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Chemistry Assignment AS 22.

Name: [ ] Grade: 35
Class: Date:

Level 2 – Intermediate


1 2 3 4 5 6

1 One mole of a hydrocarbon Y reacted completely with two moles of hydrogen gas in the presence of
a heated catalyst.
What could the formula of Y be?

A C 4 H4
B C 4 H6
C C 4 H8
D C4H10

2 A chemist carried out a cracking reaction on a hydrocarbon, X, and obtained two products, Y and Z.

The chemist then wrote the following statements in his notebook.

(1) A molecule of X has 7 carbon atoms.
(2) Y is unsaturated.
(3) Z will decolourise bromine water.

Which of the above statement(s) is true?

A I only
B I and II only
C I and III only
D All the above.

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3 Butane undergoes cracking to produce methane and another gas, G, which decolourises aqueous
bromine. Gas G is passed through hydrogen gas at 200°C in the presence of nickel to produce Gas H.
What could G and H be?

A ethane ethane
B ethane ethanol
C propene propane
D propene propanol

4 Which of the following statements about hydrocarbons are correct?

1 Alkenes undergo addition polymerisation, but alkanes do not.
2 Margarine is produced by adding hydrogen to polyunsaturated oils.
3 The cracking of long-chain alkanes can only give alkenes and smaller alkanes.
4 Alkenes undergo substitution reactions with bromine to give a saturated
organic product.

A 1 and 2
B 1 and 3
C 1, 2 and 3
D All of the above

5 There are two isomers of butene, C4H8, their structures are given below.

How many of the statements about these two isomers are correct?

• Combustion of 1 mole of each produces equal numbers of moles of both carbon dioxide and water.
• Both decolourise bromine water.
• Both produce the same molecule when reacted with bromine.
• Both produce the same molecule when reacted with hydrogen.
• When polymerised the same polymer is produced.
N2011 P1 Q37
A 2
B 3
C 4
D 5

6 Which statement about a polyunsaturated vegetable oil is correct?

N2012 P1 Q38
A It has double bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms.
B It reacts with hydrogen to form a solid compound.
C It reacts with steam to form margarine.
D It forms aqueous bromine from colourless to brown.

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1 N2013 P2 Either B9
A student collects some data about the fat content of some margarines.
The margarines tested are all mixtures of saturated fat, A, unsaturated fat, B, and water.
He also does an experiment to count how many drops of bromine water react with 10 g of
each type of margarine.
The table shows his results.

(a) (i) What colour change happens when bromine reacts with a margarine? [1]

(ii) What is seen when the bromine is in excess? [1]

(b) The margarines are sold in 500g packs. [2]

Which margarine contains most water per 500 g?
Explain your reasoning.

(c) Another margarine contains 50g of saturated fat, A, and 20g of unsaturated fat, B, per [1]
Estimate the number of drops of bromine water that react with 1 0 g of this margarine.

(d) Some cooking oils contain a mixture of water with molecules of saturated and
unsaturated fats. Iodine and bromine both react in a similar way with fat molecules.
The mass of iodine that reacts with three different types of oil are shown in the table.

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(i) A student says 'oil C contains a larger mass of fat than oil D'. [2]
Do you agree with the student?
Explain your reasoning.

(ii) A pure fat has a molecular mass of 400. [3]

1 00 g of the fat reacts with 127 g iodine.
How many double bonds are there in each molecule of the fat?
Show your working.

[Total: 10]

2 N2012 P2 OR B9
Some fractions of crude oil are cracked to form smaller molecules.
There are two different cracking processes, steam cracking and catalytic cracking.

(a) Steam cracking uses a temperature of about 700°C. This process breaks larger
molecules into smaller molecules.

Dodecane is a straight chain alkane with the formula C10H22.

When on molecule of dodecane is cracked, two possible products are hexane, C6H14
and one other compound.

(i) Hexane is a straight chain alkane. Draw the structure of hexane and give the [2]
name and structure of the other compound.

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(ii) Describe a simple test that can be used to distinguish between hexane and the other [2]

(b) Catalytic cracking operates at a lower temperature of around 500°C.

A powdered catalyst of alumina and silica is used.
This process contains branched chain alkanes.
Petrol containing branched alkanes burns more smoothly and leads to more complete
combustion of the fuel.
(i) Draw the structure of a branched chain isomer of hexane, C6H14. [1]

(ii) Write an equation for the complete combustion of hexane. [1]

(iii) Explain why incomplete combustion in car engines is undesirable. [1]

(iv) Explain why the catalyst in the process is powdered. [1]

(c) There is a large demand for the molecules in crude oil that can be used to make petrol. [2]
Both cracking processes are important to make sure that supply meets demand.
Explain how cracking helps the oil refinery to meet the demand for petrol.

[Total: 10]

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3 A compound, X, has a composition by mass of 87.8% carbon and 12.2% hydrogen. Its
relative molecular mass is 82.
0.1 g of X reacts with 58.6 cm3 of hydrogen gas at room temperature and pressure to form
another compound, Y.
X decolourises bromine water but Y does not.
(a) (i) Determine the empirical formula of X. [3]

(ii) Hence, deduce the molecular formula of Y. [1]

(b) (i) Using the information given above, show that a molecule of X contains two [2]
carbon–carbon double bonds.

(ii) Hence, deduce the molecular formula of X. [1]

(c) State two differences in the chemical properties of X and Y. [2]

[Total: 9]

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