Vepa Sarathi Textbook Subject Index

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Subject Index

Absolute restraint, 51 Attachment, 137

Acceleration, doctrine of, 105 Auxilia, 14
Accessions, 2,32.
Accretions, 342 Bailment, lxxvii
Accumulations, 85 Baridar’s right, 25
Actionable claims, lxxxi, 4 Benami transaction, 125,126
Advancement, 124 Beneficiary, rights of, 451
Advantages, latent in Burgage tenure, 14
leased property, 347
Affirmative covenant, 58, 60
Caveat emptor, 177
Age, transfer to members of a class
Chance of succession, 24
attaining particular age, 93, 94
Charge, 124, 300
Agreement to sell Spes, 26
Chattel, 11
Agricultural lease, 309
Chattel real, n
Aids, 14
Class, transfer in favour of, 80
Co-beneficiary, 452
persons with limited power of, 39
Common fund, property
restraint on, 51
acquired by, 160
right under Hindu law, lxxix
Co-mortgagor, redemption by, 292
right under Muhammedan
law, lxxx Compensation, 131
Alienatio rei praefertur Compromise and lis pendens, 138
juri accrescendi, 51 Conditional sale, mortgage by, 197
Allegans contraria non Conditional transfers, 101
est audiendus, no Condition precedent, 84, 90, 99
Ambulatory Will, 12 Condition subsequent, 84, 100
Anglo Saxons, 12 Conflict of rights, 121
Animus revocandi, 457 Consolidation of
Anomalous mortgage, 216 mortgages, 249, 273
Appointment of receiver, 247 Constructive trusts, 454
Apportionment, 115 Contingent interest, 90, 91
Attached to earth, 4 Contingent remainder, 32,74

Contingent transfer, 90 Doctrine of (contd.)

Contract for sale, 174 part performance, 157
Contract of sale, 170 promissory estoppel, 6
Contract to contrary, 178 suspension of rent, 340
Contribution, 292 Doctrine of lis pendens, 135
Convey and transfer, 267 Dominant heritage, 33, 405
Co-owners, 151 Donatio mortis causa, lxxix
Co-ownership, 151 Double possibility, rule against, 66
Coparcener, 20, 151 Duration of
lease, 321
Copyhold Act, 1894, 13
period of tenancy, 331
Court auction purchaser,
covenant binding on, 60
Court of Wards, 23 Earnest money, 190
Covenants Easement, 33, 389
implied in mortgage, 223 acquisition of, 394
positive and negative, 60 Easements Act, 1882, lxxxi
running with land, 62 imposition of, 393
Crops, away going, 344 incidents of, 406
kinds of, 391
Crown Grants Act, 1895, lxxxiii
law relating to, 389
Cujus est dare ejus est
disponere, 103 Election, 109
Cypres, doctrine of, 72 Eminent Domain Theory, 10
Encumbrancer, 271
English law, lxxx, 11
Debts, transfer of, 45
classification of property, 11
Defeasance, 102, 103
English mortgage, 208
Defects, 178
Entailed estates, 15, 17
in property leased, 339
Equitable contingent remainder, 74
Delivery, 172
Equitable interest, 22
Demesne, 13
Equitable mortgage, 212
Dependent relative revocation, 457
Equitable rights, 75
Deposit of title deeds, 212
Equity of redemption, 9
Equity takes as done what
of property, 130
ought to be done, 31
of will, 457
Escheat, 14
Determination of lease, 339
Estate, 16
Devolution of rights in English
and Indian law, 12 classification of, 16
words of, 17
Doctrine of
for life, 17, 18
acceleration, 105
for term of years, 15
cypres, 72
in future, 31, 32
election, 109
in praesenti, 31
fraudulent transfer, 141
in tail, 18

Estoppel, 126, 146 Future (contd.)

Et clausulae inconsuet semper interests, 24
inducunt suspicionen, 142 maintenance, 34
Et done clandestine sunt property, 22
semper suspiciosa, 142
Ex dolo malo non oritur actio, 145 Gavelkind, 15
Executory devices, 76 Gifts, 373
Executory interests, 32, 74 under Muhammedan Law, lxxx
Executory trust, origin of, 74 Good faith, 131
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio, 145 Goods, 4
Grand sergeantry, 14
Family arrangement, 20 Grass, 4
Fealty, 14 Growing crops, 4
Fee simple, 16
Feudalism, 12 Hindu Disposition of Property
what is, 12 Act, 1916, Lxxxin
Feudal services, 13 Hindu law, lxxvii
kinds of, 14 Historical perspective, lxxvii
Fine, 13 Holdingout, 125
Fixtures, 5 Holding over, 332
Floating charge, 300 Holding under power of attorney
Forbidden contract and part and part performance, 160
performance, 164 Holographic will, 456
Foreclosure, 241 Homage, 14
Forfeiture, 14
of lease, 359
Formalities of lease, 320
meaning of, 4
Frankalmoign, 14
Immovable property, 3, 5, 9, 170
Fraud, 145
definition of, 5
proof of, 139
importance of, 9
Free alms, 14
Imperfect interests, 24
Free enjoyment, restriction on, 57
Implied covenants in mortgage, 223
Freehold, 15
Implied waiver, 362
and leasehold, 15
Improvements, 130, 236
estate, 15
and accessions, 236
tenant, 13
Indian Contract Act, 1872, lxxxi
tenure, 13
kinds of, 14 Indian Succession Act, 1925, lxxxi
Free services, 13 Indivisibility of mortgage, 264
Free tenure, 15 Infeudation, 12
Future In gross, 70
debts, 195, 196 Insolvent as ostensible owner, 125

hi specie, n Limitation, words of, 16

Insurance, 1x9 Lis pendens, 132, 136
Insurance policy, 129 Livery of seisin, 13
Intangible property, 170 Lord of the manor, 13
Interest in land, 4 Lunatic, competence to transfer, 39
Inter-vivos, 19
Maintenance, 124
Joint right to, 34
ownership, 151 future, 34
tenancy, 151 Manor, 13
transferees, 154 Manorial court, 13
Jus accrescendi, 151 Manufacturing purpose, 324
Justice, equity and good Marana Patra, lxxix
conscience, lxxxi Marana Sasanam, lxxix
Married women, restraint
Kinds of mortgages, 195 on alienation, 53
Marshalling, 191
contribution, 292
Land, 5
Mesne lords, 12
Land and goods, 11
Mesne mortgage, 279, 280
Latent defects, 339
Law of Property
services, 14
Act, 1925, 13, 16, 17
tenure, 14
Lay tenure, 14
Lease, lxxviii, 309, 310
rights, 311
and licence, 315
delivery of possession, 320
by conditional sale, 197
determination of, 339
by deposit of title deeds, 212
duration of, 321
charge amounts to, 300
Leasehold, 11, 17
consolidation of, 249, 273
Legal rights, 75 definition of, 195
Lessor equity of redemption, 9
and lesee, 310 formalities for creating, 217
rights of, 340 general considerations
right to transfer, 350 in relation to, 223
Licence, licensor and licensee, 317 immovable property, 9
License, lxxviii implied covenants, 223
Licet dispositio de interesse futuro sit indivisibility of, 264
inutilis tatnen fieri potest declaratio types of, 195
praecedens quae sortiatur effectum Mortgagee
interveniente novo actu, 24 in possession, rights and
Lien, 304 liabilities of, 223, 247
Life estate, 22 liabilities of, 225

Mortgagee (contd.) Payment

priority between, 272 in good faith, 130
rights of, 238 into court, 192
Mortgagor, 252 Pendente lite transfers, 133
in possession, rights and Pensions, 36
liabilities of, 223, 247 Per autre vie, 17
mortgagee’s right against Periodic lease, 312
person of, 238
Period of tenancy, duration of, 336
rights of, 231
Permanent lease, 312
Movable property, 3, 9
Perpetual lease, 320
definition of, 3
Perpetuity, rule against, 69
Muhammadan Law, lxxxii
Mussalman Wakf Validity
competent to contract, 38
Act, 1913, 93
entitled to redeem, 268
Personal action, n
Negative and positive covenants, 60 Personal enjoyment, 23
Nemo dat quod non habet, 125 Personal inams, 34
Nemo est haeres viventis, 25 Personalty, n
Norman Conquest, 12 Petty sergeantry, 14
effects of, 12 Piece meal redemption, 264
land law before, 12 Positive and negative covenants, 60
Notice, 324 Possession of leased property, 340
in cases of lease, 324,
Post obit gifts, lxxix, 12
33*, 358, 3^1
Pre-emption suit and
pendente lite, 139
Occupancy right, 23 Premium, 314
Office, 23 and rent, 314
Onerous gift, 379 Price, 171
Onus of proving fraud, 139 Principle of equity, 118
Open contract, 178 Principle of subrogation, 154
Oral transfers, 218 Principle of substitution, 153
Ostensible owner, 125 Priority between mortgagees, 274
Ownership, transfer of, 172 Privity of estate, 345
Profit a prendre, 6, 7
Pari delicto potior estconditio Profits and rents, 204
possidentis, 145 Proof of fraud, 141
Partial redemption, 265 Property, 3, 21, 22
Partition, 20 categorisation of, 3
Part performance immovables, 3
doctrine of, 157 movables, 3
power of attorney, holding destruction of, 130
under and, 160 transferable, 19

Property (contd.) Restricted interest, 34

transfer of right to enjoy, 311 Restriction on free enjoyment, 57
rules of, 19 Restrictive covenants, 60
Public office, 36 Resulting use, 75
Puisne mortgage, 217 Reversions, 32, 66
Purchase Revocation of will, 457
money, 172 Right
words of, 15 and liabilities of buyer
and seller, 176
Quia Emp tores, 12 future maintenance, 23
inheritance, 26
Quiet enjoyment of leased
property, 341 lessor and lessee, 337
maintenance, 34
Quiet rent, 14
mesne profits, 35
Qui ignorare non debuit quod
mortgagee, 233, 238
jus alienum emit, 177
mortgagor, 251
Qui prior est tempore potior
pre-emption, 34
est jure, 121,275
redeem, 251
Quod dolosus vesatur in
re-entry, 32, 33
generalibus, 142
remove structures, 344
Quod nullius est id ratione naturali
sue, 23, 35
occupanti concedictur, 121
Right of ownership, lxxvii
consists of, lxxvii
Real action, 11 right of use and
Real Property Amendment enjoyment, lxxvii
Act, 1925, 12 right to destroy, lxxvii
Realty, n right to possess, lxxvii
Reasonable wear and tear, 348 right to transfer, lxxvii
Record of rights, 10 Right of redemption, 252
Redeem up and foreclose down, 279 Right of use and enjoyment, lxxvii
Redemption, 9, 251 Right to destroy, lxxvii
Re-entry, right of, 23, 32, 33 Right to possess, lxxvii
Registration, 172, 217, 218 Right to transfer, lxxvii
Relief, 14 Rule against
Relinquishment of lease, 345 double possibility, 66
Remainders, 31, 32, 66, 84 perpetuity, 69
Remoteness, rule against, 70 remoteness, 70
Rent, 310, 314 Rule against perpetuity
time and place of payment, 339 principle of, 69
Repairs to property leased, 343
Representative character, 144 Salary, 23
Repugnancy, 102 Sale of Goods Act, lxxxi
Restraint on alienation, 51 Sale of immovable property, 170

Sale without intervention of court Tenant (contd.)

of mortgage property, 245 holding over, 332
Scope and object of, TPA, lxxxii in capita, 12
Scutage, 14 in common, 153
Seisin, 66 in possession, 12
Seisin per my et per tout, 151 in possession and part
Seller, rights and liabilities of, 176
performance, 173
Service inams, 36 Tenants, 151
Tender, 269
Servient heritage, 33
Tenure in sergeantry, 14
Share transfer, 147
kinds of, 14
Shifting interests, 73
Termor, 15, 313
Shifting use, 75
Terre tenant, 12
Simple mortgage, 197
Testamentary disposition, lxxix, 12
Socage tenure, 14
Testamentary instruments, lxxx
Specific Relief Act, 1963, 10
Testamentary power, lxxix
Spes successions, 24
Testamentary succession, lxxxii
Springing interests, 73
Timber, 4
Springing use, 75
Time and place of payment
Standing timber, 8, 9
of rent, 339
State Government’s power to
Title to property, sold, 182
extend or restrict Act, lxxxi
Statute of Uses, 1535, 13
and convey, 267
Statute of Wills, 1540, 13
by co-owners of share, 156
Statutory tenant, 332 by operation of law, lxxxii
Stipends, 36 by person having distinct
Stridhanam, lxxix interests, 155
Structures, right to remove, 344 effects of, 40
Sub-infendation, 12 for necessity, 122
Sub-lease, 310, 354 in favour of a class, 80, 86
Sub-mortgage, 217 of immovable property, lxxxi
Subrogation, 280 of Property, lxxxi
(Amendment) Act,
Surrender of lease, 345, 352
Suspension of rent, doctrine of, 340
Transfer of Property
Act, 1882, LXXXI
Tangible property, 170 application to
Tenancy Muslims, lxxxiii
at will, 312,324 extent, lxxxi
for term, 313 if exhaustive, lxxxii
kinds of, 312 objects of, lxxxii, lxxxiii
Tenant scope of, lxxxiii, 11
at sufferance, 330 with conditions, 99
chief, 12 Transferable interest, 27

Transferable property, 19, 27 Unfree services, 13

Transferee, persons disqualified Unfree tenure, 13
from being, 40 Universal donee, 380
Transfer of property Unlawful transfers, 23
restrictions on, 23 Usufructuary mortgage, 204
classification, 23
personal right, 23
public policy, 23 Vested interest, 90, 97
unborn person, rules Vested remainders, 32
governing , 65 Villeins, 13
Transferor, all interests of, 42
Trees, 8 Waiver, 362
Trust, 172, 434 Wardship, 14
creation of, 440
Wear and tear, 339
Who can transfer, 38
disabilities of, 449
duties of, 444 Wills, 456
grounds for appointment under Hindu law, lxxvii,
of new, 452 lxxix, LXXX

liabilities of, 446 under Muhammedan law, lxxx

powers of, 448 Wills Act, 1837, 13

rights of, 446 Words
of limitation, 15
Unborn persons, 19 of purchase, 15
Under-lessee, 360
Undivided family, 151 Zuripeshgi lease, 207, 226
Undivided ownership, 151 Zuripeshgi mortgage, 284

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