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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering
EE 243 Tutorial sheet two 2021/2022 Academic year

Question 1.
A moving coil voltmeter with a resistance of 20 Ω gives a full-scale deflection of 120o when a
potential difference of 100 mV is applied across it. The moving coil has dimension of 30 mm
x 25 mm and is wound with 100 turns. The control spring constant is 0.375 x 10-6 Nm/deg.
Calculate the flux density in the air gap.

Question 2.
A simple shunted ammeter using a basic meter movement with an internal resistance of 1800
Ω and a full-scale deflection of 100 μA is connected in a circuit and gives reading of 3.5 mA
on its 5 mA scale. This reading is checked with recently calibrated DC ammeter which gives a
reading of 4.1 mA. The indication is that the first ammeter has a faulty shunt on its 5 mA range.
Calculate the correct value of the shunt resistance.

Question 3.
A moving coil instrument gives a full-scale deflection of 10 mA when the potential difference
across its terminals is 100 mV. Calculate the series resistance for full scale reading with 1000V.

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