MODULE Week 1 4

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Isabela State University

City of Ilagan Campus




This subject provide students with state-of-the-art resources to enrich their

educational experiences in the field of AutoCAD. In this subject, they will be able to:

 Learn the fundamentals of CAD (Computer Aided Drafting and Design).

 Describe and characterize the different commands involve in CAD
 Define basic terms and terminologies.
 Demonstrate perseverance and patience in learning.
 Develop and improve rendering skills using CAD.
 Have compete freedom to exercise one’s creative ability and appreciate the
subject matter by understanding its importance in the building


Week 1 Course Orientation

Week 2 Lecture 1-------------------1. Introduction to CADD

Lecture 2-------------------1.1 (Paper Space, Setting, Basic Commands,

Layering, Text & Dimensioning)

Week 3 Lecture 3-------------------1.2 Start Drawing in AutoCAD 2010

Lecture 4-------------------1.3 AutoCAD setup tips – Options, Units,


Week 4 Lecture 5-------------------1.4 Understand essential drawing tools- Origin

and Rectangle

Lecture 6-------------------1.5 Set the project folder, Save the file, and

Week 5 Lecture 7-------------------2. Introduction to Industry- Standard up icons

and commands in 3D Manipulating user coordinate system (UCS) 3D
surfaces and solids

Week 6 Preliminary Examination

Week 7 Lecture 8-------------------3. Architectural components in 3D Computer-
aided perspective

Lecture 9-------------------3.1 Icons and commands

Lecture 10-------------------3.1.1 3DMOVE (Command)

Lecture 11-------------------3.1.2 3DORBIT (Command)

Lecture 12-------------------3.1.3 3DROTATE (Command)

Lecture 13-------------------3.1.4 3DSCALE (Command)

Lecture 14-------------------3.1.5 BOX (Command)

Lecture 15-------------------3.1.6 CONE (Command)

Lecture 16-------------------3.1.7 CONVTOMESH (Command)

Lecture 17-------------------3.1.8 CONVTONURBS (Command)

Week 8 Lecture 18-------------------3.1.9 CONVTOSOLID (Command)

Lecture 19-------------------3.1.10 CONVTOSURFACE (Command)

Lecture 20-------------------3.1.11 CYLINDER (Command)

Lecture 21-------------------3.1.12 EXTRUDE (Command)

Lecture 22-------------------3.1.13 LOFT (Command)

Lecture 23-------------------3.1.14 MESH (Command)

Lecture 24-------------------3.1.15 PLANESURF (Command)

Lecture 25-------------------3.1.16 POLYSOLID (Command)

Week 9 Lecture 26-------------------3.1.17 PROJECTGEOMETRY (Command)

Lecture 27-------------------3.1.18 PROPERTIES (Command)

Lecture 28-------------------3.1.19 PYRAMID (Command)

Lecture 29-------------------3.1.20 REGEN3 (Command)

Lecture 30-------------------3.1.21 REVOLVE (Command)

Lecture 31-------------------3.1.22 ROTATE (Command)

Lecture 32-------------------3.1.23 SPHERE (Command)

Lecture 33-------------------3.1.24 SURFBLEND (Command)

Week 10 Lecture 34-------------------3.1.25 SURFNETWORK (Command)

Lecture 35-------------------3.1.26 SURFOFFSET (Command)

Lecture 36-------------------3.1.27 SURFPATCH (Command)

Lecture 37-------------------3.1.28 SWEEP (Command)

Lecture 38-------------------3.1.29 TORUS (Command)

Lecture 39-------------------3.1.30 UCS (Command)

Lecture 40-------------------3.1.31 VPORTS (Command)

Lecture 41-------------------3.1.32 WEDGE (Command)

Week 11 Lecture 42-------------------3.2 UCS Icon Properties

Week 12 Midterm Examination

Week 13 Lecture 43-------------------4. Plotting

Lecture 44-------------------4.1 Set Your Units

Week 14 Lecture 45-------------------4.2 Set Your Page/Layout

Lecture 46-------------------4.3 Setup Your Title Block

Week 15 Lecture 47-------------------4.4 Place Viewports and Set the Scale

Lecture 48-------------------4.5 Plot

Week 16 Lecture 49-------------------5. Rendering

Lecture 50-------------------5.1 Render to the Current Viewport

Week 17 Lecture 51-------------------5.2 Render to the Render Window

Week 18 Final Examination




AutoCAD is a general-purpose Computer-Aided Design (CAD) program from AutoDesk

that you can use to prepare a variety of two-dimensional drawings and three-
dimensional models. It is a powerful drawing tool that you can customize to suit your
specific application.
Some of the most powerful components of AutoCAD are-

 The designers and architects can create accurate models, sketches, and
drawings with AutoCAD. This is next to impossible when done manually.
 With the introduction to AutoCAD, the user can even model 3D objects with
colors & materials that can be applied to various surfaces, making it simpler for
the user to anticipate the outcome, which cannot be fulfilled in manual 3D
 Creating drawings manually is a time-consuming task. When designers create
drawings on a digital platform with computer software, they get the benefit of
the application interface. Editing is also easy with AutoCAD as it has many
editing commands.
 AutoCAD is an advanced program that has default commands incorporated in
the application. With these commands, the users can edit and change their files
without any limitations.


The purpose of this section is to give users a conceptual understanding and the basic
usage of the AutoCAD

 There is Tool Bar on the top of the window; there are different tabs to approach
different tools with variable drawing options.
 Drawing Cursor is use to draw the drawings and also used to select the tools and other
various options.
 In the Drawing Area drawing can be drawn with help of cursor by using required tool.
 Command Window is very impotent area placed in the bottom of the software
window, where we can enter the keys of different tools to select and also put there
dimensions in drawing area.
 For the selection of the drawing type like 2D Drafting & Annotation, 3D Modeling,
AutoCAD Classic etc there is option in right bottom of the window.
This is all you need to start the AutoCAD…
 Application menu: New, open, save, import, export, print
 Quick access toolbar: User can save tools that they often use
 Info Center: Ask a question, find out answers from Autodesk community
 Ribbon: Main menus – Home, Insert, Annotate, View, Manage
 Ribbon tab
 Ribbon view: User can minimize and maximize the ribbon
 File tab: Navigate files and create and open files
 Drawing area/graphic area: Main drawing space
 View cube: User can change the view, top, front, 3D, or more
 Navigation bar: Zoom in and out, pan, zoon to all, and more
 Command box: Can type commands and see the previous commands
 Layout tab: Can see model space and print spaces

Status bar: Can set grid, snaps, scales, and more


1.2 Start Drawing in AutoCAD 2010

In the left top we have a Big red colored “A”. By Clicking this button we can have
different option. One of these options is to start new drawing. Default settings of new
drawing good to use which is shown in fig.

1.3 AutoCAD setup tips

– Options, Units,

 [STEP 01] Click [APPLICATION MENU] and then Click [OPTIONS], or type [options] on
the command box, and Enter key
 [STEP 02] You will see the Option window
 [STEP 03] Click Display tab > Change Color theme from dark to light
 [STEP 04] Find Crosshair size on the Display tab > Change the value from 5 to 100

 [STEP 05] Find [Colors] and change Uniform background to Black> Click [Apply & Close]

 [STEP 06] Click the Draftingtab > Change the aperture size – make slightly smaller
 [STEP 07] Click the Selection tab and uncheck[allow the press and drag for lasso] Click
[OK] to close the option

Changing the Units Settings:

After getting the new window

to draw then you can draw
your desired drawing but by
default the unit used in the
drawing is “inch”. You can also
change the unit setting of the
drawing by entering the
“units” key into the command
window. After entering the
command you will get the
block appeared in front of you
which is showing in fig.
By changing the “Insertion Scale” you can change the used unit in your drawing. There
are many more options regarding units so you can select then according to your


 [STEP 01] Click the small arrow under Properties on Home Ribbon to open the
Properties panel

 [STEP 02] Or press [Ctrl+1] on your keyboard to open the Properties panel
 [STEP 03] Place the panel on your left side of the workspace
 [STEP 04] Click [Layer Properties] on Home Ribbon to open Layer properties

 [STEP 05] Place the panel on your left side of the workspace and click the arrow to hide
the panel

Often use shortcuts by the instructor [please remember the list of shortcuts]
 [l] – line  [x] – explode
 [pl] – polyline  [ex] – extend
 [mt] – multiline text  [c] – circle
 [m] – move  [re] – regen (refresh)
 [co] – copy  [h] – hatch
 [ro] – rotate  [o] – offset
 [z] – zoom and [a] – all  F3 – osnap
 [b] – block  F8 – ortho
 [s] – stretch

1.4 Understand essential drawing tools- Origin and Rectangle

Understand the “origin” of the drawing

AutoCAD drawing area is on a real scale, which means the drawing scale is 1:1 scale.
Moreover, the drawing area is unlimited. You can draw the entire earth in the
drawing. Furthermore, you can draw a small object, too. Designers often lose the
point/location that they want to draw in the drawing when you draw in a big drawing.
Thus, designers use the drawing origin (0,0,0) – ((x,y,z) for a 3D model) as the base
point of the project. Usually, the origin of the drawing is the left-bottom corner on the
first floor (if it is a 3D model). In AutoCAD, we use only (0,0) – (x,y).

To start your drawing, draw a building footprint or property line first.

 [STEP 1] Click [Rectangle] on the Home Ribbon, or type [rec] and Enter
 [STEP 2] Specify the first point, type [0,0] and Enter
 [STEP 3] Specify the next point. Any point on the right-top corner will be fine. It
depends on the project size. For our project, type [58’7″,20’4″]
 [STEP 4] Type [z] to zoom and type [a] and Enter
Line (command)

 [STEP 1] type [l] and Enter

 [STEP 2] specify the first point by clicking a point or typing [x,y]
 [STEP 3] specify the end point by clicking a point or typing [x,y] – absolute point, type
[@x,y] – relative point
 Please refer to this link for the line command

Move (command)

 [STEP 1] type [m] and Enter

 [STEP 2] select the object/objects that you want to move and Enter
 [STEP 3] specify the base point
 [STEP 4] specify the second point to move the object/objects
 Please refer to this link for the move command

Copy (command)

 [STEP 1] type [co] and Enter

 [STEP 2] select the object/objects that you want to copy and Enter
 [STEP 3] specify the base point
 [STEP 4] specify the second point to copy the object/objects
 [STEP 5] specify the third point or more to copy the object/objects if you have. If you
want to stop, use ESC
 Please refer to this link for the copy command
 Please practice Line, Move, Copy, and Rotate commands

Insert the image file.

 [STEP 1] Click [Insert] on the ribbon tab

 [STEP 2] Click [Attach] on the Reference palette

 [STEP 3] Select [Eames_House_Floor_Plan_House.jpg] from your project folder > Click [open]
 [STEP 4] Click [OK] on the Attach Image window
 [STEP 5] Click the origin point or type [0,0] and Enter

Adjust scale

 [STEP 1] Specify the scale factor [1] and Enter

 [STEP 2] Select the inserted image > Change the Fade value to [50] or lower that you
can see the background

[STEP 3] Zoom in to the scale or a known dimension

 [STEP 4] Type [SC] and Enter for Scale change
 [STEP 5] Click a base point > Type [r] and Enter > Click the base point > Click a second
point that you know a dimension (for this draw, you can use the scale bar) > Type the
known dimension [1′]

Change the drawing order

 [STEP 1] Click the inserted image

 [STEP 2] Mouse right-click > Click [Draw Order] > Click [Send to Back]

the image to the building footprint

 [STEP 1] Select the inserted image

 [STEP 2] Type [m] to move and Enter
 [STEP 3] Click a base point > Click the target point to move
 Tip! Use Object snap [F3] to select the target point from the building footprint.

1.5 Set the project folder, Save the file, and backups

Save the file

It is vital to save your file as early as possible. Moreover, save anytime, and the
moment you think it is appropriate. I usually save within 15 min (at least four times per

 [STEP 01] Click [Application menu] > Click [Save]

 [STEP 02] Select a project folder on your hard drive, external hard drive, USB, Dropbox,
or Onedrive
 [STEP 03] Recommended file type – AutoCAD 2007/LT2007 Drawing(*.dwg)
 [STEP 04] Recommended file name –

Tip! (.bak) file is a backup file. In the default setting, every 10 minutes, the file will be
saved. To use the backup file, change the file extension (.bak) to (.dwg)

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