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The Kingdom of God 1. KOG is a Gift as well as the Task

KINGDOM OF GOD IS… - gift of salvation; it offers pardon to the sinners; it is eternal
- the central image of Christ’s as proclaimed in the synoptic - is a banquet, a table-fellowship, a joyful communion with
Gospels (CFC2151) the Lord and with one’s fellow human beings
- the heart of the Gospels’ presentation of Jesus’ mission
and ministry … as a Task …

PICTURING THE KINGDOM - our role : search for God’s Kingdom; work for its
coming; celebrate its presence here and now
- Kingdom of God should make a real difference

Thus, we pray:
- to have a change of heart and mind (conversion)
- to be less and less self-centered
- to exercise virtues of the Kingdom of God and seek
- to be prepared to sacrifice for the Kingdom and reject
THE OLD TESTAMENT whatever hinders its coming
- YAHWEH is the Creator of all things- then He is the true - to use our talents for the Kingdom
Ruler and real King of all creation
- the Kingdom of God as a political state or a specific
2. Serve others in humility
- the coming of Jesus ushered in God’s Kingdom
- prophets were sent and foretold about the Messiah who
- identifiable by Christ’s norms, as distinct from society and
would start a new covenant or a new era
the world
- evils will be abolished, and God will rule in justice and
- the Church represents the coming of the Kingdom in
process (CFC 1378)
- the Messiah-King - defeat Romans and gain independence
- the petition :”Thy Kingdom come” in the Lord’s Prayer
for them; restore their nation to its former glory and bring
(CFC 1379)
back the prosperity and their power they had
- Jesus’ acts were signs of the Kingdom
- He taught and preached about the concept of the Kingdom
- God’s will is manifested to all people: esp. the abandoned,
in a spiritual one
the outcast... be cared for (SALVATION)
- He gave parables and Beatitudes and presented analogies
- The experience of SALVATION - act of freeing people from
- He announced that the Kingdom was present in His person
sufferings and oppression that is directed toward a life of
- He performed miracles that revealed the Kingdom –
love ( full well-being)
 where God is the Lord;
- Therefore, we “bring God’s Kingdom here on earth.”
 condition of order; peace, wholeness in people
as well as the environment
KOG – The Church
Understood as Kingship / Reign of God
Old Testament Vision - the experience of “blessedness” (life in the Garden of Eden
God is the ruler God is the Lord – Gen. 2)
Political State Spiritual - was foretold by the Prophets, “God’s rule of grace in the
Prophets In and through Him world and a future period
Messiah King Messiah Suffering - a product of people’s experience (e.g., Exodus event)
Servant - points to the experience of “worship”
Territorial Condition of Life - they always experienced God in their prayers and
(Lk. 4:18-19; Is. 61:1-2) - Israel had earnestly desired and hoped for the coming of
- He brought Good News to the poor by preaching in the God’s glory.
streets and byways, in the market places, along the shore - they hoped for the restoration of Israel.
of the lake of Galilee
- He sought out public sinners(Zaccheus, Lk. 19:1-10); The Kingdom of God is the core-content of Jesus’ message:
(adulterous woman. Jn.8:1-11) and forgave their sins - Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: “This
freeing them from the captivity of their own guilt. is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand.
- He gave sight to the blind (Bartimaeus, Mk 10: 46-52; Repent, and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:14-15)
Bethsaida, Mk 8:22-26)
The Letter of Paul says:
THE CHURCH’S TEACHING - “For the Kingdom of God is not food or drink, but justice,
- Important Characteristics of the Kingdom of God from the peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Rom. 14:17)
- JUSTICE – means “right” relations to myself, others, -become more committed to the mission of helping build
and God (Jer. 22.16) the Church
- PEACE – comes from the Hebrew term, “shalom,” which 2. Live an active life of worship
means “reconciliation” to self, others, and God. - active participation in the liturgy, especially in the
- Christ’s gift to all of us (Jn. 14:27) Eucharistic liturgy
- Christ’s first word to His disciples (Jn. 20: 21, 26) - the liturgy empowers and challenges us to promote
- JOY – biblically, it means “fullness,” “life,” and “love.” justice, peace, and charity
- The Kingdom of God is portrayed on the Wedding 3. Develop and use your talents
Feast, where the joy of all was guaranteed. - to serve the community
- is not original with Jesus, others had used it before, - to attract others to Him
especially the OT writers. - to foster the growth of the Church.
- refers to God’s action = RULING powerfully as
- is unique in Jesus: Its fulfillment is IN / THROUGH The Parables
Him is not well defined by Jesus, but described in - a comparison drawn from the nature or human life and
many images (e.g., Parables) told as a story to evoke some moral or religious insight.
- a symbol of God’s revolution among humanity - convey Jesus’ teaching clearly
- thus, it is not a specific place, but a condition, a - Jesus’ parables are one of a kind because of the “twist”
state of being = God REIGNING in ONE’s LIFE - The “twist” was meant to highlight some countercultural
- it requires FAITH AND CONVERSION values of society.
- ALREADY = we already experience the presence - Today, Jesus, parables led us to question our attitudes or
of God’s Kingdom values that are contrary to the Gospel values
- NOT YET = we do not experience its fullness yet…
- WHY? = because we will experience its fullness in Types of Parables
the “end-time.” 1. Parables that describe the King/ God
- His nature, qualities, and attitudes in dealing with
THE CHURCH people.
- Church – is “an assembly of God’s people: the
community of Jesus’ disciples Ex. The Workers in the Vineyard (Mt, 20:1-16)
The Lost Son (Lk 15:11-32)
The ETYMOLOGICAL meaning of the Church
- Ekklesia – a Greek word, which means “the citizens of 2. The Parables that emphasize the kind of response
God’s assembly,” an act of being gathered (no religious needed to enter the Kingdom of God.
- Qahal – a Hebrew word (taken from Septuagint – LXX), Ex. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Lk 18:9-14)
which means “an assembly of the Chosen People of God The Rich Fool (Lk 12:16-21)
- these people were called by God to give testimony
to Him (Ps. 40:10; 107:32) 3. Parables that refer to the future coming of the Kingdom
- (has no religious meaning)
Ex. The Weeds Among the Wheat (Mt. 13:24-30)
THE KINGDOM OF GOD The Wedding Feast (Mt. 22:1-14)
- Through Christ’s preaching of God’s Kingdom
- When the people believe, profess, and respond to Christ’s The Good News Themes in the Parables
preaching 1. God’s loving mercy is at the heart of the Good News
- Under the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the - reveals that God is Abba
Church is constituted. - an endearment Father
- The “Pentecost” event (Acts 2:1-13) - He loves us with infinite, unconditional
- Because of her constitution, the Church has a “special call” 2. Everyone is called to enter in the Kingdom of God
- To be at the service of the Kingdom of God: to become the - the Kingdom is a gift to all people
living witness - requires responses from each of us
- For the Kingdom of God is the Goal of the Church 3. The Kingdom demands our response
(people) - Jesus challenged the people to “repent and believe in
- The Church is a pilgrim Church, the Gospel” (Mt. 1:15)
- She is journeying towards the Kingdom of God. - we are to change our ways and to be selfless
4. The Good News demands our persevering response
The Church says… - we will be judged according to our response to the
- The first great “living work of the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Good News
Life is the Church. - we should always be ready
- The word Church means that which pertains to the Lord. 5. Rejoice and be Hopeful
- For the Church is none other than the community of men - those who will accept God’s message will find the
and women “who united in Christ and guided by the Holy “hidden treasure”
Spirit, press onwards towards the Kingdom of the Father - the Kingdom will triumph though there is much
and are bearers of the message of salvation intended for suffering and evil
all men.” - God assures us that He is in charge, and He asks us
to trust in Him
Doing the Message
1. Lead an authentic life of prayer The Mustard Seed
- develop an intimate union with God - The Kingdom of God starts from the smallest beginning but
- grow in holiness grows into much bigger proportions”
- It gives consolation and hope, esp. when tempted to - we are driven to reflect on the deep realities of life
doubt the goodness of our works - ask God, “Why me Lord?”, the Holy Spirit consoles us
- it affirms that every good that we do, no matter how small - grief maybe sorrow over our sins or over a form of injustice
it may seem to us, contributes to the building of God’s or evil
kingdom of love, peace, and justice
- never be discouraged by setbacks or difficulties in our What did JESUS do?
efforts to do good. - experience sorrow and mourning
“My soul is sorrowful even to death.” (Mt. 26:38)
The Yeast (Mt. 13:33) - He promised that our mourning will turn into blessing when
- Signs of the kingdom are not always visible our sorrow awakens real compassion.
- Kingdom encourages us to look beyond what is visible “Your grief will become joy.” (Jn 16:20)
and to trust God in establishing His Kingdom in quiet but
Challenge to the TEENAGERS
sure ways
- sadness is part of life
- when in grief we should open our hearts to the Spirits
The Treasure (Mt. 13:44)
through prayer
- The treasure that symbolizes God’s blessings- faith,
- Spirits comforts us through other persons
loved ones and true friendship
- our sorrow should awaken the real compassion in us.
- Treasures that are truly important- authentic happiness
(Beatitudes) Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land
- Kingdom of God can come to us in the most ordinary - to be humble, gentle, patient, and not ever ready to take
ways and through unexpected persons and events offense
- don’t lose your “cool”- be in charge of the situation
The Net (Mt. 13:47-50) - not defensive, your worth depends on God’s unconditional
- It is about what will happen at the end of time love
- The Judgment Day - humility is truth
- Live our lives according to the Good News - Be patient-don’t take moral shortcuts
- We are called to a personal relationship with Him that will
lead us to do good to this world. What did Jesus do?
- We must respond in words and deeds - never busy to play with children or pray to His Father
- taught us to try to break the vicious cycle of aggression
and violence
Living the Beatitudes “When someone strikes you on your right cheek,
Living the Kingdom Values turn the other one to him as well”(Mt. 5:39)
- are set of declarations that Jesus delivered in His Sermon - willingly and actively pursue justice and peace even at the
at the Mount ( Mt. 5:3-12) cost of suffering
- are ethical and spiritual standards for the followers of
Challenge to the teenagers:
- avoid bullying-it is a form of oppression
- present solemn pronouncement of blessings for those who
- be in control of your behavior; do not be arrogant
embraced Jesus’ attitudes and values.
- be strong against cheap-attacks
- express what ordinary people really desire deep in their
hearts Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for their is the kingdom of
- doing for what is right
- have an intense drive for justice
- Does not mean being materially poor nor being
- Spiritual hunger or thirst
psychologically and emotionally deprived
- radical persevering actions
It is not a negative trait
- recognizes are complete dependence on God. What Jesus do?
- our ultimate trust must be in the living God - Focused on justice, a value so essential to a community
- no one should be in want, - Emphasized that we have to fight against anything that
- value more relationship than riches stands in the way of justice and righteousness
“If your right hand cause you to sin, cut it off and
What did JESUS do?
throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your
- fought against self-centeredness, pride, jealousy, envy,
members than than to have your whole body go into
and greed
Gehenna.” (Mt. 5:30)
- led a simple life (Lk. 9:58)
- completely committed to the poorest of the poor (Mat.
Challenge to teenagers
- Studying well and not cheating
- suffered death reserved for the lowest of humanity-
- Saving money to buy what we need instead of resorting to
crucified along the with the two criminals
Challenge to the TEENAGERS today - Staying away from cigarettes, alcohol and drugs
- put things in proper perspective - Doing homework instead of wasting time unproductively
- define the true worth of a person
Blessed are those who are merciful, they will be shown
o persons created and loved by God, redeemed by
o Jesus, in dwelt by the Holy Spirit
- Involves 2 virtues: compassion and forgiveness
destined for life after death with our loving God
- Being kind, and understanding toward those who are in
Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted pain
- the pain, suffering, or sorrow
- To forgive – no harboring grudges or desire to take - He/she reconciles family members who had a
revenge misunderstanding
– restore he dignity of the wrongdoer
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of
What did Jesus do? righteousness, they will inherit the Kingdom of God
- He taught: the Kingdom of peace and love - Those who stay loyal to Christ and the Kingdom
“ If you forgive others transgressions, your Heavenly - Those who may no longer fit in with certain groups
Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, - They don’t fit in with the secular world, they want to fit in
neither your Father forgive your transgressions.” more with the real world created by God.
- “touched” many lives because of His compassion for the What did Jesus do?
helpless - He did not promise an easy life for Christians. He promised
- His entire life showed the mercy of God who makes friends a life that is full.
with the sinners “Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
(Lk.9:4;Mt. 10:39; Jn.12:25)
Challenge to teenagers
- “suffer with” (cum passus)to those who are suffering Challenge to teenagers
- With an urge to help (empathy) - Be martyrs in school
- Readiness to forgive others: focus not on the wrong done - refuse to have your homework be copied
but on the doer whose genuine repentance is a grace from - do not drink, smoke or get into drugs
God. - Do not engage idle talk or gossip

Blessed are those pure heart, they will see God

- Those who are not devoted to idols and never swear The Sermon at the Mount (Jesus’ Teachings on Happiness)
falsely Happiness is…
“go up the mountain of the Lord” and “stand in His holy - Being able to do all that I want to do
place.” (Ps24:3) - Primarily dependent on one’s own decision
- those whose heart remain in the “right place” - Having friends to enjoy life with
- Those who seek that which is authentically good with pure - Having all that I want
intention - Being what my parents want me to be
- Those who can detect what is false - Being in good terms with friends
- Those who strive to avoid sin, because they value the truth - A gift from God
- Those who commit themselves to live as disciples of Christ
- Those who always seek the will of God. WHAT IS TRUE HAPPINESS?
“ You have been told, O man, what is good, and “Blessedness” or “Beatitudes”
what the Lord requires of you: Only to do the right and - Respond to the natural desire for happiness
to love goodness, and to walk humbly with you God.” divine origin (ccc1718)
(Mt, 6:8) True Happiness

What did Jesus do? - to seek the only One who can give true happiness…
- To live a life that does not not follow conventional - “true happiness” is not found in richness, well- being, in
standards human fame, or power, or in any human achievements….
- To live authentic Christian life But in God alone.
- Jesus is the perfect example of someone who is clean of - A state of happiness that can only be found and
heart- His fidelity to His mission as the Suffering-Messiah experienced in the Kingdom of God
- Offered his life for the salvation of sinners

Challenge to the teenagers “TRUE HAPPINESS, therefore, consists in putting God first in
- Remain committed to Jesus like the saints our lives”
- Live a “good life”- an ordered life where God is the central
Blessed are those peacemakers, they will be called The Beatitudes (beautiful attitudes) or The Bad Attitudes
children of God
- The willingness to act for peace BEATITUDES: FOOTPATHS TO HAPPINESS
- Passively advocate peace even during the difficult - It is not an instant happiness:
situation - Painstaking effort
- Merely love or want peace - Diligent efforts
- Shun many excitements
What Jesus do? - Firm decision to follow Jesus
- As Risen Lord , He greeted the apostles “Peace be with
you” (Jn. 20:21) Beatitudes is the road map to a true and lasting happiness.
- He is the great reconciler and peacemaker - If we follow the path which Jesus points out to us in the
- His mission is to bring us back to the loving relationship Beatitudes, we can be assured of the happiness which the
with the Father and with one another world and the things of this world cannot give…
Challenge to teenagers - teach us that the final end to which God calls us: the
- He/she settles quarrels between friends kingdom, the vision of God, participation in the divine
- He/she resolves disputes between classmates nature, filiation.(CCC1726)
Challenge of the Beatitudes The Last Supper
Our Attitudes and Characters must be developed: - the new Passover meal in His Body and Blood , with His
Jesus Others You apostles
Glory Intelligence Fortune Talents - First Mass
Faith Obedience Commitment Unconditional love Spirit - Reenactment of Jesus actions: took the the bread,
blessed, broke and gave it to His apostles.
- Structure of the Liturgy of the Eucharist: took- presentation
Remembering Jesus Last Days of the gifts
Growing Opposition Against Jesus Blessed- the Eucharistic Prayers
- Jesus was held under suspicion and put under surveillance Broke- breaking of the bread afterv the Sign of Peace
by the Jewish authorities Gave- Communion
- His deeds and words were considered “ a sign of - Jesus went beyond sharing a meal as a sign of
contradiction” (Lk 2:33-34) forgiveness- He offered His own Body-( “This is my Body”)
- He was a threat to them which will be given up; and His Blood – to be poured for
the forgiveness of sins.
Jesus was considered as… - At the Mass, Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross is made
- An impostor (Mt. 27:63) sacramentally present through the symbols of the
- A false prophet who was leading the people astray (Jn consecrated bread and wine .
7:12) - The ritual makes present His bloody offering on the Cross
- The Evil One in league with Satan (Mt 12:24) during the first Good Friday
- A blasphemer (Mt. 14:64)
- A glutton and a drunkard (Mt. 11:19) New Covenant of Love
- Jn 13:34-35 – love one another as Jesus has loved us (
Jesus’ Behavior true disciples)
- He ate and drank with the tax collectors and those outside - Jn. 15:12-13 – the greater act of love is to lay down one’s
the law. life for one’s friend
- He was friendly with everybody without exception.
- He cured during Sabbath day, His apostles did not observe Uniting with Jesus in His Passion
the ritual of washing of hands before meal. - Jesus ‘ passion began at Mt. Olives
- He openly attacked the hypocritical lifestyle of the religious
leaders. l. The Agony in the Garden (Lk 22: 39-46)
- He reached out to the Gentile and pagan territories. - Shows how Jesus was truly man in all things but sin (Heb
- He attracted a large following common people 4::15)
- He was discredit by the Pharisees, Scribes and - He feared pain and death; He was gravely troubled, filled
Sadducees among common people, but the more the with mental anguish, inner dread, and sorrow.
common people believed in Him. - He sought human comfort, yet He gave Himself fully to
God’s will in prayer and deed.
Message of the Last Supper Events - This perfect loving obedience brought Him the strength
- The Washing of the Feet (Jn 13:1-11) to carry through His passion,
- Washing the feet was the task of the lowest slave. - Prayer is at the heart of the Getsemane scene.
- Jesus, the Master and Teacher, took the role of a lowly II. The Betrayal of Judas and the Arrest of Jesus (Mt 26:47-
slave and washed the feet of His apostles. 56; Jn 18:1-4)
- the act of washing the feet of the apostle represents Jesus’ - Twice Jesus asked His captors who was they seeking for
whole life of loving service to others, climaxed by His and twice Jesus identified himself to them
death on the Cross. - This shows that Jesus freely and voluntarily permitted
- Jesus bent and washed the soiled feet of humankind- a His arrest.
symbol of mystery of divine forgiveness, to make us lll. The Trial of Jesus
worthy for the table of fellowship with God and with one - Jesus was examined five times- by Annas, Caipphas,
another Pilate , Herod and Pilate again- ( the procurator).
- Jesus set an example for all to follow: To live a life of - In Filipino parlance, the trials is moro-moro, a mere stage
loving service to others. act
- Jesus reminds us: only through attitude of genuine - The trials were mockery, there was already a verdict long
humility can we render authentic loving service to others; before it began.
only through service to others do we come to true - The religious authorities were clear with what they wanted
greatness from the start: Jesus had to die.
- The final verdict of the court, Sanhedrin: Crucifixion for
Institution of the Eucharist (Lk. 22:14-20) Jesus committed blasphemy for claiming He was a
- INSTITUTE- Jesus established, originated and inagurated Messiah, the Son of God.
the sacrament of all- the Eucharistic sacrament of His lV. Jesus’ Death on the Cross (Mt. 27:32-54)
Body and Blood (Sacrosanctum Concilium 47) - After scourging, He was handed to the soldiers to be
- The Last Supper was the new Passover crucified
- Crucifixion was common form of execution for criminals;
The Passover it is the most painful form of death.
- Expressed its significance in the symbolism of its various - Mt Calvary/Golgotha , the place of crucifixion
elements like the slain paschal lamb, the unleavened - Way of Sorrows (Via Dolorosa)= the few hundred meter
bread , the bitter herbs, and the cup of wine. road that Jesus walked; “ long and endless road as the
- Celebration of thanks giving road of human sinfulness”
- Freedom from slavery - Simon of Cyrene- a visiting pilgrim to Jerusalem, was
commandeered to help Jesus carry the cross
- Two criminals were beside Him
- Stripped His cloths, and nailed Him and posted an
inscription “Jesus the Nazarene, the King of the Jews”
INRI (Jn 19:19-20)
- “Father into Your hands I commend my Spirit” (Lk 23:46);
Jesus’ last breath, a cry of prayer

Meaning of Jesus’ Death

- To the local Romans- end of another routine execution of
a troublemaker
- To the Jewish leaders- end of their fears that Jesus will
supplant them.
- To His followers- devastation of their faith in Jesus, end of
their most thrilling experiences
- To Jesus Himself- His death is a crowned of His earthly
ministry as the greatest act of love for us and our salvation.
- To us, disciples-of-today
- 1. Jesus died for our sinfulness.
- 2. to show us how to overcome sin and its effects on our
broken world and empower us to fight sin
- 3. it conquered evil and brought us new life (Eternal Life)

The Ascension (Lk. 24:50-53)

“Jesus ascended to heaven-simply affirms that at the
completion of His earthly mission, He took his rightful place of
honor at God’s right hand.

Basic Truths of our Christian Faith

1. The Ascension marks Jesus’ exultation into the heavenly
realm of His Father.
2. It does not separate Christ from us because as He
promised form heaven, “He draws everyone to Himself”
(Jn 12:32)
3. Christ continues to exercise His priesthood since He
entered “heaven itself”, that He might now appear before
God on our behalf”( Heb7:25;9:24)
4. The ascended Christ as Head of the Church gives us,
members of His Body, the hope one day entering glory with

Pondering the Mystery of Resurrection

Meaning and Salvific Importance of Resurrection
Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC 621-625)
1. It confirmed everything Jesus had done and taught
2. Fulfillment of the prophecies of a promised Savior for
3. It confirmed Jesus’ divinity
4. It brought us a share of new life.
5. It is the principle and source of our future resurrection.

Challenge in our life

We have a God who is with us, REAL and ALIVE
- He is listening when we pray to Him.
- In prayer we share with Him our concerns, frustrations
as well as joys. He undertands us because He has
lived as human

Our FAITH in Christ who lives and is our life, CONSOLES

Allowing us to partake in His New and eternal life, we
look forward to a glorious life at the end of our earthly life, where
there will be no more pain , no more suffering.

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