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What does "ardent" mean in the sentence: "My friend is an ardent supporter of
Manchester United"?
a) Indifferent
b) Enthusiastic
c) Cautious
d) Critical

2. In the sentence "Vietnam exchanges with other countries, particularly in cultural,

scientific, and economic spheres," what does "sphere" refer to?
a) Geometric shape
b) Area of expertise
c) Physical object
d) Orbital body

3. How is "lateral thinking" described in the sentence: "Critical thinking and reading
logical thinking, as well as lateral thinking, maybe all required to solve a situation
a) Focused thinking
b) Linear thinking
c) Open-minded thinking
d) Divergent thinking

4. What does "allocation" mean in the sentence: "An effective way of managing costs is
to review resource allocation"?
a) Sharing
b) Distribution
c) Reserve
d) Measurement

5. In the sentence "He is not willing to concede any of his power," what does "concede"
a) Give up
b) Exercise
c) Assert
d) Bargain

6. What is a "minivan" as mentioned in the sentence: "The first and second applicants
and their families were arranged for a minivan with a driver"?
a) Large sedan
b) Small bus
c) SUV
d) Hatchback
7. Which of the following best defines "en masse" as used in the sentence: "A few years
ago, casinos were closing en masse, but now they can’t open up fast enough"?
a) Individually
b) Sporadically
c) Collectively
d) Secretly

8. How is "autobiographical" used in the sentence: "There was an autobiographical

element to her paintings"?
a) Related to ancient history
b) Involving multiple authors
c) Related to a person’s life story
d) Pertaining to fantasy

9. What does "episodic" mean in the sentence: "The long novel was filmed for television
as an episodic movie that was shown over the course of five evenings"?
a) Continuous
b) Chronological
c) Segmented = rời rạc,phân đoạn
d) Fragmented

10. In the sentence "‘Flue’ is sometimes used as a generic term for any illness caused by
a virus," what does "generic" mean?
a) Specific
b) Customized
c) General
d) Unique

11. In the phrase "Our goods compete well in terms of quality and reliability," what does
"in terms of" mean?
a) Pertaining to= liên quan
b) Instead of
c) Regardless of=không liên quan tới
d) Following

12. How is "fluid" used in the sentence: "For travelers whose plans are more fluid, trying
to look for flights on a different day"?
a) Liquid
b) Fixed
c) Shifting
d) Rigid
13. What does "buoy" mean in the sentence: "We were happy at certain moments during
the drive, buoyed with optimism"?
a) To sink
b) To lift or support
c) To paddle
d) To rock

14. What is an "anthem" as mentioned in the sentence: "I took the flag from Arul and
stood straight as a soldier, singing the national anthem"?
a) A formal song= bài quốc ca
b) A battle cry
c) A lament
d) A ballad

15. What does "foster" mean in the sentence: "I'm trying to foster an interest in classical
music in my children"?
a) To hinder
b) To develop
c) To ignore
d) To stifle

16. What does "reinforcement" mean in the sentence: "As a result, seasonal
reinforcements are provided where required to ensure a speedy and efficient
a) Military support
b) Physical support
c) Making stronger
d) Emotional support

17. How is "disparate" used in the sentence: "The two cultures were so utterly disparate
that she found it hard to adapt from one to the other"?
a) Similar
b) Opposite
c) Compatible
d) Unified

18. What does "infuse" mean in the sentence: "The arrival of a group of friends on
Saturday infused new life into the weekend"?
a) To remove
b) To fill with
c) To compress
d) To extinguish

19. What does "imbue [the culture] with X" mean in the sentence: "Her poetry was
imbued with a love of the outdoors"?
a) To fill or saturate [the culture] with X
b) To remove X from [the culture]
c) To hide X in [the culture]
d) To reject X from [the culture]

20. What does "antiquity" mean in the sentence: "Under Greek law, all antiquities that are
discovered in Greece belong to the government"?
a) An old object
b) An ancient civilization
c) Old times
d) A historical document

21. What are "the cradles of [Western civilization]" as mentioned in the sentence: "Fossil
records indicate that Africa was the cradle of early human evolution"?
a) The birthplaces
b) The foundations
c) The resting places
d) The centers

22. How is "á la [modern brass knuckles]" used in the sentence: "She has her hair blonde
and curly, à la Marilyn Monroe"?
a) Resembling
b) Superior to
c) Opposing
d) Favoring

23. What does "corporate activity" refer to in the sentence: "If play is to be all useful for
war, it should include corporate activity like that of a battle squadron"?
a) Teamwork
b) Individual effort
c) Government involvement
d) Profit maximization

24. What does the phrase "by and large" mean in the sentence: "There are a few small
things that I don't like about my job, but by and large it's very enjoyable"?
a) Randomly
b) Completely
c) Sporadically
d) For the most part

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