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Programming →

Computers / Machines : They are electronic devices which are used for

Programming language/ Coding : It is a medium to communicate with

machines. With the help of this, we give instructions to the machines.

Program / Code : Set of instructions or commands to the machines.

How does the processing take place in machines ?

Machine only understands binary language (0 & 1). It is also called machine

Architecture of a programming language :

Code ( High Level ) → Compiler / Interpreter (Code gets converted to binary code )
→ Machine

Compiler Vs Interpreter :

It converts high level code to low level and vice versa.

Compiler Interpreter

It executes complete code file at It converts the code line by line


Debugging is comparatively difficult Debugging is easier

Code execution time is less Code execution time is more

Ex : C, C++ Ex : Java, Python, R

Debugging : It is a process to solve errors in the code.

Bugs : Errors
What is Python ?

Python is an open source, interpreted based, general purpose, high level easy
to learn programming language.

Features of Python :

- Easy to learn
- Easy to understand
- Simple English words as syntaxes
- No complex logics
- Used in almost all trending technologies (AI, IoT, Data Science…)

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