Syntax Nhóm 5

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NP AdjP AdvP PP Finite Nonfinite Examples

clause clause

Subject V V NP: She wants to visit Paris

V Finite: What I am thinking is about the final tests
Nonfinite: Go shopping is very fun

Direct Object V V V NP: The boy planted a flower in the garden

Finite: I know that you are lying
Nonfinite: I enjoy making crafts.

Indirect V V V V NP: The boy planted a flower in the garden

Object PP: I marvel at the university that lies beneath the
surface of the sea

Subject V V V V NP: She is a teacher

complement AdjP: The tiger is ferocious
PP: The clothes are on sale
Fc: Going to sleep is what I want

Object V V V V V NP: I voted him the class president

complement AdjP: He made her angry
PP My mom put those books on the shelf
Non-finite: He asked her what made her think she
could play

Object of V V V NP: She is planting the tree in the garden

preposition Non-finite:
He has been warned about taking on that job.

Modifier of V PP: She is worried about his study


Modifier of V V V Adj: He is a wonderful dad

Adjective PP: The books in on the table
Non-finite: Do you have money to buy that car?

Specifier of V NP: Many examples of Greek sculpture


Specifier of

Complement x Nonfinite: He is too lazy to do anything

of Adjective

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