Sap (Modules 3)

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Statistics and

Module 3
Student: ________________________________ Strand & Section: ______________
Subject Teacher: ________________________________


Good day our dear students!
Welcome to Statistics and Probability: Module 3 for Grade 11!
This module was created and designed for you to learn and for you to be provided with fun and meaningful
activities which will enhance your skills in independent learning.
Please be reminded of the important activities to be accomplished upon the use of this module:
1. Please do the OPENING PRAYER before proceeding to the entire lessons and activities given for the
Please take a moment of silence and proceed to the opening prayer.
Opening Prayer
Heavenly Father, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the
faithful, grant that by the same spirit that we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His
consolation. All of these we pray in Jesus name. Amen.
2. Please use and answer your module with love, eagerness and care.
3. All the instructions are clearly written on your module. Please read them carefully and make sure to follow
them faithfully.
4. Please read and understand the intended lesson for the day.
5. Please observe honesty and integrity in accomplishing the tasks given.
6. Please practice to have a motivating mood, patience and perseverance in understanding and
accomplishing the self – learning module.
7. You have to finish the tasks at hand before proceeding to the next. Make sure no activities will be
8. Please be reminded that all the activities and lessons on the module must be finished on the given time
9. After finishing the module, make sure to submit this on the given schedule.
10. Once all the lesson and activities were accomplished, please do not forget to do the CLOSING PRAYER.
Please take another moment of silence and proceed to the closing prayer.
If you encounter problems or difficulties in answering this module, please do not hesitate to address your
concerns to the responsible teacher. The contact number of the teacher and the consultation hours are
provided in this module. Please bear in mind that you have someone that will guide and will help you in
finishing your module.
It is with a positive mind that this material will really help you to have meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the most essential learning competencies intended for this subject. We hope that you will
be fully equipped with the necessary knowledge that will enhance you into a wholesome human being.
Enjoy your module! Thank you and God bless!

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Grade : 11 Semester : First Semester

Core Subject Title : Statistics and Probability No. of Hours/Semester : 80 hours
Topic/ Lesson Name Normal Distribution
Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of normal probability
Performance Standards The learner is able to accurately formulate and solve real-life problems in different
Most Essential Learning The learner…
Competencies 1. identifies regions underthe normal curve corresponding to different standard
normal values.
2. converts a normal random variable to standard normal variable and vice versa.
3. computes probabilities using the standard normal table.
References (Books and other Ocampo, J., Marquez, W. Conceptual Math and Beyond Copyright 2016
learning portals or websites)
Statistics and Probability Teaching Guide

Larson and Farber. Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World

Upon the completion of this module, you will be able to:
1. identify regions under the normal curve
2. describe the characteristics of normal distribution;
3. find the shaded region under the normal curve given specific conditions;, and
4. computes probabilities using the standard normal table.

Do the indicated task.
1. Covert 0.4772 to percent.
2. Convert 95% to decimal form.
3. Find the sum of 0.1017 and 0.3413.
4. Find the difference between 0.5 and 0.1517.

The normal distribution is the most important distributions in statistics. Many researchers from different field use
its idea in order to test their research hypotheses that will generate new knowledge and transform this knowledge into new
applications that improve the quality of people’ s lives (Albay 2019). As Senior High School students, you are expected to
learn normal distribution and its characteristics and how to construct normal curve.

Normal Distribution
It is the most important probability distribution in statistics is the normal distribution.

A normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution for a random variable, x. The graph of a normal
distribution is called the normal curve. In specific sense, it is called a normal probability distribution whenever the
frequencies are converted to probabilities.

Properties of a Normal Distribution

1. The curve of the distribution is a bell-shaped.
2. The curve is symmetrical about the mean.

This means if we will cut the curve about the mean, we will have
balanced proportions of the halves. Specifically, we say that one
is a reflection of the other. Meaning, the qualities exhibited by
one are the same qualities exhibited by the other.

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3. The mean, median and mode are of equal values and when sketched, they coincide at the center of the graph.

This means that the mean, median and mode of the given distribution
are located at exactly one point since their values are equal, and they
are located at the center the graph which indicates the highest peak of
the curve.

Mean = Median = Mode

4. The width of the curve is determined by the standard deviation of the distribution.

The curve considered at the left side defines a standard normal

curve. A standard normal curve is a normal probability distribution that
has mean value equal to 0 and standard deviation equal to 1.

width of the cure

This property explains that the standard normal curve is used as a guide for
distributions which has mean value not equal to 0 and standard deviation not
equal to 1.

86 89 92 95 98 101 104

For instance, in a given distribution with mean equals 95 and standard deviation equals 3, the width of the curve
will be 3 numbers away from each other, which is determined from the given standard deviation.
5. The curve extends indefinitely approaching the x-axis but never touching it. Thus, the curve is asymptotic to the line.
6. The area of the region under the curve is 1. It represents the probability or percentage or proportion associated with
the specific sets of measurement values.

This means that for every specific measurement value,

there corresponds exactly one probability / percentage /
proportion value which describes a particular area of the
region under the normal curve.

Standard Normal Distribution

The standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
Th e S t a n da rd N orm a l D is t ribu t ion
T h e s t a n da rd n orm a l dis t ribu t ion is a n or m a l d is t r ib u t ion
w it h a m e a n of 0 a n d a s t a n d a r d d e via t ion of 1 .

Th e h or izon t a l s ca le
cor r e s p on d s t o z -s cor e s .

3 2 1 0 1 2 3

An y va lu e ca n b e t r a n s for m e d in t o a z -s cor e b y u s in g t h e
Va lu e - M e a n x - μ
for m u la z = = .
S t a n d a r d d e via t ion σ

Any value can be transformed into a z-score by using the formula

If each data value of a normally distributed random variable x is transformed into a z-score, the result will be the standard
normal distribution.
After the formula is used to transform an x-value into a z-score, the Standard Normal Table in Appendix B is used
to find the cumulative area under the curve.
Properties of the Standard Normal Distribution
1. The cumulative area is close to 0 for z-scores close to z = 3.49.
2. The cumulative area increases as the z-scores increase.
3. The cumulative area for z = 0 is 0.5000.
4. The cumulative area is close to 1 for z-scores close to z = 3.49

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Find the cumulative area that corresponds to a z-score of 2.71.

Find the area by finding 2.7 in the left hand column, and then moving across the row to the column under 0.01.
The area to the left of z = 2.71 is 0.9966.

Finding Areas Under the Standard Normal Curve

1. Sketch the standard normal curve and shade the appropriate area under the curve.
2. Find the area by following the directions for each case shown.
a. To find the area to the left of z, find the area that corresponds to z in the Standard Normal Table.

b. To find the area to the right of z, use the Standard Normal Table to find the area that corresponds to z. Then subtract
the area from 1.

c. To find the area between two z-scores, find the area corresponding to each z-score in the Standard Normal Table.
Then subtract the smaller area from the larger area.

Example 1:
Find the area under the standard normal curve to the left of z = -2.33.

From the Standard Normal Table, the area is equal to 0.0099.

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Example 2:
Find the area under the standard normal curve to the right of z = 0.94.

From the Standard Normal Table, the area is equal to 0.1736.

Example 3:
Find the area under the standard normal curve between z = -1.98 and z = 1.07.

From the Standard Normal Table, the area is equal to 0.8338.

Normal Distribution: Finding Probability

If a random variable, x, is normally distributed, you can find the probability that x will fall in a given interval by
calculating the area under the normal curve for that interval.

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Example 1:
The average on a statistics test was 78 with a standard deviation of 8. If the test scores are normally distributed,
find the probability that a student receives a test score less than 90.

P(x < 90) = P(z < 1.5) = 0.9332

The probability that a student receives a test score less than 90 is 0.9332.

Example 2:
The average on a statistics test was 78 with a standard deviation of 8. If the test scores are normally distributed,
find the probability that a student receives a test score greater than than 85.

P(x > 85) = P(z > 0.88) = 1-P(z < 0.88) = 1 -0.8106 = 0.1894
The probability that a student receives a test score greater than 85 is 0.1894.

Closing Prayer
We give you thanks Almighty Father through your son Jesus Christ for all the benefits
you have given us to you who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
Well done! So, you have successfully completed the activities and tasks for the module 3. It is expected
that you have gained insights and meaningful experiences. What a great achievement!

Name of Teacher Contact No. Consultation Day Consultation Hours
Mrs. Maricris A. Amoloza 0975-702-5302 Monday to Friday 1:00-3:00
Ms. Chrishelyn D. Dacsil 0977-307-6602 Monday to Friday 1:00-5:00

Mr. Niño Joseph C. Valenzuela 0912-308-2918 Monday to Friday 1:00-5:00

“Your EDUCATION is your LIFE, Guard it well”

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- Proverbs 4:13b


Name: Module: 3

Grade and Section: Teacher:

DIRECTIONS: Please submit only the ANSWER SHEET. Please do not forget to WRITE YOUR NAME,
GRADE & SECTION and TEACHER. Thank you very much and God bless us all.

A. Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1.Which of the following is the area under the normal curve?

A. 0 C. 2
B. 1 D. 3
2. Which of the following is the curve symmetrical to?
A. Mean C. Standard deviation
B. Variance D. Area
3. If the z-value is 0.42, what is the area?
A. 0.0800 C. 0.1628
B. 0.0279 D. 0.3129
4. Find the area if the value of z = -0.13.
A. 0.0248 C. 0.1398
B. 0.0517 D. 0.2467
5. If the area is 0.4977, what is the z-value?
A. 1.63 C. 2.01
B. 1.97 D. 2.83
6. Find the area between z=-1 and z=3.
A. 0.8300 C. 0.8400
B. 0.8350 D. 0.8450
7.Find the area between z= -1.5 and z=-1.3.
A. 0.0100 C. 0.0300
B. 0.0200 D. 0.0400
8. The proportion of 0.6826 is ________.
A. 6.826% C. 68.26%
B. 0.6826% D. 628.6%
9. The cumulative area for z = 0 is ________.
A. 0.0100 C. 0.0500
B. 0.0300 D. 0.5000
10. Find the area that corresponds to z=-3.58.
A. 0.4915 C. 0.4999
B. 0.4951 D. 0.5000

B. Given µ= 110 and σ = 10 in a college entrance examination, find the corresponding z-value of the scores gained by the
following students. Show all your solutions and sketch its graph.
1. X=65
2. X=120
3. X=74

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