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Newton Dee

A community with adults, some of whom have special needs, Bieldside

caring about the environment, work, economic, social life, Aberdeen
and further education. AB15 9DX

Tel: +44 (0)1224 868701

Fax: +44 (0)1224 869398

Application Form

For Volunteers wishing to apply to Newton Dee Village

Please complete this application form IN CAPITAL LETTERS and email

it to (please do not use post)

Part 1: General Details

Last Name: Othmane

First Name: Hamraoui

Male/Female; Male Date of Birt; 14\11\1995 Age 28


Postcode: 30030

Telephone Number; +212650775524 Daytime: Evening:

Email Address: (required)

Newton Dee Camphill Community Limited is a registered charity SC043417 in Scotland, and is a non-profit company limited by guarantee SC427688 in Scotland

Registered office: Newton Dee, Bieldside, Aberdeen, AB15 9DX

A member of the Association of Camphill Communities


Name and Address of Next of Kin:

Are you Married or Single: single

Do you have any dependents: NO

Part 2: Length of Stay

How long do you wish to stay? priority will be given to those who wish to
stay a full 12 months or longer.

I wish to stay for: 12 Months (without this information your application cannot be processed)

Date if Arrival: 01\07\2024.

Date of departure 01\06\2025

(if you are accepted and wish to change your date of arrival or departure, please
inform Newton Dee before you come as this may affect our decision to accept you)

Part 3: Education (please include dates if possible)

School Attended:
high school degree modern literature department 2016

Further Education (university, College, Apprenticeships etc...)

university sidi Mohmed ben Abdallah English literature 2017 2019
associate degree Hospitality department 2019 2021

Newton Dee Camphill Community Limited is a registered charity SC043417 in Scotland, and is a non-profit company limited by guarantee SC427688 in Scotland

Registered office: Newton Dee, Bieldside, Aberdeen, AB15 9DX

A member of the Association of Camphill Communities


Part 4: Work Experience

Please give your work experience since leaving school with
approximate dates – include part time, full time and voluntary work.

Lalla Salma Foundation (2016-2018) - Voluntary Position

• Supported and oriented patients at CHU Hospital in Fes.

English Tutor at Polyglot Center (2019-2023)

• Provided English language tutoring services.

Various Community Associations (2010-present) - Voluntary Positions

• Provided assistance to homeless children and elderly people with El Nassim
Association and the Moroccan Association for Elderly People.

Red Crescent (2017 2018) first aider

• I am equipped with the skills to provide immediate assistance in case of medical

Part 5: Personal Details

Do you have any medical history, mental or physical, which could affect
your work? (E.g. a back problem could affect the type of work you do.) If
yes, please give details:

No, I do not have any medical history, whether physical or mental, that could affect
my work. I am physically and mentally fit to perform the duties required for the

Do you have a particular diet? NO

Religion? Atheism

Can you drive; yes, 2024 If so, what was the date of your driving test?

Newton Dee Camphill Community Limited is a registered charity SC043417 in Scotland, and is a non-profit company limited by guarantee SC427688 in Scotland

Registered office: Newton Dee, Bieldside, Aberdeen, AB15 9DX

A member of the Association of Camphill Communities


Part 6: Do you have any particular skill or ability you would which
you would like to offer the community?

Yes, indeed. With my background in supporting patients at the Lla Salma Foundation
and my experience as an English tutor at the Polyglot Center, I bring strong
interpersonal and communication skills to the table. Additionally, my fluency in
English, French, and Arabic allows me to effectively engage with diverse
communities. I am eager to leverage these skills to offer support, guidance, and
educational assistance to the community.

Part 7: Language Skills

How well can you speak english? (please tick)

Fluently Conversational Do not speak english

Do you speak any other languages?

Yes, I am fluent in English, French, and Arabic.

Newton Dee Camphill Community Limited is a registered charity SC043417 in Scotland, and is a non-profit company limited by guarantee SC427688 in Scotland

Registered office: Newton Dee, Bieldside, Aberdeen, AB15 9DX

A member of the Association of Camphill Communities


Part 8: Why do you wish to come to Newton Dee?

I wish to come to Newton Dee because I deeply resonate with its ethos of inclusivity
and community support. I am passionate about contributing to a meaningful
environment where individuals with diverse abilities are valued and empowered. The
opportunity to engage in meaningful work, such as joinery, metal work, farming,
and gardening, aligns with my desire to make a positive impact and grow personally
through hands-on experiences. Additionally, I am eager to participate in the vibrant
cultural and social life at Newton Dee, embracing opportunities for music, arts, and
celebration of Christian festivals. Overall, I am excited about the prospect of joining
the Newton Dee community and contributing to its collective growth and well-

Part 9: How did you find out Newton Dee?

From a friend: Friends Name:

From the internet: YouTube Name of Site:

From a book: Name of book:


Newton Dee Camphill Community Limited is a registered charity SC043417 in Scotland, and is a non-profit company limited by guarantee SC427688 in Scotland

Registered office: Newton Dee, Bieldside, Aberdeen, AB15 9DX

A member of the Association of Camphill Communities


Part 10: References

You must give the names of two referees with this application form. If you are
about to or have recently left school or college, one reference should be from your
teacher/tutor. Otherwise one reference should be from your present or recent
employer. Do not send the names of friends or family as a referee. Please give the
names, addresses, and most importantly email addresses of these referees below.
We are required by law to obtain references directly from your referees, so please
do not get your referee to send the reference to you. We will contact them directly.

1. Teacher/Employer 2. Other

Name: Mohmed Zarrouk




Profession Head Manager

Part 11:

Do you have any criminal convictions? No

If your answer above was yes, please give details:

Newton Dee Camphill Community Limited is a registered charity SC043417 in Scotland, and is a non-profit company limited by guarantee SC427688 in Scotland

Registered office: Newton Dee, Bieldside, Aberdeen, AB15 9DX

A member of the Association of Camphill Communities


Part 12:

Have you ever lived and worked in Britian? No

If your answer above was yes, please give details:

I hereby declare that the information supplied to support this application is

correct to the best of my knowledge.

Signed Othmane Hamraoui

Date of application 05\10\2024

Newton Dee Camphill Community Limited is a registered charity SC043417 in Scotland, and is a non-profit company limited by guarantee SC427688 in Scotland

Registered office: Newton Dee, Bieldside, Aberdeen, AB15 9DX

A member of the Association of Camphill Communities

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