Diploma CIE.3

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1. Companion Robot – Definition and Explanation? (10 Marks)

Companion Robots can serve various purposes, including:

1. Companionship: They can provide emotional support and companionship to

people who may be lonely or isolated, such as the elderly or individuals with

2. Assistance: They can assist with everyday tasks such as reminding users to take
medication, fetching items, or providing directions.

3. Therapy: They can be used in therapeutic settings to support individuals with

mental health issues, autism, or other conditions.

4. Education: They can serve as educational tools for teaching children or adults
about robotics, programming, or specific subjects.

5. Entertainment: They can entertain users with games, music, or interactive


2. Design of Companion Robot? (15 Marks)

1. User Needs Assessment:

- Conduct thorough research to understand the needs and preferences of the
target user demographic

2. Functionality and Features:

- Define the core functionalities and features that the Companion Robot should
possess based on the identified user needs.

3. Physical Design:
- Design the robot's physical appearance, considering factors such as size, shape,
materials, colors, and ergonomics.

4. User Interface and Interaction:

- Develop intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for interacting with the robot,
such as touchscreen displays, voice commands, physical buttons, or mobile apps.

5. Safety and Reliability:

- Prioritize safety features to prevent accidents or injuries, such as obstacle
detection and avoidance, collision avoidance, and emergency stop mechanisms.

6. Privacy and Security:

- Incorporate privacy and security measures to protect users' personal information
and data collected by the robot.

3. 3D Printing of Robot parts? (15 Marks)

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is one of the most common techniques used in
3D printing. Here are the general steps involved in FDM 3D printing:

1. Designing the Model:

- The first step in FDM 3D printing is creating or obtaining a 3D model of the
object you want to print.
2. Preparing the Model:
- Once you have the 3D model, it needs to be prepared for printing. This involves
checking for any errors or issues such as non-manifold geometry, overlapping
faces, or gaps in the mesh
3. Slicing the Model:
- Slicing is the process of converting the 3D model into a series of thin horizontal
layers (slices) that the 3D printer can understand.

4. Setting Up the Printer:

- Before starting the print, ensure that your 3D printer is properly calibrated and
5. Starting the Print:
- Transfer the sliced file (usually in G-code format) to your 3D printer either via
USB, SD card, or Wi-Fi. Start the print job and monitor the printer during the
initial layers to ensure proper adhesion to the print bed.

6. Post-Processing:
- Once the print is complete, carefully remove the printed object from the print

7. Finishing Touches:
- Depending on your requirements, you may need to perform additional post-
processing steps such as sanding, painting, or applying surface finishes to achieve
the desired appearance and texture of the printed object.
8. Maintenance:
- After each print, it's essential to clean the printer, remove any leftover filament
or debris, and perform routine maintenance tasks such as lubricating moving parts
or replacing worn-out components.

4. Preparation of Head, body parts of Robot?(20 Marks)

Preparation of Head:

1. Design Concept:
- Begin by defining the design concept for the robot's head, considering factors
such as its shape, size, features, and aesthetics.
2. Modeling:
- Use 3D modeling software such as Blender, SolidWorks, or Autodesk Fusion
360 to create a digital model of the robot's head.

3. Detailing:
- Add details to the head model, such as facial features, expressions, textures, and
surface finishes, to enhance its realism and expressiveness.

4. Structural Integrity:
- Ensure that the head design maintains structural integrity while accommodating
the internal components and mechanisms.

5. Prototyping:
- Once the digital model is finalized, create a physical prototype of the robot's
head using 3D printing, CNC machining, or other fabrication methods.

6. Assembly:
- Assemble the final version of the robot's head, integrating the necessary
components such as sensors, cameras, speakers, and wiring according to the design

Preparation of Body Parts:

1. Design Concept:
- Define the overall design concept for the robot's body, considering factors such
as its size, shape, mobility, and structural requirements.
2. Modeling:
- Use 3D modeling software to create digital models of the robot's body parts,
including the torso, limbs, and any additional appendages.

3. Detailing:
- Add details to the body parts, such as surface textures, contours, and features, to
enhance their visual appeal and functionality.

4. Structural Integrity:
- Ensure that the design of the body parts provides sufficient strength, rigidity,
and durability to support the robot's weight and withstand external forces.

5. Prototyping:
- Create physical prototypes of the robot's body parts using appropriate
fabrication techniques, such as 3D printing, laser cutting, or molding.

6. Assembly:
- Assemble the final version of the robot's body, integrating the individual body
parts and mechanical components according to the design specifications.



1. Circuit Diagram ? (30 Marks)

Integerating OLED Display with Raspberry pi

Servo Driver Controller with Raspberry pi

Integrating Touch and Vibration sensor

Integrating Amplifier and Speaker

2. Schematics?(20 Marks)

1. Raspberry Pi:
- The central component of the companion robot is the Raspberry Pi,
acting as the brain of the system. It is depicted as a rectangular box with pins
indicating the GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) ports used for
interfacing with other components.

2. Sensors:
- Various sensors are connected to the Raspberry Pi to provide input data
about the robot's environment. This can include sensors such as:
- Camera: Used for vision-based tasks like object recognition and
navigation. It's typically represented by a lens symbol.
- Ultrasonic Sensor: Measures distance to detect obstacles and avoid
collisions. It's depicted as a rectangle with two arrows indicating the
direction of measurement.
- Microphone: Used for audio input and voice commands. It's represented
by a small circular symbol.
- Touch Sensor: Detects physical touch for interactive behaviors. It's
usually depicted as a simple switch symbol.

3. Actuators:
- Actuators are components that enable the robot to perform physical
actions based on the data received from sensors. Common actuators include:
- Motors: Used for locomotion (e.g., wheels or legs) and manipulation
(e.g., arms or grippers). They are represented by a circle with an arrow
indicating the direction of rotation.
- Servo Motors: Provides precise control over angular position,
commonly used for moving joints or manipulating objects. It's represented
similarly to regular motors but with additional control wires.
- Speaker: Outputs sound for verbal feedback or alerts. It's represented by
a speaker symbol.
- LEDs: Provides visual feedback or status indication. They're depicted as
a diode symbol.

4. Power Supply:
- The power supply provides electrical power to the Raspberry Pi and other
components. It's usually depicted as a battery symbol or a power source
connected to the circuit.

5. Connections:
- Lines and wires connecting the components indicate the flow of electrical
signals between them. Different line styles or colors may represent different
types of connections (e.g., power, data, ground).

6. Interfacing Components:
- Interface components such as resistors, capacitors, and transistors may be
included to facilitate communication between the Raspberry Pi and external
devices, protect components from damage, or regulate electrical signals.

3. Calibration?(20)
Calibration of a companion robot with Raspberry Pi involves ensuring that
its sensors and actuators provide accurate data and perform reliably. Here's a
step-by-step guide to calibrate a companion robot:

1. Sensor Calibration:
- Camera Calibration: Use a calibration target such as a checkerboard
pattern and OpenCV libraries to calibrate the intrinsic parameters (e.g., focal
length, distortion coefficients) of the robot's camera. This ensures accurate
image processing and object detection.
- Ultrasonic Sensor Calibration: Measure the distance to known objects at
different positions and angles using the ultrasonic sensor. Adjust the sensor's
sensitivity or range to match the actual distances measured.
- Gyroscope Calibration: Implement gyro calibration algorithms to remove
biases and drift from the gyroscope readings. This ensures accurate
orientation estimation for navigation and motion control.

2. Actuator Calibration:
- Motor Calibration: Use encoder feedback or position sensors to calibrate
the motors' movement and velocity. Adjust the motor control parameters
(e.g., PID gains) to achieve precise control over the robot's movement.
- Servo Calibration: Set the neutral position and range of motion for each
servo motor used in the robot's manipulators or grippers. Ensure that the
servo movements correspond accurately to the desired angular positions.

3. End-Effector Calibration:
- Gripper Calibration: Determine the grasp force, opening/closing speed,
and position accuracy of the gripper. Adjust the gripper control parameters
to ensure reliable object manipulation and handling.
- Manipulator Calibration: Calibrate the kinematic parameters (e.g., joint
angles, link lengths) of the robot's manipulator arm. Use forward and inverse
kinematics algorithms to compute accurate trajectories for reaching target

4. System-Level Calibration:
- Sensor Fusion Calibration: Combine data from multiple sensors (e.g.,
camera, LiDAR, IMU) using sensor fusion algorithms such as Extended
Kalman Filters (EKFs) or Particle Filters. Calibrate the fusion parameters to
achieve accurate localization, mapping, and object tracking.
- Coordinate Frame Alignment: Ensure that the coordinate frames of
different sensors and actuators are aligned correctly within the robot's
reference frame. Use transformation matrices to transform data between
different coordinate systems.

5. Testing and Validation:

- Conduct extensive testing and validation of the calibrated robot in
various environments and scenarios. Verify that the robot's sensors provide
accurate measurements and its actuators perform reliably under different
operating conditions.
- Fine-tune the calibration parameters based on the test results and
feedback from real-world interactions with users.

6. Maintenance and Re-Calibration:

- Regularly monitor the performance of the calibrated robot and perform
maintenance tasks such as cleaning sensors, lubricating joints, and replacing
worn-out components.
- Periodically re-calibrate the robot's sensors and actuators to account for
changes in environmental conditions, component degradation, or drift over
4. Working principle of Companion Robot?(30 Marks)
The working principle of a companion robot using Raspberry Pi involves
integrating Raspberry Pi as the central processing unit to control various
sensors, actuators, and communication modules. Here's a breakdown of the
working principle:

1. Sensing and Perception:

- Raspberry Pi interfaces with sensors such as cameras, ultrasonic sensors,
microphones, and touch sensors to perceive the robot's environment and interact
with users.
- Using libraries such as OpenCV and PiCamera in Python, Raspberry Pi
processes camera input for object detection, facial recognition, and gesture
- Microphone input is processed for speech recognition using libraries like
SpeechRecognition, enabling the robot to understand and respond to vocal
commands from users.

2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

- Raspberry Pi runs AI and machine learning algorithms to analyze sensor
data and make decisions based on user interactions.
- Machine learning models trained on Raspberry Pi can recognize patterns in
user behavior and preferences, allowing the robot to personalize its responses
over time.
- Natural language processing (NLP) algorithms enable the robot to
understand and respond to spoken commands or conversations with users.

3. Behavior Generation and Control:

- Based on sensor inputs and AI analysis, Raspberry Pi generates appropriate
actions and responses for the robot.
- Control algorithms on Raspberry Pi translate high-level commands into low-
level motor commands to control the robot's movement, gestures, facial
expressions, and vocalizations.
- Reactive control mechanisms on Raspberry Pi enable the robot to react
quickly to immediate stimuli, while deliberative planning algorithms enable it
to perform more complex tasks and navigate long-term goals.

4. Human-Robot Interaction:
- Raspberry Pi handles human-robot interaction (HRI) by processing user
inputs and generating appropriate responses.
- Through the user interface developed on Raspberry Pi, the robot
communicates with users via speech, gestures, facial expressions, and visual
- Social cues such as eye contact, facial expressions, and vocal intonation are
programmed into the robot's behavior to convey emotions and intentions to

5. Communication and Connectivity:

- Raspberry Pi facilitates communication and connectivity with external
devices and networks.
- Using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth modules connected to Raspberry Pi, the robot can
communicate with smartphones, tablets, or other smart devices for remote
control or data exchange.
- Raspberry Pi can also connect to cloud services for data storage, processing,
or accessing additional AI capabilities.

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