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Report Order Number: W-398231348

Report Order Date: 27-MAY-2024

Member: Bank of India
Application Ref Num: BOI

1. Enquiry Information
Search Criteria: ARIYAN MARINE EXPORTS PVT LTD, 11-Oct-2023, AAZCA5191Q, + 1Address,

2. Borrower Profile
Name: ARIYAN MARINE EXPORTS PVT LTD Registered Office Address: PAN: AAZCA5191Q

Legal Constitution: Not classified PLOT NO 1068 3240 NUAPADA MADHUPATNA BALISAHI Registration Number: -
Class Of Activity: CIN: -
Telephone No: -
- TIN: -
Mobile No: -
Service Tax No: -
Business Category: Others Email ID: -
URN: -
Industry Type: Others **Additional Addresses and Contact Information of the Borrower is
listed in Section no. 8 the Location Details CKYC: -
Sales Figure: - (Year: -)
Last Reported Date: 03-NOV-2023
No of Employees: -

Date of Incorporation: -

Delinquencies Reported on the Borrower

Your Institution: Current: No Last 24 Months: No

Outside: Current: No Last 24 Months: No

Delinquencies Reported on Related Parties/ Guarantors of the Borrower in Last 24 Months

No Related Parties/Guarantors reported for Borrower

3. TransUnion CIBIL Rank

Rank Name Rank Exclusion reasons
01-No live credit facility in last 24 months
03-Borrower exposure is not in the range of eligible exposure bracket

Commercial CreditVision®
CreditVision® CreditVision®
CreditVision® CreditVision® Description Value CreditVision® CreditVision® Description Value

Number of times when the utilization rate of at least one

AT20S Months since oldest trade opened -4 WC13 -6
working capital loan was more than 75%

Number of months in the past 12 months, financial trade

AT36S Months since most recent delinquency (30+ dpd) -4 TRV10 -6
balance decreased

Maximum utilisation of revolving trades (CC/OD) over last Missed payments ratio in the last 12 months for term loan
AGG911B -6 PAYMNT63B -6
12 months trades (Higher the value more the risk) (Min 0, Max 100)

Average utilisation of revolving trades (CC/OD) over last Missed payments ratio in the last 12 months for financial
AGG906B -6 PAYMNT63 -6
12 months trades (Higher the value more the risk) (Min 0, Max 100)

Balance buildup behaviour for revolving trades (CC/OD)

TRV02B Number of months at least one CC/OD was over-utilised -6 BALMAG02B -6
(Higher the value more the risk) (Min 0, Max 600)

DISCLAIMER: All information contained in this credit report has been collated by TransUnion CIBIL Limited (TU CIBIL) based on information provided/ submitted by its various members("Members"), as part of periodic data submission
and Members are required to ensure accuracy, completeness and veracity of the information submitted. The credit report is generated using the proprietary search and match logic of TU CIBIL. TU CIBIL uses its best efforts to ensure
accuracy, completeness and veracity of the information contained in the Report, and shall only be liable and / or responsible if any discrepancies are directly attributable to TU CIBIL. The use of this report is governed by the terms and
conditions of the Operating Rules for TU CIBIL and its Members.

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Report Order Number: W-398231348
Report Order Date: 27-MAY-2024
Member: Bank of India
Application Ref Num: BOI

*CF - Credit facility, % - Wallet share of your Institution vs Others;

4. Credit Profile Summary ** Delinquent: SMA 0 onwards

Delinquent Outstanding (in

Total CF*(s) Total Outstanding ( in ₹ ) ** Delinquent CF
Total Latest CF ₹)
Open CF
Lenders Opened Date
Borrower Guarantor Borrower Guarantor Borrower Guarantor Borrower Guarantor

Your Institution No Credit Facility Reported by Your Institution

Other Public Sector Banks

Other Private Banks & Foreign


No Credit Facilities reported by any other Institution

NBFCs & Others

Outside - Total

Total 0 0 0 0 - 0 0

5. Enquiry Summary

No. of Enquiries
1 2-3 4-6 7-12 12-24 >24 Total Most Recent
(In recent months)

Your Institution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -

Outside 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 03-NOV-2023

Total 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 -

#-No of Credit Facilities, AMT-Amounts in ₹; "Dishonored Cheque

6. Derogatory Information due to insufficient Funds

No Derogatory information Reported

7. Outstanding Balances by Credit Facility Groups and Asset Classification

# - No. of Credit Facilities; ₹ - Outstanding Balance in ₹
(Depicted as No. of Facilities and corresponding Outstanding Balances under each CF Group and Asset Class. bucket.)


1-30 DPD / SMA 31-60 DPD / 61-90 DPD /
0 DPD 91-180 DPD > 180 DPD SUB DBT LOSS
0 SMA 1 SMA 2

Your Institution

Non Funded - - - - - - - - - -

Working Capital - - - - - - - - - -

Term Loan - - - - - - - - - -

Forex - - - - - - - - - -

Total - - - - - - - - - -

DISCLAIMER: All information contained in this credit report has been collated by TransUnion CIBIL Limited (TU CIBIL) based on information provided/ submitted by its various members("Members"), as part of periodic data submission
and Members are required to ensure accuracy, completeness and veracity of the information submitted. The credit report is generated using the proprietary search and match logic of TU CIBIL. TU CIBIL uses its best efforts to ensure
accuracy, completeness and veracity of the information contained in the Report, and shall only be liable and / or responsible if any discrepancies are directly attributable to TU CIBIL. The use of this report is governed by the terms and
conditions of the Operating Rules for TU CIBIL and its Members.

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Report Order Number: W-398231348
Report Order Date: 27-MAY-2024
Member: Bank of India
Application Ref Num: BOI

7. Outstanding Balances by Credit Facility Groups and Asset Classification

# - No. of Credit Facilities; ₹ - Outstanding Balance in ₹
(Depicted as No. of Facilities and corresponding Outstanding Balances under each CF Group and Asset Class. bucket.)


Non Funded - - - - - - - - - -

Working Capital - - - - - - - - - -

Term Loan - - - - - - - - - -

Forex - - - - - - - - - -

Total - - - - - - - - - -

8. Location Details
No Other Location Details Reported

9. Relationship Details
No Related Party Reported for this Borrower

10. Credit Facility Details - As Borrower

No Credit Facilities Reported

11. Credit Facility Details - As Guarantor

No Guaranteed Credit Facility Information Reported

12. Suit Filed Details

No Suit Filed Details Reported

13. Credit Rating Summary - As Reported by Members

No Credit Rating Information Reported

14. Enquiry Details in Last 36 Months

Credit Lender Enquiry Date Credit Type Enquiry Amount

Not Disclosed 03-NOV-2023 Current Account 0

Not Disclosed 03-NOV-2023 Current Account 0

DISCLAIMER: All information contained in this credit report has been collated by TransUnion CIBIL Limited (TU CIBIL) based on information provided/ submitted by its various members("Members"), as part of periodic data submission
and Members are required to ensure accuracy, completeness and veracity of the information submitted. The credit report is generated using the proprietary search and match logic of TU CIBIL. TU CIBIL uses its best efforts to ensure
accuracy, completeness and veracity of the information contained in the Report, and shall only be liable and / or responsible if any discrepancies are directly attributable to TU CIBIL. The use of this report is governed by the terms and
conditions of the Operating Rules for TU CIBIL and its Members.


© Copyright 2017 Transunion CIBIL Limited (Formerly: Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited). All Rights Reserved.

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