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Chapter 3:

Static Electric Fields

3-9. Capacitance and Capacitors

3-10. Electrostatic Energy and Forces
3-11. Solution of Electrostatic Boundary-Value Problems
3-9 Capacitances and Capacitors
The potential of an isolated conductor is directly proportional to
the total charge on it :



where the constant of proportionality C is called the capacitance

of the isolated conducting body.
3-9 Capacitances and Capacitors
The capacitor (or condenser) consists of two
conductors separated by free space or dielectric :

(Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics, Addison-Wesley 1993, by David K. Cheng: p.117)

3-9 Capacitances and Capacitors

 Equation (3-85) applies here if V is taken to mean the

potential difference between the two conductors, V12 :


 The capacitance of a capacitor depends on the geometry

of the capacitor and on the permittivity of the medium.
3-9 Capacitances and Capacitors
 Capacitance C between two conductors can be
determined from Eq. (3-86) using the following procedure:

1. Choose an appropriate coordinate system for the

given geometry.
2. Assume charges +Q and –Q on the conductors.
3. Find E from Q by Gauss’s law, or other relations.
1  
12 
Find V12 by evaluating V   E  dl
5. Find C by using C 

Example 3-15 and 3-16

3-10 Electrostatic Energy and Forces
 To bring a charge Q2 from infinity against the field of a
charge Q1 in free space to a distance R12, the amount of
work required is



 This work is stored in the assembly of the two charges as

potential energy. Combining Eqs. (3-91) and (3-92):

3-10 Electrostatic Energy and Forces

 Now suppose another charge Q3 is brought from infinity to

a point that is R13 from Q1 and R23 from Q2; an additional
amount of work is required that equals :

3-10 Electrostatic Energy and Forces

 The sum of W in Eq. (3-94) and W2 in Eq. (3-91) is the

potential energy, W3, stored in the assembly of the three
charges, Q1, Q2, and Q3 :


3-10 Electrostatic Energy and Forces
 Extending this procedure of bringing in additional charges,
we arrive at the following general expression for the
potential energy of a group of N discrete point charges at
rest :


 An electron-volt is the energy of work required to move an

electron against a potential difference of one volt :


Example 3-17
3-10 Electrostatic Energy and Forces

 For a continuous charge distribution of density v, Eq.(3-97)

is modified by replacing Qk by vdv :

We   vVdv (3-101)
2 V'

3-10.1 Electrostatic Energy in Terms of
Field Quantities
 We can express the electrostatic energy in terms of field
quantities E and/or D without knowing v.
 Substitute (D) for v in Eq. (3-101):


Using (3-103)

3-10.1 Electrostatic Energy in Terms of
Field Quantities
 The second integral on the right side of Eq. (3-104):


 Using the relation D = E for a linear and isotropic medium,

we can write We in terms of E alone :

3-10.1 Electrostatic Energy in Terms of
Field Quantities
 We can also define an electrostatic energy density We
such that its volume integral equals the total electrostatics

We   we dv (3-107)


Examples 3-18 and 3-19

3-10.2 Electrostatic Forces
 
E  V
  
qE  qV  (qV )

 In a three-dimensional space, the vector equation (3-115)

is actually three equations. For instance, in Cartesian
coordinates the force in the x-direction is :


Example 3-20
3-11 Solution of Electrostatic Boundary-
Value Problems
 In many practical problems, the potentials of some
conducting bodies are given, but it is rather difficult to
find the distribution of surface charges on the conducting
bodies and/or the electric field intensity in space.
 Boundary-value problems discuss the solution to the
problems where the conditions at conductor/free space
(or dielectric) boundaries are specified.
 Boundary conditions are needed to solve differential
 The differential equations for the electric potential in
electrostatics : “Poisson’s Eq. and Laplace Eq.”
3-11.1 Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations



“Poissons’s equation” (3-126)

3-11.1 Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations

With no free charges, i.e., v = 0,

“Laplace’s equation” (3-130)

Laplacian operator : 2 = 

(“The divergence of the gradient of”)
3-11.1 Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations
Cartesian coordinates:
      V V V 
 V    V   aˆ x  aˆ y  aˆ z    aˆ x
 aˆ y  aˆ z 
 x y z   x y z 
 2V  2V  2V
  
x y z
Cylindrical coordinates:
3-11.2 Boundary-Value Problems in
Cartesian Coordinates
“Poissons’s equation”


“Laplace’s equation”


Example 3-21
3-11.3 Boundary-Value Problems in
Cylindrical Coordinates

 In situations where there is a cylindrical symmetry and

the lengthwise dimension is very large in comparison to
the radius,

 If electric potential changes only in the circumferential

direction and not in r- and z-directions,
1  2V
0 (3-139)
r 
2 2

Example 3-22
3-11.3 Boundary-Value Problems in
Spherical Coordinates

1   2 V  1   V  1  2V
R  2  sin   2 2 0
R R  R  R sin   
  R sin   2

 If the given situation has spherical symmetry, the electric

potential is independent of  or  :

  2 V 
R 0 (3-147)
R  R 

Example 3-23

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