledgement
of a crime while admission is statement of
41. Where a private document is more than the accused either directly or impliedly of
twenty-five years old, is produced from facts pertinent to the issue in connection
custody in which would naturally be found F with proof to other facts to prove his guilt.
if genuine, no other evidence of its
authenticity is given. Confession is always expressed or tacit. [see
Page 38 of Notes]
FALSE? 49. Admission is lower than confession.
Section 21. When evidence of authenticity of Admission is more of a broader scope which
private document not necessary. – Where a T includes confession. Confession is only limited
private document is more than thirty (30) years to the confession of a person. [see Page 38 of
old, is produced from a custody in which it Notes]
would naturally be found if genuine, and is
unblemished by any alterations or 50. Admission against interest are those
circumstances of suspicion, no other evidence made neither by a party nor by a person in
of its authenticity need be given. (21) privity with a party in a suit.

42. Statute of Frauds applies to oral Declarations against interest are those made
antenuptial agreement between the parties F by a person who is neither a party nor in privity
to the marriage or to their parents. with a party to the suit, are secondary
T evidence, and constitute an exception to the
Article 1403(c) An agreement made in hearsay rule. They are admissible only when
consideration of marriage, other than a mutual the declarant is unavailable as a witness.
promise to marry;
51. Declaration against interest are those

T 43. Affidavit is part of hearsay evidence. F made by party litigants or by any one in
privy to or identified in legal interest with
such party, and are admissible whether the assertion or (2) a non-verbal conduct of a
declarant is available as a witness. person, if it is intended by him or her as an
assertion. Hearsay evidence is inadmissible
Admissions against interest are those made by except as otherwise provided in these Rules.
a party to a litigation or by one in privity with or xxxxx
identified in legal interest with such party, and
are admissible whether or not the declarant is 60. Monuments and inscriptions in public
available as a witness. places may be received as evidence of
common reputation provided it must be 30
52. Marital disqualification can be invoked years old or more.
even after the marriage was dissolved.
[Rule 130, Section 43]
F Marital communication can be invoked even if F
the marriage dissolved. Marital disqualification Own understanding: The rule that the common
is invoked only during the marriage. reputation previous to the controversy must be
more than 30 years old under the old Rules on
53. Marital disqualification can be invoked Evidence (Rule 130, Section 41) was changed
only during the marriage. in the amendments. Rule 130, Section 43 does
T not require such a period anymore.
Marital disqualification can be invoked only
during the marriage. 61. Doctrine of parental privilege is that no
person may be compelled to testify against
54. Marital communication refers only to his other direct ascendants, children and
confidential communications made during descendants.
the marriage while Marital disqualification
applies to any fact. Doctrine of parental privilege
T Parental privilege provides that “No person
Marital communication refers only to F may be compelled to testify against his
confidential communications made during the parents.”
marriage while Marital disqualification applies
to any fact. Doctrine of filial privilege
Filial privilege provides that “No person may be
55. Marital disqualification does not require compelled to testify against his other direct
that one of the spouses is a party to a case. ascendants, children or other direct
F descendants.”
Marital disqualification requires that one of the
spouses are party to the case 62. The confidential character of a
privileged communication is not lost solely
56. A “catch-all exceptions” rule is now on the ground that it is the form of
excluded in the exceptions to the hearsay electronic document.
rule. T
The confidential character of a privileged
Rule 130, Section 50. Residual exception. – A communication is not lost solely on the ground
statement not specifically covered by any of the that it is in the form of an electronic document.
F foregoing exceptions, having equivalent [see Page 35 of Notes]
circumstantial guarantees of trustworthiness, is
admissible if the court xxxxx 63. When two or more clients engaged the
services of a common lawyer, the later
Own understanding: It is now included as an action between the joint clients arose the
exception to the hearsay rule. testimony of a common lawyer is not barred
by the lawyer-client privilege.
57. Police report becomes admissible when
Rule 130, Section 24 (b)(v). Joint clients. As to
the person who prepares it refused to
testify in court.
T a communication relevant to a matter of
common interest between two [(2)] or more
F [yawards wala koy makita legal basis but clients if the communication was made by any
basaha gani ang sentence klaro kaayo nga of them to a lawyer retained or consulted in
false kay ayha ra lugar ma admissible kung common, when offered in an action between
magrefuse ang police officer naunsa] any of the clients, unless they have expressly
agreed otherwise.
58. Admission against interest are those
made by person who is neither a party nor a 64. There are four exceptions to the parol
evidence rule.
privy with a party to a suit.
F Admissions against interest are those made by [See Rule 130, Section 10]
a party to a litigation or by one in privity with or
identified in legal interest with such party, and
are admissible whether or not the declarant is
available as a witness. [see Page 46 of Notes]

59. Hearsay evidence rule applies only to

oral evidence if its probative value is not
based on personal knowledge of the

F Rule 130, Section 37. Hearsay. – Hearsay is a

statement other than one made by the
declarant while testifying at a trial or hearing,
offered to prove the truth of the facts asserted
therein. A statement is (1) an oral or written

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