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Parts Of Speech

সহজে Noun চেনার উপায়

নিম্ননিনিত Suffix গুলিো থেলে Noun থেিো যোয়-
Noun: থেোি ব্যোনি, ব্স্তু, স্থোি, ধোরণো, েোজ ব্ো গুলণর িোলের েোধযলে Noun থেিো যোয়।


Concrete Abstract

Proper Noun Common Noun Collective Noun Material Noun


-tion: action -er: driver -ure: pleasure

-ance: attendance -cy: accuracy -ment: management
-or: actor -ice: service
-mony: matrimony -let: booklet
-hood: childhood -y: victory
-ness: kindness -sion: confusion
-ty: cruelty -ence: innocence
-ock: bullock -dom: freedom
-ry: dispensary -tude: magnitude
-age: marriage -th: growth
● Proper Noun
চেসব noun ননর্দিষ্ট চ াজনা বযনি, বস্তু, স্থান বা অনয ন ছুর নামজ চবাঝায়, তাজদরজ
Proper Noun বজে। Proper Noun সাধারণত capital letter নদজয় - Rahim, Karim,
Titanic, Moon, Dhaka, Rajshahi etc.

Which of the following nouns is not a proper noun?

(A) Team (B) Dhaka
(C) Sunday (D) Kabir
● Common Noun
থযসব্ noun নিনদিষ্ট থেোলিো নেছু লে িো ব্ুনিলয় এেনি থেনণর ব্যনি ব্ো ব্স্তুর প্রলতযলের সোধোরণ
িোে থব্োিোয়, তোলদরলে Common Noun ব্লি। থযেি— man, flower, girl, woman,
planet, dress, fruit, player, dancer, cow, country, actor, actress, ship

What kind of noun is 'river'?

(A) Material (B) Collective
(C) Proper (D) Common
● Collective Noun
থযসব্ noun এেজোতীয় ব্যনি ব্ো ব্স্তুর অনব্ভি সেনষ্টলে থব্োিোয় তোলদরলে Collective
Noun ব্লি। থযেি - army, flock, band, cavalry, herd, jury, crowd, family,
poultry, cattle, navy, party, gang, committee, group, fleet, flock, infantry
Flock is a-
(A) Proper noun (B) Common noun
(C) Collective noun (D) Abstract noun

What kind of noun is 'cattle'?

(A) Proper (B) Common
(C) Collective (D) Abstract
● Material Noun
থযসব্ noun থেোলিো পদোলেির সেুদয় অংশলে এেেভোলব্ থব্োিোয় এব্ং তোর অন্তর্িত থেোলিো
িণ্ড ব্ো অংশলে থব্োিোয় িো তোলদরলে Material Noun ব্লি । এগুলিোলে র্ণিো েরো যোয় িো,
অিয থেোলিোভোলব্ পনরেোপ েরো যোয়। থযেি—— diamond, gold, iron, wheat, salt,
flour, milk, tea, coffee, water etc.
Which one is a material noun?
(A) Group (B) Meat
(C) Seriousness (D) Party

'Water' is a ---- noun.

(A) Proper (B) Common
(C) Material (D) Abstract
● Abstract Noun
থযসব্ noun অব্স্তুর্ত ধোরণো ব্ো গুণলে নিলদিশ েলর, যোলদর ব্োনযযে অনিত্ব থিই ব্ো ইনিলয়র
সোযোলযয উপিনি েরো যোয় িো অেিোৎ যোলদরলে থদিো যোয় িো, যোলদর র্ন্ধ থিয়ো যোয় িো, যোলদরলে
স্পশি েরো যোয় িো ব্ো যোলদর স্বোদ থিয়ো যোয় িো, নেন্তু শুধু েল্পিো দ্বোরো ব্ো অিু ভব্ দ্বোরো ব্ুিো যোয়।
Abstract Noun - agency, childhood, fatherhood, friendship, girlhood,
heroism, infancy, manhood, motherhood etc.

Abstract Noun থেিোর উপোয় : Noun – এর থশলে suffix থযেিঃ ness, ship, cy, age,
hood, ty, tude, mony, ment ইতযোনদ েোলে।
The soldiers were rewarded for their bravery. Which class of noun 'bravery'
belongs to?
(A) Collective (B) Material
(C) Common (D) Abstract
● Abstract Noun
‘Honesty is the best policy.’ In this sentence the word 'honesty' is ---
(A) a proper noun (B) a common noun
(C) a collective noun (D) an abstract noun

Which of the following is NOT an abstract noun?

(A) Goodness (B) Family
(C) Bravery (D) Childhood
● Gerund
Verb + ing যিি sentence-এ noun-এর েোজ েলর তিি তোলে Gerund ব্লি।
নিলের sentence-এ swimming ও watching যলিো Gerund.
Swimming is a good exercise.
He enjoys watching television.
'Swimming is a good exercise'. Here 'swimming' is a/an-.
(A) Verb (B) noun
(C) gerund (D) adverb

In the sentence 'copying is prohibited in the examination'. 'copying' is a/an-

(A) noun (B) adjective
(C) adverb (D) verb
● Verbal Noun
Verb + ing-এর পূ লব্ি the এব্ং পলর of েোেলি তোলে Verbal Noun ব্লি। থযেি—
The reading of novels gives us pleasure.
The killing of animals is an offence.

Which is an example of verbal noun?

(A) Writing a good letter is difficult
(B) The writing of a good letter is difficult.
(C) Good letter writing is difficult.
(D) It is very difficult to write a good letter.
● Common Noun ও Adjective থেলে Abstract Noun র্ঠলির
Common Noun Abstract Noun Adjective Abstract Noun

agent agency anxious anxiety

friend friendship beautiful beauty

child childhood clever cleverness

father fatherhood deep depth

girl girlhood fat fatness

hero heroism high height

Advise(Verb) advice hate hatred

● Verb থেলে Abstract Noun:
Verb Abstract Noun Verb Abstract Noun

amplify amplification know knowledge

Arrive Arrival laugh laughter

believe belief live life

choose choice multiply multiplicity

What kind of noun is 'girl?
(A) collective (B) material
(C) Proper (D) common

What is the correct noun form of the word ‘important’?

(A) Importance (B) Importantly
(C) Importanced (D) Being important

The word ‘practice’ is a/an -

(A) verb (B) noun
(C) Adjective (D) adverb
The word ‘Wisdom’ is a ---
(A) verb (B) noun
(C) Pronoun (D) adverb

Which one is a material noun?

(A) Group (B) Meat
(C) Seriousness (D) Party

What kind of noun is ‘river’?

(A) Material (B) Collective
(C) Proper (D) Common
What type of noun the word ‘Rice’ is?
(A) Proper noun (B) Common noun
(C) Collective noun (D) Material noun

The word ‘army’ is a ----

(A) Proper noun (B) Material noun
(C) Collective noun (D) Common noun

What kind of noun is ‘boy’?

(A) Material (B) Collective
(C) Proper (D) Common
Which of the following is NOT an abstract noun?
(A) Goodness (B) Family
(C) Bravery (D) Childhood

The police dispersed the crowd. Here the word 'crowd' is a ---
(A) Proper noun (B) Common noun
(C) Collective noun (D) Material noun
What type of noun the underlined word is ? : Water has no color of its own
(A) Proper (B) Material
(C) Abstract (D) Common
● Gerunds VS Present Participles
যনদও present participle gerund এর র্ঠি এেই রূপ (verb + ing) নেন্তু তোরো েিলিোই
এে িয়। Gerund sentence এ সব্িদো noun এর েোজ েলর আর participle যলিো verb
phrase এর এেনি অংশ।
Sarah enjoys singing.
উপলরর ব্োলেয ‘Sarah’ Subject, ‘enjoys’ verb ও ‘singing’ noun নযলসলব্ ব্যব্হৃত যলয়
ব্োলেযর Object র্ঠি েলরলছ।
Sarah is singing.
আর এই ব্োলেয ‘singing’ যলিো ‘is singing’ verb phrase এর অংশ তোই এিোলি ‘Singing’
present participle.
The noun of the word 'add' is ----
(A) additive (B) adding
(C) addition (D) added

‘Frequency’ is ---
(A) Noun (B) Adverb
(C) Verb (D) Adjective

What is the noun of ‘Accept’ ?

(A) Acceptably (B) Acceptance
(C) Accepted (D) Acceptable
What is the noun of ‘deny’?
(A) Deniable (B) Deny
(C) Refuse (D) Denial

The word ‘Gravity’ is ---

(A) an adjective (B) a noun
(C) a Verb (D) a gerund

The word American is ---

(A) pronoun (B) both noun and adjective
(C) Noun (D) Adjective
What kind of noun is "man"?
(A) Proper (B) Common
(C) Collective (D) Material

What kind of noun is infant?

(A) Proper (B) Common
(C) Collective (D) Material

চ ান শব্দটি Noun ?
(A) Sing B) Song
(C) Feed (D) Tell
অতযোনধে পনরেোণ অলেি Uncountable Noun এর পূ লব্ি too much এব্ং অতযোনধে সংিযে
অলেি Countable Noun এর পুলব্ি too many ব্লস ।

----- people trying to get into the football stadium.

(A) There was too many (B) There were too many
(C) There were too much (D) It was too many
(E) There was too much
They spent----- time considering the new contract.
(A) too much (B) too many
(C) Too (D) many

The jacket costs ---

(A) too much (B) too many
(C) expensive (D) none
Not a few (েে িো অলেি) / not a little (েে িো অলেি): অলিে তলব্ প্রলয়োজলির থেলয়
থব্শী অলেি Uncountable noun পূ লব্ি not a little এব্ং Countable noun এর পূ লব্ি not
a few ব্লস। থযেিঃ
Ex: I received not a little help from him
Ex: Not a few men were present there.

Very little / very few: িুব্ েে অলেি Uncountable noun এর পূ লব্ি very little এব্ং
Countable noun এর পূ লব্ি very fewব্লস । থযেিঃ
Ex: He gave me very little information.
Ex: I have very few friends.
He went home last night. Here the word "home" is a/an –
(A) Noun (B) Adverb
(C) Verb (D) Adjective

‘Poor’ শব্দটির Noun ---

(A) Poority (B) Poorify
(C) Poverty (D) Poorness

Which of the following word is a noun?

(A) ricochet (B) ordain
(C) imprimatur (D) pontificate
● Personal pronouns refer to:
(1) First person (the speaker or speakers): I, my, mine, me, myself, we, our,
ours, us, ourselves.

(2) Second person (those spoken to): you, your, yours, yourself, yourselves.

(3) Third person (those spoken about): he, his, him, herself, she, her, herself,
it, its, itself, they their, theirs, them, themselves.
Which of the following sentences is correct?
(A) He and I am well. (B) He and I are well.
(C) He and I is well. (D) He and I was well.

There is really no difference between you and ----

(A) I (B) Them
(C) Me (D) We

It is not --- who are to blame.

(A) We (B) Him
(C) Me (D) Us
I wish I were ---
(A) His (B) Him
(C) He (D) Himself

Modern farms are much larger than ---- of former times.

(A) This (B) That
(C) Those (D) These

This is my pen. That is yours. Here 'This' and 'That' are ---
(A) Personal pronoun (B) Demonstrative pronoun.
(C) Possessive pronoun. (D) Noun
Adjective of Quality: থয Adjective ব্যনি ব্ো ব্স্তুর থদোে, গুণ, অব্স্থো ইতযোনদ প্রেোশ েলর
তোলে Adjective of Quality ব্লি।
It is a Chinese Restaurant

Adjective of Quantity: থয Adjective থেোি noun এর পনরেোণ প্রেোশ েলর তোলে

Adjective of Quantity ব্লি।
Tarif drinks much milk.
সযলজ Adjective থেিোর উপোয়:
An adjective modifies –
(a) Noun (b) adverb
(c) Verb (d) Preposition
Which of the following is not an adjective?
(a) Humble (b) humane
(c) Humid (d) humor

The word 'wonderful' is a/an –

(a) Noun (b) Adjective
(c) Verb (d) adverb

What is the adjective form of the word ‘Obligate’ ?

(a) Obligato (b) Obligation
(c) Obligatory (d) Obligate
What part of speech is the word "routinely“ ?
(a) Noun (b) Pronoun
(c) Adjective (d) Adverb

Adjective of the word ‘strength’ is :

(a) More strong (b) stronger
(c) Strong (d) strongly

‘He was a rather disagreeable man. ‘Here the underlined word is a/an –
(a) Noun (b) Adverb
(c) Adjective (d) Preposition
Depression is often hereditary. The underlined word is a/an –
(a) Adverb (b) Noun
(c) Adjective (d) Verb

He sleeps a sound sleep. Here "sound" is a/an –

(a) Pronoun (b) Adverb
(c) Adjective (d) Noun

Fill in the blank with the correct quantifier. I still have __ money in my
(a) many (b) few
(c) A little (d) A few
He gave me five books. In this sentence which is the adjective?
(a) Books (b) Gave
(c) Me (d) Five

Which of the following is not an adjective?

(a) humble (b) humane
(c) humid (d) humor

Write the name of parts of speech of ‘fertile’

(a) Adverb (b) Noun
(c) Adjective (d) Verb
সোধোরণত be verb এর পলর Adjective ব্লস । তলব্ Noun ব্সলি তোর পূ লব্ি article ব্লস ।
The boy is meritorious.
(a) noun (b) verb
(c) Adjective (d) adverb

The journey was pleasant. Here 'pleasant' is ----

(a) Adverb (b) Noun
(c) Adjective √ (d) Verb

"The college teacher is popular among his students." The underlined word
of the sentence is ---
(a) An Adverb (b) a Noun
(c) An Adjective (d) Verb
সোধোরণত Appear, feel, grow, seem, taste look, smell, ইতযোনদ Linking verb এর
পলর adjective ব্লস।

Rozina looks amazed after knowing her HSC result.

(a) An Adverb (b) a Noun
(c) An Adjective (d) Verb
দুনি Noun পোশোপোনশ ব্লস প্রেেনি নদ্বতীয়নিলে qualify েরলি প্রেে noun নি Adjective

In the expression, ‘to a world stage’, the word ‘world’ is-:

(a) Adverb (b) Noun
(c) Adjective (d) Verb

This is a book of the English language. What part of speech is the

underlined word?
(a) Adjective (b) Noun
(c) Adverb (d) Verb
Which word is not an adjective?
(a) Solar (b) Polar
(c) Lunar (d) hammer

What is the adjective of the word ‘Egg’?

(a) Egglike (b) Oval
(c) Round (d) Circular
Kinds of Verb
Verb of the word 'False' is—
(a) Falsify (b) Falsehood
(c) Falsity (d) Falsely

‘Habit’ শব্দটির Verb form ন ?

(a) Habitable (b) Habitation
(c) Habitual (d) Habituate

Which one of the following is past participle form of ‘swim’ ?

(a) swum (b) sweem
(c) Swam (d) swom
Which one is the verb?
(a) Openly (b) Reopen
(c) Openness (d) Closely

What is the verb form of habit ?

(a) Habitable (b) habitation
(c) habitual (d) habituate

'Water' is an example of ---

(a) Adverb (b) preposition
(c) Verb (d) conjunction
Principal Verb: এেনি Sentence এ থয verb স্বোধীিভোলব্ ব্লস নিলজর অেি প্রেোশ েলর,
তোলে Principal verb ব্লি। থযেি - write, buy, go, obey, come, do, eat, instruct,
and so on.

"I did the work." Here did is a/an –

(a) Principal verb (b) auxiliary verb
(c) Weak verb (d) Strong verb

I am in class twelve. Here 'am' is-

(a) cognate verb (b) auxiliary verb
(c) Principal verb (d) factitive verb
Auxiliary Verb: থযসব্ verb থব্নশরভোর্ থেলে নিলজ থেোি অেি প্রেোশ েলর িো ব্রং tense,
voice এব্ং Mood অিু সোলর নব্নভন্ন প্রেোর sentence র্ঠলি Main verb থে সোযোযয েলর,
তোলে Auxiliary verb ব্ো Helping verbs The boy is playing cricket. They have
performed well. Salam has gone to Dhaka.

➢ Verb to be: am, is, are, was, were, being, been, be.
➢ Verb to have: have, has, had, having, shall have, will have, should have,
could have, etc.
➢ Verb to do: do, does, did

Modals: shall, will, should would, can, could, may, might, dare, must, need,
ought to, had better, would rather, etc.
Modal auxiliary verb
Transitive verb: transitive verbs are verbs that must be followed by an
object. verb object েোলে, তোলে Transitive verb ব্লি।
Examples of transitive verb in a Sentence:

took He took shelter under love Mother loves me.

a tree
Cost My coat cost a lot of get My children get good
money. grades in school.
read The boy reads a book. leave I leave home at 7:00
in the morning.
lend Could you please lend make Did you make coffee
me fifty dollars? this morning?
offer My boss offered me a owe I owe you ten dollars.
great new job.
Intransitive verb: An intransitive verb is a verb that does not require an
object to complete the sense. থয verb এর object েোলে িো, তোলে Intransitive
verb ব্লি।

Be born He was born in 1980. sleep She sleeps.

evaporate Water evaporates run My dog ran./ the water

when it's hot. is running.
fall The rain fell heavily. burn Fire burns.

flow River flows. fly Did you make coffee

this morning?
Mother laughs. বাজ য Laughs ন জসর উদাহরণ?
(a) Auxiliary verb (b) Intransitive verb
(c) Transitive verb (d) Causative verb

Fire burns. What kind of verb burn' is –

(a) Intransitive (b) Transitive
(c) Causative (d) Copulative

She sleeps. Here the verb 'sleep' is a –

(a) Transitive verb (b) Be verb
(c) Intransitive verb (d) Linking verb
Linking Verb: থয সব্ Verbs সোধোরণত Subject এব্ং Complement এর েলধয থযোর্সূ ে
প্রনতষ্ঠো েরলত Linking Verb Structure: Subject + linking verb + subject
List of linking verbs:

➢ Forms of be: am, is, are, was, were, being, will be, shall be, could be,
would be, should be, might be, have been, has been, had been, shall have
been, should have been, could have been, etc.
➢ Feel: This sweater feels itchy.
➢ Look: The sculpture looks strange
➢ Went: The boy went mad.
➢ Smell: The dinner smells wonderful.
➢ Sound: That doorbell sounds broken
➢ Taste: This soup tastes delicious.
➢ Became: He became a politician.
Causative Verb: থয সেি Verb এর থেলে Subject নিলজ সরোসনর থেোি েোজ সম্পোদি িো
েলর অিযলে। নদলয় েোজনি সম্পোদি েরোয়, ঐ সব্ Verb থে Causative verb ব্লি।
Causative verbs are: have get, make, let, and help.


The causative verbs are:

(i) Get (ii) Have (ii) Make (iv) Let (v) Help
Causative ‘Get’
Causative verb 'Get' এর পর ব্যনিব্োেে object েোেলি পরব্তিীলত Infinitive যয় ।
Causative verb 'Get' এর পর ব্স্তুব্োেে object েোেলি পরব্তিী verb Past Participle
My parents got me ---- inside.
(i) Stayed (ii) stay
(ii) Staying (iv) To stay

Ellen got Marvin (type) ---- her paper.

(i) type (ii) to type
(c) in typing (d) typing
I'll get an electrician ---- the heating.
(a) for mending (b) repair
(c) to mend (d) for repairing

We got our servants (wash) our living room.

(a) wash (b) to wash
(c) washed (d) washing

I got the work --- by him.

(a) Have (b) done
(c) Do (d) to be done
Causative ‘MAKE’
Causative verb ‘MAKE’ এর পর ব্যনিব্োেে object েোেলি পরব্তিীলত verb Present
form যয় ।

Our boss makes us ... very hard.

(i) working (ii) worked
(ii) work (iv) To work

The teacher made the students --- an essay.

(i) Writing (ii) to write
(c) Write (d) Wrote
Causative ‘LET’
Causative verb ‘Let’ এর পর ব্যনিব্োেে object েোেলি Present form যয় ।
Causative verb ‘Let’ এর পর ব্স্তুব্োেে object েোেলি Present form যয় ।

Let him ---- what he likes.

(i) choose (ii) chose
(ii) choice (iv) To choose

He didn't let me --- the guitar.

(a) Play (b) to play
(c) Playing (d) that I could play.
She did not let me ---- what she was painting.
(a) to see (b) saw
(c) See (d) sing

I let him (go) --- there.

(a) went (b) go
(c) going (d) have gone

As the reviews of the films were good, we let him __ between the two.
(a) choose (b) choice
(c) choosing (d) chose
Factitive Verb: যিি থেোি transitive verb এর Object েোেো সলেও অনতনরি word
এর সোযোযয ছোডো পূ ণিপ্রেোশ েরলত পোলর িো, তোলে factitive verb ব্লি। eg elect,
appoint, make, choose, deem, assign, name, select, judge, designate, etc

They elected him captain. Here elected is ---

(a) Transitive verb (b) factitive verb
(c) Reflexive verb (d) Causative verb

which one is an example of Factitive object ?

(a) We made him captain. (b) I knows him to be a doctor
(c) Pluck the flower (d) All of the above
Cognate Verb: থয সেি intransitive verb সেজোতীয় ব্ো অিু রূপ থেোি Word থে
object রূলপ গ্রযণ ঐ সেি Verb থে cognate verb ব্লি। আর এই object থে cognate
object ব্লি ।

He ran a race. Here 'ran' is a --- verb

(a) Causative (b) Copulative
(c) Factitive (d) Cognate

I dreamt a wonderful dream.

(a) Cognate object. (b) Retained object
(c) Reflexive object (d) Factitive object
Group Verb/phrasal verb: থেোলিো verb এর preposition ব্ো transitive verb যলয়
নভন্ন অেিপ্রেোশ েরলি তোলে group verb ব্ো phrasal verb ব্ো prepositional verb ব্লি।
eg. takes after get together, get around, get ahead, get across, get through,
get away, get in, get off, get up. get out of, get on, get into, break up, break
down, break away, break out, break in, break into.

She takes after her mother.

(a) verbal idiom (b) phrasal verb
(c) regular verb (d) intransitive verb
Irregular verb: Irregular verb যি এেি verb থযগুনি Tense এব্ং Past participle
সোধোরণ পযোিোিি অিু সরণ েলর িো

Base Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle

Awake Awoke Awoken

Break Broke Broken

Choose Chose Chosen

Do Did Done

Eat Ate Eaten

Which one is irregular verb ---
(a) Bear (b) abuse
(c) Assure (d) All of the above

The word 'Idolize' is –

a) a noun b) a verb
c) an adverb d) an adjective

What is the verb from of the word "Acquisition"?

(a) Acquiesce (b) Acquisition
(c) Acquire (d) Aquifer
Infinitive Clause/Phrase: To + verb- এর base form, to + verb – এর base
form + object to + verb-এর base form + adverbial থে infinitive clause ব্লি।
এলদরলে infinitive phrase ও ব্িো যয়। থযেি- He wants to go. This is the way to
see city. We need to act quickly.

I loved to play chess when I was at college. Here 'to play' is a/an:
(a) participle (b) noun
(c) gerund (d) infinitive
Forms of Infinitive

Forms Full Infinitives Bare Infinitives

Simple infinitive to play, to work play, work

Continuous infinitive To be playing be playing

To be working be working

Perfect infinitive to have played have played

to have worked have worked

Perfect continuous to have been playing have been playing

to have been working have been working
Participle : Verb-এর থয form এেই সোলে verb এব্ং adjective-এর েোজ েলর তোলে
Participle ব্লি। Participle নতি প্রেোর। যেো : a. Present Participle, b. Past
Participle, c. Perfect Participle
Present Participle : Verb –এর সোলে present form- ing যুি যলয় যনদ উযো এেই
সোলে verb এব্ং adjective-এর েোজ েলর তিি তোলে Present Participle ব্লি

Present participle performs the works of –

(a) noun & adjective (b) verb & adjective
(c) verb & adverb (d) verb & noun

Present participle of the word 'pertain' is-

(a) is pertaining (b) pertains
(c) pertaining (d) pertained
Use of Present Participle :
❑ Continuous & Perfect Continuous Tense : He is working.
He has been working.
❑ Adjective - A barking dog seldom bites.

Education is the most pressing need of time. Here the word 'pressing' is-
(a) verbal adjective (b) gerund
(c) none of the options (d) pronoun

A swimming snake bit him in the leg. Here 'swimming' is a-

(a) participle (b) verbal noun
(c) gerund (d) infinite
Use of Present Participle :
❑ Have/has/had + object-- He had me swimming in a week.
❑ Hear, feel, see, smell প্রভৃনত verb of sensation – এর পলর। থযেি - I saw him
playing Tennis.

Choose the correct word/words to fill in the gap:

I saw a girl ---- in the pool.
(a) to swim (b) swim
(c) swimming (d) to bathe
Do you enjoy teaching?' the underlined word is a –
(a) noun (b) participle
(c) gerund (d) pronoun

❑ Past Participle: Verb-এর past participle form যনদ এেই সোলে verb এব্ং
adjective-এর েোজ সম্পন্ন েলর তোলে past participle ব্লি ।
Use of Past Participle:

Perfect Tense গঠনে :- যেমে: He has worked hard. He will have passed.
(a) have (b) will
(c) had taken (d) had
Perfect Participle: Having-এর পর verb-এর past participle যুি যলয় যনদ তো এেই
সোলে verb এব্ং adjective-এর েোজ েলর তোলে Perfect Participle ব্লি। Having eaten
rice, she went to bed. Having passed MA, he got a good job. Having finished
his study, he went to eat.

Having---- me he has married again..

(a) forget (b) forgetting
(c) forgotten (d) been forgot
Use of Perfect Participle:
এেই subject দ্বোরো এেনি েোলজর পর আলরেনি েোজ সম্পন্ন যলি েোজদ্বয়লে Present
participle ব্যব্যোর েলর প্রেোশ েরো যোয়। থযেি— Eating his dinner he rushed out of
the house. নেন্তু এরূপ sentence থেলে পনরষ্কোর থব্োিো যোয় িো থয েোজদ্বয় এেই সোলে
ঘলিলছ, িোনে এেনির পর আলরেনি ঘলিলছ। তোই েোজদ্বয়লে সব্লেলয় সনঠেভোলব্ প্রেোশ েরো
যোয় Perfect participle ব্যব্যোলরর েোধযলে। থযেি— Having eaten his dinner, he
rushed out of the house.

Having gained truth, keep truth.

(a) Present participle (b) Perfect participle
(c) Past participle (d) none
Use of Perfect Participle:
এেই subject দ্বোরো এেনি েোলজর পর আলরেনি েোজ সম্পন্ন যলি েোজদ্বয়লে Present
participle ব্যব্যোর েলর প্রেোশ েরো যোয়। থযেি— Eating his dinner he rushed out of
the house. নেন্তু এরূপ sentence থেলে পনরষ্কোর থব্োিো যোয় িো থয েোজদ্বয় এেই সোলে
ঘলিলছ, িোনে এেনির পর আলরেনি ঘলিলছ। তোই েোজদ্বয়লে সব্লেলয় সনঠেভোলব্ প্রেোশ েরো
যোয় Perfect participle ব্যব্যোলরর েোধযলে। থযেি— Having eaten his dinner, he
rushed out of the house.

Having gained truth, keep truth.

(a) Present participle (b) Perfect participle
(c) Past participle (d) none
এেই subject দ্বোরো এেনি েোলজর নেছু সেলয়র পর আলরেনি েোজ সম্পন্ন যলিও েোজদ্বয়লে
Past participle ব্যব্যোর েলর প্রেোশ েরো যোয়। থযেি— Having failed twice, he did
not try again.

---- the door, she went out.

(a) Lock (b) locked
(c) Having locked (d) Having
Gerund : Verb-এর সোলে ing যুি যলয় তো যনদ এেইসোলে verb এব্ং noun-এর েোজ
েলর তলব্ তোলে gerund ব্লি

Reading is an excellent habit. Here the underlined word is a ---

(a) Verbal noun (b) Participle
(c) Gerund (d) Verb
Gerund এর বযবহার :
Verb - এর subject রুলপ : থযেিঃ Rising early is a good habit.

Swimming is a good exercise. Here 'swimming' is ---

(a) participle (b) nominal
(c) Gerund (d) infinitive

Transitive verb- এর object রুজপ : - I like playing cricket.

The underlined word in the sentence 'It has stopped raining' is-
(a) participle (b) present continuous
(c) Gerund (d) infinitive
Preposition এর object রুজপ : চেমন -- He is fond of playing cards

There is no credit in earning money illegally.The underlined word is ---

(a) present participle (b) gerund
(c) verb (d) present continuous

Verb এর complement রুজপ : চেমন -- Working is earning. My hobby is


My favorite activity is reading. Here 'reading' is a –

(a) participle (b) adverbial
(c) Gerund (d) verbal noun
Nominative absolute গঠজন: চেমন -- Walking being a good exercise, I will
walk everyday.

Possessive এর পজর : চেমন -- He does not like my going there. They insisted
on Rahim's doing this.
(a) present participle (b) gerund
(c) verb (d) present continuous

Verbal Noun-এর গঠজন : চেমন: The reading of newspaper is a good habit.

My favorite activity is reading. Here 'reading' is a –
(a) participle (b) adverbial
(c) Gerund (d) verbal noun
Do you enjoy teaching? The underlined word is –
(a) Noun (b) Participle
(c) Gerund (d) Pronoun

What is the past participle of 'put'?

(a) pulled (b) pat
(c) put (d) putted

The past participle form of the word 'BITE' is-

(a) Bit (b) Biten
(c) Beaten (d) Bitten

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