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HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

Course for Armourers and Technicians


1. General description of HMP400 machine gun and FZ225 rocket launcher

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2. General description of ammunitions

3. General description of Ground Support Equipments

4. Aircraft stores configurations & Incompatibilities

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

5. Architecture of weapon system (description and interfaces)

6. System Ground Tests (Jettison, ECU, HMP400 & FZ225)

7. Weapons Installation / Removal

8. Loading / Unloading ammuntions

9. Before/after missions Checks & Safety procedures


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725
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General description

HMP400 machine gun

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

FZ225 rocket launcher

HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

HM400 Heavy Machine gun Pod (1/2)

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FN Herstal product.
• .50 cal machine gun with 400 rounds ammunition box
• 1025 rounds/min (± 75 rounds/min)
• Effective up to 1850 m (ground to ground firing)
• Muzzle velocity : 880 m/s
• HMP400 Maximum angleof dispersion : 7 mils
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Links and cases collector

• Weight

Full (400 ammunitions M33) 140 Kg

Empty with links and cases 115 Kg
(400 fired ammunitions)
Empty 88 kg

HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

HM400 Heavy Machine gun Pod (2/2)

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For more information, refer to FN operator’s manual 3640054220


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

FZ225 rocket launcher (1/2)

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FZ product.
• Launcher Interface Unit (LIU)
• 2’’75 rocket.
• 19 tubes (divided into 2 zones)
• Weight
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

Full 246 Kg

Empty 45 Kg

HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

FZ225 rocket launcher (2/2)

• Main components
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• 1central section
• 1 mechanical interface
• 2 lugs
• 19 FZ125 detent mechanisms
• 1 Firing harness
• 1 Fuze harness
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• 1 LUI

For more information, refer to FZ225 document TM-FZ225


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

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General description of ammunitions

.50 cal ammunitions for HMP400

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2’’75 rocket for FZ225

HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Ammunitions for HMP400

• For more details, Refer to FN operator’s manual 3640054220
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Name Bullet tip color Ammunition type

M33 None Ball

M17 Red T(Tracer)

AP-M8 Black AP (Armour-Percing)

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

API-M8 Silver API

APT-115 Red and Black APT
APIT-M20 Red and Silver APIT
APEI-169 Silver and Yellow APEI

HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Rocket for FZ225 rocket launcher (1/2)

• FZ90 rocket motor
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For more details, see FZ90 TM M0050-02-0037-00 document


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Rocket for FZ225 rocket launcher (2/2)

• FZ71 High Explosive warhead
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• Total mass 4.3 kg

• HE mass 1.007 kg
• Impact fuze

• FZ181 Flash signature

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Total mass 4.3 kg

• FZ71-HE CG equivalent
• Impact fuze

• FZ120 Practice
• Total mass 4.3 kg
• FZ71-HE CG equivalent

For more details, see FZ documents


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

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General description of Ground Support Equipments

TBU (Test Box Unit) for HMP400

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

LSU (Launcher Simulator Unit) for FZ225


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

TBU (Test Box Unit) for HMP400

• Fitted instead of HMP400
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• Simulate HMP400 functions (firing and misfire)

• Allow to check weapon system on the ground
Connexion with helicopter
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

Simulation HMP400 firing and


For more details, refer to FN manual operator of TBU


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

LSU (Launcher Simulator Unit) for FZ225

• Fitted with FZ225 on helicopter
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• Allow to check weapon system (FZ225 included) on the ground (Firing lines and Fuze line)
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HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725
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Helicopter Stores Configurations & Incompatibilities

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HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Weapon Configurations on helicopter (1/2)

• FZ225
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Right Side arm Left Side arm

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None or empty arm

None or empty arm

Empty arm Empty arm


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Weapon Configurations on helicopter (2/2)

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• Boresighting of sight system and arms

• Parallel boresighting : common for HMP400 and FZ225
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Harmonization Procedures, see in Aircraft Maintenance Manual:

tasks 94-31-01-821 (general), 94-50-00-821 (aircraft ref), 94-71-01-822 (sighting),
Note : following the uses, M3P machine gun can be harmonized in HMP400 pod.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

• On the right side of Helicopter, right pylon and the SX16 spectrolab can’t be fitted at
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the same time (mechanically impossible)

• Lateral windows and doors must be closed during rockets firing (smoke and gases)

• External Mirror fitting is forbidden when HMP400 or FZ225 are fitted.

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Use of hoist is forbidden when HMP400 or FZ225 are fitted.

• NB: a protection is present on right pylon in order to avoid a degradation of cable


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Incompatibilities (2/2)
• Use of MAG58 (lateral armament) when HMP400 or FZ225 are fitted.
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• External position (widows acces) is forbidden

• Elevation stop of MAG58 LPH (Light Pintle Head) must be place from 45° to 30°
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

Refer to the Flight Manual for the detailed incompatibilities


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

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Architecture of Weapon System

Description and interfaces
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HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

General synoptic (task 94-31-01-0000 in Aircraft Maintenance Manual)

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Emergency jettisoning control (1)

Gun elevation / elevation correction (2)
Firing control (3)
Master Armament Safety Switch (4)
T100 Sight system (5)
ECU actuator (6), fitted in both arms
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

HMP400 (7)
Release unit (8),fitted in both arms
FZ225 (9)
GRMU (10)
PC17 (11) with switch ON/OFF (12)
Weapon Selection Box (13)
Safety Contol Unit (14)

The system is powered by the aircraft 28 VDC


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Left and Right arms (1/5)

• Each arm is composed of
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• Release unit (1)

• ECU actuator (2) or Connecting Rod (3) 3
• Jettison beam (4)
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1 4


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Left and Right arms (2/5)

• Release Unit
• Allow to fit and release the armament pod
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• Jettisoning commands allow the Hooks opening

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / /08/05/2012/


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Left and Right arms (3/5)

• ECU (Elevation Control Unit) actuator
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• Detection of weapons type.

• 4 modes of functioning
– Cruise : when M.A.S.S is OFF
– Control : with HMP400
– Fixed : with FZ225
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

– Test : to check ECU on the ground without weapons

• Cruise mode : Elevation angle is fixed at 4° when M.A.S.S is OFF

• Control Mode : Allow to adjust the elevation angle between -10° and 7°
– On the ground (WOW), the velocity is limited to 1°/seconde
– In flight, the velocity is limited to 2°/seconde during the first second and after is limited
to 5°/seconde.

• Fixed mode : Elevation angle is fixed at 4°

• A break system is operated as soon as the position is reached


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Left and Right arms (4/5)

• Connecting Rod
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• Allow to have an elevation angle fixed at 4°.

• Can replace the ECU when FZ225 is used.
• Must be replaced by ECU if HMP400 is used.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Left and Right arms (5/5)

• Jettisoning beam
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• Allow to maintain the harness connector during the jettisoning

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HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Pilot Cyclic grip

• (1) gun elevation control / Elevation correction control
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• Gun elevation control « GUN EL »:
– Allows to control the ECU with HMP400
– T100 HUD follows the ECU movement
– Up/Down commands
– Up : decrease the elevation angle
– Down: increase the elvation angle
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Elevation correction control

– Increment (Right) and decrement (Left):
– The range in HMP mode
– The elevation in RL mode
– Digital value displayed on HUD glass sight
– Digital value displayed on Sight Control Unit

• (2) Firing command – LIVE with firing guard


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Pilot & copilot collective grips

• (1) « SHEAR » Emergency jettisoning command
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• "Push-button", protected by a folding cover yellow painted with black strips

• Allows to jettison simultaneously the weapons on the arms

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

Mission selector
in the overhead

When the MASS is set to on, the mission selector must not be set to hoist
in order to avoid the simultaneous operation of the pyrotechnic shear of the
hoist cable.

HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Master Armament Safety Switch (M.A.S.S)

• (1) The "ON/OFF" switch enables/disables the following circuits:
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• firing control line,

• rocket and gun firing power lines, 1
• ECU on/off control,
• ECU test control,
• weapon release.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• (2) Safety pin

• Located on the overhead panel


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Safety Control Unit (SCU) (1/3)

• Located on the central panel
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Selective release is achieved via two push-buttons
LEFT and RIGHT (1), each protected by a safety switch

A caption light (6) with independent L and R circuits,

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

indicates to the crew the status of the LH and RH

release circuits.

The caption is lit up when :

- Breakers WEAP_REL are engaged
- the MASS is selected ON,
- the release units are connected and armed.

When a weapon is released by pressing one of the

push-buttons (1), the caption light corresponding to the
release unit extinguishes.

In the event of joint release, both caption lights


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Safety Control Unit (SCU) (2/3)

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Firing safety is provided by a two-position FIRE switch

(4) maintained by a switch guard.

A caption light (5) split into L and R is allocated to

weapon safety.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

For each weapon, each of the captions lights on when :

- Breakers FIRE_ARM are engaged
- the MASS is selected ON,
- the firing safety switch (4) is on FIRE,
- the GRMU or PC17 (depend of weapons fitted) is
selected ON,
- the weapon presence is detected,
- the release circuits are connected up and armed,
- the ECU are operative.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Safety Control Unit (SCU) (3/3)

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When an item in the actuation channel is unserviceable

FAIL (2), firing is automatically inhibited.
L and R (3) identify the channel concerned.

Breakers ECU_R ARM & ECU_L ARM are engaged.

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

ECU powered ON :
On power up of ECU (Helicopter Æ GPU and BATTERY
ON) and during the initialization phase, , FAIL, L and R
light blink during 10 seconds with a frequency of 1Hz.

ECU Test Mode :

On the ground, during ECU testing, with MASS selected
ON, FAIL, L and R light on when the button is pressed
and the ECU can be operated without the weapon fitted.
When it is pressed again, the lights extinguish.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Weapon Selection Box (WSB)

• Receives « LIVE » from Pilot Cyclic grip
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• Transfers firing command and power following the selections (GUN Æ PC17 / RKT
• Located on the central panel

(1) 3 position switch to select the gun side

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

Only used for Gun Mode

• L : Left side Gun pod selected
• L+ R : Both side Gun pod selected
• R : Right side Gun pod selected

(2) 3 position switch to select the type of weapon

• GUN : Gun (HMP400) selected.
• OFF : No armament selected.
• RKT : Rocket (FZ225) selected.

(3) Spare – Not used.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

PC17 (1/2)
• Located on the central panel
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• Breakers HMP ACP engaged

• Control the HMP400 gun pods
• Main functions
• Gun pods power supply.
• Firing lines power supply control.
• Gun fault detection and automatic
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Remaining ammunitions indication.
• Salvo selection (bursts of 10, 25,
50 rounds or unlimited).
• Guns SAFE position.
• Manual recocking
• (1) PC17 ON/OFF switch (1)
• Switch On or Off the PC17


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

PC17 (2/2)
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For more details, refer to FN general manual of PC17


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

GRMU (1/8)
• Located on the central panel
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• Breaker GRMU ARM engaged

• Only used for Rocket system
• Main functions used
• Rocket launcher power supply.

• Firing lines power supply control.

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Firing Manual Mode or Firing Menu Mode

• Rocket Launcher zone selection

• Rocket launcher fault detection.

• Remaining ammunitions indication.

• Salvo selection (1, 2, 4, 8 or All).

• Intervallometry value : 200 ms


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

GRMU (2/8)
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No Desc. Function
Only in RKT mode, selects the zone for the
rocket launchers.
A or B: The rockets allocated to zone A or B
Zone are selected.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

AB: Firing is performed on both zones.

Loads parameters into GRMU memories

when specifying the weapon load or when
selecting the menu.
YES: indicates that the data is accepted or
2 that the reply to the question in the
display (10) is yes.
NO: indicates that the data is modified or
that the reply to the question in the
display (10) is no.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

GRMU (3/8)
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No Desc. Function

3 Not used.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

4 AUTO Not used.

Weapon Selects the weapon carrier allocated to the

5 carrier firing command:
selector L (left), R (right) or LR (both).
6 R Adjusts the brightness of the display (10).
Weapon Selects the rocket (RKT) .
selector Gun mode is not used.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

GRMU (4/8)
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- RST mode: programs into the GRMU memory, the type and number of rockets loaded
into each of the launcher zones, the number of rounds attributed to each gun pod, and the
type of menu.
Firing is inhibited when the selector is set on RST.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

- MENU mode: used in RKT mode only, this is used for selecting the firing menu.
The display (10) shows a series of messages, indicating the menu firing parameters and
its identification number between 1 and 9.
8 MODE selector In order to select a different menu, the programming selector (2) must be operated until
the required menu number is displayed.
Selecting NO switches to the next menu, selecting YES accepts the menu currently
Firing in MENU mode is possible. If a menu has been accepted, firing in accordance with
the menu selection is continuous for as ong as the FIRE button is pressed in.
When a menu is selected, all the parameters for that menu automatically replace the
parameters determined by the actual positions of the various push-buttons and switches.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

GRMU (5/8)
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- TEST mode :
With RKT selected, the TEST mode provides the following information:
. Configuration of the rockets sub-system.
. Status of the weapon load remaining in the launchers.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

. Report of the cyclic self-testing.

. Report of the maintenance tests.
This information appears in the form of successive messages shown in the display (10).
8 MODE selector
Firing is inhibited when the selector is positioned on TEST.
- Modes:
For manual firing control this selector must be set to any of these positions:
. With RKT selected, according to whether the selector is on 1, 2, 4 or 8, the number of
rockets fired will be 1, 2, 4 or 8 on the rocket launcher selected.
When ALL is selected, firing is interrupted only if the firing control is released or, if not,
when there is no more ammunition.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

GRMU (6/8)
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ON/OFF Resets and switches ON or OFF the GRMU (charging of the gun reset
switch hydraulic accumulator).
10 − firing parameters,
− Self-testing results.
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HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

GRMU (7/8)
• Messages displayed (some exemples)
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• « WPN SYSTEM DFLT » Æ Safety pin in place on the 2 launchers or the 2 launchers are
absent or inoperative. Confirm by YES to know the type of default.

• « RKT SYSTEM DFLT » Æ Safety pin in place on the 1 of 2 launchers or the 1 of 2

launchers is absent or inoperative.

• « LR19.A12T1.B07T1 » Æ Standard loading in « RST » Mode

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

– This message means that 19 shots rocket launchers have been identified on the left
and right sides of the helicopter. The19 shots rocket launcher is made of a zone A
with 12 tubes and a zone B with 7 tubes. The GRMU proposes to declare type T1
rockets in the A and B zones of the rocket launchers.

• « ddd LRAB NNN M1 » Æ Menu input procedure or MENU Mode

– ddd represents the range in decameters (example: 350 = 3,5 km = 3500 m)
– LRAB indicates that the left and right rocket launchers as well the selected A and B
zones are selected. If a rocket launcher (or a zone) isn't selected, the letter
symbolizing it is erased.
– NNN indicates the total number of rockets to be fired per selected rocket launchers.
NNN can be equal to 1, 2, 4, 8 or ALL
– M1 spots the M1 menu

HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

GRMU (8/8)
• Messages displayed (some exemples)
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• « ddd GG б= TTTT DD » Æ 1,2, 4, 8, All Mode or MENU Mode

– ddd represent the range in decameters - Not used
– GG indicates the characteristics of the left rocket launcher:
'' '' if the rocket launcher is not selected.
-- flashing if the rocket launcher is absent or in default
PW flashing if the firing power is absent
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

nn number of remaining rockets in the selected zone(s).

– б =TTTT indicates the helicopter pitch to be acquired for the pay-load rockets. - Not
– DD indicates the characteristics of the right rocket launcher:
'' '' if the rocket launcher is not selected
-- flashing if the rocket launcher is absent or in default
PW flashing if the firing power is absent
nn number of rockets remaining in the selected zone(s).

For more details, refer to FZ user’s manual of GRMU.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725


• Breaker SIGHT ARM engaged
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• System is composed of
• T100 Head Up Display (HUD) –see figure 1.
• Sight Electronic Control Unit (SECU) located in the central panel
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HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725


• Sight Electronic Control Unit
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• In GUN mode : distance x 10 m in 50 m increments from 200 to 800 m

distance x 10 m in 100 m increments from 800 to 1400 m,
• In RKT mode : elevation in 5 mrd increments from 20 to 80 mrd,
elevation in 10 mrd increments from 80 to 240 mrd.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725


• T100 Head Up Display
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HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725


• T100 Head Up Display
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Rocket mode GUN mode

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Elevation correction: 60 mrad Distance : 800 m


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Firing Unit Relay Box (FURB)

• Manangement of firing lines, weapon presences and jettison
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• Location
• Right side, under pilot floor, acces by the right trap door.
• Left side, under electrical bay, acces by electrical bay.
• Task 94-31-01-061 (removal – installation )
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HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Breakers (1/2)
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Name Type Panel Description

FIRE ARM 28V Essential 2PP Right side Firing command
FIRE ARM 28V Secondary 3PP Left side Firing command
WEAP REL 28V Battery 4PP Right side Jettison power
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

WEAP REL 28V Secondary 3PP Left side Jettison power

HMP ACP 28V Essential 2PP PC17 power supply
HMP ACP 28V Secondary 3PP PC17 power supply
POWER FIRE 28V Essential 2PP Right side Firing power
POWER FIRE 28V Secondary 3PP Left side Firing power


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Breakers (2/2)
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Name Type Panel Description

SIGHT ARM 28V Essential 2PP Sight system power supply
GRMU ARMT 28V Essential 2PP GRMU power supply
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

MISS SEL 28V Secondary 3PP Jettison command

MISS SEL 28V Battery 4PP Jettison command
ECU L ARMT 28V Secondary 3PP ECU Left power supply
ECU R ARMT 28V Essential 2PP ECU Right power supply


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725
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Jettison Ground Tests on Helicopter

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HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Weapon Jettison Ground Test (1/3)

Æ Task 94-31-01-721 in Aircraft Maintenance Manual
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When the MASS is set to on, the mission selector must not be set to hoist
in order to avoid the simultaneous operation of the pyrotechnic shear of the
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

hoist cable.

Mission selector
in the overhead


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Weapon Jettison Ground Test (2/3)

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Warning / Recommendation
• Rocket launcher or/and Gun pod must be removed before the test.
• Safety pins on each release unit must be removed before the test.
• Wait 60 secondes between Two (2) release commands on the same
release unit.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• After each jettison tasks, the hooks are closed manually by operator

Before the test

• Check the hooks are closed on each release unit.

• Aircraft powered up (GPU and battery)
• M.A.S.S (1) selected ON
• Green L and R PERMIT lights lit on the SCU


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Weapon Jettison Ground Test (3/3)

General Weapon Jettison
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• Press the « SHEAR » button (1) on the pilot or copilot collective grip
• Green L and R PERMIT lights extinguish on the SCU
• Hooks of each release unit are opened.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

Selective Weapon Jettison

• Press the guarded toggle of the side to be jettisoned.
• Green L or R PERMIT lights extinguishes for selected side.
• Hooks of selected release unit are opened.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725
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ECU & Sight Unit Ground Tests

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

ECU & Sight Unit Ground tests (1/3)

Æ Sight Unit : Task 94-71-01-721 in Aircraft Maintenance Manual
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• Prerequisite/recommendations
• Aircraft must be grounded to earth

• Aircraft powered off

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• M.A.S.S in OFF position with safety pin

• All breakers are engaged

• ECU installed in the weapon arm.

• No weapon pods are connected.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

ECU & Sight Unit Ground tests (2/3)

• M.A.S.S switch……………………………………..OFF, safety pin in position
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• Pilot cyclic grip…………………………………fold-down trigger folded (safe)

• Each collective grip………………………emergency release guard lowered
• On SCU, FIRE switch……………………………….……OFF, guard lowered
• PC17 ON/OFF switch ………………………………………………………OFF
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• On PC17, SAFE-ARM-PST/COCK switch………………………………SAFE

• GRMU……………………………………………………………………….OFF
• Aircraft powered up………………………………………………GPU& Battery
• M.A.S.S switch……………………………………..ON, safety pin removed
• On SCU, press SLVG TEST button


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

ECU & Sight Unit Ground tests (3/3)

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• On Pilot cyclic grip, Gun EL command………………………….UP /DOWN

• Chek the movement of ECU.

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• On SCU, release SLVG TEST button

• Wait during Lights blinking (10 seconds)
• After end of blinking, lights are OFF

• M.A.S.S swich…………………………………..OFF, safety pin in position


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725
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Ground Tests with HMP400

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Ground tests with HMP400 (1/5)

Æ Task 94-50-04-721 in Aircraft Maintenance Manual
© Eurocopter rights reserved

• Prerequisite/recommendations
• Aircraft must be grounded to earth

• Aircraft powered off

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• M.A.S.S in OFF position with safety pin

• All breakers are engaged

• Connect the TBU, following the instructions in the TBU manual

operator, on the side to be checked.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Ground tests with HMP400 (2/5)

• M.A.S.S switch……………………………………..OFF, safety pin in position
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• Pilot cyclic grip…………………………………fold-down trigger folded (safe)

• Each collective grip………………………emergency release guard lowered
• On SCU, FIRE switch……………………………….……OFF, guard lowered
• PC17 ON/OFF switch ………………………………………………………OFF
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• On PC17, SAFE-ARM-PST/COCK switch………………………………SAFE

• Aircraft powered up………………………………………………GPU& Battery
• M.A.S.S switch……………………………………..ON, safety pin removed
• PC17 ON/OFF switch ………………………………………………………ON
• On PC17, Built in Test……………………………………………………Check
• On PC17, Ammunition quantity……………..………….……………..…setting
• On PC17, SAFE-ARM-PST/COCK switch………………………………SAFE
• On PC17, burst lenght……………..………….……………..…setting
• On PC17, SAFE-ARM-PST/COCK switch….…………………SAFE


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Ground tests with HMP400 (3/5)

• On WSB,
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• GUN OFF RKT switch………………………………………………………....GUN

• Side Selector…………………………………………………………….L or LR or R
• On PC17
• UNABLE L and RIGHT………………………………………………………......ON
• SAFE-ARM-PST/COCK switch………………………………….……………ARM
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• UNABLE L and/or RIGHT…………………………………………………......OFF

• Firing trigger « LIVE » on pilot cyclic grip……………………………… required

• On the TBU, IDA light flashes.
• On the PC17, ammuntions quantity decreases.
Note : on PC17, Counter display flashes when ammo quantity < 10% of initially loaded

HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Ground tests with HMP400 (4/5)

To simulate a misfire,
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• During the burst, press LEFT MISFIRE button on the TBU

• On PC17
• UNABLE L and RIGHT………………………………………………………......ON
• On the TBU, IDA light is ON. Burst stops.
• Firing trigger « LIVE » on pilot cyclic grip………………………release
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• LEFT MISFIRE button on the TBU……………………………..release

• On PC17
• UNABLE L and/or RIGHT…………………………………………………......OFF
• Firing trigger « LIVE » on pilot cyclic grip……………………… required
• On the TBU, IDA light flashes.
• On the PC17, ammuntions quantity decreases.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Ground tests with HMP400 (5/5)

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• At the end of the test

• Sight Unit………………………………………………..…..Activate in GUN Mode
• On Pilot cyclic grip, Gun EL command……………………………….UP /DOWN
• Chek the movement of ECU and Sight Unit.
- Pilot's cyclic grip ......................................................... raise the fold-down firing trigger,
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

- SCU, FIRE guarded switch ..................................................... guard lowered, L and R,

- PC17:
. SAFE-ARM-PST/COCK switch ...................................................................... SAFE,
. UNABLE L and/or R lights ...................................................................................on,
ƒ WSB, GUN-OFF-RKT selector.................................................................................. OFF,
• M.A.S.S swich…………………………………………..OFF, safety pin in position

To disconnect the TBU and change of aircraft side, you must power off the aircraft
(GPU and Battery)

HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725
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Ground tests with FZ225

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Ground tests with FZ225(1/4)

Æ Task 94-50-03-721 in Aircraft Maintenance Manual
© Eurocopter rights reserved

• Prerequisite/recommendations
• Aircraft must be grounded to earth

• Aircraft powered off

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• M.A.S.S in OFF position with safety pin

• Rocket launcher should be fitted and connected. Safety pin on release unti
must be removed.

• All breakers are engaged

• Connect the LSU on the rocket launcher to be checked following the

instructions in the FZ225 and LSU Technical Manual.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Ground tests with FZ225 (2/4)

• M.A.S.S switch……………………………………..OFF, safety pin in position
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• Pilot cyclic grip…………………………………fold-down trigger folded (safe)

• Each collective grip………………………emergency release guard lowered
• On SCU, FIRE switch……………………………….……OFF, guard lowered
• Aircraft powered up………………………………………………GPU& Battery
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• On Rocket launcher, remove safety pin and push down safety lever.
• M.A.S.S switch……………………………………..ON, safety pin removed
• GRMU mode selecor………………………………………………………………….RST
• GRMU ON/OFF switch …………………………………………………………....…ON
• GRMU, Built in Test……………………………………………………………….Check
• GRMU, Display……………..………….……………..………………..STD LOADING?
• GRMU, ………………………………………………………………………. Select YES
• GRMU, Display……………..………….……………..………….. LR19.A12T1.B07T1


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Ground tests with FZ225 (3/4)

• On WSB,
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• GUN OFF RKT switch…………………………………………………………....RKT

• Mode Selector…………………………………………………………………between 1 and All
• Zone selector………………………………….………………………………….…A or AB or B
• Side Selector……………………………………………………………….……......L or LR or R
• Display..………………………………….…………..………Check correct loading of Rockets
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

-On the SCU,

Check WEAPON JETTISON PERMIT ............................................................ L and R,
Check SLVG SYS ................................................................................ FAIL, L and R,
FIRE guarded switch ON, confirm only in firing axis selected, L and R.

• Firing trigger « LIVE » on pilot cyclic grip……………………….maintain as required

• On the LSU, FIRE leds light following the position of mode selector.
• On the GRMU, ammuntions quantity decreases following the position of mode


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Ground tests with FZ225 (4/4)

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At the end of the test

• Sight Unit………………………………………………..…..Activate in RKT Mode
• On Pilot cyclic grip, Gun EL command……………………………….UP /DOWN
• Chek no movement of ECU and Sight Unit.

- Pilot's cyclic grip ......................................................... raise the fold-down firing trigger,

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

- SCU, FIRE guarded switch ..................................................... guard lowered, L and R,

ƒ WSB, GUN-OFF-RKT selector.................................................................................. OFF,

• M.A.S.S swich……………………………………………..OFF, safety pin in position

• On the rocket launcher, put safety lever in upper postion and safety pin in position.

To check other side with LSU, after change the LSU of side, GRMU must be initialized with
power off and power on tasks.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

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Weapon Installation / Removal

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

General recommendations
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• Tasks in th Aircraft Maintenance Manual

• HMP400 Æ 94-50-04-021 (Removal) / 94-50-04-421 (Installation)
• FZ225 Æ 94-50-03-021 (Removal) / 94-50-03-421 (Installation)


ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/


• Take in account the suppliers (FZ and FN) recommendations

• Refer to operator’s manuals.

• Enforce the maintenance tasks on HMP400 and FZ225 following the FZ &
FN recommendations.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

FZ225 installation (1/3)

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• Ensure that all helicopter power is switched “OFF” and that the helicopter is grounded via the
Electrostatic connector on aircraft.
• Verify that the SSE is fully and correctly equipped (i.e mechanism with ECU or connecting rod,
release unit, electrical harnesses).
• Using clean, dry cloth, clean support surface on release unit.
• Remove safety pin from release unit.
• Make sure that the release unit is unlocked, and that the hooks have free clearance
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• If it is not the case, unlock the release unit:

• Using 6 mm socket wrench, turn MANUAL RELEASE CONTROL clockwise ¼ turn.
• After unlocking, hooks must have free clearance
• Using 8 mm key, turn HOOK LIFTING CONTROL counter clockwise.
• Adjust the suspension lugs. Lugs may be rotated anti-clockwise by a maximum of 1 ½ turn to
achieve satisfactory alignment


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

FZ225 installation (2/3)

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• Lift pod to directly under release unit and orient two suspension lugs with two suspension
• Secure pod to release unit by simultaneously engaging two suspension lugs with two
suspension hooks.
NOTE If hooks do not lock, it may be necessary to use a 1.5mm x 10mm flat-tip screwdriver to
actuate COCKING controls in direction of arrow. See here after
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

FZ225 installation (3/3)

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• Insert safety pin in release unit. The pod is fixed now on the release unit hooks.
• Using 8 mm allen key, turn HOOK LIFTING CONTROL clockwise until pod is in contact with two
release unit supports.
• At contact, turn HOOK LIFTING CONTROL between 1,5 and 1.75 turns clockwise.
• Disconnect pylon connector from dummy receptacle.
• Connect pylon connector on LIU of the rocket pod.
• Insert pin in near side hole at front of beam.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Place lanyard on pin.

• Fully insert pin through far side hole at front of beam.
After installation :
• Ensure the LIU electronic box security lever is in the safe position (vertical) and the safety pin is
• Verify the safety pins presence on release unit.
• Ensure that the pylon connector is completely screwed on LIU and lanyard in jettison beam.
• Inspect pod for obvious damage (broken parts, missing hardware, structural damage, electrical
harnesses, etc.).
• Perform tests of firing lines with the LSU
• Perform maintenance tasks on Rocket Launcher in accordance with the FZ documents


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

FZ225 removal(1/1)
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• Ensure that all helicopter power is switched “OFF” and that the helicopter is grounded via the
Electrostatic connector on aircraft.
• Ensure that rocket launcher is empty (any rocket are present)
• Remove pin from beam.
• Disconnect pylon connector from the LIU connector on rocket pod.
• Connect pylon connector to dummy receptacle.
• Fully insert pin on beam
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Using 8mm allen key, turn HOOK LIFTING CONTROL counter clockwise until pod is loosely
fitted to release unit.
• Remove safety pin from release unit.
• Using 6mm socket wrench and with pod supported, turn MANUAL RELEASE control in direction
of arrow until suspension hooks open.
• Remove pod from suspension hooks and place in designated area.
• Insert safety pin in release unit
• Perform maintenance tasks (inspection, cleaning, parts replacement) on Rocket Launcher in
accordance with the FZ documents


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

HMP400 installation (1/3)

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EC recommends the HMP400 installation without machine gun &

ammunitions box inside the pod.
Be careful : check the configuration of HMP400 about ammunitions feeding
Right feeding Æ install HMP400 at the right side of aircraft.
Left feeding Æ install HMP400 at the left side of aircraft.
• Ensure that all helicopter power is switched “OFF” and that the helicopter is grounded via the
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

Electrostatic connector on aircraft.

• Verify that the SSE is fully and correctly equipped (i.e mechanism with ECU, release unit,
electrical harnesses).
• Using clean, dry cloth, clean support surface on release unit.
• Remove safety pin from release unit.
• Make sure that the release unit is unlocked, and that the hooks have free clearance
• If it is not the case, unlock the release unit:
• Using 6 mm socket wrench, turn MANUAL RELEASE CONTROL clockwise ¼ turn.
• After unlocking, hooks must have free clearance
• Using 8 mm key, turn HOOK LIFTING CONTROL counter clockwise.
• Adjust the suspension lugs. Lugs may be rotated anti-clockwise by a 1 ½ turn to achieve
satisfactory alignment

HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

HMP400 installation (2/3)

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• Lift pod to directly under release unit and orient two suspension lugs with two suspension
• Secure pod to release unit by simultaneously engaging two suspension lugs with two
suspension hooks.
NOTE If hooks do not lock, it may be necessary to use a 1.5mm x 10mm flat-tip screwdriver to
actuate COCKING controls in direction of arrow. See here after
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

HMP400 installation (3/3)

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• Insert safety pin in release unit. The pod is fixed now on the release unit hooks.
• Using 8 mm allen key, turn HOOK LIFTING CONTROL clockwise until pod is in contact with two
release unit supports.
• At contact, turn HOOK LIFTING CONTROL between 1,5 and 1.75 turns clockwise.
• Disconnect pylon connector from dummy receptacle.
• Connect pylon connector on the HMP400 pod.
• Insert pin in near side hole at front of beam.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Place lanyard on pin.

• Fully insert pin through far side hole at front of beam.
After installation :
• Verify the safety pins presence on M3P machine gun in HMP400 pod.
• Verify the safety pins presence on release unit.
• Ensure that the pylon connector is completely screwed on pod and the lanyard in jettison beam.
• Inspect pod for obvious damage (broken parts, missing hardware, structural damage, electrical
harnesses, etc.).


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

HMP400 removal(1/1)
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• Ensure that all helicopter power is switched “OFF” and that the helicopter is grounded via the
Electrostatic connector on aircraft.
• Ensure that pod is empty (machine gun and ammunition box remove)
• Remove pin from beam.
• Disconnect pylon connector from the pod.
• Connect pylon connector to dummy receptacle.
• Fully insert pin on beam
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Using 8mm allen key, turn HOOK LIFTING CONTROL counter clockwise until pod is loosely
fitted to release unit.
• Remove safety pin from release unit.
• Using 6mm socket wrench and with pod supported, turn MANUAL RELEASE control in direction
of arrow until suspension hooks open.
• Remove pod from suspension hooks and place in designated area.
• Insert safety pin in release unit
• Perform maintenance tasks (inspection, cleaning, parts replacement) on HMP400 in accordance
with the FN documents


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

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Loading / Unloading ammunitions

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Prerequisite/recommendations for loading

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• Aircraft must be grounded to earth

• Aircraft powered off
• A maximum of 5 persons is authorized around the aircarft when the
ammunitions are loaded.
• Take in account the warning, recommendations and procedures of
weapons suppliers (FZ & FN) Æ see weapon operator’s manuals.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• When hand held communication equipment is used in the vicinity of

explosive ordnance it shall be operated more than two meters away from
all unpacked and/or installed explosive ordnance, including flare, chaff and
• Ensure that firing lines checks have been performed (HMP400 & FZ225).


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Internal Check before loading

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• M.A.S.S switch……………………………………..OFF, safety pin in position

• Pilot cyclic grip…………………………………fold-down trigger folded (safe)
• Each collective grip………………………emergency release guard lowered
• On SCU, FIRE switch……………………………….……OFF, guard lowered
• T100 Sight System………………………………………………………….OFF
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• GRMU………………………………………………………………………..OFF
• On GRMU, weapon selection………………………………………………RKT
• PC17 ON/OFF switch ………………………………………………………OFF
• On PC17, SAFE-ARM-PST/COCK switch………………………………SAFE
• On breaker Panel……………………………Weapon circuit breakers closed


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Loading procedure – HMP400

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• Refer to HMP400 operator manual

• Ammunition box loading
• Ammunitions belt

Loading procedure – FZ225

• Ensure that safety lever on LUI is in upper positionand safety pin in place.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Refer to FZ225 Technical Manual

• Before loading, perform stray current check
• Load rocket into the launcher from inboard to outboard

Record ammunitions quantity loaded Æ need to program PC17 or/and

Microsoft Word 97 -
2003 Document


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Prerequisite/recommendations for unloading

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• Aircraft must be grounded to earth

• Aircraft powered off

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• If remained rockets, aircraft access from forward area is prohibited. In this

case, get into or outside the aircraft by sliding doors.

• A maximum of 5 persons is authorized around the aircarft when the

ammunitions are loaded.

• Take in account the warning, recommendations and procedures of

weapons suppliers (FZ & FN) Æ see weapon operator’s manuals.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Unloading procedure – HMP400

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• Refer to HMP400 operator manual

Unloading procedure – FZ225

• Ensure that safety lever on LUI is in upper positionand safety pin in place.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Refer to FZ225 Technical Manual


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

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Before/After missions Checks

& Safety Procedures
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

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• If rockets or HMP400 gun are loaded, aircraft access from forward aera is
prohibited. In this case, get into aircraft by sliding doors.

• A maximum of 5 persons is authorized around the aircarft.

ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Aircraft access from forward area are prohibited

• When weapons are loaded (in particular with rockets)
• In case of weapon failures following the flight

• Right communication between the aircrew and the ground operators is



HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

External check before mission – HMP400

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• Ammunitions box is loaded in the HMP400 pods.

• HMP400 pods………………………………Visual Check
• Gun Safety pins…………………………….Set in position
• Gun pod quick release plug………….connected, lanyard on jettison beam
• On each realease unit……………….safety pin in position, plug connected
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

External check before mission – FZ225

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• FZ225 rocket launchers……………………………………….…Visual Check

• Safety lever on LIU…………………………..……………..Safe position (UP)
• Safety pin on LIU………………………………..……………….Set in position
• Rocket quick release plug…………….connected, lanyard on jettison beam
• On each realease unit……….……….safety pin in position, plug connected
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Main landing gear shields……………………………in position, visual check

• Multi-purpose sponson shields…………………… position, visuel check
• Pressure Refueling plug shield ………………….….in position, visual check


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Check prior to taxiing and take-off – HMP400

• Aircrew gives a clearance to operator to start loading of HMP400.
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• After HMP400 loading following instructions in HMP400 operator’s manual,

• Remove HMP400 safety pin and release unit safety pins.
• Close the HMP400 doors.
• Give a clearance toward the aircrew showing the safety pins of each HMP400
and each release units.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

Check prior to taxiing and take-off – FZ225

• Aircrew gives a clearance to operator to start procedure.
• Remove FZ225 safety pin on LIU, set safety lever in lower position
• Remove release unit safety pin
• Give a clearance toward the aircrew showing the safety pins of each HMP400 and
each release units.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Check after landing – HMP400

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• Pilot must give clear indications to the ground operator:

• pilot’s procedure is completed
• must warn the operator clearance in case of gun failure
• it is safe to proceed to unloading or reloading procedure.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Pilot wait inside the H/C until operators give clear information guns module
are safe. (HMP400 and release unit safety pin in position)

Wait 15 minutes before intervention in case of gun failure.

The Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) or Ammunition Technical Officer (ATO) must
be informed so that the explosives can be disposed of in accordance with the current
local regulations.


HMP400 & FZ225 weapon system on EC725

Check after landing – FZ225

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• Pilot must give clear indications to the ground operator:

• pilot’s procedure is completed
• must warn the operator clearance in case of Rocket launcher failure.
• it is safe to proceed to unloading or reloading procedure.
ETZMS / Ph ROSSI / HMP400 & FZ225 system on EC725AP / 1,v.0 / /08/05/2012/

• Pilot wait inside the H/C until operators give clear information rocket
launchers are safe. (FZ225 and release unit safety pin in position)

Wait 15 minutes before intervention in case of rocket launcher failure.

The Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) or Ammunition Technical Officer (ATO) must
be informed so that the explosives can be disposed of in accordance with the current
local regulations.



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