PIEGA, Dian Nicole

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PIEGA, Dian Nicole

Acceptance or Tolerance
The importance of knowing about the treatment of those that are part of the

LGBTQ+ community is essential, especially while living in the growing stages of the

21st century, wherein inclusivity in all genders is important. The novelty to the older

generations when it comes to accepting homosexuals, especially in the Philippines,

must be discussed, and, as the current generation in charge of these years, we must

get those who were berated and discriminated against just for being who they are. It is

because, according to an article by Singh and Durso (2017), one in every four members

of the LGBTQ+ community experienced discrimination in 2016 alone worldwide.

Furthermore, the statement is further supported by their article wherein between 11

percent to 28 percent of members in the LGBTQ+ community report losing a promotion

due to their sexual orientation, and 27 percent of transgender workers say being fired,

not hired, or not given any right to a raise during that year. As a result, we must become

aware of whether or not homosexual members of the LGBTQ+ community experience

social acceptance or discrimination in the Philippines, and this is explained brilliantly by

the study named Revisiting Social Acceptance of Homosexuality Among Filipino Youth:

Some Theoretical and Methodological Implications, written by Cruz and Mallari.

I have learned that it is true that homosexuals as a whole have been accepted in

the Philippines. However, a massive margin remains for Filipinos on their opinion

regarding men dating men and women dating women. Furthermore, I have learned that

despite homosexuals being accepted in the Filipino community, the actions they tend to
do, including but not limited to dating the same sex, are often frowned upon by the

general public. I have further learned that the half-to-half margin between those who

accept and do not accept homosexuals is still a part of the Filipino community as a

whole. Finally, I have concluded in my own thoughts that we can honestly say that

homosexuals are accepted if their actions to love are given negative feedback by the

general public. Furthermore, can we genuinely say homosexuals are accepted by those

who say it is okay for them to live but do not accept their decision to love the same sex?

Due to my conclusions in the last statement, it has remained unclear whether or

not Filipinos accept homosexuals for who they are if they cannot accept people dating

the same sex. According to the report, more than nine out of 10 Filipinos who have

participated in the study say that they disapprove of men dating men. If they are to be

divided, four out of five males and about nine out of ten females disapprove of men

dating men. Despite the report itself explaining the pure irony reported in their answers,

it is clear to say that is their true acceptance if they cannot accept what homosexuals do

in being themselves. Furthermore, unfortunately, the report does not reveal the places

of the respondents who have contributed to their report. However, despite this, it is clear

that a large majority of those who have contributed do not truly accept homosexuals in

their community. Finally, the hypocrisy of accepting homosexuals but not accepting their

practice of homosexuality is heartbreaking for the likes of myself, that genuinely accept

them for who they are. It is devastating to think that Filipino homosexuals face

discrimination at a rate of more than five times out of ten. It is further heartbreaking that

as homosexuals, they cannot be who they are due to the criticism that they may face for
simply being who they are and what they want to do with their significant others who are

the same sex.

I already used to think that homosexuals experience discrimination and hate by

their own community by simply being who they are. Unfortunately, I have learned that

there is a broader gap in acceptance and tolerance that they experience daily.

Furthermore, I have already realized that individuals may reflect on the principles of

rights and equality to assess discrimination against homosexuals, which must be used

to combat the discrimination against homosexuality. Finally, I have further realized a

thought that has never left me: to forever be emphatic and compassionate towards the

people around us. It has made me further realize that we, as individuals, must recognize

the impact of discrimination that we are getting, and for the acceptance to become

stronger with us Filipinos, motivate each other to advocate for change.

Further questions arise wherein, due to the failure to show where homosexuals

are experiencing discrimination, I must ask if they are experiencing this at work, at

school, or absolutely anywhere. This is because, according to an article written by Avery

(2021), nearly 1 in 10 members of the LGBTQ+ community in the United States

experience workplace discrimination. Wherein bias has been shown, and as a result, I

must know definitively where they are experiencing discrimination to help them if I am a

part of that setting.

As a generation, we must become more aware of the things around us,

especially the members of the LGBTQ+ community, for they have been experiencing

discrimination daily. We must become more emphatic and choose to change the
treatment that they feel with others, and eventually slim down the margins and accept

them for who they are.

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