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Ministery Of Education

Official Night School Of Colon


Luis Pinilla


English subject

Level: 10°

Bachelor of Humanities


Vilma Doris Campell

Education in the 21st century

In the 21st century, education plays a fundamental role as a tool for transformation
and progress in society. In a world in constant change, education stands as the
fundamental pillar for individual and collective development, and is recognized as a
fundamental right of every human being.

In particular, the stages of early childhood and primary education play a crucial role
in the formation of individuals from an early age. During these formative years, the
foundations for continuous learning are laid and cognitive, emotional and social
skills are cultivated that will accompany children throughout their lives. Quality
education at these stages is essential to guarantee a just and equitable society.

It is important to highlight that education must be inclusive, promoting the

participation of all children regardless of their ethnic origin, socioeconomic level,
gender or different abilities. Inclusive education is a powerful tool to combat social
exclusion and build a more egalitarian society. It provides equal opportunities to all
people, encourages diversity and respect for differences, and promotes the
comprehensive development of each individual.

In the 21st century, education must adapt to the challenges and changes of our
society. It should be relevant, stimulating and oriented towards the acquisition of
key skills, such as critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, collaboration and
adaptability. Education must foster an entrepreneurial spirit, continuous learning
and the ability to face the challenges of a globalized and technological world.
Main changes and importance of 21st century education

The importance of the current educational system lies in its balance. On the one
hand, in imparting traditional and fundamental knowledge; on the other hand, in
facing the changes produced in learning paradigms and models, training the
student for adaptation and insertion into society.

What are these changes, and what do they consist of?

Firstly, the relevance that digital platforms have acquired in learning, and their
instant access to information, has produced a rethinking of the role of the teacher.

While using technology for training, through videoconferences, virtual simulations,

in turn, the teacher instills flexible thinking to deal with the overwhelming amount of

Another of the challenges of 21st century education is the influx of students in

educational centers. To achieve this, the educational system must structure its
learning strategies in order to develop all capabilities, taking into account the
culture and diversity of each individual.

Therefore, 21st century education is important to guarantee the training of

professionals in specialized areas, encourage the values of equality and diversity,
and develop skills for searching for information.

Characteristics of 21st century education

Bearing in mind that this process of change is not only the responsibility of basic
education but at all levels, there are certain features that seek to be developed with
what 21st century education is.

Personalized learning

This type of approach seeks to make it clear that not everyone learns in the same
way, so it is necessary for teachers to understand that treatment in all cases
cannot be the same, which in many cases clashes with the educational model
implemented. since many years.

These adjustments are carried out in different ways:

 Differentiate the level of difficulty of the content.

 Carry out different evaluation strategies.
 Do activities where everyone can adapt.
 Equity, diversity and inclusion

Previously, it was expected that students would conform to what was taught or
simply withdraw. But with 21st century education, teachers are focused on seeking
equality of results, allowing the achievement gap to be reduced.

All those who have differences can develop academically, and this also allows the
rest of the children to share with a wide variety of people, so learning that being
different is okay and should be respected.

Learning by doing

Behaviorist methods indicated that learning was generated by memorization and

unilateral transmission of information. Currently, students are encouraged to
participate in their learning themselves.

Implementing active learning makes the details more precise. One of the
promoters of this type of methods was Ken Robinson, who developed different
proposals to improve the teaching approach and was declared professor emeritus
for his work in the field of education. .

Relationships with the community

Community participation for the correct development of learning is important; within
the communities there are individuals with great training and knowledge that they
can share with others.

Teachers are clear that they are not the owners of knowledge and that each area
in society has an expert who can be consulted if more specialized information is

21st century education

Educational trends in 21st century education

Educational trends are the accumulation of ideas that guide in a specific direction,
that is, they are the conceptions around education and the mediating curriculum
between educational theory and its practice.

What problems does 21st century education face?

Many of the challenges that existed in the past continue to arise today, except that
due to the number of people who can have free access to education, dropout due
to various factors is more clearly marked.

According to figures from different NGOs, approximately 258 million boys and girls
are out of school. To have a clearer idea of this, it could be said that this is more
than half of the population of the European Union.

A clear example of this is the case of Spain, this country is the one with the highest
school dropout rate in Europe. For this reason, within the education projects of the
21st century it is found to facilitate other educational means.

Among them, it is proposed to have distance education, that communities that do

not have educational centers allocate a space for counseling, so that students can
have personalized attention.

Education is one of the factors that most influences the advancement and progress
of people and societies. In addition to providing knowledge, knowledge and
learning; Education enriches culture, spirit, values and everything that
characterizes us as human beings. In this sense; In the social sphere, education is
necessary in all aspects to achieve better levels of social well-being and economic
growth; to level out economic and social inequalities; to promote social mobility of
people; to access better levels of employment; to raise the cultural conditions of
the population; to expand opportunities for young people; to invigorate civic values
that strengthen the relationships of societies; for democratic advancement and the
strengthening of the rule of law; for the promotion of science, technology and

From these approaches, it is worth pointing out that education is the engine that
drives the level of development of a country, it is the strength of its educational and
scientific and technological research systems; As well as the factor that
accelerates the development of media and information technologies, this is where
the importance of education for a society lies, becoming a vital and essential

By virtue of the above, it is worth stating that at the birth of this new century, there
is an unprecedented demand for education, accompanied by a great
transformation of it, and a greater awareness of the fundamental importance that
education has. for sociocultural and economic development and for the
construction of the future, for which the new generations must be prepared with
new skills and new knowledge and ideals. In this sense, the importance of
education within a changing society lies in the rejuvenation and increase that it
brings to the human rights and dignity of the people who make up that society, the
extinction of inequalities, the strengthening of sustainable development ,
consolidation of creative and emotional developments, changes in values, attitudes
and behaviors.

From these approaches, every individual, professional or subject who therefore

makes up a society, must consider giving a broad vision of the great importance of
education in society; since it is the channel to transform and promote change and
progress in society. Given the scope of this, education professionals must reflect
on it in an ambitious way and formulate a vision about it in a changing society. To
do this, we must debate and dialogue at all levels in an ambitious and inspiring
way, in order to address the people who live in this new social era.

In this regard, UNESCO (2015) in its treatise The conceptualization of quality: a

framework for understanding, monitoring, and improving Educational Quality;
expresses the importance of education in society as:

¨…The links between society's education are strong, since both influence each
other. Education can help change society by improving and strengthening skills,
values, communications, mobility (related to opportunities), personal prosperity and
freedom. However, in the short term, education powerfully reflects society: the
values and attitudes that inform it are those of society as a whole. It is equally
important whether education occurs in the context of an affluent society, or one
where poverty reigns...¨

Under these aspects, it is recommended that all of us who make up our nation's
education take a more powerful transformative attitude and thinking that provides
education with tools to promote changes in human rights and dignity, eradicate
poverty and achieve sustainability. , build a better future for all, based on equal
rights and social justice, cultural diversity, solidarity and shared responsibility,
aspirations that constitute fundamental aspects of our common society.

Likewise, it is recommended that every teaching professional promote, generate

and disseminate knowledge through research and, as part of the services that
must be provided to the community, provide the appropriate technical skills to
contribute to cultural, social and cultural development. economic of societies,
promoting and developing scientific and technological research along with the
development of communities.

importance of education for development

Education is one of the factors that most influences the advancement and progress
of people and societies. In addition to providing knowledge, education enriches
culture, spirit, values and everything that characterizes us as human beings.

Education is necessary in every sense. To achieve better levels of social well-

being and economic growth; to level out economic and social inequalities; to
promote social mobility of people; to access better levels of employment; to raise
the cultural conditions of the population; to expand opportunities for young people;
to invigorate civic and secular values that strengthen the relationships of societies;
for democratic advancement and the strengthening of the rule of law; for the
promotion of science, technology and innovation.

Education has always been important for development, but it has acquired greater
relevance in today's world that is experiencing profound transformations, motivated
in part by the dizzying advance of science and its applications, as well as by the no
less accelerated development of the media. and information technologies.

In modern economies, knowledge has become one of the most important factors of
production. The societies that have advanced the most economically and socially
are those that have managed to base their progress on knowledge, both that
transmitted through schooling and that generated through research. Economic
productivity and competitiveness, as well as a good part of the social and cultural
development of nations, increasingly depend on education, science and
technological innovation.

World experience shows the existence of a close correlation between the level of
development of countries, in its broad sense, with the strength of their educational
and scientific and technological research systems. According to studies by the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an additional
year of schooling increases a country's GDP per capita between 4 and 7%.1

Gone are the times when education expenditures were considered an expense.
Currently, knowledge constitutes a very productive investment, strategic
economically and a priority socially.
In short, education contributes to achieving more just, productive and equitable
societies. It is a social good that makes human beings freer.


The family has true importance in the construction of the person, in their education,
in their way of behaving, etc. The family influences with values and morals, not
only the parents, but the older siblings, and sometimes the little ones play a role.
determining factor in education. The family is the first place where human beings
perceive others, mother, father, brothers, uncles, cousins, and integrate into a

There are several forms of family organization and kinship, among them three
types of families have been distinguished:

1. The nuclear or elementary family: it is the basic family unit that is made up of
husband (father), wife (mother) and children. The latter may be the biological
offspring of the couple or adopted members of the family.

2. The extended or consanguineous family: it is made up of more than one nuclear

unit, extends beyond two generations and is based on the blood ties of a large
number of people, including parents, children, grandparents, uncles, uncles, aunts,
nephews, cousins and others; For example, the triple-generation family includes
parents, their married or single children, children-in-law, and grandchildren.

3. The composite family: rests on plural marriage. In polygamy, one man and
several wives, the most common and generally the most popular form of blended
family, the man plays the role of husband and father in several nuclear families,
thereby uniting them into a larger family group. The opposite case, polyandry, one
woman and several husbands, is very rarely recorded; Where it exists it seems to
be associated with a situation of low economic resources. As a social institution
"the family can be considered corrective, reaffirming and expanding the values of
its members, making them participate in new experiences with others."

The family fulfills important tasks related to the preservation of life, its development
and its well-being. The functions recognized are related to:
1. Biological function, the sexual appetite of men and women is satisfied, in
addition to human reproduction.

2. Educational function, children are socialized early in terms of habits, feelings,

values, behaviors, etc.

3. Economic function, basic needs are satisfied, such as food, shelter, health,
clothing. 4. Solidarity function, affections are developed that allow us to value
mutual help and help to others


In parallel and of equal importance to the education of the family is the education
of the school system, where they will not only learn formal concepts, but other
things that are equally important such as social interaction, communication,
discipline, etc. Parents must choose the school where their child will attend the first
years of life, but this is not an important choice for them. We can say that in recent
years the educational system has experienced a series of changes in the main
fields of action of educational policy: the general organization of the system, study
plans and programs, educational materials aimed at students, the development of
support materials for teaching, the introduction of ICT. The characteristics of the
school that help the formation of the person are the following:

- The school is an educational unit: The results that students obtain at the end of
the school period are important, especially in the field of development of intellectual
skills and attitudes, and are the product of the combination of the work of all the
teachers in the school. classroom and the school experience as a whole.

- In school there is effective professional collaboration between teaching staff: For

true education to exist, teachers must collaborate very closely.

- The school is the place where teaching and systematic educational work with the
group of students is one of the most important tasks. - In the school, the teaching
and management staff assume their responsibility and are accountable to the
people concerned.

- A school is one that recognizes the interest and right of mothers and fathers to
participate in the educational task and also establishes mechanisms to involve
them in The function of education is the achievement of achievements with
personal significance by those who intervene in it, while seeking improvement and
social transformation through greater commitment of people in their specific
environment and in the global system. . The characteristics of the educational
system as a part of society are as follows:

1. The educational system is actually a part of the social system; The school fulfills
specific functions and interacts with social realities. The school cannot by itself
transform society or the environment closest to it, but it can contribute to improving
that environment, in a democratic, responsible way. This integration must be
carried out from all areas, political, legal, educational, social, etc.

2. The main objective of today's society is to achieve equal opportunities between

men and women. This objective is included in the educational system, not now with
new subjects, but from the first years of education. In schools there are
heterogeneous groups, with different social levels and different races.

3. It is in society where the individual acquires some attitudes and psychic

qualities, which is why it is so important that the student already has acquired
some values.t.

In conclusion, it should be highlighted that the importance of education in the social

context occurs only if it allows us to contribute to understanding, interpreting,
preserving, reinforcing, promoting and disseminating national and regional,
international and historical cultures, in a context of pluralism and cultural diversity.
That it will only be given a hierarchy when it allows it to contribute to protecting and
consolidating the values of society, ensuring that young people are instilled with
the values on which democratic citizenship rests and providing critical and
objective perspectives in strengthening humanistic approaches.

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