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L1: Kinship, Marriage, and the Household REFERRED MARRIAGE

KINSHIP - use of matchmakers to find a suitable partner.
- Refers to human relationship, that is, a person’s
relationship by blood or marriage to another person or ARRANGED MARRIAGE
others. - fixed marriage arranged by the parents.
- The anthropologist Robin Fox explains states that “the
study of kinship is the study of what man does with the 1. Child marriage
basic facts of life-mating, gestation, parenthood, 2. Diplomatic marriage
socialization, sibling ship, etc. 3. Exchange marriage
KINSHIP BY BLOOD 4. Modern arranged marriage
- Refers to relationship that arises in one’s group of origin or KINSHIP BY RITUAL
that which refers to genetic relatedness. - One good example of ritual kinship is the godparenthood
Consanguineal (compadrazgo) in the predominantly Catholic societies.
- Relationship by the blood or by descent of the same (kumpare/pare, kumare/mare) (Ninong at ninang) for the
ancestor. child’s baptism, confirmation, and marriage.
- It is the biological relationship you have with your Godparenthood
parents and your ancestry or origin - Plays important role in strengthening and reinforcing
Unilineal Descent the ties of kinship by blood and by marriage among
- It is usually traced through one part of the family, either people in the community.
 male (patrilineal)
- It is the practice in which the couple will live together after
 female (matrilineal)
the wedding.
- If one’s kinship is reckoned through his or her father’s
1. Neolocal
line of descent.
- Couple will settle independently on a different
- If one’s kinship is reckoned through his or her mother’s
2. Patrilocal
line of descent.
- Rule of residence occurs when the couple stays in the
Bilateral Descent
house of the husband’s family or relatives
- “two sided descent”, a person more or less equally with
3. Matrilocal
relatives on his or her father’s and mother’s sides.
- Rule of residence occurs when the couple stays in the
- Everyone is a member of both his or her father’s and
house of the wife’s family or relatives
mother’s families.
4. Bilocal
KINSHIP BY MARRIAGE - It happens when the couple stays with the husband’s
- Marriage is “a socially or ritually recognized union or legal and wife’s kin alternately.
contract between spouses that establishes rights and
obligations between them and their children. The kinship FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD
by marriage or human relation through marriage is - It is considered the basic unit of social organization made
commonly called “affinity”. up of a group of individuals linked together by marriage,
blood relations, or adoptions.
- The social rule which a states that a partner must be NUCLEAR FAMILY
selected from a person’s own social group. - The simplest form comprises and least one child or more.
Exogamy Usually center on a married couple also called conjugal
- The rule which proclaims that a partner must be families.
chosen from a group different from one’s own.
MONOGAMY - An extended family is practically a complex family system
- Refers to the marriage of one woman to one man at a time. genetically composed of parents and their children that live
- If remarriage is allowed following divorce or death of with other relatives.
partner, the marriage pattern is termed “serial monogamy”.
POLYGAMY - It is the type of family where the parents have a child or
- Custom of having more than one legal spouse at the same children from previous relationships, but all members stay
time. Such as, it is marriage which involves more than two and congregate to form a new family unit.
- Main types: HOUSEHOLD
 POLYGYNY – one man is married to several women - This term refers to an individual or group of people
 POLYANDRY – one woman is married to several men living together as family
TWO KINDS: - Headman (leader – no absolute political power –
1. ONE PERSON – It refers to the situation in which an senior/elders – from elite family from the tribe)
individual lives alone and makes his/her own provision CHIEFDOM
for food and other essentials. - A political unit headed by a chief, who holds power over
2. MULTI-PERSON – It refers to the situation in which a more than one community group.
group of two or more persons lives together and makes - Already have a form of social and political structure
common provision for food and other essentials characterized by a community leader.
- Power is inherited (By blood or by achievements)
POLITICS IN KINSHIP - Traditional authority (family)
- Especially in highly urbanized societies, kinship relations - Chief (leader)
may extend to people an individual or a family has political - Can be simple (1 family only) or complex (2 or more
affiliation with. families – tributary system)
- In some cases, political ties may even reinforce the blood
relations and kinship by marriage among people involved.

- It refers to “two or more individuals who are related within
the second degree of consanguinity” and holds public
office constitute the definition of political dynasty.
- The concept is related to oligarchy in political science,
patronage politics, and transferring of power between
STATE – Political Concept
family members.
- A political unit consisting of a government that has
- Philippine Laws. The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines
sovereignty presiding over a group of people and a
states in Article II Section 26, "The State shall guarantee
well-defined territory
equal access to opportunities for public service, and
- A state is the highest form of political organization
prohibit political dynasties as may be defined by law."
- The state is sovereign because it has the capacity to
POLITICAL ALLIANCE maintain order within its boundaries
- As political parties may be formed by joining of forces of - The state is sovereign because other states recognize
political families, political alliances may be created by the it as an independent state
collaboration among some political parties. - People who comprise a state are called its citizens
- In the Philippines, a multi-party system exists. The NATION – Ethnic Concept
numerous political parties recognized by the Commission - Groups of people that share a common history,
on Election. language, traditions, customs, habits, and ethnicity
• Major Parties (traditional National Parties) - Benedict Anderson - nations exist as a state of mind,
• Minor Parties (party-list organization) you can be physically apart from the country by still
• Regional or Provincial parties considering yourself part of the nation (ex, OFW's)
- Nations have no political sovereignty

L2: Political and Leadership Structures Philippines – not a nation-state because of Moros in Mindanao,
but it is a nation when the president is the one who’s speaking
- Refers to activities through which people make, What is Political Legitimacy and Authority?
preserve, and amend the general rules under which
they live.
- It involves the dynamics of conflict resolution and
cooperation, as well as the exercise of power.
- Refers to the ability to do something to achieve the
desired outcome.
- A person who has authority has the right to exercise


BANDS - People follow authority because of its legitimacy.
- It is usually a very small, oftentimes nomadic group that - Legitimacy is a moral or ethical concept that gives
is connected by family ties and is politically whoever possesses power may demand obedience
independent. from citizens
- Hunting and gathering are their typical way of life. - Just because one has authority, doesn't mean they
- Experience and ability grants leadership and power have legitimate control.
- Acephalous – not well-defined political system - Authority gained through things like conquest,
TRIBES deception, violence, etc. tends to be undeserved, since
- It is a combination of smaller kin or non-kin groups, the person who gains the power is ill-equipped to
linked by a common culture, that usually act as one. handle that power
- Usually bigger than bands and are primarily food - For authority to be binding and stable, it has to be
producers. legitimate
- Social order is maintained through a kinship and family Max Weber – Types of Legitimacy Authority (3 types)
system led by a community head 1. Traditional Authority
- Pantribal association (elders-councilor) - Legitimacy is derived from well- established
customs, habits, social structures
- ex. Monarchies, Chiefdoms, etc.  entails a redistribution of income that is not matched by
2. Charismatic Authority actual exchange of goods and services.
- Authority is from the charisma of the
individual. Example of transfer:
- Some see this charisma as the right for that  donation or financial assistance from a richer relative
individual to rule (ex. Religious icons,  farm subsidies given to farmers by the government
Celebrities, etc.)
Transfer Payments – payments that are made without any good
3. Legal-Rational Authority
- This is found in more industrialized, modern or service being received in return (Bishop, 2012)
societies where power rests upon a particular Redistribution
office and not upon a specific person. - It is the combination of transfer and reciprocity, where the
- Authority and power are exercised based on economic exchange involves the collection of goods from
laws. As such, the law and the judiciary are members.
seen as the highest forms of power in society - Act of the government to distribute income from the
wealthy businesses and citizens to the less wealthy
(Mares, 2014).
L3: Economic Institutions MARKET INSTITUTIONS
- are the formal and informal rules that organize the - type of economic system that allows the free flow of goods
economic flow and activity of a society. between and among private individuals and firms with
limited participation from the government.
 it refers to a network of commercial organizations Market System
that determine how goods and services are - is a type of economic system that allows the free flow of
produced, generated, distributed, and purchased goods between and among private individuals and firms
 a company or an organization that deals with money with very limited participation from the government
or with managing the distribution of money, goods, - Market a mechanism and not necessarily a place which
and services in an economy. brings buyers and sellers together for a desired allocation.
 Banks, government organizations, and investment Characteristics:
funds are all economic institutions: Technical 1. Private property
assistance will be needed to rebuild essential 2. Freedom or enterprise and choice
economic institutions after this upheaval. 3. Self-interest
4. Competition
Functionalist Perspective – Emphasizes social order and 5. Markets and prices
stability 6. Reliance on technology and capital goods
Conflict Perspective – Emphasizes social conflict and 7. Specialization
inequality 8. Use of money
Carl Marx – higher class benefits/ takes advantage 9. Active but limited government participation

NONMARKET INSTITUTIONS - Invisible hand integrates both the idea of self-interest and
- refers to goods or labor exchange without involving any competition in the marketplace, which brings about a socially
cash output on either of the parties involved. optimum result even in the absence of government
Reciprocity - Market transaction involves parties who sell their goods
- It pertains to the exchange of goods or labor between and services in exchange for cash from consumers which
individuals in a community that can be in a form or direct comes in a form of a purchase at a given price of a good or
barter or simultaneous exchange of goods. a service.
- Price determination depends on the availability of a
Types of Reciprocity: particular good or service in the market. Ideally, the market
 Generalized Reciprocity – giving something without price is estimated to be that price where supply equals
the anticipation of an instant return. demand.
 Balanced Reciprocity – giving out of something with - When supply is higher than demand, it is called surplus.
the anticipation of immediate return. - When supply is lower than demand, it is called shortage.
 Negative Reciprocity
- Occurs when the exchange of something Oligopoly – It refers to an economic market condition in which
already involves taking advantage of there are a few service providers -ex. Airline companies
someone or the situation. Monopoly – It refers to an economic market condition in which
- Most of the time, this type of exchange there is only one service provider
involves trickery, intimidation, or hard ex. MERALCO
State-Market Relationships and International Trade
Transfer - power of the government, by law, to regulate prices in the
- It involves a redistribution of income that is not matched by market for the protection of the consuming public.
actual exchange of goods and services.
 it is in this aspect that the state plays an important role in
 It refers to payments or transactions where there is no the market.
value added to the economy.  it comes regulate prices to protect the interest of the
 There is no additional production of goods and services but consuming protect.
just a transfer of money from private hands to government.  the state, through government, comes in to regulate the
prices of the services, which technically is in the form of
the wages the workers earn. INTERNATIONAL TRADE
- It refers to the exchange of goods, commodities, and forms
MARKET of services outside one’s specific territory or geographic
- A system of private ownership and enterprise that acts location that benefits nations because it enables
based on their own private and self-interest (Schmalensee, economies to employ its resources in ways that increase
2013) its total output.

STATE The measures for protection that the government gives include:
- The governing body of the society (Arcinas & Mactal, 1. TARIFFS – These are taxes on imported goods.
2016) 2. QUOTAS – These are the limits set on the quantity of
imported goods that can enter a domestic economy
 dti – Department of Trade and Industry Effects:
1. It protects domestic producers but harms domestic
- Basic commodities such as food are subject to price consumers as they have to pay higher than world prices
ceilings or maximum prices. for the protected goods.
- Labor or service are regulated in the form of wages the 2. Domestic firms that use the imported goods are also
workers earn. affected as they have to pay more for the input of their
- Government intervention in economic institutions is production resulting to prices much higher than
warranted to protect the interest of consumers and commodities coming from other countries.
workers. It also functions to correct the tendency of the
private sector to make decisions that are detrimental to the TRADE WARS
economy. Example is the reduction of interest rates so that - refer to the imposition of increased tariffs and quotas of
investors can borrow money to invest on business thereby each country to another which is detrimental to each
creating jobs and bring forth production. This is what we other’s economy.
call monetary policy.
- On the part of the government, it is encouraged to increase General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
public spending on infrastructure to create more economic - is a multilateral platform of negotiation among participating
activity, this is called fiscal policy. nation, which embraces the principles of equal,
- When there is a problem in the Market system, the nondiscriminatory trade treatment for all member nations,
government steps in to provide welfare for those who need the reduction of tariffs, and the elimination of all import
it. quotas.
- It also entails the liberalization of government policies on
Command Economy/ Socialist Economy some services like tourism, real estate, advertising, and
- when the government takes over the functions of the financial services.
market in producing and distributing essential goods and
- the market forces of supply and demand deciding on what - succeeded the GATT as more nations joined this
to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce. multilateral organization that continues to push forward the
free trade agenda.
Reasons of Inequality where the Government seeks to protect
its Citizens:
1. Larger income for those labor accrued with innovation, L4: Non-State Institutions and Organizations
creativity, and industry. ORGANIZATION
2. Inherent ability, acquired education, and inherited - Refers to a formally constituted entity, composed of
properties. individuals performing a set of functions for the
3. The evolution of economies achievement of a certain mandate, obligation, or task.
4. Physical and mental disabilities.
TAXES - It refers to a structured domain of norms, rules, and
- are compulsory contribution to the wealth of the practices that gives a sense of order to a specific set of
government, normally levied on the worker’s income, relationships (e.g., religion, kinship and family, friendship
business profits, and consumption of goods and services, and association, popular culture, rituals, and knowledge
in order to raise revenues for government spending. systems).

GOVERNMENT SPENDING The following are considered as the different institutions in

1. GOVERNMENT PURCHASES – These are expenditures society:
on the private sectors that utilize economic resources, and ENVIRONMENTAL WORLDVIEWS
which yield domestic output. - The system of beliefs as well as perceptions of the people
Ex. Infrastructures (how they see it in relation to their lives).
- It pertains to government spending on the private TENURIAL & PROPERTY SYSTEMS
sector that does not require the absorption or - The manner by which the community defines the rules of
utilization or economic resources and does not who has access to and control of resources.
require any output.
- It is not a payment for goods and services but a KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM
means of allocating income to achieve social ends. - System of knowledge that governs how the people engage
Ex. SSS security benefits, unemployment in the resource, particularly in terms of technology
compensation, subsidies, and veteran’s benefits. employed to extract product from it.
- How community establishes the relationships among its - It is a corporation in which the ownership is through
members in the pursuance of a common interest, such as stockholders.
production and security.
Profit Organizations
ASSOCIATION SYSTEM Non-Stock – owned by members of the organization
- The various systems that define the manner individuals Non-profit – Family owned – profit, nonstock
establish relationships among them in the pursuance of a
common interest, such as production and social security. TRADE UNIONS
A trade union is a group of employees who join together to
STATE ORGANIZATION maintain and improve their conditions of employment.
- Organization can be considered as state and non-state
organizations. Trade or Labor Union
- It refers to an organization of workers whose main
Executive Branch - The Office of the President and the objective is to protect the welfare of its members.
departments under it.
Legislative Branch - The Senate and the House of COOPERATIVES
Representatives. - Is "an autonomous association of persons united
Judiciary Branch - includes criminal and civil courts and helps voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and
interpret the Constitution. cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned
Market and Economic Organizations
BANKS Cooperative or Coop
- a financial institution that lends money both to public as - autonomous association whose membership is voluntary
well as private organizations. The government borrows towards the attainment of common economic, social, and
money from banks to finance its development activities, cultural needs or aspirations.
while private companies and individuals borrow money to
fund their investments or personal development. Types of Cooperatives:
1. Housing Cooperatives
SAVING BANKS 2. Worker Cooperative
- Suited for employees with a monthly salary. Low-waged 3. Consumers’ Cooperative
people may open am account in the Savings Bank. 4. Agricultural Cooperative

INDUSTRIAL BANKS Development Agencies

- committed toward enhancing the growth of industries by - agencies that promote progress by engaging in projects,
providing loans for a very long period of time. policy making and dialogue. Some countries with active
agencies in the Philippines are Japan (JICA), Canada
- specialize in providing mortgage loans alone. In order to - Those providing financial assistance include the Asian
sell loans they depend solely on the secondary market. Development Bank (ADB).

COOPERATIVE BANKS Civil Society Organizations

- gets money from the general community without any bias - Are non-state, not-for- profit, voluntary entities formed by
and provide loans to all sections of people in the the people in the social sphere that are separate from the
neighborhood. State and the market.


- collect money from the people in various sectors and give - These included universities, schools and colleges; private
the same as a loan to business men and make profits in polling forms which use statistical methods in
interest these business men pay. conducting opinions polls to guide advocacy and decision
- promote growth in the food sector by giving loans to MASS MEDIA
farmers at a relatively lower interest rate. - In all its form (print, radio, television) provide effective
conduits for environmental policy information, as well as
FEDERAL OR NATIONAL BANKS environmental policy advocacy.
- control the principles and policies of other banks across
the country. These banks are manage and run by RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS
government. - Seen in church congregations and other religions provide
effective venues for commentary and issue advocacy, and
ISLAMIC BANKS for moralizing the issues and agents involved in the
- These banks are based on the principles of the religion environment policy process.
Islam. There are no interests for loans acquired from these
banks. Service charges may apply. PEOPLES ORGANIZATIONS
- Pos are grassroots-based organizations composed of
CORPORATIONS people who are really in the community and are directly
- A corporation is a legal form of business that is separate involved.
from its owners. In other words, it's a business that is a
separate legal entity from its shareholders
Civil Society Organizations Development Agencies and Transnational Advocacy
Some examples are as follows: Groups
1. Civil Society Organizations - Countries in various developing stages are faced with
2. Private Sectors; many developmental challenges over issues ranging from
3. Research Institutes; poverty to their fragile ecosystem. To address this
4. Bilateral Organizations; and monumental challenge requires action “beyond aid” and
5. Multilateral Organizations the capabilities of most traditional development agencies.
Hence, these agencies outline courses of actions faithful
Some Civic Society Organizations go beyond one’s territory. to the paradigm of the future.
These are called transnational or international
organizations. They operate globally or regionally and broadly Some of the well-known Development Agencies are the
perform development-related works including advocacy on following:
specific issues such as environment protection, health, and • Demonstrate leadership in managing the international
gender and human rights. system including the reform of international agencies;
• Respond effectively to the development needs of
NON-STATE ORGANIZATIONS NGO’S fragile and conflict-affected states;
- include market or economic organizations or civil society • Increase capacity to provide a development
organizations; perspective on global challenges such as climate
- organized political actors not directly connected to any change,
established institutions or the state but pursuing aims that poverty, gender, conflict, and financial crises; and
affect vital state interests. • Engage much more effectively across different
- Most of them are involved in advocacy, but some are also ministries and develop “whole-of-government”
involved in environmental policy information and analysis. approaches.

International Development & Global Process Transnational Advocacy Group

- Development poses problems and challenges; the - It influence the government to take action on matters
Philippines is of no exception. The state whose main commonly neglected. A group maybe a national or an
function is to oversee the welfare of the people is burdened international organization that promotes and advocates
by the responsibility of solving these problems. It doesn’t progress and development related to particular issues of
help that these problems emerge in the context of the society.
globalization. It means that our relationship with other - Funding agencies exert enormous amount of influence on
countries is affected by these problems. policy making by funding programs and projects within
certain policy conditionalities.
1. Poverty threatens the security of our economy. - Mediators for international research and development who
2. Conflict among groups, especially between anti provide funds and supports to policy and researches, the
and pro-government forces, and between ethnic results of which can become inputs for global advocacy.
groups, the rebellion in Mindanao, and the
insurgency problem -are also serious threatens to our
nation's political security.
3. Agricultural problems caused both by human and
natural factors pose serious threats to our food
4. Continuing pressures on the environment resulting
from the needs of development have led to
environmental degradation and have severely
threatened our environmental security.

Global Organizations
- There are global organizations whose operations influence
the development of entire countries. Funders or donors
operate by giving loans or grants to other counties and use
it for their development.
- These loans and grants are collectively called “official
development assistance” or ODA.
- Loans have to be repaid, while grants are paid back.

Two kinds of Donors:

- These are not controlled by one country.
- They are international organizations that do not represent
any government in their economic and technical
engagements with any nations.

- These are national agencies of different economically
matured nations in North America, Asia, and Europe
whose primary mandate by their respective governments
is to provide assistance to economically challenged
nations in the world.

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