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4/24/24, 3:58 PM PE: GI PSO223 (2/66)

PE: GI PSO223 (2/66)

* Indicates required question

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1. The principal endocrine stimulation of gastric acid secretion from parietal is ……….. *

Mark only one oval.

A. gastrin

B. secretin

C. histamine

D. somatostatin

E. acetylcholine

2. CCK hormone ………….. *

Mark only one oval.

A. contricts sphincter of Oddi

B. stimulates pancreatic duct cells

C. decreases gastric emptying time

D. stimulates gall bladder contraction

E. is released by duodenal acidification 1/10
4/24/24, 3:58 PM PE: GI PSO223 (2/66)

3. Which of the followings about MMC is NOT correct? *

Mark only one oval.

A. It occurs during fasting and stops upon feeding

B. Motilin hormone controls MMC contraction

C. It starts in the gastric antrum and migrates towards the rectum

D. An absence of MMC is associated with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

E. It is a series of contractions that sweep undigested fibers and bacteria into colon

4. A 10-year-old girl consumes a glass of milk and two cookies. Her LES relaxed while *
the food is still in the esophagus. Which substance is most likely to cause
relaxation of the LES in this girl?

Mark only one oval.

A. Motilin

B. Gastrin

C. Histamine

D. Vasoactive intestinal peptide

E. Substance P

5. Gastric emptying is regulated to ensure the chyme enters the duodenum at an *

appropriate rate. Which of the following factors decreases gastric emptying time?

Mark only one oval.

A. Cholecystokinin

B. Duodenal acidification

C. Gastric inhibitory peptide

D. Pyloric sphincter constriction

E. Increase antral peristaltic contraction 2/10
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6. Mass movements constitute an important intestinal event that lead to bowel *

movements. Mass movements cause which of the followings?

Mark only one oval.

A. Rectal distention

B. Gastric peristalsis

C. Duodenal peristalsis

D. External anal sphincter relaxation

E. Internal anal sphincter contraction

7. Which of the followings about gastric acid secretion is correct? *

Mark only one oval.

A. Blocking H+/K+-ATPase decreases alkaline tide

B. Misoprostol suppress secretion by inhibit Gs protein

C. Acetycholine stimulate secretion via nicotinic receptor

D. It cannot secrete HCl when its H1 receptors are blocked

E. Basolateral HCO3-/Cl- exchangers decrease intracellular Cl- in parietal cells

8. Which of the followings correctly pairs a commonly prescribed PUD medication *

with its mechanism of action?

Mark only one oval.

A. Misoprostol: Antibiotics

B. Colloidal bismuth: Antacids

C. Amoxicillin: Mucosal protective agents

D. Mg(OH)2: Antibiotics

E. Omeprazole: Anti-secretory drugs 3/10
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9. The presence of fats in duodenal lumen increases ……… *

Mark only one oval.

A. secretin secretion

B. gastric emptying time

C. pyloric sphincter relaxation

D. antral peristaltic contraction

E. pancreatic aqueous component secretion

10. Which of the followings about pancreatic secretion is correct? *

Mark only one oval.

A. Pancreatic lipase digests all lipids

B. Pancreatic protease is released in the active form

C. The release of enzyme component into duodenum is primary stimulated by


D. Secretin is released in response to low duodenal pH and acts at pancreatic duct

cells to stimulate release of aqueous component

11. Bile salts …….. *

Mark only one oval.

A. are conjugated with lysine

B. are synthesized from fatty acids

C. production is not affect by loss of ileum

D. are lost in the feces about 15% in one day

E. use their hydrophobic sides oriented toward fats 4/10
4/24/24, 3:58 PM PE: GI PSO223 (2/66)

12. A 6-month-old baby is being evaluated for striking yellow skin and is found to have *
elevated serum levels of bilirubin. After appropriate workup diagnosis of Gilbert
syndrome is made. What is the basic defect that caused the child’s illness?

Mark only one oval.

A. Impaired bile flow

B. Acute vascular hemolysis of RBCs

C. Decreased activity of UDP-GT enzymes

D. Reduced uptake of bilirubin by hepatocytes

E. Absence of canalicular protein for transport of conjugated bilirubin into bile

13. A 2-month-old infant presented with a 3-week of jaundice, pale stool and dark *

Lab Exam: total bilirubin 18 mg/dL, direct bilirubin 11.8 mg/dL.

What is the most likely diagnosis?

Mark only one oval.

A. Biliary Atresia

B. Gilbert Syndrome

C. Neonatal jaundice

D. Crigler-Najjar syndrome

E. Congenital spherocytosis 5/10
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14. Which of the following enzymes is located at brush border of enterocytes and *
plays a role in protein digestion?

Mark only one oval.

A. Pepsin

B. Lactase

C. Elastase

D. Dipeptidase

E. Enterokinase

15. Which of the followings must be further digested before it can be absorbed by *
specific carriers of enterocytes?

Mark only one oval.

A. Sucrose

B. Fructose

C. Tripeptides

D. Triglycerides

E. Cholesterol ester

16. Which of the followings is transported into enterocytes by a Na+-dependent *

transport process?

Mark only one oval.

A. Fructose

B. Galactose

C. Cobalamin

D. Dipeptides

E. Free Fatty Acids 6/10
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17. Amino acids……. *

Mark only one oval.

A. are primarily absorbed in the ileum

B. use the same transporters as small peptides

C. are absorbed by primary active transport, Na+ dependent

D. are produced in the intestinal lumen primarily by the action of pepsin

E. appear in blood more rapidly when presented to the gut as small peptides rather
than as free amino acid

18. Which of the followings is transported into enterocytes by facilitated diffusion? *

Mark only one oval.

A. Fructose

B. Galactose

C. Amino acid

D. Cholesterol

E. Triglycerides

19. All of the followings are components of micelles EXCEPT *

Mark only one oval.

A. Bile salts

B. Cholesterol

C. Phospholipid

D. Free fatty acids

E. Monoglycerides 7/10
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20. Absorption of cobalamin is dependent on all of the followings EXCEPT *

Mark only one oval.

A. The integrity of pancreas

B. The presence of haptocorrin in saliva

C. The presence of pepsin in gastric juice

D. The presence of IF-CBL receptor in ileum

E. The presence of intrinsic factor in gastric juice

21. The liver performs all of the following functions EXCEPT *

Mark only one oval.

A. Vitamin production

B. Bile acid production

C. Metabolism of proteins

D. Synthesis of cholesterol

E. β-oxidation of fatty acids

22. Which of the following processes in the liver increases during fasting for 8 hours? *

Mark only one oval.

A. Ketogenesis

B. Glycogenesis

C. Glycogenolysis

D. Gluconeogenesis

E. β-oxidation of fatty acid 8/10
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23. A 60-year-old man with alcoholic liver cirrhosis would be expected to have all of *
the followings increase in his blood EXCEPT

Mark only one oval.

A. Glucose

B. Estrogen

C. Ammonia

D. Aldosterone

E. Total bilirubin

24. Which of the followings about the clinical consequences of chronic liver disease *
is correct?

Mark only one oval.

A. Jaundice: decreased albumin

B. Spider angioma: increased estrogen

C. Bleeding: increased blood coagulation factors

D. Edema and ascites: increased ammonia

E. Hepatic Encephalopathy: increased bilirubin

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