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Carefully follow these 6 steps to earn

full credit for Mandatory Live Session #2

1. Go to “File” in the menu above - “Make a Copy”.

2. Name Your File as follows:



3. Complete the following to earn credit for the Mandatory Live Session:

Questions Your Answers

Date and Time of Session: November 10 at 6p.m English_MandatoryLiveSession2

Do you think the given artwork I think that the given artwork should be not
should be considered plagiarized? considered plagiarized because I think that
Explain your reasoning. one artwork is from one person and do this is
(Remember to use 2-3 complete sentences.) like an imitation but changing a little bit.
I think that this is a copy and if was the
person who did the first one, I wouldn’t like
that another person copy my artwork.

4. Go to File Above - Go To “Download”

5. Find “PDF document .pdf”
● Save this document into a folder on your computer.
● Ensure that it is named using this format

6. You are now ready to upload this document into Cosmos in each of your courses under
“Mandatory Live Session 2 Assignment”.

Watch this video if you are unsure of how to upload this document into Cosmos

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