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Dr. Kaustubh Dhargalkar (Ph.

D-Corporate Innovation & Design Thinking)

Approach to Entrepreneurship Education

- Dr. Kaustubh Dhargalkar

Entrepreneurship Education must produce individuals who are open-minded and

flexible enough to grasp the changes occurring in the world, dip into their
knowledge pools, connect the dots across different disciplines, and generate
synergistic solutions.

A course on Entrepreneurship should aim to instill the following abilities:

 Being unafraid of starting from a blank canvas.

 Ability to see linkages and apply fundamental concepts across seemingly

unrelated fields.

 Willingness to experiment continuously and act on the feedback received.

 Visualize possible scenarios and view the larger picture without the
interference of functional silos.

 Appreciate the needs of various stakeholders.

 Visualize models end-to-end, whether they’re about consumer experiences or

business initiatives.

 Collaborate and Co-create

 Accept failure as a part of life & bounce back

 Planning for success

 Perform ‘Back-of-the-envelope’ calculations to evaluate options
 Communicate effectively and infect people with her/his own passion

603, Glen Croft, Cliff Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai-400076, +91-98193 20643,
Dr. Kaustubh Dhargalkar (Ph.D-Corporate Innovation & Design Thinking)

The contents of the two courses would be as follows:

1. Basic Course in Entrepreneurship - From Idea to Business Model

Topics Sub-topics
Need Identification & Emphasis on Design Thinking to understand the following:
Opportunity Spotting
- Deep Empathy

- Identifying Latent/Unarticulated needs

- Creative User-research techniques

Thinking like a - Principles of Creative thinking
- Ideation techniques
- New Product/Service Development framework
Concept Generation
- Identifying & Creating Blue Oceans

- Low-resolution prototyping

- The process of Making Innovation happen

- Identifying avenues for growth

Self-Discovery - Various exercises
Validation - Prototyping and testing

- Market validation

- Understanding Costs, Revenue

Business Model - Business Model Innovation (case studies)

- Traits of Sustainable Business Models
Validation - Product Market fit
- Solution Demo
- MVP creation

Creating a team - Team Charter

- Finding co-founders

603, Glen Croft, Cliff Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai-400076, +91-98193 20643,
Dr. Kaustubh Dhargalkar (Ph.D-Corporate Innovation & Design Thinking)

Marketing & Sales - Positioning

- Channels
- Selling

2. Advanced course in Entrepreneurship

The course will be based on the Lean Start-up methodology to begin with and dive
deeper into intricacies of planning an Entrepreneurial venture.
Students will work on a ‘Live’ concepts that they would like to bring to reality
Topics Sub-topics
Value Chain Analysis - Analysing multiple sectors for Spotting Opportunities
Intro to the Lean Canvas - Constructing a Lean Canvas
- Iterating for multiple customer segments
- Understanding competition and tweaking

Opportunity Validation - Seven Domain Framework

- Sensitivity analysis and feasibility testing
Market sizing - Sales forecasting
- Creating a Sales Plan
- Monitoring sales targets
Business Model Creation - Crystallising the Business Model
- Pivoting
- Osterwalder’s BMC
Writing an Executive Summary - Relevant videos and case material
Understanding Operations - Cash flow Management
- Borrow or Bootstrap?
- Optimisation of processes
- Procurement plannning
Team Creation - Hiring employees
- Sharing wealth (eSOPS etc.)
- Delegation
- Creating a People plan
Financial planning - A banker’s perspective
- Company Valuation techniques
- Raising funds
- Term Sheets
Legal Angle - Start-up formalities
- Compliances
Writing a Business Plan & - Connecting all the above dots
Pitching - Creating an Elevator pitch

603, Glen Croft, Cliff Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai-400076, +91-98193 20643,
Dr. Kaustubh Dhargalkar (Ph.D-Corporate Innovation & Design Thinking)


Recommended Readings / Books / Websites / Videos:

 It’s Logical: Innovating Profitable Business Models, Kaustubh Dhargalkar

(Term IV)
 The New Business Road Test- John Mullins (Term-V)

Other Reference Texts:

 Hooked- Mir Eyal

 Websites and blogs: Mashable, Wired, Techcrunch, TED
 The Blue Ocean Strategy, Kim & Mauborgne
 Ten Faces of Innovation, Tom Kelley
 The Art OF Start- Guy Kawasaki (Video & Book)
 Relevant case studies
 Various articles/ case studies form HBR, London Business School etc. (will be
shared at the appropriate times)
 Techcrunch

603, Glen Croft, Cliff Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai-400076, +91-98193 20643,

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